
ApOgEEsiapa pandai PHP kat sini yg mencari kerja?01:17
ApOgEEaku ada peluang kerja... tolong warwarkan01:17
fairuzpagi rakan202:01
ApOgEEpagi fairuz 02:23
fairuzApOgEE: ohh ade kat sini hehe02:28
fairuzApOgEE: tengah mengumpul team nampak02:28
ApOgEEtengah mengumpul team... nak bikin dev team utk projek kecil-kecilan je dulu.02:37
ApOgEEdah cukup modal, baru bikin projek mega02:37
ApOgEEhey ho KatieKitty 03:01
fairuzApOgEE: ok dah tu, tanda berkembang03:02
excalibrangch, have you heard back from tm about your repo the other day?08:56
fairuzyo excalibr08:59
excalibrohai ther09:02
excalibrapogee nak bikin dev team..dia dah quit keje ke?09:03
fairuzdia dah lama solo kan09:04
fairuzkumpul team tu nak kembangkan bisnes apogeek dia la tu09:04
excalibroo..patut la. aku igtkan bisnes printing tu side job dia09:05
angchexcalibr, ?09:18
angchexcalibr, context?09:18
angchwhat repo?09:18
excalibroo angch dah lupa09:46
excalibrpsl repo slow hari tu09:47
fairuzany regex guru here?09:47
excalibrfairuz, tak reti mana tapi berminat nak tau masalah09:48
fairuznak match 0001 sampai 999909:51
fairuztapi tanak 000009:51
fairuznampak mcm simple je, tapi aku dah pening keke09:51
excalibrko kena pecah ke >1 segmen09:53
fairuzyang 3 character first tu takde problem09:54
fairuzyg character last tu dia boleh jadi \d tapi dia boleh jadi [1-9]09:54
angchexcalibr, oh okay. :) no change, tapi sekarang dah kurang jam sikit.09:55
angch(/me ingat projek lain)09:55
angchfairuz, guna dua regex.09:56
excalibrangch, igatkan tm tanya sebab nak sponsor bandwdith?09:56
fairuzangch: (?!0000)\d{4} seems working, need to test more09:57
angch /\d{4}+/ then not /0000/09:58
fairuzI think (?!0000)\d{4} does exactly that. Negative look ahead thing09:59
fairuzShit, each time I use regex, I will get headache10:02
angchexcalibr, heh, long story. bottom line, malas nak potong and reconnect, etc.  bah.10:02
excalibrkalau ^(?:000[1-9]|00[10-99|0[100-999]|[1000-9999])$10:04
fairuzexcalibr: tak matching ape2 aku test yg tu10:08
fairuzdah ok kot, I will stick to (?!0000)\d{4}10:08
excalibrsejak bila num range boleh tulis camtu10:12
angchexcalibr, give it up lah. no way you can make it work in a single regex and still make it fast and readable.10:12
fairuznegative lookahead ni10:13
excalibrangch, i just did..i got mixed up num range in {} with regex numeric range10:14
excalibrfairuz, the facepalm was for me10:15
angchfairuz, yeah, that regex works.10:15
angchstill not a fan of negative lookaheads.10:17
* fairuz being a regex noob. Only know about it just now while reading the web. :)10:19
=== Romance_ is now known as Romance
fzlamnfailed ek? 15:18
fzlamnsunyi macam selalu. 16:42

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