
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
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glynHello. I just tried to install the charm tools on Mac OS X (Mavericks) via homebrew as per https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/tools-charm-tools.html. I am using the latest version of homebrew and it is up to date. brew install juju gives me juju version 1.16.2-unknown-amd64, but this doesn't provide the charm subcommand., i.e. juju charm does not work (it gives "ERROR unrecognized command: juju charm"). I tried brew install charm-tools but this07:41
glynjuju charm now gives "Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/local/bin/juju-charm", line 5, in <module>     from pkg_resources import load_entry_point ImportError: No module named pkg_resources ERROR exit status 1"07:42
glynI just wanted to (a) point this out so the docs can be corrected and (b) see if anyone here knew how to fix the problem (assuming the docs are simply out of date).07:43
glynI guess it's a bad time, especially in the US. I'll come back later to see if anyone was around.07:54
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glynGiving up. Some other time...08:23
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hazmatjcastro, marcoceppi a github mp.. https://github.com/charms/joomla/pull/118:38
marcoceppihazmat: omg!18:39
marcoceppiIT'S HAPPENING18:39
* marcoceppi reviews18:40
hazmatmarcoceppi, :-) cool. i'm going to have some meetings next week on some foundational work items on the road to proper gh support.18:44
hazmatmarcoceppi, did you see glynn's error report for charm tools on osx?18:55
hazmater. glyn18:55
marcoceppihazmat: yeah, it's too bad he's not on I would have told hiim to use pip for the time being18:55
marcoceppihazmat: it's a known issue that we broke brew18:55
marcoceppiand that we're broken in brew18:55
hazmatmarcoceppi, we ?18:55
marcoceppihazmat: the royal we, charm-tools18:55
marcoceppiaka me18:56
hazmatmarcoceppi, if it works in virtualenv / pip.. i'd suggest we == homebrew18:56
hazmatwell that the issue lies there18:56
hazmator the brew def thingy18:56
marcoceppihazmat: it does, the formula isn't properly setup to work in brew18:56
marcoceppihazmat: https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/issues/23378#issuecomment-2666556518:57
Azendalewhat is the normal way of dealing with charm helpers and revision control? Should I ignore the charm helpers folder? Include it?19:20
marcoceppiAzendale: include it, it's ignored during reviews. Soon charm-helpers will be available via a debian package and you won't need to embed anymore19:23
Azendalemarcoceppi: Ok, thanks19:24
Azendalemarcoceppi: Trying my hand at creating an ejabberd charm, we'll see how far I get. The config file is in yaml though, so that part should be easy19:26
marcoceppiAzendale: awesome! let me know if you have any questions19:27
Azendalemarcoceppi: Is it safe to assume python3 on this? Or do I need to either install python3 or just use python 2.x?19:34
marcoceppiAzendale: it depends on the series the charm is targeted to. If you target the charm at the trusty series, then python3 will be installed by default, with precise, you'll need to install it19:35
marcoceppiAzendale: it's safe to just not make any assumptions19:35
Azendalemarcoceppi: what about saucy?19:36
marcoceppiAzendale: we don't recommend you target charms at non-LTS series19:36
marcoceppiAzendale: However, I'm not 100% sure of the saucy python status, to be safe just be explicit in your install hook for dpendencies19:37
Azendalemarcoceppi: So, the hooks get everything from environment variables, not anything passed to them, right? I'm just thinking if I do a script that installs python3 and then calls a python3 file, do I need to pass anything on?19:41
marcoceppiAzendale: it's all environment variables, you should be fine to do that (lots of charms do)19:41
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