
CrazyLemonhey guys10:13
CrazyLemonwe (slovenian translators) noticed that every time \window{string} is used it shows up as "?string?"10:14
CrazyLemonis this a bug or a feature? :)10:14
godbykCrazyLemon: Definitely a bug. I'll look into it. Thanks!17:16
CrazyLemongodbyk hey17:16
CrazyLemonare you only one alive in here? :D17:16
godbykSometimes I'm not even alive in here. :-)17:17
CrazyLemonand one more question.. can i just push the screenshots or do i have to send them to someone who has permissions for saucy branch?17:19
godbykCrazyLemon: You can push them directly.17:22
CrazyLemongodbyk so bzr add screenshots/sl/ and bzr push lp:~crazylemon/ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual      if i understand correctly?17:23
CrazyLemonand commit -m before push of course17:23
CrazyLemonoh no..my bad..its bzr push lp:ubuntu-manual/saucy17:23
godbykRight lp:ubuntu-manual/saucy.17:23
CrazyLemoni still tho have issues with building manual and i cant figure what the hell is wrong17:28
cqfd93CrazyLemon: many of your screenshots show the mouse pointer :-)18:03
CrazyLemoncqfd93 yea i saw those19:01
CrazyLemon(not my screenshot tho)19:01
CrazyLemonbut we dont mind :p19:01

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