
=== greeter is now known as that
Private_Userhello people07:21
IQmanPrivate_User: hi07:22
Kilosmorning all07:22
Private_Useranybody here know how to solve the issue of Lubuntu not shutting down when trying to shut down, it just reboots07:22
Private_UserKilos, and I have tried quite a few solutions still nothing07:23
Private_Userhi IQman07:23
Kilosusing 12.04 lubuntu07:23
sirrAnyone got lubuntu 13.10 x64 running properly with vmware tools? Referring to the auto-screen size adjustments07:52
zleaphow do I do this g+ hang out thing amjjawad wants to chat with me  but i can't get it to work properly10:19
bioterrortell him to use real chat things10:19
bioterrorlike IRC10:19
zleapdone,  well i said iw am on irc10:20
Jfuzihello, I have an issue where MOST icons in file manager do not show up, unless I mouse-over them12:41
Jfuziwelp, gottago. trying to install the proprietary nvidia drivers atm and see if that helps12:54
padrinoAny of you successfully ran Lubuntu on a Raspberry Pi?18:08
holsteinpadrino: the debian or ubuntu versions for arm or pi would run, and you can add LXDE18:09
padrinoI thinking of getting one, just need a portable wireless mouse + keyboard lol18:09
holsteini wouldnt get a pi to run a specific operating system.. i would get it if it meets your needs.. lowpower, cheap.. etc18:10
padrinoYeah I'm thinking of just getting an Android mini PC instead18:10
holsteinif running ubuntu is the main goal, you can find likely arguably a lot "better" options18:11
padrinoCheaper + have better specs for a general lightweight PC18:11
Unit193holstein: Pretty sure you can't with Ubuntu Arm, wrong version.18:11
holsteinUnit193: yeah, i think its limited..18:11
holsteinive been wanting a PI, but i just have enough old PC's around, and dont need the pi18:12
padrinoEither gonna buy an Android mini PC or just a cheap second hand netbook and boot Lubuntu on it18:15
holsteinpadrino: i aquire machines (such as second hand netbook) routinely for no cost that run lubuntu well18:16
padrinohow do you get them for no cost?18:17
holsteinif running lubuntu is the main goal, i wouldnt go PI or android mini18:17
padrinoAnd do you know of a computer IRC channel? I have a laptop here where I think the internal HDD has failed and I want info on fixing it18:17
holsteinpadrino: like that.. i get that machine with the bad hard drive, and replace it, for example18:18
holsteinpadrino: you can use the lubuntu live CD to test that hard drive18:18
padrinoyeah, I've tried booting some Linux distros on that laptop from USB18:18
padrinoI tried Tails, Slitaz and Puppy Linux and they all worked fine when running from USB18:18
padrinoBut didn't work when I attempted to install them18:18
padrinoAnd the laptop fails to even boot Windows (standard OS) so I think it's HDD failure18:19
holsteinpadrino: test the hard drive..18:19
padrinoholstein how?18:19
holsteinpadrino: i use whatever live CD i have at the time18:20
Unit193Using mhdd.18:20
holstein!info gsmartcontrol18:20
padrinoholstein yeah I've used some LiveCDs and they run fine18:20
ubottugsmartcontrol (source: gsmartcontrol): graphical user interface for smartctl. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.7-1 (saucy), package size 692 kB, installed size 1938 kB18:20
holsteinpadrino: i use the live CD to run tools that test the hard drive18:20
padrinoI'll try it now, running Ultimate Boot CD through Tails should work, right?18:21
holsteinpadrino: i dont have those in front of me.. the tools that i reference are in the main repos for most distro. or the live CD i linked is quite small in size18:22
holsteinnot sure what you mean by "through tails".. i thought tails *was* a live CD18:23
padrinoyeah, Tails is a live CD18:24
padrinoBut I'm wondering if I can execute a hard drive test in Tails OS?18:25
holsteinpadrino: so, you are either using the tails live CD, or the ultimate boot cd.. you dont run one through the other18:25
holsteinpadrino: i dont use tailsOS, but if you have access to repos, you can install a tool to test the hard drive.. or there may be some included18:26
holsteinif you have a lubuntu live CD, you can install gsmarcontrol, and run the tests as mentioned in the link above18:26
padrinoso to run the Ultimate boot CD... I just unpackage the ISO on to a USB, then when I boot up computer click "boot from USB external"?18:27
padrinoLike I would with another LiveCD OS18:27
padrinoWhen I boot Tails, it says I/0 error on device sdb3, logical block 2. That's before it's even booted fully18:27
holsteinpadrino: i use unetbootin to run the ultimatebootcd.. i dont see where they report it can be "unpackaged on to a USB"18:29
padrinoThat's what I meant. Just I use Universal USB installer instead of Unetbootin18:30
holsteinpadrino: you use the iso you download however you want.. and however you can. burn a CD, or use a tool that allows CD iso's to run from USB, like unetbootin.. or dd copy the iso to a stick if that is supported18:30
holsteinyou can also, just replace the hard drive, if that is easier for you, and you have another one laying about18:30
padrinonope I don't :-( I'm going to boot UltimateBootCD and see what the error is, thanks for the help so far btw :-)18:32
holsteinif you can boot SD cards (which all of my netbooks do) you can just disable or remove the internal hard drive, install to sd card, boot it and enjoy18:33
padrinoWhat do I select when I boot UltimateBootCD?18:37
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=== LitecoinTip is now known as padrino
holsteinpadrino: i use whatever tool is appropiate for the task i want to do..18:57
padrinoholstein okay, well I've just ran one but not sure what it was P18:57
holsteinpadrino: in the parted magic live option there are the tools i mentioned18:57
padrinoyeah I just ran some Parted Magic thing18:57
padrinoAnd now it just says:18:57
padrinoSetting up system devices... DONE18:58
holsteinpadrino: the one i listed will look *just* like the screen shots i gave, and is available from most distros18:58
padrinoSearching for PMAGIC_2013_08_01.SQFS ...18:58
padrinoI ended up using UltimateBootCD but yeah18:58
padrinoyo holstein19:21
padrinoI need a little help here19:21
ianorlinpadrino in case he is not here what is your problem?19:22
holsteinpadrino: i would run the lubuntu live CD.. install "gsmartcontrol" and run "gksudo gsmartcontrol" from the terminal.. it'll look like the picturs on the site i linked at that point19:22
padrinoWell I ran a GSmartControl test on my internal HDD (which I thought was the problem) and came back with these results19:22
holsteintesting hardware is not trivial.. i wouldnt get stuck in one place.. if something isnt working for you, just move on19:22
padrinoand http://i.imgur.com/xhrq24i.png19:22
holsteinpadrino: i run the *long* extended tests19:23
padrinoso I ran the test wrong?19:23
holsteinpadrino: if you are having issues installing to the drive, the drive could be bad, or it could be (from what you have reported) just that windows is not booting from that drive, and something else is preventing you from installing to the hard drive19:23
holsteinpadrino: there are differet tests.. i run the long one.. i dont konw what you ran..19:24
padrinoI'm not sure whether it's the RAM or the HDD though, which is what I wanted to find out19:24
holsteinpadrino: the lubuntu live CD, as well as most other live CD's, and the ubcd have memory tests19:24
ianorlinyes run memtest19:24
holsteinrun whatever tests you can.. rule things out as you go.. these test (when i trust the results) run for hours19:25
holsteini usually let a memtest run overnight.. and the long hard drive test can take hours19:25
padrinobut when the errors come up, I won't know what they mean19:26
holsteinpadrino: i open a search page and search.. or, if i see *any* error, and i have other hardware, i swap hardware and test again19:27
padrinoah okay, I'm running memtest now19:27
padrinoDon't know how long it'll take, but thanks :-)19:27
holsteinthere are reasons why techs charge for these services.. they are not always trivial.. though, its easy enough to test hardware if one is patient..19:27
padrinoI just ran memtest and it says "Pass complete, no errors, press Esc to exit". But I'm 100% sure there's errors somewhere in system19:52
deleted_Well it's not the memory ;)19:52
padrinoI think it's the HDD but I'm not sure how to test that19:52
padrinoI form a diagnoses on HDD, right?19:53
Unit193http://hddguru.com/software/2005.10.02-MHDD/ ?  What's the brand of device?19:53
padrinoToshiba HDD, Dell Laptop19:53
Unit193And did you run the S.M.A.R.T. tools on it?19:54
padrinoI ran GSmartControl but I'm not sure what you mean by SMART tools19:55
deleted_You can use FSCK to check for errors19:55
deleted_or a bootable rescut CD to use other more robust tools19:55
deleted_*recue CD19:55
padrinoI can run HDAT V4.9.3 on HDD, which is "Expert tool for ATA/ATAPI/SATA diagnostics with most detailed SMART + DCO & HPA features + advanced routines for surface scan and refresh + bad sector remapping and wipe"19:56
padrinoI'm current running the UltimateBootCD live USB19:56
holsteinpadrino: if there is not data on the drive that i want to keep, i dont bother with repair steps at first19:57
deleted_padrino, is this a linux based boot disk?19:58
padrinoyes deleted_19:58
holsteinpadrino: i would run the simple long test in gsmartcontrol.. its in the parted magic live enviroment on the UBCD, and its in the repo for ubuntu19:58
holsteinpadrino: if you already ran some tools that say there are no errors, then try and install to the drive19:59
holsteinpadrino: i would want to run a test that takes a few hours on both the hard drive and the memory19:59
deleted_padrino, sorry for asking, have you already run a test to check for disk errors?19:59
padrinoI don't even know what I've already ran :(20:00
holsteinpadrino: the memtest runs.. its ongoing.. it'll say no errors at the beginning .. its one you can just leave running for hours20:00
padrinoAnd holstein, I booted up the parted magic live environment and went into Gsmartcontrol and couldn't find any simple long test20:00
holsteinpadrino: it'll look just like the screenshots i sent you.. theres a dropdown box where you chooose the type of test20:00
holsteinpadrino: have you tried to install to the disk?20:01
padrinoholstein can I boot "Live with default settings" or do I have to "Run from RAM"?20:01
holsteinpadrino: you dont have to do either.. its a choice20:01
holsteinpadrino: if you want to run from ram, run from ram..20:01
holsteinpadrino: i suggest to you, as you learn, try all defaults, til the defaults dont fit your particular needs.. have you tried to install lubuntu?20:02
padrinoholstein yeah, and I don't think my laptop can manage it20:03
padrinoIt can only run the super-lightweight distros20:04
holsteinpadrino: then, there is no need to test *anything* then20:04
holsteinpadrino: lubuntu *is* light20:04
padrinoholstein I mean a really lightweight one, like slitaz20:04
holsteinpadrino: what are the specs?20:04
padrinoor puppy linux20:04
padrinoand it's got 250GB HDD, 3GB RAM20:04
holsteinpadrino: im familiar with both..20:04
padrinoNot sure about the rest, although I can probably find out20:04
holsteinpadrino: lubuntu will run fine on there..20:05
padrinobut I think my internal HDD is failing, that's why it's not installing?20:05
padrinoCause Windows can't even boot on it20:05
holsteinpadrino: if you have not tried installing lubuntu, try that, please20:05
holsteinpadrino: puppy is not easily installable.. and slitaz can be the same20:05
padrinoholstein I did, but it was on the installing page for a very long time20:05
holsteinpadrino: windows not being able to boot doesnt proove anything bue that20:05
padrinoand people said it's not usual for it to be on it that long20:06
holsteinpadrino: do it again, with the latest iso, and report.. .20:06
holsteinpadrino: or, continue testing.. mabye in a hardware specific channel20:06
padrinoI'm going to boot Lubuntu20:07
padrinoinstall lubuntu*20:07
holsteinpadrino: boot it live.. to the live desktop first20:07
padrinoso don't install first, just boot as livecd?20:08
holsteinpadrino: thats what i said, and meant to imply, and suggest..20:11
holsteinpadrino: if you cant boot the live enviroment, you need to address that first20:11
holsteinpadrino: do you have the latest lubuntu? 13.10?20:11
padrinoyes holstein20:14
padrinoI'm running it now20:14
holsteinthe live environment is booted?20:15
padrinoNot exactly, it just stays on the Lubuntu booting screen for ages: http://i.imgur.com/h1iGmQc.png20:16
padrino(sorry about bad image quality)20:16
holsteinpadrino: then, thats is the issue that i suggest dealing with20:16
padrinowhat issue?20:16
holsteinis it graphics related? a bad iso?20:16
holsteinpadrino: ? that one.. you need to be able to boot the live environment20:16
padrinoit's not a bad ISO20:17
padrinoand I don't know the problem with the laptop, that's what I was trying to find out20:17
holsteinpadrino: did you confirm the md5 of the iso?20:18
padrinoIt's finally booted20:18
holsteinpadrino: here are just a few potential issues i run into when installing *any* os on *any* hardware that you can address in any order you like.. supported graphics drivers could be causing that to hang.. you can try20:19
deleted_This has happened to me as well. Have you checked to see if your PC supports PAE?20:19
padrinoBut it took an awfully long time20:19
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:19
holsteinpadrino: its a live environment.. it wont be "fast".. its for hardware support testing.. try to install now, choosing the entire disk as the target20:19
holsteinif asked, dont install updates during the installation20:19
padrinoYeah, it's installing now just loading: http://i.imgur.com/f3jpDW0.png20:21
holsteinpadrino: dont install updates, or codecs.. just install from the disk20:22
padrinoyeah I have20:23
padrinoHow long should it stay on the screen I just screenshotted for?20:24
holsteinpadrino: depends20:25
holsteinpadrino: you should prepare to wait20:25
holsteintypically takes me anywhere from 8 minutes to an hour or so, depending on the hardware20:25
geniiJust the network timeout is 2 minutes usually ( tries twice, a minute each)20:26
holsteini typically have already gotten online at that point, and tested all the hardware to see how the support is.. but, im a "look before you leap" kind of guy20:27
padrinoIt's still on that screen, don't think it's going to work20:36

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