
hazmatcontext, equivalent to gh pr04:04
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AskUbuntuceph deploy has not created ceph.conf files | http://askubuntu.com/q/37576004:27
=== axw_ is now known as axw
sbbrtnwhat would be a string unique to each charm?  Say I have two charms on the same machine and I want to put each in its own separate folder.  Unit name a good unique string?05:36
davecheneysbbrtn: i' not sure I understand the question05:48
davecheneyeach charm has to have a unique name05:48
davecheneyand each charm is a directory05:48
sbbrtndavecheney: I have a charm that downloads a repo into a folder.  I want to make sure that if deploy two charms on the same machine they don't use the same folder.05:57
sbbrtnSo, I need a string to append to the folder name to make it unique between charms so they don't conflict05:57
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davecheneysbbrtn: simple solution06:05
davecheneydon't deploy two charms to the same machine06:05
davecheneywe don't even let you do that by default06:05
sbbrtnyou mean two of the same charms? you can use the --to directive to deploy multiple on same machine, right?06:08
stubsbbrtn: You can munge the unit name if you want a unique key, but note that --to installs to a new container on a particular machine so the units are isolated.06:53
sbbrtnstub: thanks.  I was under the impression that they are working towards isolation between charms but they aren't isolated yet.  If that is the case, I don't need a unique folder name then.06:59
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
gnuoyHi, I just noticed that there seems to be no preinstall hook in the ceph or keystone charms08:54
gnuoythe other charms use execd_preinstall from charmhelpers but I see keystone doesn't chip with charmhelpers08:54
gnuoyshall I use charm-helper-sync to get minimal charmhelpers into keystone ?08:55
jamespagegnuoy, I know adam_g is working on keystone/charmhelper update08:58
jamespageif you wanted to do a minimal sync to make pre-install work that's good with me in the interim08:59
jamespage(adam_g is off for a couple of weeks...)08:59
gnuoyjamespage, will do, thanks09:00
jamespagegnuoy, if you want to see what's still pending landing - http://pad.ubuntu.com/charm-branches-to-land09:01
gnuoyjamespage, useful, thanks09:01
jamespagesmoser, pushed you apt-install updates for charm-helpers - thanks!09:39
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rbasakjcastro: on jujucharms.com I searched for ceph and got what I think is an old charm as the first hit. Is this a known thing?11:42
rbasak(the one I wanted was second; I'm just concerned that people won't find the right thing by default)11:42
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rick_h_rbasak: which charm did you expect to show first? Did you mean in the quicksearch results or after you hit enter and got the real results on the page?12:25
rbasakrick_h_: quicksearch results12:25
rbasakrick_h_: trying it now, hitting enter gives me stuff in the order I'd expect12:25
rick_h_rbasak: there's a bug on the quicksearch results that they're not ordered/cleaned properly, they're too raw a set of results right now. Once you hit the page, the 'recommended' charm should show first and right up top12:25
rbasakrick_h_: but I selected the first result in the quicksearch12:26
rbasakrick_h_: ah, that'll be the bug, then12:26
rick_h_rbasak: ok cool, yea we've got a bug files on quicksearch to work on building those results better with weights/etc12:26
rbasakrick_h_: IMHO that's quite important. At least I generally choose the quicksearch result instead of hitting enter first. I wonder what others do.12:27
rick_h_rbasak: yes, and it'll get more so once jujucharms.com gets updated with the latest release where the deploy button in quicksearch results is available12:27
rbasakrick_h_: (since I can differentiate once I get the result - seeing oneiric is obviously wrong to me - but others may not)12:28
rick_h_rbasak: however, it's not been brought up much and we hoped that the official icon only being on the recommended charms helps sheppard users a bit12:28
rbasakI am unable to differentiate the icons (neither are familiar to me)12:28
rick_h_rbasak: yes, we've put the work into filtering/sorting the main results and that has to be duped for quicksearch.12:28
rbasakrick_h_: great to know it's in hand - thanks :)12:29
rick_h_rbasak: gotcha, the colored omega looking one is the official ceph icon http://ceph.com/ceph-storage/12:29
rbasakI've just been told I need to deploy ceph. I know relatively little about it, and just want juju to do its magic for me :-)12:29
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AskUbuntuJuju GUI Network Interface | http://askubuntu.com/q/37592313:09
marcoceppistub sbbrtn --to does a hulk smash, there is no separation unless you provide the lxc syntax13:11
marcoceppiand the lxc container sort is still premature as of yet13:12
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mthaddonmarcoceppi: any ideas why https://code.launchpad.net/~gnuoy/charms/precise/quantum-gateway/external-nets/+merge/194153 isn't showing up in http://manage.jujucharms.com/tools/review-queue ?16:36
marcoceppimthaddon: only things assigned to ~charmers show up in the review-queue. Since charmers don't review openstack stuff, I've abstained charmers from review and assigned to openstack-charmers16:37
mthaddonmarcoceppi: ok, thanks - jamespage, is that one on your queue some other way? ^16:38
jamespagemthaddon, yup16:42
jamespageI have a backlog of stuff to review an until our QA environment is back up I can't test anything.16:42
jamespageso a bit stalled for this week now - I'm out until Monday and adam_g is in Japan on hols16:43
* mthaddon nods - thx16:43
=== Kyle_ is now known as Kyle
=== racedo` is now known as racedo
X-warriorHey guys, I just bootstrapped a machine on amazon, then I tried to deploy a postgresql to the same machine as bootstrap (already did this in the past and it worked), but now it stays as pending forever, and if I check the logs inside the machine there is a log of "/bin/sh: 1: exec: /var/lib/juju/tools/unit-postgresql-0/jujud: not found" messages17:36
AskUbuntuInstall juju on the main network interface | http://askubuntu.com/q/37608719:23
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
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