
Mirvt1mp: zoltan knows better about such plans, but yes we have a branch for it (https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/saucy) if we want to do SRUs04:43
Mirvand of course the PPA is updating all the time04:44
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day! :-D09:42
kalikianaJamesTait: what kind of day is that? sounds like anti-depression day10:24
JamesTaitkalikiana, sounds like the kind of day I could do with more often. :-P10:24
kalikianaI kinda prefer genuinely positive days… it doesn't help me to be told "stop being depressed" and that's it10:26
kalikianayou could also tell me "stop eating too much ice cream" that won't stop me either :-D10:27
JamesTaitkalikiana, it sounds like you've got the spirit of this particular day exactly right! :-D10:27
t1mppopey: ping10:45
popeyt1mp: pong10:45
t1mppopey: hi! I saw you answered this question - http://askubuntu.com/questions/375839/unity3d-game-packaging-service10:45
popeyso i did10:46
t1mppopey: I'm trying to figure out what we can do to help developers create/publish games for ubuntu touch10:46
t1mppopey: do you have more information about that? with Unity3D so far I found that the development tools only work for windows/macosx10:46
popeywell step 1 is going to be "get libraries/toolkits ported"10:46
t1mppopey: but you can export for linux desktop, which gives you a (mono) executable and libs10:46
popeybut you can't export for Ubuntu Touch (yet)10:47
t1mppopey: that would require modifications to unity3d, right?10:47
popeyI believe we have spoken to them about this at some point in the past.10:48
t1mppopey: ah, cool. I don't know about that, I'm just collecting information that I can find online10:48
popeyQuite a significant bit of work for them.10:48
popeyAnother interesting framework is Kivy, which is open source ☻10:48
popeyThey even have an EGL renderer so you can bypass X10:48
t1mppopey: ah, let me check that out. I don't know it.10:49
t1mppopey: this one? http://kivy.org/10:49
popeythey have an arm build which works on the Pi, I tried it on my phone (with help in #kivy) and it doesn't work10:50
t1mppopey: did you try to run a unity3d-exported project on ubuntu touch?10:52
t1mpI don't have windows or osx now to play with unity3d10:52
t1mpbut we'd need at least mono on the device10:53
t1mp..or they need to add a native export which is not mono10:53
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popeyt1mp: that won't work, it's an x86 binary11:02
t1mpoh :(11:02
popeyyou don't need mono on the device11:02
t1mpI thought all mono binaries run in a virtual machine11:03
popeythey build a static binary11:03
t1mpsomeone showed briefly what a unity export creates, and it had a bunch of dll files also. How are they used?11:03
t1mpok so my assumptions about mono in the export are completely wrong11:03
* ogra_ guesses they are only used under windows11:03
t1mpthen they don't need to write them when you publish to linux desktop11:04
popeyno, they bundle everything they need in11:04
ogra_or they might be ELF libs and just be named like that ...11:05
popeythat way it works on many distros, they don't use any packages on the machine for that11:05
popeyalan@deep-thought:~/Dropbox/Unity/builds/2dgame_Data/Mono$ file mono.dll11:05
popeymono.dll: PE32 executable (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows11:05
ogra_(for easier portability)11:05
popey^^ see11:05
ogra_so its just for win execution11:05
popeyI play with Unity3D a bit at home11:05
t1mppopey: those dll's are exported when you create a version for linux desktop?11:06
t1mppopey: but the dll's are for windows? so useless?11:06
popeyone mo, let me export one for you11:06
popeythe long and short is there is nothing we can do11:07
popeythey need to modify their development tools to make it export arm ubuntu versions11:07
t1mppopey: ok. thanks. I'll add that to my doc11:09
popeyt1mp: http://popey.com/~alan/unity2dtest.zip contains a readme and a Linux build of their sample game.11:15
t1mppopey: thanks, I'll check it out.11:15
popeyWhen you start the game, it will ask you for a screen resolution, choose something low, and windowed. I dont know how to exit the game, so doing that allows you to close the windows11:16
popeyI'd love to have Unity 3D the editor working on my Ubuntu machine, but they haven't ported it yet.11:17
popeyAmusingly the editor is MonoDevelop, which we already have ported!11:17
popeyit's the rest of the editor that isn't. It *almost* works in WINE, but that's not ideal of course.11:17
t1mppopey: you created that game?11:19
t1mppopey: supercool :) we need that on touch! ;)11:19
popeyno, i loaded it into Unity3D on my Windows box and spat out a build11:19
t1mppopey: ah I didn't read what you said here. I started fullscreen and it worked11:19
t1mppopey: alt+f4 quits the game for me11:19
popeyits their sample game11:19
popeyah okay11:19
popeybut yes, I agree. It would be *great* to have Unity3D have an "Export to Ubuntu Touch" option. Make it so ☻11:20
t1mppopey: apparently if you want to create an ios (or osx?) version, it generates a project for xcode, and then you compile in xcode11:22
popeyso you have to build for iOS on a Mac11:25
t1mppopey: that 2D game can be done with box2d I think, for which there is a qml binding :)11:26
t1mpbut from my quick look, Unity seems to have a cool editor11:31
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popeyyeah, and very extensible11:35
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
dakerin less than 12hours the battery is at 30% :(12:06
popeydaker: adb shell in, run top, see what's running?12:07
dakerpopey: running 12.04, is adb available ?12:08
dakerswitching the screen off/on switchs "on" the bluetooth12:09
popeydaker: are we talking about the phone battery?12:10
dakerpopey: yes12:10
popeyok, yes, you can get adb for 12.0412:10
dakerpopey: adb shell brings the root session ?12:16
dakernot the phablet user12:16
popeyyes, correct12:21
popeyif you want to switch to the phablet user, "sudo -u phablet -i"12:21
dakerpopey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6415564/12:21
popeyinteresting load avg of 3 over the last 15 mins12:22
popeyps aux | grep qmlscene12:22
popeywhich app is that?12:22
ogra_is that a mako ?12:23
dakerogra_: yep12:23
seb128unity8 has 18min of CPU in that top list, that's qui a lot12:23
ogra_echo "interactive" >/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor12:23
ogra_daker, try that12:24
dakerpopey: yep that's terminal12:24
ogra_it shoudl get the load down quite a bit12:24
dakerogra_: done12:26
dakerogra_: what i should expect ?12:26
ogra_(we'll do some research about whats the best governor for which device this cycle)12:26
ogra_that the load on idle goes down to something like 0.2 or 0.3 ... instead of 1.x12:26
ogra_(and the rest of the average load should also stay lower by default)12:27
dakerogra_: load average: 1.46, 1.56, 2.0812:28
ogra_on idle ?12:28
ogra_it should drop over time12:28
ogra_are you sure it took the setting ? (cat the file again)12:29
ogra_for me it is at about 1.20 with ondemand ... setting interactive it then drops 0.01 per second until it reaches something like 0.312:31
* ogra_ just did it again after a fresh boot and it is at .52 after about 30sec12:31
ogra_load average: 0.15, 0.77, 1.0612:32
ogra_thats after about a minute12:33
popeybeuno: what does this actually mean? ""lint_md5sums": "found bad checksums: java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/security/cacerts""12:33
ogra_tat the files dont match the expected sum ?12:33
* ogra_ bets they are generated by a portinst or so ... so their sums are individual on each install12:34
popeyi see no md5sum in the list that gets printed12:34
dakerogra_: load average: 0.16, 0.59, 1.4512:34
ogra_that should help responsiveness a little12:35
popeylrwxrwxrwx 1 alan alan 27 Nov 11 16:36 cacerts -> /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts12:36
popeythats why12:36
beunopopey, right  :)12:37
beunopopey, so we should add symlink detection12:37
popeywant me to file a bug?12:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 1251223 in Canonical Click Reviewers tools "Should look for symlinks in the click package" [Undecided,New]12:40
dakerogra_: what's about switching the screen off/on switchs "on" the bluetooth12:53
ogra_not my area ... but definitely a bug (and known i think)12:54
ogra_cyphermox and charles need to work together onn this12:54
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dakerinteresting ifconfig works on the phonew with the ubuntu terminal but not with adb shell13:06
dakerphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ ifconfig13:06
daker-su: ifconfig: command not found13:06
ogra_that means your env is messed up ...13:07
ogra_most likely because you used the wrong way to become pahblet13:07
ogra_sudo -u phablet -i13:07
ogra_thats the only way you shoudl use13:07
dakerogra_: right13:07
ogra_did you ?13:08
dakersee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes13:08
dakerExecute the following command to run as user phablet (required to run apps in an initialized session): su - phablet13:08
popey12:21:20 < popey> if you want to switch to the phablet user, "sudo -u phablet -i"13:10
ogra_popey, well, but the doc recommends su :)13:10
* popey also edits the wiki13:10
popeywell I did say how to over an hour ago when daker asked ☻13:10
dakerpopey: ya i was already in :)13:10
dakerso i didn't think they were differentes13:11
popeyeveryone has been bitten by that one13:11
dpm_so, I'm trying to bootstrap the Evernote QML app, using the Evernote JavaScript API, here's a first cut -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dpm/+junk/authen/files13:19
dpm_However, the Javascript file gives me an error when I try to load it from QML13:20
dpm_file:///home/dpm/dev/authen/lib/evernote-sdk.js:833: Error: Invalid write to global property "EDAMErrorCode"13:20
dpm_I think that's because there is no "var" in front of that variable13:21
dpm_but looking at the rest of the file, there are quite a lot of variables not declared with "var", and QML does not seem to like that13:22
dpm_aquarius, daker, you're experts in JavaScript (and I believe in QML as well ;) - do you have any ideas? Do I need to prepend all variables with "var" to be able to use that file from QML?13:23
aquariusyou need to declare your variables, indeed13:23
* aquarius rtfs13:23
aquariusyes. Stick var in front of it.13:24
aquariusThat will declare it in the scope of the JS file13:24
dpm_oh, man, I wonder why the guys upstream didn't do it, there are *a lot* of variables in that file...13:25
aquariusbeware: when you import the JS into QML, you'll do: import "evernote-sdk.js" as SOMETHING, and then to reference JS vars *from* QML you'll need to call them SOMETHING.EDAMErrorCode13:25
aquariusit's less important in a browser, because you're likely loading that module into the global namespace *anyway*13:25
aquariusso there's no difference.13:25
aquariusQML is a lot more picky; it does not allow you to write to the global namespace. Each JS file gets its own namespace.13:26
* aquarius runs the file through jshint13:27
* dpm_ didn't know about jshint, nice!13:28
aquariuswoah. jshint dislikes this code :)13:28
aquariusMissing semicolons, mainly...13:28
dpm_aquarius, they only release minified code,  so I unminified it, but I doubt that modified the semicolons. https://github.com/evernote/evernote-sdk-js13:30
aquariusright. Minified code leaves out semicolons where they'd be clearer but aren't strictly necessary, because that's what minification *is* ;)13:31
aquariusmight be worth asking them for the unminified version.13:31
dpm_Yeah, there might be a way of building the .js file, but I didn't see anything obvious and there's no documentation on how to build it13:32
dpm_at least I could not find it13:32
dpm_sorry, I meant building the _unminified_ file13:32
dakerunminifed js https://github.com/evernote/evernote-sdk-js/blob/master/evernote-sdk-js/thrift/lib/thrift.js13:32
dakeronly the first part13:33
dpm_yeah, other bits seem to be in https://github.com/evernote/evernote-sdk-js/tree/master/evernote-sdk-js/generated - but it seems these are generated by something else13:35
dpm_and I don't know how they put everything together13:35
dpm_daker, aquarius, ok, a new JS question if you guys have got a minute: after having prepended all variables with "var", I'm now getting "ReferenceError: ArrayBuffer is not defined" on http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dpm/+junk/authen/view/head:/lib/evernote-sdk.js#L458 - is this ArrayBuffer supposed to be a built-in object that the QML implementation of JS does not support?14:16
aquariusyes, it is14:16
aquariusan ArrayBuffer is a block of memory used to store binary data14:17
dpm_that rules out using the Evernote JS API, then :(14:17
aquariusthat sucks :(14:17
aquariusyou may be able to work around it, or may not.14:17
aquariusif I were to guess, I'd say that they're using it to XHR binary data (images, for example) off the server14:17
aquariusQML's JS engine doesn't support binary XHRs, which sucks.14:18
* aquarius rtfs14:18
aquariusright; it's in a thing called BinaryParser.14:18
aquariusmaybe just stub that out and see what happens...? That is: make it so calling BinaryParser works but doesn't return anything, and so you don't support binary data14:19
aquarius*hopefully* that'll mean that you just don't display binary data in notes14:19
aquariusif the whole API depends on it, though, then you have a problem :(14:19
dpm_I'll give it a go, thanks a lot aquarius14:25
dpm_ah bummer, I guess DataView is not supported, either...14:30
dpm_hi mzanetti, we're looking at ways to access the Evernote API for the Evernote app. It seems the JS library they provide won't work, and the next one to try is their C++ library. Looking at it here https://github.com/evernote/evernote-sdk-cpp, do you think it might make sense to wrap it as a C++ QML extension?14:44
dpm_or perhaps t1mp or kalikiana, what do you think? ^^14:45
* mzanetti is looking14:46
dpm_thanks :)14:46
mzanettidpm_: yeah. I'd say that's way to go14:47
mzanettidpm_: who is "we"?14:47
mzanettiah ok. I see14:47
mzanettilet me know if you need help14:48
dpm_mzanetti, "we" is myself, popey and the Evernote community developers :)14:48
dpm_thanks :)14:48
mzanettiok. yeah, I can help you getting started if you're all new to Qt plugins14:49
* popey hugs mzanetti 14:49
* dpm_ flash hugs too14:49
* mzanetti -> food. I'll have a look later14:50
dpm_mzanetti, it'd be awesome if you could bootstrap us on wrapping that library as a QML plugin, thanks!14:50
mzanettidpm_: is there already some code or should I start from scratch?15:20
dpm_mzanetti, there is no code for it. We were intending to use the JavaScript library Evernote provides, but that has proved to not be feasible, as Qt's implementation of JS does not support things such as ArrayBuffer, which the Evernote JS library uses. So I've started looking at the C++ library and how to wrap it as a QML plugin just when I asked you earlier on. For the app itself, we do have some code for the app's UI in QML, but that's pretty much15:23
dpm_ pre-alpha. For the Evernote API backend, as I say, the intention was just to use their JS code15:23
mzanettidpm_: ok. So I start a new project with a dummy main.qml15:24
dpm_mzanetti, if you are going to modify the UI as well, then I'd suggest using the code from the existing project, give me a sec and I can give you the link15:25
dpm_mzanetti, https://launchpad.net/reminders-app15:26
dpm_it's pretty much a dummy  reminders-app.qml file right now15:27
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dakeroSoMoN: and we need to make start.ubuntu.com mobile friendly16:28
oSoMoNdaker, agreed16:30
mhall119kenvandine: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/Ubuntu.Content/ look better now with the page on top?16:37
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kenvandinemhall119, yes.. that makes more sense imo16:42
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mzanettidpm: I never used Evernote so far16:52
mzanettidpm_: what's the most basic thing such an app would do?16:52
dpmmzanetti, fetch a list of notes16:53
mzanettidpm: is this only public stuff? or how does authentication happen?16:53
dpmmzanetti, so we've got an Online Accounts plugin in the works that takes care of all the authentication16:54
dpmwith OA doing the authentication, you get the token you can pass to the API to do any operation with the notes16:56
mzanettimhm. I see16:56
dpm"in the works" means that we've got a package with the Evernote OA provider building in a PPA, and an updated version of signond pending Jenkins review and landing16:58
dpmbut I've got local packages to test that I can send (or you can build the packages directly from LP's code)16:59
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dakerpopey: the wikipedia app doesn't work17:20
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popeydaker: if you look in /home/phablet/.cache/ there may be a recently written log file, maybe under ./upstart ?18:01
dakerpopey: i mean it start but nothing in it18:02
dakerjust a tab with empty content18:02
popeyyes, so check the logs18:06
dakerpopey: where apps are installed ?18:10
popeydaker: /opt19:16
dakerpopey: ouch! the developer is trying to embed http://m.wikipedia.org inside an iframe using the HTML5 SDK20:14
kenvandineaquarius, i hate you again... i have a working phone again, so now I have to start thinking about "El Paso" again20:24
kenvandinepopey, how far are you in riddling now?20:25
kenvandineseb128, have you come up with any guesses for #24?20:26
seb128kenvandine, no, I googled a bit for it but didn't find anything useful20:26
seb128you should ask David ;-)20:27
kenvandinei think tonight might be a long night again :)20:27
kenvandinehaving a busted phone helped me get some sleep20:27
popeyer, kenvandine 16 ☻20:32
AskUbuntugsettings-qt bug? | http://askubuntu.com/q/37711420:41
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mhall119kenvandine: got any hints for #16?21:34
kenvandinemhall119, in PM to not spoil it for others21:35
popeypm me too ☻21:36
kenvandinemhall119, oh... and anther hint21:36
kenvandineif you have any of the non-default features enabled on the OSK, it won't take your answer21:36
kenvandinethat annoyed the hell out of me...21:36
popeyit will if you press enter21:37
popeyinstead of "Next" button21:37
kenvandinethat was annoying21:37
kenvandinei was typing the answer right... and it wouldn't take it21:37
kenvandinei was confident i had it right...21:37
mhall119say what? what non-default features?21:41
kenvandinepredictive text and auto capitalization?21:42
kenvandinei think21:42
kenvandinethey aren't exposed in system settings yet21:42
kenvandinebecause they are buggy21:42
kenvandinei had enabled them during the sprint21:42
kenvandinewhich made riddling just that much more frustrating21:42
mhall119auto-cap is on by default now, no?21:43
kenvandineAuto completion and Word suggestions21:46
kenvandinethose are the ones i had21:46
kenvandinei assume auto completion is what was shooting me in the foot21:46
mhall119I just got the same SMS from my brother like 4 times, and he swears he only sent it once, has anybody else experienced this?22:29
popeymhall119: not recently22:54
mhall119well he just got 4 repeat replies from me on his Android phone, so maybe it was the network's fault22:55

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