
MohamedAlaa98Hello! o/ Anybody here?13:32
thelinuxerMohamedAlaa98: hey dude14:23
MohamedAlaa98thelinuxer: What's up! :D14:33
thelinuxerMohamedAlaa98: everything is fine, how are you :) ?14:33
MohamedAlaa98thelinuxer: fine, thanks :D14:34
MohamedAlaa98thelinuxer: I've made some modifications to ubuntu-eg wiki page.14:34
thelinuxerMohamedAlaa98: which page ?14:34
MohamedAlaa98wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam check it out :)14:35
thelinuxerMohamedAlaa98: can't remember the old one :D14:35
thelinuxerMohamedAlaa98: u added the download link for 13.10 ?14:36
MohamedAlaa98lol! well, I've modified the upper menu and updated the images :D14:36
MohamedAlaa98just changed the image14:36
MohamedAlaa98it redirects to ubuntu.com14:36
thelinuxerit looks cool :)14:36
thelinuxeryeah I noticed14:37
MohamedAlaa98I feel ubuntu-eg is kinda inactive :v14:38
thelinuxerMohamedAlaa98: yes , very low activity but not inactive ;)14:38
thelinuxerMohamedAlaa98: general mode isn't good14:38
MohamedAlaa98thelinuxer: yeah, are there upcoming events?14:40
thelinuxerMohamedAlaa98: we are trying to plan an event but life keeps getting into our way14:41
MohamedAlaa98thelinuxer: What about an IRC meeting :v ?14:42
thelinuxerMohamedAlaa98: people aren't aren't productive on irc lel asaf14:42
MohamedAlaa98thelinuxer: :(14:43
MohamedAlaa98thelinuxer: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/10/ubuntu-wins-big-brother-austria-privacy-award Heard about that?14:48
thelinuxerno I didn;t14:48
thelinuxerwill check it14:49
thelinuxerMohamedAlaa98: that's bad :D14:55
thelinuxeri usually turn this stuff off anyway14:55
MohamedAlaa98yep, I don't prefer the unity desktop at all :v14:57

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