
designbybeckmy System Settings seems to be broke? I open it, I can see all the items, but when I click on something nothing opens00:07
designbybeckand there is no other version of it or any of them running that i can see00:07
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snuggyfooDoes anyone know if Geany (IDE) has auto formatting or indentation like TAB in emacs?01:06
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DragostiniHey everyone, just tried to install the latest stable Kubuntu 64bit via USB flash drive. Live booted up fine (rather fast too, I liked it), and install supposedly went smoothly, but when attempting to boot, as soon as I leave my GRUB screen, I have a never ending black screen. Backlight of my laptop is still on, so it's not dead, just a neverending black screen. Any ideas? Tried reinstalling multiple times.03:31
DragostiniGoogling turned up many results, nothing of which helped me, so thought I'd ask here.03:32
crowellcan you hit ctrl+alt+f1?03:33
Dragostinitried f1-f1203:34
crowellso you don't get a different tty?03:34
DragostiniAnd no cursor either.03:34
crowellcan you try booting with removing the "quiet nosplash" arguments from the grub bootline03:35
DragostiniUh, no idea how to do that.03:35
crowelland add "nosplash debug"03:35
DragostiniHow do I modify / add that?03:36
crowellhold shift during boot03:37
crowellyou'll get to the GRUB menu03:37
crowellthen you can edit your boot command03:37
DragostiniOkie. gimme a few, gotta reboot, on my windoze partition atm03:37
DragostiniI shall be back.03:37
crowellif you had another machine this would go faster :-)03:37
DragostiniHm, lemme grab the wifes laptop ;)03:38
Dragostinik two mins, booting her laptop up.03:39
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Dragostinirebooting laptop03:42
Dragostiniso change quiet splash to debug splash?03:43
crowelldebug nosplash03:43
Dragostiniuhh, tried to boot, bunch of text scrolled REAL FAST and back to black screen of nothing03:44
Dragostini\oh wait03:44
Dragostiniin initramfs03:44
DragostiniIt booted into the busybox build in shell (ash)03:46
crowellany error messages, or just dumped to busybox?03:47
crowellit sounds like like if you an take a picture, that would be helpful03:48
crowellwow, my touchpad is really jittery today :P03:48
DragostiniI'm unable to scroll up, but from what I can see on the screen the only potential error or something is "systemd-udevd[117]: could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/3.8.0-19-generic/modules.dep.bin'03:49
Dragostiniother than that its just a bunch of finding USB's03:49
crowellis this an EFI system? or bios?03:51
Dragostinihp probook 6460b03:51
crowellandtthis is the first time you've booted after the install?03:53
Dragostiniwell aside from the initial blackscreen that brought me here03:54
crowellhm... that is very odd03:55
DragostiniI downloaded the ISO off the kubuntu website, and used UNETBOOTIN from windows to create the live USB03:55
Dragostiniif  that counts for much03:56
crowellone thing that you might want to try is to reinstall grub from the live disk again03:56
crowellI've used unetbootin a lot03:56
Dragostinido a total reinstall?03:56
crowellworks pretty well03:56
crowellfirst try just repairing grub03:56
Dragostiniand how do I go about doing that?03:56
Dragostinikk lemme give that a try03:57
DragostiniI'll get back to you shortly03:57
Dragostinii'll stay on here03:57
crowellok, hopefully that works03:57
crowellif not, I'm not totally sure03:57
Dragostiniit tried to boot, I saw the kubuntu load splash screen04:07
Dragostiniand now ive got an error, sec, i\ll type it out04:08
Dragostinigave up waiting for root device. Common problems: -Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)04:08
Dragostini-check rootdelay = (did the system wait long enough?)04:08
Dragostini-check root= (did the system wait for the right device?)04:09
Dragostini-missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev)04:09
DragostiniALERT! /dev/disk/b-uuid/c3c65afa-caf7-4df4-8c61-cbd5c4e7f84c does not exist! Dropping to a shell!04:10
DragostiniAnd then back to busybox below that04:10
crowellsounds like bios issues maybe?04:10
crowellits looking for a disk by a certain id, which it can't find04:10
Dragostinisorry typo. by-uuid*04:10
DragostiniNever had any issues with any other distro :S04:11
DragostiniSo I'm not sure it would be BIOS04:11
crowellon the same machine?04:11
crowelltry adding the following to your grub boot line then04:11
Dragostiniwas just running OpenSUSE 12.3 KDE yesterday, and Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon three hours ago on that machine\04:11
Dragostinik sec04:12
crowellif that doesn't work, then the problem is menu.lst is holding the wrong uuid04:12
Dragostiniadded rootdelay=130 to bottom of grub boot line04:13
Dragostinisame error04:13
crowellso yeah, your uuid is wrong on menu.lst04:13
Dragostiniany way to fix?04:14
crowellofc :-)04:14
crowellare you in the busybox shell?04:14
crowellok, type in "blkid"04:14
crowellif it doesn't work there, you'll have to do it from the live disk again :/04:14
Dragostinidid nothing that I can see04:14
Dragostiniin konsole?04:15
crowellok, boot up the live disk, then do "sudo blkid"04:15
crowellyeah, in the console04:15
Dragostinikk sec04:15
Dragostiniokay it gave me some spew of UUID's04:17
Dragostinimy two windows partitions, my ext4 and my swap04:17
crowellok, do you know which one is your boot partition?04:17
crowellshould be one of the ext404:17
crowellif you only have one ext4, then its that one04:17
Dragostinithere is only one ext504:18
crowellso if you can mount your ext4 partition, then edit menu.lst to contain the uuid instead of what it currently has04:18
crowelleither that or you can just write down the uuid04:19
crowellthen edit your grub line to reflect the proper uuid04:19
DragostiniI'll write it down on this laptop in a text file04:19
crowell(will say some stuff like root=UUID=blahblahblah04:19
crowelljust updateit to the right one04:19
crowellthen when you boot edit /boot/grub.menu.list04:19
crowellotherwise, you;ll have to do this every time you boot04:20
crowellbut now when you make the edit you should be good to boot :-)04:20
crowellI don't know why grub messed that up the first time04:21
Dragostiniokay, i wrote it down, so when I go into the grub boot edit like I have been, there should be a root=UUID=blahblah that I replace with the UUID I just wrote down?04:22
crowellgoing to be afk for like 20 minutes, need to find my cat, I'll be back though04:23
Dragostiniand when I manage (hopefully) to make it into kubuntu, edit that file and replace the UUID with it as well04:23
Dragostiniokay, I'll be here to keep you posted lol04:23
Dragostinithanks crowell04:23
crowellgreat, no problem!04:23
Dragostinihm, no dice crowell. Same error. I am in the grub edit right now, and its listed correctly, exactly, in two places.04:27
Dragostinifirst is search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root (theUUIDishere)04:28
DragostiniSecond is a couple lines down: Linux                                      /boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-12-generic root=UUID=(UUIDishere) ro     quiet splas\h $vt_handoff04:29
Dragostinithe splas\h etc is due to it cutting into a new line04:30
DragostiniI need to afk about 15 minutes or so myself, back shortly04:32
Dragostinisorry crowell that took a little longer than i expected04:58
crowellDragostini: so you saved with the proper uuid and still didnt work?05:02
DragostiniYeah :S05:03
crowellsorry, but I'm blanking here05:04
DragostiniI might just have to switch to another distro perhaps...05:05
DragostiniI know others worked, I just wanted to try Kubuntu05:05
crowellyou can try another fresh install, maybe something errored?05:05
Dragostinitried that already before I came on here05:05
crowellyeah, sorry about that, I can't really think of another reason for it05:06
Dragostiniits okay dude. I'm going to see if I can poke around and figure it out, and if not, I guess download another distro05:06
DragostiniThanks for your help crowell I do appreciate your effort05:07
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:29
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Guest6751who speak french ?09:18
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alexandrпривет всем10:12
alexandrкак украсить кубунту 13.10?10:13
forgeausis there a #kubuntu-ru?10:14
forgeausapparently not10:14
alexandrкак зайти на кубунту-ру?10:21
forgeaus!ubottu help10:23
forgeaus!ubottu commands10:23
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:24
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList10:39
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BluesKaj'Morning all11:44
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Teleportusing UNetbootin for installing KXstudio 10.4.3 Via Removable USB, Boot says "Invalid or corrupt kernel image", Burned the ISO file to a blank DVD, boot says "No Default or UI configuration directive found!", I've already tried to rename "isolinux" to "syslinux"12:20
shadeslayerTeleport: wrong channel, we do not provide support for KXStudio12:29
Teleportshadeslayer it's kubuntu based12:30
shadeslayerdoesn't matter12:30
shadeslayerif it's a derivative, it's not supported here12:30
Teleportso what do you think about this?12:30
Teleportcause kx is empty12:30
shadeslayerI'd check the md5sum of the ISO12:31
Teleportshadeslayer not match with anything!12:34
shadeslayerso your ISO is corrupted12:34
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lordievaderGood afternoon.15:24
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Moscherkoboldhello, is someone here18:50
Moscherkoboldit seems that I have a problems since an update some days ago18:50
Moscherkoboldmy KWin window effects do not work anymore18:51
Moscherkoboldit seems that my graphic card driver is not installed proberly at the moment18:52
Moscherkoboldi have an AMD graphic card, in the "additional driver" window I can see 2 drivers, no matter which one I select it does not work18:53
BluesKajMoscherkobold. do you mean it doesn't install properly ?18:55
MoscherkoboldBluesKaj: the installation seems to be ok and the little indicator in front of the drivers name is green, however there is a text below that says something like "the driver is activatet, but not in use"18:56
BluesKajif it installs Moscherkobold is the activate option showing ?18:57
Moscherkoboldalso the amd watermark is not in the bottom right egde of my screen anymore18:58
BluesKajwhich AMD card is it ?18:59
Moscherkoboldi have two driver in my list the one with the green light i can "remove" the one with the grey dot in front I can "activate"19:00
BluesKajand you activated it , with poor results ?19:03
BluesKajMoscherkobold. ^19:05
Moscherkoboldwell my kwin effects does not work anymore, and i have noticed that the AMD watermark was suddenly gone19:05
Moscherkoboldif i go into system settings19:05
Moscherkoboldwindow effects19:06
BluesKajyou rebooted after activation , i assume , Moscherkobold ?19:06
MoscherkoboldBluesKaj: yes19:06
Moscherkoboldthere is a message OPENGL-compositing has caused a crash of Kwin19:06
Moscherkoboldprobably the reason was a faulty driver19:07
Moscherkobold(sorry I am translating the text by myself from german into english)19:07
BluesKajand the Qt graphics is setting is native or raster ?19:08
Moscherkoboldopengl3.1 nativ19:08
BluesKajcorrection: and the Qt graphics setting is native or raster ?19:08
BluesKajtry the raster setting19:09
MoscherkoboldBluesKaj: something crashed and i was returned to the login screen after a few seconds19:10
BluesKajMoscherkobold. , open a terminal , sudo apt-get install dkms19:11
MoscherkoboldBluesKaj: ok (was already installed)19:12
BluesKajin the terminal , dkms status , what's the output ?19:14
Moscherkoboldfglrx-updates, 13.101, 3.11.0-13-generic, x86_64: installed19:14
BluesKajok , sudo apt-get install fglrx19:16
MoscherkoboldBluesKaj: uhoh the installation was running and then the same thing happend again, a black screen for 2sec and i was returned to the login screen19:19
BluesKajMoscherkobold. is this an AGP or PCI card ?19:23
BluesKajor onboard?19:24
BluesKajMoscherkobold. are you sure the 78xx is AMD , I see references to nvidia 78xx in google19:27
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MoscherkoboldBluesKaj: sry i have to write from my mobilephone now :)19:29
Moscherkoboldpci-e card19:29
Moscherkoboldyes sure amd19:29
Moscherkoboldafter a reboot i see the os select screen then a kubuntu logo and when the login screen should appear the screen is black and goes into powersave after some sec19:30
BluesKajMoscherkobold. , try another update and upgrade , there may be a graphics update/fix in the repos .19:39
MoscherkoboldBluesKaj: i have done some update upgrade reinstall flgrx in the recovery console and i can use my pc again :)19:42
BluesKajaha :)19:43
BluesKajMoscherkobold. good , glad to hear it :)19:43
Moscherkoboldhowever the window effects are still not working and the amd watermark is also missing, so something is not ok with the driver :919:43
Moscherkoboldi will try the second one from the additional driver window19:44
MoscherkoboldBluesKaj: do you have any futher suggestion?19:50
BluesKajnot sure , Moscherkobold , have you looked at the amd/ati site for a proprietary linux driver for the 78xx ?19:52
MoscherkoboldBluesKaj: hmm no, good idea i will do that19:53
ovrflw0xhow to switch from xubuntu to kubuntu?19:54
lordievaderovrflw0x: Install the kubuntu-desktop package.19:54
lordievaderovrflw0x: After that follow this guide:19:55
lordievader!purekde | ovrflw0x19:55
ubottuovrflw0x: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »19:55
ovrflw0xlordievader, i'm on 13.1019:56
ovrflw0xlordievader, this applies only to Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal). If you're using 12.04, go here. If you're using 11.10, go here. If you're using 10.04, go here.19:57
lordievaderovrflw0x: Probably hasn't changed much ;)19:57
ovrflw0xlordievader, what will happen to the infinality patch?19:57
ovrflw0xi've it installed19:57
BluesKajyeah the pure kde guide is usually out of date by a yr or so19:58
lordievaderovrflw0x: Infinality patch?19:58
lordievaderovrflw0x: I have never heard of that patch, could you give some background/details?19:59
MoscherkoboldBluesKaj: how to install the downloaded file?19:59
BluesKajMoscherkobold. what's the file extension ?20:00
ovrflw0xlordievader, is guide for pure 13.04 kubuntu good enough?20:01
ovrflw0xfor 13.1020:01
ovrflw0xMoscherkobold, make that run file executable and do sh file.run20:02
lordievaderovrflw0x: The one from !purekde will probably work fine. About the infinality thing, I have no experience with font settings. I simply use the defaults.20:03
BluesKajMoscherkobold. , open a terminal in the folder where it's located , then,  ./nameofdriverpackage.run20:03
BluesKajwith sudo20:03
ovrflw0xlordievader, will installing kubuntu-desktop also change the xubuntu pic during the boot?20:05
lordievaderovrflw0x: No idea ;). You can customize it though, if you want.20:06
ovrflw0xlordievader, do you like xfce or kde?20:07
lordievaderovrflw0x: I have never really used xfce.20:07
ovrflw0xlordievader, is guide for pure 13.04 kubuntu good enough? http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/tag/pure-kubuntu/ for 13.1020:08
lordievaderovrflw0x: Probably yes. The thing is, if you find the lib on which the whole xfce depends you only need to remove it. That lib is probably somewhere in their commands.20:10
ovrflw0xi already did "sudo install kubuntu-desktop" and packages are getting downloaded can i STOP them and follow the command give by psychocats.net? will all the package install resume or download from beginning?20:15
BluesKajovrflw0x. not a good idea20:16
lordievaderovrflw0x: It doesn't matter if you first install kubu-desktop and then remove xfce or the other way around.20:16
MoscherkoboldBluesKaj: thank you now everything is working :)20:23
Moscherkoboldjust to know, was my graphic card driver autoupdated or something20:23
BluesKajMoscherkobold. good to hear  :)20:37
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