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Anonynimityhello. could someone tell me if anyone knows of a tool for unmasking ICQ's IP mask?06:39
sandGorgoncan someone tell me why has zcache been disabled in the 3.12 kernel for Trusty ?. In fact it has been disabled for all 3.12 builds which I can confirm through  /boot/config-3.12.0-031200-generic . The saucy build log with 3.11 had it enabled still http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.11-saucy/BUILD.LOG07:27
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BluesKajHiyas all11:43
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BluesKajjust ran an upgrade on Kubuntu 14.04 with nvidia graphics and I'm gettiung this error , http://privatepaste.com/05d38d25b711:56
BluesKajif the syntax on line 64 is wrong , what needs changing?11:59
* penguin42 looks12:00
penguin42hmm now I don't know my python that well12:00
penguin42BluesKaj: I'd say change that , to    as12:02
penguin42BluesKaj: i.e. except  dbus.whatever as e:12:02
penguin42yeh it looks like a change in syntax - I'm guessing something has changed to using python312:06
BluesKajpenguin42. as e , is wrong syntax as well , just tried an upgrade12:07
penguin42really? I can see the change in the spec - what's the line you ended up with?12:08
penguin42compare http://docs.python.org/2.7/reference/compound_stmts.html#try   and   http://docs.python.org/3.3/reference/compound_stmts.html#try12:08
penguin42BluesKaj: If you can force the script to run under python 2 then you probably stand a better chance12:09
BluesKajit was a package upgrade , it ran by default , I haven't installed or made any changes to python versions12:12
penguin42BluesKaj: My suspicion is that something has changed the default python that gets run - which isn't too surprising, most things are moving towards Python 312:13
penguin42BluesKaj: So it's probably the 1st time that packages scripts have got run since whatever upgraded changed the default to 312:13
BluesKajseems that my res isn't affected so far , all looks ok here12:14
BluesKajI'll reboot to see if the X loads ok12:15
BluesKajpenguin42. all seems ok , but I hope the error doesn't block any further upgrades12:21
penguin42BluesKaj: Have you reported it?12:26
penguin42BluesKaj: and that's from the packages nvidia drivers?12:27
penguin42if you give us the bug number I'll triage it12:28
BluesKajpenguin42. trying to figure out what the packagename is "nvidia-prime.py"?12:38
penguin42BluesKaj: should be able to use dpkg -S File "/usr/share/screen-resolution-extra/nvidia-prime.py"12:39
penguin42oh, take the File out12:39
penguin42hmm, apt-file doesn't find that on my box - anyway, breakfast12:42
BluesKajI'm trying ubuntu bug screen-resolution-extra/nvidia-prime.py , but that doesn't register12:42
brainwashubuntu-bug nvidia-prime12:55
BluesKajBug #124959713:01
ubottubug 1249597 in screen-resolution-extra (Ubuntu) "screen-resolution-extra" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124959713:01
BluesKajpenguin42. ^13:03
penguin42BluesKaj: can you do    python -v  for me13:13
penguin42sorry, -V13:13
BluesKajpenguin42. Python 2.7.5+13:20
BluesKajwas away for a few mins13:21
penguin42hmm ok13:27
penguin42anyway, triaged - the depends on that package confuse me13:31
penguin42and I can recreate the problem here by installing screen-resolution-extra13:32
BluesKajpenguin42. the packagename I used was the only one in the string that would be accepted13:33
penguin42no, I think it's probably the right package - I mean the 'Depends:' entry for that package not your choice13:33
BluesKajyeah , I'm removing screen-resolution-extra, then we'll see what happens13:35
BluesKajpenguin42. seems that screen-resolution-extra is a gtk file that somehow got installed under the radar , it's frivolous as far as i can tell13:43
penguin42 'gtk file' ?13:44
BluesKajwell gnome13:45
sandGorgoncan someone tell me why has zcache been disabled in the 3.12 kernel for Trusty ?. In fact it has been disabled for all 3.12 builds which I can confirm through  /boot/config-3.12.0-031200-generic . The saucy build log with 3.11 had it enabled still http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.11-saucy/BUILD.LOG14:59
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penguin42sandGorgon: It's possible it's just a screw up, file a bug asking for it17:34
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