
manchickenI'm going to break libqapt! w00!02:08
ScottKGo for it.02:09
manchickenStand back! I'm using polymorphism.02:16
manchicken(with the hope that my changes won't break other things)02:17
manchickenCrap on this... I'm going to write automated tests.02:46
manchickenGrumble... I don't know how to test all of this stuff...02:50
manchickenI'm going to have to re-factor this code so that it splits out the part which changes the data and the part where it calls the dbus worker.02:55
manchicken(unless anybody has any ideas on how I could wrap tests around the qdbus portions as well)02:58
manchickenPoop... I'm going to have to deal with some fancy new deprecation warnings...03:20
ari-tczewbug 1236012 - can someone set Importance to medium?03:41
ubottubug 1236012 in LibreOffice Productivity Suite "[KUBUNTU] Calc freezes screen when using drag-and-drop on cells" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123601203:41
ScottKRiddell, etc: Please sign up to attend http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/meeting/21986/core-1311-qt5-versions-in-ubuntu/ - I'll try to make it, but I don't know if I can.05:18
valorieleif_: not much happening this evening/morning06:20
valoriehere in the chan, I mean. Do you have a question, concern, etc.?06:21
leif_no the oposite would love to help 06:25
leif_is trying to learn c and is expirinced in translation and doc06:27
valoriepackaging work in particular is welcome here, so hang out and volunteer when there are people to show you the ropes06:27
* valorie is not one of these people06:27
valorieoh good, we need help on the docs as well06:27
valorieare you any sort of an expert on the varieties of ways to install?06:28
leif_is atm part of the dansih loco team06:28
valoriewe have an install portion of the docs that is presently unfinished06:28
leif_i have learned apt get synapse  single debs that kind06:29
valorieI'll show you06:29
valoriesec, let me find it06:29
leif_ok 06:30
valoriethis section needs content by people who know what the various choices lead to06:31
valorieif you don't, that's ok06:36
valoriewe'll find someone; we just haven't yet06:36
leif_just trying to long in atm at the wiki06:36
valoriedo you have an ubuntu account?06:37
valorieI think it's SSO (single sign on)06:37
leif_yeah the wiki is just slow to long in06:37
leif_now it works06:38
valorieyes, it sucks a lot06:38
valoriemoinmoin, and how slow and old it is06:38
valoriebut for now, it's what we have06:38
valorieonce we're satisfied, we suck it over to http://docs.kubuntu.org06:39
valoriewe haven't figured out to do good translations yet06:49
valoriemediawiki has a great translator's plugin which KDE uses on their three wikis06:50
valoriekubuntuguide is on mediawiki, and we've suggested joining forces with them06:50
valoriehowever, they appear to be satified with installing a google translate plugin to do auto-'translations'06:51
valoriethis is not acceptable to us06:51
valoriewe'd love to be able to ship translations with our docs, but only if they are high-quality06:52
valoriewhat is your translation experience, leif?06:52
leif_a bit on ubuntu apps for danish06:56
valorieok, so localization06:57
leif_is still a bit new06:57
valorienot so much doc translations06:57
valoriethat's awesome06:57
valorieKDE has a great localization team too06:57
valorieand l1on is always a challenge here, juggling both the KDE and the Ubuntu bits06:58
valorieso your experience will be welcome 06:58
valorienot just to the doc team06:58
leif_and is trying to learn c06:58
leif_:) way to new06:58
valoriesince it's the weekend, it might be good for you to write to the devel list and introduce yourself, and talk about your experience and interests06:59
valoriesome coding experience is always welcome as well06:59
leif_gonna be online most of the day06:59
leif_eu time06:59
valorieesp. in packaging, bug triage, etc.06:59
valorietrue, but the list goes to everyone06:59
valorienot all folks stay in IRC all the time07:00
valorieI have an account on the KDE bouncer07:00
valorieso at least I have scrollback07:00
leif_that is what i love about linuxx07:06
valoriewhat especially?07:06
leif_all ways a thing to help whit07:06
valorieoh, so true07:06
valorielots of people think it's just coding, but there is so much more07:07
* valorie is not a coder07:07
valorienot by a long shot07:07
valoriebut I've found lots of ways to contribute, and I love it07:08
valorieI supported my oldest son when he was interested in linux long ago07:09
valorieand he in turn got me started over ten years ago07:09
valorienow he's proud that his mama is active in both kubuntu and KDE07:09
leif_lol so nice07:09
valorieyes, I've tried to get him directly involved, but he likes to game in his off-time07:10
valoriehopefully someday07:10
leif_found a great publisher that have a focus on hardcore geek stuff07:11
valoriethere in Denmark?07:12
leif_no a international07:12
valoriewhat sort of books do you buy from them?07:15
leif_ahh got there online all acses sub07:15
valorieI see07:15
valorieI get lots of stuff for my kindle from the library07:16
valorieor free07:16
valorieI alternate science and fantasy/sf/fiction07:16
valorieoh, we should probably take this to #kubuntu-offtopic07:17
markeyhmm, Muon has become really unstable and weird here07:50
markeycrashes, then sometimes claims there are updates but then says there aren't any, other times claiming "Your last update was one week ago", when it was yesterday....07:51
valorieI got caught by it too07:51
valoriebut there was an update a day or two ago07:52
valorieno problems since, although that is proof of nothing07:52
markeythat said Muon has always been rather unstable. crashes are pretty frequent in general07:53
ScottKUntil this release it's been pretty stable for me.07:53
valorieI guess I don't use it often enough to have trouble07:53
valorieI've been trying to use it more frequently, but then it stuck and wouldn't advance07:54
valorieeven apt-get stuck earlier though07:54
markeyright, that is also a common problem: some earlier apt process got stuck, and then Muon says it cannot get a lock on apt07:55
markeywhich is of course natural, but to new users it's really bad07:55
markeythey wouldn't know how to react07:55
Mamarokclaydoh: you really set a moderation flag on Basil? What is this chap doing, is he mad?07:56
valorietalk about a lock, he needs one on his keyboard07:58
valoriemarkey: was this after the recent update to muon?08:01
markeyvalorie: not sure yet if it got better with the latest update. will keep an eye on it08:07
markeydo you know what was wrong there?08:07
valoriejontheechidna never talks to us anymore08:08
markeyhow come08:08
valoriemaybe we smell bad08:08
valorieor maybe he's too busy for IRC08:08
valoriealso I noticed that there is at least one other devel now for muon08:09
palassoI sent him an email about a bug on which I submitted a patch as well but never got back :(08:09
valoriewhich seems good08:09
* markey checks git history08:09
valoriepalasso: that sucks08:09
palassoYesterday I sent an email on the two developers of Muon08:09
markeyalex pol is also a maintainer?08:10
markeysays the projects page08:10
palassoBut the project page says he's one of the 2 for Muon, he's not on LibQApt08:10
palassoOn the project page of LibQApt08:10
palassoWhich is used by Muon08:10
markeyI see08:10
valoriehmmm, I know he is involved too, but I swear someone else who I've not heard of, spoke up as well08:10
palassoThe bug I submitted is on LibQApt.08:10
markeyvalorie: I heard that Alex Fiestas is going to hack on it08:11
markeynot sure if true08:11
palassoThat's the bug I am referring to https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32563608:11
valoriethat would be cool08:11
ubottuKDE bug 325636 in libqapt "Opening a markings file might give incorrect warning" [Normal,Unconfirmed]08:11
valoriebut I'd like afiestas to fix kscreen first08:11
markeyusability-wise I actually like Muon. it's very simple and nice08:11
palassoI also like Muon. Especially Muon Package Manager and Muon Discovery08:12
valorieI use the package manager08:12
palassoMe too08:12
valorieit finally weaned me off of synaptic08:12
valoriewhich is what I used to install first08:12
markeySynaptik is powerful but also too complex for most users08:12
markeyand it looks like it came straight from the 80s08:12
palassomarkey: that's why Muon Discovery exists08:12
valorieyes, ugly as sin08:12
valoriegtk gah08:13
markeywell, GTK 2 I assume08:13
markeyit looks far more ugly than most other GTK applications I have (Inkscape, Gimp, etc=08:14
palassoBut it's almost a month since I submitted the patch and almost a month and a half since I submitted the bug report. I was hoping it would make it for 13.10 but it didn't make it :(08:14
valorieI hope they soon sit up and take notice, palasso08:14
palassoActually if I'm not mistaken Synaptic is switching to gtk 308:14
valorieit's causing problems and need fixing08:14
palassoWell I sent them an email yesterday to both echidnaman and alex pol....08:15
valoriepalasso: do they have a mail list?08:17
valoriemight be better there, if so08:17
palassovalorie: they're just 2 devs so I just sent an email to both of them. I don't think they have a mailing list, I searched for it in the past.08:19
palassoI also don't think that they have an IRC channel08:19
valorieno channel, no08:20
palassoSo according to my findings it's just the bugtracker and their emails...08:20
valoriewell, maybe the forum?08:23
valoriekde forum, that is08:23
palassoIt's for helping users... Not fixing bugs... Unless I'm wrong08:24
palassoOtherwise there are lots of places.... e.g. comment on the blog of echidnaman or the kubuntu-devel mailing list but that would be improper08:24
palassobest place is bugtracker and second best email/IRC (dev channel) etc.08:25
palassoor mailing list if there would be one08:25
palassoAnd the reason I noticed valorie talking about echidnaman is because I added a notification in case that nick pops up so I could contact about the bug....08:25
valorieyes, you're right08:26
valorielast I heard, he was really busy with school and/or a job08:26
valoriebut that was some time ago08:26
palassoWell I'm happy to hear it was something like that because I was concerned there might be something wrong with his health.08:27
valorietbh, I'm not sure08:30
markeyso what I noticed in 10 years of FOSS development is, fluctuation is very natural and most people will only contribute to one project for a limited time08:30
markeyit's not only lack of time, but also a motivation thing08:30
valorieyes, enthusiasm waxes and wanes like the moon08:31
valorieand inspiration too08:31
valorieideas have to come from somewhere08:31
markeyI would probably never completely stop contributing to Amarok, but I have special motivation as I started it08:32
palassoGood to hear about it markey. I use it all the time :)08:33
markeybut yeah, most volunteer contributors will stick with a project for about 3 years max, and then move on08:33
palassoIt's the best music manager as I see it and the world of linux is the most competitive arena on music managers.... 08:34
palassoThose are the good parts in staying on a dev channel. I get to interact with some of the best devs :)08:35
palassoAnyways regarding Muon, it would be best if echidnaman would appear someday just to make clear what his intentions are. Maybe a blog post. Because I see this list of goals and it's unchanged for about 5 months: http://community.kde.org/Muon/2.108:37
palassoVery intriguing goals I may say. I don't have the proper development experience to participate but I was very excited about backend creation...08:39
lordievaderGood morning.08:41
leif_morning 08:52
debfxmamarley: any objections to using this as the upstart job? http://pastebin.kde.org/pmtj1zrrm10:18
cortexA9what about kde 4.12 ?11:29
debfxScottK: quasselcore isn't restarted after upgrades. is that really a good idea?11:38
debfxmamarley: quasselcore needs some maintainer script magic to stop the daemon before upgrades, otherwise upstart doesn't know that quasselcore is running.11:40
mamarleydebfx: Sure, that works.  Do you mean like preinst/postinst stuff?11:57
mamarleyOK, I will make those.12:54
mamarleydebfx: It looks like it already has preinst and postinst scripts, and the preinst script even terminates quasselcore if it is running, but the postinst script doesn't start it.13:15
mamarleydebfx: I also thought of a potential security reason for this.  When the quasselcore first starts with no user configuration, I believe it will accept any client and allow it to configure the core.13:27
mamarleyNot sure about that though, so let me check...13:28
mamarleyThis is in fact the case, so it seems that starting the core automatically would open up the core to potentially be hacked, especially if the user for some reason did not realize it had been installed.13:31
debfxmamarley: no, the preinst script only stops it when upgrading from << 0.7.3-0ubuntu1. postinst unconditionally starts it.15:58
debfxif that really is a security issue you'd have to add an ugly ENABLED=false in the defaults file.16:01
mamarleydebfx: I'm sorry, but I fail to see where in postinst it gets started.  I am a bit of a noob at this.16:07
debfxmamarley: http://pastebin.kde.org/pf3rl9tec#line-7616:08
parad1seHi Folks, Iam using kubuntu 12.04.3 LTS with KDE 4.8.5 and Dolphin as file manager. With this combination it is impossile to save/remember samba credantials. I saw there is already a bugreport #1071453 (bugs.lunchpad.net). But Ubuntu 12.04 is still in progress. Can somebody help me? 16:09
mamarleyOh, "automatically added by dh_installinit"16:09
mamarleyI was looking a the version in the debian/ directory of the source.16:09
debfxah yes, that's just the manual part. dh_* commands all kinds of stuff to the maintainer scripts.16:10
debfxyou have to look at the scripts in the binary package.16:10
mamarleySo I need to add something manually in preinst to stop quasselcore before the upgrade takes place?16:12
mamarleyOr just shuffle the "invoke-rc.d quasselcore stop" around so it always executes regardless of the version?16:13
debfxno, you can just add another section that's only executed on upgrades from the current version in the archive and earlier16:15
mamarleyOK, thanks!16:15
mamarleyBut wouldn't it be a good idea to always restart on updates, so that the updated version gets started?  Don't most other packages do this?16:16
debfximho yes, but you still need to stop it in preinst on upgrades. in postinst upstart isn't able to stop it since it's not tracking the process.16:20
mamarleyI apologize for continually asking these dumb questions, but aren't processes normally stopped for upgrade in their preinst scripts anyway?  That looks like how apache2 does it.16:24
debfxmamarley: some are stopped, upgraded and then started again. others are just restarted after the upgrade.16:38
debfxquassel takes the approach of starting the daemon in postinst and never stopping it.16:39
parad1se_Hi Folks, Iam using kubuntu 12.04.3 LTS with KDE 4.8.5 and Dolphin as file manager. With this combination it is impossiple to save/remember samba credentials. I saw there is already a bugreport #1071453 (bugs.lunchpad.net). But Ubuntu 12.04 is still in progress since 6 months. Can somebody help me? 19:09
Peace-parad1se_: mmm19:21
Peace-parad1se_: i dunno i use samba in another way but there is a comment in this page http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2012/04/06/how-to-share-files-with-samba-under-kde-kubuntu-timeout-error-and-ect/19:21
Peace-parad1se_: see the 3th comment19:22
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1249832] Kinfocenter doesn't show my processor info @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1249832 (by moray33)19:25
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1249832] Kinfocenter doesn't show my processor info @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1249832 (by moray33)20:27
parad1se_Peace-: Thanks, but my samba server is a NAS and my client is the workstation.20:43
parad1se_Is there a deb package that fix the bug/problem?20:47
parad1se_or how can I patch this myself: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kde-runtime/repository/revisions/9c0021e98c0c6a808ffa82449d355a64ecef4552/entry/kioslave/smb/kio_smb_auth.cpp ?20:49
apacheloggervalorie: I am not ever away, I am not always here though :P23:14

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