
dholbachgood morning06:41
=== _salem is now known as salem_
khalidzuhdhello world18:59
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-on-air to: Welcome to Ubuntu on Air! || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/OWD4uc || Ask your questions at ubuntuonair.com || Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UbuntuOnAir || Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/UbuntuOnAir || Current Session: Jono Bacon Q&A - Speakers: jono
khalidzuhdwhen will we start ?19:00
AirBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/11/12/%23ubuntu-on-air.html following the conclusion of the session.19:00
theadminHello jono, it's wörking19:01
RemingtonI see you19:01
aoii see you!!19:01
PopcornMakerI see and hear you19:01
bkerensajono: Awww19:01
RemingtonI see and hear you19:02
dave753i see you19:02
c00dex306c & hear u19:02
RichieSVKHi all19:02
debrisrathi !19:02
Mark___It is working here19:02
diazepan hi19:02
khalidzuhdcan you give me the google + hangout link ?19:02
debrisratwhat is  ubuntu on air ?? khalidzuhd19:02
Oli_Mohey guys :D we all love ubuntu right? :D19:02
khalidzuhdi dont know19:03
PopcornMakerQUESTION: Whenever i look over at ubuntu.com i only see that Ubuntu Touch only is available for developers. When will i be able to download and instal it on my device?19:03
theadminPopcornMaker: You can now! See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install19:03
khalidzuhdcan you introduse your self19:04
debrisratthank you ! :)19:04
=== Richard is now known as Guest54880
khalidzuhdwho are you ?19:04
Guest54880Yup we see you!19:05
ShippDQuestion Did you get the noisy chair fixed...lol sorry had to ask...lol19:05
micah2Nice shirt, Jono!19:05
khalidzuhd who are you ?19:05
theadminQUESTION: What's the status on MIR? I know it didn't make its' way into Saucy, but will it be in Trusty, or is that still not certain?19:05
Mark___QUESTION: When is there going to be a Ubuntu tablet released?19:05
=== Guest54880 is now known as rich123
Levan#Question] Are you planning to add Email client to ubuntu touch, and will we ever be able to just install desktop apps on ubuntu touch cell phones ??19:07
sh2515quick link to indiegogo linux voice magazine.19:07
po1arityQUESTION: is chrome going to be the default browser from now on?19:08
noname_QUESTION: When can i buy a device with Ubuntu TV on it?19:09
micah2Question: I've heard that the Canonical designers are discussing how to make sure Ubuntu Phone users know when apps have menu toolbars hidden away. I have some thoughts on the topic and have coded up a basic example of how I think things might work well, what is the best way to make my suggestions available for consideration by the right people?19:09
Mark___QUESTION: There have a lot of information being collected on people (NSA, Android, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft) What is Ubuntu doing to protect Ubuntu users?19:09
sh2515QUESTION well a quick link to the indiegogo funding linuxvoice.com. a new magazine from the editors of linux format19:10
blues_QUESTION:  Who is responsable for the management of our account.  I mean I have software that do not re-install because I change my username and email and I cannot buy it again because it is already tag purchased in my account.  I don't mind to rebuy but there is no tools to manage account.19:10
* mhall119 is running Mir+XMir on 13.1019:11
this_is_not_myniQUESTION: were you surprised that steam built is own OS instead of working with ubuntu?19:11
sh2515QUESTION What will be the compatibility issues between distros when the split of mir and weyland occur?19:11
rstreeterQUESTION: Will the web browser app replace firefox?19:13
rich123QUESTION: Since Mir is being introduced, will we be unable to install graphics drivers the same way?19:13
menotyouQUESTION: Has work started to get ubuntu on Nexus 5?19:13
MarkcortbassQUESTION: Is it possible to run 'normal desktop/X86,X64' apps on a Ubuntu Touch tablet?19:14
LevanQUESTION: I had a problem with ubuntu touch some aps are not full screen on nexus like camera app when will it be fixed19:16
theadminLevan: This is not a support channel, please visit #ubuntu-touch19:17
PopcornMakerQUESTION: Are you going to work with ubuntu touch on the Nexus 5? Would be epic having that power house with ubuntu touch.19:17
khalidzuhdwhen will ubuntu add tools to mange power and screen for laptops19:18
ahmed__i am from pakistan19:18
ahmed__the videi link is of youtube, which is banned in pakistan19:19
ahmed__any alternative video link??19:19
e8hffffCan Ubuntu-Touch display pdf eBooks yet and cen they be launched from the file browser.  What's the news to when if not?19:19
Levan <theadmin> I think it is just how it is written not a problem with my install19:19
theadminahmed__: Unfortunately not, it's a live video19:19
LevanQUESTION: what is the next step for ubuntu Dash and how is the consent of new software center cumming ??19:23
=== hobo is now known as Guest85279
theadminQUESTIONS: What, in your opinion, is the best way to convince a Windows/OSX user to try Ubuntu? Do you yourself try to "convert" users to Linux?19:26
DS_McGuireQUESTION: Yo Jono, on unity 8 would light DM be used?19:27
LevanSorry if any one read my last question I misspelled a word sorry for that19:27
FlyingPigQUESTION: What's Valves opinion on Mir or Wayland?19:28
aoiQUESTION: i found out that many people like to use ubuntu as a replacement for windows but the office is not that great they said, are you going to upgrade libreoffice to beat microsoft office?19:28
MarkcortbassThank you very much Jono!19:28
Levanthere is a libreofice android app19:28
ahayzenQUESTION: What is your favourite app on Ubuntu Touch and what is your favourite innovation in Ubuntu Touch?19:28
theadminaoi: LibreOffice isn't developed by the Ubuntu team, sadly.19:28
theadminaoi: I hear Microsoft are working on a Linux version of their Office though19:28
linux-userMicrosoft Office for Linux ha, ha, ha....19:29
rstreeterQUESTION:What do you think of the Project Community Computers?19:29
this_is_not_my_nQUESTION: systemd and upstart is quite hot topic on debian, what do you think will be the impact if they go with systemd?19:30
aoiQUESTION: is there an ebook for manual of terminal in ubuntu? id like to share it to my friends19:30
DS_McGuireQUESTION:  Is it still true that there will be Ubuntu hardware shipping next year for the phone/tablet? The CEO said that this was true however it was said during the Edge campaign so it caused some  confusion.19:30
=== Noddy is now known as Guest38493
LevanQUESTION: Will we get a new software center soon for desktop ?? or no more software center at all even on desktop ??19:31
DS_McGuireQUESTION: If there is only going to be scopes instead of the Software Centre (which is a good idea) how would users go about discovering new apps?19:31
khalidzuhdwhat is the next step of ubuntu to support new app ?19:31
e8hffffQUESTION: Can Ubuntu-Touch display pdf eBooks yet and cen they be launched from the file browser.  What's the news to when if not?19:31
luigixl----» keep ubuntu deacktop free, in the future ubuntu will be the most used OS..19:32
khalidzuhdwhy ubuntu is not rolling destrow ?19:32
=== lala is now known as Guest9138
LevanLibreoffice is garbage if it would cost a cent no one would use it you can not find any thing in it19:33
theadminLevan: That might be your opinion. I find LibreOffice more comfortable than Microsoft one.19:34
luigixl Question! Have you heard about minix 3, if you did what you think about it?19:35
theadminQUESTION: What are you drinking there? :D19:36
Levan<theadmin> I know but the people like me are used to ms office it is dreadful experience I have asked this question to more then 10 people and same answer it is good that it is free but more the that no19:36
Andres_BoteroQUESTION: Will adobe packages (phtoshop, indesign etc) run in Ubuntu in an standar way as they do in windows and mac? I mean without running wine or such. That's one of the reasons I have to keep using windows sometimes19:36
theadminAndres_Botero: You'd have to ask Adobe.19:36
theadminLevan: I have the same problem with MS Office -- I can't find anything :D Matter of habit really.19:37
Levan<theadmin> i Understand :)19:37
this_is_not_my_nQUESTION: any news about nvdia/amd/intel support on mir?19:38
derricolatorWill there be a port of ubuntu for phones to samsungs galaxy s3 mini19:38
this_is_not_my_nQUESTION: does that new software center will enter into trusty thar?19:39
rstreeterQUESTION: How was your anniversary? Congrats man.19:39
luigixlso no knowledge about minix 3 ?19:39
RobbieNorQUESTION: Are 'Uubntu Accomplishments' they still in development? If so, when can we expect them to land in a release?19:39
LevanQUESTION: are you planning to make ubuntu touch lighter on resources, just like ubuntu is for pc every one can run it or ubuntu touch will be for premium market only ??19:39
ttoineQUESTION: what is your feeling about Ubuntu Studio ?19:42
theadminQUESTION: Is Ubuntu looking to support more desktop environments? A lot of new stuff like Cinnamon and MATE appeared recently, and I was wondering if there will be Ubuntu editions using those. I apologize if Canonical isn't responsible for editions with other desktops, not too familiar with the infrastructure.19:42
LevanQUESTION: what kind of PIE do you love19:43
snwhQUESTION: what does the fox say?19:43
PhillWoobAs a web developer I am interesting movment to PCI complient web servers out of the box. From Phill B your old mate from uni19:43
micah2Question: Do you know what the tradeoffs will be between developing Ubuntu SDK apps in Javascript vs golang?19:43
ttoineit's a shame you didn't try it for a long time19:43
DS_McGuireQUESTION: Personally... Don't you think the low end would be a better area to compete in because of the lack of major competition?19:44
LevanQUESTION: will you play ?? if yes did you fix the sound system, ??19:44
rstreeterQUESTION: What was the deal with the fixubuntu and the logo?19:44
ttoinerockforwater.com ?19:45
leedevQUESTION: Could you type the link to your music in the chat?  I have no idea what you said it was.19:48
ttoinethank you for the links19:48
AlanBellQUESTION: (shameless plug) have you seen this campaign to build Ubuntu for the Raspberry Pi? http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/a-raspberry-pi-build-cluster-for-ubuntu/x/520692319:49
theadminleedev: http://www.gofundme.com/rockforwater http://www.jonobacon.org/creative/ and http://badvoltage.org were the links he mentioned.19:49
DS_McGuireQUESTION: We have recently heard that Nokia's HERE mapping platform will be powering Tizen, what are  the plans for the maps? Will we a deal like that any time soon.19:49
leedevtheadmin, thank you19:49
PhillWoobQuestion: PCI Compliant out of the box web servers?19:50
snwhQUESTION: what if ubuntu mobile is a giant industry flop?19:51
pulu90yes quitarrrrr19:51
LevanPlay please19:52
Hobuntuplay some guitar19:52
snwhi wasted a question with "what does the fox say", what a fool.19:52
theadminsnwh: Can still ask some :D19:52
AlanBellsnwh: I don't think it was a waste :)19:52
Hobuntuwho are you admin?19:53
snwhi generally ask silly questions19:53
AlanBellthis bit is still broken https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libunity/+bug/125013419:53
theadminHobuntu: Just a user, is all.19:53
theadminHobuntu: With a silly nickname :)19:53
ryanpriorQUESTION how come we don't have Unity overlay scroll-bars for Firefox, Chrome, GNU EMACS, LibreOffice? Surely Canonical folks use these apps a lot?19:53
ryanpriorQUESTION are you still working towards the system-level support for tabs, with major changes to the alt-tab interface to respect the internal information organization within Ubuntu apps? The mockups shown a while ago looked great for Desktop, and the idea seems even better on mobile.19:54
micah2FYI: micah2 != Micah Lee19:55
micah2micah2 == Micah Losli19:55
jamvaruthere is always an asshat in every situation19:58
snwh..he knows the guy who got fired from the trademarks team ;)19:59
popeynobody was fired19:59
mhall119jamvaru: not an asshat, just somebody who assumed the worst19:59
ryanpriorit's a legal e-mail, you're saying somebody's not supposed to take your lawyers' correspondence seriously?19:59
popeyfrom a cannon19:59
jamvaruthere u go19:59
AlanBellryanprior: a paralegal is not a lawyer19:59
ryanpriorAlanBell: fair point, doesn't he or she still represent a legal aparatus?20:00
mhall119ryanprior: nobody is saying that20:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-on-air to: Welcome to Ubuntu on Air! || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/OWD4uc || Ask your questions at ubuntuonair.com || Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UbuntuOnAir || Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/UbuntuOnAir ||
AlanBellCanonical's lawyers are much scarier. We got a letter from them once20:00
mhall119only that assumptions were made about the intention of the letter that were not accurate20:00
snwhlegal documents are always intimidating20:00
ryanpriordon't Canonical's paralegals operate with supervision from their licensed legal representation?20:00
mhall119ryanprior: yes it was a legal letter20:01
ryanpriorAlanBell: that's interesting. counterintuitive from what I'd expect, but that's often true when it comes to legal matters.20:01
mhall119it's fine that he contacted the EFF's lawyers20:01
jamvaruparalegals can be held accountable for their actions like a lawyer can be20:01
ryanpriorjamvaru: I'd hope that would be true. And if a paralegal offers a legal opinion ("your website infringes a trademark") without being undersigned by a licensed attorney, isn't that a crime in itself? practicing law without proper license?20:02
AlanBellit is more of a qualification, someone who has had a certain amount of legal training but is not a lawyer20:02
PhillWoobIm starting a brand called tunbu20:02
mhall119ryanprior: it wasn't practicing law20:03
snwhi already have my Emu Bun Tubas at emubuntubas.com20:03
jamvaruim sure letterhead is enough to establish accoutability20:03
popey\o/ legal speculation20:03
PhillWoobbed time is it20:04
Levanno music ??20:04
Levantoo bad20:05
=== Mike is now known as Guest72585
DS_McGuireTill next time Jono!20:05
LevanTake care and good luck20:05
khalidzuhdwhat is the next step of ubuntu to support new app ?20:05
khalidzuhdwhy ubuntu is not rolling destrow ?20:06
mhall119khalidzuhd: can you expand on your question about supporting new apps?20:06
leedevit is a rolling disto to me20:07
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newbreaker12w can see you^^20:17
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
OkTaur comeing through loud and clear down here in little old new zealand22:25
OkTaQUESTION  will there be support for windows games (old and new) on Ubuntu?22:26

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