
greg-gcmaloney: kinda neat01:01
greg-gthe guided sessions is a good idea01:01
cmaloneyYeah, thought that was pretty cool01:03
greg-gI should put that as a recurring event during work01:03
greg-gpost-deploys: calm.com01:03
greg-gmaybe pre-deploy, too01:03
greg-galright, pizza time01:04
rick_h_greg-g: lol01:20
jrwrengood morning15:08
cmaloneyGood morning15:23
rick_h_hmm, so someone ripped up bookie and built a 'base app' not sure what to think about that15:24
rick_h_https://github.com/mazzaroth/initpyr/blob/master/models/__init__.py left some crud at the base of this file lol15:24
cmaloneyI think someone is trying to learn15:25
rick_h_yea, cool15:25
cmaloneybut yeah, that's quite the hack-job.15:25
rick_h_performance reviews?15:34
cmaloneyMicrosoft's Performance Reviews15:37
cmaloneyTheir reputation preceeds them15:37
cmaloneyNot sure if you saw this.15:38
cmaloneyI don't think it affects bookie anymore15:38
rick_h_yea, saw that. No, we're in the store15:38
rick_h_doing the beta installs would be effected15:38
rick_h_but there's always ways around things.15:38
rick_h_manual installs work fine, and there's the new add-on manager app for chrome15:38
cmaloneyI can't help but think this is a "good thing"15:39
cmaloneyAnd a work-around that smacks of "you should be doing this anyway" appears. :)15:40
rick_h_and it does say that it's windows users right now15:40
rick_h_so meh :P15:40
cmaloneyWell, once Bookie gains traction we'll need to make sure those Windows Users are well-taken-care-of. :)15:45
jrwrenjuju is cloud orchestration?16:05
rick_h_jrwren: that's the idea16:15
jrwreni think why I don't "get it" is we have our own that is 6yrs old, and retrofitting ot juju would be a bit of work.16:52
jrwrenbut maybe i'll start exploring that.16:53
rick_h_jrwren: yea, so juju is a LOT of work to get started if the charms don't exist yet. That's the hurdle I think we need to work on more16:57
rick_h_but if you're past that part, stuff like the recent bundle functionality starts to really show off16:57
rick_h_defined a whole working environment with 100+ services all setup/related/configured with options.16:58
rick_h_and import that into hp cloud, ec2, private openstack...and it really starts to show off it's usefulness imo16:58
rick_h_it's almost like sharing vagrant images for dev work in some ways16:58
rick_h_except, it's a dozen servers all setup/ready to go and you can bring it up, wait a bit, and start testing/hacking into it16:59
rick_h_that's the part I love to show, but I'm a dev so that's the cool part to me. Though I am working on a bookie charm and have a dream to get it all working so I can use it to run bmark.us and scale it up more, setup test beds, etc17:00
rick_h_jcastro: I kind of like that. a bunle is like a vagrant image for your deployment.17:01
rick_h_bundle that is17:01
jrwrenso it is a high barrier to entry. but that kind of makes snes.17:01
rick_h_for talking to devs that know wtf vagrant is at least17:01
rick_h_jrwren: yea, but I think there's room to make that better.17:02
jrwrenso the new bundle stuff lets you span environments?17:02
rick_h_jrwren: so it's high now, but still early enough, and we're working hard to get a lot of charms into shape so that you're at least part way there17:02
rick_h_jrwren: no, not currently. You can 'dupe' a bundle into any environment17:02
jrwrenits a tough problem to solve, espeically for the general case.17:03
rick_h_so you can go do comingsoon.jujucharms.com (total fake/virtual environment) and build a set of services, build relations, set config values, and then export that to a bundle file17:03
jrwrenbut I'm starting to see the problem better, I think.17:03
rick_h_then take that bundle file to ec2, and use juju quickstart mybundle.yaml17:03
rick_h_and it'll dupe that entire setup, each machine, configuration parameter, relations built, and do it live in ec217:03
rick_h_and then juju switch hpcloud17:03
jrwrenyeah, that sounds really great.17:03
rick_h_and quickstart again and get that same exact setup17:03
jrwrenespecially with a lot of cross dependency17:03
rick_h_right, so that's where the 'cloud orchastration' comes into play17:04
jrwrendoes juju or its charms solve the problem of say... stateless postgresql servers or migration at all?17:04
rick_h_if the charms are done right then you abstract away the cloud layer17:04
rick_h_jrwren: so that's the charms job right?17:04
jrwrene.g., so I have this production postgresql, now I want to move it from ec2 to rackspace...17:04
jrwrenyeah, I guess that is the charms job, adn that is *hard*17:04
rick_h_so our postgres charm has config params for a static volume so you can bring it up and then configure it to use a specific mount (EBS volume for instance) as the data for the service17:05
rick_h_and the charm takes config for locations to do backups, etc17:05
jrwrenah, that is good.17:05
jrwrenis the vision to have many different postgresql charms, or a single charm with many params?17:05
rick_h_so you can look at the charm there's params for the backup dir, schedule, number to keep, etc17:06
jrwrene.g. for our small cases we use ephemeral store and restore from backup on instance start17:06
rick_h_I'm not sure on that. On the one hand, the charm can be flexible and should use same defaults17:06
rick_h_but anyone can fork a charm, tweak it, and publish it again17:06
rick_h_the hope would be that collaboration would ensure to get feature improvements into a single approved/reviewed charm that's trusted and powerful17:06
rick_h_almost like a small software package in ubuntu. You can fork mutt, but ideally you'd contribute back to mutt for everyone17:07
jrwrenI'm just wondering what is envisioned. Is it lots of forked charms? or is it single charms which many options?17:07
rick_h_so there are a lot of forked chams, but we've got the "recomended" which are vetted by a team and they show up more promiently in searches/etc17:07
jrwrenright, or even if I don't fork mutt, I might dislike a packaging option and repackage it.  So will there be lots of re-charms?17:08
rick_h_yea, but only one is allowed to be recommended.17:08
rick_h_so if you want everyone to see it, to trust it, there will have to be work to find a path17:08
rick_h_just like there's only one mutt package in ubuntu17:08
jrwrenI guess I should look at charms conventions more. the debian/ubuntu packages analogy is interesting becuase there is much config in /etc/whatever.conf and /etc/defaults/whatever and even /etc/init/whatever...17:08
rick_h_now maybe you prove the more awesome charm and it's moved over.17:09
rick_h_and becomes the recommended/vetted option17:09
jrwrenis there a way to share/trade charm configs?17:09
rick_h_yea, it really is. A charm is basically all the debian wrappings17:09
rick_h_hmm, not following that 100%17:09
jrwrene.g. can I use the recommended charm, but say "with these options"?17:09
rick_h_so each charm has a config.yaml that defines the available parameters17:10
rick_h_oh yea, that's what bundles do. You deploy something, configure it, and export it17:10
rick_h_so it deploys the original charm first, then applies your state over it17:10
rick_h_think of it like apt-get installing mysql, and then pasting over your mysql.cnf overrides17:10
rick_h_so in the debian world you might use a meta package with a post-install script to update the config on apt-get install jrwens-mysql17:11
jrwrenperfect. I get it.17:11
jrwrenthe charm just has to be written well enough to have the right configuration parameters.17:11
rick_h_right, it all relies on the charms17:11
jrwrenI'm looking at the postgresql configuration parameters and they look extensive17:11
rick_h_yea, that's gotten a lot of time since we're a heavy pgsql shop17:11
rick_h_our own IS folks have spent time making these charms work for our real-world deployments17:12
rick_h_all our stuff is done using charms right now, so if you hit a service we use, the charms will usually be decent17:12
jrwrenthere is even volume-ephemeral-storage right there in that charm already. that is great!17:12
rick_h_for instance, we're going to need encrypted disk (at rest) mongodb so our IS folks are going to add support17:12
rick_h_exactly, *if* the work is done then it saves you a TON of time17:12
rick_h_it's just not always done already :) go community go :)17:13
jrwrenand if it isn't, you charm writting isn't too bad.17:13
rick_h_no, but it needs some love still17:13
rick_h_especially starting from scratch17:13
jrwreni think our adoption will be slow, becuase cloud-init alone does 99% of what we need.17:13
rick_h_but we're working on it17:13
jrwrenand this is a fundamental enough change for us that I don't think we are ready for it just yet.17:14
jrwrenbut maybe in a year :)17:14
rick_h_heh, yea keep it in mind17:14
rick_h_tinker with it17:14
rick_h_I love the temp/dev environment story. I've found that so awesome the last year17:14
rick_h_I hated getting our charms going, but once they were up they've really allows some really cool stuff17:14
rick_h_make a config param the branch url for the app and it makes 'deploy my test branch for me to really tinker with' amazingly easy17:15
jrwrenalright. thanks. that really helps fill in some gaps.17:15
rick_h_or things like making a web app have a flag for debug mode vs prod mode and debug the live site with uncompressed js and such at the flip of a juju set comand17:15
rick_h_cool, let me know if you have any questions/etc. I think I understand it now myself. Just took a while17:16
jrwrenI did that by turning our cloud-config's into jinja templates and we just check a template variable for dev/prod :)17:16
rick_h_yep, I mean at fist my bookie charm is just "apt-get install XX, git clone yy, make install, open-port for traffic https://github.com/bookieio/bookie-charm/blob/start-config/hooks/install17:17
rick_h_make files ftw lol17:17
jrwrenI do love me some Make17:18
jrwrenhehe, this looks A LOT like our cloud-config in concept.17:18
jrwrenerr... not concept... in practice.17:18
jrwrene.g. useing apt-get where you can, using pip where you can't use apt-get.17:19
jrwrenapt-get install pip ; pip install uwsgi17:19
jrwrenat first I was a little hesitant to system install uwsgi that way, but its worked well.17:19
jrwrenalthough I did backport uwsgi 1.9 to precise, I need to come back to trying to use it.17:20
rick_h_jrwren: yea, I did that just because I'm working on getting it to run with uwsgi + upstart in this branch17:35
rick_h_so it's more about running the app in production to get uwsgi17:35
rick_h_jrwren: but yea, it's a isolated machine. Install system-wide, who cares. Tear it down/reset it back up17:35
trevlaralright! weechat running inside tmux on a digital ocean box19:37
trevlarhopefully no more join/part problems19:38
wafthough any join/part problems you've had hasn't been bugging me, because of weechat's smart join/part/quit filter19:41
wafdid you find that buffer.pl plugin?19:41
trevlarwaf: cool19:41
gamerchick02i've been off and on because i keep mucking with circ on chrome19:42
trevlarwaf: I left a new irc client that I was using at work open over night. it kept disconnecting/connecting every 15 minutes when it went to sleep :/19:43
trevlaryeah, I haven't tried to install any plugins for it yet though. that's next :)19:45
trevlarshout-out to canonical in the top comment https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=670575223:05

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