[02:32] can someone suggest a simple to use video editor for a new ubuntu user - i was using videopad on windows if that helps in your suggestion [02:41] there is the opensot video editor [02:41] kdenlive and cinelerra [02:41] cazalla: that was meant for you =) [03:43] hello [03:48] hello [03:53] does anyone notice that launchpad is down? [03:57] could that be why my aptget stopped? [03:57] leor, power breakdown, they are working on it and getting new hamsters to power up. [03:57] https://twitter.com/launchpadstatus [03:59] actually browsing launchpad right now [04:01] yes [04:02] I read their tweet [04:02] that's a shame [04:02] I was hoping in download more stuff to try out [06:09] hei I have a problem getting the my webdav to work? [06:09] anyone know what the issue is? [06:09] nautilus returns with, not a webdav enabled share [06:25] power down [06:25] launchpad is back online [06:25] webdav? [06:26] yes [06:27] Im not in that area [06:30] ok no worries [07:13] i need help with linuxsampler the audiooutput is giving me an error, err3 to be precise [07:27] what kind of error appear? [07:29] did you try qsampler? [07:31] in the imstrument channel [07:31] and in the message tab [07:31] midi signal is definitey going into linuxsampler [07:31] or other programs [07:31] but something seems to have gone wrong with the audio out of linuxsampler [07:31] well yea, sorry [07:31] i meanbt [07:31] that all shows up in qsampler [07:31] but, you know, qsampler only being the gui, i figured the mistake lies within the core (linusampler [07:35] qsampler is giving me trouble too [08:17] bloddy hell, weird disconnection [08:17] anyway [08:17] problem's definitely with linuxsampler [08:17] as jsampler hui gives the same error [08:17] somehow the linuxsampler audioports cannot be connected to jack === Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U [10:51] so i've got an issue with linuxsampler [11:18] but I'l be back later to ask about it ;) === don is now known as Guest87664 === funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat