
greg-ginbox: decimated!00:45
greg-gnot zero'd, but tons better00:45
jrwrenparty party02:02
rick_h_ widox trying to try out the FF extension but not getting FF to see it, curious for tips02:08
rick_h_oh wait, didn't switch branches02:08
rick_h_widox: well that didn't help. Curious how to add it correct. My 'create a file in your profile with the path...' isn't working right.02:10
rick_h_widox: ok, so completely unfair because I could not get the extension to load and I know I broke stuff, but going to hang it up for tonight. https://github.com/bookieio/bookie-firefox/tree/rick-refactor103:05
rick_h_widox: <3 the looks of things in plain JS and the module space and such.03:06
rick_h_widox: I'd love to get together and pair on getting it up and running sometime.03:06
greg-gcmaloney: I can't find a squeezebos with *2* speakers?06:13
greg-gmono :( :(06:13
greg-gunderstatement of the year: "Consumer electronics greatly disappoint me."06:19
greg-gcmaloney: https://identi.ca/greg/note/uleMo4q2Q2qiTydzvr5Shw my thoughts process tonight07:37
cmaloneyI hate it when I forget to change my phone13:09
cmaloneygreg-g: There's only one model, and it's an older model13:09
cmaloneygreg-g: Did you decide to go with the touch or the radio?13:15
jrwrencmaloney: you mean charge?14:27
cmaloneyjrwren: charge, yes.17:01
gamerchick02hello from kiwi IRC and chrome OS.17:34
rick_h_curse you greg-g! /me tries to pry away from youtube yurt vidoes after checking out http://cabinporn.com/post/66374767029/the-yurt-compound-of-william-coperthwaite-on-the17:35
cmaloneyrick_h_: ^^17:37
cmaloneyFound this at the Salvation Army17:37
cmaloneyAlong with Pet Shop Boys, which I find somewhat ironic.17:37
tony-smlrMDLUG is live on youtube http://youtu.be/dvkxiPIqNrQ  and we are chatting on #mdlug17:37
PainBankwatching the youtube vide of the live stream from today...19:57
PainBanknice stuff19:57
trevlarI drove by and figured I'd pull in the parking lot to test20:20
trevlarwasn't able to connect though :( they might not have the internet hooked up to it yet20:23
cmaloneytrevlar: Nice!20:38
trevlarcmaloney: I was hoping to do a speed test :)20:39
trevlarthey had quite a few employees there though20:39
trevlarit's looking pretty polished on the inside20:40
cmaloneytrevlar: I think their actual opening is on Monday20:41
cmaloneyso should be interesting to see if they actually open on that day.20:41
trevlarfrom the looks of it, I'd say they'll be open20:42
rick_h_trevlar: cool, I'm off monday and going to go hack from there for a bit22:20
rick_h_so I'll be trying to make sure we get on the wed night room list asap22:20
trevlarrick_h_: cool22:21
rick_h_greg-g: these yurts looks pretty cool. /me notes that would be an awesome guest house kind of setup22:21
greg-grick_h_: speaking of cabinporn, they have an effect on amazon. One of the books they mentioned recently, Illustrated Guide to Remodelign or something, I put it in my amazon cart when I saw it, last night was notified it went from $13 to $24 :)22:26
rick_h_greg-g: heh, yea I viewed the book page when reading it22:27
rick_h_waf: Aio wireless?22:28
wafrick_h_: yeah, AT&T's prepaid service provider22:30
wafhad to dump verizon, since nexus 5 doesn't support them22:30
wafso i just bought straight from google, and pay $55 to aio wireless with no contract22:31
waf$55 / month22:31
rick_h_waf: cool yea looking22:31
wafthere's some worry that AT&T will close down AIO (i don't think that will happen), but if it does i'll just find a new provider22:32
* rick_h_ keeps looking for something like the EU countries setup. Just buy a sim with XXGB of data on it good for a year22:33
rick_h_waf: yea, it'll work on other places.22:33
cmaloneyrick_h_: If you really want a Yurt, there's one in Royal Oak. ;)23:21
cmaloneyRight around my house.23:22
cmaloneyOh wait, it is my house. ;)23:22
cmaloneyWell that was fun23:29
cmaloneystupid UPS Suspended my machine23:29

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