
jyopleia2: Can't make it to the Hour on Wednesday but are y'all doing Henry's afterwards? Might be able to join for that.03:25
pleia2jyo: wasn't planning on it this month03:26
pleia2I suck at time zones, so I think an hour is all I can manage :)03:26
jyopleia2: :)03:27
philipballewpleia2, Life back to normal yet?03:36
pleia2philipballew: haha, not hardly03:37
pleia2haven't even been off a plane for 24 hours yet :)03:38
philipballewpleia2, Arn't you on a plane about once every 24 hours though? :)03:38
philipballewpleia2, your passport must look pretty cool though! :)03:40
pleia2yeah, shame I'm changing my name and will have to start all over!03:42
philipballewpleia2, That might invalidate some visa's if you have any!03:46
pleia2yeah, I don't have any that I need03:46
pleia2my ghana one was 1 trip, and both HK and .au are on my old name ,and I don't plan to go back in 3 months03:46
pleia2I won't be updating my passport until I get back from .au in january03:46
philipballewpleia2, I like how you reference a country by it's Internet address.03:47
pleia2I am changing it on my SS# and drivers license this month though, going to court on thursday \o/03:47
pleia2life is too short to type full country names :)03:48
philipballewpleia2, Wanna bring me back a kangaroo?03:48
pleia2I don't think customs would approve03:48
philipballewpleia2, Customs already hates me for crossing into the states with my school id a few weeks ago. So good idea to not do that.03:49
philipballewThe sad truth is, that American customs here, will let anyone in as long as they are not darker skinned... Just tell them who won the world series, or that you love the Chargers...03:50
philipballewI wish it were not so, but that is the way it is.03:51
akk. o O ( note to self: study up on recent world series results before flying next )03:59
pleia2go red sox03:59
philipballewpleia2, They did a good job this year for sure.04:08

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