
AskUbuntuNexux 7 stcuk on Google screen Ubuntu Touch | http://askubuntu.com/q/37474000:49
sarthorHI, I have note 2, I want to install Ubuntu on it, Did some one try before, I do not want to install ubuntu as guest, Will it be guest and Will I be able to use ubuntu with the help of some vnc client? or Will it be base install?01:22
sarthorSamsung Note II.01:22
=== Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo
DaughainIs there a working install for the new N7 tab yet?03:08
=== Ubuntu is now known as Guest41619
Guest41619hi I need some help installing touch on samsung tab04:59
Guest41619I just bought a samsung galaxy tab 3 7.0 and I can't get the adb to work... I can't find the bootloader either... any help?05:01
Guest41619AskUbuntu... hi05:02
AskUbuntuhow to restore android in xperia s | http://askubuntu.com/q/37480205:53
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
=== Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo
timppaWould it be a major pain in the butt to add a way for System-settings to traverse /home/phablet/Ringtones for user added ringtones?07:54
=== fred is now known as Guest89172
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jockerfoxHi to all, if is possible know: when ubuntu touch is ready for nexs7 '2013' ?09:16
AskUbuntuUbuntu Touch Official Hardware? | http://askubuntu.com/q/37486110:19
deniswhi. i'm trying to check out the ubuntu-filemanager-app on my 13.10 desktop, but it complains about a missing module11:35
deniswwhere do i get that from?11:35
deniswnevermind, found out from the README11:37
palpateIs it possible to install a working version of ubuntu touch on an asus transformer tf 101 ?13:46
palpateI tried it when it was in developer preview but it wasn't useable at this time13:50
t1mppalpate: on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices it is listed as work in progress13:50
t1mppalpate: more info here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/tf10113:51
palpateYes but I wanted to know if it is useable (if somebody tried recently)13:51
t1mpI haven't tried it, so unfortunately I cannot answer your question.13:53
TechieElfHello everyone14:07
TechieElfRegarding porting, may I pick up someone else's project? I have a tweet from them saying they have given up.14:08
TechieElfSorry, I'm back now. Any thoughts?14:21
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=== soul is now known as Guest84939
AskUbuntuProblem installation | http://askubuntu.com/q/37499315:21
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
kiri_This is 1 dead chat room16:05
Myrttiit's the weekend16:06
Myrttiwhat did you expect16:07
kiri_something more w this many users16:07
Myrttion the weekend? unlikely16:10
kiri_So I am assuming ppl just keep this open n stay logged on?16:11
Myrttithe whole freenode traffic peaks on normal weekdays16:12
AskUbuntuTest Ubuntu Touch | http://askubuntu.com/q/37502816:35
ddsssWhen can I buy tablet with  ubuntu touch preinstalle?16:58
kiri_my advice is wait17:02
ddssskiri_, any time estimates?17:02
kiri_unless you r wanting n know how to develop i wouldnt bother yet17:02
kiri_It is still very limited and a lot of ppl r working on apps as we speak (myself included)17:03
ddssskiri_, what app r u workin on (just curious)?17:03
kiri_lol, its actually just a app about my wife for 1 of my classes17:03
ddssskiri_, hmmm....:)17:04
kiri_ya, i figured it would be cute n would prob give me sum bonus pts w her17:04
ddssskiri_, k17:06
ddssskiri_, are those apps installable via regular app-get?17:07
kiri_no not unless they r published17:08
kiri_viaubuntu or url17:08
ddsssis there any blog or rss feed on ubuntu touch OS dev. progress?17:14
kiri_not really sure I kinda do my own thing17:15
ddssskiri_, I know - hot new app with your hot wifi17:16
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
dustingoodinghowdy all.  just got my N5 and now my NS4G is lonely.  thought it could use some Touch love.   any idea when more devices (like the NS4G) will be supported?17:36
=== soul is now known as Guest71790
newUser215419 hours later, I managed to install a very beta form of ubuntu touch on my galaxy s2 >.>18:07
newUser21541The amazing difference between the galaxy s2 i727 rogers vs ATT was way too much and I didn't even bother to look up the ROGERS edition18:07
newUser21541(couldn't get into download mode or bootloader mode easily, the odin as such didn't work).... zergrush file was getting deleted by my antivirus and so on and so forth. would be awesome if this entire process was  reduced to mere clicks.18:09
joduedoes anybody here know if there are any plans for official support of the nexus 5?18:24
jodueas the edge is (sadly) off the table (at least for now) i am wondering which device to choose to have the best possible ubuntu touch support in the near future ...18:25
beunojodue, the Nexus 4 has and will have the best support18:35
beunoso that's the safest bet18:35
jodueyes, i do know that but i don't want to invest in old hardware. especially since the new nexus 5 is only a little bite more expensive than the nexus 418:37
beunojodue, right, currently there's no official support for anything else18:38
beunoit's not clear if the Nexus 5 will be supported18:39
Tassadarbeuno: do you work for Canonical? Do you know when (at least approximately) will it be decided?18:40
TassadarI'm kinda struggling with the same thing - N4 has Ubuntu Touch and bigger community, but N5 is newer and better device :/18:40
beunoTassadar, I do work for Canonical, and there's no target date. It may be months, as the current cycle will focus strongly on the tablet story18:41
Tassadarmeh, N4 it is, then18:41
beunoI suspect that unless the N5 is easy to support, we won't this cycle18:41
jodueokay. thank you very much for this information. in this case i will hold off on the nexus 5 and wait for any news on this as i definitly want my next device to have official ubuntu touch support!18:42
beunomaybe the N4's will get cheaper now that the N5 is out18:42
TassadarI suppose it would require you to switch to 4.4 android base, because of the binaries, and well, I guess that's not happening anytime soon18:42
beunoespecially in the used market18:42
beunoso that may be a good stop-gap18:42
JHOSMANHello, I need urgent help, as I can install my application in HTML5 for Ubuntu Touch? I have my aplicaciĆ³n.click19:25
JHOSMANsee http://paste.ubuntu.com/6395602/19:29
cwayneJHOSMAN: push it to the phone with adb (adb push /path/to/click /home/phablet)19:37
cwaynethen adb shell19:37
cwaynethen su - phablet19:37
cwaynethen pkcon install-local /home/phablet/whatever.click19:37
JHOSMANInstalling files              [=========================]          Waiting in queue              [=========================]          Starting                      [=========================]          Installing files              [=========================]          Waiting in queue              [=========================]          Waiting for authentication    [=========================]          Waiting in queue              [==============19:41
JHOSMANInstalling files              [=========================]          Waiting in queue              [=========================]          Starting                      [=========================]          Installing files              [=========================]          Waiting in queue              [=========================]          Waiting for authentication    [=========================]          Waiting in queue              [==============19:41
JHOSMANStarting                      [=========================]          Installed   com.ubuntu.developer.username.ubuntugobiernomovil-0.1summary goes here19:42
JHOSMANnow??? cwayne19:42
futurestackany reason ssh wouldn't be working?19:57
futurestack`ssh localhost` connection refused19:57
futurestackafter installing ssh openssh-server and /etc/init.d/ssh restart19:58
JHOSMANin my phone the HTML5App not use 100% of anchor19:58
futurestacksshing to the ip also does not work, doesn't seem to be an interfaces issue19:58
futurestackI've tried doing apt updates and apt upgrades but that seems to render the phone unbootable20:01
futurestacknothing particularly oddlooking in sshd_config ...20:19
RuddeDoes ubuntu touch work as a fullwordy OS like it was showen in the Ubuntu Edge video? At this time?20:26
JHOSMANcwayne: howto remove a AppClick?20:26
futurestackI can ssh out of the phone just fine, but that's not really what I want to use it for...20:36
Nothing_MuchI can't remember whether I asked this question or not: Is it possible to use libhybris for an armhf desktop on Ubuntu?23:11
xnoxNothing_Much: what do you mean "armhf desktop" ?23:26
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Nothing_Muchxnox: I mean I'm on a desktop computer that uses the Arm architecture.23:27
xnoxNothing_Much: libhybris allows bi-direction calls between glibc based applications/libraries and android/bionic based ones.23:27
xnoxNothing_Much: then use ubuntu direct, if you have graphics drivers for it.23:27
Nothing_Muchxnox: Yes I know, but from what I've heard-23:28
xnoxNothing_Much: if you only have android-targeted graphics drivers, that's when libhybris comes in.23:28
Nothing_MuchI have Android drivers for 3D acceleration23:28
Nothing_MuchI just don't know how to get them utilized23:28
Nothing_Muchxnox: How do I get libhybris to work with my Android drivers?23:29
Nothing_MuchBecause there are no drivers for the SGX 54423:29
Nothing_MuchFor Linux that is23:29
Nothing_MuchSo I found the Android drivers, but I can't get them configured or something23:30
xnoxit's not trivial. you still need full android build present somewhere in a chroot, and it needs to be modified to work with hybris23:30
xnoxand you need hybris support on ubuntu side.23:30
Nothing_MuchIs there a tutorial?23:30
TechieElfHello all. Is it possible for me to take over someone's port? They tweeted me saying they're no longer working on ubuntu touch.23:30
Nothing_MuchWell, I have libhybris installed on this Ubuntu machine23:30
Nothing_MuchTechieElf: I think you'd have to look at the license the program is under23:31
xnoxsure but everything needs to use, which none of it does at the moment.23:31
Nothing_Muchxnox: You sure about that? There's a small tutorial on how to get libhybris working with XMBC or something23:32
TechieElfNothing_Much where can I find such a license?23:32
Nothing_MuchBut I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong23:32
Nothing_MuchTechieElf: You'd have to ask the author of the program and check what license the program is under23:32
Nothing_MuchAfter that I couldn't tell you what to do, you have to get into contact with author and ask him about forking23:33
TechieElfAlright. I'll send him a tweet. Also, any idea about how I could work on the port? I'm used to starting from scratch23:35
Nothing_MuchI couldn't tell ya, I'm not a developer.23:37
TechieElfAny developers active here?23:38
=== tmg is now known as bkh
xnoxTechieElf: late night on sunday is not the best time =) most people are active here tuesday - thursday23:40
TechieElfxnox i get that :p23:41
bkhhey, I got trusty installed on a gen 1 nexus 7 but I keep getting weird issues, so I'm trying to downgrade to saucy23:41
bkhI can't seem to get into fastboot23:41
bkhit always just goes back to ubuntu23:41
xnoxbkh: once in ubuntu, you don't need to get to fastboot. Just use phablet flash and specify saucy channel for ubuntu-systemimage23:48
bkhhow do I do that?23:52
bkhwait, I think I have it23:54

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