
Gallomimiaoh. crap. some of the instructions i'm looking at are 5 years old :O00:13
Gallomimiaoh.... this device allows "adb sideload" will i be able to install ubuntu that way/00:48
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Des_hey can someone answer one of my questions?01:16
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AskUbuntuAvailability for HTC phones | http://askubuntu.com/q/37674002:47
half_mastIs anyone getting network errors when updating the core apps through the update manager?03:14
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ragazzidhello there03:27
ragazzidis there anyone there?03:33
Gallomimianot a very active channel.... but maybe i came in while everyone was sleeping05:14
newUser89981Uhhh... I think the question that I'm about to ask has already been asked and answered before by a dev. But, when is nexus 5 expected to be ported over?05:18
newUser89981If I recall correctly, the dev said, "05:18
newUser89981"it's not planned yet, it might be included in the next cycle", but that doesn't say when the current cycle ends (i assumed dec, but I wanted to make sure)05:19
Gallomimiai think in april05:19
Gallomimiaif cycles in ubuntu are what i think they are...05:19
Gallomimiaapril and october is turnover05:19
newUser89981Yeah... it's hard to say unless you know their dev cycles.05:20
Gallomimiawell, that's their release cycles05:20
Gallomimiaanyway, i'm speculating. please don't take my word on it05:20
newUser89981No, it's okay. I was just wondering myself.05:20
Gallomimiai'm currently working on installing to a D2 tablet. model 71205:21
newUser89981Since my attempt at porting it over to my S2 skyrocket resulted in massive failure last weekend, I was wondering if it's worth pursuing this weekend or not.05:21
Gallomimiabut it doesn't seem to support adb in the same way :/05:21
Gallomimiamassive failure as in brick, or FTS i give up?05:21
newUser89981as in I couldn't even get an image. I was missing some configs.05:22
Gallomimiawell, i'd appreciate some help working on this tablet. i gotta leave now tho. tomorrow hopefully the channel won't be comatose05:23
newUser89981I can't quite remember the step. It was about modifying a config that was supposed to be in ../device/manufacturer/codename/CONFIGHERE05:23
inblueswithuCan i install this on a Virutal machine?05:23
inblueswithuI mean ubuntu touch?05:23
newUser89981If you have the image for the device itself, I think it might be possible.05:24
Gallomimiayou know that would be worth trying, and then it would also be worth writing a wiki page about it05:24
GallomimianewUser89981: what image for the device? the original android image or....05:24
newUser89981original android image i meant05:25
inblueswithuOk. we cant as of yet. i saw in forums05:25
Gallomimiaah. yes i'm having trouble ripping that off to make a backup05:25
Gallomimiainblueswithu: aw that's too bad. well, here's hoping you try making it happen and sharing your results05:25
inblueswithuIts here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/259338/is-there-an-ubuntu-touch-emulator-or-a-way-to-install-it-in-a-vm Says they are working on a emulator.05:31
inblueswithuGallomimia: I dnt think there is any kind of straight image available except install onthe devices directly05:32
Gallomimiathere is. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/saucy/daily-preinstalled/20131018/05:32
inblueswithuthats good. then i can try to some extent atleast :)05:33
Gallomimiai would guess the one you're looking for is at the bottom. i'm at a loss myself as to what to install. non-porting page says all three sub-types05:33
Gallomimiabut i think i'll give it a go with the 391 meg'er one and see what i can do05:34
Gallomimiamy tablet has some kind of restore feature. that should help if i can't get a backup made :/05:34
Gallomimiaanyone here familiar with "adb sideload" ?? that's the only adb feature my tablet has05:34
AskUbuntuHow to prevent Ubuntu touch from entering sleep mode? | http://askubuntu.com/q/37679106:25
LusvHey everyone06:30
LusvI need some help06:30
Lusv:D Hello world!06:31
LusvHi dude06:31
LusvI have Nexus 406:31
Lusvrunned on android06:31
LusvAnd I am tryin to install ubuntu touch06:32
half_mastCool I have a nexus 4 running ubuntu06:32
LusvThe PPA has the tools and dependencies to support Precise, Quantal, Raring and Saucy. Add the Ubuntu Touch PPA by adding the following custom source list entry to your /etc/apt/sources.list file.06:32
LusvI didn't understand this step06:32
Lusv:D is it cool ?06:33
half_mastOk first are you running ubuntu on your pc06:33
LusvAnd working fine ? I only need need mcalls sms and wifi06:33
LusvNo but I got it on my stick, I can run it like portable os06:33
LusvIs that fine ?06:34
half_mastOk what version of ubuntu is it?06:34
half_mastOk prefect 13.10 is Raring06:34
Lusv:D Guess what?06:34
LusvI bounght my device one day ago06:35
LusvI only bought it to try ubuntu touch06:35
half_mastWait 13.10 is Saucy. My bad06:35
LusvSaucy yeah it's written here06:35
LusvWon't work or what?06:35
half_mastdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/phablet-team/tools/ubuntu Saucy main06:36
LusvWhat should I do06:36
LusvI opened the link06:36
half_mastSo where is says [dist-codename] replace it with Saucy06:36
half_mastAnd that should do it06:37
half_mastGood luck man06:37
LusvShould I be on ubuntu  right now?06:37
LusvIf so then I better plug my usb06:37
LusvI will be back06:38
luvsyHey half_mast06:47
luvsyI am back06:47
luvsyI am now on Ubuntu06:47
luvsyFrom my PC06:47
luvsyHello Dude06:48
half_mast@Luvsy Cool06:48
luvsyI plugged in my nexus 406:48
half_mast@Luvsy Begin following the steps on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install06:49
luvsythe first step should be on my android06:49
luvsyI told you that I didn't get it06:49
luvsyI did not understand it06:49
half_mast@Luvsy Yeah your phone can be on06:50
luvsyYeah it is :)06:50
half_mast@lusvy ok open your terminal06:51
luvsyI did06:51
half_mast@luvsy copy and paste the line of code into the terminal06:52
luvsysudo add-apt-repository ppa:phablet-team/tools06:52
luvsythis one ?06:52
half_mast@lusvy yup06:53
half_mast@luvsy ok then copy the lines of code under "Then do the following"06:54
luvsyit said this:06:54
luvsykages have unmet dependencies:  phablet-tools : Depends: python-lzma but it is not installable                  Depends: python-requests but it is not installable                  Recommends: ubuntu-dev-tools but it is not installable E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.06:54
half_mast@luvsy Not to be mean but are you sure want to do this?06:56
luvsyYeah I really want to try beside I can restore Android right? I mean I can have android if it didn't work well06:57
half_mastYeah you can restore android. But I won't be there to walk you through the steps06:58
luvsyOkay we can restore android tomorrow06:59
luvsyHow about that?06:59
luvsy:D ok07:00
half_mastbye man07:00
luvsyOkay have a good day07:00
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dholbachcould it be that the mediascanner-service is running all the time in an infinite loop (trusty laptop) - it seems like once it's done running over all of ~, a new process starts right again?09:20
ogra_dholbach, why do you have it installed on a laptop ?09:23
dholbachogra_, I did an upgrade and it got installed09:23
popeybug 123706509:24
ubot5bug 1237065 in mediascanner "mediascanner consumes a lot of cpu for a long time" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123706509:24
dholbachpopey, the thing is: when I look at the log (~/.cache/upstart/media*.log), I can see it walking over all the directories, but when I watch the process number, it changes, so it goes over the same directories over and over again09:25
dholbachso if it was a use-lots-of-cpu-and-a-long-time-on-the-first-run, that'd be fine with me :)09:25
* ogra_ definitely doesnt have mediascanner installed here on trusty09:25
ogra_running u-m to see if i get it09:26
dholbachogra_, unity8 recommends unity-scope-mediascanner, which depends on mediascanner09:26
ogra_well, unity8 still kind of assumes touch too :)09:27
dholbachsure, but we need a way of testing it on the desktop, now more than ever :)09:27
ogra_are there any plans for u8 on desktop in trusty ?09:28
ogra_i thought that was 14.1009:28
dholbachit'd be good if we could have a desktop session to figure out bugs early on09:29
dholbachso yeah, I just dpkg -P'ed the *mediascanner* packages and killed the process09:29
dholbachit seems like the CPU fans are calming down :)09:30
Mirvtvoss: I added this kind of areaMonitor stub to the qtlocation Ubuntu plugin to compile with 5.2: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtlocation-opensource-src/revision/37/debian/patches/add_support_for_ubuntu_platform.patch09:31
tvossMirv, ack09:32
Fish-Facewhat's the current best way to get multitouch gestures from a touchpad to work (without Unity)09:37
ogra_Fish-Face, better ask in #ubuntu-x, this channel is for the ubuntu phone/tablet edition (using unit8)09:38
Fish-Faceoh, OK (I was led here by the multitouch wiki page)09:39
popeyFish-Face: which page? I'll "fix" it ☻09:39
Fish-Facemaybe it's fine09:40
Fish-Faceit's a bit depressing though. Previously I was using touchegg, but that's not particularly wonderful (doesn't always detect gestures, or gets it wrong, sometimes) and isn't actively developed. So now I have a fresh installation and was wondering about alternatives09:41
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day! :-D09:42
Fish-Faceso far I tried the mtrack driver (horrible mouse movement) and ginn (no documentation, most gestures never seem to activate)09:42
Fish-Faceso, sad times!09:43
jannajI'm trying trusty-preinstalled-touch image on GoogleNexus7 (grouper) and when click into input field (WiFi password, for example) no virtual keyboard pops up. What can I check ?10:45
davmor2Morning all10:59
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mardybeuno: ping11:46
beunomardy, pong11:48
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mardybeuno: hi! I wanted to ask you about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/+bug/124832612:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1248326 in Online Accounts setup for Ubuntu Touch "Handle invalidated token in a more user-friendly way" [Undecided,New]12:03
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beunomardy, ah yes12:04
mardybeuno: I guess that what happens is that the U1 app asks OA for a token, and OA returns a token which is no longer valid?12:04
beunomardy, right, so at some point, for some reason, the previously valid token is no longer valid12:05
beunoand everything just sits there failing silently12:05
mardybeuno: but the U1 app is aware of the failures, right?12:05
beunomardy, not in a user friendly way12:06
beunowhich is why I plastered the internet with bugs  :)12:06
mardybeuno: I see, so you also filed bugs to U1?12:06
beunomardy, I did, ye12:07
mardybeuno: do you have the links? I'd like to comment there with a proposed solution12:08
beunomardy, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-credentials/+bug/125102412:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1251024 in ubuntuone-credentials "Improve UX for expired oauth tokens" [Critical,New]12:09
beunoand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/125102312:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1251023 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "Improve UX for expired oauth tokens" [Critical,New]12:09
mardybeuno: thanks! Out of curiosity, why didn't you create a single bug affecting the three projects?12:10
beunoI don't want to talk about it.12:12
mamenyakaogra_, thanks for "fixing" Bug #1237998 and Bug #123761812:19
ubot5bug 1237998 in lxc-android-config (Ubuntu) "apparmor policy snippets for pollux, pollux_windy" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123799812:19
ubot5bug 1237618 in lxc-android-config (Ubuntu) "apparmor policy snippets for N8000, N8013" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123761812:19
mardybeuno: :-) Do you mind if I mark the latter two as duplicates and add the projects to the first one instead? I think that in this way it would be easier to handle (less risk of miscommunicating)12:19
beunomardy, that would be great, thank you12:20
mardybeuno: yw :-)12:20
ogra_mamenyaka, yeah, sorry that it took so long12:20
mamenyakaogra_, did you talk with jdstrand about where should the apparmor files go?12:21
mamenyakaso will they remain in lxc-android?12:22
mamenyakaor what's the plan?12:23
ogra_together with the udev rules and whatever other device specific files12:24
mamenyakawhen will it land?12:25
ogra_next image12:26
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davmor2ogra_: I'm just looking at he dashboard is there a reason I don't see tablets listed?12:40
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ogra_davmor2, we stopped testing them iirc ...12:47
ogra_but will soon start with that again12:47
davmor2ogra_: no worries12:48
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asacrsalveti: ChickenCutlass: check the doc i shared :)13:03
rsalvetiasac: looks reasonable13:09
rsalvetiguess kind of what we discussed already13:10
rsalvetiasac: I just believe we should also have a few devices for the design team, as they will request that13:10
ogra_rsalveti, do we need a session about the governor stuff or is a bug suffificent ?13:10
asacrsalveti: demo/sales or engineering hardware for design?13:11
rsalvetinot many, but at least a few13:11
* ogra_ guesses the latter 13:11
rsalvetiasac: design13:11
rsalvetiogra_: bug should be fine13:11
rsalvetiwe got -etoomanysessions already13:11
ogra_asac, if you assign devices, dont forget davmor2 and popey ... our most valuable manual testers ;)13:12
* popey hugs ogra_ 13:12
rsalvetiasac: for example, it's hard to test a high-res device with the emulator13:12
asacpopey: which team are you in? :)13:12
popeyunder bill13:12
ogra_the underbill team :)13:12
asacpopey: ok i think you are in CI team for this matter :)13:13
popey"I'll be whoever you want me to be"13:14
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asacthats what we all like :)13:15
ogra_asac, davmor2 is in jfunks team fwiw13:15
asacthat i know13:16
ogra_mhall119, congrats for becoming a CC member !13:18
asacrsalveti: check out slide 1013:23
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rsalvetiasac: yup, looks better13:32
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asacrsalveti: check again :)13:40
asacrsalveti: do you get the calc? :)13:40
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rsalvetiasac: we should probably switch the amount of devices for the kernel enginnering/demo in there13:45
asacrsalveti: the current scheme really just cost $96 per head :)13:45
asacerr 132 + 9213:45
asacrsalveti: did you change the kernel engineer harwdare to 1 for engineering hardwarwe?13:45
asacthought i had put in 213:46
rsalvetiasac: nops13:46
asacoh wait... i did that because they have the techlead as well13:46
asacrsalveti: so demo/sales also to 1 ?13:46
rsalvetioh, ok13:46
asaci think it was a left over from when i had 213:46
asacrsalveti: can we add a device somewhere else so i dont need to redo the math :)?13:46
asaclets give QA one demo13:46
rsalvetiasac: yeah13:46
asacand design another engineering one13:47
rsalvetiasac: we should probably remove one engineering unit from phonedations, if the same tech lead logic you said for the kernel team applies in there13:48
rsalvetibut anyway, looks way better now13:49
asacrsalveti: oh right. this reminds me that the numbers i put next to techleads and phonedations (ALL) are just guesses13:49
asacrsalveti: is the phonedations number currently matching team members?13:49
rsalvetiasac: haha, yeah13:49
rsalvetiwe're 713:49
asacrsalveti: including chicken?13:49
rsalvetiasac: yup13:50
rsalvetiasac: but chicken is a manager not a tech lead13:50
asacrsalveti: techleads i dont know either13:50
asactoo hard to count :)13:50
ogra_it is one manager and 6 tech leads in phonedations :)13:51
asachow many teams do we have?13:51
asacin UE?13:51
* ogra_ points to directory.c.c13:54
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mardyis the last update for the Nexus 4 the one from 17/10, or is my device somehow not correctly receiving updates?14:12
ogra_mardy, which channel ?14:12
Tassadaryeah, saucy channel was last updated on 17/1014:13
ogra_yeah, saucy is on r100, saucy-proposed is on r101 (one maguro fix), trusty is on r10 and trusty-proposed is on r2114:14
Tassadaris saucy still receiving updates?14:14
Tassadarit's like the "stable" version, right?14:14
ogra_we want to test the update mechanism at some point14:14
ogra_yeah, it is actually the stable alias14:15
ogra_trusty is the devel alias14:15
ChickenCutlassasac, looking at the doc14:15
mardyogra_: ah, right, that might be the trick; I guess it's using "stable"14:15
mardyogra_: do I need to reflash in order to change the channel, or can it be done in some other way?14:17
ogra_via adb14:17
ogra_system-image-cli --channel trusty -b 014:17
* popey adds that to the wiki14:18
mardyogra_: thanks!14:18
mardypopey: good idea14:18
ogra_popey, we should probably use channel devel there ... not sure14:19
mardyogra_: which channel gives the latest and greatest (and buggiest)?14:21
ogra_but that can even leave you in a broken state (we had a few unbootable images on the weekend for example)14:21
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ogra_if it breaks you gotta keep the pieces yourself ...14:22
mardyogra_: ok, I guess that trusty is good enough then :-)14:22
mterrypete-woods, I don't actually see the bug subscriber in libqtdbusmock/test14:31
TechieElfAny devs ?14:35
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davmor2ogra_: you called14:38
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ogra_me ?14:38
ogra_nah, i just mentioned you to asac ... telling him that you always break our stuff14:38
davmor2ogra_: guilty as charged14:39
davmor2ogra_: My motto is, if at first it does break use a bigger hammer :)14:39
Gallomimiaalways best tool for fixin' 'puters14:40
davmor2ogra_: For things that work really well I hide Mjölnir (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mj%C3%B6lnir) under the desk it doesn't know what's hit it :D14:42
ogra_haha, dont let loki get you !14:42
davmor2ogra_: he doesn't know where I live I keepz it secretz the precioussssss14:45
* ogra_ grins14:45
JamesTaitmandel_, ping re package publisher.14:53
mandel_JamesTait, pong no idea what you mean with 're package publisher.'14:54
mhall119thanks ogra_14:55
JamesTaitmandel_, oh, I may be mis-remembering then.  Someone wanted us to add the publisher field to Click Package info, and have it return the company name if there is one, or the developer name otherwise.14:55
mandel_JamesTait, could it be alecu ??14:56
JamesTaitmandel_, it could be anyone if it's not you! :-P14:56
mandel_JamesTait, yes... but with that can of request...14:56
mandel_JamesTait, send it to the mailing list then14:57
JamesTaitI think there's a bug about it, let me see if I can find it and if that helps. :)14:57
JamesTaitmandel_, OK, you're right, it was alecu. Sorry for the noise.14:58
mandel_JamesTait, no problem :)14:58
mandel_JamesTait, I'm in the same time as alecu, just doing something diff14:59
JamesTaitIs alecu around today?14:59
JamesTaitmandel_, how's the ankle, btw?14:59
mandel_JamesTait, fine, I've not been able to get back to rugby yet.. a PITA but I suppose I'm getting old15:00
mandel_JamesTait, alecu is out, I think we has a holiday today 'cause he has some errands to deal with15:00
JamesTaitmandel_, you've got some catching up to do! ;)15:00
cwaynekalikiana, ping15:00
JamesTaitmandel_, but then again, I don't play hockey any more either, my knees couldn't take it.15:01
JamesTaitOK, so for the moment I'm going to just return the publisher info in the package details, not the search results.  That seems to be what's required, I just wanted to check.15:01
mandel_JamesTait, yes.. I'm playing in second spanish division (I have to travel etc..) and I don't have the time or the energy.. also playing against uni students that have all they to go to the gym while I compile cpp is not a good idea ;)15:02
JamesTaitmandel_, on the other hand, I bet they couldn't compile their way out of a wet paper bag. ;)15:03
mandel_JamesTait, hahahaha true15:03
mandel_JamesTait, and they think I'm 5 years younger than I am15:04
JamesTaitI've heard of off-by-one errors, but off-by-five...?15:04
mandel_JamesTait, weird, I know :)15:06
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cwaynedpm, ping15:20
kalikianacwayne: pong15:33
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cwaynekalikiana, hey, so translations *did* work with tedg's branch :D15:34
kalikianayeah I saw your follow-up comment. unfortunately enough it's not unusual for me to see things work/not work and next time the opposite… too much magic involved :-(15:36
cwaynekalikiana, i think it's likely i'd forgotten to reboot after setting the locale or something15:37
cwayneor i'd just happened to choose an app and a language that wasn't well supported perhaps15:37
kalikianaactually you may have been tricked be the settings app, as I have in the past, it pretends to be localized even if the environment isn't updated15:38
cwaynekalikiana, that could be it as well..15:38
cwaynekalikiana, but either way, i think this MR is good to go through15:38
cwayneonce jenkins is awakened that is15:38
dpmhi cwayne15:39
kalikianawhenever that is… the last two updates still were vague when it'll all be up15:39
kalikianahopefully in the next 20h or so15:40
cwaynekalikiana, yeah, im not quite sure15:41
cwaynei didn't realize we'd had so many jenkinses15:41
cwaynedpm, i just dput account-plugin-evernote to ppa:cwayne18/evernote :)  version 2 should work once mardy's MR goes through15:42
cwaynedpm, also, we've got a fix for click translations in the pipeline, so shall we start the call for translation contributions once that's in?15:43
cwaynetedg, ping, was the upstart-app-launch fix added to the landing plan?15:43
davmor2ogra_: hey dude is there an image spinning today at all?  Is that why we were being pinged ready :)15:44
ogra_nothing spinning, we're waiting for the test env to come back up15:44
dpmcwayne, awesome. Yeah, I think it will make sense to start the call for translations, I'll talk to translators. Did you see my comment to your MP for the addition to phablet-tools to change locale?15:45
cwayneoh i didn't, let me check it15:46
cwaynedpm, ah, good point15:46
cwaynedpm, maybe for now i should just check it against the installed ones15:47
dpmcwayne, yeah, perhaps. The goal is to have installable language packs, which should take care of that. It'd be cool in the meantime to be able to generate the locales, but I couldn't think of a way to do it for the RO image15:48
cwaynehm, that makes it a bit more complicated..15:48
tedgcwayne, No clue.  Pretty much ignoring the landing plan thing.  Just using the PPA.15:48
cwaynedpm, mount -o rw,remount / && localegen zh_CN15:49
tedgcwayne, Pretty much at the point of ignoring the archive.15:49
cwaynebut that's not a generally accepted thing to do :)15:49
cwaynetedg, ah, well mind if i add it in?15:49
tedgcwayne, Sure15:49
cwaynetedg, i'll go through all the beaurocrat crap for ya :)15:49
dpmcwayne, also, for the Evernote provider, there is something else that would be nice to add: showing the logged-in user name. Essentially it's adding a .conf file to the package. This conversation summarizes it: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6416391/15:51
dpmI can have a go at creating that file and perhaps you could add it to the package in the PPA?15:51
cwaynedpm, unfortunately it's not that easy on phone15:51
cwaynedpm, that's in the package already, just unsure if it will work properly yet15:51
dpmcwayne, ah, cool, let me test the package then. Up until now I've been doing it with manually installed .provider and .service files15:52
cwaynedpm, for phone generally you'd need a qml-plugin (which i've also included, but may need to update)15:52
cwaynedpm, sure, not sure if it's built int he ppa yet or not15:52
cwayneyou'll want version 215:52
newUser89982Hey, does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here... I'm trying to change my kernel via the file specified in "TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG " but I can't find this file. As a matter of fact, the directory itself "kernel/[manufacturer]/[codename]/arch/arm/configs/" does not seem to exist.15:59
cwaynemhall119, hey, is quickly still a thing?16:01
cwayneor is it kinda deadsies16:01
popeydeadsies AIUI16:04
cwaynethanks popey16:07
cwaynemaybe we should revive it, i have some ideas for templates16:07
davmor2cwayne: but we have the shiny sdk go use that tis fun ;)16:09
cwaynedavmor2, i do use that! but not everything will use sdk16:09
cwaynelike account-plugins16:09
mhall119cwayne: yeah, most of the functionality exists in QtCretor+plugins for Qt/QML16:09
cwaynefair enough16:10
cwaynemhall119, is there any docs on how to make new templates?16:10
mhall119cwayne: if you want to take the lead on quickly development, go for it16:10
mhall119cwayne: bzoltan might be able to help with that16:10
Gallomimiaah good the channel does live, unlike late last night :)16:11
davmor2cwayne: so write a c++ solution that others can pin to their apps and point mhall119 at it and see if it can't be include as a guide :)16:11
cwaynenow that i think of it, maybe once we migrate account-plugins to click, maybe doing it in qtcreator will make sense..16:11
cwaynedavmor2, ha, i would if i knew c++ :D16:11
ogra_Gallomimia, it usually lives during the european and US workday16:11
davmor2cwayne: so there is your new challenge dude ;)16:11
cwaynedo we have to refer to mhall119 as councilman hall now?16:11
Gallomimiaoh come on. it's easy :)16:11
Gallomimiathanks ogra_ alas i'm pacific tz and that puts us on the cusp of all that16:12
ogra_cwayne, dholbach is the councilman... mhall119 only the councilminion ;)16:12
Gallomimiacouncil minion hall to you.16:12
dholbachbah, not quite16:12
cwaynebzoltan, ping16:13
ogra_you won with a distance16:13
ogra_king of council :)16:13
Gallomimiaalright so, before i become immediately horizontal, i just want to mention that i'd really like to see ubuntu running on a D2 pad, and that D2 pad is going to be mine. to that end, it's becoming rather bothersome to try and work with the adb tools and all that, when it only supports sideload16:14
Gallomimiaso, any tips?16:14
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dpm_cwayne, I've tried to quickly build the Evernote package locally for testing (on 13.10), but the package build seems to fail -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6416510/ any ideas why?16:15
mhall119cwayne: you can still refer to me as "Lead Developer" :)16:16
cwaynemhall119, :D16:17
mhall119Gallomimia: what is a D2 pad?16:17
cwaynedpm_, hmm, works here.. maybe youre missing some build-deps?16:17
cwaynedpm_, want me to send over a deb in the meantime?16:17
davmor2mhall119: :D I love that say that on a channel full of devs oh and me :)16:17
Gallomimiamhall119: tablet made by d2. http://d2pad.info16:18
dpmcwayne, I installed all the build deps, but yeah, if you've got the .deb for me to test, that'd be cool.16:19
mhall119Gallomimia: do you know if there's a CyanogenMod image for it?16:21
cwaynedpm, sent16:21
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Gallomimiamhall119: i don't, tho that's been on my list of things to look at. but why?16:25
Gallomimiadoesn't appear to have any.... this company seems pretty new16:26
mhall119Gallomimia: having a CyanogenMod image makes porting Ubuntu to a device easier16:28
Gallomimialife's a beach eh?16:28
Saviqogra_, can you please have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/set-mir-socket/+merge/19496316:28
Gallomimiaanyway, since i've already come close to smashing it five times due to frustrating UI and terrible performance, so my choices are pretty limited. either it gets an operating system i care about, or it's getting crushed in a hydraulic press....16:29
Gallomimiaincidentally, what are my chances of running ubuntu on a FirefoxOS  ZTE dev preview phone?16:29
dpm_cwayne, got the .deb and tested it. I've got a local package with the signond fixes, so I can confirm that it works \o/ - I noticed just two minor things: 1) The Evernote icon is much bigger than the rest 2) My username is still not shown on the list of accounts on the left. Let me PM you a screenshot16:31
cwaynedpm_, i'll try and fix the email not showing up, but the process for it is going to be different on the phone anyway16:32
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ogra_slangasek, coudl we probably flip https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1311-early-boot-animation and https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1311-low-battery-boot-mode on the schedule (as long as you can still attend the bootsplash one) ... the low battery stuff kind of needs info from the other16:35
slangasekogra_: what are the titles?  I can't search by blueprint name.16:36
slangasekogra_: I doubt I can switch them, anyway16:37
ogra_Ubuntu Touch bootsplash support from initrd to shell16:37
ogra_Low battery handling during boot16:37
slangasekyes, I can switch those, though the time for moving things on the schedule was /last/ week16:38
slangasekand if anyone complains I'll just switch them back16:38
slangasekok, should be switched16:39
ogra_would the scheduler have picked it up if i had added a dependency the right way ?16:40
ogra_or is that manual anyway16:40
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slangaseka) the scheduler never cared about dependencies, b) the autoscheduler isn't used anymore anyway16:41
ogra_ah, right16:41
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brokolicahello :'16:57
brokolicais Ubuntu touch possible ported to A500 iconia tab ?16:59
ogra_brokolica, if there is a cyanogenmod image for it yes, else it will be hard (though others have ported from other android versions i.e. AOSP)17:01
plarsbarry: question for you... if we wanted to produce a modified system-image, what would be the best way to go about that?  By modified, I mean updated deb/click packages to test a change for CI17:02
plarswe were discouraged from considering a "real" build process, as it's probably too slow for this17:02
plarsbut modifying something based on system-images seems a bit hairy17:03
brokolicaogra_ thnx :)17:03
ogra_plars, why ? all you might lose is OTA upgradeability17:04
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plarsogra_: I don't care about upgradeability in this case, but it would be good to have something that can be installed and possibly reused, rather than install the latest, add ppa, update, etc17:05
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plarsand perhaps I'm overthinking it and cdimage-touch images could be used instead, while system-image images would be still used for the final test of real produced images17:11
plarsthe goal here is to test things that people want to land17:11
plarsex. some fix has changes needed in 3 branches, packages have been built, and we want to put those on top of current proposed and make sure nothing breaks17:12
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didrocksplars: do not forget the case "I want to remaster both on image #5 and image #10 while latest proposed one is image #10"17:19
didrocksplars: meaning, you need to use packages from the past17:19
didrocks(those are image A and B)17:20
didrocksC is just latest proposed, but the archive moved in between17:20
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plarsdidrocks: I'm not sure I understand the use case for that, wouldn't you always want to test against proposed, since that's what it's going to need to work with before you can merge?17:21
didrocksplars: think about the feature branch case17:22
didrocksyou want to know:17:22
didrocks- if you broke yourself17:22
didrocks- if something else in trunk broke you17:22
didrocks- if something else in distro broke you17:22
didrocksthis is why we produce those 3 images17:22
didrocks(look at the CI Airline presentation, those should be detailed)17:22
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plarsdidrocks: right, I saw that, but missed all the discussion around it17:23
didrocksplars: we can chat about it again if you want (or tomorrow if you prefer)17:23
didrocksthis is actually a key point of working in a feature branch17:24
plarsdidrocks: well, you said that you've produced things like this before by hand for testing, do you have at least an outline of the process?17:24
didrocksplars: in french in a french wiki, yes ;)17:24
didrocksplars: I think I can dive into it again and see it in the touch world if needed17:25
didrocksbut cjwatson thinks that remasterizing is the best way as well for our concerns17:25
plarsdidrocks: I could let google translate take a crack at it, but for much more I may need some help with that :)17:25
plarsdidrocks: sure, I'm thinking mostly about touch. desktop seems a bit more straightforward, though I'm not sure offhand how to guarantee that we could take a week old image and update to something in a ppa while ensuring that we get *nothing* else17:27
didrocksoh, I made a script at the time17:27
didrocksplars: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-fr/+junk/french-cd17:27
didrocksplars: pinning FTW!17:28
didrocksplars: I'm trying to refind the "manual instructions"17:28
ogra_plars, assuming you will use the emulator for testing in the future anyway, take a look at the build-emulator.sh script17:29
ogra_shoudl be easy to inject anything you want in there17:29
barryplars: hi.  do you mean you want to try out what will be s-i 2.0?  or do you want to make other modifications to test out?17:32
kenvandinei just got a new nexus 4, but having the problem where adb shows it as offline17:32
kenvandineunchecking mtp and ptp doesn't help....17:32
didrockskenvandine: debug mode enabled?17:32
plarsbarry: no, this is something entirely different I'm afraid17:32
plarsogra_: I'll look into that17:32
didrockskenvandine: I meant "developer mode"17:32
kenvandineit is17:33
kenvandineprompted to authorize it, etc17:33
kenvandinethe wiki shows it has been a problem for some people17:33
barryplars: okay. i guess i need more information :)17:33
kenvandineand unchecking mtp and ptp help sometimes...17:33
cwaynebzoltan, ping17:37
kd0hdfIs any one working on a ubuntu touch port for the nexus 5?17:42
ogra_kd0hdf, that will most likely be officially supported at some point (no final word yet though)17:43
cwaynemhall119, maybe we don't need quickly after all :) https://code.launchpad.net/~cwayne18/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/webapp-template/+merge/19527417:50
cwaynefor packaging webapps :)17:50
mhall119cwayne: +117:55
mhall119hello pacificfils18:07
porronwhy are you developing ubuntu for android?18:18
porronIf you are already developing ubuntu touch18:18
porronwhat's the matter?18:18
popeyNothing the matter18:18
popeyIt's good to have a diverse portfolio of products18:18
porronconsidering the slowness of the product, I would definetely say NOPE18:18
porronubuntu touch required so much time18:19
porronans still need so much development18:19
pacificfils*cough cough* MIR18:19
porronto waste energies on something like ubuntuforandroid... I don't see the reason18:19
porronunless you explain me18:19
popeyUbuntu for Android already exists18:19
popeyIt's just not been made publicly available.18:19
popeyWe're focussed on Ubuntu Touch for phones and Tablets.18:19
porronwhat's the reason for UbuntuForAndroid18:20
pacificfilsI truly have no idea.18:20
porronJust to have a cool ubuntu-like interface on android-based machines?18:20
popeyIt allows people to use an Android device as their phone, while also using it as an Ubuntu desktop when docked.18:20
porronbut, lol...18:21
porronI mean18:21
pacificfilsBut you need a POWERFUL device.18:21
porronyou can do perfectly the same leaving android on it18:21
porronand also, what pacificfils said18:21
cwaynepacificfils, works just fine on nexus418:21
cwaynenot that powerful18:21
pacificfilsAnd you need special docks, etc.18:21
popeythat probably answers many of your questions18:21
pacificfilsI know. I run UT on my Nexus.18:22
cwayneim talking ufa18:22
cwayneworks fine on n418:22
pacificfilsI don't have a N4 to test on...18:22
cwayneit's not released anyway...18:22
cwaynesee that AMA popey posted above18:22
pacificfilsNot even to devs?18:22
cwayneagain, that AMA has most of the answers for your questions :)18:23
pacificfilsI mean UFA looks neat as a "portable desktop", but can't you just run 13.04 on the N4?18:23
pacificfilsAnd have a laptop in a phone.18:23
popeymost desktop apps dont tailor themselves well on a phone18:23
pacificfils*cough* LibreOffice18:24
popey*cough* every gtk and qt app18:24
popeybasically every app in the archive18:24
pacificfilsWould there be a way to merge UT and UfA?18:24
popeyperhaps, in the future.18:25
pacificfilsthat would make sense.18:25
porronwhat  kind of advantages can "a smartphone that has a desktop in it"?18:25
porronI mean, it's totally pointless18:25
pacificfilsportability mainly.18:25
porronall the syncronizing issues can be done with android18:25
cwayneporron, how is it pointless18:25
cwayneyou plug your phone into a monitor, attach a keyboard/moues and you have a full desktop18:26
popeyhaving one device which can be docked and used as a desktop is compelling to many18:26
porroncwayne: what advantages could it have? Tell me.18:26
popeycorporate users for example18:26
popeywhere they host their apps in the cloud18:26
popeygive employees one single device to manage18:26
pacificfilsImagine not having to buy a computer anymore. Just a cell phone.18:26
pacificfilsIt is cheaper and easier to maintain.18:26
cwaynecan be maintained via landscape18:26
pacificfils^ ^ ^ ^ ^18:26
cwayneplus the integration between android/ubuntu is awesome18:27
popeyyeah, having your same contacts / bookmarks etc between phone and desktop18:27
porronthat's totally pointless18:27
porronif I need a desktop I buy a desktop18:27
pacificfilsThat is why a merge between UT and UfA would be good.18:28
porronmuch more powerful than a fu***** smartphone18:28
cwaynepacificfils, it's planned18:28
popeyporron: don't use it then18:28
porronof course I don't popey18:28
pacificfilsPorron, if you don't like it, you don't get it.18:28
porronBut I'm trying to understand why you folks did it18:28
porronI mean18:28
pacificfilsLike me.18:28
popeyyou're not18:28
cwayneso youre the kind of guy that just comes to a channel to trash it?18:28
porronI think you re not stupid18:28
porronI think you're intelligent people18:28
popeyyou're shitting on it without actually understanding what we're saying18:28
pacificfilsI hate Macs. I don't get macs. easy as that.18:28
porronwho doesn't waste time on useless things18:28
porronso I'm really trying to find a point18:28
porronto find a real usefulness for it18:29
porronThat's why.18:29
popeyjust because it doesn't suit *you* doesn't mean it doesn't suit *others*18:29
pacificfilsTo have the phone and computer in one. Not necessarily powerful.18:29
popeymany people don't need a super fast desktop PC for their daily activities18:29
popeyespecially when their daily apps are hosted in the cloud18:29
pacificfilsBut a desktop you can take with you for quick tasks.18:29
pacificfilsLike email or word documents.18:29
ogra_porron, did you ever use android 1.0 devices ?18:29
popeygive someone a lean device running citrix / vmware and a browser and they're done.18:29
porronpopey: indeed android is more than enough18:29
ogra_porron, i think ubuntu touch is miles better18:30
pacificfilsBut Android isnt a desktop UI.18:30
porronI'm sure about ubuntu touch ogra_18:30
popeyluckily it's not my job to convince you porron18:30
pacificfilsUfA is just Android with a desktop interface.18:30
porronpacificfils: A desktop UI is designed to be on a desktop18:30
cwayneand to the user, it is a desktop18:30
cwayneit's on a separate monitor18:30
cwaynewith a separate keyboard and mouse18:30
pacificfilsIt is on a desktop when its docked.18:31
popeyor a tv ☻18:31
cwayneit runs android on the screen, and ubuntu on the second monitor18:31
cwayneyou can use both at the same time18:31
pacificfilsWhich is awesome.18:31
cwaynequite well, in fact18:31
porronmy god ok I understand it, but even android devices can be connected with bigger screens18:31
porronI still don't see the point18:31
pacificfilsBut they don't have the Ubuntu UI.18:31
porronoh my gosh18:32
pacificfilsI think the point is to combine the brilliance/portability of Android18:32
awe_and Android wasn't really designed for desktop usage18:32
porronso we come back to the initial point18:32
popeyyou do18:32
popeywe dont18:32
pacificfilswith the usability of Ubuntu18:32
porronit's just to have an ubuntu-like interface on a android-based smartphone18:32
pacificfilsWhen its docked.18:32
popeyit's to have desktop apps on a phone, which integrate with the phone apps on the phone18:32
popeyone device to carry around and manage18:33
pacificfilsIts merging two things together.18:33
porrondesktop apps on a phone?18:33
popeyUbuntu desktop = desktop apps18:33
ogra_same app on different form factors18:33
popeylibreoffice, firefox, citrix, vmware etc18:33
pacificfilsFF is already on android.18:33
pacificfilsbut not as featured.18:33
popeydesktop apps running on the cpu in the phone, displayed on a 21" screen18:33
popeyaccessed with a keyboard and mouse, connected to network, used like any other desktop would be18:34
sergiusensthis video explains UfA sort of well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtNhlVn3ETQ ; just ignore the edge parts18:35
* popey wanders off to make chilli18:35
pacificfilsWhatever did happen to edge?18:35
pacificfilsGET ME SOME POPEY!!!18:35
ogra_it didnt get funded18:35
pacificfilsdarn. I really wanted to see that in BestBuy.18:36
* sergiusens should given the link with a start time of 1:3018:36
pacificfilsMaybe Samsung will help us. Someone should talk to them.18:37
* pacificfils goes update Nexus nightly.18:37
ogra_pacificfils, the edge was never designed to be sold anywhere18:37
pacificfilswhy not?18:37
ogra_only backers were supposed to get it ... it wasnt for shops ... the amount of money that was planned to be raised would exactly have covered the production costs18:38
pacificfilsI think we should contact Samsung.18:38
sergiusensthere.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtNhlVn3ETQ#t=1m23s18:38
pacificfilsI can see them making it.18:38
ogra_they will18:39
ogra_in 1 or two years18:39
ogra_when thats a normal HW setup18:39
pacificfilsWhen its actually stable.18:39
ogra_point of the edge was that it pushed the HW boundaries forward quite a bit18:39
pacificfilsSo I can't get UfA roms to play around with?18:39
ogra_so that it would be as powerful as a modern laptop18:39
cwaynepacificfils, nope, not available yet, sorry18:40
pacificfilsAny ETA?18:40
ogra_so that you could use it as a full converged device that can 100% replace your laptop and desktop18:40
cwaynenot that i know of18:40
ogra_UfA requires that a vendor works with canonical18:40
ogra_it wont work without changes to the installed android18:40
pacificfilsThen get Samsung involved.18:40
pacificfilsOr, I'll just start making modded devices.18:41
pacificfilsThere we go. Get a group of people to buy Android smartphones, install UfA, and make a tiny brand out of it.18:41
ogra_UfA is designed to be preinstalled by vendors ... and the changes in the android install are not small ...18:42
pacificfilsI'm sure it's practically a recoded android.18:42
ogra_(beyond ... there is no public source or even binary release of UfA)18:42
ogra_no, it just requires changes18:42
pacificfilsThe point is to make a vendor that just redoes the phones.18:43
ogra_its still the same android ... but with additional options in the kernel enabled and some changes to the OS18:43
pacificfilsOh, it needs special hardware?18:43
ogra_the point is to find a vendor who wants to work with you from day one on ... for a new model that they bring out at some point18:43
pacificfilsmakes sense.18:44
ogra_doing it retroactively is just expensive18:44
pacificfilsOn an unrelated note, when is the Mur fix gonna be pushed?18:44
ogra_Mur ?18:44
ogra_which fix ?18:45
pacificfilsFor the seizure-o-matic 900018:45
* ogra_ has no idea what you are talking about 18:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1238695 in Mir "unity8 display flickers and stops responding on Nexus 7 (grouper)" [High,In progress]18:45
ogra_there are surely plenty of Mir bugs ...18:45
ogra_thats in the works :)18:46
ogra_i have seen an N7 working already18:46
pacificfilsCan we please fix that?18:46
ogra_yes, people are working on it18:46
pacificfilsI am getting sick of using TouchFlinger.18:46
pacificfilsAlso, any plans for a "wine" for APKs?18:46
ogra_should be there within the next week or 10 days or so18:46
pacificfilsMir or Wine18:47
ogra_wine ?18:47
tvoss_pacificfils, Mir18:47
pacificfilsAlso, any plans for a "wine" for APKs?18:47
ogra_why would you wrap windows binaries into apk18:47
pacificfilsRun ANDROID APPS on UT18:47
ogra_someone might implement that, indeed18:47
ogra_but its surely not in our planning atm18:47
cwaynepmcgowan, hey, is there a session on the app settings for 14.04?18:48
pacificfilsalso, maybe a dedicated appstore app?18:48
ogra_i think the click lens will improve over time18:48
pacificfilsStill, all of the big devs have a dedicated appstore18:48
pmcgowancwayne, no session, its pretty well decided and near done18:49
pacificfilsIt just makes it easier IMO18:49
ogra_for now we need to get all bits and pieces working first18:49
ogra_before we start planning nifty features18:49
pacificfilsAnd, some lockscreen security?18:49
cwaynepmcgowan, ah, great.  is there a way for us to customize settings for oems et al?18:49
pacificfilsThat is kind of essential18:49
ogra_lockscreen is planned for 14.0418:49
ogra_as is support for all sensors on the nexus devices18:49
pmcgowancwayne, we did discuss that, christian took it as a requirement18:49
ogra_and a lot of other stuff we are still lacking18:49
pacificfilssince trusty nightlies no have it.18:50
cwaynepmcgowan, great, thanks.  i guess i'll bother you guys again once it's in the image :)18:50
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pmcgowancwayne, feel free to check with him, I think he has a branch18:50
davmor2pacificfils: it will land once it is functional in other words18:50
ogra_and since we wriite all this from scratch there is not much time for nift shiny bling features like running apks or such18:50
cwaynepmcgowan, christian as in kalikiana ?18:50
pmcgowancwayne, yes18:50
cwaynepmcgowan, awesome, thanks18:51
pacificfilsalso, can we maybe do changelogs?18:51
ogra_pacificfils, trusty is just a month old ... we havent even had our planning at the vUDS18:51
ogra_pacificfils, like http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/ ?18:51
pacificfilsI did not know that existed.18:51
davmor2pacificfils: it's in the topic :)18:52
pacificfilsTo the WIKI!18:52
ogra_its a wiki !18:52
pacificfilsok, i am blind.18:52
ogra_edit it !18:52
pacificfilsExactly what I'm doing18:52
ogra_if you feel it belongs there18:52
* pacificfils goes to edit wiki.18:52
pacificfilseh. i'll take care of it later.18:55
pacificfilsMy lazyness level just peaked.18:55
derpnexus 5 ubuntu touch?19:21
rsalvetiderp: soon19:23
kenvandineyay... i have a working mako!19:52
davmor2kenvandine: I don't, I do have a working a maguro though ;)19:54
kenvandinedavmor2, :-D19:57
janimoslangasek, hi, do you know who's in charge with UDS session scheduling for core?20:05
janimoslangasek, this does not show up in the table: slsummit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/meeting/22116/core-1311-ubuntu-touch-for-x86/20:06
pmcgowanmhall119, ^^20:10
rsalvetigrouper is so slow to flash20:14
rsalvetisergiusens: it used to be slow to build the android image for it as well, but that's super fast now :P20:14
rsalvetiso more pain when flashing it20:14
kenvandinersalveti, my new mako was very slow... 4 tries phablet-flash timed out and failed20:15
kenvandineturned out on the 5th try... after timing out i just left it20:15
kenvandineeventually it booted into ubuntu :)20:15
slangasekjanimo: I've scheduled it now; scheduling sessions is a multi-step process, had to wait for summit to pick it up from LP20:15
janimoslangasek, thanks20:15
rsalvetikenvandine: weird20:16
mhall119janimo: for future reference, track leads are listed at http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/tracks20:16
rsalvetimayne your host usb or broken cable?20:16
janimomhall119, thanks20:16
popeykenvandine: 1620:32
AskUbuntugsettings-qt bug? | http://askubuntu.com/q/37711420:41
taiebotHi guys any news on the next OTA update. I am addicted to updates and did not have any for a long time ^_^20:53
dakerogra_: anyidea how can i forward tcp:9222 to my local machine on the same port ? adb forward tcp:9222 ...20:53
rsalvetidaker: just adb forward tcp:9222 tcp:922221:26
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
dakerrsalveti: ok thanks21:29
rsalvetijanimo: even with aosp, you probably don't want to use our pre-built kernel as is21:31
rsalvetijanimo: otherwise you'll not get any modules21:31
janimorsalveti, I did not think of the kernel much. The modules should be added to the system.img right?21:32
rsalvetiit might not be necessarily used atm by our devices, but would need to check21:32
rsalvetijanimo: yes21:32
rsalvetijanimo: see the logic we have to download & extract the modules at build/21:32
janimorsalveti, for the AOSP branches I'd like them to run on mako as a proof of concept only21:33
rsalvetijanimo: as I'm sure you don't necessarily want to download that everytime, guess you just need to include them all in your prebuilt repo21:33
rsalvetiand just make sure you're copying the modules as well21:33
rsalvetijanimo: got it21:33
janimorsalveti, right, I saw the modules being added, just like the rmadisk is21:33
rsalvetijanimo: yes21:33
rsalvetijanimo: 4.4 binaries/factory images for manta, nexus4 and 7 are all available now at https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images22:04
Tassadar4.4 kernel sources still were not uploaded to repositories :/22:05
rsalvetiis nexus 5 still 3.4 based?22:07
Tassadarflo's factory image is corrupted, great :D22:07
Tassadarit has 856bytes, and checksums match22:07
rsalveti3.4 is really old22:08
rsalvetibut guess they just don't care22:08
Tassadarhttps://android.googlesource.com/kernel/msm/+refs hammerhead branches are 3.422:08
janimorsalveti, thanks22:09

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