
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
LjL"that's described in the links given"01:02
LjL... no, it's not?01:02
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (martinlemaitre  attitude/insults)04:17
DJonesI'm sure watching #u is making me paranoid, somebody asking about ALSA & being pointed to #alsa at first glance I thought it it was a question about NSA spying on ubuntu...Doh...maybe time to see about new glasses or a better tinfoil hat09:45
ikonia03:59 -!- Fujio [uid4207@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zesurazyfwkkxqrd] has quit [Quit:10:03
ikoniait's the fujisan guy again10:03
ikoniathe guy who used to toll the channel over and over10:03
k1lyep. 81bantracker entries10:10
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (marion)10:25
k1lwanted to do the same :)10:26
DJonesI'll remove that in an hour10:28
k1lno hurry. only matches on that range are from today and from those users10:29
DJonesYeah thats what I saw10:30
DJonesStill joining and trying again though10:30
k1lyep. i would consider making it a ban. but its up to you10:31
DJonesI would guess its kids/school using live cd's, so doubt it will last long10:32
DJonesThe ip's resolve to the philippines10:33
DJonesSaint Louis University Baguio10:35
* genii slides IdleOne a beverage22:11
IdleOnethank you sir.22:11
geniiIdleOne: :)22:21

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