
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
a1fahow does one report outage to ubuntu.com?00:42
a1fait looks like the ports.ubuntu.com is down00:42
a1fait went down while i was pulling an upgrade from the ports server :(00:42
sarnolda1fa: try us.ports.ubuntu.com, that's currently up and responding to me. perhaps it's part of a planned pile of hardware moves that are expected to take all weekend; I have'nt seen a list of affected services, though...00:43
a1fasarnold : i cant change it, its part of a script ;( maybe i can put it into the hosts file00:44
sarnolda1fa: :( worth a shot, for me...00:44
a1fasame here00:44
a1fai'll put it into hosts file an dhopefully the script recovers00:45
a1faotherwise, i need to do this from scratch00:45
a1fanope, system locks the /etc/ file :( i am screwed00:46
sarnolda1fa: can you throw a dns recursor in the middle that you can configure to lie? pdns-recursor can be configured to serve a handful of hosts from /etc/hosts ..00:47
a1fai could i suppose, i need to reconfigure a man in the middle gateway00:47
a1fafunny, / is rw, yet /etc/ is read only00:48
a1fayet /etc is not a mount point00:48
a1faand etc is not a symlink00:48
a1faewww ;( /dev/root is write protected00:50
a1faoh well00:50
a1fawas there an annonouncment posted somewhere?00:54
sarnolda1fa: ah, sorry, my mistake, that was some QA hardware. I suspect this wasn't planned.00:57
a1falooks like ubuntu.com is down now too00:57
a1faand its back up00:57
a1faand down again00:58
a1fait looks like certain /24 segments are down00:59
pmatulissome canonical services are down.  folks aware01:07
a1fano sheet01:09
a1fathey need to stop letting interns make network changes01:10
a1faand ports is back now01:10
a1fai think when they took down ubuntu.com someone finally realized they screwed up01:10
a1faso mad01:12
sarnold"power problems" at one of the data centers01:14
a1falies :)01:15
a1faget that interns head on the podium01:15
a1fai am surprised they dont have power backup01:16
a1fawe have batteries + diesel generators01:16
a1fain our datacenters01:16
jkitchenevery datacenter has that.01:24
jkitchenmostly it's a matter of how much redundancy is involved and how long they can be online without grid power and where their replacement fuel comes from and how fast it shows up and such01:25
a1fai am just saying it is highly unlikely it was power, unless they are hosting this thing in the philipines01:26
a1fai had a dc in new jersey that lost power during sandy and was down for 7 days01:26
a1fawe had armed guards watching our diesel tanks, and we never lost power01:27
a1fawe lost power feed from the grid, but we made our own power for 7 days with armed guards watching the tanks01:28
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
pmatulisa1fa: you said that already01:30
a1fahad to re-word it, it did not sound right01:31
a1fasarnold : where did you read this thing about power?01:31
sarnolda1fa: internal irc01:31
a1fathe route never changed01:33
a1fai guess they only lost certain racks01:35
a1fa91.189.88.132 responded during the outage, 88.140 did not01:35
a1fa14  SOURCE-MANA.edge5.London1.Level3.net (  175.448 ms  175.225 ms  175.067 ms01:36
a1fa15  vlan28.honeymelon.canonical.com (  93.153 ms  93.252 ms  93.522 ms01:36
a1fa14  SOURCE-MANA.edge5.London1.Level3.net (  90.638 ms  90.869 ms  90.828 ms01:36
a1fa15  sawo.canonical.com (  92.775 ms  92.527 ms  93.389 ms01:36
a1fai wonder how much infrastructure is there between those two hosp01:39
a1fasarnold do you know?01:43
sarnolda1fa: no idea, sorry01:43
a1fasurely it's a load balancer01:44
a1faor not01:45
a1fait looks as if they exposed this infrastructure to the internet, with no firewalls infront of it01:45
a1faGenerated Sat, 09 Nov 2013 01:46:36 GMT by yangmei.canonical.com (squid/3.1.19)01:46
a1faall lies ;)01:47
a1fasquid reverse proxy01:47
a1fasarnold : can you pass a message to them01:50
a1fasarnold : some things are still down01:50
a1fasarnold : ie, https://help.ubuntu.com/community01:51
sarnolda1fa: heh, yeah, there's quite a lot down at the moment01:51
a1faits also exponsing all their infrastructure01:51
sarnolda1fa: there's extensive monitoring in place with end-to-end service checks for nearly everything; it'll all show up..01:51
sarnoldheh, the wiki worked for me. I wonder why..01:52
a1famaybe i am cached to a bad server01:52
a1faGenerated Sat, 09 Nov 2013 01:52:29 GMT by baham.canonical.com (squid/2.7.STABLE7)01:52
a1faApache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at baham.canonical.com01:53
a1faah.. this could be the magic lepricon leszi.canonical.com01:54
a1fais this the router/firewall?01:54
a1fadeveloper.ubuntu.com is also down02:00
=== cheese1756_ is now known as cheese1756
esdei'd like to backup my current package/conf/whatnot for a few packages before i run apt-get upgrade so that if it breaks something i can restore back, how can i do that?03:32
=== ggherdov_ is now known as ggherdov
HiddenDjinncan you set postfix to handle multiple domains without setting the hostname each time in /etc/hostname?06:53
andolHiddenDjinn: That really depends what you want to do, but most likely the solution involves virtual_alias_domains alt. mydestination.07:04
HiddenDjinnandol, ok...07:05
andolHiddenDjinn: Also, running your own mail server really isn't the thing one wants to do without reading a bit of documentation...07:07
HiddenDjinnandol, read a few docs, a few more guides, just had that particular question07:07
HiddenDjinnandol, following a guide on it07:07
leif_morning from denmark07:08
=== gfrog_ is now known as gfrog
gochello lads and gals i have a problem, im running ubuntu 13.10 and i have installed lamp, everything is fine and running but the problem is i cant find the root apache2 folder13:16
gocits not in /var/www13:16
gocnot in /home and my cfg file i empty13:16
gochope someone can help me, thanking you in advance13:16
gocalso i am new to linux switched yesterday from windows had enough of it im amazed with linux as i am confused13:17
sabgentonwhat is in $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND  and how do you get it to exist?14:06
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=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
HiddenDjinnwhere does mail typically log its activity?16:16
HiddenDjinnok, i think i have a problem16:30
HiddenDjinni can receive mail fine, but other mail hosts are refusing to talk to postfix so that i can send a test mail16:31
hypoclonehello room can i get anyone to help with installation and configuration of postfix on 12.04?16:54
hypoclonei need help installing and configuring postfix on 12.04 can anyone help please16:56
a1faanyone familiar with wpa_supplicant here?16:56
a1fathis thing is so confused16:56
hypoclonehello i need help installing and configuring postfix on 12.04 can anyone help please16:58
qman__it is very well covered in the server guide, please read it first16:59
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
adeji need help installing and configuring postfix on 12.04 can anyone help please17:01
adejdoes anyone care to help installing and configuring postfix on 12.04 can anyone help please17:03
qman__adej, please stop spamming the channel and read the server guide, that topic is extremely well covered in it17:04
adejqman am not spamming i am new  to irc and i need help aint that is what this is about17:05
qman__adej, I see five repeats in the last half hour, that is spamming; postfix is the main mail server used on ubuntu and it is covered in great detail in the server guide, which is in the topic17:07
qman__if you have a more specific issue that is not covered there, then come back and ask17:08
Beatstreetwhen I created a software RAID during OS install I had to select "physical volume for RAID" on the drive I was using as part of the RAID17:24
Beatstreetif I want to later format the drive17:25
Beatstreetjust to clean the drive and then readd to RAID17:25
BeatstreetI see commands for formatting like "sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1"17:26
Beatstreetbut what is the command if it's not an ext3 device but rather a RAID device?17:26
qman__"physical volume for RAID" is just a partition type, which is different from a normal linux filesystem partition17:26
qman__if you want to erase the disk, you should zero it, not create a filesystem17:27
Beatstreetthe drive is having issues and I was hoping a reformat might clear it up - last try before replaceing17:27
qman__it won't17:28
qman__if you want to check the disk, use smartmontools17:28
Beatstreetit's not failing read/write on smartmontools17:28
qman__what sort of issue17:28
qman__crashing? corrupt data? dropping out of the array?17:29
Beatstreetthe box locks up after the RAID starts and I am seeing errors in smartmontools, no issues with short/long test though17:29
qman__oh, the tests don't mean much17:30
qman__the error log is what matters17:30
qman__if there are errors in the log, it's bad17:30
BeatstreetATA Error Count: 12 (device log contains only the most recent five errors)17:30
qman__yep, time to replace17:30
Beatstreetno chance it's just a bad sector?17:31
Beatstreetthat I can work around17:31
qman__that sort of methodology hasn't worked since drives were sub-10GB17:31
qman__modern hard disks don't work that way17:31
qman__if the drive is locking up, and there are errors in the log, it needs replaced17:31
Beatstreetok, thanks qman__17:32
qman__modern drives have some extra space on them they use to remap bad sectors17:32
qman__once they run out of remap space, it's over17:32
qman__you might see one bad sector, but that means there were actually at least a few dozen17:32
Beatstreetsucks - 3TB drives are no cheap17:33
qman__if it's under warranty, that's good enough to get it replaced17:34
qman__at least with seagate, I haven't had to do a WD yet under those conditions17:34
BeatstreetError 12 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 19422 hours (809 days + 6 hours)17:34
Beatstreetit's old - got my moneys worth I guess17:34
=== chmurifree is now known as chmuri
ClemHello, how can I install php5.3 by apt-get install php5-fpm in 12.04LTS?17:54
ClemIt says "The following packages have unmet dependencies:17:55
Clem php5-fpm : Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.8) but 5.5.5+dfsg-1+debphp.org~precise+2 is to be installed". What's the matter?17:55
HiddenDjinnok, i got postfix working, finally19:43
=== zz_Gurkenmaster is now known as Gurkenmaster
gyre007guys I have the following network config, and I'm wondering why when I start the container it doesn't get IP address assigned ? https://gist.github.com/milosgajdos83/738953320:20
gyre007this is macvlan in vepa mode....for example if I create a container in veth mode it DOES get an IP assigned automatically....20:21
gyre007do I need to create separate bridge for this ?20:21
=== Maple__ is now known as Guest28745
ubun I setuped a bind9 server with ubuntu behind my router, the router uses a dhcp server for my lan-network, can I use the DNs server like this way or should he has his own dhcp sever?20:43
=== peter is now known as Guest35346
BadRobotHi, hoping for a bit of help please, I've got 2 nearly ident nginx & php5-fpm configs, the only difference is the document root folder, the URL (it is a sub domain of the working config) and the unix socket name. the root domain config has been working fine for months, but the new subdomain config will not & throws 111:connection refused in the nginx log.  I have an appropriate php5-fpm config in fpm/pool.d for it, am I missing20:52
Thomas_Hi  Trying to upgrade a server to 13.10 via 'sudo apt-get install update-manager-core;do-release-upgrade -d' but getting error message 'ImportError: No module named apt'. Any help?20:52
Thomas_Er, seems python-apt is missing20:57
logic_progI'm runnning a server on ubuntu and need to simulate dropped connections. Is there a linux tool that will randomly close / re-open port 8080 ?21:17
logic_progperferably something that does not require running sudo21:17
Thomas_Hi  I updated to Ubuntu 13.10 and all apache virtual hosts have stopped working? They're all still listed in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled but when visiting any of them I see just the 'It works!' page. Also there are virtual hosts in /etc/apache2/sites-available but if I 'a2ensite something' it says 'ERROR: Site does not exist'22:02
Thomas_Updated to 13.10 and now get "You don't have permission to access / on this server." when visiting any apache virtual hosts??????22:08
Thomas_They're all enabled etc.22:08
RoryThomas_: What is in /var/log/apache2/error.log (or similar)22:25
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=== Guest28745 is now known as Mapley
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