
rick_h_well, we do have a large table at the Peets00:50
trevlarit was such a nice table...01:46
widoxto dead to make CHC tonigh - how did it work out at new Peets?02:22
wafit did not. they close at 8 :(02:29
wafwe're at a barnes and noble right now02:30
jjessewhere is  the peets at?02:32
cmaloneyIT's where the old caribou location was (Normandy and Woodward)02:33
widoxughh, really? that complicates things...02:37
cmaloneyYeah, we're not in our happy place.02:41
cmaloneyHello from my Raspberry pi. :)02:49
rick_h_woot http://r.bmark.us/u/1b1db6211cf6e803:48
cmaloneyGood morning12:31
jcastrocmaloney, have you heard "Heavy Metal Music" by Newsted?14:37
jjesseapparently in downtown chiccgo this morning they are holding auditions for people to be extras etc for the next star wars movie14:37
jjesselots of crazies down here14:37
jjesseapparently a large number of them are from the Midwest Garrison?  http://www.midwestgarrison.com/14:39
cmaloneyjcastro: Not the entire album, no14:58
cmaloneyI've only heard a track or two14:59
cmaloneyAlso apparently I'm a child of the 80s because I can listen to Upstairs at Eric's by Yaz without any problem. :)14:59
jcastroI am listening to it now on spotify14:59
jcastroit's decentish15:13
jcastrokind of forgettable unfortunately15:13
cmaloneyYeah. Kinda reminded me of the "Metallica" album15:14
cmaloneyso perhaps he was responsible for the direction they took in the 1990s15:15
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
rick_h_crap, followed by scobalizer on twitter...now I'm afraid17:54
greg-gyeah, that happened to me once, I felt like i must have done something wrong in life17:54
jrwrenits probably a fake account18:00
cmaloneyNo, it's probably the real deal18:00
cmaloneyhe works for Rackspace, and rick_h_ is interesting18:00
jrwrenhe works for rackspace?18:00
jrwrenthat just lowered my opinion of rackspace.18:00
rick_h_scoble does yea18:00
rick_h_"Startup Liason Officer"18:00
rick_h_wtf that is18:01
cmaloneyMeh, he's a celebrity18:01
jrwrena position for scoble18:01
cmaloneyMuch like Paris Hilton is a celebrity18:01
jrwrenmuch like stroustrup is a celebrity18:01
jrwrenor linus for that matter18:01
jrwren'cept the later 2 actually do productive things.18:01
cmaloneyYeah, one is insane and the other one writes a kernel. :)18:02
jrwrenhave you seen C++13?18:03
jrwrenits wonderful!18:03
cmaloneyActually, I like Bjarne, but he needs to step away from the keyboard.18:03
cmaloneybefore someone else gets hurt18:03
cmaloneyI can tell you that C++13 is ungoogleable18:04
jrwrenit is?18:04
cmaloneyType "C++13"18:04
jrwrenso it is18:04
jrwrenits probably because its brand new.  most of it falls along side of C++1118:04
cmaloneyMaybe I should take another look at C++ some time18:05
cmaloneybut ugh ugh ugh18:05
jrwrenyes, i noticed.18:06
jrwrenoh gosh, is it c++14 ?18:07
jrwrenhahaha, I had wrong name.18:07
jrwrenor c++1y18:07
rick_h_https://onlycoin.com is kind of cool18:20
jcastrothat looks sweet18:21
rick_h_hmm, with pgsql on rds I wonder if I could run bookie on one web front end and rds + elasticache for celery19:35
rick_h_'relational data store' or mysql as a service19:36
jrwrenyou COUld, but it woudl be $$$$19:40
jrwrennow its mysql or postgresql or mssql or oracle as a service.19:41
cmaloney$55 is a lot of money for a problem that I'm not sure I have. ;)19:41
cmaloneynow if they could do something about those fucking loyalty cards.19:42
cmaloneyOh wait. it does that.19:42
cmaloneyNow I'm interested.19:42
brouschWhat would I do with all of the new wallet space?19:43
cmaloneyHeck, you wouldn't need a wallet19:43
cmaloneyjust the Coin, your driver's license, and the no-money vacuum. ;)19:44
rick_h_hmm, yea $60 for a small pgsql instance. definitely more than my small instance19:44
cmaloneyApparently Amazon thinks people are made of money. ;)19:44
cmaloney$3K Windows computers, $60 databases19:45
greg-ganother fun day in the WMF operations center19:45
rick_h_the automated backup and such is cool19:45
rick_h_greg-g: at least it's not friday...yet19:45
greg-gsoooo close19:45
greg-gthis time not our fault19:45
greg-gnot ops nor devs19:46
cmaloneygreg-g: Have you ever seen code launch over at WMF?19:46
greg-g(extrapolate what you will from that)19:46
greg-gthough, we had that issue last week19:46
greg-gstupid transit provider didn't give us all the bandwidth we asked for, capp'd us at half what we wanted.19:46
cmaloneyOH that's lovely.19:47
cmaloneyThat's the sort of thing that you can't plan for that will really ruin your day.19:47
greg-gyeah, though, we didn't have smoke tests in place to catch that, which we should have19:48
rick_h_well, if you go with areserved instance you can get a small pgsql box to $16/mo. That's not bad19:48
greg-gluckily it was for the new caching dc, which we don't *need* in place19:48
* rick_h_ notes he needs to go back and re-reserve his ec2 instances to get those prices back down19:49
jrwrenrick_h_: ever stand up your own sentry server?19:54
rick_h_jrwren: I tinkered with it once. I ended up using the small $9/mo version19:55
rick_h_jrwren: there's another service like that out there that's pyramid vs django19:57
* rick_h_ is trying to recall19:57
rick_h_jrwren: https://errormator.com/20:00
jrwrenwould make a good charm: http://sentry.readthedocs.org/en/latest/quickstart/index.html#install-sentry20:54
jrwrenany tcpdump filter expression knowledgable people can help me? http://paste.mitechie.com/show/1077/22:05

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