
=== FreezingAlt is now known as FreezingCold
=== gfrog is now known as gfrog_working
Psil0Cybinhey guys i have a few questions about how kernels work, I upgraded my Ubuntu system and the new kernel is causing a blackscreen where no parameters fix the issue03:35
Psil0Cybinhow can i go about creating a proper report so i can help people working on the new kernels to look at my issue03:35
Psil0Cybindo you think it is fine to use an outdated kernel? would new kernels have a potential of fixing my issue and i should sit this kernel update that is causing the problems out?03:36
=== gfrog_working is now known as gfrog
Psil0Cybinhey guys i have a few questions about how kernels work, I upgraded my Ubuntu system and the new kernel is causing a blackscreen where no parameters fix the issue06:54
Psil0Cybindo you think it is fine to use an outdated kernel? would new kernels have a potential of fixing my issue and i should sit this kernel update that is causing the problems out?06:54
Psil0Cybinhey guys i have a few questions about how kernels work, I upgraded my Ubuntu system and the new kernel is causing a blackscreen where no parameters fix the issue06:54
Psil0Cybinwoops wrong button sorry. 06:54
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ppisatirobher: Rob, don't know if you saw my email, but we are still waiting your comments about the xgmac learning patch10:53
ppisatirobher: subject: "Re: [PATCH 4/5] UBUNTU: SAUCE: net: calxedaxgmac: add mac address learning"10:54
brendandcking, is there an fwts test for backlight?11:55
ckingbrendand, no11:55
brendandcking, any reason?11:55
ckingno one never requested it (yet)11:56
brendandcking, fair enough :)11:56
ckingbrendand, you could file a bug and i'll chat to hwe to see what is doable 11:56
brendandcking, i think there should be since the firmware interface seems to be the preferred method of updating the backlight by gsd11:56
brendandcking, i can file a bug of course11:57
ckingbrendand, more tests is always good ;-)11:57
brendandcking, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/125042912:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 1250429 in Firmware Test Suite "FWTS should have a test to check that ACPI backlight interface works correctly" [Undecided,New]12:02
brendandcking, cheers12:02
ckingbrendand, I'll get around to it in the next week or so12:06
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rtgppisati, any feedback on the xmac MAC learning patch ?14:26
ppisatirtg: nope, i pinged rob today, let's see if he answer14:27
rtgapw, I'm gonna start an unstable branch in trusty so I can start going through all of the new config options in 3.1314:41
apwrtg, makes a lot of sense to me, will help me with my endevours too14:47
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ppisatimumble failure15:18
rtgppisati, I'm rebasing against 3.13 merge window. WTF is ARM_ARCH_TIMER_EVTSTREAM ?15:22
ppisatirtg: hold on15:22
rtgeven afterreading the help text I'm confused15:22
ppisatirtg: i had the same reaction...15:28
ppisatirtg: https://lkml.org/lkml/2013/9/18/12515:28
ppisatirtg: looks like timeout support for wfe (enter/exit low-power standby) or evern programming error events15:28
rtgppisati, hmm, I wonder why its being built for x86'en. seems like some Kconfig patches are in order.15:28
ppisatirtg: i doubt it attaches there, they probably let it build on x86 to extend toolchain exposure trying to catch as many bugs as possible15:30
ckingbrendand, i've just responded to that brightness test fwts bug, can you follow it up?15:37
hallyn_apw: stgraber: so there's a weird issue (https://github.com/lxc/lxc/issues/25) with avahi-daemon in a container.  it drops caps then clones.  Outside a container the clone works, but inside a container the clone only works if you hack it to not drop CAP_SYS_RESOURCE.15:40
hallyn_(clone fails with -EAGAIN)15:40
hallyn_running the container unconfined does not change things;  running outside a container in a hand-built cgroup does not change things;  so i'm having a hard time figuring out why there is anydifference in the privilege level15:42
hallyn_ooooh, wiat15:44
apwhallyn_, ... waiting15:44
hallyn_the uid is in use on the host15:44
hallyn_i bet using a unique uid will fix it15:45
hallyn_not really a satisfactory fix, but it would at least explain it15:45
* apw hmms isn't that meant to be fixed by uid spaces15:45
brendandcking - ok i did15:46
hallyn_apw: yeah, but those are not yet in use in most places15:46
brendandcking, i think i probably shouldn't raise any more of these bugs before the years end, else i'll have to buy you a christmas present15:46
brendand(at this stage i probably already should)15:47
ckingbrendand, heh, it's no problem really15:47
hallyn_apw: yeah so that fixes it.  sorry for the noise.  (not sure what to do about it, but it's not a kernel issue :)15:48
ckingbrendand, i think I will call it "autobrightness" if that's OK15:49
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brendandcking, backlight?15:49
brendandcking, your call15:49
ppisatibug 125049515:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 1250495 in flash-kernel (Ubuntu) "armhf: highbank: relocate initrd to make room for a bigger kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125049515:56
ppisatiinfinity: you might be interested in it ^15:56
apwppisati, approved noms16:00
rtgapw, pushed unstable, starting build tests16:02
apwrtg, ta16:18
robherppisati, infinity: we've adjusted the initrd and kernel addresses in the u-boot env to fix this issue. It should be part of 2.4.x firmware.16:54
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infinityppisati: Erk.  Fun.  Can you remind me about it in a few days?  I'm about to run and catch a plane today and lose all context.17:15
infinityrobher: Adjusting it in firmware means we don't need to care about the boot.scr hack, or...?17:15
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* apw wanders to another room18:16
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* rtg -> lunch19:22
Psil0Cybinhey guys i have a question about kernels i am so ocnfused maybe someone can shoot me in the right direction21:52
apwPsil0Cybin, you will do well to actually ask that question22:02
apwthen we can work out who knows etc 22:03
Psil0Cybini have kernel number 3.2.0-55-generic-pae22:14
Psil0Cybinapw: my question is i used dist-upgrade got a new kernel, it caused a blackscreen i tried nomodeset22:14
Psil0Cybindid not work i tried all other paremeters did not work22:14
Psil0Cybinsomeone suggested to ry a mainline kernel22:14
Psil0Cybinis this the newest kernel for my build?22:15
rtgPsil0Cybin, its the newest one you want to try. anything newer is getting pretty steamy.22:16
Psil0Cybinokay perfect so im installing it22:16
Psil0Cybinand im getting this22:16
Psil0Cybinis that normal or is it because i did not instead the headers yet?22:16
rtgPsil0Cybin, its benign (unless you have an rtl device that requires this firmware)22:17
Psil0Cybinokay thanks22:17
Psil0Cybinjesus im new :P so im trying to learn ahah22:17
Psil0Cybinyou guys are so helpful i wish i could get everyone @ #ubuntu a giftbasket.22:17
rtgthen we'd all get fat :)22:17
Psil0Cybinokay so now im installing the headers22:18
Psil0Cybinand im set to test :)22:18
Psil0Cybinrtg: i installed the header and im getting this messages22:23
Psil0CybinError! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.12.0-031200-generic (i686)22:24
Psil0CybinConsult /var/lib/dkms/cedarview-drm/20120717/build/make.log for more information.22:24
rtgPsil0Cybin, I don't know what cedarview-drm is, but it clear;y doesn't like those kernel headers22:25
Psil0Cybincedarview is my graphic driver22:25
Psil0Cybinwhich is why i am getting a blackscreen i assume22:25
Psil0Cybinso it looks like no kernel will work for me other then what i am using now22:26
rtgyeah, its unlikely kernels newer then 3.2 will work.22:26
Psil0Cybinso what do i do..if i have an acer aspire one, d270-1628 i do not want new features22:27
Psil0Cybinbut i want to make sure i am always secure22:27
Psil0Cybinwhen it comes to security issues.22:27
rtg3.2 is supported for 5 years from 12.0422:27
Psil0Cybinoh eally for now?22:27
Psil0Cybinso im fine for 5 years22:28
Psil0Cybinjust i should save up for better hardware?22:28
Psil0Cybinso now next question if i go out and buy a laptop what laptop can i buy to insure that i get good quality support from ubuntu22:28
Psil0Cybinwhen it comes to kernel and drivers.22:28
rtgdell pre-installed22:29
Psil0Cybinoh really dell?22:29
Psil0Cybinis a good machine for ubuntu?22:29
rtgonly those that come pre-insatlled with ubuntu22:29
Psil0Cybinokay but lets say i get a pre installed version does it come with the drivers on a usb or something incase i want to format later?22:29
Psil0Cybinor just the hardware is really good one those when it comes to support22:30
Psil0Cybinfor the linux community.22:30
rtga little of both22:30
Psil0Cybinalright sigh i wish i knew this before hand22:30
Psil0Cybini just got this laptop...and now i find out when it comes to linux its garbage because intel is shittay22:31
Psil0Cybinits small netbook i wanted to run xubuntu on forever :)22:31
rtgwell, whats wrong with the bits that came on it ? you're good until 17.0422:31
rtganyway, I'm EOD22:31
* rtg -> EOD22:32

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