
=== Mapley is now known as rainbowdash^
=== rainbowdash^ is now known as ^rainbowdash
=== ^rainbowdash is now known as Mapley
andrzejrali1234, are you testing xfce4-places-plugin on xubuntu 13.10 with gtk3 panel?15:28
andrzejrin my system this plugin (when installed from repo) doesn't show up15:29
ali1234did i use all gtk3 functions?15:29
andrzejrafair I installed xfce4-panel into /usr15:29
ali1234i installed everything in /usr/local15:30
andrzejrI'm talking about the plugin from the repo, it is installed but it is not visible, even though panel was installed in /usr, not /usr/local15:30
ali1234not visible in the "add new items"?15:31
ali1234i have places, panel, indicators, libxfce4ui all in /usr/local15:32
ali1234mine is linked against libgtk-x11-2.0.so.015:33
ali1234places, that is15:33
andrzejrali1234, plugins from the repo are installed in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/xfce4/panel/plugins, the ones installed from source in /usr/lib/xfce/panel/plugins16:16
ali1234sounds about right16:17
ali1234it's all multiarch now16:17
ochosijjfrv8: very cool, will take a look at that in a jiffy16:21
brainwashochosi: bug 124978116:28
ubottubug 1249781 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "System reboots even if someone is logged in" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124978116:28
brainwashany thoughts?16:28
ochosibrainwash: yeah, that's the policy change in logind16:29
brainwashread the comments16:29
brainwashwe triggered the reboot policy change, but it's a general issue16:29
ochosiit has to be fixed differently16:30
ochosibefore not even the active user could reboot/hibernate/shutdown in lightdm16:30
ochosiso lightdm could fix it16:30
ochosior we could try to tackle that in the greeter16:30
brainwashyeah, a strange issue which did not get address yet16:31
ochosiyup, we wouldn't have had an uploader for the fix anyway16:32
ochosibut we could link that bug to our todo-list for 14.0416:32
brainwashI assume the reporter is talking about the unity greeter with the session indicator16:33
brainwashso the systemd policy set strikes again16:33
brainwashaka LP16:33
brainwashbut right, it should be discussed before the 14.04 release16:34
ochosiwell i'm not sure whether logind can actually take care of this16:38
ochosiideally it could, would be nicer than having to check in the greeter...16:38
ochosicause lightdm already asks logind for the policy16:39
ochosiso that's the best way i guess16:39
brainwashbtw you should apply to become a package uploader :P16:41
ochosinah, not really16:44
ochosialready got enough work16:44
ochosii think then i wouldn't have time to do artwork properly anymore16:44
ochosiand care about the other projects i'm involved in16:44
ochosias soon as i don't enjoy taking care of the artwork anymore or someone else really really wants to do it (and is good at it), i don't think i'll give it up for packaging16:45
brainwashI don't like packaging either16:48
brainwashbut that's due to my lack of experience I think16:49
elfyimagine how I feel, I rarely have the slightest idea what you're all rabbiting on about ;)16:54
ochosibrainwash: it's not that i really dislike packaging, i just have too many other duties i don't wanna let down16:56
brainwashochosi: you don't have to watch the progress bar if a package gets built.. or refresh the PPA site every 5sec to see if everything is done :P16:57
brainwashbug 1227637 :(16:59
ubottubug 1227637 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "non existing key specified in override file" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122763716:59
brainwashmy list of bug reports which I've bookmarked during the development phase just won't get smaller17:03
brainwashoh, looks like I can remove this one here17:05
brainwashbug 122180917:05
ubottubug 1221809 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "systemd-shim removal causes restart to logout" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122180917:05
ochosipleia2: ping18:12
NoskcajShould xubuntu-bugs be subscribed to whiskermenu? it's at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin19:40
GridCubeare we shipping it already?19:44
elfyGridCube: nope19:46
GridCubethen no19:46
* GridCube opinions19:46
NoskcajGridCube, no, but most of the xfce stuff is on the xubuntu-bugs list19:46
NoskcajAnd we should review whether it's worth including on the cd19:47
ochosiwell bugs are "good to know" about19:47
elfyNoskcaj: it's on the roadmap list for discussion19:47
GridCubewell, you should known better19:47
GridCubetalking about bugs, Bug #1248962 19:48
ubottubug 1248962 in xfce4-weather-plugin (Ubuntu) "scrollbox texts shadows doesnt rotate when the plugin is used on vertical panels" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124896219:48
GridCubeP: it bothers me19:48
brainwashreport it upstream :)19:50
slickymastergood night all22:27
ochosiGridCube: sorry, didn't have time to look at it before, but replied now23:35
GridCubeochosi, its alright23:35
GridCubeochosi, :( thats sad23:38
ochosii know23:39

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