
shadeslayermamarley: but then if you use the "Report bug" button via an application it usually tells bugzilla the version number00:00
shadeslayersame goes for DrKonqi00:00
mamarleyAnother reason to see the version number: Maybe if the latest version isn't in the repository, I will go download a binary directly from the developer instead.00:01
Quintasanshadeslayer: Dropping the version column is like shooting oneself in the feet00:14
QuintasanAny important reasons why we DON'T want it?00:15
valorieoops, paste=past above00:54
ahoneybunso 16:05 UTC is 11am in EST?02:07
ahoneybunhey valorie02:08
ahoneybunlordievader: hey02:13
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1251140] KDE "display settings" control panel module displays empty window @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1251140 (by kolen)07:46
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1251140] KDE "display settings" control panel module displays empty window @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1251140 (by kolen)08:48
apacheloggershadeslayer, ScottK, Riddell: if I sysadmin a system I want to know what is being updated and why etc. if I am a cautious user I'd want to know all the more09:15
apacheloggergenerally speaking removing features to not have to fix bugs is a gnome mantra btw :P09:16
apacheloggerALSO as I pointed out time again to me it is confusing that muon-updater is used in combination with discover... -updater was created with a very techy target audience in mind (i.e. IIRC it was built together with muon which really targets the rather advanced user), so to me it seems odd that a techy updater would be used with a very !techy installer given that latter could just as well handle updates09:18
Riddelladding updates to discover would be the best thing to do09:23
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1251178] qdbus: could not exec '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qdbus': No such file or directory @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1251178 (by Mechanical snail)09:59
parad1seRiddell: Hi, I will able to test it to day.10:32
Riddellparad1se: great10:33
parad1seRiddell: :) thumbs up10:43
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1251178] qdbus and qdbusviewer crash with "No such file or directory" @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1251178 (by Mechanical snail)11:04
BluesKaj'Morning all11:44
soeehi BluesKaj 11:47
BluesKajHi soee11:48
jussiapachelogger: I think we need to make a "Commander Keen Linux" :D11:54
apacheloggerjussi: I totally didn't get that :O11:57
shadeslayerhttp://anonscm.debian.org/ is down? :(12:18
Peace-btw i have tried archlinux with kde ... omg what a  bip12:19
shadeslayerAn acronym for benzoylmethylecgonine (cocaine) originated by private school kids in the Chelsea district of New York City in late 200912:20
* Peace- wrong chat12:20
shadeslayerNo wonder they symlinked /usr/bin/python to python312:20
shadeslayerPeace-: so what exactly does bip mean? :)12:21
shadeslayerin this context12:21
Peace-shit :D12:21
shadeslayerPeople keep raving about it in the office12:21
shadeslayerI have yet to try it12:21
Peace-shadeslayer: you have not an installer12:22
Peace-everything from terminal 12:22
Peace-before there was ncurses installer12:22
Peace-now nothing 12:22
Peace-you need to use fdisk ect 12:22
Peace-basically you need to do everything locale ect etc 12:22
Peace-and for me there is nothing that adds to kubuntu 12:23
Peace-the only thing you could say it is better it's the installation process , i mean of the packages12:23
Peace-that it's faster12:24
Peace-for me kubuntu >> archlinux +kde12:24
shadeslayerwell faster is relative12:25
shadeslayertheir packagemanagement is much more 'simpler' which is why it's 'faster'12:26
shadeslayerdpkg is so much more complex with it's various states and what not12:26
Peace-when you do pacman -S vlc for example 12:26
shadeslayerI don't think pacman / yaourt / whatever has that12:26
Peace-it's faster than sudo apt-get install vlc 12:26
Peace-but i mean i have an i7 ....12:26
Peace-so :D12:26
shadeslayerright, except that it's faster because it's just unpacking binaries onto disk :)12:27
shadeslayerdoesn't do anything else afaik12:27
apacheloggerthat's what dpkg does12:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: but then dpkg also does things like prerm, preinst , etc etc for each package no?12:27
apacheloggerthe only difference there is dpkg syncs each file12:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: there are none for pvlc12:28
shadeslayerI see12:28
shadeslayer( also, he was talking about vlc )12:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: arch's vlc actually does more than ours postinstall12:29
apacheloggerregenerates the entire plugin cache12:29
apacheloggeror so MS said12:29
apacheloggerapt-get install vlc and pacman -S vlc are almost exclusively IO bound12:29
apacheloggerif you do both on a barbones system with only kernel and udev and whatever rubbish the system may need to run the I'd believe that apt-get is slower because it has more sophisticated package relationsships to consider when resolving the dep tree12:31
apachelogger^ still not much btw12:33
apacheloggeronly the rpm thing is noticble slower :P12:34
apacheloggeralthough I hear that has changed as well12:34
apacheloggerso everything is fast12:34
apacheloggerany observation in different fastness is either perceptional or I/O12:34
apachelogger^ disk and net I/O12:34
shadeslayerthough pacman does have the nice feature of parallel downloads12:35
apacheloggerthat only makes a difference if a server is slow :P12:38
apacheloggerbut what I just thought of, ubuntu uses a differen disk I/O scheduler12:38
apacheloggerso that may make a difference on a HDD12:38
apacheloggeron SSD it will definitely faster tho :P12:38
mamarleyJust about everything is faster with an SSD, besides Eclipse.  Eclipse is a gigantic pig, as usual.12:40
apacheloggerI mean pacman on stock arch vs. dpgk on stock kubuntu, dpkg I/O will outschedule pacman12:42
apacheloggerbecause our default scheduler supposedly works more to the advantage of SSD12:42
* Riddell blogs http://blogs.kde.org/2013/11/14/barcelona-kde-frameworks-dragons-and-kde-allotment12:55
RiddellMamarok: I'm not sure what you want with the link to g+ on kubuntu.org, it's just a link isn't it?13:01
Mamarokthey ask us to confirm the website is ours, else the profile is not complete13:04
RiddellMamarok: who do?13:05
RiddellMamarok: hmm I see13:05
Mamaroksee my first mail13:05
Riddell"By adding a short line of code to http://www.kubuntu.org/community, you can make your Google+ page eligible to show up on the right hand side of the Google search page for relevant queries"13:05
RiddellMamarok: do you want to do that or shall I?13:06
MamarokI have no access to the website, that's why I sent the mail13:07
Riddellupdate done13:08
Riddellyou can always ask for access to the website13:08
Mamarokoh well, I have enough on my plate right now, I might later13:09
Mamarokbut thanks for teh poffer :)13:09
Mamarokthe offer*13:09
Mamaroksorry, not my typing day :)13:09
apacheloggeryofel: https://trello.com/c/u3O0f0tY13:28
yofelthis is like too freaking fast -.-13:29
yofeland I have barely any time to do anything.13:29
yofelshadeslayer: where did you get with beta1?13:29
Peace-i love apachelogger images 13:33
Peace-they are crazy , i like crazy people13:33
apacheloggeryofel: too fast indeed, I shall schedule help for b313:35
lordievaderGood afternoon.15:24
Riddellhi lordievader 15:25
lordievaderHey Riddell, how are you doing today?15:26
Riddellfeeling good thanks lordievader 15:28
=== greyback is now known as greyback|away
* ovidiu-florin thinks shadeslayer hit himself with a bug16:34
shadeslayerI did not remove kde-workspace-dev from kdesc-dev-latest-trusty.txt16:34
shadeslayerso now things are waiting on kde-workspace-dev >= 4.11.8016:35
shadeslayerwhich will never happen16:35
RiddellI just make a copy of the .txt and remove the packages that are already done and start again16:35
shadeslayeryeah, I need to do a complete rebuild once I fix everything16:36
* shadeslayer is tired of doing 4.12 alone16:36
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: package building?16:38
ovidiu-florinteach me how and I'll help16:39
ovidiu-florinI've started reading on debian packaging16:39
ovidiu-florinfrom the debian wiki16:39
ovidiu-florinbut that might take some time16:39
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^ plz give him access to Ninjas16:39
* Riddell looks16:39
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: plz branch kubuntu-autmation from wherever it lives16:40
Riddell"Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan (ovidiub13) has been added as a member of this team."16:40
shadeslayerlp:~kubuntu-packagers/+junk/kubuntu-automation I think16:40
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: do you have a pbuilder setup?16:41
Riddellhmm we need to update lintian on that server, too many "bad-distribution-in-changes-file trusty"16:41
shadeslayerRiddell: I think that's the lintian from the build server16:41
shadeslayerso lintian in trusty needs to be updated16:41
* Riddell updates ./vendors/ubuntu/main/data/changes-file/known-dists16:43
Riddellshadeslayer: oh yeah16:43
Riddellshadeslayer: well it can be added as an ignore in kubuntu-automation16:43
ovidiu-florindid I miss something?16:49
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: not really16:49
ovidiu-florinwas anything said after Riddell looks?16:50
shadeslayer<shadeslayer> ovidiu-florin: plz branch kubuntu-autmation from wherever it lives16:50
shadeslayer<shadeslayer> lp:~kubuntu-packagers/+junk/kubuntu-automation I think16:50
shadeslayerand you've been added to http://pad.lv/~kubuntu-ninjas16:50
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: which means you can open <shadeslayer> lp:~kubuntu-packagers/+junk/kubuntu-automation I think16:50
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: ^^ can you open that link?16:53
ovidiu-florinNo Such Resource16:53
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: don't use Chrome :P16:53
shadeslayerchrome is bugged16:53
shadeslayerI use FF16:54
ovidiu-florinI see it now16:54
ovidiu-florinwhat am I looking at?16:54
apacheloggeractually launchpad is bugged16:54
shadeslayercool, see the end of the log where it says QJSON not found16:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: well, either way, one of those is bugged :D16:55
apacheloggerIIRC rekonq also has problems16:55
apacheloggerthat being said only firefox works16:55
apacheloggerand they only support firefox16:55
shadeslayerreally? I thought it worked in rekonq, but *shrug*16:55
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: do you see that error?16:55
shadeslayer4.12.90 tagged and tar'd16:56
shadeslayerand I'm not even done with 4.12.8016:56
shadeslayerRiddell has put on sleepy music and I'm sleepy now16:57
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: I see the error16:58
ovidiu-florinwhat should I do about it?16:59
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: cool, so basically, kdepim has a new build-dep on libqjson-dev, do you have kubuntu-automation branched?16:59
shadeslayerplz branch kubuntu-autmation then16:59
Riddell4.12 beta 2 tars now up!17:00
shadeslayeryeah I know :(17:00
shadeslayerI want to finish https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas first17:00
ovidiu-florinI don't know what that is17:00
shadeslayerso that atleast with 4.12.90 no package is left behind17:00
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: it's a branch with our automation tools, just run bzr branch lp:~kubuntu-packagers/+junk/kubuntu-automation in  a terminal17:01
ovidiu-florinI have to change location. I'll be back in a few minutes17:02
=== greyback|away is now known as greyback
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: should I do this in a virtual machine?17:38
shadeslayerjust need a pbuilder17:39
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: put http://paste.kde.org/p93dd9d8d in ~/.pbuilderrc17:39
shadeslayerthen do : bzr branch lp:~kubuntu-packagers/pbuilder/pbuilder-hooks/ .pbuilder-hooks17:40
ovidiu-florinshould I read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto first?17:40
shadeslayerthen do : sudo -E DIST=trusty pbuilder create --debootstrapopts --variant=buildd17:40
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: yep, reading that gives you a good idea17:40
shadeslayerbut that can be done later on as well :)17:40
ovidiu-florinwhat does sudo -E DIST=trusty pbuilder create --debootstrapopts --variant=buildd do?17:55
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: ^17:56
shadeslayerit will create a chroot that is tar'd and saved for future use17:56
shadeslayerso that you can use it to build packages17:56
shadeslayerit mimics the build daemon on Launchpad17:56
shadeslayerbut locally, so you can test build packages before uploading17:57
ovidiu-florinwhere locally will it store it?17:57
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: ^18:02
shadeslayerjust /var/cache/pbuilder actually18:02
ovidiu-florinI have some stuff in there18:03
shadeslayernow, kdepim has alot more problems18:04
shadeslayerso lemme check for something simpler18:04
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: okay so, open https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+build/5215582/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-i386.knavalbattle_4%3A4.11.80-0ubuntu1%7Eubuntu14.04%7Eppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:05
shadeslayeryou can see at the end it fails because it can't find a file to install18:05
shadeslayerpresumably because it's been renamed to knavalbattle instead of kbattleship18:06
shadeslayer( see preceeding lines, the ones starting with Installing: )18:06
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: with me so far?18:06
shadeslayercool, did you branch kubuntu-automation?18:07
ovidiu-florinI ran the 2 commands you've sent me18:07
ovidiu-florinbut I'm not sure what the first one did18:07
shadeslayeralright, plz cd into the kubuntu-automation dir18:07
shadeslayerthere? now run this command : export PATH=$PWD:$PATH 18:09
shadeslayerwe're adding the kubuntu-automation tools to our path so that we can use them without having to type ./whatever everytime :)18:10
shadeslayeroh hmm, you probably also don't have kubuntu-dev-tools18:10
ovidiu-florinI understood the PATH part18:10
ovidiu-florinno I don't18:10
ovidiu-florinbzr again?18:11
shadeslayerbzr branch lp:kubuntu-dev-tools18:11
shadeslayerthen : cd kubuntu-dev-tools18:11
shadeslayerthen : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-dev-tools18:11
shadeslayerping me once that's done ^^18:11
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: done. will you still be able to teach in a couple of hours? I just got some guests that I have to attend to.18:15
shadeslayernot really no18:15
shadeslayerI'm going to leave within the hour I think18:15
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: we can continue tomorrow :)18:15
ovidiu-florinthen, can you please levea me here some instructions to follow?18:15
ovidiu-florinand I'll catch up with some reading untill tomorrow18:16
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6417142/18:24
parad1se_Riddell: My result with proposes repo and kde-runtime: http://pastebin.com/VrKw67Ns18:55
shadeslayerparad1se_: would be nice to have it in english :)18:55
shadeslayerI think you want sudo -E LANG=C or sth like that18:55
shadeslayerthen followed by the command18:56
parad1se_OK, wait I try to remove it and install again. ^^18:56
Riddellparad1se_: that's fine18:56
Riddellparad1se_: this is testing the samba patch?18:57
* shadeslayer would like to jump off a building after looking at kdepim18:57
* jalcine coaxes shadeslayer to stay with a ton of cake18:57
shadeslayermmm cake18:58
Riddellparad1se_: just comment you tested the packages from -proposed and they work on bug 107145318:58
ubottubug 1071453 in kde-runtime (Ubuntu Precise) "Dolphin doesn't store samba share password" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107145318:58
jalcineshadeslayer: what's daunting about it, though?19:00
* jalcine looks for an opporunity to assist.19:00
shadeslayerjalcine: too many new files, too many things broken in 4.12.8019:00
shadeslayermy head hurts19:00
Riddelljalcine: ooh want to help out packaging?19:01
jalcineRiddell: sure19:01
Riddelljalcine: know anything about it or starting from scratch?19:01
jalcineI've made a few packages by hand.19:02
jalcineBit more of a dh_make-r kind of guy.19:02
jalcineso intermediacy.19:02
Riddellthat's the best way to do new packages19:02
Riddellbut here shadeslayer is talking about updating for a new version19:03
jalcineupdating a package would partially deal with an iterative patch, no?19:04
jalcinethe only package I've ever done that for was libxcb so I could get sddm building on Ubuntu19:04
* jalcine looks for link19:05
Riddelljalcine: want me to take you thought a simple one?19:05
Riddelljalcine: want me to take you through a simple one?19:05
parad1se_Riddell: Now I got it: http://pastebin.com/cnf29Jzs :)19:05
Riddelljalcine: here's our status page http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.11.80_trusty.html19:05
Riddellparad1se_: ah but do they run successfully?19:06
Riddelljalcine: konsole looks like an easy one19:06
parad1se_Riddell: OK.19:06
parad1se_Riddell: without kde-runtime-dbg, yes, works fine.19:07
Riddellparad1se_: great, please say so on the bug19:07
parad1se_parad1se_: ok.19:08
parad1se_Riddell: ok19:08
jalcineRiddell: so I'm pulling sources from git or repackaging (apt-get source)?19:08
Riddelljalcine: bzr and repackaging :)19:09
Riddelljalcine: I just /msged you the sources.list line19:09
Riddellyou can add just the deb-src one for now, it's not yet ready to install I guess19:09
Riddellthen apt-get source konsole so you'll get the 4.11.80 package19:09
jalcinesweet, I'm on it19:11
Riddelljalcine: do you see what needs done?19:13
jalcinestill pulling sources now but just ensuring that the deb package builds with the new sources19:14
Riddellit might well need kdelibs from ninjas to build19:14
jalcinehm, so I'd have to wait for kdelibs to build19:17
jalcinelooks like from the status page it just started19:17
Riddelljalcine: there will already be packages19:17
Riddelljalcine: but also you don't need to compile konsole locally, you can just fix the packaging and upload to kubuntu-ninjas PPA19:17
jalcineah, yeah, just saw it, spoke too soon haha19:17
jalcineright, so I'm glancing at the packaging; is it the versioning that's off and I would have to fix? or I'm missing it?19:20
Riddelljalcine: look in http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.11.80_trusty.html19:21
jalcinethe changelog goes from 11.2 to 11.8019:21
Riddelljalcine: that's fine, 4.11.80 is the beta of 4.1219:21
Riddellthat's the versioning used by upstreanm19:21
Riddelljalcine: on the build status page look at konsole, it's red!19:21
jalcineahhh for i38619:21
Riddellclick show/hide and it'll show you why19:21
Riddelljalcine: a missing file!19:22
jalcineGotcha; updated 'konsole.install'19:22
Riddelljalcine: lovely, add a changelog entry if you want to claim the glory and send me the new source package19:23
jalcineon it19:23
jalcinedch -i would be the safest way19:24
yofelno -i19:24
Riddellright leave out the -i as it already has an entry for this version number19:25
yofelthe new version is already there, just run 'dch' to edit the UNRELEASED entry19:25
shadeslayeror you know19:25
shadeslayerdch --release19:25
shadeslayerand then edit to your hearts content19:25
yofeldoesn't -r set the release name?19:25
shadeslayerI thought it was -d or sth19:26
shadeslayerno, -d is fromdirname19:26
shadeslayerload average: 17,49, 14,17, 9,6719:27
yofeldch got confusing with the new behaviour. Though it's really nice with bzr/git19:27
shadeslayerdunno, I always used dch --release and -D19:28
shadeslayerlike for the last year19:28
apacheloggerI always use debcommit -R -r19:29
apacheloggerbecause I'm cool ya know19:29
apacheloggerkubotu: order beer19:29
* kubotu gives apachelogger a nice frosty mug of beer.19:29
shadeslayervirtual beer19:29
Riddellparad1se_: how's it going?19:29
shadeslayerheh :)19:29
yofelkubotu: order tea19:29
* kubotu gives yofel a nice hot cup of tea.19:29
yofelmmmmh :)19:29
shadeslayerkubotu: order Cacaolat19:30
* kubotu slides cacaolat down the bar to shadeslayer19:30
jalcineI used dch --release19:31
jalcineRiddell: how should I send it to you?19:31
jalcinevia IRC? lol19:31
* jalcine notes he didn't sign because pinentry-kwallet is a bit buggy19:31
Riddelljalcine: you don't need to sign19:32
Riddelljalcine: put on a web server somewhere?19:32
apacheloggersometimes internet research can take night forever19:34
apacheloggeryofel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmM4whoTbGc best ontopic reference material I found19:34
Riddelljalcine: how are you getting on?19:42
jalcineRiddell: was going to set up an FTP server to serve files but blergh19:45
shadeslayerpython -m SimpleHTTPServer is your friend19:45
Riddelljalcine: dropbox or google drive are more fashionable these days :)19:46
Riddellyou could also e-mail them19:46
Riddellor put on a bug report19:46
shadeslayeror push to bzr19:46
Riddelljalcine: no .orig ?19:50
jalcineshould be there now19:51
jalcineI did a konsole_4.11.80-0ubuntu1.* scp19:51
Riddelljalcine: groovy uploading19:53
Riddelljalcine: are you set up to commit to bzr on launchpad?19:53
shadeslayerjalcine: handy command : dcmd cp foo.changes19:53
* Riddell coughs as he uploads it to ubuntu by mistake19:54
shadeslayernoooo :D19:54
shadeslayerI wonder how that'll play with the scripts19:54
shadeslayerI also think I have some differing changelogs between bzr and the ninjas ppa19:55
Riddelljalcine: I added you to ~kubuntu-packagers, please add your change to lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/konsole19:56
shadeslayeryofel: does the script only bump versions for Build-Deps?19:56
shadeslayeror does it bump versions on Depends as well19:56
shadeslayerokay that's a screwy situation then ... lets see what happens19:56
yofelit does a simple regex replace - I would appreciate something more intelligent ;P19:56
jalcineRiddell: bzr push19:57
jalcinejust dblchecking19:57
shadeslayeryofel: because I uploaded without taking out kde-workspace from the -dev.txt file19:57
shadeslayerkdeartworki386 logfile Dependency wait: kde-workspace-dev >= 4:4.11.80 libkexiv2-dev >= 4:4.11.80 19:57
shadeslayercausing things like ^19:57
Riddelljalcine: yes assuming you did bzr branch lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/konsole and have done a commit19:57
shadeslayeryofel: and I was wondering if a package has a Depends on kde-runtime19:58
shadeslayerwhat happens in that case19:58
shadeslayerkde-workspace I mean19:58
shadeslayerdoes it get bumped to 4.11.80 as well? because we won't have a 4.12 kde-workspace19:58
sneleguys since latest plasma-nm updates I get non-plasma notification on startup http://www.dodaj.rs/f/2k/5k/46Oqz1Gj/snapshot6.png19:58
sneleis it a known bug?19:58
shadeslayernot really, trusty seems to be working19:58
shadeslayerRiddell: any news from Nim?19:59
Riddellshadeslayer: nope but probably about time to go and see what's cooking19:59
Riddellshadeslayer: how ready are you to go?19:59
shadeslayerready for the last 15 mins :)20:00
shadeslayerstomach is rumbling :D20:00
yofelshadeslayer: according to rdepends, only kde-sc-dev-latest depends on it, that might need hardcoding 4.11 instead of the current subst20:00
Riddellshadeslayer: ok get these catalunians together and we'll go20:00
kubotuyofel meant: "shadeslayer: according to rbreaks, only kde-sc-dev-latest depends on it, that might need hardcoding 4.11 instead of the current subst"20:00
shadeslayerMarble done20:02
shadeslayeras soon as "We are the Champions" starts playing20:02
Riddelljalcine: I'm off for food, if you get stuck you can try asking yofel or others, lots more packages to fix now you know how :)20:03
jalcineI'm about to run for the same in 1020:03
jalcinebut thanks and I'm here for it20:03
Riddelljalcine: you're welcome back here any time20:03
parad1se_Riddell: Everything is fine. Iam celebrating the use of samba entry and remember function in dolphin :) Just clicking arround ^^ xD How are you? Results are posted in Bug #1071453.20:17
ubottubug 1071453 in kde-runtime (Ubuntu Precise) "Dolphin doesn't store samba share password" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107145320:17
jalcinehow long does it take for the status page to update?20:26
yofelit fetches data from launchpad ever 5min. It only shows data for published packages though so new uploads are shown with a delay20:27
soee4.11.80 is beta1 ? 20:55
soeeor beta2 ?20:55
yofelsoee: ^20:58
yofelmeh, 120:58
soeeyofel, so why not WIP on beta2 already ? :)21:00
yofelsoee: because something will probably be messed up then. Better to first finish beta1 and have (probably) less work for beta221:00
soeeah ok, thank you for info21:00
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: are you still here?21:23
ovidiu-florincan someone please clarifi something to me about kubuntu-dev-tools?21:29
ovidiu-florinwhat's the difference between the version installed with apt and the version from lp:kubuntu-dev-tools ?21:30
yofelovidiu-florin: if you got the apt version from ppa:bulldog98/kubuntu-dev-tools, none. Otherwise lp:kubuntu-dev-tools is the development bzr branch21:52
ovidiu-florinyofel: I didn't use any special ppa21:52
ovidiu-florinjust the default repo21:52
yofeluh, I don't see a version of kubuntu-dev-tools in a recent release21:53
yofelwhat does apt-cache policy say?21:53
ovidiu-florinah, sorry21:53
ovidiu-florinI installed ubuntu-dev-tools with apt21:54
* yofel makes a new recipe as bulldog is MIA and his recipe only builds for raring :/21:54
yofelah, kubuntu-dev-tools != ubuntu-dev-tools. You generally want both for kubuntu :)21:54
ovidiu-florinso I guess the kubuntu-dev-tools bring more specific stuff for KDE/Kubuntu and the ubuntu-dev-tools brings the base stuff21:55
yofelpretty much21:55
yofelapachelogger: where would you put builds for https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+recipe/kubuntu-dev-tools ? For now I put them in kubuntu-ppa/ppa as they break nothing and are the only packaged version we have. Would it make more sense to make a kubuntu-ninjas/kubuntu-dev-tools though?22:03
* yofel doesn't want to randomly create and delete ppa's22:04
apacheloggeryofel: uhm, dunno, why build it at all? :P22:04
apacheloggerhas like 3 dependencies and no actual binaries22:04
yofelconvenience :P22:05
apacheloggeryofel: just keep em in kubuntu-ppa I guess22:06
apacheloggerseems most convenient anyway 22:06
apachelogger(vs having to add another ppa just for the tools)22:06
apacheloggerbecause that at point you might as well run dpkg-buildpackage xD22:06
ovidiu-florincan anyone please explain the step at line 28 from here http://paste.ubuntu.com/6417142/ ?22:46
ovidiu-florinI'm not sure what to do22:46
ovidiu-florinDo I have to get the lines for kubuntu ninjas?22:46
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: yes22:55
ovidiu-florinthank you23:01
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: for trusty, I guess, right?23:03
ovidiu-florinI've added them and then ran apt-get update23:04
ovidiu-florinand it sayd that it failed to fetch23:04
apacheloggerif you are makign a trusty pbuilder anyway ;)23:04
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: then you did something wrong I guess23:05
apacheloggerthere definitely are packages for trusty in the ppa23:05
ovidiu-florinI'll read more about pbuilder and ask shadeslayer tommorow23:07
ovidiu-florinthank you23:07
shadeslayerbah, I left my power adapter at the office23:34
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: install ca-certificates23:36
apacheloggershadeslayer, Riddell: did you get a bot control set up?23:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: bot control for?23:37
apacheloggerfor music23:38
Riddellno i didn't23:38
shadeslayerah, dunno, Riddell was in control of it for most of the time23:38
shadeslayerRiddell: did you find your power cable?23:38
shadeslayerI didn't find it at my place23:38
Riddelli gave you the cable23:38
Riddellyeh power cable23:39
shadeslayerno, *power cable*23:39
shadeslayerfor your laptop23:39
Riddellyeah speaker cable23:39
apacheloggerur drunk, go to bed :P23:39
Riddellsorry actually it's nim typing - non posh school= fr less literate23:40
apacheloggerheya xD23:40
shadeslayerstop covering up the fact that you had too much whiskey at the parteh23:40
apacheloggerhe spelled it whiskey23:41
* apachelogger waits for fallout23:41
Riddelli'm frnkly just confused by omomg23:41
Riddelllike wtf23:41
apachelogger<- also not sober23:41
RiddellRiddel doesn't think he's drunk23:42
Riddellthat's just british folk loosening up23:42
apacheloggersounds jolly drunk to me then23:42
Riddellno it's really not23:43
Riddellcan still remember where i live and what i'm supposed to be doing23:44
apacheloggermh, boring23:48

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