
spuffiei am looking for a good, simple, lightweight video editor. what options are there?10:34
spuffieanybody around?10:35
=== funkyHat1 is now known as funkyHat
jeevanushi, In my laptop, when I hibernate and then immediately close lid, the system crash, hibernation happens only if i dont close lid, can some one help to solve it, ie, make hibernation happen even in lid closed.13:47
jeevanuscfhowlett: in terminal?13:53
cfhowlettjeevanus, no solutions found.  so ... don't close lid immediately?13:54
jeevanusim trying to find something13:54
mark_____hi guys may i have some help here plz14:42
wachin-idHi to all UbuntuStudio Users and Dev14:54
wachin-idI am happy with UbuntuStudio 13.1014:54
wachin-idall working fine for my except that on this moment I put my Bluetooth iOGear and not appear. But in Ubuntu 13.04 working fine14:55
mark_____guys i want to know how to replace XFCE with Gnome desktop14:56
wachin-idmark: but why you need replace XFCE with Gnome14:57
mark_____it's more beautiful , that's it14:57
zequencemark_____: Just install it14:58
zequencemark_____: You don't need to remove XFCE. you can have both.14:59
mark_____i used this command sudo apt-get install gnome  >> but nothing changed , i can find more apps installed only14:59
zequencemark_____: You change the Desktop Environment in the login window15:00
mark_____i will try this now , brb15:00
zequence..when logging in15:00
wachin-idClose session mark15:00
mark_____got it , i will try this nw15:01
mark_______this is greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat15:03
mark_______i like it15:04
mark_______thanks for help guys15:05
wachin-idFor my bluetooth problem I am reading http://askubuntu.com/questions/363401/cant-enable-bluetooth-13-1015:11
zequencewachin-id: Not sure which solution is the right one there. Might be all of them do not apply to 13.1015:14
wachin-idNow I run bluetooth-wizard15:15
wachin-idI search on Synaptic the package gnome-bluetooth and found that15:16
zequenceI meant to say, might be not all of them apply to 13.10, but I guess you understood anyway :)15:16
wachin-idThis command open the config that appear in UbuntuStudio 13.0415:16
wachin-idwhen I clic on the icon that now are missing on UbuntuStudio 13.1015:17
wachin-idZequence: Here send a Snapshot of my situation https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83295394/Bluetooth/01%20bluetooth-wizard%20funciona%20en%20UbuntuStudio%2013.10.png15:25
wachin-idworking fine, only the icon are missing15:25
zequencewachin-id: We are most probably going to base our entire DE settings (except for our custom menu, and a few other things) on XFCE for next release. So, we'll be relying on that they have all of that functional15:28
wachin-idzequence: ups, but can not find my files on my phone folder15:36
wachin-idnow I  go to uninstall gnome-bluetooth and install bluetooth blueman bluez-hcidump bluewho python-bluez  bluez-tools15:37
wachin-idfrom http://askubuntu.com/questions/363401/cant-enable-bluetooth-13-1015:37
wachinzequence I have a question, when I tried to uninstall gnome-bluetooth this said that uninstall the package gnome-user-share, what happens if I uninstall this15:46
wachinmmm. now I reading: "Removing gnome-bluetooth might break the system"15:49
wachinwell, I go to install sudo apt-get install bluetooth blueman bluez-hcidump bluewho python-bluez  bluez-tools15:49
wachinok blueman not working with nemo https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83295394/Bluetooth/03%20blueman-manager%20no%20funciona%20con%20nemo.png16:02
wachinbut working with nautilus https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83295394/Bluetooth/04%20blueman-manager%20funciona%20con%20nautilus.png16:02
wachinI have access to my files16:02
wachinGood by16:06
wachinOh, i only install blueman16:07
robdogGuys i have few questions...i am using Ubuntu Studio and i like it but i want to do a custom install how do i do that....so i can trim the fat so to say18:24
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility18:32
GridCuberobdog, ^18:32
robdogthank you will look at it18:33

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