
ShapeShifter499has #ubuntu-za and #ubuntu-zw merged?01:28
Kilosmorning all06:31
theblazehenhi Kilos 06:32
Kilosohi theblazehen hows the exams going06:32
theblazehenKilos, starting on monday :) Been studying for over a month now06:33
Kilosgood man06:33
theblazehenMy friends are idiots though :/ only started last week :/06:33
theblazehenYeah. Been telling them to study for the last 5 weeks or so06:34
Kiloswell good for you.06:34
theblazehenYep :) Think I will do well this time06:35
theblazehenWill probably be on and off for a little while, trying to get iptables working with pxe boot and a squid proxy06:36
Kilosok good luck with the exams lad06:38
theblazehenty Kilos 06:38
Kilosyo spinza 08:06
theblazehenaarghh.. I HATE iptables!08:07
Kiloslol exciting hey08:15
Kilosi needed lotsa help with iptables to share internet over 3g08:15
Kilostheblazehen_, what OS you using?08:16
Kilosoh he is gone08:17
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
=== spinza_ is now known as spinza
spinzahi guys upgrading to 13.1010:50
spinzacame up to a prompt that asks me whether to keep a certain config file10:50
spinzaselected to view the differences10:50
spinzaand now I don't know how to get back...10:50
spinzaok answered my own question :q10:52
spinzadidn't make any sense the differences on /etc/gnome/defaults.list10:53
spinzashould I keep or install the package maintainers version?10:53
Kilosit will work both ways10:54
Kilosbut maybe the packages maintainer is better10:54
spinzaok done10:54
spinzain "setting up" phase how long to go?10:56
Kilosare you letting it upgrade at the same time?10:57
Kilosthat takes longer10:57
Kilosas in its all coming from the internet hey?10:57
Kilosthen it depends on the speed of your connection10:58
Kilosmany megs to upgrade10:59
spinzai think it downloaded first11:00
spinzanow it's setting up packages11:00
spinzaused the terminal to do the upgrade11:02
Kilosah ok then it downloaded lots11:03
spinzait keeps asking for different config files for some things i installed (and edited) keeping those11:04
Kiloshi kbmonkey 11:05
spinzaremoving packages now. Must be the end?11:19
Kilosyeah getting close11:20
nlsthznGoeie more Suid Afrika11:20
Kiloshi there neelsie11:20
nlsthznhow are you uncle Kilos ?11:21
Kilosbad head day but ok otherwise ty and you nlsthzn ?11:21
nlsthzn:/ sorry to hear uncle Kilos ... best not be infront of the PC then ... I am OK, went and watched the game which was "meh" and had to much rum ... human again now at least :p11:22
Kiloshahaha was a bit disappointing game that11:23
nlsthznwhat is it with our games and the refs?!11:23
Kilosrefs suck especially those11:24
Kilostara is revving about that one11:24
Kilosthey need a refs accademy i think to standardise 11:25
nlsthzncould help, I dunno :p11:25
Kilosnot let each one see what he wants to11:25
Kilosor the tmo needs top power to judge11:26
nlsthzntechnology can't remove biased unfortunately :p11:26
Kilostmo should be able to stop the game11:26
nlsthznand fire the ref :p11:27
Kiloslol ya11:27
charlMaaz: coffee on11:37
* Maaz starts grinding coffee11:37
Kiloshi charl 11:37
charlhi nlsthzn 11:37
charlhi Kilos 11:37
charlhas anyone taken a look at cgit http://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/11:38
charlit's interesting to me that when i google for linux-related tools i often see links to arch linux's wiki11:38
charlfor example now i get https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Cgit as the second result11:38
charlwhen i google for cgit, i mean11:38
nlsthznarch linux has most probably got the best wiki of any distro11:38
charlyeah, it's such a pity that ubuntu's wiki is often full of incomplete or outdated info11:39
charlarch seems to have gotten the community thing right, where ubuntu totally failed11:39
charleven debian seems to have a much better wiki than ubuntu11:39
nlsthznwiki's are maintained by the community and the community is failing at keeping the wiki up to date11:39
charli sometimes reference debian's wiki for ubuntu related matters11:40
nlsthznthen again if you look at the target audiences it can be expected...11:40
charlthat's logical, but the question is why11:40
charltarget audience? that ubuntu is targeted at noobs, you mean?11:40
nlsthznmajority of people that choose ubuntu just want an OS that works (which it mostly does)11:40
nlsthznthey don't want to give back time and effort etc.11:40
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!11:41
nlsthznarch you need to invest time and effort just to get going, so you are more invested from the get go...11:41
charlMaaz: thanks11:41
Maazcharl: Sure11:41
nlsthznwell that is the way I see it at the moment :Lp11:41
charlbut even debian has a relatively good wiki, why is ubuntu failing so miserably11:42
charlarch's install process is a joke, it's worse than going back to slackware times11:42
Kiloshow much wiki updating have you done charl11:42
charlbut i like seeing distros like manjaro being based on arch11:43
Kilosclever peeps gotta do that so there are errors11:43
Kilosno errors11:43
charlKilos: that's a good point actually, i haven't contributed to the wiki either11:43
* nlsthzn hates wiki's grrrr11:44
charlnlsthzn: why?11:44
charli thought it is one of the best way to gather info11:44
Kilosaw looks like spins upgrade isnt working11:44
nlsthznusing is ok, editing is ugh11:44
charli have used a variety of wikis, docuwiki, mediawiki, i can't say the editing part is so bad11:45
charleven trac has a built-in wiki11:45
Kilosit has to be done properly otherwise it misleads peeps that dont know11:45
charlthere should be an ubuntu documentation project that organises volunteers11:45
nlsthznI don't like the mark-up or what ever you call it to format things... PITA imo11:45
charlpeople who document, people who verify and check, people who look at language etc11:46
charlnlsthzn: what i don't like is every wiki having a different format, they should standardise on something like markdown11:46
charlbut i don't think the formatting is so bad, as long as it is used consistently11:46
Kilosmost clever buntu peeps dont have time for stuff like that11:46
nlsthznthere has been many such surges done but they never seem to sustain because you have a few people doing all the work and then they get busy and nobody picks up the slack...11:46
charlwell debian and arch seems to be getting it right11:47
charlso clearly it _can_ work11:47
charlthe question is, why isn't it working in ubuntu's case11:47
charlthat it can or can't work is not in question, clearly it can11:47
Kilosyou have the answer man11:47
nlsthznscroll up :p11:47
Kilosdo a page a day and see how quick it catches up11:48
charli'll have to do something about it next time i'm busy with something11:50
charli can't just randomly start editing wiki pages11:51
charli'm just going to make it worse11:51
Kiloslol thats why i say clever peeps11:51
Kiloswiki is read only for me11:51
charltalking about contributing, i completely left my e2ee project laying in the ditch11:52
charli'm serious about taking this further but i literally have not received any feedback or comments on it yet11:52
Kilosthats the prob man no one has time11:53
Kilostry the pro tonight for feedback11:53
Kiloshe use to be busy here most days but he too is rare now11:53
charlit's not time that is the problem, it's that i just don't want to make it yet another one man project11:53
charlbut i do have time enough to throw into this11:53
Kilosya but you need feedback from peeps in the know of whats needed11:54
Kilosuseless for me to comment11:54
charlnot necessarily, you might have some good ideas11:54
Kilosif you dont mind ingorant suggestions then ill help you11:54
charlall suggestions are good, there are no ignorant suggestions :P11:55
Kilos90% of what you talk about there is greek to me11:55
charlit was a quick draft-up so that fault might be with me11:55
Kilosyou want to make a secure irc chat thingie right?11:56
charlyou could call it that yes11:56
charlalthough it was supposed to be a protocol for end-to-end encrypted communication, it doesn't matter what's in it11:56
Kilosnow what i dont understand is, will it still use freenode etc?11:56
charlit could be im, voip, video conference, file sharing, etc11:56
Kiloswb spinza whats news11:57
charlno it has nothing to do with freenode, freenode is an irc network11:57
charlyou could implement something similar to irc on top of it, but that wouldn't be the idea11:57
Kilosso it will be a stand alone thing11:57
charlirc is a fairly public medium, no real need to secure it11:57
charlwell, the use case is more along the lines of xmpp than irc11:57
Kilosbut who will use it11:58
charlthe only problems with xmpp is that 1) you have data rentention on the server and 2) it has no automatic fail-over11:58
charlpeople who do, just like irc or xmpp or anything else11:58
charlwho would use irc or xmpp or email11:58
Kilosno man dodo11:59
Kiloseveryone uses irc11:59
charlnot everyone, a bunch of people who are fairly clued up (people like us)11:59
Kiloswho will they connect to on a new thing11:59
charlthe noobs use facebook and twitter11:59
charlonly other people using clients that run the same protocol11:59
Kiloshahaha the pro uses twitter11:59
charlthe same as any other service, who started using facebook at the start, also only a few people12:00
Kilosi mean charl `you make this thing right12:00
charli would use it, and i know a few other people who would also, and that's enough for a start12:00
Kilosthen no one knows about it so it just lies there12:00
Trixar_zaThen why not use xmpp?12:00
charlthat would be really bad12:00
charlTrixar_za: i gave two reasons above12:01
Kiloshi Trixar_za 12:01
charlso the idea would be to get the word out12:01
Trixar_zaThere's a nice server written in lua called Prosody IM12:01
Kilosand for that use fb and twitter to get the word out12:01
charlTrixar_za: i run it, so i know about it12:01
charlTrixar_za: that's what's running on charl.eu right now12:01
charlyou can actually add me as a contact if you want, charl at charl dot eu12:03
charlboth email and xmpp12:03
Kilosi gotta go lie down a while12:04
charlenjoy Kilos !12:04
Kilosno man no one enjoys an exploding head12:05
Kiloslike saying enjoy your migraine12:05
Trixar_zaI ran Prosody once and it was pretty good for my needs. Not exactly IRC though. Even the creator of IRC saw it going in a different direction rather than stagnating12:06
Trixar_zaInterestingly, it did include secure, private and p2p communication12:07
Trixar_zaIt also includes meta-networking. Which is semi-taboo on IRC and which I helped make worse with my Janus improvements :P12:07
charlKilos: oh sorry man :(12:08
charlget better soon!12:08
Kilosnp ty12:09
charlTrixar_za: i'm not sure i understand, are you talking about xmpp now? you can encrypt messages that goes over xmpp yes12:10
charlTrixar_za: you have two forms of encryption that i saw implemented: openpgp and otr12:10
Trixar_zaNo, I mean IRC12:11
charlTrixar_za: otr is the most common form although i've experimented with openpgp in centerim and it works brilliantly12:11
Trixar_zaIt's funny because Jarkko writes servers now and most of them has to do with some cryptography implementation12:12
charlwhow i really like the idea of network of networks12:13
charlit shouldn't be too difficult to implement cryptography on top of irc12:15
charljust pass around openpgp encrypted messages in private conversations12:15
charlin a public chatroom (like this) it would be much more difficult though, but also probably unnnecessary12:15
Trixar_zaThe question is how much do you leave to the client and how much do you leave to the server12:16
charli would say leave the absolute minimum to the server12:16
charlthe client runs on your own machine and is under your full control12:17
charlthe server could be anything, it should be assumed to be non-trusted12:17
charlthat was my whole inspiration behind my idea too12:17
charljust use the server as a dumb router to route messages around12:17
charljust use it to a) hide your ip b) get messages without needing to work around nat routing in ipv412:18
charland dynamic ip addresses etc, otherwise you need a central directory to look up ip addresses in any case12:18
Trixar_zaEssentially, IRCd are just dumb routers12:18
charlworks extremely well for unsecure conversation12:19
charlthe one issue is you need to "own" some type of identity12:19
charlon irc that is your nickname, that means you need to register it and authenticate with a password12:20
charlwhat i wanted to do is allow a user to authenticate using ppk, a bit similar as with ssh12:21
charlexcept with ssh you also have a set of fixed identities and associated public keys on the server12:21
charlwhat i wanted to do is let a client say "here, i have this public key, and i can prove that i am the owner using my private key"12:21
charlchallenge-response type scenario12:22
charlthen you proved your identity and the server knows that you are who you claim to be, nothing needs to be stored on the server12:22
charlyou could literally boot up a server from a read-only device12:22
charlyou could boot up a whole cluster using pxe12:23
theblazehencharl, Got my pc pxe booting :)12:23
charlif you want to roll out updates, do them centrally and reboot all the servers one by one12:23
charlnothing new about it, they used to do it with tuxlabs too12:23
charlthe kids break the software, just reboot and everything goes back to its original setup12:24
charldo all updates centrally, etc, very nice for an african school with poor internet12:24
charloh nice, janus looks interesting, even created by a dutch guy12:26
Trixar_zacharl: Funny you say that about public keys... because TS6 servers can use that to authenticate opers and I believe Atheme can use it to authenticate nicknames12:26
Trixar_zadaniel is a pretty good C++ coder. It shows in his code. I heard he taught himself perl mostly by using perldoc12:27
charlwell i used to do that with ssh literally for 8+ years and if you use github you do it in a similar way12:27
charlso nothing new about it at all12:27
charlsounds like my type of person12:28
Trixar_zaYeah, I'm not exactly sure how it works since I haven't used it, but one of my opers do12:28
Trixar_zaI think the limitation requires that you connect using ssl though12:29
charlmakes sense12:31
charlssl does support client certificate authentication12:31
charlor tls now i hope12:31
Trixar_zaThey've added gnutls support to several IRCds as an alternative to openssl12:33
Trixar_zalicensing issues like usual12:33
nlsthznnice to see ZA contributing some nifty open source things :)12:45
charli used to work for the fsiu - the free software innovation unit - in cape town12:52
charlwe used to do a lot of open source related work in africa12:52
charlwe even went to oscon in 201012:52
charlpaul scott (my manager) is an oscon veteran12:52
Trixar_zaWorking in open source development would rock13:08
Kilosevening all18:07
Kilosnight nlsthzn 18:08
Kilossleep tight18:08
* nlsthzn not going to sleep yet :p initially thought uncle Kilos was going off-line :p18:09
Kilosi just came back18:09
Kilos:p yourself18:10
Kilospity xchat dont show them so i can see who does what 18:11
Kilossome peeps stick tongues out18:12
nlsthzn:p is tongue sticking out18:15
Kiloshahaha you see18:15
Kilosand :P18:16
Kiloshi theblazehen 18:17
theblazehenhi Kilos18:19
Kiloslo inetpro het jy darem reen gekry18:27
Kilosons het 3 mm18:27
Kilosspinza_, is your 13.10 working good?18:28
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:03
inetprogood evening19:33
inetproMaaz: tell Kilos we had a very welcome 4mm to cool us down again19:34
Maazinetpro: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode19:34
superflyhi inetpro 19:36
inetprosuperfly: how's the weather down in the cape?19:54
spinzathanks for checking up kilos. everything was fine except my mariadb got uninstalled.  weird thing with mysql but sorted it out quickly.  and didn't lose my db21:08
spinzajust wich my adsl was as good21:08

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