
* thorwil waves godbyk 20:51
godbykHey, thorwil!20:51
godbykI saw your new title pages. I'll rebuild the PDFs with those.20:53
godbykthorwil: Are you working on the wraparound covers, too?20:53
thorwilgodbyk: spent much of the weekend building a form from extruded polystyrol plates for laminating glass fibre20:53
thorwiland just now i pushed a little kerning tweak to 13.1020:53
thorwilsuch is my odd life :)20:54
godbykI'm troubleshooting why adding avatars to my 3D scene is slowing everything down to a crawl. Might have to do with textures; they're quite large.20:54
thorwilnow why do i still lack an automated way for adjusting the wraparound covers :}20:55
godbykthorwil: Ha! I know. I was trying to think of a good way to do that. I could probably write a script that spits out a rough draft and then leave you to do the kerning and touch-ups.20:55
thorwilgodbyk: blue makes things slower of course, add some red. maybe devisl to offset the avatars!20:55
thorwildevils, even20:56
godbykWell, the avatars consist of a couple texture files, each 2048×2048 in size.20:56
godbykThey look amazing, but each animated avatar slows down the frame loop by 5–6 milliseconds.20:56
thorwilwhat kind of 3d scene is it?20:57
godbykIt's an Afghan village.20:58
godbykI've only got four avatars in there at the moment, but they're dragging the frame rate down incredibly.20:59
godbykI have to do some troubleshooting this evening to see if it's the walk cycle animation or the movement through the 3D scene that's causing the slow-down.20:59
godbyk(Or both, I suppose.)20:59
thorwilisn't it sad, how i immediately think of explosions, when reading "afghan"?21:00
CrazyLemonhey guys.  Any idea why slovenian saucy manual looks horrible? i tried building english and the result was the same21:01
godbykthorwil: It is. But I have to add some of those to the scenario, too. :)21:01
CrazyLemondoes the english manual build nicely for you guys?21:01
godbykCrazyLemon: Can you be more specific?  The English manual looks okay to me.21:01
CrazyLemongodbyk i really cant - its a total mess.. but i can upload it to a DB and give you a link :)21:02
godbykCrazyLemon: Yeah, that'd be helpful. Send me the PDF and the .log file.21:02
godbykI'll be back a bit later. My sister's pestering me. We're in the midst of playing Portal 2 together.21:03
CrazyLemonwhile building english manual i have to press enter at least few hundred times21:03
godbykThanks for your help with the title pages and covers, thorwil!21:03
godbykCrazyLemon: Hmm.. sounds like something's not quite right on your system them. Having the log file will tell me where the errors are. It might be a missing LaTeX package or something.21:03
godbykI'll be back a bit later.21:04
thorwilgodbyk: no problem! ha, lovely how fr is already the right width21:04
CrazyLemongodbyk yea.. i was checking the log.. but the damn thing is like 18MB!21:04
godbykthorwil: Nice! I think the last Spanish edition was 12.04 if that's helpful.21:08
thorwilgodbyk: would have been, seconds ago ;)21:09
thorwilES is also same width21:11
CrazyLemongodbyk when you get a chance here's the link https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17510489/saucy-manual-english.zip21:11
thorwilgodbyk: i'm done and will retreat to lurking now again :)21:13
godbykCrazyLemon: I'll take a look at it in a bit and send you an email.21:32
CrazyLemongodbyk thanks for taking a look! :)22:21
godbykCrazyLemon: Wow, you weren't kidding when you said your PDF looked weird! :-)22:24
CrazyLemongodbyk i told you..a total mess :)22:25
CrazyLemonwait untill you see the log ..thats a totally different story :D22:25
godbykWhich version of Ubuntu are you building it under?22:25
CrazyLemongodbyk 12.04.322:26
godbykAh, okay.22:26
CrazyLemoni did run ./install-pkgs.sh22:26
CrazyLemonand it just said smth latex detected22:26
godbykFor 12.04, I think the Ubuntu TeX Live packages are too old to use and you need to use the upstream TeX Live stuff.22:26
CrazyLemonand it does say that in the instructions22:28
CrazyLemonmy bad22:28
godbykYou can install TeX Live from upstream by following the instructions at <http://kevin.godby.org/2012/02/13/installing-tex-live-in-ubuntu/>.22:28
godbykCrazyLemon: No worries. In later versions of Ubuntu some people said that the Ubuntu packages were updated enough that things generally worked okay.22:29
godbykI myself still use the upstream TeX Live packages. But I use LaTeX for lots of other documents than just the Ubuntu manual.22:29
CrazyLemonyou like torturing yourself dont you :D22:30
CrazyLemonj/k ..latex is only proper tool for mathematics and science documents22:30
godbykCrazyLemon: Heh. Well, I'm usually writing math and science documents. :-)22:31
godbykCrazyLemon: I downloaded the Slovenian translation from Launchpad to build it here.22:31
godbykIt's complaining that you've translated the glossary entry labels when you shouldn't have.22:32
CrazyLemongodbyk oh.. well there were some confusion about those entries22:32
CrazyLemonabout plural form22:32
godbykI'm a bit confused myself. I thought we made it so you couldn't translate the thing it's complaining about. I'm looking into it now.22:33
godbykFor plural forms, you can add plural={plural form here}22:33
CrazyLemonhmm.. our coordinator told us its \glsph{plural form}22:34
CrazyLemonor smth like that22:34
godbykAh, nope.22:34
godbykThe \glspl{...} and \gls{...} bits should NOT be translated.22:34
godbykOnly translate the name={...}, description={...}, plural={...} bits of the glossary entries.22:35
godbykSo in one of the strings, you have \glspl{namizna okolja} which should've been left untranslated as \glspl{desktop environment}.22:35
CrazyLemoni'll fix those tomorrow22:36
CrazyLemonyea..easy fix.. there's only a couple of glspl errors22:37
godbykAnother error: you have \applications{Datoteke} instead of \application{Datoteke}.22:38
godbykLooks like someone translated \pregledne. Not sure what it originally was.22:39
godbykYou have a couple \applications (with the -s)..22:39
godbykA \glsph instead of \glspl.22:39
CrazyLemonjeez :D22:40
CrazyLemonare these all wrong ? \application{uTorrent}, \application{Deluge}, or \application{Transmission}22:40
godbykThose are okay.22:41
godbykAs long as it's \application instead of \applications, it's okay.  (No -s)22:41
godbykYou can translate the application names if you like (if they're normally translated).22:41
CrazyLemoni was thinking the other way around22:41
godbykcqfd93 and CrazyLemon, what do you think of the pricing/distribution channels question?22:48
CrazyLemongodbyk what pricing/distribution question?22:48
godbykI emailed the Ubuntu Manual mailing list about it earlier today.22:49
godbykThere are now some extra distribution channels we can choose to use when we publish the manual.22:49
godbykBut it increases the price of the book slightly.22:49
godbykSo I'm collecting opinions on whether or not it's worth it.22:49
godbykDo we stick with the existing channels and keep the price as low as possible? Or do we raise the price slightly and make it easier for bookstores, libraries, etc. to get our book?22:50
CrazyLemongodbyk raise the price by how much is the question22:50
godbykThe French manual would change in price from US$4.69 to $7.03.22:51
godbykInterestingly, the GBP (₤) and EUR (€) prices stay the same.22:51
CrazyLemonwell..i'd go for price raise.. its not that big of a difference.. one big mac worth of difference22:53
CrazyLemonhow much is the manual in EUR?22:53
godbykThe French manual is €4.27.22:54
CrazyLemonthats a reasonable price22:55
CrazyLemoni think there was a guy in slovenia that decided to sell an ubuntu book/manual22:56
CrazyLemona he wanted ~35€22:56
godbykYeah, a lot of technical books in the US cost about that much.23:00
godbykSince we're not here to make a profit, I set the prices as low at the website will let me.23:00
CrazyLemoni think i fixed all the errors23:02
godbykOkay. I'll download it from Launchpad again and test it.23:03
CrazyLemoni'd test it myself but this tex live is huge23:04
CrazyLemonits been downloading for quite some time now23:04
godbykYeah, when you do a full install it's about 2 GB to download everything, I think.23:05
godbykCrazyLemon: You have \pregledne somewhere and that shouldn't be translated.23:09
CrazyLemongodbyk there's a \menu{... pregledne ...}23:10
CrazyLemonbut other than that i dont see it anywhere23:10
godbykWhat does pregledne mean?23:10
CrazyLemongodbyk well its a term we use for Dash23:10
godbykAh, so perhaps it should be \dash for —?23:11
CrazyLemonand that \menu was something like \menu{Dash home} ?23:11
godbykHere's the context:23:11
godbykZa zaprtje okna kliknite na \closebutton{} v zgornjem levem kotu23:11
godbykokna\pregledne plošče; prvi gumb z leve strani. Gumb desno poleg gumba za23:11
godbykzaprtje okna je gumb \gls{minimize} (\minimizebutton), ki okno odstrani z23:11
godbykzaslona in ga postavi v23:11
godbykYou also have "\emph{povezati." at the end of a string. You need to have a } before the .23:12
cqfd93godbyk, I hope the price on Amazon.fr remains unchanged (4.27€)23:12
godbykcqfd93: It looks like it will.23:13
godbykcqfd93: Since I don't think the extra channels will help for non-US books, I'll leave them turned off for now. We can turn them on later if we want.23:13
godbykcqfd93: I submitted the PDFs for review to CreateSpace. I usually hear back from them in a day or so. Once I hear back from them, everything will be published and you should be able to start ordering copies of the book through amazon.fr by the end of the week.23:14
cqfd93Great!  Thank you!23:15
godbykCrazyLemon: If you search for "besedila CAPTCHA).} ", you should remove the }23:15
godbykcqfd93: My pleasure!23:15
godbykcqfd93: More books to add to my collection. :-)23:15
CrazyLemongodbyk fixed23:16
godbykCrazyLemon: You have a \potem that should be left untranslated as \then.23:16
cqfd93godbyk: ditto :-)23:17
godbykCrazyLemon: You have a \in which should be \userinput.23:17
CrazyLemongodbyk fixed.. and no that \in was a part of the sentence..its actually \then23:17
godbykcqfd93: You translators are getting awfully quick at translating these manuals!23:17
CrazyLemonthe same sentence as that \potem :)23:18
godbykCrazyLemon: Ah, okay.23:18
cqfd93godbyk: I did most of the work (mostly moving blocks of text) in about a week :-)23:19
godbykCrazyLemon: You have \glspl{paketi} which should be \glspl{package}.23:19
CrazyLemongodbyk yea.. i fixed that when you told be before about glspl and gls23:20
godbykCrazyLemon: You have \Slike which should just be Slike.23:20
godbykCrazyLemon: Ah, okay. I'm just going through the list of errors in the log file. :)23:20
godbykcqfd93: Wow!  Did you ever sleep?23:20
godbykCrazyLemon: \texbackslash  should be \textbackslash   (missing T)23:21
godbykCrazyLemon: \Uporabnik  should just be Uporabnik, I think. (no backslash)23:21
godbykCrazyLemon: \filapath should be \filepath23:21
godbykCrazyLemon: That's all the errors I see in the log at the moment.23:21
godbykWhen you've fixed those, let me know and I'll download an updated translation and run it again.23:22
CrazyLemongodbyk done! :)23:24
cqfd93godbyk: Yes, I sleep, but as I retired 2 months ago, I now have plenty of free time ;-)23:24
godbykCrazyLemon: Great! I'm just waiting for Launchpad to send me a new po file now.23:25
godbykcqfd93: Ah, nice!23:25
godbykCrazyLemon: There's still a \glspl{paketi} that should be \glspl{package}.23:36
godbykCrazyLemon: But all the other errors are gone now. \o/23:36
CrazyLemongodbyk \o/23:36
CrazyLemonthanks a lot! you are an ubuntu manual saver! :)23:37
godbykCrazyLemon: :)23:37
CrazyLemongodbyk if the screenshots turn out ok.. should i just push them up?23:38
godbykCrazyLemon: Here's a draft PDF that you can use to help with your editing: http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-sl.pdf23:38
godbykCrazyLemon: Yeah, you can push screenshots to the repository. Just make sure you take them using 1024×768 resolution.23:38
CrazyLemongodbyk well we tried to take the same resolution as the original23:39
CrazyLemonsome are bigger (not bigger than 1024x768) due to longer strings23:39
godbykCrazyLemon: That's fine.23:39
godbykIt's just if they're bigger than 1024×768 weird things may happen.23:40
CrazyLemongodbyk is there a template that i can use to create the title page ?23:40
godbykCrazyLemon: I'll take care of the title page for you. You don't have to worry about that.23:41
godbyk(Actually, I usually foist the title pages and covers on Thorsten as he's even pickier than I am when it comes to kerning and the like!) ;-)23:41
CrazyLemongodbyk thanks for all your help !23:52
* CrazyLemon is off to bed23:52
godbykCrazyLemon: No problem. Thanks for helping translate the manual!23:53
godbykCrazyLemon: Good night!23:53
CrazyLemontake care23:54
* cqfd93 also needs to sleep...23:55
godbykG'night, cqfd93!23:56

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