
penguin42any pango or unity guys here? Bug 1239381 - the last comment someone added another way of triggering it, the backtrace looks similar on saucy, and it doesn't trigger on Trusty - should it be the same bug?11:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 1239381 in Unity 7.0 "Unity crashes when entering a term including "emu" in the home lens" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123938111:53
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joosseeguys is there any fix for the dash home button being very laggy?20:26
brainwashsome days and pointless comments later there is still no visible progress regarding bug 120538420:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 1205384 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "Lock can be circumvented by switching to console" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120538420:32
brainwashit is the no. 1 bug in Lubuntu 13.10, normally one would expect a emergency fix within few days...20:34
joosseewow that does seem serious!20:35
brainwashit really is20:36
joosseeya i love lubuntu.. i think im on 12 and 11 though so...20:37
brainwashI'm not even using Lubuntu, but I've informed the people in #lubuntu and in this channel several times, also marked the bug report as "security" one, talked to the QA lubuntu guy and guess what... no change so far20:39
brainwashthe package maintainer might be busy, but this is a serious issue20:40
brainwashif he does not have the time, he should assign someone else20:40
joosseeremember "open source" means "i have a day job"20:41
brainwashthis is no excuse for releasing a product with a major flaw20:42
penguin42brainwash: As I've said before, you could try asking the guy assigned to it if there is any progress20:50
brainwashpenguin42: he does not react to the comment flood in the report20:52
penguin42brainwash: He may well have hundreds of bugs on his plate, but the other thing you can try after asking him nicely if he doesn't respond, you could try asking in #ubuntu-dev20:53
penguin42brainwash: But again, ubuntu gets released on a time basis, if something is broken in general it still gets released20:54
penguin42brainwash: and lubuntu isn't supported so - shrug20:54
penguin42brainwash: If you fix the problem and push a branch I'm sure you can get it merged20:55
brainwashbut it's an official release20:55
jtaylorId on't see a patch or a upstream bug there20:55
brainwashso some sort of QA should care about this kind of issues20:55
penguin42brainwash: It's not supported20:55
brainwashwhat a bummer20:56
brainwashjtaylor: the package maintainer is already assigned and knows about this problem, but there is still no fix available (check the dates)20:57
penguin42or at least I don't think it is - it does have a task: tag, so hmm20:58
jtayloras I interpret his answer there is no solution21:00
penguin42hnnm hggdh did ping him on the 6th21:02
penguin42brainwash: The other thing I can't quite understand from that report is whether the  dm-tool command the reporter is using to lock the screen is normal; i.e. does this thing fail if you just wait for the system to lock screen or is it only if you use dm-tool?   If it's only when you use dm-tool it seems less of an issue21:10
brainwashthe lubuntu/lxde session calls lxlock which triggers dm-tool21:12
brainwashit could be fixed by reverting the changes to lxlock, so it calls xscreensaver as first option... but xscreensaver is not part of the default lubuntu installation anymore21:14
brainwashand proper lightdm locking is available starting with 14.04 -> light-locker21:14
penguin42brainwash: So IMHO the right thing to do is wait a couple more days to see if he replies to hggdh's prod, and if he doesn't then hmm21:26
brainwashpenguin42: right, "hmm"21:41
penguin42brainwash: I'm not sure what else I'd suggest; you could try asking the ubuntu-security guys, but the real mistake here seems to be the stuff went into the release too early21:59

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