
Kilosmorning Squirm and other peeps05:23
nlsthznswoop swoop swoop swoop05:35
Kiloswassup nlsthzn 05:40
Kiloshi SilverCode 05:40
nlsthzngoeie more Suid Afrika :D05:42
Kiloshaha :D05:42
* Kilos needs to learn to hack .exe files05:43
nlsthznreverse engineering... a dark art ...05:44
Kiloslisten to my reasoning nlsthzn 05:45
Kilosmy old modem never times out but the e220 does , so it cant be any settings in the pc can it?05:45
Kilosmust be in the modem itself05:46
nlsthznit can always be software related... one modem := another modem...05:46
nlsthznbut I am not sure what an exe has to do with it ?05:47
Kilosso if i can get to edit the thing i sould find a tiemout = "10" or something05:47
Kilosthats how one installs the modem firmware05:47
Kilosor maybe its in the mobilepartner software05:50
nlsthznthere must be someone in the vicinity with a windows pc that can flash the firmwear for you surely?!05:50
Kilosim sure my pc dont like timeouts05:50
Kilosi have flashed it a few times05:50
Kiloswen from vmc software to mobilepartner and back a few times05:51
Kilosi have win7 on other pc 05:51
Kilosand xp here05:51
Kilosits so lekker fast that modem05:52
* nlsthzn doesn't know all the details and doesn't understand... but that is ok because that is normal...05:52
Kilosmaybe i should run it online in win and see if it timesout there too05:53
Kilosim just asking to see if my logic is logical05:54
Kilosif it times out on win too then its the modems software right?05:55
bduk1More almal05:59
Kilosmore bduk1 05:59
ThatGraemeGuymorning all06:34
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 06:34
Cantidegood morning~06:37
Kilosohi Cantide wb06:39
Cantidehey Kilos :)06:40
Cantidehow goes it?06:40
mazalMorning everyone06:41
nlsthznwalala wasala06:44
Kiloshi mazal 06:46
Kilosai! nlsthzn what does that mean06:47
nlsthznyou snooze you loose06:47
nlsthznafaik :p06:47
Kilosin what language06:48
Kiloslala is sleep in black languages here06:48
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:31
Kilosinetpro, morning what does this mean and in which taal walala wasala07:32
inetprogood morning07:33
inetproKilos: Zulu as far as I am aware07:33
Kilosty sir07:33
inetpromeans if you sleep you loose out07:33
inetproor more directly, if you sleep you stay behind07:34
Kilosso neelsie still has some za in him. not all ahabfide07:34
Kilos2.5mm rain sigh07:35
inetprohmm... I forgot to check07:35
Kilosall that storming and power offs07:35
Kiloshiya maiatoday 07:48
smilehi :D08:00
Kiloshi smile wb08:08
smileHi, thanks :)08:09
Kiloswhats happening with you?08:09
smile(I think) my exams went well :)08:09
Kilosyou finished?08:09
smileAnd now I'm enjoying my short vacation of 4 days :p08:09
Kilosthen what?08:09
smileyes :) not quite there yet, it's my first year, first period :p08:09
smilei have three years with 4 periods each ;)08:10
smilefor each season one ;08:10
smiletomorrow back to school! :)08:10
Kilosstudy hard08:10
smileyeah :)08:10
smileI'm fine, I saw my girlfriend yesterday :)08:10
smileHow are you? :)08:10
Kilosgood ty08:11
smileHave you seen my new (small school project) website? :D www.hugsmile/baby/08:13
smileprobably should have typed http too ;) http://www.hugsmile.eu/baby/08:13
Kiloshaha you selling knitted babys stuff?08:16
Kiloswho does the knitting08:17
smileno one :D08:17
smilethat's the funny thing about it ;)08:18
smileit doesn't work at all. But that was the goal - just making a static site - nothing should be working ;)08:18
smileotherwise I would need a database :)08:19
smileand they don't want me to use one08:19
smileso ;)08:19
Kilosis it a free site you made like that08:19
smileno :) I've written all the code myself :)08:21
smileno copy-pasting involved08:21
smileCTRL U will show the source code08:22
Kiloshi henkj 08:32
* smile hugs Kilos :D08:33
Kiloshaha ty08:33
Kilosyou need to explain to me what that does08:33
Kiloswhere is your site? on a host somewhere?08:34
Kilosor does it run from your pc?08:36
Kilossmile, ^^08:42
smileKilos: it runs from a mediawax.be server ;)08:43
smilewhich is a hosting company :)08:43
smileso my site is on the internet :)08:43
Kiloslol i dont understand how you can offer stuff for sale that isnt there to sell 08:46
smilemy site consists of HTML (content & semantics), CSS (style) and JavaScript (behaviour) :)08:46
smilejust saying "OK" when nothing has happened at all :DD08:46
Kiloswhat made you choose baby stuff anyway08:47
smileWe needed to choose between three projects :)08:47
smileand this seemed okay :) not too hard, not too easy08:47
Kilosi thought maybe you pregnant and broody08:47
smileNot quite08:48
Kilosohi superfly 08:57
henkjhi Kilos 08:57
superflyhi Kilos, henkj08:57
superflyhenkj: do you know about AfricaCom?08:57
henkjsuperfly: no?08:58
superflyhenkj: ok, no worries08:58
henkjsuperfly: happening at the cticc now?08:59
superflywe have half a stand ;-)09:00
henkjsuperfly: nice09:02
Kiloshi psyatw magespawn 09:36
psyatwhi Kilos09:36
psyatwhello magespawn09:36
magespawnhi Kilos psyatw 09:54
magespawnhowdy all09:55
Kilosheres a site with cheaper pc stuff i think09:59
Kilosi dunno how you see prices there, i mailed jaco for a pricelist. very friendly guy10:03
magespawni see we are playing that game today10:15
Kiloswhat game?10:15
Kiloshi charl 10:16
nlsthznconnect / disconnect / connect / disconnect10:16
Kiloswow no tail10:16
Kilosya shame poor maia has a bad connection there10:16
charlgood morning10:17
charlhi Kilos 10:17
charlhi nlsthzn 10:17
charlMaaz: coffee on10:17
* Maaz puts the kettle on10:17
psyatwhi charl10:17
psyatwhi nlsthzn10:17
charlhi psyatw 10:17
nlsthznalo all10:17
smilehi psyatw & charl & nlsthzn :)10:18
Kiloswb maiatoday your connection is very sick10:18
psyatwhi smile :)10:18
magespawnhas any one used pdftk?10:20
* nlsthzn is busy getting ready to run a benchmark on this desktop that might melt the GPU :)10:20
smilenlsthzn: be careful ;)10:20
charlhey magespawn 10:20
charlyou're scarch these days10:20
charlhi smile 10:20
smilemagespawn: no, what's that? :D10:21
Kiloshi tal0n 10:21
charlsmile: you've been scarce too, how's it going10:21
smilecharl: yeah, I'm sorry ;)10:21
tal0nHi Kilos10:21
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!10:21
tal0nAnd everyone else10:21
charlMaaz: thanks10:21
Maazcharl: Okay :-)10:21
smileI studied hard for my exams, which I passed (I think, the final results are forthcoming)10:21
charlhi tal0n 10:21
nlsthzncongrats then10:21
smilethank you :DD10:21
charlsmile: sounds good though! holding thumbs!10:22
smileI have a subject which is called network architecture :) I passed it with 1% margin ;)10:22
nlsthznmore than a pass is too much10:22
magespawnMaaz am i here?10:22
Maazmagespawn: Excuse me?10:22
charlsmile: that happened to me too some times, i've been a lazy student10:23
smilecharl: it was very hard, so I was happy :D10:24
magespawnhowdy all, hopefully i am here now10:25
Kiloswhat happened10:25
Kilosthe bot saw you10:25
Kilosmagespawn, ping10:26
magespawnKilos, pong10:26
Kiloshow come you asking are you here?10:26
magespawnnot sure the one machine seems to have a flaky network connection10:26
magespawni was not getting any replies10:26
Kilosoh my even symmetria died10:28
Kilospickled head from the expensive whisky10:28
Kilosi dunno how peeps can drink that stuff. the smell alone makes me wanna puke10:29
magespawni like it, but only small amounts at a time, two tots would last the evening10:31
Kilosyou ask peeps that drink it how they can and they tell you its an aquired taste10:32
Kilosif you can aquire a liking for that you can aqurie a taste for dog droppings too10:32
confluencyI think whiskey tastes like wood varnish. Last time I tried some it was like licking antique furniture. ;)10:34
Kilosi can understand liking bacardi or old brown but not that stuff10:34
charlsmile: in your case, it was hard, in my case, i was just lazy :P10:34
charlsmile: but congratulations on a job well done !10:34
confluencyThe only hard liquor I tolerate is vodka, and i recently discovered that I'm a vodka snob.10:34
smilecharl: that's an option too :p10:34
smilethank you :)10:34
smileI had programming the same day10:34
smileI didn't do anything for that10:34
confluencyIf it has "Russian" in the name it is almost certainly 1) not actually Russian and 2) repulsive.10:34
charlsmile: yeah well programming is a thing that you either can or can't, not something that you have to cram for10:35
smilecharl: unless you need to learn a new language very quick, of course :)10:36
Kilosconfluency, have you tried bacardi?10:36
confluencyI don't think that's necessarily true. Putting effort into learning can improve any skill.10:36
charlsmile: yeah perhaps, although most languages are very similar, just an issue of syntax10:36
charlsmile: the other day i was doing ruby for the first time in years - it looks _so_ much like python10:36
confluencyThere's a persistent believe that some people are "just good" at stuff like maths and computers and if you're not one of those people you're just screwed. I think that's mythology.10:36
charlsmile: most of it you can learn just by knowing some basics and hitting up google (mostly stack overflow posts)10:36
confluencyKilos: nope.10:36
Kilosvery lekker with coke10:37
Kiloslike colddrink with a kick10:37
confluencyUh, s/believe/belief/I need some caffeine10:37
smilecharl: that's so cool about it :DD10:37
charlsmile: i very often pick programming language purely for one reason - to use existing library code that was written in that language10:40
charlsmile: years ago i wanted to use a library called nokogiri to do some html "scraping" and i built a little REST/JSON webservice around it in Rails just to deploy it on Heroku10:40
charlsmile: that's why i like not being married to one particular programming language and being able to "shop around" a little10:41
charlconfluency: when i was studying computer science at school i learned that a) some people have a natural gift to it b) some people can learn stuff by just working harder and c) some people should give up on it10:42
charlconfluency: that could have a lot to do with the type of person and actual interest in the subject though10:42
smilecharl: I won't work harder, I'll just go to bed10:43
confluencyI think it's valid to give up on it if you're just not interested in it or don't like it. But I think people can easily be miscategorized as c when they're actually b, by others or by themselves.10:43
confluencyYou can also start disliking something because you think you're no good at it, so you're always frustrated and demoralized when you try it.10:44
=== space is now known as Guest17703
confluencyI recently read an interesting article related to this: http://qz.com/139453/theres-one-key-difference-between-kids-who-excel-at-math-and-those-who-dont/10:46
=== Guest17703 is now known as Spacefing
charlconfluency: that's mostly true except that still does not say that anyone has the ability to be good at anything10:51
charlconfluency: different people are different, and that's also a good thing because you need all sorts of people to do different things in life10:52
charlconfluency: if we were all the same we would all be good at some things and suck at other things10:52
charlconfluency: who would pick up on the things we suck at then10:52
smileinteresting, confluency :)10:52
confluencyYes, I don't think anyone is disputing that. But it's easy to use a sweeping "separate but equal" argument to try to disguise failings in education as some kind of intrinsic difference in natural talent.10:53
charlmeh, i fail at education and that's mostly complete apathy on my part10:54
charlreading the article now, quite interesting indeed10:54
Kiloshi Spacefing welcome to ubuntu-za10:55
charlooh this is also good http://qz.com/142108/chinese-students-try-to-explain-to-american-students-why-they-dont-party/10:56
charli'm gonna save this and watch the youtube videos later10:56
charlhmmm running mac osx lion inside vmware and working pretty well12:30
charlon a debian host on a dell optiplex12:30
charlonly thing that doesn't work is copy-and-paste between host and guest12:30
charlclipboard sharing doesn't seem to work12:30
charlhi DarkSurferZA 12:31
Kiloshi DarkSurferZA 12:31
DarkSurferZAYo kilos12:31
Kilosyou dont have tab complete on your irc client?12:32
Kilossorts caps and comletes nicks12:32
inetproKilos: you are way too observant :-)12:33
Kilosjust type in first 3 letters and hit tab12:33
DarkSurferZASoz Kilos, my bad. Bluetooth keyboard, misbehaves sometimes12:33
DarkSurferZAEspecially my space bar key12:33
Kiloswhats faulty the kb or the bluetooth12:34
inetproDarkSurferZA: buetooth keyboard? Ooh nice!12:34
inetproDarkSurferZA: you using a mobile device?12:34
mazalAfternoon everyone12:34
Kiloshi mazal 12:35
mazalGaanit oom ?12:35
DarkSurferZAKb is crappy. Its a mobile device so the keys arent in convenient locations. Sometimes miss a key, or doesnt register the side of the key as a keypress12:35
Kiloslekker dankie en jy12:35
mazalRaasie baie nie12:35
Kilosim just struggling man with stupid pdf form to fill in12:36
Kilosno idea how at all12:36
* inetpro still has a bluetooth/wireless keyboard for the Note II on his wishlist12:36
Kilosconverted to text but cant get it back again12:36
Kilosand a mouse inetpro 12:37
Kilosthem scrape pads suck12:37
mazalIsn't there pdf editors ?12:37
Kilosya but they dont work12:37
mazaldid you try a2ps and then ps2pdf ?12:37
mazalFirst a2ps text.file -o newfile12:39
mazalThen ps2pdf newfile to newfile.pdf12:39
Kilosyou dont have to install ps2pdf?12:40
Kilosi found a2ps12:40
mazalYes you have to install it12:40
mazalNot in by default12:40
Kilossynaptic shows pod2pdf12:40
mazalUse apt-get12:41
Kilosis that it?12:41
Kilosok sec12:41
mazalVery small app12:41
DarkSurferZAWhat Nick does Raoul Snyman use? Is he online?12:42
Kilosthe fly12:43
Kilosand yes he is here12:44
DarkSurferZAAh, cool. Thanks man12:44
Kilosmazal, E: Unable to locate package ps2pdf12:44
Kilosnot in 12.04 repos12:45
mazalMust be part of another one then12:45
mazalI use it on my 12.0412:45
Kilosmaybe that podone12:45
mazalLemme see if I can check which package12:45
mazalIs defnitely not that pod one12:46
DarkSurferZAMmmm, seems superfly is just idling12:46
Kiloshe gets busy and cant chat12:46
Kilosor else asleep somewhere12:47
mazalThis is what my manual say Kilos :12:47
mazal" 24. Make pdf and txt file from a command's man page in the current working directory (packages a2ps and ps2pdf must be installed)"12:47
mazalSo looks like I installed ps2pdf12:48
Kiloshmm i wonder where you got it12:48
mazalI also don't see it in package manager , so what package I installed to get that ?12:50
mazalLemme check my build doc12:50
mazalI wonder if it isn't part of a2ps. Did you install a2ps ?12:51
mazalMy build doc only mentions a2ps12:51
mazalAnd ps2pdf still don't work ?12:52
Kilosdunno man12:52
mazalCheck man12:52
Kilosyou said install it first12:52
KilosUsage: ps2pdfwr [options...] (input.[e]ps|-) [output.pdf|-]12:56
mazalDid you do a2ps first ?12:56
Kilosand left it named newfile12:56
Kilosbut dunno where it is12:57
mazalYou remembered the -o ?12:57
Kilosin home maybe12:57
mazalIt will be in your current working folder12:57
Kilosa2ps ~/Desktop/Omega.txt -o newfile12:57
mazalIt will put it in your current working folder as you didn't specify a path for newfile12:58
Kiloswhat current working folder grrr12:59
mazalThe one where you are standing in when you execute the command12:59
mazalFor example if you just opened a terminal you will be in your ~ folder12:59
mazalBest is to add a path for newfile to where you want it13:00
Kilosits in home13:00
mazalAnd maybe add .ps as well13:01
mazalMaybe it requires that13:01
mazalSo it should be something like:13:01
Kiloshow can peeps send you an application form in pdf? and expect you to fill it in and sign it13:02
mazala2ps ~/Desktop/Omega.txt -o ~/Desktop/Omega.ps13:02
mazalps2pdf ~/Desktop/Omega.ps ~/Desktop/Omega.pdf13:02
Kilosthat worked kiff ty why didnt you say so to start with13:03
Kilosyou want to borrow my email addy?13:03
mazalI assumed you know cli lol :)13:04
Kilosall these paths drive me nuts13:04
Kilosnow how do you sign a form on a pc?13:05
Kilospen dont work on screen13:05
Kilosoh DarkSurferZA i think he might be at their stand13:07
mazalI also get very annoyed at people sending pdf forms. Then I just reply " Send it in Word format , you can't edit pdf's "13:07
smilesee ya! :)13:07
Kiloscticc AfricaCom13:07
=== smile is now known as smile4ever
Kilostoods smile4ever 13:08
Kiloseven then how would you sign it13:08
DarkSurferZAYo, Kilos, soz, missed that13:11
DarkSurferZAWhich stand?13:11
Kiloslol half a stand he said13:11
Kiloshenkj, you know which stand13:11
DarkSurferZAMissed the bus on thatone.13:13
DarkSurferZA*that one13:13
charlDarkSurferZA: you were the guy from deloitte right? or do i have it wrong now13:13
Kilosbut hell be here tonight so hang around13:13
DarkSurferZACharl you would be correct13:14
DarkSurferZAHow is that for a memory? Or did you cheat and open the IRC logs and search my name?13:15
Kilosdont you bump into things surfing in the dark13:15
Kilosor you got infra red vision13:15
DarkSurferZAI'm just so good, i can do it with my eyes closed, in cli mode13:16
DarkSurferZALinks for the win!!!13:16
DarkSurferZASweet. Chat later. Gotta drive through the rain for a bit13:17
DarkSurferZANeed my eyes for that13:17
charlDarkSurferZA: no i could remember something of the likes, at least it's good to hear my memory isn't _that_ bad :P13:18
mazalEnjoy your evening everyone13:20
Kilosyou too, ty for the help13:20
charlsorry accidentally flipped the power switch lol13:38
charli was bending in underneath the table to get an external hard drive out (backup)13:42
charlthen while i was unplugging the thing i hit the power switch on the extension cord13:43
charl1... 2... 3... pwn myself13:43
Kilosdit kom weer inetpro net wind nie kwaai nie14:27
inetpromoet ek wag?14:28
Kilossal seker n rukkie vat om daar te kom14:28
inetproso ek moet nou jaag?14:29
inetprois nie soos gister waar hy vinnig kom en gaan nie14:29
Kilosnog ok na jou huis se kant14:29
Kilosnee hierdie een bou stadig en kwaai donker oor kalefong op die oomblik14:30
superflyDarkSurferZA: P5614:30
inetproKilos: hmm.... sal maar moet plan maak14:32
inetproek dink vanaand gaan ons reen kry14:33
Kilosinetpro, ek dink ry as jy kan die wind het nou begin kwaai waai14:34
Kilosander hael wolke van die suide kom met spoed14:37
Kilossjoe wind baie kwaai14:39
Kilosry nou inetpro !!!!14:39
Kiloshi psyatw 14:39
Kilospower will pop anytime here methinks14:39
psyatwhi Kilos14:39
psyatwhoi inetpro14:39
charlsounds hectic Kilos 14:39
charlhey psyatw do you understand what kilos said above?14:40
Kilosyeah big storm brewing14:40
psyatwcharl, I guess so, yes14:40
charlyeah it's nice, you can read it like a dialect14:40
Kilosit is a dialect14:41
Kilosdutch much improved14:41
psyatwfor me Afrikaans is completely like a dialect of Dutch14:41
charldutch heavily simplified yes :)14:41
charlwhich i guess is an improvement, because dutch is complex14:41
Kiloseven improves on english14:42
charldutch is so complex even dutch people get it wrong :P14:42
Kilosim komes over the mountain , sees a krokeedil and skriks me spider white14:42
charli often have to consult https://onzetaal.nl/14:42
psyatwI don´t think Dutch is complex14:42
psyatwcompared to other languages such as Polish, I mean14:43
charlreally? polish is worse?14:43
charli have never even read polish14:43
psyatwPolish is a Slavic language14:43
psyatwyou have 6-8 cases14:44
charlbah, don't know anything about slavic languages14:44
psyatwdifferent declinations of nouns and adjectives14:44
* charl runs and hides14:44
psyatwa bit like Latin on steroids :P14:44
charlwhat and people actually speak it?14:44
psyatwfor me it´s not too hard14:44
charlno i will rather learn japanese in my free time14:45
psyatw40+ million of them14:45
psyatwbut what about all the people in Russia and CIS?14:45
charlphew ok well i guess with enough practise it gets better14:45
psyatwthey speak Russian, which is even worse14:45
psyatwbut most foreigners who come here never manage to learn the language14:46
confluencypsyatw: 7 cases. I guess 6-8 is technically accurate. ;)14:52
charlwhat a mess14:53
charlnow i know why i live in the west14:53
charlnorth-west anyway, here we just have dutch and german to deal with14:53
confluencypsyatw: do you live in Poland?14:53
psyatwconfluency, my reference is Sanskrit, that´s what I compare all Slavic languages to :D14:53
charlpsyatw: you are a language geek?14:53
psyatwconfluency, yes, I do. I live in Poznań14:53
confluencypsyatw: to mówisz trochę po polsku?14:53
psyatwcharl, yes, I speak more than 10 of them14:54
psyatwconfluency, oczywiście możimy mówić po polsku :)14:55
confluencyI'm Polish, but I live in ZA.14:55
charlwhahaha, i speak to americans and they are amazed at people who just speak 3 or 4 languages (like me)14:56
charli have nothing on you people14:56
confluencySome Americans are amazed when someone speaks more than one.14:57
confluencyIt would do a lot of them good to learn some Spanish.14:57
psyatwconsidering English isn´t even an official language of the US14:57
psyatwbecause there is none14:58
confluencyIt is in individual states.14:58
confluency(Some of them.)14:59
psyatwbut still, in the southern states in particular Spanish can´t be ignored anymore14:59
charli was in florida once14:59
confluencyYeah, it's only a matter of time before they'll have to take it more seriously.14:59
charlthere were more spanish-speaking americans than non-spanish14:59
charlbut i have a feeling that americans see english as "their language" some of them even call it "american"15:00
charleven though white americans are actually mostly ethnic german15:00
charland english is the language of the island people15:00
psyatwso why not speak German instead?15:02
charlbeats me - apparently it happened by chance that they ended up speaking english or something15:03
psyatwthere was a vote or referendum, I read15:03
charlthe two alternatives were german and dutch, or so a friend of mine tells me15:04
psyatwand English won out by a small margin15:04
confluencyThey're not mostly ethnic German. Ethnic Germans are the largest single ethnic subgroup (among "white" people), but not by much. Next comes Irish.15:04
charlconfluency: that's what i meant15:04
confluencyThat makes more non-German "white" people in total than German. ;) And English has been a lingua franca for a while.15:05
confluencyBut yeah, it was touch and go historically.15:05
charli didn't explain it properly but that's what i tried to say15:06
charli just read it on the wikipedia, i don't know if it's true15:06
charland english was not a lingua franca until they attempted to take over half the planet15:07
confluencyYeah, but at the height of US colonisation they had. ;)15:08
charlthe americans thought them off though15:08
charland at that point without proper communication technology, nobody cared15:09
confluencyKept the language. Just gave back a lot of Us.15:09
confluencyAnd "autumn".15:09
charlmany years ago i was working on a marketing effort for firefox15:11
charlthat was back when internet explorer still had the majority share of the market by a long shot15:11
charlso i made some flyers in "proper" english (as spoken by the island natives of england)15:11
charlsome american commented that i didn't know how to use a spell checker15:12
charlan australian friend who was working with me and also did my language care pounced on the "ignorant" american15:12
* inetpro little wet but at home15:15
charl* fought them off15:16
charlsorry i need to brush up on my island language15:16
charlhey inetpro !15:16
inetprocharl: big thunderstorm here 15:17
inetproWith wind and rain 15:17
charlwe had one of those in may i think15:18
charlsky got so dark it looked like late evening in the early afternoon15:18
charlsome bad damage too, wind was so hard15:18
inetprocaught me on me scoot a few kilometres from home 15:19
* inetpro wbb15:21
psyatwwhat we think of as ethnicities aren´t even that, they´re more like nationalities15:23
charlethnicities are nonsense in any case15:25
charlthe idea of an ethnicity is fast becoming extinct i think with modern day travel technology15:26
charlpeople move around too much and too easily15:26
psyatwbut that was the case in the old times too15:26
charlyeah, to some extent15:26
psyatwthey moves around a lot15:26
charlbut you don't *just* go to japan, that took months and months by ship from europe15:27
charllarger groups of people perhaps moved around over long spaces of time15:27
charlbut that took many generations15:27
psyatwbut that doesn´t mean it didn´t happen15:27
charli had to laugh about when the spanish invaded us and got diseases15:30
charlthat is absolutely hilarious, not used to the climate15:30
charlyeah but i mean their country is so dry15:31
charlme gusta15:31
psyatwme gusta también, pero no sé si el tiemp es demasiado caliente para mi allí15:32
charlyeah it's too warm for me too in spain15:32
charlbut i was thinking more of this: http://i.imgur.com/CFLTihq.jpg15:32
psyatwhaha, yeah15:33
charli also like the german version http://i.imgur.com/ysODQ0m.png15:34
charlhave a good evening all !15:42
Kilosouch so many orphan inodes16:17
inetprowb Kilos 16:17
Kilosty inetpro you get home dry?16:18
Kiloswe had 6mm but big storm16:18
inetproNo way! 16:18
inetprothat one came to quick in the end 16:18
Kilosdidnt you go when i told you to?16:18
DarkSurferZAWe had some threatening sounds, and dark skies, but no rain :(16:18
Kilosoh my16:19
DarkSurferZAI even left work early to watch the action... nothing16:19
Kilosis there a better way than sudo touch /forcefsck16:19
inetprohet my ingehaal toe ek amper in die poort kom16:19
Kilosi had so much open here when power died16:20
KilosDarkSurferZA, did you get the fly's message16:20
DarkSurferZANope, every time i log in, he is offline, and vis versa16:21
Kilosmaybe he is on his way home now16:21
DarkSurferZAP56, what is P5616:21
Kilosmaybe the stand number16:21
inetproDarkSurferZA: you also in pta? 16:21
DarkSurferZAKilos: nope, in jhb. I am not at the event mentioned.16:22
Kilosbut the fly is in capetown16:22
DarkSurferZABrb guys16:23
Kilosidiot box dead too now16:23
Kiloslightening musta hit the tower16:23
inetproKilos: oh yours also? 16:23
Kilosya 16:24
Kilosmaybe sabc died16:24
inetprothe kids just told me, TV is dead at my mother in law 16:24
Kiloscheck the news. lightening hits auckland park16:25
inetproKilos: haha16:27
inetprotweet t16:27
Kilosso weird this new telkom mobile data starter pack16:28
DarkSurferZAI'm back16:29
Kilos*188# shows empty then 2 smses arrive and say you got 5 sms/mms and 200m data16:29
inetproKilos: ai!16:29
Kilos200m a month for a year is lekker for the R49 price of the starter pack16:29
DarkSurferZAWell it saves u on the USSD fees for the session16:30
Kiloswill be a lekker backup when i run low16:30
Kilosgotta laugh though16:30
Kilosadvertised as internet only sim card but i foned telkom on it to get the number16:31
DarkSurferZAHaha. Telkom arent good at the detail man. Its not how they roll16:32
Kilosbut their internet is lekker stable16:32
Kilosand fast here by me16:32
DarkSurferZACool. I wanna replace mine in January16:33
Kilos63m download showed average  download speed as 387kB/s16:33
Kilospeaked at 595 i think it was16:33
Kilosget that R49 sim16:34
DarkSurferZAMy cousin had crappy reception in his house, so they fitted an attena in his lounge with a microwave link out16:34
Kilosit can do 3g and lte16:34
DarkSurferZAHe get rediculous speed16:34
DarkSurferZASed s/get/gets16:35
DarkSurferZATotally free. He just complained on their facebook page16:35
DarkSurferZAsed s/Sed/sed16:35
inetprocool bananas16:35
inetproI see a new nice deal16:36
Kilosnow i got more to scheme about16:36
Kilostell inetpro 16:36
inetproSamsung Galaxy Note 3 for R499 at Telkom Mobile16:36
DarkSurferZASpill inetpro 16:36
inetprowith 5GB of data16:36
DarkSurferZAKilos: it is an offence to set fire to a Tlkom mast16:36
DarkSurferZAIs that with the watch?16:37
inetproDarkSurferZA: nope, don't think so16:37
inetprobut this deal was not available last week16:37
Kilosthe wars are actually getting good tween mobile providers16:38
inetproand it's cheaper than Vodacom16:38
DarkSurferZAWould've been an epic bundle16:38
Kilos499 a month?16:38
inetproKilos: unfortunately that is a lot of money yes16:39
Kilosbetter to get the 2+1 for me16:39
inetprobut you get a PC in the pocket with this man16:39
Kilosor maybe look at the mweb mobile one16:39
inetprothat Note 3 is incredible16:39
Kilosnot worth it inetpro 16:40
inetprogoes for more than 9K if you buy it cash16:40
Kilosfor 9k i can build a super pc16:40
inetproand how do you carry that around everywhere with you?16:41
DarkSurferZAYeah, but the pc doesnt fit in your pocket... but neither does the note 316:41
inetproDarkSurferZA: I have the Note 2 and it's perfect16:42
inetprothe Note 3 is even lighter16:42
DarkSurferZAI got the note 2 10.1. Love it, but it isnt really a pocket rocket16:42
inetpronah, that is a bit oversized16:43
Kilosi dont wanna walk around man, im older16:43
DarkSurferZAI know i run the risk of being banned forever, but the windows multibook things are quite nice16:43
DarkSurferZAOf course you need to format and ubuntu, but not bad hardware16:44
DarkSurferZABoth tablet and laptop form is quite handy16:44
Kiloswe all have some windows involved in our lives somewhere16:44
Kilosnot true inetpro ?16:44
Kilosall the pcs at your work are sucks16:45
inetproDarkSurferZA: for how much?16:45
inetproKilos: no, not all16:45
* inetpro works on *nix 99.9% of the time16:45
Kilosthats lekker16:45
DarkSurferZAWell my aunt got the new sony vaio thing at the gitex expo in dubai 16:46
DarkSurferZAOffered to bring me one, but my wife was against me buying more toys16:46
DarkSurferZAWas R4k on special16:47
inetproI need to find something to replace my wife's netbook 16:48
inetprolooks nice!16:50
Kilosinetpro, did you look at that link i gave morning time16:50
Kilospc stuff16:50
Kilosomega something or other16:50
inetproDarkSurferZA: will Ubuntu work on there?16:50
inetproKilos: hmm... not sure16:51
DarkSurferZAHavent tried, but its a pc essentially16:51
DarkSurferZATouch screen pc16:51
DarkSurferZAIt is x86 hardware16:51
inetprotouch is still too new 16:53
DarkSurferZAThe expo was apparently quite sick. Had a special on a 86" ultra HD 3d tv.16:53
DarkSurferZATV was R200k16:53
DarkSurferZABut you get a BMW 316i brand new as part of the deal16:53
DarkSurferZAThey give you a coupon, and the dealership down the road gave you the keys16:53
Kiloswhew you all ran outa steam or went for supper17:05
Private_Userthey probably left to watch their favourite soapies17:41
Kilosthe pro has no tv17:42
Kilosi watch 7de laan17:42
Private_Userfor me they are boring, soapies that is17:42
Kiloshey Private_User your 13.10 going good?17:43
Private_User13.10, I am using the 12.04 remember17:43
Private_Usercould not get the 13.10 or 13.04 to work17:43
Kilosoh my i get mixed up17:43
Kilossomeone upgraded to 13.1017:44
Private_Usereven the 12.10 did not work for me17:44
Kilos12.04 is good here17:44
Private_Userwow I just read above a TV for 200k17:45
Kilosread on17:45
Private_Useryes like and a free car...lol17:46
Private_Userusually its the other way around17:46
Private_Userbuy a car and get tv free17:46
Private_Userman this tv better know what I want to wantch before I even sit down17:46
Kilosi want telkom to come put an antenna and a link to a satelite here17:48
Private_Userwill they give you free access to their internet backbone?17:48
Kilosread back someone got it done free17:49
Private_Userhey btw how do I get the timestamps to display on this XChat?17:58
Kilosah easy17:58
Kilossettings preferences17:58
Kilostick insert time stamps17:59
Kilosyou can also get audio alerts18:00
Private_Userits ticked18:00
Kilosand no timestamps?18:00
Private_Userbut I don't see the timestamps18:00
Kilosoh my18:00
Trixar_zaIs the Time stamp format: box empty?18:01
Private_Userit has %b %d %H:%M:%S 18:01
Kilos%b %d %H:%M:%S 18:01
Trixar_zaBecause if it is, add [%H:%M:%S] to it18:01
Kilosthat must be in ther18:01
Trixar_zaThen it should show up the moment you enabled it18:01
Trixar_zaThe old ones won't have it, but the newer messages should18:01
Private_Userok I disabled it and then enabled it18:02
Private_Userok still do not see any timestamps18:02
Kilosmight need to restart xchat18:02
Kilosnormally it tells you if needed18:02
Trixar_zaDid you tick the Enable Timestamps in the Appearance Setting dialog?18:03
Trixar_zaAppearance Tab? Oo18:03
Trixar_zaI forgot what you called section dialogs18:03
Private_Userok let me try editing it with Trixar_za setting18:04
Trixar_zaI'm using HexChat at the moment, so some of the stuff might be different18:04
Trixar_za(It's an updated XChat fork)18:04
Kilosin the first block18:04
Private_Userthis is what I had %b %d %H:%M:%S 18:04
Kilostext box tick enable timestamps18:05
Private_Userok testing now18:05
Private_Usernope still nothing18:05
Kilosonly 2 places to tick then it must work18:05
Trixar_zaWindows 6.0? Oo18:06
Trixar_zaSo you're using Windows?18:06
Trixar_zaGo with HexChat18:06
Trixar_zaAll the other free Windows compiles of XChat is crappy18:07
Private_Userbut I think on Lubuntu its the same issue no timestamps, but let me doublke check the settings on it18:08
Kiloshows things Trixar_za ?18:08
Trixar_zaYou can use HexChat on Ubuntu too - it has a package for it :)18:08
Kilosthat tick block in text box makes it work right away i think18:08
Trixar_zaWell, Ubuntu and it's derivatives, but I'd use KVIRC for Kubuntu18:09
Kiloshi smile4ever 18:09
smile4everHi :)18:09
=== smile4ever is now known as Guest59928
Guest59928I'm back :)18:09
Kiloskonversation rocks Trixar_za 18:09
Trixar_zaKilos: Alright I guess. Played around with a TV/Radio Tuner Card for a PC18:09
=== Guest59928 is now known as smile4ever
smile4everForgot to auto-login18:10
smile4ever /ns release nickname pass && /nick smile4ever just works18:11
Kilosall that work18:11
Resu_Etavirpok I am now on the Lubuntu machine18:12
Resu_Etavirpsame settings no Timestamps18:12
Kiloswith xchat?18:12
Kilosthe settings prefs textbox tick time stamps18:13
Kilosmust work18:13
Resu_Etavirpok  cool got it to work here18:13
Kilosgo ubuntu18:13
Resu_Etavirplet me try on the other machine18:13
=== smile4ever is now known as smile4ever|druk
Private_Userexcellent working here now18:15
Kiloswhat happened18:15
Private_Userand it shows the timestamps for even the previous chats18:15
Kilosxchat is normally trouble free18:16
Private_UserI think thois was more a I-D-10-T error18:16
Private_UserI was looking in the wrong area18:17
Kilosis that typos?18:17
Kilosoh lol18:17
Private_Useryou got it now?18:17
smile4ever|drukKilos: it just takes two commands, that's not much :)18:17
Private_UserLOL that was me18:18
Kiloshi psychicist 18:18
Kiloshome again?18:18
psychicisthi Kilos 18:18
psychicistyes, I've just come back home18:19
Private_Usernow I am off to eat be back later18:19
psychicistok, enjoy18:19
Kiloshi cocooncrash all good there?18:23
smile4ever|drukThat's what you get "when you use IE" -> http://www.muktware.com/2013/11/developer-creates-simpsons-entirely-css/1578418:27
* smile4ever|druk refers to Paramore - That's what you get18:27
inetproSorry oom kilometers, twas dinner time 18:28
Kilosi thought so18:32
Kiloshi nlsthzn you still here and so silent too18:36
nlsthznwas playing some xbox with a friend of the wife18:38
inetproI'm here... somewhere 18:40
DarkSurferZAStill havent bumped into superfly for the day. Meh, another reason to be online tomorrow18:41
inetproDarkSurferZA: he must be tired 18:41
Kilosyou sposed to be online everyday if you one of us18:41
Kilosbecause i get tired18:42
DarkSurferZAAny of u guys going to the ZaCon conference this weekend?18:42
nlsthznseems I am going to bed earlier tonigh :18:42
nlsthznbye all catch you all laters18:42
Kilosold age nlsthzn 18:42
inetproGood night nlsthzn 18:42
Kilossleep tight18:42
DarkSurferZAKilos: agree, need to make a better effort18:42
inetproDarkSurferZA: not me 18:42
DarkSurferZAnlsthzn: cheers dude18:43
superflyDarkSurferZA: I'm here now18:44
DarkSurferZASince last i was online, my newborn son has blessed me witha lack of sleep and ssleep18:44
DarkSurferZAYo superfly18:45
Kiloswb superfly 18:45
superflyDarkSurferZA: I know the feeling... I have 2 :-D18:45
superfly(not newborns, but they both once were)18:45
DarkSurferZAAnyway guys, i gotta go feed some dogs, put kids in bed, and all that dad stuff18:59
Kiloslol ok19:00
DarkSurferZAC u guys online tomorrow. Go live the dream, and be awesome. Its gonna be legen....... wait for it.....19:01
superflyI read my eldest to sleep... The Magicians Nephew19:01
inetprogood night DarkSurferZA19:02
Kilosnight DarkSurferZA 19:02
DarkSurferZADary. Legendary. :)19:02
DarkSurferZASweet cheers guys19:02
superflycheers DarkSurferZA19:02
Kilosnight all. sleep tight.19:03
inetprogoeie nag oom19:04

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