
AmineFerjanihey !  i need help guys m stuck !!20:48
elacheche_anishey AmineFerjani20:50
elacheche_anisHow can I help?20:51
AmineFerjaniim trying to get an package update but all m seeing is "  E:Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? "20:52
AmineFerjaniin fact i had a previous update but i stopped ! and now i can't find a way to kill it !20:53
elacheche_anistry this: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock20:53
elacheche_anisYou should see an other msg mentioned a file called lock20:54
AmineFerjanii did run that command but nothing happened :'(20:55
elacheche_anistry this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:55
AmineFerjanii think it's working :)20:55
AmineFerjaniyeaah it's working finally !(20:56
AmineFerjanithanks again anis ! i don't know if u remember me but !! dima te3eb fi jorti hahah :p20:57
AmineFerjanithanks :)20:57
elacheche_anis:) It's fine :) You're welcome :)20:58

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