
xclaesseI wrote a simple .desktop file that I've put in ~/.local/share/applications but unity's dash does not find it00:48
RAOFxclaesse: Anything special about the .desktop file? The various Steam .desktops in ~/.local/share/applications work for me.00:51
xclaesseRAOF, nothing special, I just want to launch my python script from unity's launchers01:06
RAOFYou could always try logging out and back in again. Presumably unity watches that path, but maybe reloading the scopes will fix it01:07
xclaesseRAOF, ah I understand01:17
xclaesseit does not accept if the exec binary is in ~/.local/bin01:18
RAOFIs ~/.local/bin in your path?01:18
xclaesseRAOF, I set the path in my .bashrc for that01:21
xclaesseit's probably not in unity's path01:21
xclaesseok, setting the full path to the python script and it works01:21
xclaessewould be nice to have it relative though01:21
sarnolddid you try to use "bar" or ".local/bin/bar" or "~/.local/bin/bar" or "/home/foo/.local/bin/bar" ?01:23
xclaessesarnold, ah ".local/bin/bar" works01:30
xclaessecool :)01:31
xclaesseok, next step: add an action in the context menu01:31
seb128good morning desktopers!08:45
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seb128Laney, good morning, how are you?09:08
Laneyseb128: alright thanks, although I think my arm got bruised when I gave blood last night09:08
Laneyso that hurts a bit09:08
seb128I'm good thanks!09:10
RAOFpitti: Good morning!09:15
pittihey RAOF, how are you?09:16
RAOFpitti: You've got a merge request and a bug for umockdev awaiting you :)09:16
pittiRAOF: thanks for your umockdev fixes09:16
pittiRAOF: no, I don't :)09:16
pittiRAOF: it's all in 0.4.7, I uploaded that to Debian and it'll autosync in a few hours09:16
RAOFSo, by the time I'm ready to propose this Mir branch, the valgrind tests should not fail in umockdev :)09:17
Laneyrobru: Was using sbuild09:19
seb128didrocks, btw on fully updated trusty I can still tap "alt" in g-c-c09:28
seb128works in a guest session as well09:28
didrocksseb128: hum, let me try today09:28
seb128not sure what's the difference between our systems09:28
didrocksstill not working and update today09:28
didrocksyeah, as Laney confirms, I'm wondering09:29
didrocksI'll try a guest later09:29
seb128needs debugging by somebody having the issue09:29
seb128hint hint hint ;-)09:29
didrocksheh, I'll have a look09:29
seb128mhr3, hey09:47
seb128mhr3, just as a FYI, the gvfsd-http leaks/non closing fds issues should be fixed in trusty, I would appreciate if you could verify/confirm during the cycle09:48
seb128larsu, hey09:49
seb128larsu, how is GTK 3.10 going?09:49
seb128larsu, still working on it/on what specific issues?09:49
larsuseb128: yes. I have a hard time figuring the update-manager list view issue out09:52
seb128larsu, that doesn't seem a blocker ... maybe we could just upstream that one?09:53
seb128larsu, and gently ping mclasen/Company saying it's a blocker to get the update in Ubuntu09:53
seb128well, not a blocker for the ppa I mean09:54
larsumaybe it's this one: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71222009:54
ubot2Gnome bug 712220 in GtkScrolledWindow "GtkScrolledWindow has incorrect minimal size" [Normal,Unconfirmed]09:54
seb128larsu, did you notice that it takes the correct space if you expend the details t the bottom?09:54
larsuwhich is the weirdest part :-/09:54
larsuseb128: okay, let me push that back. Then I'd only consider the scrollbar theme thing to be a blocker09:55
seb128larsu, right, I was going to say the same09:56
larsuI assume this is something that needs to be fixed in the theme though09:56
larsuI'll investigate :)09:56
seb128larsu, I would assume it's something to be fix in GTK/o-s code09:58
seb128but let's see09:58
larsuo-s ?09:58
larsuah :)09:58
mhr3seb128, cool, got a link to a bgo bug?09:59
seb128mhr3, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=706225#c710:00
ubot2Gnome bug 706225 in general "gvfsd-http crashed with signal 5 in g_cancellable_make_pollfd()" [Major,Resolved: duplicate]10:00
seb128mhr3, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=695652#c4410:01
ubot2Gnome bug 695652 in HTTP Transport "Indefinite hang in run_sync_state_machine() on close()" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]10:01
seb128mhr3, I've commented on that second bug to see if we can get some of the fixes cherrypicked in the serie used in saucy10:01
seb128so we can SRU10:01
seb128mhr3, the commit Dan backported to fc19 seems to be https://git.gnome.org/browse/libsoup/commit/?id=96da2df64c9dd8cc52e97ce73e54615d6b52066410:02
seb128larsu, do you need help on GTK for anything? Like do you want me to spend some time to see if I can get a small testcase example of the update-manager issue?10:22
larsuseb128: I've already found one: the test case in overlay-scrollbar10:25
seb128Laney, so new webkitgtk isn't happy on arm64 :/10:26
seb128../Source/WTF/wtf/dtoa/utils.h:64:2: error: #error Target architecture was not detected as supported by Double-Conversion.10:26
seb128Laney, it also made powerpc unhappy10:27
Laneyseb128: yeah, checking it10:29
LaneyI see the arm64 fix I think10:29
Laneyppc test building on partch10:29
Laneyprobably a missing #if somewhere10:29
seb128mhr3, don't run away like that :p10:32
seb128mhr3, did you get my reply?10:32
mhr3seb128, saw the commit link as last thing10:32
mhr3my internet died :/10:32
seb128mhr3, ok, so you got it all, 2 bugs and 1 commit10:32
mhr3using phone data now10:32
mhr3seb128, when is that going to work with ubuntu phones btw? :)10:33
seb128what? sharing datas?10:33
mhr3yep, usb tethering10:33
mhr3or wifi10:33
mhr3or bluetooth :)10:34
seb128mhr3, don't seem to be on the els prd list, so maybe not this cycle :/10:34
mhr3strangely sharing my phone's wifi over usb is my most used feature on android10:34
mhr3mostly caused bcm wifi sucks so bad10:35
mhr3seb128, anyway, i'm not sure whether it's the same issue, the bug is mentioning something that got broken and is now fixed10:37
mhr3afaik the fd leaking has been there since at least 12.1010:37
seb128mhr3, well, Ross it's easy to reproduce the issue, so should be easy to test on trusty?10:38
mhr3seb128, well, it should be easy to see on errors.ubuntu.com :)10:40
mhr3last time i checked that bug was high on the list10:40
seb128mhr3, yeah, it's first or second on gvfs issues for saucy, which is what made me comment upstream/ping about it yesterday10:41
seb128mhr3, I'm trying to work a bit on the e.u.c list every day10:41
mhr3seb128, great, it's an awesome source of data10:42
mhr3makes bug prioritization a walk in park :)10:42
seb128I don't trust lightdm on trusty anymore, I swear it's doing weird stuff on user switches sometimes10:54
seb128I just had my session closed when logging out of a guest session10:54
seb128mhr3, is that normal that dash filters change (e.g new category got added) during the session?10:57
mhr3seb128, yes11:01
seb128mhr3, that's weird :p11:01
mhr3seb128, well, categories should be stable, sources will get added11:01
seb128mhr3, I've "news" added to the categories11:02
seb128e.g if I do11:02
seb128- log into a guest session11:02
seb128- open the dash11:02
seb128- look at filters11:02
seb128it starts with "aide" (help)11:02
mhr3oh right11:02
seb128- type something in the search entry, clean it11:02
seb128-> "actualité" (news) is added to the categories11:03
mhr3if a category has 0 sources it's not displayed, and since later a source is added, it becomes visible11:03
seb128ok, I see11:03
seb128that's a bit weird since it changes the layouting of the filters11:03
* seb128 also noticed that turning the online data makes the dash snappy to return results again and is pondering to just do that11:04
mhr3seb128, but if it was there all the time it'd be even worse (returning no results ever)11:04
seb128mhr3, so I set 'remote-content-search' to 'none' ... I did a query "pdf", which listed me some pdf I opened recently (great)11:07
seb128mhr3, now I open the dash again, type "pdf" and it lists no file, the "files" filter is off (I didn't change), dispite having 'files.scopes' in the 'always-search' gsettings11:07
mhr3sounds like a bug11:08
seb128mhr3, do you think it's the same issue than the one from yesterday?11:08
mhr3might very well be11:08
mhr3seb128, can you get bustle log for that?11:08
mhr3and attach it to the bug you opened11:09
seb128mhr3, oh, it works if I see the "remote-content-search' back to 'all'11:09
seb128mhr3, can you reproduce if you change the key to none?11:09
* mhr3 tries11:09
mhr3seb128, nope11:12
mhr3anyway, the bustle log should help11:12
mhr3just try to describe very precisely what you did and what you saw11:13
mhr3there'll be a mismatch somewhere11:13
mhr3seb128, perhaps even record a video while capturing the log11:13
seb128mhr3, is that going to "leak" all my dash content? not sure I want to put all my filenames online :p11:14
mhr3seb128, mark it private then11:14
seb128larsu, I keep (ab)using your merge request to discuss GTK 3.10 issues, let me know if you prefer moving to a bug? (e.g should we rather use https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/1171587)11:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 1171587 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "update to GTK 3.9 and the issues to resolve for it" [Wishlist,Confirmed]11:33
seb128in fact that would make sense, let me comment on that bug ;-)11:33
larsuseb128:  I don't mind either way11:37
* larsu is bisecting the o-s issue11:37
larsuI hate o-s11:37
* seb128 hugs larsu11:40
Laneytalk to desrt about that11:41
seb128you can always try to ping that italian guy who wrote it :p11:41
seb128but I bet the reply is going to be "it was working, it's a bug in GTK"11:41
larsuI'm sure he'll be happy about that :)11:42
seb128to his defence that's what happened with GTK 3.8 and he was right :p11:42
larsuseems like the same here11:42
seb128the bug that make o-s buggy by then was an annoying one in GTK which impacted on other apps as well11:42
larsu7 steps left. If only gtk built faster :)11:43
pitti-j8 FTW!11:48
pitti(and build in tmpfs)11:48
seb128larsu, just doing git bisect&make ought to not be that slow11:48
larsuseb128: slow enough to annoy me :)11:49
* larsu is not a very patient person11:50
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seb128bregma, hey, could you get somebody assigned to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1047517? that's the most reported unity issue on e.u.c/saucy12:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 1047517 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_mount_spec_to_dbus_with_path() ... from unity::IconLoader::Impl::IconLoaderTask::LoaderJobFunc()" [High,Confirmed]12:30
bregmaseb128, we'll discuss it today12:31
seb128bregma, thanks12:31
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seb128mhr3, I've added bustle and video on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-home/+bug/1223933 ... let me know if you need more info or if you prefer a new bug since that's not strictly the same issue12:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 1223933 in libunity "sometimes the dash home list "no result matching your query" string" [Undecided,Triaged]12:51
mhr3seb128, thx12:52
mhr3seb128, hm, it doesn't even try to search files12:56
mhr3pstolowski, the log is odd ^^12:57
mhr3pstolowski, home scope sends query to apps scope, and then the same query to the scopes scope (even though that's supposed to be apps child)12:58
pstolowskimhr3, oh, if it's the case then it's indeed odd, looking12:59
mhr3oh wait13:00
mhr3it's the apps master querying its children13:00
mhr3pstolowski, nonetheless, later it doesn't send the query to files (which is in always-search according to seb)13:02
mhr3later == when there's an actual search string13:02
mhr3seb128, btw is the files scope running?13:02
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mhr3pgrep unity-files-daemon?13:02
seb128mhr3, I guess so, the file lens is working13:02
mhr3hm, interesting13:03
seb128yeah, it's running13:03
pstolowskiseb128, but judging from your description, gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Lenses home-lens-default-view doesn't show files.scope now?13:04
seb128['help.scope', 'help-askubuntu.scope', 'help-texdoc.scope', 'help-yelp.scope', 'news.scope', 'news-googlenews.scope', 'news-yahoostock.scope', 'applications.scope', 'applications-applications.scope', 'applications-scopes.scope']13:05
seb128which matches the filters showed active on the ui13:05
seb128is it supposed to use the "always-search" ones as well? (that has apps/music/video/files)13:06
pstolowskiseb128, right, and you never de-selected files in previous searches?13:06
pstolowskiah wait, it's not surfacing13:06
pstolowskiso right, always-search should be used13:07
mhr3seb128, just to make sure, can you paste the value of always-search as well?13:13
seb128mhr3, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6415785/13:16
mhr3great, thx13:17
pstolowskiseb128, and is this now reproducible on every search?13:17
seb128pstolowski, yes, it's stucked in that buggy situation13:17
seb128I've not tried to manually click on filters or restart processes though13:18
seb128in case you guys need more debug infos13:18
seb128but it's not going away by using the dash or typing stuff in the entry13:18
pstolowskiseb128, mhr3 ok, I suspect filter state handler in home scope got confused, grr13:19
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pstolowskiseb128, i'll look at this, probably next week13:28
seb128pstolowski, ok, let me know if you need more debug infos/want me to build a special versions with extra prints for example13:29
Sweetsharkseb128: So I checked the libs that LO brings its own copies, for the debian sync and MIR dance. libodfgen needs 0.0.3 which is not in debian exp. yet, libmwaw is uptodate in universe/just needs MIR, libmdds is outdated in universe, needs a sync of 0.9.1 from in debian experimental, libcmis needs 0.4.1 which is not in experimental yet. libenotyek and libfreehand are new with 4.2 -> lets postpone those.13:29
seb128I wonder if my config is special in any regards13:29
seb128Sweetshark, ok, should we do the libmdds sync?13:30
Sweetsharkseb128: yep, would be one thing of the list.13:32
Sweetsharkso on big bertha doing a release build of LibreOffice takes 30min. Building a package takes 106min. as xz compression of the result takes ages :/13:33
pstolowskiseb128, what would definitely help is if you run home scope with HOME_SCOPE_VERBOSE=1 env var set; and capture all the output from start till when the problem shows up (there will be lots of output, so just 2>&1 to a logfile)13:36
seb128pstolowski, ok, I can do that13:37
pstolowskiseb128, so just kill home-scope and re-run it from a terminal13:37
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seb128pstolowski|lunch, mhr3: it's trivial to reproduce here13:43
mhr3seb128, good, you'll be asked to send your laptop to poland then ;)13:44
seb128mhr3, pstolowski|lunch: I wonder if that's a locale stuff, I restarted the home scope with the debug env, I typed "pdf" and I had files, then I did "esc" ... the filters changes with "actualité" ("news" in french) added as the first category and files&folders got unselected at the same time13:45
seb128mhr3, pstolowski|lunch: http://ubuntuone.com/3tC2suxeWymsYaBbFkjGhf is the log13:45
seb128see l133713:46
seb128is that normal that this query is only apps scope?13:46
seb128l1321: 13:43:07.936785Z unity-scope-home: search-util.vala:180: Setting sources filter files-gdrive.scope: false13:47
seb128l1318 I mean13:48
seb128the files-local.scope is set to false13:48
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pstolowskiseb128, no, it got confused after esc. thanks for the log, I think I have all the needed info14:32
seb128pstolowski, great, yw14:34
desrtgood morning14:35
desrtlet's drop overlay-scrollbars14:35
desrtlarsu tells me i get free steak if this happens... so... soon, please?14:38
larsudesrt: only of you had verifiable influence on that decision ;)14:39
desrtlarsu: butterfly effect, dude14:40
larsunot really verifiable14:40
ogra_given you dont have wings, how do you do that ?14:40
ogra_fart and it will change eventually ?14:41
seb128desrt, good morning14:42
desrtseb128: hey.  i'd be happy if you could now say "we will get rid of them, but only because desrt asked so nicely"14:43
seb128desrt, let's not start trolling, new GTK is making me less happy by the day, I could start ranting soon :p14:43
* seb128 just opened https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71230214:43
ubot2Gnome bug 712302 in GtkFileChooser "GtkPlacesSideBar showing "Desktop" or not shouldn't be a by-application setting" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:43
seb128wth GNOME14:43
desrtoh.  this is fun :)14:43
larsuuh oh. I guess I should stop ranting then...14:43
desrtseb128: if i fix this bug, will you let larsu drop overlay-scrollbars? :)14:44
seb128they made the default to be "don't show a desktop, because GNOME3 doesn't have one"14:44
seb128and the solution is to patch every app14:44
ogra_just use QtFilechooser ;)14:44
desrtseb128: i guess you want XSETTINGS stuff here14:45
seb128desrt, no dropping of anything14:45
seb128desrt, yeah, but isn't xsettings being killed because it doesn't work in wayland?14:45
larsudesrt: why not a gsetting? The file chooser already has a schema (and federico said so in that commit)14:45
seb128larsu, because schemas are not by desktop14:45
seb128larsu, e.g a xfce user wants that item, an Unity user wants it, a GNOME3 doesn't14:46
larsuargh, right14:46
desrtwell.... in fairness, it sort of makes sense to bind this to the "icons on desktop" setting that already exists14:46
desrtif the user turns off viewing their desktop then that should be the indication not to show it in the chooser14:46
desrtregardless of environment14:46
larsugood idea, but this is a nautilus setting, no?14:47
seb128I was going to say14:47
desrti think it's in org.gnome.desktop.interface14:47
desrtorg.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false14:47
* desrt was close14:47
larsuis that installed on an xfce desktop?14:48
seb128neither on win3214:49
seb128nor macOS14:49
* desrt already raised this point in the bug14:49
larsuwe need an equivalent to shell-shows-menubar14:49
desrtadding XSETTINGS back to gtk seems to be popular these days....14:49
kenvandinedobey, my wife is angry with you!  :-p14:53
kenvandineshe couldn't figure out how to buy music anymore... she's on precise14:53
seb128larsu, kenvandine, charles, tedg, Laney, let's skip the settings meeting, I don't think anyone worked on this week (I didn't see any activity and CI is down), seems everybody is busy catching up with other topics/start of cycle work14:57
seb128cyphermox, attente, didrocks: ^14:57
charlesseb128, ack14:57
cyphermoxseb128: btw, looking at wpa...14:58
seb128cyphermox, hey! oh, thanks ;-)14:58
cyphermoxseb128: it's that bug that failed to retrace everywhere in all cases15:00
cyphermoxsomething broke maybe in libnl15:00
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desrtseb128: be happy.  this problem will be solved by end of day.15:13
seb128desrt, thanks a lot for dealing with it!15:14
desrtseb128: so... about those overlay-scrollbars.....15:14
seb128desrt, *lalalalala*15:15
desrtgeesh.  you do a nice thing, and this is what happens15:16
desrtseb128: *the keg* is on the line here15:16
desrtseb128: in fairness, probably larsu would treat you as well...15:16
* larsu confirms15:16
seb128you don't want me to get fired, do you? ;-)15:16
desrt'accepting bribes'15:17
mdeslaurI think getting rid of scrollbars entirely is more sane than getting rid of overlay-scrollbars :P15:20
larsumdeslaur: and how do you show how far along a document you are?15:21
seb128larsu, mdeslaur: let's stop trolling, friday is tomorrow :p15:21
mdeslaurlarsu: oh, you leave the indication there, you just don't pop anything up over it :P15:21
seb128larsu, btw I just tested on raring, seems to be that the thumb behaves/looks the same way15:21
seb128larsu, the orange portion was not animated, it was just always there to show the position15:22
* mdeslaur suspends further trolling until tomorrow15:22
larsumdeslaur: ah, that would have been part of the "scrollbar" term for me. I totally agree then15:22
larsuseb128: cool. Thank you. I guess I misremembered15:22
larsuseb128: this is what I meant: http://vimeo.com/3021014615:24
seb128larsu, is that the orange/grey line and the way it's displayed/fading away?15:28
larsuseb128: yes, the gray one is missing for me when using 3.815:28
seb128larsu, work in a saucy vm (sorry got sidetracked while the vm was loading)15:35
seb128larsu, let me downgrade gtk on trusty and see15:36
seb128larsu, I'm testing with "nautilus /usr/share", works fine on trusty with the trusty GTK (you just need to aim close from the border and slowly)15:43
larsuseb128: do you get the gray bar as well?15:44
seb128larsu, yes15:46
larsumeh :/15:46
larsuseb128: thanks for testing that,15:46
seb128larsu, http://ubuntuone.com/5VrE9JH4FuK1VIMIZrSvxG15:48
seb128larsu, that's trusty with the trusty gtk version15:48
larsuseb128: weirdly enough, I don't get that with upstream gtk 3.8. Might be one of our patches.15:49
seb128larsu, I don't really see which patch in our stack could make a difference there :/15:54
larsume neither. I'll find out after I get the trough visible at all15:55
seb128larsu, what application are you testing with?15:55
larsuseb128: the tester inside of overlay-scrollbars source tree15:56
seb128larsu, that test app is weird/buggy16:00
larsuhow so?16:00
seb128larsu, http://ubuntuone.com/4fHJW2VMDIXLYhQDoGxlMN16:00
seb128is that how it looks like for you?16:01
larsuya, it seems to be the bug that we also see in update-manager16:01
larsuI patched the tester :)16:01
seb128larsu, that screenshot is using GTK 3.8...16:01
seb128how did you patch it ?16:02
larsuthen it's definitely not the same bug :D16:02
larsuI made it so that there's only one listview16:02
larsugood enough for testing16:02
seb128larsu, ok, I do get the grey bar/animation on that as well16:03
seb128just wanted to rule out the test to be buggy16:03
seb128I'm going to let you debug then, let me know if I can help for anything else16:03
larsuyep. Thanks a lot for testing!16:03
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=== greyback is now known as greyback|away
happyaronseb128: I did some analysis on bug 1221593 (my last comment), and can only pick up it again next week cuz I'm at Changsha for the meeting from today to the weekend.16:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1221593 in ibus (Ubuntu) "ibus-ui-gtk3 crashed with SIGABRT in _g_log_abort()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122159316:24
seb128happyaron, hey, thanks ... is the issue fixed in 1.5.4?16:25
pittimterry: so the icon theme uninstallability is fixed, now https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-deja-dup/14/? failed with a test failure; would you mind having a look?16:26
seb128happyaron, I wonder if the error is worth asserting on, what would happen if we only g_warning there? would it pick the config once the daemon writes it?16:26
happyaronseb128: I haven't tested the latest patchset ofr 1.5.4, anyway it's not fully a part of the released version of ibus, but need some patch that fujiwara apply to F19.16:27
happyaronseb128: not tested yet, but that's worth to try.16:27
seb128happyaron, why is fujiwara not upstream those changes? do they still have them in f20?16:28
happyaronseb128: fujiwara cannot commit those changes directly, need code review from phuang (original author of ibus). So all the distros are carrying fujiwara's patches for certain features/fixes.16:29
happyaronit's more obvious since gnome decides to do the integration.16:30
seb128happyaron, is that because phuang is not active for reviews?16:30
seb128happyaron, thanks for the update16:30
happyaronseb128: he's active, but not that interested on those kindia integrations.16:30
happyaronhe cares more about the framework16:30
seb128happyaron, can you check, next week, what happens if we just return in that function instead of asserting?16:31
happyaronseb128: sure16:31
seb128happyaron, that might be good enough as a solution16:31
seb128happyaron, thanks16:31
happyaronwith pleasure16:32
* seb128 shakes the fist to lightdm in trusty16:34
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desrtseb128: got patches up for the GtkPlacesSidebar issue16:57
desrttesting appreciated16:57
seb128desrt, excellent, thanks16:57
desrt(they seem to work in my jhbuild)16:57
seb128desrt, I was about to go for some exercice but I do that next once I'm back16:57
desrtlooks like they'll go upstream pretty quickly so i don't know if there is much value in patching them in our packages except for local testing16:58
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pittidesrt: hey, how are you?17:12
* desrt is doing job #1 today17:12
pittidesrt: I pushed an updated patch to -shim, FYI17:12
desrtoh.  great.17:13
pittidesrt: oh, what's that?17:13
* desrt checked last night, didn't see it17:13
desrtpitti: making seb happy17:13
pitti"watch latest BBT episode"?17:13
pittidesrt: no, did it this moring17:13
pittimorning, too17:13
pittisome 11 hours ago17:13
pittidesrt: if you are happy with it, could we just do a version 5?17:14
* desrt would have preferred a chance to review it17:14
desrtalthough i suppose that's inconsistent with my previous hopes of passing off maintainership to you :)17:14
pittidesrt: ah, I thought you were content with our discussion how to do it yesterday17:14
pittidesrt: but it's not yet released or uploaded or anything17:15
pittidesrt: it's git, so we can change it :)17:15
desrtpitti: i'm pretty strong into the "no non-trivial commits without code review" mindset these days17:15
pittidesrt: ok, noted for the future17:15
pittidesrt: (good thing!)17:15
desrtlooks more or less fine, though... i'd only have minor tweaks to it17:15
pittiI should try that with my projects too, I just find it hard to find someone who wants to bother with reading apport or umockdev patches17:15
desrtprintf("%u", getpid()) is possibly undefined, for example17:16
desrtif sizeof(pid_t) != sizeof(int)17:16
desrtbut i guess in our case they're the same17:16
pittidesrt: undefined?17:16
desrtpitti: if you had a platform where pid_t was a long, for example17:16
pittiso that would need an (unsigned) cast17:17
desrtthen passing the result of getpid() directly as the argument for "%u" would be an error17:17
pittias there's no printf macro for pid_t17:17
desrtyes.  you'd normally want a cast in this case.17:17
desrti'd also have used g_strdup_printf() instead of mucking around with the static buffer17:17
desrtand i'd have written 'GError *error' instead of 'GError* error'17:17
desrtas i said -- all minor complaints :)17:17
desrtprobably not worth changing17:18
pittinah, I'll do it anyway17:18
desrti assume you tested it and it works?17:18
pittiyes, of course17:18
desrtawesome :)17:18
pittidesrt: ah, I avoided g_strdup_printf(), mostly out of a habit17:18
desrti'll wait for your tweaks, then i'll do a release (and tarball)17:18
desrtpitti: if this was some tight inner loop, i'd agree17:18
pittiif I can get away without dynamic memory allocation, I do it usually; but I'm happy to change it17:18
desrtbut one extra malloc() _per lifetime of the entire system_.... probably not an issue :)17:19
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pittino, but it doesn't actually make the code any easier, to the contrary17:19
desrtpitti: it's not about making the code easier17:20
pittiit introduces at least three lines more17:20
desrtsimilar to your dynamic memory aversion i have an aversion to formatting strings into fixed-sized buffers17:20
pittidesrt: heh, fair enough17:20
desrti'm pretty sure you got it right in this case, though17:20
desrtbut that's the nice thing with g_strdup_printf -- you don't have to convince yourself17:21
desrtone more nit: your critical is probably actually a warning17:21
desrtcritical == programmer errors17:22
desrtwarning == things that should not have happened, but are not the fault of the programmer of this process17:22
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pittidesrt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6416828/ (built-tested, but not yet runtime-tested; doing now)17:23
desrtthat said, the critical may be nice from the standpoint that we will soon be using apport to report criticals17:23
desrtbut ya... probably better as a warning to be more 'proper'17:24
pittidesrt: thanks for the warning/critical heads-up17:24
pittidesrt: err, sorry, wrong diff17:24
desrtpitti: seems you could have avoided the boolean if you wanted to17:25
desrtbut looks good17:25
pittidesrt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6416837/17:25
desrt(even if it's the wrong diff) :)17:25
pittidesrt: yeah, I committed the style changes first, then --amend'ed the g_strdup_printf change17:25
pittithat's the complete one now17:25
desrtlooks good to me17:26
pittidesrt: success> I try to free it ASAP; at some point someone might have an exit path in the if() condition17:26
desrtpitti: fair enough17:26
desrtyou know about this gcc cleanup attribute?17:26
pittidesrt: I do17:26
desrtwe should use it more :)17:26
pittiyeah, it's magic!17:27
desrtin cases like this where the software will only run on ubuntu (or debian some day maybe) we could totally rely on it17:27
pittidesrt: systemd upstream uses it a lot, I guess it's not really a distro thing but more like a "gcc" thing?17:27
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desrtmy point is that ubuntu/debian are built using gcc...17:27
desrtie: we don't have to worry about trying to build with msvc or so17:28
pittihehe, yes17:28
desrtor suncc or whatever17:28
pittidesrt: ok, runtime-test thumbs up; good to push?17:30
desrtyes.  please do.17:30
desrtk.  lemme do the 'release' :)17:31
desrtokay.  done.17:33
pittidesrt: mind putting the tarball to https://people.gnome.org/~desrt/ so that we have an "official" orig?17:38
desrtpitti: already did17:39
pittidesrt: "once and for all" -> famous last words! *cough*17:39
pittidesrt: ah, cheers; reload helped17:39
desrti think i also had "should" in there ;)17:39
* pitti hugs desrt17:39
* pitti goes to package/upload/update SRU17:41
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pittiRAOF: FYI: [ubuntu/trusty] umockdev 0.4.7-1 (Accepted)17:48
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* Laney gives up staring at webkit's code18:31
seb128Laney, still looking at webkit? did that eat your day?18:35
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mfischI just confirmed an odd bug. The screen will not lock while you have a notification menu open (like session or battery)19:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 941618 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "Screen not locking when hovering mouse over notification applets" [Medium,Confirmed]19:17
mfischgnome-screensaver cannot get the focus19:17
sarnoldmfisch: take a look at bug 49579  -- it's probably a duplicate19:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 49579 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "screen doesn't lock when some menu is open" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4957919:19
sarnoldmfisch: this is something we're expecting Mir to fix for us; fixing it in X11 seems neigh-on impossible.19:20
mfischsarnold: looking, I just grabbed a log19:20
mfischa 5 digit bug # even19:21
mfischsarnold: yes, a dupe, thanks19:22
bschaeferhappyaron, ping19:32
seb128bschaefer, it's like 3am for him, I doubt he's online19:36
bschaeferseb128, thanks, ill have to try to catch him tomorrow morning19:37
seb128mfisch, that's not weird, welcome to Xorg ... surprising you just discover that today ;-)19:37
mfischseb128: only discovered on our hacked up GSS that lets you send lock signals via dbus19:37
seb128bschaefer, he's away for a Kylin meeting I think, back next week, you might let some ping context in case he looks at IRC in between (or email should work)19:37
mfischseb128: but "Mir fixes" works for me19:38
seb128mfisch, yeah, Mir should fix it, I'm sure the security team is going to make sure of that ;-)19:38
bschaeferseb128, I see thanks again for the info :). cool ill just send him an email!19:38
seb128bschaefer, just curious, what's the topic? im-config stuff again?19:38
bschaeferseb128, no its actually more of a question about preedit windows, more about I want to ask someone who uses IMs19:39
bschaeferlike, how important that box is, as im fixing up XIM in nux19:39
seb128bschaefer, "preedit"?19:39
bschaeferwhen you typing in any IM you get preedit text, thats showing you what has been typing so far but is not real text yet19:39
seb128I'm sure they want that19:40
bschaeferand each IM has a preedit box that shows you suggestions of the next char you want19:40
seb128isn't that working in the dash?19:40
bschaeferseb128, its working, but im running into problems getting it in a nice position19:40
bschaeferas with XIM, it only uses the X windows position19:40
bschaeferso for the dash it wont be below the text entry, it'll be at the bottom left of the Dash19:40
seb128bschaefer, you are trying with ibus?19:41
bschaeferseb128, as the goal is remove all the Ibus code from nux, and depend only on XIM19:41
bschaeferseb128, XIM support all IMEs19:41
seb128yeah, that would be nice19:41
seb128Kylin uses fcitx19:41
seb128that's a topic for vUDS next week19:41
bschaeferyes very much, the one problem is the preeidt window wont be super nice in ibus19:41
seb128ibus/fcitx for Ubuntu19:42
seb128is it better in fcitx?19:42
bschaeferseb128, yup it'll all work fine, XIM is an abstraction that all IMes implement19:42
bschaeferX Input Method19:42
bschaeferall the IMes have the XIM client code, so all of them work19:42
* bschaefer gets a list19:42
seb128right, sorry for the question, I'm just trying to figure out if that's ibus specific/if fcitx does better19:42
seb128bschaefer, don't bother with a list, we care about ibus and fcitx ... and we need to pick one19:43
bschaeferseb128, right, well the only difference between switching from IBus directly to using XIM19:43
bschaeferis this preedit window box isn't in the same place19:43
bschaeferbut all will work fine19:43
seb128I'm sure we can address that specific issue in some way19:44
seb128in any case Kylin is the main user19:44
bschaeferright, i've tried work arounds, but XIM is a bit old and kind of late getting into X to begin with...19:44
bschaeferyup, and fcitx will work much better in Nux19:44
bschaefercause i've actually implemented the rendering of preedit text (this isn't the case atm)19:44
seb128knowing that they don't use ibus, we need to switch away from requiring it19:44
bschaeferwhich as soon as I can get this branch landed we can remove anything ibus related in nux19:45
bschaeferand unity19:45
* bschaefer and remove those evil ibus AP tests...19:45
seb128so you are saying fcitx works better than ibus UI wise in Unity?19:45
seb128btw it would be nice if you can join that session next week19:45
bschaeferyeah i can join in, umm right now ibus works better19:46
* seb128 has no clue about input methods framework (as most of the team), yet we have to pick one :/19:46
bschaeferbecause we implemented ibus directly in nux19:46
bschaeferim not really sure, both work very well overall (in my eyes at lease)19:46
seb128is that statement still true once you land the xim support?19:46
bschaeferwhen we move to XIM, they will all look the same19:46
bschaeferthe only difference will be the preedit window the IMe renderes19:47
seb128so at least Unity is not a blocker in the decision19:47
bschaeferrenderers, which they are in charge of19:47
bschaeferwhat would be a blocker?19:47
seb128the UI you are talking about is e.g http://www.emacswiki.org/pics/static/IBusModeScreenShot.png right?19:47
bschaeferseb128, yup that little box with the suggestions19:48
seb128blocker would be: users of that framework can't use the dash19:48
bschaeferoo, well they can :), so yeah thats good19:48
bschaeferseb128, the only thing, with the dash the preedit box in fullscreen will be outside of the screen :(19:48
seb128the real solution for that is to add the prediction UI to unity...19:48
seb128(sure you like that ;-)19:48
bschaeferwhich is one question i wanted to ask, how important that suggestion is box really is to normal users19:49
bschaeferseb128, well the problem, is we can't control its location19:49
bschaeferonly the IMe does19:49
bschaefer(for some reason)19:49
seb128I'm not using those input method but I guess it's a basic feature so important19:49
bschaeferand its location is based on the bottom left corner of the X window19:49
bschaeferyes very much so19:49
bschaeferill have to come up with a work around...19:49
bschaeferso far a few have failed19:50
seb128bschaefer, oh, I'm sure you can19:50
bschaeferseb128, atm, its a problem in any gtk app as well, if you use XIM19:50
seb128bschaefer, http://hedayatvk.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/d8b9daa9d8b3e2808cd8b5d981d8add987-d8a7d8b2-2013-01-16-021756.png19:50
seb128bschaefer, that's what gnome-shell is doing19:50
bschaeferif the window is maxed, the preedit box is placed outside the screen19:50
bschaeferthat looks nice19:50
seb128bschaefer, if they can, it's technically doable19:50
bschaeferseb128, it is, the problem19:51
bschaefernux doesn't have a nice IME interface19:51
bschaeferthe only one we really have access to is XIM19:51
bschaeferso, the real soultion would be to implement an IME interface for nux, and write client code in each IME19:51
seb128that might be a "next generation desktop" topic19:51
seb128e.g unity819:51
bschaeferwell unity8 IIRC uses malit?19:51
bschaeferi can't spell it :)19:51
bschaeferwhich has all that stuff put in with QT19:52
seb128don't ask me19:52
bschaefersooo hopefully when we move over to unity8 we will have no more problems with IMs19:52
seb128I still don't understand how much an osk integrates/replaces IM framework19:52
seb128we still need to support physical keyboard19:52
seb128you can't just dynamically change the physical layout on those ;-)19:53
bschaefero right...that'll be interesting, luckly QT has an IM interface, and I know (think?) fcitx supports it at lease19:53
seb128one step at the time19:53
bschaeferyup, having that already solidified is a huge step19:53
bschaeferfrom there you just need to make sure each IME support that toolkit19:53
seb128it would be good for the lts to put the popover dialog in the dash rather than at the corner19:53
seb128not sure how easily that's to hack though19:54
bschaeferhmm well with XIM the pop up will be at the bottom left corer atm19:54
bschaeferim guessing the only workaround will be to hacky, and possible regression causers19:55
bschaeferie. having to re-implement the text entry to be an Xwindow it self19:55
bschaeferbut yeah, one step at a time, i should get it merged first :)19:55
seb128right, let's get it working first, then we can do UI tweaks19:56
bschaefersounds good!19:56
seb128but I guess it's not going to be trivial to get some popup on top of the dash19:56
seb128e.g we would maybe need to make that UI be display by unity itself19:57
seb128which starts being more work than we want for the LTS19:57
seb128so yeah, maybe just having it at the corner is good enoug19:57
bschaeferright, im just worried about regression potential for the LTS19:57
seb128check with happyaron ;-)19:57
bschaeferi would much rather play it safe :)19:57
bschaeferyup, ill send him an email!19:57
seb128(which is what you were going to do, sorry for distracting you)19:58
bschaeferno worries :)19:58
seb128but yeah, play safe sounds good19:58
seb128we are struggling on what to do with the indicators/keybindings as well19:58
bschaeferyeah i was reading that topic...its a complicated problem...19:59
bschaeferis there also a session for this in vUDS?19:59
seb128not yet, I'm pondering putting one20:00
seb128we still have free slots20:00
seb128there is one from the Kylin guys about ibus/fcitx20:00
bschaeferwouldn't be a bad idea, as thats something to talk about worst case it'll be short20:00
seb128I'm also unsure how the indicator/keybinding stuff can be resolved over a session20:00
seb128I was thinking about putting one20:01
seb128I'm probably going to do that (setting it after the ibus/fctix one so we can discuss based on the output of that one)20:01
bschaeferyeah, ill make that one, unless i over sleep haha (joking)20:01
bschaeferthat would be good, if the slots align nicely :)20:01
seb128yeah, I've scheduling powers so I can make that happen ;-)20:02
desrtseb128: any other gtk nags?20:09
seb128desrt, nags, or nags for you?20:10
desrtanything that i could do to make your life easier?20:10
seb128desrt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/1171587 comment #3 (#4 as well)20:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 1171587 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "update to GTK 3.9 and the issues to resolve for it" [Wishlist,Confirmed]20:10
desrtseb128: fwiw, dunno what the deal with u-s-d is, but you're probably going going to need to manually pick that patch at least20:11
seb128desrt, I think larsu is on the other ones (out of update-manager one, but that's not a blocker)20:11
desrtalthough the failure mode if you don't pick the patch will be for it to fail in the direction that we find favourable, ie: desktop will be shown20:12
desrtbut we should probably do it anyway to support people who manually disable the desktop20:12
seb128desrt, yeah, I'm going to pick that patch this week. robert_ancell sent me an email that he has an u-s-d test version ready, but he's on vac for a week now20:12
desrtseb128: parallel-installable with g-s-d i hope20:12
seb128we still have arguments about the details though20:12
seb128he wants to rename/migrate the gsettings keys20:13
* desrt finds a new wishlist bug about the "...when ~/Desktop is not empty" thing20:13
seb128I argue that there is enough compat that it's not needed20:13
seb128not speaking about external users/internet documentation20:13
desrtthat's very tricky20:15
desrtgsettings-desktop-schemas upstream has been less.... stable than i'd have hoped20:16
desrtin general, i think ubuntu-desktop-schemas would be an extremely good idea20:16
desrtfor various extras we have20:16
desrtinstead of all of the hacking we do to check "is component X installed?  use it's gsettings, if so..."20:17
seb128right, but I think in practice it's going to be less work this cycle to enforce stability there/add back keys for compat reasons if they drop them than to fork/migrate the keys20:17
desrtnow that we have a proper g-c-c fork, these sorts of "add UI elements if..." checks are pointless20:17
desrtseb128: as long as the changes that we patch back are purely additive20:17
desrt(ie: we only do it when upstream is removing settings outright)20:18
desrtbecause otherwise we may end up causing compatibility issues for gnomebuntu20:18
seb128I think that in practice it should be an easy this cycle20:18
desrtfrom that standpoint i understand why robert wants what he wants20:18
seb128which makes less migration work for the LTS20:18
desrtbut i agree that the changes should not be too much, and they're usually strictly additive20:18
seb128we can revisit next cycle if needed20:18
seb128desrt, btw, we have https://launchpad.net/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas20:19
* desrt is honestly looking forward to being able to run ubuntu again :)20:19
seb128which is what you suggested, for unity820:20
desrtthis is how gsettings is meant to be used20:20
seb128unitu7 is in sitting in the middle of 2 worlds20:20
desrtin general, i really like the way new things are going20:20
desrtit's going to be very very much cleaner20:20
seb128I wonder how much "different desktops on a same distro" is going to stay true though20:20
seb128the GTK/Desktop stuff showing it why today20:21
desrtthis was a stupid change, imh20:21
seb128the xsettings logic is sort of a strech20:21
desrtthe trivial work that i did today should have just been done from the start20:21
desrtand this isn't about different desktops on the same distro20:21
desrtthis is about different desktops using the same toolkit20:21
seb128right, they screwed other OSes on the way20:21
desrtwhich is a problem that gtk chooses to have.... we just have to remind from time to time that this is their choice20:21
desrtand showing up with patches is always the nicest way to do that ;)20:21
seb128I guess it's rather the discussion" GTK is the GNOME toolkit"20:21
desrtgtk is only the gnome toolkit insofar as non-gnome people don't show up offering to do work20:22
desrttoday a non-gnome person (me) showed up with patches.  they got applied almost straight away.20:22
desrtthese patches didn't benefit gnome in any way at all20:22
seb128yeah, as long as they are fine taking the code to accommodates other OSes20:22
desrtwhich, again, is a choice that gtk made20:23
seb128I'm pretty happy about the outcome ;-)20:23
desrtit's supposed to be a cross-platform toolkit.  that includes linux-outside-of-gnome too.20:23
seb128I was unsure how Bastien would respond when you asked20:23
desrtseb128: you duped :p20:26
ubot2Gnome bug 711040 in GtkFileChooser "GtkFileChooser: Desktop entry missing" [Normal,Unconfirmed]20:27
seb128desrt, heh, I listed it myself in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/1171587/comments/3 that doesn't count ;-)20:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 1171587 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "update to GTK 3.9 and the issues to resolve for it" [Wishlist,Confirmed]20:28
seb128but yeah, I should maybe have reused that one20:28
desrtyou were so upset that you wanted it to be two bugs? :)20:28
seb128let's say that I didn't want to spam that poor-contributor's bug with my ranting :p20:29
desrtthe rest look like a bunch of theme issues20:29
desrtwould be really nice if our theme was maintained...20:29
seb128well, it's not20:30
seb128the overlay-scrollbar bugs larsu is working on is not a theme issue20:30
desrtah.  surprising.20:30
seb128it's an issue with the rendering optimisation alex did20:30
desrtah.  that makes sense as well, i suppose.20:30
* desrt freaking loves the new alex stuff, btw20:30
seb128to give some credit where it's due, the 3.8 issues we had with scrollbars turned you to be a GTK bug20:30
desrtthat item was on my todo list for a while (larsu and i chatted about how we'd do it when we were in copenhagen)20:31
seb128and one where users were vocal about in other softwares as well20:31
desrtand then alex just came with code20:31
larsudesrt: which item?20:31
* larsu doesn't feel thrilled about alex' optimizations today20:31
desrtlarsu: changing how the scrolling works20:31
seb128larsu, not drinking Berlin beers tonight? ;-)20:31
desrtpure cairo-based.... no more GdkWindow hackery20:31
larsuseb128: that was Tuesday. Can't have beer every night :)20:32
* desrt wants to drink a $22 beer...20:32
seb128desrt, talk to attente20:32
larsudesrt: ah, right. The thing I'm fought with is a change that leads up to that20:32
seb128attente, congrats on getting the compiz key grabbing working btw, seems user feedback of the ppa is good ;-)20:33
larsuI think I've found the issue, but was too exhausted to go on further earlier today20:33
attenteseb128, thanks20:33
desrtis this the one where it only works when the user changes the keybinding after logging in?20:33
seb128desrt, he fixed that!20:33
desrtoh.  good20:33
desrtbecause that sounded ridiculous :)20:33
* desrt was about to offer ways to trick gsettings into reporting change notifications :)20:33
seb128desrt, we seem to be on parity with gnome-shell now :p20:33
attentethat problem was stressful..20:34
desrtattente: maybe i should buy you a $22 beer :p20:34
seb128(which doesn't mean bug free)20:34
seb128desrt, yeah, you should20:34
desrtseb128: gnome-shell has bugs?20:34
* seb128 would if he was in Canada20:34
attenteit becomes more like a $1022 beer20:34
seb128huuuum, maybe I'm stepping out20:34
desrtattente: because you want to buy 40 of them?20:35
seb128attente, I bet you can't drink those 40 beers in one night20:35
* attente adds the cost of the flight20:35
seb128if you can I'm paying for them20:35
attenteat that point you might as well be in belgium i suppose...20:35
desrtseb128: stop that20:35
desrtseb128: we finally have a guy who knows about keyboard and input method and you want to kill him with alcohol poisoning20:36
seb128yeah, that's not cool20:36
* seb128 stops20:36
seb128attente, come to Berlin next year, we can have good beers there as well20:36
seb128you can ask larsu ;-)20:36
* larsu confirms20:36
desrtseb128: he'll be in strassbourg next year...20:36
desrti guess the beer there is probably also okay :)20:37
seb128yeah, people coming to France!20:37
larsuwhat a coincidence: so will I!20:37
larsuthe world is such a small place20:37
attentefun times :)20:37
seb128ok, on that note I'm calling it a day20:39
desrtseb128: good night20:39
seb128thanks, you too!20:39
attentenite seb128 :)20:39
seb128attente, thanks, you too ;-)20:40
desrtlarsu: did you check that your appmenu patch works?20:40
seb128larsu, you should call it a day as well, tomorrow is friday need to keep going until the W.E ;-)20:40
larsuseb128: I already did. Just hanging around on irc :)20:40
larsudesrt: yes20:40
desrtcool.  i just ACK'd it20:41
desrtwhich is meaningless since i removed myself from the product strategy team....20:42
larsuyou can do that now, eh?20:42
larsuI'm not on that team either…20:42
desrtyou're directly in the indicators team, though20:42
* desrt was indirectly before, via PS20:42
larsubeing in PS makes your inbox blow up20:43
desrtya.  this is why i left :)20:44

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