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xubuntu620Is there a way I can get my laptop's radio to prefer 5GHz?01:47
gggsI think I've found a bug in 13.10 that isn't in the release notes04:59
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.04:59
gggsnot sure what package it would be, xubuntu-base?05:00
Unit193What's up?05:00
cfhowlettgggs, start there, sure05:00
gggsIn the power-manager, I have "When the laptop lid is closed" set to "Lock screen" for "on battery" and "on AC", but when I close the lid it suspends05:01
gggsQuite a surprise since I was burning a DVD and uploading files at the time05:02
Unit193Ah, yeah.  That.05:06
Unit193xfpm doesn't support systemd.05:06
gggs13.04 worked fine, did something change?05:07
Unit193Yes, now it's using systemd-logind for some things, check man logind.conf05:10
gggsah, "HandleLidSwitch= default to suspend.05:15
Unit193There's a patch for xfpm in the bug report to work with sysd, or whatever is built from that source that Ubuntu uses.05:19
gggsseems to be a popular bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/122202105:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 1222021 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "xfce4-power-manager does not inhibit systemd from handling buttons and lid events" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:23
heavyammoSo if any of you aholes from yesterday when I reported my problem originally are here, mocking for being lame basically, here's the error message I got http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-12112013-134308.php Is that specific now? I told it was a GENERIC MESSAGE. http://askubuntu.com/questions/375413/been-trying-to-switch-to-linux-for-10-years-help-with-acer-aspire-issues-please#comments-link-37541312:58
ObrienDavewell, once you hit the report problem button, you should see an area with some specific details of what the problem might be. it might take a minute or two to fill in all the info. knowing that info would be a good place to start helping you13:06
holsteinheavyammo: how can one of the volunteers here help you?13:06
koegshe is calling us a..holes?13:12
bgardnerheavyammo: He was here yesterday asking the referenced question and was not able to see the specific error to put it on IRC - that's what he refers to.13:13
bgardnerheavyammo: Are you able to see the extended details after you press the Report button?13:14
Myrttiheavyammo: so you've got the sound indicator bug13:18
Myrttiheavyammo: aaannnd looking at a screenshot, a duplicate of... bug 121190713:19
ubottubug 1210785 in wpa (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1211907 wpa_supplicant crashed with SIGSEGV" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121078513:19
Myrttior rather bug 121078513:19
ubottubug 1210785 in wpa (Ubuntu) "wpa_supplicant crashed with SIGSEGV" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121078513:19
Myrttiheavyammo: so, does your wifi work though?13:24
* ObrienDave knocks on heavyammo's screen13:26
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elmudoHola, ¿alguien que hable español?16:00
Guest77438hello, j'ai voulu avoir le pavé numérique lancé au démarrage et j'ai suivi  ce qui est indiqué sur le forum de xubuntu-fr en modifiant le fichier :etc/lightdm/light.conf et au démarrage sous xubuntu 12.04 ça plante. comment devrais-je faire pour retirer ce qque j'i saisi dans ce ficchier?16:00
bosnjakhi all16:02
GridCube!fr | Guest7743816:05
ubottuGuest77438: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:05
GridCube!es | elmudo16:05
ubottuelmudo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:05
GridCube!hi | bosnjak16:05
ubottubosnjak: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:05
bosnjakhow do i mount my SD card, it won't automount? Seems my filesystem might be damaged? Here is dmesg output: http://pastebin.com/3NMrPnKB16:21
geniibosnjak: "I/O error" is more hardware failure than filesystem failure.16:40
xubuntu869Is there a way to get plymouth to work with Nvidia drivers on Xubuntu LTS?17:01
GridCubexubuntu869, yes17:07
GridCubexubuntu869, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=917550117:16
xubuntu869GridCube, thanks, I just tried it.  Going to reboot and see how it goes!17:20
Umbertshi \o/17:55
Umbertsi'd like to install xubuntu 13.10 on an amd athlon 64 3200+, 702 mb ram and ati radeon xpress 200, will it run or not in your opinion?17:56
baizonUmberts: yes, it will run :)18:00
Umbertsbaizon: thank you :D18:00
Umbertscoz I have windows xp right now, but it sucks18:00
baizonUmberts: "To install or try Xubuntu within the Desktop/Live CD, you need 256 MB of memory. Installing with the Alternate CD (for 12.04 only) requires 64 MB. Once installed, it is strongly recommended to have at least 512 MB of memory."18:00
Umbertsand my big doubt was about the gpu18:00
baizonUmberts: so xubuntu will run without problems :)18:01
Umbertsthat is kinda old18:01
baizonUmberts: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver18:01
baizonUmberts: that link says... "Fully Supported ... RS400/RS480 Radeon XPRESS 200(M)/1100 IGP"18:02
Unit193I can't say it'd be flawless, I have one with 1G of ram and it's lacking at times.18:02
Umbertsbaizon: thank you :D18:02
baizonUmberts: no problem :)18:02
UmbertsUnit193: well, I know it's not an octacore, but I'd like to have a more recent OS for this machine that I could manage for my family18:03
Umbertscos winxp lags18:03
Unit193Umberts: Try it live, see how you like it and see how it works.18:04
Umbertsand my usual distro, slackware, is not so user friendly18:04
UmbertsUnit193: will try asap, thanks (:18:04
ovrflw0xis compiz outdated?18:23
ovrflw0xcan i install compiz on xfce?18:23
ovrflw0xon 13.10?18:23
GridCubeyou probably can, it wont be easy though18:24
GridCubecompton does work tho18:25
ovrflw0xwhat is compton?18:25
GridCubeanother composition manager18:25
GridCubei mean if you want to replace the xfce compositor18:26
ovrflw0xit's the latest GridCube ?18:26
GridCubeits being currently developed if thats what you are asking18:26
ovrflw0xGridCube, is it attractive?18:27
ovrflw0xthe effects and all18:28
GridCubeits ok, it doesnt have a gui configuration, but apparently you can do pretty things with it, id watch for some youtube videos featuring it18:29
ovrflw0xGridCube, should i go for compiz or compton?18:33
brainwashovrflw0x: why do you want to install compiz in the first place? any particular reason?18:34
ovrflw0xbrainwash, i don't have any preference, i want the one which just is pleasant and works well18:34
brainwashand xfwm4 + its built-in compositor does not work ok for you?18:35
ovrflw0xit's not pleasing18:36
brainwashso what is missing?18:36
ovrflw0xno window transition effects18:36
brainwashcompton is kinda limited, transparency, shadows, fade in/out effects18:37
brainwashso no wobbly windows, zoom effects, and so on18:37
ovrflw0xdoes it have transition effect when i minimize maximize windows?18:37
ovrflw0xbrainwash, ?18:39
brainwashno (but I'm not using it right now, so I cannot verify it)18:40
brainwashjust fading effects18:40
ovrflw0xbrainwash,  so you are using xfce with compositing?18:40
linuxuser1000i've upgraded my xfce4-terminal to the trusty one because it fixes the encoding bug18:41
brainwashovrflw0x: currently I have no demand for compositing18:41
brainwashovrflw0x: feel free to install compton and do some testing :)18:41
linuxuser1000is that version final or is it in a testing stage18:42
linuxuser1000the 0.6.2-318:42
brainwashmake sure you disable xfwm4's compositor before you start it18:42
brainwashlinuxuser1000: stable version including the fix18:42
linuxuser1000i am enjoing xubuntu18:43
linuxuser1000i came from crappy unity18:43
linuxuser1000after it crashed on me18:43
brainwashlike once? or did it crash regularly? :)18:44
linuxuser1000quite regularly18:44
linuxuser1000xfce is way better18:45
linuxuser1000i tried enabling compiz on unity it went all apeshit18:45
linuxuser1000if you try the same on xfce18:45
brainwashcompiz should be enabled by default when you run unity18:45
linuxuser1000well the effecs18:46
linuxuser1000the eyecandy stuff18:46
brainwashah, so you messed with the different effects18:46
linuxuser1000xfce allows me to do that stuff18:46
linuxuser1000no crashes18:46
linuxuser1000no anything18:46
brainwashthat's great :)18:48
ovrflw0xwhat's name for these dependencies in ubuntu? http://code.google.com/p/trizen/#Dependencies20:48
Kamuelalooks so good out the box...20:57
boominz28I actually love xubntu but i installed it using the option to leave windows and have dual boot20:58
boominz28so now what i need to do is actually remove xubuntu and there is no uninstall option20:58
JunkaMy brother did the same. He still needs itunes...20:58
boominz28what do i have to do ?20:58
boominz28do i just clear the partitions that it installed on ?20:59
Junkawhich version of windows do u have installed21:00
boominz28windows 7 home premium 64 bit21:00
elfyboominz28: more or less - though you also need to reinstall the windows bootloader21:00
boominz28i thought it woudl be like ubuntu where i could just unintsall it21:00
boominz28i actually like it , but i want it on a diff laptop not this one21:01
boominz28has anyone tried installing chromium?21:02
elfyyou deleted ubuntu's partition and it booted into windows without problem?21:02
elfyboominz28: did you use Wubi?21:02
boominz28no i havent done that elfy21:02
elfy<boominz28> i thought it woudl be like ubuntu where i could just unintsall it21:02
Junkawubi is not supported with saucy21:02
Unit193Plenty of people use chromium, I'm just not one of them.21:02
elfyboominz28: what do you mean by that then ?21:02
boominz28ummm cant remember , i just made the iso and ran from disk21:02
Junkayou press to try ubuntu or install?21:03
Junkabig mistake you should have tried it first21:03
elfyboominz28: well, no idea what you did previously, but if you've installed Xubuntu as a normal dual boot then if you just delete the partition you will get a grub error21:03
elfyJunka: not sure that's actually helping with the issue21:04
KamuelaWhat's up with having issues setting up chromium as the default web browser?21:04
elfyboominz28: so - find how to reinstall the windows bootloader BEFORE you delete the partition21:04
Junkawill he will need win7 cd to do that21:04
boominz28yea i have the windows 7 repair disk21:05
boominz28yea i kind of figured thats what i woudl have to do , just wanted to see if maybe wa an update or some other way thanks for your info21:06
elfyboominz28: it does depend though on us assuming you've done a normal dualboot21:06
boominz28i did, i just did all the recommended , didnt make any changes21:06
elfyboominz28: run sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit21:06
boominz28one sec , will do21:07
elfyin  a terminal, give us the url and we can check you are using a normal install21:07
KamuelaWell, switched to google-chrome-stable and no issue21:11
boominz28elfy sorry , for taking so long , im at work and trying to do 3 things at once lol21:13
elfyboominz28: no problem :)21:14
Kamuelayeah seriously, what is wrong with chrome?21:16
Kamuelano problems with unity but it has a really rough time correctly operating under xfce21:17
boominz28nothing , i was talking about running chromium os21:17
boominz28yeaa i dont think im doing that one right elfy ,21:20
boominz28i typed it just like this "sudo fdisk -1 | pastebinit"21:21
elfyboominz28: ok - no matter - though it's not a 1 but a lower case L21:21
elfyaah - there you go :)21:21
elfyboominz28: ok - just wanted to see if you actually had linux partitions :) you do21:23
boominz28yea. so in order to get my system back to way it was prior , i just clear the partitions and run the windows repair disk?21:23
elfyboominz28: so - make sure you have info to reinstall win bootloader, remove the partitions with a livecd/usb - then boot the win thing and do the win stuff21:24
boominz28yea i have the windows 7 repair disk21:24
elfyboominz28: yep that should do it - then just carry on enjoying xubuntu on the laptip21:24
boominz28and your right junky i should have used the try21:24
boominz28i do enjoy it, its very fast21:25
boominz28i do however want to try chomium os21:25
elfyboominz28: try it then - look into virtual machines - if you've a machine that will work ok with them - so much easier to look at things then21:26
boominz28the only issue i have with the xubuntu dual boot is the options it gives me , i see 2 windows 7 one on sda 2 and one on sda 321:26
elfyyea - personally I'd format them both as ext4 and use them for data storage :)21:27
boominz28if it would just ask xubuntu or windows 7 then it would be easier to choos21:27
elfyso is that the only issue you've got?21:27
boominz28no i like haveing the  dual boot21:27
boominz28for one , i dont know which windows 7 to chooose21:27
boominz28when i need it21:27
elfyright - well I think you can hide the one you don't need - though I've not got the time to look into it now21:28
boominz28its ok21:28
boominz28thank you though for your help21:30
elfyboominz28: try searching for something like "extra windows partition grub 2"21:31
elfythere are ways to do it :)21:31
elfythen you'd just have the one you want to boot21:31
elfyboominz28: good luck :)21:31
ovrflw0xelfy, how do i make gtk-youtube-viewer run on xubuntu? http://code.google.com/p/trizen/#About_gtk-youtube-viewer21:33
Unit193VLC can play youtube links if you paste them into the Open Network Location dialog box...21:34
elfyabsolutely no idea - never used it - rarely even use youtube, better to ask the question of the channel and then those can answer will do21:34
ovrflw0xi don't want to find link manually paste them in vlc to watch21:34
xubuntu654hello world21:35
Unit193"Finding the link manually" is so easy, go up to address bar, copy.21:35
Unit193xubuntu654: Howdy.21:35
xubuntu654IRCing while installing the OS21:36
Junkawelcome xubuntu654 :)21:37
synaptixAnyone know how to change volume step size in 13.10? volumed in settings-editor isn't there anymore so can't change step size?21:39
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xubuntu336Installed 13.10 xubuntu with encryption replacing ubuntu 13.01. Problem "cryptsetup: evms_active is not aavalibale"???22:47
Junkathe option to encrypt the whole disk?22:48
Junkaor the home folder?22:48
xubuntu336and home folder22:48
JunkaYou need to erase the partition first from livecd using gparted, then reboot to install your system. Worked for me22:49
JunkaThere may be an error from gparted just ignore it22:50
xubuntu336Ok, I will do that and thanks I will give it a try.22:50
xubuntu336thanks again. Im out22:51
jamiet74new here23:57
David-Ahello jamiet74, any problem or just happy everything works?23:59

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