
popeymhall119: its okay, jorge tested ☻00:06
mhall119hmmm, I'm not seeing it00:07
popeymight take a while to publish00:11
popeyhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/get-squiggling/games/play/get-squiggling-letters/ is the url to test it works in your country00:11
Elleopopey: "Which hand do you squiggle with? If you use your left hand it feels like a stranger is squiggling you"00:17
snwhis developer.ubuntu.com down?00:58
popeysnwh: i think there's some datacentre migration work going on01:00
popeyso a few things might be down01:00
snwhpopey, thanks. I was trying to login and it wasn't loading01:01
=== Borborygmi is now known as Casmo
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AskUbuntuInternal server error! | http://askubuntu.com/q/37340209:25
CypherPunk39Hi everyone. Having a bit of problems installing things on Xubuntu. When I type sudo add-apt-repository ppa/ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa, the system return 'Invalid'. Any idea why? This is Xubuntu 12.0422:49
AskUbuntuQtCreator doesn't let me create Ubuntu Touch apps! | http://askubuntu.com/q/37471023:21
TheAlliedFleetHello, I was wondering if anyone could help me with a scope?23:31
AskUbuntupython example for app indicator does not work | http://askubuntu.com/q/37472823:59

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