
ali1234ochosi: new version with filtering when zoom is less than 4x, and some other improvements: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6402669/00:19
ochosiali1234: wow!00:23
ochosivery smooth00:23
ochosi(and thanks for inverting the scroll-direction - feels *so* much better ;))00:23
ochosibeing zoomed in does seem to eat up my cpu though (at least that's what top says)00:25
ali1234yes it will00:25
ochosiis that due to the smoothing?00:25
ochosi(didn't check that before)00:25
ali1234no, it's due to it has to poll mouse position00:25
ochosii guess there's not really a way around this00:25
ali1234currently it is hardcoded to check it 60 times per second00:25
ali1234probably a bit much00:26
ali1234it's the g_timeout_add(32 ... line00:26
ali123432 msec00:27
ali1234i could make it check if the mouse coords are the same as last time and if so ignore them00:27
ochosito be frank, even with 10 it seems extremely smooth00:28
ochosiheh, although i'm seeing now that that doesn't seem to help with the cpu00:29
andrzejrali1234, I tried your patch - got a black screen with only a cursor on it. NVidia drivers.00:30
ochosiso yeah, maybe that check would help00:30
ochosiandrzejr: i'm also using nvidia proprietary btw00:31
ali1234i'm on nvidia too00:31
ochosioh, fun :p00:31
ali1234andrzejr: is that only when zooming, or all the time?00:31
andrzejrjust after xfwm4 --replace00:32
ochosi(fwiw, i'm not using git-master, but the ochosi/tabwin branch)00:32
andrzejrcouldn't debug anything because linux console doesn't work with proprietary drivers00:32
ali1234er.... mine does?00:34
ochosiandrzejr: you mean VT? works fine here...00:35
andrzejrso maybe its a graphics card, or several ubuntu updates (I do get some other problems too)00:35
ali1234try commenting lines 3009, 3011, 301300:36
ali1234if you comment them all, the whole thing should become a no-op00:36
andrzejrWhen I switch to a console the screen becomes grayish and gets progressively brighter/lighter.00:36
ochosiso xfwm4 works without the patch?00:37
ali1234did you build with --enable-compositor?00:38
andrzejrxfwm4 from git master works fine00:38
ali1234i haven't tested what happens if you don't do that, probably should00:38
ochosiali1234: i put the value down to "3" now, still is smooth and cpu is still burning up...00:39
andrzejrno, I didn't (autoconf did enable it though so I assumed it is OK)00:39
ochosiali1234: are you sure it's that which causes it?00:39
ali1234ochosi: you should increase it, not decrease it :P00:39
ochosiyeah, i also skipped the --enable-compositor, it should be enabled by default00:39
ali1234hang on though, new patch00:40
ochosiali1234: a bit less cpu usage, still 100% (as in: 1 of 2 cores) though00:42
ali1234my check doesn't work00:44
ochosihm, seemingly00:44
ali1234maybe you can't use a static variable in a callback00:45
ali1234or maybe it's just a silly mistake00:45
ali1234the latter00:45
ali1234y_old != x_root -> should be y_root00:45
ochosiwell it's that time of the day here already (silly-mistakes-o'clock)00:46
ali1234much better :)00:46
ochosiwent down to 75% here00:48
ali1234for me it went down to a negligible amount when not moving the mouse00:49
ochosiyeah, this time it was my time for a silly mistake00:50
* ochosi facepalms00:50
ochosino more cpu-eating00:50
ochosivery nice00:50
ali1234in theory it should now have true zero overhead if there's no change in the zoom state00:50
ochosiyeah, that's also what top says00:51
ochosi(i decided to zoom in on a top-window)00:51
ali1234well, except the QueryPointer call but that's not much00:51
ochosinice work ali1234 !00:53
andrzejrsame problem with the new patch00:53
ali1234andrzejr: i didn't really think the new patch would help you, sorry00:58
ali1234try commenting lines 3009, 3011, 301300:59
ochosiali1234: zooming in on parole has funny effects :)00:59
ali1234hmm... it does01:00
ali1234the overlay window doesn't increase in size, so only part of the video shows01:01
ali1234that's due to the lazy updates01:02
ali1234or rather, forcing a full redraw fixes it01:02
ali1234not sure how to deal with that but there must be a way01:03
ali1234xterms do the same thing :S01:05
ali1234and youtube01:06
ali1234hmm... i think i know how to fix it. but i'm going to bed now... night01:25
ochosiali1234: night!01:36
* ochosi goes too01:36
ali1234i found a bug in xfwm which fixing it should have fixed the clipping area issues09:57
ali1234but it didn't :(09:57
slickymastergood morning all09:59
ochosiali1234: what clipping area issues?10:04
ochosiand morning everyone10:04
ali1234well... you know blitting?10:04
ali1234dirty rectangles and so on?10:04
ali1234the compositor redraws only the damaged areas in the offscreen buffer10:05
ali1234then it copies only the damaged areas from the buffer to the display10:05
ali1234but the XserverRegions aren't affected by the PictureTransform, so the second copy copies the wrong areas10:05
ali1234there's two problems: first is it applies the region to the display instead of the buffer, which is a bug imo10:06
ali1234and the second is that it can't apply it to the buffer either on the second draw step, if we are zoomed in10:06
ali1234so... it's fixed, kind of10:06
ochosinot sure i was able to follow this all now10:07
ali1234basically XRender is a very 2D type system and it uses all the old style "redraw only the parts that changed" methods from framebuffer days10:08
ali1234but the damage system and XRender don't really talk to each other10:08
ali1234after fixing what i consider to be a bug, it might actually run faster anyway now10:10
ochosiis this specifically a zoom-problem or does it affect xfwm4 in general?10:11
ochosi(fwiw i'm startin to think you should become xfwm4's maintainer, no-one has really taken care of it for ages...)10:12
ali1234i'm not 100% sure10:12
ali1234depends exactly how Xrender treats the clip regions10:12
ali1234which annoyingly is probably implementation specific10:12
ali1234i am beginning to see why wayland10:13
ali1234i think it's a bug, could be intentional though i think10:13
ali1234anyway the bottom line is that we have to turn off all clipping when doing the buffer->display copy, but only if zoomed in10:14
ali1234because the clipping rects don't follow the Xrender transform, thus the wrong areas are clipped10:14
ali1234i'm going to push this on github because i can write comments on the source there :)10:15
ochosiyou should also post that on the xfce-dev-ml10:33
ochosior at least the irc channel10:33
ochosiif it gets merged, it's probably one of the most exciting features for 4.1210:33
ochosiali1234: fwiw, if you wanna help me finish the ochosi/tabwin branch lemme know ;)10:40
ali1234what does it do?10:40
ochosiit improves the style of the tabwin (alt-tab dialog)10:42
ochosimakes it themeable10:42
ochosiand in the end it should enable using the mouse to select a window10:42
ochosinick pushed a commit for that, but it wasn't finished yet10:43
ochosiso it's not 100% working10:43
ochosi(i think the first click somehow doesn10:43
ochosi't reach the widget or something)10:43
ochosiali1234: this is the page where i listed some stuff i wanted to do: http://wiki.xfce.org/design/xfwm4/tabwin11:03
ochosi(only the screenshot is really implemented, although i think nick added a text-only listmode once too)11:04
ali1234i don't use alt-tab at all11:31
ali1234is there some specific bug or problem?11:31
ochosiproblem 1) is that it uses weird widgets11:32
ochosiproblem 2) (following from 1) is that the theming of it is therefore not very nice11:33
ochosiso no, it's an enhancement, not bugfix11:33
ochosipleia2: ping11:41
pleia2ochosi: pong13:11
knomepleia2, have fun trying to pop in the same time :)13:24
knomepleia2, he wants to ask you about licenses for wallpapers13:24
knome(at least)13:25
ochosihey pleia2 13:29
ochosiyeah, what knome said :)13:29
pleia2cc-by is nice13:29
ochosii started drafting an email to the ML for wallpaper submissions for xubuntu13:29
ochosiso far i had put down cc-by and cc-by-sa13:29
pleia2or cc-by-sa13:29
ochosibut one license would/could make things easier13:29
ochosinot sure13:29
ochosiwhat do you think/suggest?13:30
pleia2consistancy would be nice13:30
ochosi(we could end up with a package with multiple licenses, not sure how problematic that really is though)13:30
ochosiyeah, i agree13:30
pleia2let's see what ubuntu dose13:30
ochosigood idea13:30
pleia2they use cc-by-sa13:31
pleia2works for me :)13:31
ochosipleia2: great, let's stick to that then13:34
ochosii'll check more of those requirements and integrate them in my call for wallpapers13:34
ochosiwould you wanna read it before i send it out?13:34
pleia2ochosi: sure, if you'd like13:35
ochosiknome: check the page pleia2 just pasted, i think some of those guidelines we should also include (see background guidelines)13:35
knomeochosi, yup, agree13:35
ochosiacutally most of this document makes a lot of sense13:36
ochosithanks for digging that up pleia2 !13:36
pleia2they've refined it over many cycles13:36
ochosiyeah, they've done a few of these contests13:37
ochosiand basically we're planning the same13:37
ochosiopen submissions but a vote of the artwork-team on the "winners"13:37
ochosikinda an editor's pick13:37
* pleia2 nods13:37
pleia2I am going to try to sleep again14:19
ochosiknome: think i might end up copying over the complete page from the ubuntu wiki, they really thought it through...14:46
slickymasterelfy, ping16:52
elfyslickymaster: pong if it's quick, if not then it'll need to wait - just got in17:00
slickymasterelfy: if you prefer I can ping you later on, after dinner17:01
elfynope - it's ok I expect - ask and if I'm not I'll say :)17:02
slickymasterelfy, I think a correction needs to be made at http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/306/builds/55995/testcases/1585/results17:02
slickymasterelfy: one of the steps to be reproduced during the test is "...In dialogue type gksudo mousepad, press Launch"17:03
slickymasterelfy: gksudo and gksu, aren't presently packed with Xubuntu 17:03
elfyslickymaster: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+filebug17:04
slickymasterelfy: either we remove/re-write that step or we have to add a note informing on the of sudo apt-get install gksu17:04
elfydo it there - probably make it a 'general' thing rather than specific17:04
elfyslickymaster: from what I can tell they're wanting people to use sudo 17:05
slickymasterelfy: that's what I meant to ask you. I can fil a bug and re-write the entire testcas17:05
elfyslickymaster: make it general rather than for one testcase - when we know exactly what we're supposed to use then we can check them all for the same issue17:06
elfyI'll try and get a real answer later17:06
slickymasterelfy: I'll just fil the bug for the moment and wait until you have something more specific on the issue17:07
elfyok 17:07
elfyslickymaster: I will probably work through and do the whole lot myself 17:07
slickymasterelfy: well, if you feel like you need any help, just ping me17:08
elfyslickymaster: can you subscribe or assign me to it 17:08
elfyslickymaster: yep - I will :)17:08
slickymasterelfy: I will17:08
slickymasterelfy: thanks17:09
slickymasterelfy: here it is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bug/125056017:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 1250560 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Use of gksudo/gksu in testcases for Xubuntu Desktop in Trusty Daily " [Undecided,New]17:25
slickymasterelfy: surprisingly I'm not able to assign it to you, LP is not recognizing your LP ID in the Assigned to box. I keep getting "No items matched "elfy"."17:27
elfynot sure why that is - I just assigned it to elfy17:27
elfycomes up as first choice when I search for me17:28
* elfy passes the question along the chain :p17:31
slickymasterelfy: it's strange, really, because I'm still getting the same No items matched "elfy".17:31
elfyodd - you putting it in the box then pressing enter?17:31
slickymasterelfy: well, any way it's done as we intended 17:31
slickymasterelfy: yes, and alternatively clicking the magnifying glass 17:32
elfyodd - but it is launchpad :)17:32
slickymasterelfy: I even went to https://launchpad.net/~elfy to confirm your LP ID17:33
slickymasterknome: Just FYI https://translations.launchpad.net/xubuntu-docs/trusty/+pots/desktop-guide/pt/+translate is as of now completely translated into Portuguese17:36
elfyslickymaster: though it seems that pkexec isn't supposed to be used like that17:36
slickymasterI'll try now to figure out how to build the translated package in order to do a final proofread of it17:37
slickymasterelfy: I'm under the impression that pkexec is supposed to be the intended replacement for gksudo and gksu, but I can be wrong17:38
brainwashslickymaster: maybe you should also file a report on the debian bug tracker, bug 125036417:38
ubottubug 1185396 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1250364 users-admin crashed with SIGSEGV in gst_user_profiles_get_for_user()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118539617:38
elfyslickymaster: http://askubuntu.com/questions/313828/why-is-pkexec-preferred-over-gksudo-for-graphical-applications17:38
elfyslickymaster: doesn't appear so 17:38
slickymasterright, brainwash. Will do it17:39
slickymasterelfy: give a moment to read through that17:39
slickymastergive me ^^17:39
brainwashslickymaster: I tried to understand and fix this crash, but gave up due to lack of time (users-admin is quite complicated for me and I don't feel like breaking it)17:41
brainwashthere are other issue too, like it still checks for the "admin" group instead of "sudo" one17:43
slickymasterelfy: well, now I'm confused and you are indeed right. That leaves me with the question about with the hell has gksu and gksudo been removed. Is it to just use sudo -i?17:43
brainwashso gnome-system-tools really needs a maintainer or a working replacement17:43
elfyslickymaster: seems so 17:44
slickymasterelfy: I'll correct the bug summary to reflect that, then 17:44
slickymasterbrainwash: https://launchpad.net/bugs/1185396 was present in Saucy and it's still present in Trusty, and I think that it is a important issue that should be dealt with 17:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 1185396 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "users-admin crashed with SIGSEGV in gst_user_profiles_get_for_user()" [High,Triaged]17:45
brainwashright, it's the same old version of g-s-t17:47
brainwashand there is no one to maintain it17:47
slickymasterelfy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bug/1250560 description corrected17:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 1250560 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Use of gksudo/gksu in testcases for Xubuntu Desktop in Trusty Daily " [Undecided,New]17:47
brainwashslickymaster: maybe we could use the current gnome solution17:48
slickymasterbrainwash: can't really say as I never used gnome17:50
slickymasterand thus I'm not aware of their solution17:51
brainwashslickymaster: they did drop g-s-t17:53
brainwashnew tool to manage accounts looks similar http://i.imgur.com/B3gze7K.png17:53
slickymasterbrainwash: yeah, the GUI seems very similar17:54
brainwashso maybe a switch to the new one would be possible17:54
slickymasterbrainwash: do you have any idea on who could answer that?17:56
brainwashthe xubuntu team17:57
slickymasterbrainwash: maybe you should address knome or ochosi on that17:58
brainwasha discussion would be required (do we lose functionality? does it pull more gnome dependencies? are customization needed to get it running under Xfce?)17:59
slickymasterbrainwash: yeah, you're right, particularly on the dependencies factor18:00
slickymasterwell, got a pick up my son at school. bbl18:01
GridCubei propose we rize the minimum amount of needed ram to 1gb18:05
GridCubeeven if 512 will work, any webbrowser needs about that much to work with 3 or more tabs18:06
elfyI'd agree with changing it 18:06
knomecan you please add that to the meeting agenda and prepare the discussion in the meeting itself; and please prepare with arguments why you are proposing18:07
brainwashoh meh, they removed the groups management part from the new gnome user tool18:14
brainwashlooks like we need to keep the old user tool alive18:15
ElderDryasSpeaking of the next meeting, the meeting web page still shows 7 Nov as the next meeting ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings )18:21
knomeit's a wiki though, so editably by anyone18:28
slickymastergood night all22:11
knomehello slickymaster 22:11
slickymasterhi knome 22:12
brainwashslickymaster: so the new user management tool created by the gnome dev team is part of the gnome control center and lacks the ability to manage groups22:15
ochosiali1234: i noticed that when e.g. typing in the zoomed state, the characters don't exactly fly to the screen (sometimes i have to move the mouse to make them visible), is that what you fixed in github this morning?22:15
slickymasterbrainwash, so no dice for Xubuntu, then22:15
ochosibrainwash: i fear most of gnome3 is so tightly integrated with each other it'll be hard for us to use it without actually using gnome...22:15
ochosignome3 = goodbye modularity22:16
brainwashyeah, we will have to fix the current users-admin22:16
slickymasteryeah with the extra burden that all that stuff would bring with it22:16
slickymasterbrainwash, which reminds me that I still have to report https://launchpad.net/bugs/1185396  on the debian bug tracker22:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 1185396 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "users-admin crashed with SIGSEGV in gst_user_profiles_get_for_user()" [High,Triaged]22:18
* skellat says file a bug against -docs if we have to do write-ups on command-line user management tools in case we don't find a graphical replacement22:22
brainwash"IRC: you can contact us in the #gst channel at irc.gimp.org"22:23
brainwashnot everyone can create an bzr branch or?22:26
brainwasha bzr22:26
knomebrainwash, can22:26
brainwashso I just clone the repo and create a new branch which gets uploaded to launchpad?22:27
knomebrainwash, you can always push to lp:~youruser22:27
knomebrainwash, if you want to branch, say xubuntu-docs, you can push to lp:~youruser/xubuntu-docs/my-docs-branch22:28
brainwashok, thanks :)22:28
knomebrainwash, if you want to push something that doesn't have a (project) branch in launchpad, you can push to lp:~youruser/+junk/whatever-branch22:28
slickymasterelfy, ping. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bug/1250560 still isn't fixed. running sudo -i in Application Finder dialog won't launch anything22:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 1250560 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Use of gksudo/gksu in testcases for Xubuntu Desktop in Trusty Daily " [Undecided,Fix released]22:29
brainwashslickymaster: expected behavior, sudo won't open a terminal window or graphical password prompt22:30
knomebrainwash, that wasn't why he pinged elfy...22:30
slickymasterbrainwash, exactly my point. that's why I'm warning elfy about that22:32
brainwashand pkexec requires a policy for every single app or?22:32
knomeslickymaster, i pushed the changes to the tracker. can you confirm it is actually fix-released-and-in-the-tracker now?22:32
slickymasterknome,  just a sec22:33
knomei'm the one who's lost22:33
slickymasterknome, yeah, it's rollbacked to gksudo22:33
knomei did that because i thought that was wanted22:33
knomewhy did we do sudo -i in the first place?22:33
slickymasterknome, no that was the reason that lead me to raise the bug. IMO the entire test should be rewritten22:34
* slickymaster thinks that by just adding a indication alerting the user to the need of having to install the gksudo package to further proceed with the testcase.22:37
slickymastershould be enough22:37
knomesounds like a semi-fishy workaround. isn't there really anything that works OOTB, and why are we dropping gksudo anyway?22:38
slickymasterknome, I think it's dropped since Saucy and tbh I also don't see a reason for that22:39
knomemight've been a ubuntu decision based on privacy or dropping support for certain stuff22:40
Unit193knome: "Because it's deprecated, we use policykit now"22:40
knomethat's it.22:41
slickymasterknome, please refer to http://askubuntu.com/questions/313828/why-is-pkexec-preferred-over-gksudo-for-graphical-applications and http://askubuntu.com/questions/313619/resolvedcould-not-save-the-file-usr-permission-denied-13-04/313625#31362522:41
slickymasterknome, my last link is wrong. Please don't pay no attention to it. What I meant was this one instead http://askubuntu.com/q/78352/3387122:42
knomeyep, i see22:44
Unit193TL;DR: use gksudo. ;)22:44
* slickymaster will discuss the all thing tomorrow with elfy22:45
brainwashbut it was already missing in 13.04, right?22:47
brainwashso the discussion seems kinda late :)22:47
Unit193Ubuntu, yes, not Xubuntu.22:47
brainwashah ok22:48
slickymasterYes, Unit193 is right22:48
ali1234ochosi: yes23:44
ochosiali1234: darn, then i gotta try and merge that i guess23:52
ali1234it should be perfect now, graphically (including video players)23:54
ali1234it might be slightly slower though23:54

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