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spitboxermeanwhile my video card is a radeon hd4850, i heard the proprietary drivers have  an easy way (easier than xrandr anyway) to fix the overscan05:28
spitboxeris there a ppa or something for the radeon drivers05:28
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ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto05:38
valoriespitboxer: ^^^ could help, maybe05:38
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spitboxerthank you, valorie05:41
valorieI hope it helps05:41
spitboxerI dont see the "ubuntu hardware drivers manager" in kubuntu, in fact the default repos after a fresh install dont even have irssi or chromium05:42
spitboxerof course im kinda new to muon, more used to synaptic/gnome ubuntu05:42
valoriehmmm, used to be jockey05:43
valoriebut on a clean install, probably not there05:43
spitboxerah yes, found it05:43
spitboxerits there but... will it load? haha05:43
spitboxer& will i see it05:43
valorieok, good05:43
spitboxerthats the prob, the overscan is like 1" so no top or bottom task bars for me05:44
spitboxer"No proprietary drivers are in use on this system"05:44
spitboxerbasically jockey's frames are empty05:44
spitboxeralso, the default software sources has everything checked including restricted but im not even seeing other ubuntu stuff in muon, like for instance synaptic, irssi, or chromium05:47
valorieirssi and chromium are not 'ubuntu stuff'05:49
valorieI have chromium installed05:49
spitboxerwell, on a default install of ubuntu, they show at least show up on synaptic without having to add more sources, under universe or multiverse IIRC05:49
valorieit is called 'chromium-browser'05:49
valorieI never remember adding any repos05:50
spitboxeri just did a fresh install like...30 mins ago05:50
valorieand yes I used to use synaptic05:50
spitboxertheres no chromium in muon05:50
ubottuYou can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa05:51
spitboxerin fact, typing "c" shows results, but add an "h" and theres no results. :-?05:51
valorieI don't get the daily build05:51
valoriejust plain old chromium05:51
spitboxer"67,111 packages available, 1576 installed, 0 upgradeable"05:51
spitboxerand yet muon has no results for the string "ch" ?05:52
spitboxeri must be doing something wrong - or this is somehow corrupt05:52
valorieI usually use apt-cache search in the cli05:52
spitboxersoftware sources has universe, multiverse and restricted checked05:52
valorieand irssi and chromium both show05:53
valorieI wonder if you got an incomplete download or something05:53
spitboxerhmmm could be, but then, those sources should still populate since they are checked in software sources05:54
valorietry sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:54
valorieand then sudo apt-get install chromium-browser05:54
valoriein konsole, or yakuake, or whatever you use05:55
spitboxerwell, apt-get finds chromium-browser easily05:56
valoriesounds like muon has a bug05:56
spitboxerwell when i ran dist-upgrade just now it didnt upgrade anything. but earlier when i started muon i marked all upgrades05:57
spitboxerand applied them05:57
spitboxerone of which was muon itself05:57
spitboxermaybe a restart is in order05:57
FloodBotK1spitboxer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:57
valorieonly if you are asked to restart, is a restart necessary05:57
spitboxeri wasnt asked, but mayve the overscan is hiding a notification05:58
valorieit never hurts to restart05:58
spitboxeri can see the very top pixels of the bottom notification area, nothing of any top status bar05:58
valoriebut I should not be necessary05:58
spitboxeragreed, but, better a restart than a reinstall :o)05:58
spitboxerthanks for your help, brb05:59
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oaryany way to get the latest nvidia drivers on 13.10?06:25
MangaKaDenzaI think they're in muon or something06:26
Newfireoary: : Install the ppa for Xorg-edgers; there you will find the newest nvidia drivers for 13.10.06:33
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j_f-f /msg NickServ identify 1234566706:33
valoriej_f-f: don't leave a space in front of your /msg06:34
Newfireoary: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa06:34
valorie!nvidia too06:35
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto06:36
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oaryNewfire: Thanks, installing06:37
valorieso, good changes, spitboxer?06:37
spitboxerwell, looks like the ISO matches exactly the one on kubuntu.com06:37
spitboxerso far, none of the package changes are picked up in muon, but synaptic shows them06:37
spitboxercant seem to get jockey to recognize the existence of alternate drivers06:38
valorieplease file a bug against muon06:38
spitboxerthat leaves xrandr as the only other method to scale the screen, and i gave up looking for a gui for it, getting ready for bed06:38
valorienot sure if kscreen would help06:39
spitboxeri tried ktrayrandr or something to that effect, doesnt do anything i can see06:39
spitboxerbut then it might be on the upper system/notification bar which i cant see06:39
spitboxerkrandrtray maybe06:39
valoriehmmm, I've not seen any KDE system bar on top06:42
valorieunless people set it up that way06:42
valoriemaybe drag the bars to the sides until you get the size issue fixed?06:42
spitboxerwell im new to KDE so Im not sure what is in the upper right hand corner06:42
spitboxerbut im not exactly new to unix, linux, or ubuntu06:43
valorieit's possible that there is a "cashew" which is a button to add stuff to the desktop06:43
valoriemost desktop stuff can be accessed with the context/right-click menu though06:43
valoriebut the cashew will allow you to add applets and such06:44
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lordievaderGood morning.09:08
rohanhi all: any idea when kubuntu 13.10 will get kde 4.11.3?09:16
valorierohan: as soon as it hits09:17
rohanvalorie: heh, guess i had that coming :)09:17
valorieseriously, it's in progress until it drops09:17
rohanwell i was just surprised because kubuntu usually is the first or second to get new kde packages09:17
valoriemore packaging help is always welcome!09:17
valorieI guess the timing wasn't ideal for a lot of individual people09:18
rohanif i knew how to, i would!09:18
rohanyes, fair enough09:18
valoriefor the snap your fingers instant we've gotten used to09:18
valorierohan: join the devel list and the devel channel and offer to help package09:18
valoriethey will give you a reading list, a task and oversight09:18
valorieif you have a good head for detail, you can help out a lot09:19
rohanvalorie: thank you, i will do that in the morning.09:26
eutheriahello i have enabled virtual desktops, i would like to stop them wrapping when i hit the last desktop09:47
MangaKaDenzawhat do you mean wrapping09:48
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lordievadereutheria: System Settings -> Workspace Behaviour -> Virtual Desktops -> Switching -> Untick "Desktop navigation wraps around"10:16
gregor3000well this is ridiculous. first i wanted to update and muon updater (old one) had no menues... ok fine i run discoverer and update. now the 3D effects don't work with AMD drivers10:31
gregor3000it crashes the kwin10:31
gregor3000what the f?10:31
eutheriathanks lordievader10:48
eutheriai do like kde 4 now10:49
gregor3000i can't install fglrx10:53
gregor3000it says downloading and installing driver and nothing get's downloaded10:54
lordievadereutheria: No problem, glad you like KDE ;)10:55
eutheriai tried out kde 4 when it first came out and found it way too slow and messy10:56
eutheriabut this 4.11 is great10:56
eutherianot sure i am crazy about the weird glowing shadow10:58
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lordievadereutheria: That is the nice thing about kde, you can customize about everything.11:05
nuvesHey everybody11:07
nuvesListen, i have a problem. I have Linux mint on cinnamon. I installed kubuntu-desktop from rep, but my version is 4.11. Is it normal11:08
nuvesis there anyone?11:09
lordievadernuves: Yes, that is normal.11:09
nuvesBut why if there is 4.9 released11:10
lordievadernuves: 4.11.2 is the newest in the repo.11:10
lordievader4.11.3 will probably come soon.11:10
nuvesbut on kde.org there is kde 4.9 released11:10
nuvesthanks i got it11:11
lordievaderAvihay: Wouldn't 4.9 be the beta release of kde5?11:11
lordievaderAvihay: Heard somewhere that they use .9 as beta, not sure if it applies here too.11:12
lordievaderHey monkeyjuice, how are you?11:12
monkeyjuicegood thanks how you doing today11:12
Avihayno, if you follow planet kde, they said, while it was kde4.9, that kde5 won't happen till atleast kde 4.11, probably 4.1211:12
lordievadermonkeyjuice: Doing ok.11:13
lordievaderAvihay: Ah ok, haven't said a thing. Thanks :)11:13
nuvespeople look, i am new in qt programming and i found kde is the best way to get some experience11:15
nuvesbut it is hard to change from q to k and back while programming si it normal?11:15
BluesKajHiyas all11:43
evilCSTILL having problems getting multi monitor to work (20 hours and counting), anyone around who can help yet?11:48
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DarthCoduseverything seems to be working now, I installed proprietary amd drivers13:06
DarthCodusexcept for this "system problem detected" dialog box that popped up on login13:07
DarthCodusclicking on report, nothing. it usually opens up a fialog with backtrace and stuff13:08
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lordievaderDarthCodus: Do you have Unity installed? The wording reminds me of times I had Unity installed.13:20
lordievaderSome GTK application that fails to load?13:23
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ovidiu-florinhow do I set a custom /etc/hosts file for a specific network13:51
BluesKajovidiu-florin. http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/6.5/chapter07/hosts.html13:54
evilcOK, so I have finally got back to where I started 20+ hours ago, and all is almost working. All I have to do now is fix one of my monitors detecting as 1024x768 instead of the correct value of 1280x1024. I can fix using xrandr but it is not persistent. I know you can put the settings in xorg.conf, but mine is empty and I am reticent to just paste any old thing in there in case it all breaks again. Can anyone help?13:57
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ovidiu-florinBluesKaj: that is not what I asked15:18
BluesKajovidiu-florin. ok15:25
ovidiu-florinI have a problem with my router15:25
ovidiu-florinand I need to set my domain to a local IP when I'm home15:25
ovidiu-florinand disable it everywhere else15:25
ovidiu-florinI need to uncomment/add a line to the /etc/hosts file when home, and remove/comment that line everywhere else15:26
soeecan someone remind me app name to work on translation files ?15:31
Wizardqt translator?15:32
soeehmm Lokalize i think :)15:33
soeejust found it in moun discover15:33
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ovidiu-florinsoee: don't forget about kdesvn15:41
soeeovidiu-florin, what is it ?15:41
ovidiu-florinsoee: how do you download the translation files?15:42
soeeovidiu-florin, im working just on a plasmoid translation15:43
soeeso i have its files and im translating  .pot file15:43
soeethan ill just send it to author15:43
ovidiu-florinthen don't minf kdesvn15:45
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douglI have install 13.10 but now when I close my notebook the  screen gets locked and when I come back and open it the screen is locked and the keyboard is locked up too - any suggestions?16:17
* ronnoc facepalms16:34
ronnocDid the unthinkable noob mistake - make my /home way too small.16:34
lordievaderronnoc: Fire up a live-cd and enlarge it ;)16:40
ronnoclordievader: I'm on it!16:44
ronnoclast blank DVD on hand so it better not coaster on me lol16:45
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DarthCodusOkay, my freezing issue is not solved17:04
DarthCodusI just woke my laptop from sleep, and it's frozen17:04
DarthCodusI can ssh into it17:05
DarthCodusCan somebody help me with this?17:05
douglI have install 13.10 but now when I close my notebook the  screen gets locked and when I come back and open it the screen is locked and the keyboard is locked up too - any suggestions?17:14
douglDarthCodus, ^^^17:14
douglsame problem? mine sleeps after I close the lid...17:15
dougldo you have another computer to ssh in from?17:15
douglI can help you do that but to what end I do not know... we are bournd to learn something :)17:15
DarthCodusDoes your notebook have a discrete gpu?17:20
DarthCodusdougl: ^17:21
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douglDarthCodus, nvidia... 670m17:23
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douglanyone know how to change the wallpaper/background to the login screen?17:24
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DarthCodusdougl: mine's got an amd 773017:27
DarthCodusAnd I'm using the beta drivers17:28
douglnever even thot about the drivers DarthCodus I will blindly go and install nvidia dri vers and see where I end up - thanks17:29
douglLol - what is the worst that can happen... 'sudo rm -rf  /*' maybe that will work?17:31
douglDo not try that command... as I did on someones advice years and years ago and is not good!17:32
soeedougl, for the login screen background go to System Settings and Login Screen (LighDM)17:35
soeethere you can change background image17:35
douglsoee... thakns and even thanks...17:36
* dougl dcc's soee goodwill and appreciation17:36
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DarthCodusThe sleep issue is gone on the igpu17:45
douglErrors were encountered while processing:18:07
dougl grub-efi-amd64-signed18:07
dougl shim-signed18:07
douglE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:07
douglwhat does this mean?18:08
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douglI get a 404 error from my skype repo... anyone know of a working repo for skype for my 13.1018:56
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glenrockis there a way to control how long the taskbar flashes when a running application has new activity?20:08
dougldoes anyone know how to configure my bluetooth headset for hi fi and not telephony duplex? i keep changing it but it keeps reverting20:49
draikxWith k9copy being EoL'd, is there a new tool to use?21:04
draikxI installed the last stable package they released, but my desktop tends to quickly fail in the process of ripping my movies to my media server.21:05
dougloh no... k9copy done too bad.21:07
dougldunno what is next21:07
draikxI rip whole movies so I can stream them to my phone/tablet, and watch bonus features if I want, too.21:21
draikxI looked into handbrake, but it doesn't do ISO.21:21
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douglwhat do I need the "grub-efi-amd64-signed" package for?/22:13
therazrdougl: If your machine is running in EFI mode, then that package is needed as the bootloader GRUB for EFI systems22:18
dougltherazr, thanks22:28
dougldo you know what the "shim-signed" package is for?22:29
dougland  if the errors relating to these packages will resolve themselves or do I need to do some thing...22:30
douglis my computer doomed to some impending failure?22:30
zichichi21Hi everybody.22:36
chiefw0tjhi zichichi2122:36
zichichi21Hello chief :D I am currently on Kubuntu 13.10 and I'm having a problem with creating an access point with my wireless card. Can you help me?22:37
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zichichi21Ok I'll just post my question, see if someone is able to answer. First time I create the AP connection everything works fine and I'm able to connect my phone to my laptop. If I connect to another network, though, the AP connection is not visible anymore in the network widget but it's still among the available connections in the settings panel.22:40
zichichi21My question is: how do I re-enable the AP mode in the network applet?22:40
zichichi21Because, as far as I see, there is no way to reconnect to a network from the settings panel.22:41
valoriezichichi21: when you open that connection, is there no selection to connect there?22:46
zichichi21no, not in the settings panel22:48
zichichi21I mean, the panel that comes out when you click "edit connections"22:48
zichichi21there is no option to connect to a network22:48
valoriehmmm, that sounds like a bug to me22:53
zichichi21Seems like this guy had the same problem: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=11824523:06
zichichi21It works again if I delete all the networks except for the AP one.23:06
valoriezichichi21: just because someone has written in the forum doesn't mean a bug has been filed23:13
valorieyou can HOPE the devel sees the forum post23:14
valorieor file a bug and include the forum post in your report, and be assured the devel sees your bugreport23:14
zichichi21Yes if I can't figure this out until tomorrow I'll do it!23:17
zichichi21Thanks a lot valorie.23:17
valoriethank you for helping out23:18
valorieI know filing bugs is a bit of a pain23:18
valoriebut the devels rely on your feedback, so thanks23:18
zichichi21No problem, but I have nothing in the kernel's log. It shows something when I add the connection but nothing after.23:20
valoriethat's good info23:21
valoriebe sure to add that23:21
zichichi21Now I'm only undecided whether to fill a bug to the kde or kubuntu tracker...23:22
zichichi21Ok I'll use the integrated bug reporter.23:24
valoriebugs.kde.org I think is the right place23:24
valoriethis isn't a packaging issue23:24
valoriepeople on #kde are complaining of the same issues23:25
zichichi21Oh really?23:29
zichichi21Ok then, I'll fill the bug there. Thank you!23:30
bazzzingaHiya, Can someone tell me why I keep getting this command in all my idle channels?    [18:27] [Error] LAGTIME.10598468: Unknown command.......... I cant find anywhere to turn it off! It did it with xchat and the same with Konversation? Its drivin me batty!23:32
valoriebazzzinga: I think you can tell konvi to put that in the server tab, at least23:33
valorieI never see it23:33
valoriesettings > configure notifications, perhaps23:34
valorieor settings > configure Konversation > Behavior: connection23:36
bazzzingaI cant find it anywhere and it just keeps running23:36
bazzzingaobviously its somekind of lag meter or sumthin in that order23:37
valoriesure, but mine shows in the bottom stripe23:38
valorieperhaps try #konversation , where the devels hang out23:38
valoriethey are very helpful23:38
bazzzingayeah gonna try now thanks23:38
bazzzingano answer yet valorie, its sat nite all the geeks are partying lol23:40
valorieok, there is a list as well23:41
valorieor the kde forum23:41
valoriethey do live all around the world, but as you say, it's Saturday night23:42
bazzzingaits sumthin to do with my bnc, thats causing it23:45
valoriethere is always lag23:47
valoriebut it should be reported in a calm way23:47
valorienot in your face23:47
bazzzingayeah but I dont want it filling up my screen with a warning every 5 secs23:47
valorieright now I can see I have lag of 186ms23:47
valoriedown in the right-hand bottom corner23:48
valorieso it isn't the bnc's problem, it is something about konvi's config23:48
bazzzingayeah I see that but this error is coming in the ch screen23:49
valorieit's not so much an error as just a report23:49
bazzzingaIm not on the bnc here and its fine, all ch's connected to bnc are doing it so it has to be sumthin with the bnc23:49
valoriethe bnc has lag, because we are connected at less than the speed of light23:50
valoriebut the report of the lag shouldn't be in your channel logs23:50
bazzzingaI know it has me baffled, Ill tackle my buddy that setup the bnc, Im just a user on it. he will geek it out lol23:51
zichichi21Bug filled: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=327386 (Can't enable AP mode if there are other saved wireless networks) - Please help if you can. Good night (and thank you again valorie!)23:55
ubottuKDE bug 327386 in Wireless "Can't enable AP mode if there are other saved wireless networks." [Normal,Unconfirmed]23:55
valoriethanks again, zichichi2123:56
zichichi21It's been a pleasure!23:56

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