
megadeathi used to  deluge for torrents00:00
reisiomegadeath: apt-cache search gift00:00
reisioor s/gift/torrent/ for torrenting apps00:01
megadeaththanks, i will try gift or may be wine too00:02
reisiono need for wine00:02
megadeathyes but i can use wine with ares00:03
uncle_beni'm trying to get ario to play music cds and apparently, i need the cdio_paranoia plugin, but google isn't being my friend00:03
megadeathi used to groveshark for download but it not supported anymore00:04
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Vivekanandahey everyone. anyone any ideas on why the alt tab would skip the terminator console ?00:12
wilee-nileeVivekananda, You using the terminator from the repos?00:15
VivekanandaI believe so00:15
Vivekanandalet me check00:15
wilee-nileethat would be my only comment I have not used it nor do I use unity00:15
Vivekanandayep I am00:16
Vivekanandawilee-nilee: what do you use  ?00:16
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wilee-nileeVivekananda, the gnome shell00:16
Vivekanandaalso while we are on the topic tell me how to get one of those sci fi movie themes on the desktop00:17
wilee-nileewith synapse and the cairo-dock00:17
wilee-nileeVivekananda, Themes I have never messed with I see to many people with problems associated.00:17
Vivekanandaare those themes even true or just make believe. I mean all black background and those cli interfaces with everything black00:17
somsipVivekananda: look at tiling window managers like awesome and dwm00:18
wilee-nileeI have noticed a correlation with theme wanting and new users and confusion, hehe00:18
dustinspringmanwhats up fellas! upgraded to 13.10 and now my second monitor is detected under displays, but i get no video... intel sandybridge drivers appear to be installed and working properly... i've googled every thread and am 4 pages deep now with no luck.... thoughts?00:19
dustinspringmanFTR, it worked on 12.04 before I upgraded.. =/00:21
dustinspringmanno changes at all other than software upgrade...00:21
wilee-nileedustinspringman, My thoughts why the upgrade from a OS that has 5 years support.00:21
dustinspringmanglxgears and glxspheres are rendering proper... where should I look?00:21
wilee-nilee14.04 is the next lt00:22
wilee-nileeI would have dual booted 13.10 to see if it worked myself00:23
wolfspyShould I replace windows with ubuntu?00:23
dustinspringmanwilee-nilee: it was sorta by accident... I updated to the 2.8 kernel on 12.04 and it broke a bunch of stuff.... so I just kept upgrading... 13.10 is working well so far, the only issue I have is my second monitor (vizio 26" screen conneted via mini displayport) shows up in displays.. but no signal is all i get00:23
wolfspyI basically use ubuntu for everything, and windows just takes up disk space00:23
wolfspyim dual booting00:23
wilee-nileewolfspy, That is your decision tis is not a polling channel.00:24
dustinspringmanwilee-nilee: any ideas on what config file I can look at to determine why my monitor is detected but gets no video signal?00:24
wilee-nileedustinspringman, Not really never messed with that graphic setup.00:25
bekksdustinspringman: which graphics card do you have?00:25
dustinspringmanbekks: its an optimus... but i don't ever use the nvidia gpu (at all) in 12.04 this worked well.. Intel SandyBridge (HD 3000 I think)...00:25
oaulakhhow apply swap partition in ubuntu00:26
wilee-nileeoaulakh, apply?00:26
dustinspringmanbekks: the intel gpu is giving me 68+ FPS on GLX tests.. on my laptop screen works great... but my 26" connected to mini-displayport is seen in "displays" but no amount of clicking will restore its video signal..00:27
oaulakhhelo wilee-nilee00:27
oaulakhyeah man apply00:27
wilee-nileemake or mount oaulakh00:27
oaulakhfirst when i intsall ubuntu00:27
bekksdustinspringman: then I am out of clues, since I only use nvidia on non-optimus systems.00:27
oaulakhi did'nt provide swap drive00:27
oaulakhbut now i made it with gparted00:28
wolfspyOh, and why does my Intel intergrated graphics cpu preform much better in ubuntu?00:28
Vivekanandawilee-nilee: In the movies and tv shows you see geeks and hackers using all black layouts and stuff but I dont know if all that is make believe or is it something acutualy possible in a ubuntu desktop00:28
wilee-nileeoaulakh, You can make a swap with gparted, make sure you are within partition types and the limitations, and you have a unallocated space. There is a swap file option as well.00:28
wilee-nileeVivekananda, easily possible, if you know how, the desktops are just a bit tightlt woven together us all, you have to know how to deal with those limitations00:29
oaulakhswap file option where?00:29
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info00:29
somsipVivekananda: look at tiling window managers like awesome and dwm00:29
oaulakhi just make my /dev/sda2 drive to swap00:29
wilee-nileeoaulakh, /dev/sda2 is a partiton not drive, can you pastebin a screenshot of gparted, which may need to be installed.00:30
Aikarany recommendations to get around "Could not calculate update" Have quite a few packages with Broken status in apt.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/6413489/00:30
oaulakhbut i dunno how i integerate it with ubuntu system00:31
somsip!swapon | oaulakh00:31
Rax2323join #freakshow00:31
somsip!info swapon00:31
ubottuPackage swapon does not exist in saucy00:31
wilee-nileeoaulakh, integrate what?00:31
bekksoaulakh: Then just take a look at the FAQ you just got a link for.00:31
bekks!swap | somsip00:31
ubottusomsip: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info00:31
somsipbekks: scrolled up and saw it, thanks :)00:32
wilee-nileewolfspy, Itel supports open source with actual drivers.00:33
wolfspybut games run at 20 more fps00:33
wolfspyIt shouldent make that much of a differance00:33
bekkswhy not?00:33
wilee-nileewolfspy, This is support not discussion, do you have a support issue?00:34
bekkswolfspy: We have no clue about what windows actually does regarding drivers, so just take it as it is.00:34
wilee-nileesome discussion is okay, just not the default all the time, and to go on and on.00:34
wolfspyoh, I actually do have a 'real' question00:35
wolfspywhy does the system monineter use a lot of cpu?00:35
Ari-Yangwolfspy: use htop00:36
wilee-nileeits a gui I suspect00:36
Ari-Yang!htop | wolfspy00:36
Ari-Yangwolfspy: sudo apt-get htop00:36
wilee-nileejust a guess though00:36
Ari-YangI had to run fsck on my laptop (looked like bad sectors)... I'm thinking about doing a fresh install of ubuntu 13.1000:37
Ari-Yangthink it would be okay?00:37
bekksAri-Yang: Why dont you just run fsck?00:37
Ari-Yangwould I end up having to run fsck again?00:37
bekksAri-Yang: And a reinstall will not magically heal bad sectors.00:38
Ari-Yangbekks: I /did/ run fsck... everything seems fine... what I'm asking is if I do a fresh install, would I have to run fsck again?00:38
Ari-Yangbekks: I know that....00:38
Vivekanandasomsip: thanks. I will look at the tiling things but the question is will they remove a lot of the functionality that is available here with gnome. Two of the most frequently used by me are the alt tab and the worspace switcher. I wonder how I can do that for the tiling thing00:38
Ari-Yanglike will ubuntu "remember" the bad sectors it dealt with when I ran it00:38
Ari-Yangor would I have to probably run it again?00:38
bekksAri-Yang: Then run fsck -f and you will be at the same point as you would be after a reinstall.00:38
VivekanandaI used kupfer for lubuntu earlier and that was pretty helpful to switch but I was wondering how the same things are achieved in the tiling systems00:39
Ari-Yangbekks: what does -f do?00:39
* ianorlin can see more use in wifi in a autoshop00:39
bekksAri-Yang: It forces a full fsck on a fs marked as clean.00:39
bekksAri-Yang: fsck -f actually /does/ a fsck.00:39
ianorlincrud wrong channel00:39
dustinspringmanbekks: thanks for trying at least..00:40
uncle_beni'm trying to get ario to play music cds and apparently, i need the cdio_paranoia plugin, but it's not listed in the plugins menu and google turns up nothing...i'm using ario 1.5.100:40
Ari-Yangwell before I think about doing a fresh install... I'll have to back stuff up first and whatever configs I want that are in my ~00:40
bekksAri-Yang: Just run fsck -f00:41
wilee-nileeuncle_ben, What ubuntu release?00:41
bekksAri-Yang: or run "badblocks" (look at the man page first) to see wether you actually /have/ bad sectors.00:41
Aikarany recommendations to get around "Could not calculate update" Have quite a few packages with Broken status in apt.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/6413489/00:41
oaulakhhow i make swap disk as default swap00:42
Ari-Yangbekks: does this not look like bad sectors? http://paste.opensuse.org/view/raw/3523819100:42
bekksoaulakh: By reading the link ubottu gave you when you asked the first time.00:43
Ari-Yangbekks: that was the 2nd time I had to run it (2 weeks ago)00:43
Ari-Yangbekks: that log is me running fsck while on livecd (usb)00:43
wilee-nileeoaulakh, You can mount it from gparted and make sure your fstab has it.00:43
bekksAri-Yang: That are filesytem errors, no sign of bad sectors so far.00:43
oaulakhfstab what it means?00:43
Ari-Yangbekks: though I don't have the log the first time I ran it :V00:43
reisioman fstab00:43
Ari-Yangbekks: thanks for your info~00:44
bekksAri-Yang: Oh, error reading block... you should create a backup, investigate the issue, and replace the disk.00:44
bekks!fstab | oaulakh00:44
ubottuoaulakh: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:44
DJJeffthere is a program called "baobab" or "Disk Usage Analyzer" how do I put in a SSH address to scan?00:44
Ari-Yangbekks: yeah I would replace the disk if I could :/00:44
bekksDJJeff: you cant.00:44
Ari-YangI just have to make sure I have stuff backed up00:44
wilee-nileeoaulakh, here is my fstab swap line with my uuid, sudo blkid will tell you yours, and read the links you have been given.   UUID=6302c200-bbce-413c-a99d-83bb8abd4317 none            swap    sw              0       000:45
DJJeffbekks: why not.00:45
rachoAikar, have you tried disabling ppas?00:45
bekksDJJeff: because baobab doesnt support that.00:45
DJJeffbekks: it does have the option to "REMOTE SCAN"00:45
DJJeffbekks: is SSH not remote?00:45
bekksDJJeff: just log in using ssh and run "df -h"00:46
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DJJeffbekks: I do remember earlier versions of Ubuntu I was able to SSH Scan00:46
DJJeffbekks: "df -h" is not a GUI00:46
bekksDJJeff: I know. Thats exactly why I recommend using df -h00:46
oaulakhthanks i done it00:47
oaulakhit was easy00:47
wilee-nilee!yay | paulus6800:47
ubottupaulus68: Glad you made it! :-)00:47
DJJeffbekks: time to boot up earlier Ubuntu in a VM to get this to work, thanks anyways00:47
wilee-nileepaulus68, sorry paulus6800:47
spitboxerwhat package adds the commandline tool "deb" for adding sources?00:47
oaulakhjust right click on swap partition in gparted and select swapon00:47
wilee-nilee!yay > oaulakh00:47
ubottuoaulakh, please see my private message00:47
spitboxerheh... i just installed irssi and im in console mode cuz of broken ATI drivers00:48
wilee-nileeoaulakh, You add it to the fstab so it is always on?00:48
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
spitboxerand alt-arrows changes my console tty, how can I disable this?!?00:48
oaulakhthanks wilee-nilee00:48
wilee-nileespitboxer, Please no swearing or acronyms of.00:49
Ari-Yangspitboxer: which drivers are you using? fglrx?00:49
Ari-Yangthat caused the thing to break00:49
oaulakhany best backup craetor for ubuntu00:49
spitboxerAri-Yang: yeah, fglrx and fglrx-update00:49
spitboxerneither work00:49
Ari-Yangspitboxer: yeah, go figure. You're taking a risk when using those drivers :/00:50
Ari-Yangspitboxer: why did you want to use them? and what radeon card do you have?00:50
spitboxerproblem is i need XRandR support, HD4850, fairly new card00:50
spitboxerI need either XRandR or Radeon proprietary or both... Bad overscan on a mitsubishi DLP00:50
wilee-nileeoaulakh, Any number of ways to backup best is your personal opinion.00:50
spitboxerwith the default drivers ubuntu installed00:51
rachospitboxer, radeon (the open source driver) supports XRandR pretty well. i'am on HD5500 myself00:51
DJJeffbekks: in BAOBAB 3.4.1 you could SSH Scan in 3.8.1 you can not SSH Scan00:51
spitboxerironically enough now that im in text mode the screen fits nearly perfectly...00:51
wolfspyIs firefox supposed to use a lot of CPU? (around 70%_00:51
DJJeffbekks: seems stupid to break things that work :)00:51
spitboxerracho thanks i might try reverting to it in a sec00:51
Ari-Yangspitboxer: well did you install fglrx with apt-get install fglrx ?00:51
rachowolfspy, firefox no. however plugin-container aka flash may use up to 100% :)00:51
spitboxerAri-Yang: yep00:51
oaulakhi want to backup my system like norton ghost did for windows00:51
Ari-Yangspitboxer: okay, so now to get things working again and have your gui (X), you need to uninstall fglrx and get the radeon driver again00:52
reisiooaulakh: to where?00:52
wilee-nileeoaulakh, Ah, I use clonezilla, not many that are clones.00:52
wolfspyracho, I have top open and firefox is using quite a lot, plugin conatiner is using about 500:52
spitboxeranother good question is though, how can i change the behavior of ALT-arrow keys? that breaks apps like irssi pretty blatantly00:52
rachospitboxer, also if using 13.10 make sure to ad radeon.dpm=1 to kernel boot params. it does make a difference00:52
Ari-Yangspitboxer: uninstall whatever fglrx packages you installed before things broke.00:52
oaulakhclonezilla is it good in backup than tar?00:52
* wilee-nilee waits for the clonezilla burn00:52
Ari-Yangspitboxer: dpm is dynamic power management, prevents gpu from running hot00:52
Ari-Yangracho: are you on 13.10?00:53
wolfspyits mostly when I load or revresh a page, it jumps up to over 100%00:53
reisiooaulakh: it's a bit overkill00:53
pnglTrying to install mplayer2 on 13.10 I get: E: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/liba/libav/libavutil51_0.8.8-0ubuntu0.13.10.1_amd64.deb 40400:53
reisiooaulakh: for one thing your whole OS is already mirrored in thousands of places, 'cause it's free00:53
wilee-nileeoaulakh, clonezilla is run from a disc and does compress.00:53
Ari-Yangracho: because like, seeing how you have a hd5000 series card, you can use hardware video decoding with the open source radeon driver if you use latest mesa (10)00:53
reisiopngl: mplayer :)00:53
rachoAri-Yang,  my other pc (with the ati card) is and i'm pretty happy. here is fedora with Linux workbox 3.13.0-0.rc0.git1.3.fc21.x86_6400:54
oaulakhnorton also run from disk00:54
spitboxersrsly, for console usage, how can i disable this behavoir of alt arrow keys... irssi depends on alt-arrow to change windows... ሺ?00:54
oaulakhclonezilla iso please?00:54
pnglreisio: same issue. I see it tries to connect using ipv6 (2001:67c:1360:8c01::1a)00:54
wilee-nileeoaulakh, Its on the web, you can d\o that00:54
spitboxerhah hitting numlock in console gives a fun error: [ 1157.872260] BUG: scheduling while atomic: swapper/3/0/0x1000010000:55
Ari-Yangracho: ah, nice, I'm running 3.12 on this laptop (with hd5400) and mesa 10, works real nice. Though the ppa I used for mesa 10 dropped support for 12.04 and 12.10, so I'm considering upgrading to 13.1000:55
rachoAri-Yang, yes but afaik neither the latest mesa nor the latest kernels are in the official repos00:55
wilee-nileeoaulakh, It saves the mbr as well00:55
wilee-nileenorton does not00:55
Ari-Yangracho: no they are not, so people have to use ppa and the ubuntu kernel ppa00:55
Ari-Yangracho: the safest ppa for latest mesa would be oibaf's and the ubuntu kernel ppa is the way to go too00:56
oaulakhthen that one is super than tar00:56
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wilee-nileeoaulakh, I would not tar unless it it just the os alone not tar a clonezilla save00:56
wilee-nileeoaulakh, Clonezilla just saves packages in  a file not a partition.00:58
oaulakhgoing to use clonezilla00:59
oaulakhi want my ubuntu backup, bcz i dont want to lose it that time00:59
joosseehi guys, installed openooffice thru USC after adding the repo. keep getting error "javaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment!01:00
joossee/opt/openoffice.org3/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libfreetype.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:00
joossee"? tried installing the newsest openjdk (7) but no luck?01:00
bkmeneguello_someone knows how to update bios in a dell01:02
bkmeneguello_i have as Inspiron 14z01:02
bkmeneguello_and need to upgrade the BIOS01:02
reisiobkmeneguello_: with a freedos image01:02
joosseewtf does that have to do with ubuntu?01:02
reisiojoossee: maybe he's using Ubuntu01:03
bkmeneguello_I use ubuntu01:03
bkmeneguello_reisio: unfortunately freedos dont works01:07
reisiosure it does01:07
dustinspringmanah ha! I think i've found my problem.. maybe someone can help me fix... "xrandr is showing my monitor is connected to HDM1".. which is not the case... its actually connected to DP1 (displayport 1).... How do I tell xrandr "hey guy, you're using the wrong interface!?"01:08
bkmeneguello_sorry, i said don't works to install my update01:08
reisiodustinspringman: what makes you think it cares?01:08
bkmeneguello_the update is a windows 7/8 executable01:09
dustinspringmanreisio: the issue I have is that my 26" monitor is being seen in "displays" but I get no video....  I have an HDMI and DisplayPort on this laptop.... the HDMI is tied to the nvidiaGPU which I do not use because nvidia drivers are a pain in my ass....01:10
dustinspringmanreisio: this is the only thing I can find that "looks wrong"...01:10
dustinspringmanon 12.04 I had this working and xrandr showed "connecetd" on teh DP1 not the HDMI101:10
dustinspringmanany thoughts on how/where to tell xrandr "use DP1" not HDMI1 ?01:11
LarsNCAn someone point me towards documentation on how to tune the screen dimming buttons?01:12
spitboxerAri-Yang / racho : so, uninstalling fglrx & fglrx-updates was all it took - synaptic reports no package named "radeon" anyway and rebooting after uninstalling restored my X desktop01:12
LarsNI see the OSD indication pop up when hitting the brightness up & down.  However the brightness doesn't change.01:12
Ari-Yangspitboxer: you might be using radeon right now... what's the output of dmesg | grep radeon ?01:12
spitboxerbtw the references to /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the "manual instructions" for upgrading to proprietary drivers, are incorrect01:13
spitboxerxorg.conf no longer lives at /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:13
spitboxerAri-Yang: radeon framebuffer device01:13
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
Ari-Yangspitboxer: and the radeon drivers are xserver-xorg-vide-ati and xserver-xorg-video-radeon01:13
spitboxerthe problem is i get ridiculous overscan on this mitsubishi DLP01:13
Ari-Yang* xserver-xorg-video-ati01:14
rachospitboxer, well the radeon driver comes with kernel :)01:14
wilee-nileebkmeneguello_, Most bios update have iso option to put on a disc.01:15
Ari-Yangspitboxer: what ubuntu version are you using?01:16
spitboxerso my next questin is, where does the xorg.conf file live? I see some stuff in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d but not an actual "xorg.conf" file01:16
spitboxerAri-Yang: I'm using kubuntu 13.10, fresh install01:16
Ari-Yangspitboxer: you do not need xorg for ubuntu 12.04 and so on01:16
Ari-Yangspitboxer: it'snot needed.... if you do want one, you'd have to generate one.01:16
bkmeneguello_wilee-nilee, not these01:16
bkmeneguello_only an exe01:17
SamuraiDiowilee-nilee, installing now. :)01:17
spitboxerAri-Yang: in my case I do, its the only place I know of to put ViewPortIn and ViewPortOut options01:17
wilee-nileebkmeneguello_  Are you sure no disc option is all I would ask.01:17
Ari-Yangspitboxer: also seeing how this is a radeon card, run gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub and add radeon.dpm=1 in the GRUB cmd line, save the file, then run sudo update-grub01:17
ubottuThe X Window system is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart X, type 'sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm' on an ubuntu system. replace with kdm on Kubuntu. To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . Also see !xorgconf01:17
wilee-nileeSamuraiDio, Cool, enjoy.01:17
Ari-Yang!xorgconf | spitboxer01:17
ubottuspitboxer: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.01:17
spitboxerthanks guys, the problem is with nvidia drivers theres a command "nvida settings" that lets me do things like nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="DFP-0: 1920x1200 { ViewPortIn=2560x1600}"01:19
rachodustinspringman, xrandr --output DP1 etc...01:19
spitboxertrying to find the equivalent for ATI01:19
Ari-Yangspitboxer: I know you can generate one, but I forget... perhaps gooling "generating xorg.conf ati" or something?01:19
ceed^I have a problem: Sometime when I boot (once every four-five times) I just get a blank screen, no login screen. I have to open a console, log in and reboot and the next time I get the normal login screen. What could the problem be?01:20
dustinspringmanracho: I've been trying a few of those commands and i've been unable to find how to properly say "go away HDMI1, I want to use DP1"... I even tried "xrandr --output "HDMI1" --off01:20
dustinspringmandoesn't appear to do anything..01:20
rachospitboxer, i haven't tweaked a xorg.conf in ages. if it is some dual-monitor, resolution thingy maybe you need xranrd01:21
rachodustinspringman, ok what happens when you run xrandr --output DP1 (also try DP-1) --auto01:22
joosseewhat kind of magic is needed for installing openoffice? i tried installing it from software centre and that didnt work, i tried it thru apt-get and that didnt work, and I tried it from their website and that didnt work either.. im at a losss here..?01:22
Ari-Yangjoossee: use libreoffice01:23
joosseeAri-Yang, id rather not?01:23
Ari-Yangjoossee: it should already be installed, what's wrong with LibreOffice?01:24
dustinspringmanracho: nada.. cant turn off the HDMI1 cant turn on the DP1... odd thing is.. it sees "Viz 26" in "displays"... something is really goofy with xrandr here....01:24
joosseeAri-Yang, its terrible on windows and I want one office suite across the board...?01:24
dustinspringmanracho: its not a phantom connection either b/c i can unplug the DP and do xrandr -q and it sure enough shows "disconnected" on HDMI101:24
Ari-Yangjoossee: wait, you don't want to install/use libreoffice on ubuntu, because it's "terrible" on Windows? and you rather use openoffice?01:25
joosseeyes thats correct01:25
LarsNMy laptop has a keyboard hot key to change the screen brightness.  When I hit these keys, I get an OSD presentation showing the level changing, however the brightness doesn't change.  Is there a guide anywhere on how to tune this so it actually works?01:25
wilee-nileejoossee, You have to purge libreoffice in general to have OO they share stuff, I think libreo is more uputo date thougbh.01:26
FuqUmisthello, how do i remove a virus from my ubuntu computer?01:26
deezedFuqUmist: virus?01:26
joosseei already removed it, that wasnt a problem01:26
reisioFuqUmist: first you'd have to install one01:26
wilee-nileeFuqUmist, How do you know it's a virus, highly unlikely.01:26
joosseethe USC version doesnt appear to download the proper (amd64) bit version01:26
reisiocvtsx: hiyo01:26
deezedFuqUmist: do you have a virus in your ubuntu?01:27
reisioyes, fluq01:27
joosseeso installed via dpckg but now i just cant launch the damn thing...?01:27
wilee-nileejoossee, Did you purge it, use nicks here.01:27
reisiojoossee: dpkg -L packagename | grep -i bin01:27
FuqUmistwilee-nilee it seems i may have this virus that targets linux computers with ebanking fraud "Citadel trojan"01:27
FuqUmistgoogle it01:27
cvtsxreisio lets be friends friend01:27
ubottuLibreOffice is a Free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install libreoffice". User help available in #libreoffice.01:27
reisioFuqUmist: in what way does it seem that way01:27
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.01:27
reisiocvtsx: righto01:27
reisioAri-Yang: ...god awful spam01:27
cvtsxfulq upload it somewhere so i can try to analyze it (i am a noob)01:27
Ari-Yangreisio: my bad XD01:27
reisioubottu: your programmer is a failure01:28
drisdanMight anyone have any handy documentation available on how to transform a laptop into a wireless bridge? Google wasn't much help. I plan on using the wifi on the laptop as the gateway to the cable modem, then using the ethernet port on the laptop for a different internal network.01:28
Ari-Yangjoossee: http://openoffice.apache.org/downloads.html01:28
Ari-Yangjoossee: but you'llhave to compile from source (which isn't too hard)01:28
reisio...he doesn't want libreoffice?01:28
FuqUmistreisio from CBL01:28
reisiodrisdan: in  network manager's properties01:29
reisiodrisdan: you just check 'share connection' or something, it's very simple01:29
cvtsxfulqumist where do you think you were infected?01:29
deezedAri-Yang: openoffice is actually without updates. its all libreoffice now01:29
drisdanUbuntu 13.10 has it all built in? That easy?01:29
reisioFuqUmist: pardon?01:29
JouvaI'm trying to use phpVirtualBox which requires the vboxweb-service to be started. I do service vboxweb-service start and it just gets me back to the command prompt. Doesn't even say it's trying to start it. Any thoughts?01:29
joosseereisio, the command you posted returns soffice.bin and unopkg.bin ?01:29
cvtsx.also it shouldnt have executed unless if you allowed it to01:29
reisiodrisdan: I haven't used 13.10, but networkmanager has had it for ages01:29
Ari-Yangdeezed: tell that to joossee :|01:29
reisiojoossee: what do you want openoffice for?01:29
drisdanthank you reisio01:29
deezedAri-Yang: lol01:29
FuqUmistshould i get an anti-virus or something?01:29
reisioFuqUmist: you should convince someone you have a trojan first01:30
wilee-nileeFuqUmist, Okay, so how do you know you have it, you have to recognize we are a bit well surprised, if you even have it and how you detected it.01:30
cvtsxwhy do you think you were infected?01:30
Ari-Yang!antivirus | FuqUmist01:30
ubottuFuqUmist: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus01:30
cvtsxscan it on www.virustotal.com01:30
deezedjoossee: did you get it? openoffice has joined libreoffice. they'r now one01:30
reisioAri-Yang: spam and wrong01:30
joosseeholy crap guys I have my reasons related to costly data loss on libreoffice for windows. ya thats the reson. now can i get openoffice running without the commentary? no offence but yeesh01:30
FuqUmistwilee-nilee from http://cbl.abuseat.org01:30
cvtsxscan it on www.virustotal.com unless if its fud01:30
cvtsxwhich it probably isnt01:30
reisioFuqUmist: what about the cbl?01:30
cvtsxfulq dont post malicious links in chat01:30
kriskropdif I wanted to completely remove and purge xorg and then re-install xorg (just xorg, not talkinga bout widnow managers or desktop environments or anything liek that) which all packages do I need to remove and then reinstall with apt-get ?01:30
cvtsxbut thx for it01:30
kriskropdtalking about window*01:31
FuqUmistrescept it says stuff like this.... :This IP address is infected with, or is NATting for a machine infected with the Citadel trojan."01:31
xanguakriskropd: for what purpose¿01:31
reisioFuqUmist: is it a desktop machine?01:31
deezedjoossee: its a channel to comment though. But still, maybe in windows it was not that good as in linux01:31
joosseedeezed, let me gewt this straight, they splintered, got bought by apache or w/e, and then remerged? i fidn that unlikely..?01:31
kriskropdxangua: science - this is in a vm01:31
nazanyone know were python 2.4 would be located in 13.10? trying to do some python and im using the interpreter /usr/bin/python.2.4 and its not finding it :(01:31
cvtsxfulq here is that link https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/806547170e24172358a0872f9eb9269678ec412f9985b2b7fce6ec455183bcf5/analysis/1384392687/01:32
wilee-nileeFuqUmist, This your exact IP or a genral IP your going through.01:32
=== guilherme is now known as Guest70199
=== Guest70199 is now known as GuiValdevieso
GuiValdeviesoOlá Ubunteiros de plantão!01:32
kriskropdxangua: for my educational purposes, if you don't want to feel like you are wasting your time01:32
FuqUmistwilee-nilee i think it is my exact01:32
reisioFuqUmist: well first you need to know what makes them think that01:32
* kriskropd blushes01:32
GuiValdeviesoalgum programador presente?01:32
FuqUmistreisio http://www.securityweek.com/new-banking-trojan-targets-linux-users01:32
wilee-nileeFuqUmist, You think?01:32
xangua!pt | GuiValdevieso01:32
ubottuGuiValdevieso: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.01:32
cvtsxfulq post the link here http://www.malwareurl.com/index.php01:33
reisioFuqUmist: it looks like clamav can detect it01:33
FuqUmistyeah, wilee-nilee i guess it probably is01:33
reisioFuqUmist: unfortunately, however, if you had a trojan, the only way to be sure your system is 100% clean is to reinstall01:33
Jouvanaz: 2.4? I can't say for sure but I'm not sure 2.4 is included with 13.10? Maybe 2.6? I'd check the package list01:33
deezedFuqUmist: you can be sure by going on whatsmyip01:33
cvtsxfulq post the link here http://www.malwareurl.com/index.php01:33
FuqUmistreisio yeah, i really don't want to do that tho if i don't have to01:33
reisioFuqUmist: you don't have to, but it's the only way to be 100% sure01:34
cvtsxFuq why did you execute it if its suspicious?01:34
reisioFuqUmist: clamav should find _that_ specific trojan's data for you01:34
nazthanks Jouva, I just did that its 2.7.5+ by any chance would you know were it would be located?01:34
JouvaWhere 2.4 would be?01:34
FuqUmistif i install a new version of ubuntu will it get infected anyways? i'm not sure how it infects01:34
naz2.7.5+ or currenct ver01:34
cvtsxWell FuqUmist: now that you are infected try to analyze it :D01:34
joosseeok fine screw it i will install your damned libreoffice grrrr.01:35
Jouvanaz: I don't do much with python, but it might already be symlinked01:35
cvtsxFuqUmist: now that you are infected try to analyze it :D01:35
deezedFuqUmist: do you know you can backup your data and settings of your profile, reinstall ubuntu and set everything up very easily?01:35
nazThanks Jouva01:35
Jouvanaz: If you install it, you can use dpkg to search for the file or do a "which" or "whereis"01:35
FuqUmistcvtsx i'm not that computer savvy01:35
deezedjoossee: lol01:35
reisioFuqUmist: what you do is reinstall, then install a system integrity system, such as AIDE01:35
bkmeneguello_hey thanks for the freedos tip. it worked!!!01:35
reisioFuqUmist: that way even if you get it again, you won't have to reinstall01:35
cvtsxFuqUmist: why did you execute it if it was suspicious?01:35
joosseedeezed, are they really back to being merged? cuz it doesnt seem so from what ive read?01:35
joosseefirst question: how do i uninstall a dpkg installation?01:36
FuqUmistdo you think i become infected by browsing websites or something or was i specifically targeted?01:36
JouvaI'm trying to use phpVirtualBox which requires the vboxweb-service to be started. I do service vboxweb-service start and it just gets me back to the command prompt. Doesn't even say it's trying to start it. Any thoughts?01:36
deezedjoossee: I've read so, but if you are saying they are not, I cant be sure. But anyway the point is: openoffice hasnt been updated for a while01:36
cvtsxFuqUmist: well tell us what happened between you being clean -> infected01:37
kriskropdJouva: what does 'status' say?01:37
JouvaSame thing01:37
cvtsxprobably not targeted tho01:37
reisioFuqUmist: best use clamscan to see if you've even got it first01:37
JouvaIt's just not telling me anything, but it's not throwing an error either01:37
FuqUmistcvtsx nothing really, just browsing the internet and irc mainly01:37
deezedjoossee: what do you mean as a dpkg installation? unpack it manually?01:37
reisioFuqUmist: you can do it from a live OS to reduce your exposure in the interim01:37
cvtsxo then it probably wasnt targeted01:37
cvtsxFuqUmist: but really try to analyze it, there are plenty of tutorials online01:38
cvtsxalso post the suspicious website on http://www.malwareurl.com/index.php01:38
Jouvakriskropd: It's weird that it's giving me nothing at all. The file is definitely in /etc/init.d so it's not that it's missing01:38
deezedFuqUmist: I think its not that hard that you have got it from irc...01:38
reisiodeezed: it is01:38
reisiobut we don't even know if he's got it01:39
reisiodon't put the cart before the horse01:39
reisiodoesn't work right01:39
cvtsxlol ya01:39
kriskropdJouva: I'm not really familiar with phpVirtualBox, but I did run it once several years ago. It should be logging to a file in /var/log01:39
cvtsxscan your computer01:39
joosseedeezed, i ran dpkg -i *.deb in the appropriate directory and it installed to /opt... just wanna remove it before i install, gas, libreofiffice01:39
cvtsxalso look at all out going tcp connections01:39
deezedreisio: some days ago Ive received some messages here from random users I've never talked with, and it looks like virus01:39
=== makimac is now known as makimac|afk
cvtsxFuqUmist: look at all out going tcp connections01:40
kriskropdJouva: do you know which port it should be running on? perhaps? you could try running 'netstat -tulpn' and seeing if you recognize that port being hosted01:40
reisiodeezed: that's just spam01:40
reisiowelcome to the internet01:40
reisioindeed, the human race01:40
deezedreisio: uhm...01:40
reisiodeezed: uhm nothing01:40
ianmac1joossee, you should be able to use apt-get to remove that *.deb01:40
reisioFuqUmist: sudo apt-get install clamav && sudo freshclam && clamscan -ir ~/.config01:41
deezedreisio: lol... uhm like "ah, got it!"01:41
Jouvakriskropd: The problem is I'm tring to run that service and it's just not even trying to run01:41
reisioah :p01:41
joosseeianmac1, apt-get purge oppenoffice* ?01:41
cvtsxFuqUmist: also do you have the suspicious file on hand?01:41
deezedjoossee: yes, ianmac1 is right. But why not just install it from synaptics?01:41
kriskropdJouva: do you have permissions set up right? does phpvbox have a user that needs to be added to the vbox group still?01:41
Jouvakriskropd: I had it running recently-ish.01:42
ianmac1joossee, sudo apt-get remove name-of-package.deb01:42
ianmac1for each package you want to remove01:42
kriskropdish as in almost running or ish as in almost-recently?01:42
kriskropdJouva: ^01:42
reisiocvtsx: he doesn't have a file, some website says his IP is "infected"01:42
JouvaMaybe a month or two ago. I don't BELIEVE I've rebooted since then. Box was rebooted 45 days ago, but... yeah there's no way I rebooted since then01:42
ianmac1joossee, Shall I assume there were numerous packages?01:42
JouvaI've ran this within the past month01:42
joosseeianmac1, can i do that with a * instead in the DEBS directory of the untaredball?01:42
UbubeginOur windows server has crashed. Will it possible to use Ubuntu LiveCD to recover data out of it01:42
cvtsxreisio: o lol01:42
kriskropdJouva: if it worked before then that is strange01:42
cvtsxreisio: what site is saying that?01:43
wilee-nileeUbubegin, If it mounts yes.01:43
ianmac1joossee, no, you need to specify package names01:43
Jouvakriskropd: I know because I did this just after I started my new job which I've only been at for a month on this friday01:43
reisiothat cbl site he mentioned01:43
cvtsxalso this is a perfect example for why you should be using no-script01:43
joosseeseriously i cannot use dpkg to reverse what its done?01:43
ianmac1joossee, you still need to use individual package names01:44
deezedjoossee: are you trying to install the last version?01:44
reisiocvtsx: not really, as we have no idea if he even has such a trojan, or how he might have gotten it01:44
wilee-nileecvtsx, its not a flash trojan, and I doubt they have it.01:44
kriskropdJouva: do you have one of these? '/home/vbox/.VirtualBox/vboxwebsrv.log'01:44
ianmac1deezed, from what I gather, he used "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" in a dir and now wants to remove those packages01:44
reisioI doubt he has it, either01:44
nazI never understood linux, cant get games working but developing and sdks work01:44
kriskropdJouva: is it updating whenever you try to start the service?01:45
joosseei installed the appropriate deb package from oppenoffice.org01:45
naznow games are working and i cant develop01:45
JouvaLet me go look01:45
ianmac1joossee, if it's just one .deb package it is as simple as using apt-get to remove it01:45
Jouvakriskropd: It is no updating it hasn't been updated since October01:45
cvtsxwilee-nilee: funny you mention that http://krebsonsecurity.com/2013/11/zero-days-rule-novembers-patch-tuesday/01:46
wilee-nileeGeneral IP's can get a black list if someone is doing something01:46
rachonaz, why can't you develop? what's not working?01:46
nazpython, and also g++ will not compile perfectly good c++ code01:46
FuqUmist"Behind a NAT, you should be able to find the infected machine by looking for attempted connections to IP address or host name flashveralops.pw on any port with a network sniffer such as wireshark."01:47
wolfgang_I installed kubuntu along side xubuntu a while ago using the command sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:47
wolfgang_How can I remove it?01:47
deezedianmac1: uhm so why not remove?01:47
wolfgang_Its causing preoblems01:47
ianmac1deezed, that's what I'm trying to help him with01:47
kriskropdJouva: I'm not really sure then. Have you updated the system during that time frame? I imagine since phpvbox is reliant on the vbox API, an update could easily mess something up01:47
wilee-nileecvtsx, No mention of citadel, that is MS and we all know there that adobe is vulnerable, you point?01:47
cvtsxidk why i posted it01:47
deezedwolfgang_: did you try to ask in #kubuntu?01:48
cvtsxbut you can find information about citadel on there. also he is afk01:48
Jouvakriskropd: I think I had to download a specific version of virtualbox direct from the website as the packages ubuntu wants to install is 4.3 and this wants 4.201:48
deezedianmac1: yes, I just realized it01:48
rachonaz, i have yet to see problems with g++ compiling correct c++ code. and python just works01:48
Jouvakriskropd: So I believe it's not updating through apt-get01:48
wilee-nileecvtsx, I saw no citadel mentioned01:48
cvtsxon some of his other posts01:48
Jouvakriskropd: That and it would complain about that being the wrong version anyway I believe01:48
wolfgang_deezed, The terminal command should be the same in all distro's01:48
xangua!purexubuntu | wolfgang_01:49
ubottuwolfgang_: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »01:49
deezedwolfgang_: true. I'm just asking because maybe they could have told you something useful01:49
reisiocvtsx: shhh01:49
cvtsxa whois on his irc nick said pennsylvania but01:49
deezedwolfgang_: and the problem you are saying here is not about distros, but desktops01:50
kriskropdJouva: can you run vbox from the shell just fine still? 'vboxmanage startvm --type headless /home/vbox/VirtualBox\ VMs/vm-name/vm-name.vbox'01:50
JouvaOh. Weird.01:50
Jouvavboxmanage is GONE01:50
nazI have no problems on 12.04, 13.10 just does not like my hardware I guess, can't get everything back to normal01:50
reisioJouva: no, it's just camelCase01:50
wolfgang_deezed, I asked here because the most useful people are here, especially if you want an answer fast, thank you.01:50
kriskropdJouva: try /usr/bin/vboxmanage01:50
reisiofirst thing you should do is alias it to vboxmanage :p01:50
msdwwho knows how to install zpanel01:50
* joossee agrees with wolfgang_ 01:50
wilee-nileeThis is a perfect example why not to use Canadian banking, hehe01:51
cvtsxreisio: srry friend01:51
kriskropdJouva: or reissio's suggestion, it does sometimes have uppercase01:51
JouvaALSO gone01:51
deezedwilee-nilee: true01:51
reisioJouva: it's not gone, it's either present or not01:51
wilee-nileeyah sure01:51
deezedwilee-nilee: south park also says so01:51
JouvaIt's not on my system that's for sure.01:51
JouvaIt was, but now it's somehow not01:51
kriskropdJouva: maybe you ran it from another directory, try 'locate VBoxMange' or with lowercase01:52
cuzzoWhy would an ~/.ssh/config file with Host blah; User foo not be equivalent to: $ ssh -l foo blah ?01:52
c_smithanyone here know how I would add an @ubuntu.com alias to Empathy?01:52
JouvaNope. Neither one01:52
wolfgang_deezed, that is one long command, thank you01:52
kriskropdJouva: not sure if that will find it - you could also try to remember when you were installing/unpacking/building if maybe you left it in the Downloads directory or some other working directory and never properly installed it01:52
JouvaWait hang on one sec01:53
Jouvaok n/m I was making sure it wasn't installed in some other directory somehow01:53
wolfgang_deezed, http://pastebin.com/Qj5piDn801:54
kriskropdJouva: if it's "gone" (:D) then I know why it isn't working, but idk what happened :P01:54
deezedwolfgang_: sorry. I'm not sure why people actually think I'm rude or trying to fight with them01:54
JouvaYeah it's supposed to be in /usr/lib/virtualbox according to the init.d script01:54
cvtsxwell i would say he possibly could have been infected. since i just looked up his ip and he is from Canada01:54
JouvaAnd there's just a directory there ExtensionPacks01:54
wolfgang_deezed, I dont think you are rude?01:54
reisioJouva: what makes you think virtualbox is installed?01:55
kriskropdJouva: I remember having some problems with phpvbox before I got it to work and I eventually jsut settled for using vbox from a shell prompt instead01:55
Jouvareisio: It might somehow be uninstalled01:55
kriskropdJouva: but if it's missing, it might've got uninstalled by aptitude somehow01:55
reisioJouva: ...01:55
reisioso you have no reason to think it's installed01:55
wolfgang_deezed, IM using 13.10 maybe it doesnt work for 13.1001:55
Jouvareisio: It was recently installed. It might no longer be installed01:56
deezedwolfgang_: do you know you can do this way: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde ?01:56
deezedwolfgang_: or either with synaptics01:56
reisioJouva: dpkg -L virtualbox | grep -i bin01:56
=== LarrySteeze is now known as LarrySteeze|Away
Jouvareisio: I did do an auto cleanup after I removed a single package that installed... I believe a bunch of X stuff and I realized I didn't need that package anyway. And well... yeah it uninstalled a little too much, so maybe it also uninstalled things such as virtualbox even though I used a .deb01:57
ianmac1I love Synaptic, I don't know why Ubuntu doesn't ship with it. Much easier to use and understand than USC01:57
wolfgang_deezed, Thats for installing not removing, but if it comes down to it I could reinstall it01:57
reisioianmac1: NIH01:57
deezedwolfgang_: anyway. just for asking, did you add the kubuntu repository?01:57
deezedianmac1: agree!! totally01:58
wolfgang_deezed, No, that could be why its not installed correctley, oops :/01:58
ianmac1reisio, NIH?01:58
deezedwolfgang_: http://www.noobslab.com/2013/02/install-kde-410-in-ubuntu-12101204linux.html01:58
deezedwolfgang_: maybe it can help01:58
wolfgang_deezed, I just want it gone01:58
xanguaand this is what happend when people don't read the questions :)01:58
kriskropdJouva: you might need to run 'dpkg -L virtualbox4.2 | grep -i bin' actually, try tab-completing on virtualbxos to see the versions01:58
reisioianmac1: not invented here01:59
ianmac1reisio, Ah, true01:59
reisiocommercial entities make more money if they control what they're selling01:59
Jouvakriskropd: It has some remnants, but it looks like it's pretty much not installed01:59
ianmac1good point01:59
kriskropdJouva: Zalgo invaded your system when you weren't looking, I guess02:00
JouvaJust the /etc/default and /etc/init.s and a /usr/lib/virtualbox directory02:00
deezedreisio: thats true02:00
JouvaI always forget if x86_64 IS amd64 or not02:01
dustinspringmanso... Xrandr is seriously confused... its showing HDMI connected when I'm plugged into DP1... how can I fix this?02:01
kriskropdJouva: *64* is always *64*02:01
reisioJouva: x86_64 is the new name for amd6402:01
reisiorenaming things, great way to confuse people02:02
wolfgang_deezed, I found a tutorial on it, but it looks like since it is installed wrong it wont work, and its been causing errors, so maybe I need to reinstall linux?02:02
reisio"let's change its name so it's less confusing!"02:02
reisio"uhhh, but I already knew it was named 'amd64'"02:02
kriskropd"confuses everyone"02:02
reisioclassic stabbing in the back of people who aren't ignorant02:02
JouvaIt's kinda true that it should be not amd64 anymore02:02
reisioin an attempt to help the ignorant masses02:02
deezedwolfgang_: I dont think so02:02
JouvaBecause of Intel having 64 bit02:02
reisioand you end up just confusing everyone02:02
deezedwolfgang_: try to uninstall and purge it02:02
wilee-nileelets call it multiarch02:02
wolfgang_deezed, Well what should I do now?02:02
deezedwolfgang_: then just install it again02:03
wolfgang_deezed, and then try to uninstall?02:03
kriskropdmy 64 bit nintendo02:03
wolfgang_deezed, So how do I add the correct distro's?02:03
xangua!purexfce | wolfgang_ second time i mention it to you02:03
ubottuwolfgang_ second time i mention it to you: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »02:03
reisioJouva: nonsense02:04
reisioI just got done explaining...02:04
reisioyou can't rename something, all that does is gives something TWO names02:04
reisioit's always that way02:04
reisiobinary MB vs decimal02:04
wolfgang_xangua that wont work, probably because its meant for 12.10.02:04
reisioAD vs CE02:04
reisioit never works, not ever02:04
FloodBot1reisio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:04
DZaneHola folks. I have a question in regards to an ancient little machine I threw Ubuntu 12 on. I'm unable to change the resolution using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Unable%20to%20change%20Screen%20resolution%20in%20Ubuntu02:04
reisioFloodBot1: suck an egg02:04
deezedwolfgang_: So I would do like that: first uninstall and purge what you installed and wasnt working properly, then add its repo, then install it from synaptics02:04
reisioDZane: using what02:05
xanguawolfgang_: this is what happen when people read there is a new blog  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/tag/pure-xubuntu/02:05
wolfgang_deezed, I tried, but its not recognizing its existance.02:05
DZaneI open /usr/bin/compis as it says and it comes up all nice and corrup looking02:05
DZaneIt's an AAAANCIENT Dell Optiplex with this graphics card02:06
DZane Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 04)02:06
wolfgang_xangua, http://pastebin.com/Qj5piDn802:06
wolfgang_xangua, doesnt work.02:07
DZaneOld as heck, but I'm going to be turning it into a simple little DMZ with some slick packages a buddy of mine in Okinawa wrote.02:07
xanguawolfgang_: you really don't like to read :) you are using the instructions to remove Ubuntu, not Kubuntu02:07
deezedwolfgang_: so do you plan to stay just with kde or both?02:08
wolfgang_deezed, Remove kde and use xubuntu which is what I started with02:08
wolfgang_xangua, I didnt read wrong, I used the one for kubuntu, and even if I used the one for ubuntu it would of worked because I have both02:09
deezedwolfgang_: ok, so cant you remove it with "sudo apt-get remove --purge kubuntu-desktop" ?02:09
wolfgang_deezed, wolfgang@Sawyer:~$ sudo apt-get remove --purge kubuntu-desktop02:09
wolfgang_Reading package lists... Done02:09
wolfgang_Building dependency tree02:09
wolfgang_Reading state information... Done02:09
wolfgang_Package 'kubuntu-desktop' is not installed, so not removed02:09
wolfgang_The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:02:09
FloodBot1wolfgang_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:09
wilee-nileedeezed, No desktop are meta packages.02:09
DZaneThis is the article I read, reisio02:10
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reisioDZane: I believe you02:10
ianorlin!pastebinit | wolfgang_02:10
ubottuwolfgang_: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com02:10
spitboxerthanks Ari-Yang and racho, got it working by putting some xrandr startup scripts in /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf instead of modifying xorg.conf02:10
deezedwilee-nilee: uhm, so what about trying to remove it from software manager itself? would it work?02:10
wolfgang_iannorlin, I didnt think it is to big, I know what pastebin is...02:10
spitboxernow for my next impossible question, lol...02:10
spitboxeris there any easy way to bump the font-size up system-wide ? =)02:11
DZaneThink it's just a case of ancient hardware not handling what I put on it?02:11
wilee-nileedeezed, You need a package list like was posted to remove completely, what release is this?02:11
DZaneI had the same issues in Ubuntu 10.04 as well, did the upgrade to 12.0402:11
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spitboxerlike, if I'm going blind, because I sit to close to a giant screen. How can I bump the font size up system wide? What happens if I change System settings -> Fonts02:12
deezedwilee-nilee: It seems that anything is installed: http://pastebin.com/Qj5piDn802:12
DZane@Spitboxer: System Settings > Universal Access02:12
ds_hello all02:12
spitboxerwhat happens if I check System Settings -> Fonts -> [] Force Fonts DPI02:12
spitboxerDZane: I dontt see a Universal Access, actually02:13
DZaneWhich flavor you using?02:13
ds_interesting problem here .. im installing fail2ban on ubu server 13.10, and during install, it just freezes. nothing happens during the part where it says starting fail2ban monitor02:13
spitboxerDZane: kubuntu02:13
rachospitboxer, because that's a gnome thing and you sound like kde02:13
wilee-nileedeezed, I see gtk2 and gtk3 not sure if they mix, what is it you are doing and the end goal here?02:13
spitboxerIve been using gnome02:13
spitboxerbut I decided to give kde a whirl this time around02:14
rachospitboxer, yes you can force system wide dpi through there and bump it above 96 if you have massive screen estate02:14
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spitboxerracho I'm on a 65" mitsubishi DLP, hence the legendary mitsubishi overscan problem02:14
JouvaWelp an install of virtualbox-4.2 fixed it02:14
spitboxerand setting this up more or less to be a media center machine02:14
DZaneSpitboxer, I hate you now02:15
JouvaShocker of the year: phpVirtualbox requires virtualbox to be installed :B02:15
JouvaBut I guess I somehow uninstalled it and forgot02:15
deezedwilee-nilee: wolfgang_ has tried to install kubuntu-desktop over xubuntu, but kubuntu installation had some problems. Now he just wants to remove kubuntu completly from his machine02:15
spitboxerDZane: trust me, its not all its cracked up to be. 65" DLP is not very high fidelity, no way to get exact 1:1 pixel display on it02:15
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spitboxerDZane: also, I use a 42" samsung LED for my desktop for acouple years now. As a result, I need glasses. :-(02:15
DZaneSpitboxer: I bet so lol Still, it has it's uses02:16
wolfgang_deezed, My dad is trying to make me go, so bye, thank you, and no, I already tried, it failed I needed help removing what it screwed up, I will just reinstall linux bye, and thank you for your helo02:17
wilee-nileedeezed, I'm not interested in helping them to be honest, I have enough gray hairs already. ;)02:17
wolfgang_deezed *help02:17
DZane@The General Crowd: I have an ancient Dell with the Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 04), and can't get my resolution above 1024 x 76802:17
deezedwolfgang_: no problem! bye02:17
deezedwilee-nilee: ok02:17
DZaneI tried a few things, mainly this: http://tinyurl.com/monlrc3 but it didn't work: the file it says to edit comes up corrupt as hell02:18
DZaneAnd I've been out of Linux for about a decade or so, so I'm rustier than the Tin Man after a typhoon02:18
ds_anyone can give me a hand with apt ? a package just "hangs" during install. ive killed it and tried the apt-get install -f deal, but same thing. also dpkg --configure -a. no love whatsoever ....02:19
DZaneAnd even then I didn't know a whole lot02:19
sam113101whenever I replug my wireless _mouse_ I need to reapply xmodmap (my keyboard is wired), how do you explain that?02:20
Danato<DZane> and the linux you knew back then is a whole lot different now02:20
rachosam113101, X1102:20
deezedds_: which package?02:20
DZane@Danato: It's mindblowing02:20
ds_ccant figure it out02:20
sam113101racho: it's shit02:20
rachosam113101, it is... i hope wayland comes asap. i have a r.a.t. 9. it's a mess02:21
deezedds_: can you pastebin the output02:21
wolfspyHow do you get a rat on ubuntu>02:21
ds_one sec02:21
SamuraiDiowilee-nilee, it worked02:21
Danato<DZane> so did you jst start catching up?02:22
ds_dumb question ... how do i direct a comment to someone in irc ?02:22
SamuraiDiowilee-nilee, seens the problem was my usb-drive02:22
kriskropdds_: like this02:22
deezedds_: just write his name. or the begning of it and then tab02:22
DZane@Danato: I did. It's not one of those things I wanted to do, more of a neccesity02:22
rachoDZane, are you trying to run unity with that pc?02:23
ds_deezed: got it , thanks. ill pastebi that in a sec02:23
DZanelol 2D only, bud02:23
deezedds_: ok02:23
DZaneI may be out of my element, but I'm not THAT lost. It actually pushes the 3D dang smooth for an old hunk of junk02:23
wilee-nileeSamuraiDio, Ah, it happens never had any fail fail here but I hera it happens, or at least troubles anyway.02:24
DZane*2D rather02:24
Danato<DZane> maybe youll end up liking it a lot. Me im trying to slowly replace windows, ill only use windows when i really need to02:25
wilee-nileeSamuraiDio, Sorry for the bad typing, glad your installed. ;)02:25
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DZaneIt seems like CLI really hasn't changed much over the years, but things were so much simpler without a GUI02:26
=== DZane is now known as DZane|AFK
ds_deezed: >>im an idiot. do i "tee" that command .. sudo apt blah blah > blah.txt ?02:27
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deezedds_: what do you mean? to pastebin it?02:27
ds_oh ..nevermind. one sec02:28
kriskropdds_: stop insulting yourself :) you are proactively trying to understanding and fix something - you are no idiot02:28
deezedkriskropd: =)02:28
kriskropd!cookie | ds_02:28
ubottuds_: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:28
ds_kriskropd: i appreciate that02:28
=== AndresSM_away is now known as AndresSM
dancemasterglennHi all. I'm attempting to get a bug fixed on launchpad, and I've been given a .patch file, but I do not know what to do to apply it properly. I can follow terminal commands; can anyone assist me?02:29
dancemasterglennI can provide a link to the bug page if that is of interest.02:29
nosmelcAny ideas why a machine won't boot from Ubuntu 13.10 on a flash drive?  It should be new enough(core 2 duo) to support that, and I tested it on another machine02:30
ds_deezed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6413852/      --- just sits there, and my term is "dead"02:30
wilee-nileedancemasterglenn, State the issues and post the bug link and the fix.02:30
kriskropddancemasterglenn: do you have a copy of the source files available to compile?02:30
dancemasterglennI've been unable to access the sound settings menu for months, when my audio interface is plugged in.02:31
somsipds_: tail -f /var/log/fail2ban.log02:31
dancemasterglennhere's the link to the bug:02:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 1131220 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "[soundnua]: gnome-control-center crashed with SIGSEGV in gvc_mixer_control_lookup_device_from_stream()" [Medium,Incomplete]02:31
deezedds_: wait. can you try to remove it and then reinstall it?02:31
dancemasterglennthe patch file was uploaded there, they were going to make me a ppa but they haven't had time to in the last few days.02:31
somsipds_: F2B is very particular about permissions in /etc/fail2ban02:31
deezedds_: you said the problem was in the installation first right?02:32
ds_somsip: it just hangs when i tailed that02:32
ds_deezed: i have to kill dpkg one sec02:32
somsipds_: then try to start it again and you should see some output unless it's really b0rked02:32
ds_deezed: correct. cant get past the install for some reason..02:33
rachodancemasterglenn, usually you apply a patch to the source of the program and then recompile the said program02:33
kriskropddancemasterglenn: which can be done with 'patch' - appropriately named02:33
ds_deezed:  it tells me dpkg was interupted, and to run dpkg --configure -a. ive done that, and it the same thing02:33
deezedds_: its not a big deal. just install it normally, copy the output and paste on any pastebin website02:34
kriskropddancemasterglenn: usually you go to the root directory of the source code, 'patch -p0 < /path/to/patch.diff'02:34
dancemasterglennRacho, I figured that would be the case, but I'm not positive which program I'd be applying it to. gvc-mixer-control?02:34
deezedds_: can you try to reinstall it before dpkg-reconfigure -a again?02:34
kriskropddancemasterglenn: then just ./configure and make02:35
ds_deezed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6413870/ ill try what you last said one sec02:35
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ds_driving me nuts02:36
rachodancemasterglenn, afaik this leads to libgnome-volume-control02:37
deezedds_: did you try to reboot it already?02:37
ds_deezed: is the a way to force the removal with apt ?02:37
dancemasterglennDoes it matter that I didn't compile any of this code from source? This is all from my normal install, so I'm not sure if the source for the program running (whichever program it is) is on here or if I just have binaries02:37
ds_deezed: actually, ythat i ddint .. its on a remote box, but ill give it a shot now02:37
rachodancemasterglenn, well you will need the source to apply the patch. the other option is to wait for a ppa (which is actually the binary of the source with the applied patch)02:38
rachodancemasterglenn, the third option is to download libgnome-volume-control source code, apply the patch and use apt/dpkg to build a deb package out of it02:39
deezedds_: there is an option to force in apt but its dangerous. its --force-yes. but I wouldnt use it02:39
kriskropddancemasterglenn: to test it, you would run the locally nuilt copy of the program, to have it in place of the "normal install" you would need to move all the built files to the appropriate locations02:39
rachodancemasterglenn, and install it02:39
=== esde|away is now known as esde
deezedds_: maybe the option --fix-broken can help you more02:39
dancemasterglennwhew. Maybe I should just be waiting for the ppa then... I just figured if I should try and figure out this patch stuff if I can. Sounds a bit daunting though.02:41
ds_deezed: as in apt-get --fix-broken ?02:41
dancemasterglennhow would I get the source to libgnome-volume-control, if I were going to try and patch it?02:41
=== danato is now known as Danato
deezedds_: I think so02:42
rachodancemasterglenn, https://git.gnome.org/browse/02:42
ds_deezed: one sec02:42
rachodancemasterglenn, https://git.gnome.org/browse/libgnome-volume-control/02:43
rachouse the source luke :)02:43
deezedds_: anyway, did you read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fail2ban to configure fail2ban?02:43
Danatoguys what IRC do you like the most?02:43
Danato*IRC client02:44
rachodancemasterglenn, also keep in mind gnome's git repo is for 3.10+ while ubuntu still uses 3.802:44
ds_deezed:  i did. up to the install that os02:44
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:44
fobelxcan i use ubuntu as a base for a commercial system? if yes, do i need to pay licensing fees?02:44
deezedds_: uhm02:45
dancemasterglennracho, so there might be other issues on top of simply applying the patch, when i go to test?02:45
Ububeginfobelx: no, ubuntu is free...02:45
alistairHas anyone else had problems with their encrypted home directory recently (Ubuntu 13.04)?  I rebooted my laptop this morning and can no longer access it.  Just wondering if it is possible a recent update caused problems.02:46
deezedds_: I would try something like: sudo 'dpkg-reconfigure -a', then apt-get remove again02:46
lf94Ububegin: With what Canonical makes a user go through before downloading, that could change. :)02:47
Danato <ianorlin> my question was never which client is the "best", I asked which one do you like the most, your personal preference02:47
rachodancemasterglenn, i also recall apt-get can fetch sources02:47
rachodancemasterglenn, so you may pool the source code straight from the ubuntu source repos02:48
kriskropdDanato: a poll is a poll is a poll is a poll02:48
kriskropdirssi :x02:49
deezedds_: ?02:49
deezedkriskropd: indeed its nice02:49
deezedDanato: but xchat is so easy02:50
dancemasterglennracho, that might be better... let me check and see if i can do that02:50
kriskropddeezed: but xchat uses gtk, doesn't it? i can access my irssi over ssh from anywhere, like I do02:51
kriskropdDanato: these discussions get offtopic, as you can see, which is why we refrain from asking such questions here - you really ought to ask that again in #ubuntu-offtopic02:51
deezedkriskropd: thats true. I actually dont use xchat much. I use more konversation, from kde, and irssi02:51
Danato ianorlin: thank you02:51
dancemasterglennE: Unable to find a source package for gnome-volume-control02:51
deezedkriskropd: but accessing from anywhere you mean any terminal or shell, right?02:52
Danatokriskropd: ok no problem02:53
kriskropddeezed: yeah, I have a bash-fetish I think :X02:53
deezedkriskropd: haha, nice!02:54
dancemasterglennracho, looking through synaptic and not seeing anything that looks quite like gnome-volume-control, gvc, etc... would it be contained in a larger overall package, possibly?02:55
rachodancemasterglenn, quite possible02:56
deezedds_: so?02:56
ds_deezed: sorry bout that .. i restarted the vm, snd the /etc/fail2ban.conf is hal there? it stops at fail2band pid file. when i try to remove, it says dpkg --configure -a. and still the same issue02:58
ds_deezed: nevermind ,, reboot worked ! thanks !02:59
deezedds_: ok! no problem02:59
deezedds_: btw it always helps02:59
ds_deezed:  yes?02:59
marzI have Ubuntu 12.04 installed, magnet links does not work with utorrent/utserver, does anyone know how to make it work?02:59
ds_deezed: it do as they say02:59
reisiomarz: use deluge instead03:00
marzreisio: I'll try that. Thanks03:01
DZaneSeems I got banned and don't know why03:03
DZaneSwapped to AFK status and that was it03:04
reisiodoesn't seem like you're banned to me03:04
reisioalthough nobody cares if you're afk03:04
DZanenot anymore03:04
DZaneand I know they don't03:04
DZaneNo one ever does, reisio03:05
reisioand yet you keep telling us03:05
DZaneFor a guy with a cool name you seem like quite the smartass.03:05
DZaneGood show, Sir03:05
reisioyou read too much into plain text03:06
reisionobody cares if anyone goes afk03:06
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
DZaneI had only mentioned it previously because I was trying to get help with an issue, and didn't want someone to answer when I was away and have me miss it03:07
DZaneCommon courtesy, and I didn't want to miss an important tip03:07
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.03:07
wilee-nileeDZane, someone answering when your away is about as likely as you winning a noble prize.03:07
reisiojust say 'going afk'03:08
reisioit's apparent when a person is afk because they don't say anything03:08
reisio/whois dzane03:08
reisiono such person03:08
DZaneWilee-nilee the chances of anyone answering anyway are slim03:08
reisio'cause you changed your nick03:08
wilee-nileeDZane, you guessed it yes.03:08
=== deezed is now known as tinon
dancemasterglennI think that I'm going to keep at getting in touch with the guys who offered to make me a ppa, hopefully they will come through for me. racho, kriskropd, thank you both for your advice!03:09
=== tinon is now known as aol
=== aol is now known as deezed
judgenHow do i get an atheros ethernet card to work in 12.04? I have updated to kernel 3.1103:10
reisiojudgen: which o ne?03:11
DZanejudgen: just curious, is it the AR8161?03:11
judgenyes but it works by default in debian (with firmware enabled netboot iso)03:12
DZanejudgen: http://askubuntu.com/questions/257852/ubuntu-12-04-not-recognizing-atheros-ar8161-gigabit-ethernet03:12
MasterRoshi 03:12
DZaneTake a look at that, see if it applies03:12
=== deezed is now known as eaaa
DZaneSaw it earlier. I have a similar card in another machine, and was doing research on what I could expect to have issues with before an install03:13
=== eaaa is now known as TinOLin
=== TinOLin is now known as Tin_O_Lins
=== Tin_O_Lins is now known as deezed
=== DZane is now known as OlderThanDirt
ubottuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines »03:13
judgeni hav  linux-generic-lts-saucy installed.03:14
judgen3.11.0-13-generic #20~precise2-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 2403:15
VivekanandaHey everyone. Can anyone tell me where mysql db would be stored in ubuntu and also can I somehow copy it and use it on a different machine ?03:15
OlderThanDirtJudgen: Have you tried this one? http://tinyurl.com/9l29w3p03:16
somsipVivekananda: /var/lib/mysql. Copy the entire contents of the db folder in there and it should work03:17
marzI'm in the middle of customizing gedit, I'm following this website: http://www.micahcarrick.com/gedit-html-editor.html. How do I download an xml file?03:17
somsipright click in a browser and Save As, or use something ina terminal like 'wget http://www.micahcarrick.com/files/gedit_php_highlight.xml"03:19
Vivekanandasomsip: okay let me try. Also, is there a way I can get a .sql file out of the files in there ? Or do I have to first get it to work and use a tool like mysql workbench to create a .sql dump ?03:19
somsipVivekananda: you get a sql dump by using mysqldump03:19
OlderThanDirtCan anyone recommend a good script editor? Something I can chang /usr/bin/compiz with. gedit didn't like the encoding one bit, and I need to make some edits03:20
somsipOlderThanDirt: that's a binary file03:20
OlderThanDirtlol I need to just drop this GUI and go back to a CLI only interface03:20
OlderThanDirtThese icons don't tell me jack squat lol03:20
kriskropdOlderThanDirt: use vim :D03:21
OlderThanDirtI was trying to follow an instruction set here: http://tinyurl.com/monlrc3 and when I ran gedit, it hated it03:22
kriskropdOlderThanDirt: and like somsip said, thats a bianry file, you have to edit the source code after acquiring it and then rebuild it03:22
OlderThanDirthmmm.... sounds like the instructions I got a hold of are bad, or I'm misunderstanding them03:22
OlderThanDirtThanks, guys03:22
somsipOlderThanDirt: well...that guide does says it's a script. I don't have the file myself, but I'm surprised its not a binary03:23
sgo11hi, in ubuntu 13.10, when I run "modprobe -l", it gives me invalid option error. how can I list all modules? where does "-l" go? thanks.03:23
ki4roShould I upgrade from 12.04 to 13.10 or leave it alone?03:23
reisiosgo11: lsmod03:23
fobelxi want to get all x11 source packages for ubuntu edgy. how can i do this?03:23
Vivekanandasomsip: there is a file /usr/lib/mysql but there is none /var/lib/mysql03:23
kriskropdOlderThanDirt: wait a sec, not all files in /bin are compield binaries03:23
sgo11reisio, lsmod does not return the module I just installed. I used to use "modprobe -l" to check it.03:24
kriskropdOlderThanDirt: ah nvm, compiz is infact compiled - bad instructions indeed03:24
somsipVivekananda: that is likely to be a library and not data. Check /etc/mysql/my.cnf for the location of your data files if it is non-standard03:24
sgo11reisio, I can see the .ko file under drivers/hid/.03:24
=== me is now known as Guest51967
sgo11reisio, in the old days, modprobe -l will give me that module.03:24
=== Guest51967 is now known as sseehh
OlderThanDirtkrikropd: I see what you mean03:25
reisiosgo11: sudo modprobe modulename && lsmod03:25
OlderThanDirtI wonder if they didn't mean compiz-decorator but it doesn't look like it03:25
danato1ping Danato03:25
sgo11reisio, that works. it basically loads the module. but what if I just want to check the modules I installed rather than loading it? thanks.03:27
esuavecan someone please explain to me what lacp_rate does? and how will i benefit using lacp_rate fast vs lacp_rate slow?03:28
OlderThanDirtkriskropd: I wonder if I shouldn't chuck compiz in favor of something lighter, like metacity03:28
reisiosgo11: check it for what?03:28
judgenok i found out that "linux-backports-modules-cw-3.*" is supposed to carry the alx driver. But it does not. Only one specific version (3.4 appearantly) has it in the package. So i would either have to downgrade or make from source. Rather odd packaging.03:28
reisiosgo11: its existence?03:28
reisiosgo11: isn't the .ko evidence enough?03:28
wilee-nileeki4ro, Why would you ask us?03:28
OlderThanDirtI have an ANCIENT Dell Optiplex with the onboard graphics03:29
sgo11reisio, yeah. its existence. I don't want to find by file. I want "modprobe -l" or similar command. thanks.03:29
kriskropdOlderThanDirt: i run 'dwm' by suckless ontop of plain ol xorg and everythign works out of the box for me - if i want fancy things I run 'xcompmgr' or 'compton'03:29
sgo11reisio, I don't understand why "modprobe -l" removed.03:29
kriskropdOlderThanDirt: that probably is too lighweight for most people though, I know people that don't think it's light enough though XD03:29
ki4rowilee-nilee because I´m not sure if it is worth messing with or stay with the LTS version03:29
fritz_hie people, i installed ubuntu 13.10 on a drive/partition which had linux mint. however i did not format the drive. the problem is that when i try to install using terminal, i get the following message03:29
fritz_sh: 1: /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintSources/mintSources.py: not found03:29
reisiosgo11: 'cause someone didn't like it :)03:30
OlderThanDirtkriskropd: The last time I played with Linux was about 10-ish years ago03:30
wilee-nileeki4ro, Really, so subjective opinions will fees a confirmation bias.03:30
pol2588hola alguien que hable español03:30
sgo11reisio, :) ok. but why someone doesn't like it....this does not make any sense.03:30
kriskropdOlderThanDirt: its gotten a lot more bloated, complicated and "user-friendly" since then :)03:30
reisiosgo11: humans don't make sense, we can check the changelog, though03:31
pol2588hola alguien que me diga como activar el modo o la interfaz grafica de ubuntu server 12.0403:31
kriskropdOlderThanDirt: not that I would know, I only started using linux a few years ago03:31
OlderThanDirtkriskropd: It is what it is03:31
ki4rowilee-nilee Huh?03:31
fritz_hie people, i installed ubuntu 13.10 on a drive/partition which had linux mint. however i did not format the drive. the problem is that when i try to install using terminal, i get the following message03:32
fritz_sh: 1: /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintSources/mintSources.py: not found03:32
sgo11reisio, may I ask you some more questions? I installed this module/driver by compiling the kernel and install the new kernel. the module is not loaded by default. how can I let ubuntu load it in every boot? simply add the name to /etc/modules ? is this enough?03:34
wilee-nileeki4ro, opinions here are intrinsically, all opinions really and this is confirmation bias. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias  We want you to make your own decisions based on good reason and research.03:36
nezzarioXSo, what is the serious difference between Xubuntu and ubuntu; apt-get install xfce4 ?03:36
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels03:37
OlderThanDirt     Uses XFCE as the desktop environment     XFCE is a fork of the old GNOME desktop, aimed at being lightweight but still usable.     runs decently on lower end/old hardware     Not exactly "super fast", but better than GNOME/Unity/KDE03:37
marzHow do I apply the dark_mate theme to my gedit. Like this one http://grigio.org/tag/darkmate03:37
OlderThanDirtApparently I should be looking at it myself03:37
nezzarioXso it's literally just ubuntu with xfce4 preinstalled?03:37
OlderThanDirtApparently so03:37
xmetalubuntu + xfce = xubuntu03:37
xmetalbasically yes03:37
nezzarioXwell t hat doesn't seem to warrent a distro, but I'm not going to argue with you linux guys... ;)03:38
reisionezzarioX: and themed a particular way, yup03:38
xmetalotherwise you download the xfce packages and can use it that way03:38
xanguaOlderThanDirt: xfce a fotk of the old gnome desktop¿ lol03:38
ki4rowilee-nilee I´m trying to form an opinion by querying other users03:38
xmetalthe way I downloaded "Ubuntu"/Unity packages for the distro i use03:38
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nezzarioXI was not impressed with iceWM03:38
OlderThanDirt@reisio: given my old as hell machine, do you think it'd be worth it to switch over to Xubuntu?03:39
nezzarioXalso, not impressed with everybody REALLY wants me to use gdm instead of just logging in on a freaking terminal and typing startx03:39
xmetali have to say that though its lagging, i am impressed with lxde03:39
OlderThanDirtOr something as lightweight03:39
xmetallacking i mean03:39
nezzarioXOlderThanDirt, I am coming from  you from a celeron with 512mb of RAM03:39
xmetalnot a bad DE (lxde)03:39
nezzarioXopenbox+dillo seems to work well enough to get around03:39
reisioOlderThanDirt: proc/ram?03:40
wilee-nileeki4ro, yes exactly a subjective opinion based on confirmation bias, and by the way this is not a polling channel it is support. You have a clue of some of the differences step up and decide for your self. ;)03:40
xmetalack @ 512 ... i'd go with (try it anyway) xfce, lxde or enlightment on that03:40
OlderThanDirtI'm working with an old Dell Optiplex GX280 with a pentium 4, 1GB of RAM, anda Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL onboard video03:40
Nach0zlxde <303:40
nezzarioXxmetal, i'm installing xfce now03:40
OlderThanDirtlike I said, it's old03:41
xmetalhmm i have an old pc with 1.79ghz processor and 768 ... was going to try (xfce) on that but that hardware is failing03:41
xmetaldoesn't work 1/2 the time03:41
xmetali like xfce... even on my faster PC03:41
xmetalthats what I like about Linux .. can use w/e dE i feel like at a certain time03:41
judgennezzarioX, if you want X without having to write startx or load a display manager for login you can always use the "nodm" package.03:41
nezzarioXjudgen, dear god thank you03:42
kriskropdsince we're discussing this, I might ask the question that brought me here a few hours ago that never got answered - does anyone here know which aLL packages need to be purged and removed for xorg?03:42
OlderThanDirtI can plug away with the 12.04 default GUI, in 2D, but I can't get it to recognize different resolutions03:42
reisioOlderThanDirt: that should be okay with Ubuntu, but better with Xfce, yeah03:42
kriskropdI'm fixing a borken xubuntu 12.04 install that updated ins tyle and failed03:42
judgennezzarioX, when you install it it tells you to edit a text file to select what user and to enable it (as it is disabled by default)03:43
judgennezzarioX, i use it all the time.03:43
OlderThanDirtreisio: thanks for the info. Like I've mentioned, I've never really gotten to know Linux that well, so I'm a n00b, to use the new word for rookie03:44
nezzarioX that's not exactly a new word03:44
OlderThanDirtrookie has been around a lot longer than n00b, my friend03:45
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solomonixhas anyone had any luck installing mumble:i386 on x86_64 Saucy?  I've been smacking into a lot of multilib dependency hell lately :-\03:45
OlderThanDirtI remember the first time I heard it back in the 90's, and didn't have a clue03:45
reisioyeah but when I get my time machine I'll fix that03:45
xmetali never had that issue with dependencies on ubuntu/mint here ... only slackware03:45
OlderThanDirtYou do that, reisio03:46
nezzarioXi remember when slackware was cool03:46
xmetalof course i stick with the package manager versions of software in these versions03:46
nezzarioXthat's about as far as I go03:46
* wilee-nilee waits 10 seconds to see if reisio reappears from that time machine03:46
OlderThanDirtGive me a TARDIS and a sonic screwdriver and set me loose03:47
nezzarioXspeaking of retarded\03:47
Vivekanandasomsip: thanks. I will check /etc/mysql/my.cnf for the image03:47
nezzarioXi deinstalled some sound management crap on this ubuntu install when I first installed it about 6 mo's ago03:47
OlderThanDirtnothing retarded about Dr. Who03:47
xmetalhe got lost and went back to 1985 i guess03:47
nezzarioXi'd really like to watch some media on here tonight if possible, .. how would I go about sound?03:48
Vivekanandasomsip: a question though. If I am a new user how would I know that my.cnf is actually the file I should go to when trying to locate the info for mysql ?03:48
Vivekanandaother than asking you or someone here ?03:48
judgennezzarioX, if your sound services got borked. make sure that alsa-tools, alsa-utils and lsb is installed.03:48
nezzarioXyeah, alsa-tools sounds like what I deinstalled03:48
nezzarioX99.9% of the time it sits headless over here03:48
judgennezzarioX, alsa uses extremely little power though. Pulse uses a little more, but it runs on top of alsa and is not needed unless you need the extra features.03:49
somsipVivekananda: you read about the software you are using to find out how it works03:49
nezzarioXi just need stereo sound through this ancient onboard audio03:50
nezzarioXwith vlc03:50
judgennezzarioX, then alsa would do fine. Remember to look in the vlc preferences that it uses a output plugin that you have installed on the system03:50
nezzarioXi don't think the kernel sees the audio device though03:51
judgeni never use pulse as sound crackles even with the tsched tricgger set.03:51
judgennezzarioX, is it listed in lspci?03:51
Vivekanandaso I read about mysql to find it out right ?03:52
judgentime for a reboot for me.. hopefully my driver issues will be solved now03:52
nezzarioXsorry, the kernel sees it, .. AC'97 Audio Controller Intel Corp 82801DB/DBL/DBM03:52
somsipVivekananda: or you can come on irc and ask other people to tell you want you need to know.03:52
nezzarioXdamn this thing is ancient03:52
Vivekanandasomsip: yep I know :) but that stumps my own action and thinking coz it is easy answer :)03:54
somsipVivekananda: depends on how self-reliant you are then. Some people clearly come on here with no evidence that they've tried to find something out for themselves.03:54
NautilusVivek: googling the right things helps greatly  ...03:55
Nautilusfor example, installing SQL?   search on: mysql configure ubuntu03:55
nezzarioXVivekananda, wfirefox &03:55
nezzarioXcrap i'm sorry03:55
gharzhi, guys... need your help. everytime i open a terminal... the first line says "eport: command not found"... i wonder where this comes from? checked the .bashrc but couldn't find it. any idea?03:56
VivekanandaNautilus: thanks :)03:56
VivekanandanezzarioX: np03:56
somsipgharz: .bash_aliases maybe?03:57
rachogharz, you sure there is an export typed as eport?03:57
IcemanV9gharz: eport should be export03:57
gharzracho: and it could be in .bashrc?03:58
marzHow do i apply a theme to gedit permanently?03:58
gharzracho: omg!!!!!! you are correct!!!!!!03:58
gharzon the last line of my .bashrc i added an export path blah blah... you are so awesome! thank you! thanks IcemanV903:59
RalliasWhat debug commands can I run on openvswitch to figure out why it isn't working?03:59
Nautilusi've installed vsftp and am wondering if I can disable FTP access (SFTP only)?04:06
ldnnDoes anyone know where to put startup scripts in Ubuntu?04:06
FlannelNautilus: Yes, uninstall vsftp.  Instead, install openssh-server, which will give you SFTP automagically (unless you want to do it with virtual users, then it won't be automagic)04:07
nezzarioXNautilus, ubuntu doesn't come with any ftp by default.. if you mean vsftp, uninstall it or remove it from startup04:07
wilee-nileeldnn, does it need admin?04:07
nezzarioXldnn, /etc/rc.local is good for simple things04:07
ldnnnezzarioX, much appreciated04:08
nezzarioXok sound is not working04:08
nezzarioXdo I need to start/stop soming after instlaling alsa-tools alsa-utils and lsb ?04:08
ldnnnot really. I just need to load System Load Indicator on startup04:08
nezzarioXok, not the right place for window management stuff04:08
nezzarioXcheck your WM's startup script,04:09
nezzarioXis xinitrc still used?04:09
nezzarioXi'm a little out of date04:09
Nautilusso, no vsftp eh? ...04:10
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ldnnwindow manager startup script?04:10
FlannelNautilus: You could, but it's a pain if you just want sftp for semi-personal use (commercial/strangers/etc is a different story, slightly)04:11
wilee-nileeldnn, startup applications which needs a command to fill with whats already there.04:11
Nautiluspersonal use yes04:11
wilee-nileeldnn, which is sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop04:12
nezzarioXi'm lost04:12
Nautilushere's something I don't understand ... OpenSSH wants me to make a key. How did I setup vsftp and am using Filezille via "SFTP using SSH2" without making a key?04:12
FlannelNautilus: Yeah, just remove vsftp and install openssh-server, and then log in.04:13
somsipNautilus: if you are using Filezilla and want to copy files securely, just use scp04:13
Flannelsomsip: Filezilla will do sftp just fine.04:13
Nautilushow does it work when I haven't made a key on the VPS?04:14
somsipFlannel: indeed, but if he's having problems setting up SFTP maybe easier to work around the problem, is what I was thinking04:14
NautilusSFTP is working fine, so does FTP04:14
NautilusI just dont want to allow FTP04:14
somsipNautilus: fair enough04:14
Nautilusmostly, so *I* myself don't forget to use SFTP ;)04:15
FlannelNautilus: These aren't login/authentication keys, these are "I am server X" keys.04:15
ldnnFor example: to load the System Load Indicator on startup04:15
ldnnis sed necessary for that case?04:15
FlannelNautilus: So, the various pieces must've just created them, or used default ones, or whatever.  I'm not familiar with vsftp, so I can't speak to it exactly.04:15
yuchiHello, I installed Lubuntu but cannot get into any GUI. After I startup, the screen continues to flash. I am able to get out using Ctrl+Alt+F1, where I am now. Thanks for any help.04:16
NautilusFlannel: I noticed the same thing with shell... at my brothers we just logged in with: ssh username@
ubottuyuchi,: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:16
NautilusFlannel: again, no key. So maybe a default one.   (snakeoil?)04:16
yuchicfhowlett: Thank you.04:17
wilee-nileeyuchi, Boot in with the nomodeset option and check the graphic drivers.04:17
NautilusFlannel: Ah, "I am server X" keys ... hm, trying to grok the distinction04:17
OlderThanDirtSo.... XFCE beats out Unity in terms of speed of loading, feel, etc..... but I'm still unable to raise my resolution past 1024 * 76804:17
ldnnthanks for the help04:18
NautilusOlderThanDirt: sounds like a hardware limit04:18
yuchiwilee-nilee: I will try that, thank you.04:18
OlderThanDirtNautilus: I'm thinking so, all things considered04:18
Nautilus1024x768 being a common max on old gfx hardware04:18
OlderThanDirtit IS ancient tech, compared to the machine I have sitting next to it04:18
{-r-}There is a red triangle with a ! in it, and when I try to update my computer it come up with Failed to download repository information, Check your Internet connection.04:19
NautilusI bet there are no 16:9 res's04:19
OlderThanDirtNot a one, no04:19
Nautilussounds like 1024x768 hardware to me then04:19
OlderThanDirtIt's an old Optiplex GX28004:19
rachoOlderThanDirt, you could see if it actually can support more with xrandr although i suppose not. you may event try to force a new mode through xrandr but prepare for unforeseen consequences04:19
* Nautilus put a cheapie gfx card in his old dell to go with the 16:9 LCD04:20
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1204:20
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OlderThanDirtracho: not really looking for dual screens, just decent output to my display. I have my old Ubuntu dog here and my primary Windows/Hackintosh/Mint unit tied together on a KVM switch04:21
FlannelNautilus: Yeah, could be snakeoil.  Check the configuration files.04:22
OlderThanDirtStill, it looks a whole lot more useable with XFCE than it did with Unity2D04:22
fobelxhi. i need help locating a package. i need cntlm deb package for ubuntu 6.10 (edgy eft). i have been unable to locate it.04:22
cfhowlettOlderThanDirt, you hackintoshed that optiplex!?04:22
rachoOlderThanDirt, you can use xrandr for more than dual screen imaging.04:22
OlderThanDirtcfhowlett: No, dude04:23
Flannelfobelx: Why 6.10, might I ask?04:23
fobelxFlannel: its hard to answer that.04:24
fobelxFlannel: it is a long story.04:24
Flannelfobelx: I'm sure there's a good answer, and you're aware that 6.10 isn't supported anymore, so no security fixes (for a number of years) and all that, right?04:24
fobelxFlannel: sure. i understand.04:25
Flannelfobelx: OK, so.  With that out of the way.  Is that package not in the repositories?04:25
OlderThanDirtI Hackintoshed the main unit I have; it's a Franken-puter with a 3.5GHz quad core processor and 16GB of RAM, with a BS little Sapphire card in it04:25
fobelxi found a few version at this location http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/cntlm/04:26
fobelxFlannel: i am unsure how to look at only edgy eft ones...04:26
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OlderThanDirtHad to find someone willing to help me port the kernel from an AMD-modded VMWare image of 10.8.504:26
Flannelfobelx: Right, so you should migrate all of your archives to old-releases.ubuntu.com (instead of archive.ubuntu.com)04:26
cfhowlettOlderThanDirt, impressive.  most impressive.04:27
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Flannelfobelx: That is, your package archives (sources.list and all that jazz).  That'll give you access to the edgy repositories, and we'll go from there.04:27
OlderThanDirtcfhowlett: It's all a matter of asking the right questions of the right people04:27
OlderThanDirtThat and being willing to break things04:27
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
OlderThanDirtI've been breaking computers and OS's since the late 70's, and I've never looked back04:28
OlderThanDirtBut I have learned a lot along the way, you know?04:28
fobelxFlannel: i should tell you i am sitting behind and internet proxy and cannot use debian package manager to download source...04:28
fobelxFlannel: so i was looking for a way to get it via the web.04:28
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Flannelfobelx: What about regular packages?  Also, why does a proxy preclude you from that?  (That's really annoying)04:28
Flannelfobelx: But, that's fine, you can still browse the package archives manually there, just like from anywhere else.04:29
Flannelfobelx: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ would be where you'd start, and then you can do the apt-get thing manually, looking at the gz for the package names (the version for edgy, if it exists) and then go there and snag it, etc.04:30
fobelxFlannel: thanks. i'll give that a try.04:30
pirreti don't understan, why you cannot use that proxy for package manager04:30
=== OlderThanDirt is now known as DaemeonZane
DaemeonZaneHow does one go about getting their IP obscured on here, anyway?04:32
reisioDaemeonZane: ask #freenode04:33
DaemeonZanereisio: I answered my question about 2 seconds after I asked...04:34
DaemeonZaneI figure there's an Ubuntu channel, why not a Freenode chan?04:34
Nautilusalso see the server login: Please join #freenode for any network-related questions     :)04:36
LuisGereehi i have a problem, i use ubuntu 13.10. In all webs on firefox that i have the option "login with facebook" it didn't works. How can i fix them? i try with openjdk and java from oracle but it don't fix that. (sorry for my english)04:38
theleftsounds like an internet or browser issue LuisGeree, not os-related04:39
LuisGereei have the same problem with chrominium04:40
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wilee-nileeLuisGeree, Firefox removed the auto login saves a little while back.04:40
theleftand the only problem you have is that you cannot log into facebook?04:41
LuisGereeno, i can log on facebook. But in other webs (for example www.jango.com, it's for music) i can't use the bottom "login with facebook" it didn't works04:42
cfhowlettLuisGeree, open a web browser.  login to facebook.  fiixed04:42
thelefti still really doubt that error has anything to do with your operating system LuisGeree04:43
LuisGereei'm login on facebook, but i didn't use the option "login with facebook" in any other link04:43
theleftmaybe ask your browser devs or facebook for support04:43
esrI need helo using the alternattives system; Google searches aren't giving me good hits.  I have both xfce-notifyd and notify-osd entalled; the former is enabled, I want to switch to the latter.04:44
cfhowlettLuisGeree, you do know that you have to authorize other apps within facebook, right?04:44
LuisGereei try the same web on a pc with windows and it works04:45
theleftthat is probably why cfhowlett. i don't know much about facebook since this isn't #facebook04:45
esrs/entalled/installed/  Excuse my typos.04:45
LuisGereeof course, i use this option in other pc with windows, only on ubuntu i can't use that04:45
cfhowlettDanato, eh?  what?04:46
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Danatocfhowlett idk i jst used ctrl+shift+v (i think) on weechat04:47
Danatoor maybe it was something close to that04:48
kostkonDanato: shortcut for... paste?04:48
theleftif i have my / and swap set to the proper UUIDs in fstab, should i worry that the drive was kicked off sda? can i just keep my 2nd drive on sda and not worry about it?04:48
LuisGereei don't know if you can't understandme at all, i going to say it on spanish. No puedo usar la opción "login with facebook(iniciar sesión con facebook)" en ninguna página web que lo tenga. Uso firefox y chrominium y en ellos no funciona.04:48
LuisGereedesde una pc con windows si funciona esa opción. Alguien sabe como puedo resolverlo?04:48
Danatokostkon: yeah that was the idea, but i probably missed some key, or misstyped something04:48
LuisGereethanks =D04:48
thelefti think we understand you but unfortunately there is not much we can do to support facebook/browser issues. just because it works on windows doesn't mean it is a linux issue04:49
theleft"login with facebook" has nothing to do with you os. i'm sure of it04:49
theleftmaybe if you were having internet connectivity issues in general we could talk04:50
LuisGereeoh, and everyone who want to use this option can do it?04:50
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:50
cfhowlettLuisGeree, we understand.  it's a facebook problem.  we don't care.04:50
LuisGereenobody it's talkink on ubuntu-es04:51
esrHello?  Can I get help with an *Ubuntu* problem? :-)04:51
LuisGereeoh thanks, that's what i want to know, if the problem is for everyone o i can fix that04:51
ubottuesr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:52
esrI need help using the alternattives system; Google searches aren't giving me good hits.  I have both xfce-notifyd and notify-osd installed; the former is enabled, I want to switch to the latter.04:53
esrIs there a man page I should read, and if so what?04:54
kostkonesr: open a terminal, type update- and then press tab04:54
esrI see many alternatives04:55
esrAh, is it update-alternatives04:55
kostkonesr: updtae-x-alternatives04:55
kostkonesr: e.g update-java-alternatives04:56
fobelxFlannel: thanks so much. i got cntlm installed on ubuntu 6.10. :)04:56
Flannelfobelx: Good to hear.04:56
esrNo such command as update-notification-daemon-alternatives04:58
reisiothank god04:59
esrBoth notify-osd and xfce-notifyd provide 'notification-daemon'; that's about the only clue I have here.05:00
sashahcan I make abiword tell me WHY the grammar checker doesn't like something I wrote?05:01
joosseesashah, paste it05:02
wilee-nileesashah, There are some good grammer checkers on line. here is one, the best I think. http://www.grammarly.com/05:04
wilee-nileethey all have limitations a editor can do though05:05
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cfhowlettsashah, not a functionality that is included.05:05
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ubottuchanserv.py is a ChanServ helper script for !XChat | https://github.com/seveas/chanserv.py05:08
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:09
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sashahcfhowlett: thank you very much05:10
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cfhowlettoaulakh, greetings05:14
oaulakhi'm facing swap problem again05:15
Guest87436你妈逼  草  这杂用啊05:15
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info05:15
wilee-nilee!cn | Guest8743605:16
ubottuGuest87436: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:16
oaulakhmeans when i first install ubnutu i did not give swap space to system05:16
oaulakhbut now i have the space05:16
wilee-nileeoaulakh, Did you add the swap to fstab?05:17
oaulakhhelo wilee-nilee05:17
oaulakhyou know first it was solved05:17
wilee-nileeoaulakh, Last time you were here sda2 was a swap, did you add it to fstab?05:18
oaulakhbut every time when i start system, it need swap space05:18
oaulakhlast time i sought that problem with gparted05:18
oaulakhbut when ever sytem reboot i have to configure it again05:19
wilee-nileeoaulakh, I showed you mine and explained the uuid and you were sent at least 2 bot messages on fstab.05:19
oaulakhi get my uuid05:19
oaulakhbut how i add it to fstab05:20
wilee-nileeoaulakh, run sudo blkid and pastebin it I will give you the command to open fstab and the notation for it.05:20
wilee-nileeoaulakh, To open fstab run     gksudo gedit /etc/fstab     and put this there       UUID=595ae3d8-ad9a-473e-8181-0147ea5fadfd none            swap    sw              0       005:24
oaulakhgksudo not installed05:25
wilee-nileeoaulakh, the error says install gksu right?05:25
oaulakhcan i run it with sudo05:25
wilee-nileeoaulakh, sudo apt-get install gksu   then run what I showed.05:25
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wilee-nileeoaulakh, IN general gksudo is for gui's but a good default anyway.05:27
oaulakhnow should i restart?05:28
wilee-nileeoaulakh, You can, but now fstab will mount on staring the OS.05:28
oaulakhthanks again buddy05:29
wilee-nileeno prob05:29
oaulakhgoing to restart05:29
oaulakhthanks wilee-nilee  now  its showing me swap space05:36
oaulakhon default boot05:36
wilee-nileeoaulakh, Excellent, so you know now if lets say you wanted another partition or HD to be auto mounted you add it to fstab.05:36
oaulakhyeah now i know05:37
wilee-nileeoaulakh, If you open fstab you will see your main ubuntu partition already there.05:37
oaulakhyeah i see it05:37
wilee-nileecool, enjoy. ;)05:37
oaulakhthat was like ext405:37
wilee-nileeoaulakh, You can also instead of having the UUID just have the partition like this /dev/sda2 for the swap.05:38
wilee-nileethe UUID only is replaced by that the rest is the same for the sap.05:39
oaulakhi got it05:41
oaulakhyou means if we hav'nt uuid we still can add swap to fstab05:42
oaulakhwith device location like /dev/sda2, right?05:42
somsipoaulakh: using UUID means that if you move drives around for any reason, they still mount correctly. Using /dev/sdXX is less flexible05:44
oaulakhthen i think uuid is better than location05:44
oaulakhgud nyt05:49
* AlecTaylor installed ubuntu-desktop on Ubuntu 13.10 server; and was wondering how to prevent X from automatically starting05:50
AlecTaylorHow do I prevent X from automatically starting on Ubuntu 13.10 server?05:51
apb1963what are people using as a yahoo messenger client?  empathy?  kopete?  pidgin?  Do any of these work?  I can't get the first two to login, and am thinking about trying the third but thought I'd ask here first if anyone has had success with any of these?05:52
apb1963ubuntu 12.04 for the record.05:53
cpinedhow can I overcome this: checking for python extension module directory... ${exec_prefix}/lib/python2.7/site-packages05:57
cpinedchecking for headers required to compile python extensions... not found05:57
cpinedconfigure: error: could not find Python headers05:57
zykotick9somsip: i prefer LABELS to UUIDs myself...05:59
somsipzykotick9: not something I've used. I need to rebuild for 14.04 so will look at these then06:01
excellence Ubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso installed. But ....security key,passwordがinputできない。recovery modeでrebootすると、...Enter pathphrase06:02
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excellence...Enter pathphrase [   2.922483] Switched to Clocksouce tsc.と表示されました。There is no help for it.   help me .06:10
shivamtesting irssi... can anybody see this06:11
somsip!test | shivam06:12
ubottushivam: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )06:12
noobsterhi all!06:23
noobsterI have been having allot of issues with the Ubuntu 12.04 NFS client having very slow write speeds and freezing up the server for mins at a time. Has anyone heard anything like this, or know some troubleshooting tips?06:23
noobsterright now I am getting 284 MBytes/sec iperf network speeds & 98789319 bytes/sec with dd if=/dev/zero of=temp.dat bs=1024k count=25k on my FreeBSD mirror06:23
noobsterany insight would be greatly appreciated.06:24
noobsterjust some background I am seeing this same issue with FreeBSD > Ubuntu12.04 & Ubuntu12.04 > Ubuntu12.0406:24
noobstermy fstab is..  /home/shares    nfs     nobootwait,rw,addr= 0 006:25
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:29
joobzguys, how do i access the terminal / bash / cli from the ubuntu live cd?06:33
joobzi'm sitting at the gui desktop, cant find how to do it06:33
makaramy default shell was sh, and I would enter bash manually. I changed bash as the default shell, but now it won't load colour. What 2 do?06:33
joobzi tried running /bin/bash but that didnt work..06:33
makarajoobz, ctrl+alt+T06:33
joobzhow sad is that.. cant find a shell on a linux OS :/06:34
makarathat's a gnome virtual terminal, or you can get an actual TTY with ctrl+alt+F1, F2, F306:35
makaralightdm (GUI) is loaded in no 706:35
makaravery sad06:35
Ari-Yangjoobz: dash board search 'terminal' done06:35
Ari-Yangor ctrl alt T like what makara said06:36
joobzshould be an icon on the desktop or taskbar for it06:36
moppyjoobz, unity has a dash now. click in the top left then type in 'terminal' and it will find it06:37
moppyjoobz, once yo have loaded it for the first time, then you can lock it to the launcher bar if you like the old legacy interface06:37
moppyBasicalyl how unity works is they want to pretend the smart search function of the dash is the star trek computer and that you can type or speak into the bar and it'll work out what you want, and do it06:38
moppy(And it actualyl do it in enabled applications like GIMP)06:39
joobzsounds like spotlight in mac06:39
moppycan spotlight drive an app yet?06:41
moppyso i wanted to cut and paste, would it do it?06:41
moppycoz like, unity does it ... don't think it's like spotlight06:43
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joobzmoppy, when you say drive an app, do you mean run an app?06:48
moppyjoobz, If a program builds in support for it, you can operate the program's menu bar via the dash. For example in gimp you type in "convert" and it will open the image file format conversion menu etc06:50
joobzno you can't with spotlight06:51
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joobzmoppy, how can i install synaptic on the 13.0 livecd?06:53
joobzi tried apt-get install synaptic and it didnt work.. i want hfsprogs, but it's not coming down from apt06:54
moppythe package manager?06:54
IJNXany idea how to run my own daemon with init.d scripts with different username?06:54
IJNXie. restricted user06:54
moppywhe you say "didnt work" what error did you get? i assume you tried it with sudo?06:54
IJNXI keep hitting EACCES for log and pid file.06:54
joobzit just didnt find the package06:54
joobzi was going to try see if all my repos are checked.. also did an apt-get update and it didnt find it after that either06:55
moppyin ubuntu it is : "sudo apt-get install synaptic"06:55
joobzdidnt work06:55
joobzcant find it06:55
moppyNot sure if you have all the repos enabled then06:55
moppythe settings icon for the software updater has a thing to enable repos06:56
moppysynaptic is in ubuntu software centre as well06:56
joobzthat's weird06:58
joobzapt-get update does its thing, completes successfully06:58
joobzthen software updater says there's 137MB of updates to go06:59
joobzmoppy, my end goal is to install hfsprogs package - what is the easiest way to do this?06:59
joobzi am reading that i need to run synaptics to enable all my repos, which should let me install hfsprogs06:59
moppyupdate doesnt install software, it just updates the database07:00
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joobzwhich database?07:00
moppyyou need apt-get upgrade afterwards to actually pull down the upgrades07:00
tozenjoobz: change updates server to Main in update-manager Settings then try to update one again and see what will happen with installation07:00
tozen*once again07:01
joobzit is currently updating that 137MB of data07:01
moppyjoobz, I dont understand why you don't use the gui software updater if you are not familiar with the terminal07:01
joobz.. but it was set to Main before i got in here07:01
tozenjoobz: ok07:01
joobzmoppy, i prefer terminal.. just i use ports and rpm more so than apt07:01
Danatohow do turn a screen off using xrandr?07:04
joobzthat's funny07:05
joobzafter completing the software upgrade of 137MB via the gui, it said i need to restart07:06
Danatonvm, got it07:06
joobz.. im using a live cd :)07:06
moppyjoobz, yum list updates is "apt-get update" and "yum upgrade" is "apt-get upgrade"07:06
moppyjoobz, the livecd has a persistant filesystem on it, it can update itself07:06
joobzbut when i reboot07:06
joobzit goes right?07:06
moppy*yum update sorry07:06
moppyno it doesnt go07:06
moppyyou;re updating the livecd07:07
joobzwhere is it storing that 137MB ?07:07
joobzthe livecd is readonly?07:07
moppyon the usb of course07:07
joobzit's a DVD07:07
moppyoh sorry ... didnt realise you had opticals07:07
moppymy mistake, i dont use them anymore. sorry.07:07
joobzall good :)07:08
joobzapt-get update seems to be doing more this time07:08
moppyi dont have any optical drives left. none of my laptops have them.07:08
joobzya.. we have an external drive for this07:09
joobzas often laptops are without these days07:09
joobzkinda like our USB floppy disk drive, for windows drivers on installation07:09
moppyi think apart from game consoles i havent touched an optical disk in several years07:10
guidovhey, the update manager just popped up and i agreed to install the updates, now it hangs at a certain step, what to do?07:13
Danatoi only use the optical drive to install OSs07:14
alissdpoweroff the machine :)07:14
guidovit's at running post-installation trigger update-notifier-common07:14
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guidovoh it's done now07:15
guidovthat took like 5 minutes though07:15
guidovat the flash plugin07:15
alissdtype  'apt-get update' & "apt-get upgrade" in the terminal, rather than using the update manager.07:15
alissdthe update manager sometimes get jamed, especially in 12.0407:16
TsukasaUjiieso, weird problem at the moment, configuring an instance of 13.04 (cloud-image builds) with vagrant, but for the life of me I cant get postgres to start at boot, I called update-rc.d postgresql defaults and enable, but I have to manually service postgresql start at each boot. any ideas?07:20
TsukasaUjiiesame problem for rabbitmq (neither start)07:20
TsukasaUjiieactually neither is nginx...07:24
mat619Hi everyone! Anyone happen to know if you can use display color profiles created made in OSX with Ubuntu on a Mac?07:27
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mat619Besides, what Ubuntu-based distro would you recommend for use on a PowerPC system? IIRC unity was reported to be quite a PITA on PPC07:31
mat619Most people seem to recommend Lubuntu, but I don't terribly like LXDE very much :(07:32
kishanis there any operating system simulation tools for linux?07:33
mat619kishan: What do you mean with "simulation tools"?07:34
mat619kishan: Or rather, what exactly do you want to do?07:34
smokehow do i check the status of an ssh trasnfer on the ssh server side?07:35
kishan\we can simulate algorithm of scheduling ,virtual memory07:35
faryshtahi. i installed tor browser using this commands http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-tor-browser-bundle-on-ubuntu-and-linux-mint/07:44
faryshtabut tor-browser doesn't run07:44
auronandacefaryshta: what version of ubuntu are you running?07:45
KartagisI am using ubuntu 13.10, and whenever I get a notification from skype, my sound card goes 'buzzzzz'. any ideas?07:45
cfhowlettKartagis, go into skype, turn off sound notification07:46
Kartagiscfhowlett: I did that, but is there a way to fix that?07:46
faryshtaauronandace, 12.10. but i found the problem. its not on the internet menu but on the others menu07:48
cfhowlettKartagis, could be  a system sound setting, but I'm on xubuntu so different setup than you07:49
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sgo11hi, I used "fakeroot debian/rules binary-headers binary-generic" to build the kernel. Now, I need to change one .c file in drivers/hid/. how just want to make this change. is that possible to build it again without recompiling from the start? thanks a lot.08:01
Sam_____is it question time?? I'm running ubuntu 12.03 server with Samba, my Window user complain that when user A creates a file user B can not modify the file and resave it. I have set the permissions to 0777 on the file and still have the same problem? can anobody help ?08:03
ubottu!sam____: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server08:03
sgo11any ubuntu expert here? recompiling from start will take 2 hours. please let me know if I can just build the change. thanks a lot.08:04
cleansweepHi, I'm trying to figure out the permissions setup on my apache2 install. I've setup a VM with 12LTS and installed apache2. It installed the /var/www directory as root|root. What's the recommend way for me to setup /www so that I can edit without switching to root?08:08
cleansweepAny thoughts?08:09
cjmactheknifecleansweep: normally apache2 runs as user/group www-data:www-data, so I'd say set the owner and group to that for a start08:10
cjmactheknifecleansweep: if you then put your user in the www-data group and ensure the files are group +rw, you will be able to edit them08:11
gvosgo11 just make your change and "make"08:12
cleansweephi cjmactheknife, I read one webpage where they recommended you do that but doesn't it open up security issues?08:12
gvosgo11: as long as you don't reconfigure, you can change source files and run make again.08:12
sgo11gvo, after make, what else should I do? since I followed this link "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel" and build the kernel with the command "fakeroot debian/rules binary-headers binary-generic". thanks.08:13
cleansweepso your apache server can modify pages in the /www directory08:13
gvosgo11: I'm not sure what that script does.08:14
sgo11gvo, maybe I should simply run "fakeroot debian/rules binary-headers binary-generic" this again.08:14
gvoTry it.08:14
cjmactheknifecleansweep: well, another option is to make sure the group is www-data and you're the owner, and just don't give group write permission, just read (and execute on directories, so it can traverse them)08:14
cleansweepIt's not really an issue because I'm the only one who will see this server and the code will be pushed to a remote server with a different setup08:15
sgo11gvo, thanks. I am trying it now...08:15
sgo11gvo, how can I make sure that change gets compiled?08:15
cleansweepbut I would like to understand what's gong on08:15
gvoSearch for the *.o file that has the same name as the *.c file you changed.  If the timestamp is newer than the *.c file, it worked.08:16
sgo11gvo, thanks. I was thinking about that too. where does those .o files store?08:17
gvooften in the same directory as the .c08:17
sgo11gvo, by running the command again, I got this error now: "/home/user1/kernel/3.5.0/linux-3.5.0 is not clean, please run 'make mrproper'"08:18
gvosgo11 what directory are you in?08:19
sgo11gvo, in the directory I was compiling the kernel successfully last time.08:19
gvosgo11 not helpful, what directory specifically08:20
cleansweepcjmactheknife okay, I've changed the owner but left the group as root.Tested it, seems to have worked. Thanks for your help08:20
sgo11gvo, /home/user1/kernel/3.5.0/linux-3.5.008:20
gvosgo11: Good. just run fakeroot make mrproper08:21
sgo11gvo, may I ask what will that do? thanks a lot.08:21
gvosgo11 I don't know exactly but since that's what has to be done, do it.08:21
ogzyhwo can i open logo report view file format?08:22
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gvosgo11 Oops, that is the same as a clen.08:22
gvomight not want to run it.08:23
sgo11gvo, i haven't run it yet.08:23
gvosgo11 OK try running a fakeroot make08:23
sgo11gvo, error : "Configuration file ".config" not found!"...08:24
gvosgo11 Apparently the script wants to start over.08:24
sgo11gvo, maybe I just compile it again from start. clean first....08:26
gvoIt's been a long time since I recomple a kernel.08:26
teiseiHello everybody!08:26
gvosgo11 yes, do the make mrproper first to clean and then try the build again.08:27
gvoAfter the mrproper make sure your change is still there.08:27
mib_ykk7ygI need help08:27
aeon-ltdmib_ykk7yg: ask your question to the channel and wait08:28
sgo11gvo, I just added one hid module. where can I check it?08:28
gvowherever you added it.08:28
teiseiI have a mouse with so-called Rapid Fire button. Is there a way to make it function like a normal mouse button? I don't need the double or triple click feature.08:29
labeebahmad32hi i need help08:29
aeon-ltdlabeebahmad32: ask08:30
labeebahmad32labeeb@Labeeb-PC:~$ sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process labeeb@Labeeb-PC:~$08:30
teiseiXev and xinput test recognizes the Rapid Fire key as two or three mouse button 1 clicks08:30
labeebahmad32this happens in last step of chrome installation08:30
labeebahmad32labeeb@Labeeb-PC:~$ sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process labeeb@Labeeb-PC:~$08:30
gvolabeebahmad32: did you type that in or did it come from a script?08:31
labeebahmad32help me plz08:31
ola2how to copy ppa repository08:32
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labeebahmad32i typed    sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb08:32
labeebahmad32and result came isdpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process08:32
ola2how to copy ppa repository08:32
gvolabeebahmad32: So it sounds like something else is running.08:33
gvolabeebahmad32: Do you have another package manager running?  Like Synaptic?08:33
labeebahmad32i dont know08:33
teiseilabeebahmad32: sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock08:33
labeebahmad32shud i try this?08:34
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teiseiIt removes the dpkg lock08:34
gvolabeebahmad32: teisei OK as long as nothing is running.08:34
teiseiYes indeed I forgot to mention that08:34
teiseiMake sure synaptic or update-manager is not running08:34
labeebahmad32update manager is running08:35
gvolabeebahmad32: stop it08:35
teiseiYou may want to let it finish or kill it08:35
wilee-nileelabeebahmad32, You can't run two different installs at thew same time, let the update manager finish.08:36
wilee-nileeola2, What do you mean "copy ppa repository"?08:39
gvolabeebahmad32: or let it finish.08:45
labeebahmad32its about to finish08:45
sl1ckmy grub screen is sluggish, how do I make it less 'graphicy' and more robust?08:45
gvolabeebahmad32: when it finishes you can rerun the dpkg08:45
labeebahmad32ok thanx08:45
ola2how to copy ppa repository08:45
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wilee-nileeola2, What is your end goal?08:46
M00sL0gB0tValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/willie/coretasks.py", line 132, in track_modes)08:47
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elementaryHello everybody. How do I system-wide force the output of grep to be colorful?08:47
gvoalias grep='grep --color=auto' put that in a system profile08:48
gvolike /etc/profile08:49
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elementarygvo: Ok, understood. Thanks gvo :)08:51
faryshtawhich is the best way to connect to tor? i am trying vidalia but so far all fails08:56
DJones!tor | faryshta Not something I use, but hopefully the bot's info will help,08:57
ubottufaryshta Not something I use, but hopefully the bot's info will help,: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl08:57
faryshtaDJones, i am at this step  https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-unix.html.en#using but the tor browser doen't seem to run08:59
DJonesfaryshta: I'm afraid its not something I've ever used, so beyond knowing about the bots factoid, I'm afraid I can't help with it09:01
geirhaelementary, gvo: No, aliases aren't very useful in /etc/profile. Instead, put   export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto'  in there09:06
gvogeirha: Didn't know that.  Thanks09:07
elementarygeirha: Thank you.09:08
geirhaelementary: Note that the change will take effect next time you log in09:10
elementarygeirha: sure :)09:11
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Adarii fubared!09:15
AdariHave a Win7 boot... and a Ubuntu partition09:15
Adarideleted my ubuntu partition to try out linux mint09:16
fishspongehello! Is anyone using chrome v 31.0.1650.48 and having issues with the Facebook web site???!?09:16
Adarinow it's not booting either.09:16
fishspongebasically, whenever I hover over anything on Facebook, including flash games, nothing shows up. If I click on something, I have then clicked on it... every other web site works fine, and facebook works fine in other browsers too... just Facebook is acting weird in Chrome v31 on Linux...09:18
fishspongefor example, if I hover over a hyperlink, the cursor does not change and the hyperlink does not get underlined... but if I click on it it works!09:18
Adarifish: what extensions do you have installed?09:22
kali_eskrimahi where and how do you create a file with a command lines? and than that it will be recognized and run in the terminal? where in ubuntu you do?09:22
fritz_hie people i installed ubuntu 13.10 on a partition that had linux mint, but when i try installing a program using terminal i get the following message, /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintSources/mintSources can anyone help09:24
jenenliuhi guys, how can I edit my grub configuration after install ubuntu09:24
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO hi, HOWS GOING? where and how do you create a file with a command lines? and than that it will be recognized and run in the terminal? where in ubuntu you do?09:24
fritz_sh: 1: /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintSources/mintSources.py: not found09:24
gvojenenliu: vi /etc/default/grub09:25
jenenliugvo: thanks09:25
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: hey. I'm not 100% following exactly what you're asking. do you want to know about writing scripts?09:25
adachow can I identify processes that use the hard disk extensively?09:25
gvoadac you could try iotop09:26
vltadac: +109:27
wilee-nileefritz_, Can you show us what this makes. lsb_release -a09:27
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO ok i m talking about this.....  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6414980/09:27
vltscomed: Ciao09:27
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO also when you told me the other day about how to set my network mng for me to be always able to connect. well i did something and it seems its working now. but i dont know how to crate files that will work as an executable files. as you mentioned couple of days ago. i saved the conversation so i can try make it work.09:29
adacgvo, hmm iotop doesn't seem to show a process that is behaving out of normal it seems. I really have no clue what my pc makes so slow sometimes. It is not the memory, it is not the swap, it is not the processor, so it has to be disk load09:30
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: now I'm more confused. That's a udev rule.09:30
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: if you want to create a file and execute that file _. sounds like a script to me. I can explain that real simple.09:31
gvoadac if iotop isn't showing actvity, I think your assumption has to be wrong.09:31
adacgvo, it shows activity but not permanet activity. I'm not sure can even non permanent activity bring the speed of the machine down?09:32
ogzywhat is the default username and password at the horizan interface after mirantis installation?09:33
gvoadac I doubt it.  You might run sar and see if you can spot anything.09:33
ogzyok it seems admin, admin09:33
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO haha sorry. i was trying to create a file that will always recognize my samsung phone when connected. i have a bunch of stuff that i need transfer. and then i remembered yhe other day u suggested to create a file for my netwrok manager.... so i just added that in.09:34
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO this is the website full from that pastebin http://askubuntu.com/questions/34297/galaxy-s-not-detected-how-do-i-make-it-work09:34
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO what is file _.  ??09:35
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: ahh i see. I get you now. In what way do you want the phone to be recognized?09:35
faryshtawhich is the best way to connect to tor? i am trying vidalia but so far all fails09:36
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: is it for data transfer?09:36
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO i want to see my folders and to see the data, transfer pictures and music... etc... yes09:37
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: ok. the first answer here should be right: http://askubuntu.com/questions/34297/galaxy-s-not-detected-how-do-i-make-it-work   This will switch the phone to usb transfer mode. Is this not working for you?09:38
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: you should ignore the second answer thats for a different issue altogether09:38
TsukasaUjiieHey, Im on ubuntu 13.04 (cloud images) and my rc-sysinint.conf upstart job isnt running at all. what would cause that?09:39
kali_eskrimano i didnt tried because i dont have with me the usb cable09:39
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO no i didnt tried because i dont have the usb cable with me now09:40
gvokali_eskrima: install airdroid?09:41
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: its just that you need to change the phone setting to be visible as a usb mass storage device. Later versions of android require you to install software to recognize mtp devices. But for the samsung galaxy S it just needs that to be recognized as usb storage.09:42
adacgvo when trying to start sar I do get: Cannot open /var/log/sysstat/sa14: No such file or directory Please check if data collecting is enabled in /etc/default/sysstat but the ENABLED in the config is set to true09:43
you-tee-fi'm using an irc online, does someone know where i can find a no-install irc for ubuntu ?09:44
cfhowlettyou-tee-f, you mean a web based alternative?09:44
gvoadac dpkg-reconfigure sysstat09:44
gvoadac and start /etc/init.d/sysstat start (or restart)09:45
gvoyou-tee-f: chatzilla comes to mind09:46
ianmac1you-tee-f, have you tried:  https://webchat.freenode.net/09:47
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adacgvo, did the trick! thanks!09:48
DJonesyou-tee-f: How do you mean no-install? Ubuntu comes with app's like xchat/empathy pre-installed, as far as I know, outside of using them or installing another app like irssi etc, you would have to use a webchat in a browser09:48
cfhowlettyou-tee-f, there are firefox add-ons and, I'm sure, chromium as well09:49
DJonesianmac1: Just looking at you-tee-f's timeout message, they are using webchat, so I guess thats not what they want09:50
babinlonstonWhile Mounting a NFS share how can i Mount it Specifying as read and Write in fstab entry09:50
DJonescfhowlett: They timed out, you'll have to resend that when they rejoin09:50
cfhowlettDJones, noted.09:50
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: give it the rw option  ... it should do this by default tho09:51
faryshtahitsujiTMO, hi. do you know about tor?09:51
hitsujiTMOfaryshta: no i don't use it at all i'm afraid09:51
faryshtaHiddenDjinn, damn. thanks09:51
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: its not Mount with rw , my fstab entry is here pls have a note /home/sysadmin/nfsshare nfs     rw,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr 0   009:52
ianmac1DJones, Ah, ok09:52
the_drowHi, I have a USB 3 to ethernet converter that doesn't work for me on 13.10 but works for another developer that is using the same OS and device.09:52
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: then i would assume that its configured on the server to be read only or you simply do not have write access to the folder that is bing mounted09:53
makarahi. I'm running 12.04 LTS Server. I read long time ago multiple users are a security risk. I've got 27. Any information about this?09:53
the_drowIt's manufactured by STLabs09:53
ubottumakara,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server09:53
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: this is my server config  ----->        /nfsshare,subtree_check,sync,no_root_squash)09:54
wilee-nileethe_drow, See if running lsusb gives more details on it.09:54
gordonjcpmakara: in the sense that the more users you have, the more passwords there are to guess09:54
adacgvo, sar -d should output the disk activity right?09:54
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: and what are the permissions on /nfsshare ?09:54
the_drowwilee-nilee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6415066/09:54
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the_drowAppearntly it's ASIX inside09:54
gordonjcpmakara: it's not really a big deal, as long as everyone is using sensible passwords and you keep stuff up-to-date09:55
makaragordonjcp, seems unnecessary clutter for a server version09:55
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: its rw09:55
the_drowBut the driver should be included in the 3.11 kernel mainline.09:55
the_drowwilee-nilee: It's working for a colleague of mine.09:55
makaragordonjcp, they're machine users, like 'games' 'irc' 'backup'09:55
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: can you show me the output of: mount09:56
makaragordonjcp, cat /etc/passwd09:56
gvoadac man sar09:56
gordonjcpmakara: they have no shells09:56
the_drowwilee-nilee: sudo lshw -C network only shows the wireless device09:56
makaragordonjcp, they do. They have no home directories.09:56
wilee-nileethe_drow, Can you identify what on the lsusb might be it?09:57
the_drowwilee-nilee: Bus 004 Device 005: ID 0b95:1790 ASIX Electronics Corp.09:57
adacgvo, https://gist.github.com/anonymous/746428409:57
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6415085/09:57
gvoadac sar -A09:57
hitsujiTMOmakara: they are system accounts not user accounts. anything below uid 1000 is a system account.09:57
wilee-nileethe_drow, I have no idea to be honest, usually there is more info to search the web with.09:58
makarahitsujiTMO, so what does that mean in terms of security?09:58
the_drowwilee-nilee: I had this one installed for 13.04...09:58
hitsujiTMOmakara: nothing. those account cannot be logged into09:58
the_drowwilee-nilee: https://launchpad.net/~qji/+archive/ax8817909:58
gvoadac I'm not a sar expert.  I just know it's used a lot to determine the load on Linux systems.09:58
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adacgvo, kk thanks!09:59
the_drowwilee-nilee: It worked.09:59
gvoadac but it doesn't look like your system is overloaded in any way.09:59
makarahitsujiTMO, irc:x:39:39:ircd:/var/run/ircd:/bin/sh09:59
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO oh i see... so i need to set it up with my phone the visible usb mass storage. ok i will try that later. also will it work with the bluetooth? when you connect? i will try it now09:59
wilee-nileethe_drow, what worked?09:59
kali_eskrimaair what is airdroid for? thanks10:00
the_drowwilee-nilee: The driver on the PPA for 13.04.10:00
cfhowlettkali_eskrima, wifi connection between computer and droid phone.10:00
wilee-nileethe_drow, So it's working now?10:00
the_drowwilee-nilee: no because it should be included in the kernel already. I can'10:00
the_drowI can't install it using the PPA. I'm on 13.10 now.10:00
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: can you show me the the output of mount from the client machine with the nfs share mounted10:01
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO also how and were do i create a document or/and file ? and will that document/file be executable in the terminal?10:01
kali_eskrimacfhowlett oh ok thanks10:01
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: chmod +x  it to make it executable10:01
faryshtawhich is the best way to connect to tor? i am trying vidalia but so far all fails10:01
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: client machine http://paste.ubuntu.com/6415097/10:02
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO what is chmod +x? i name of the file?  or what?10:02
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl10:03
ubottufaryshta,: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:03
kali_eskrimaair is that airdroid almost like kies air?10:03
makarahitsujiTMO, sudo su - irc10:03
hitsujiTMOmakara: sudo cat /etc/shadow | grep irc                 as you can see the first field is marked with a *   indicating that it is a system account and cannot me logged in with by a user. a user account would have a password hash here instead10:04
makarahitsujiTMO, I'm logged in10:04
the_drowwilee-nilee: So no idea? :/10:04
uladzislauhello people10:04
uladzislaui have a big problem and need your help10:04
uladzislauthe problem is that i can't log-in to kde plasma dektop. When i log-in, i getting standard login splash screen (icons of Hdd, earch etc) and then i getting black screen for a half-a-second and then i getting back to login screen10:04
uladzislau  the problem also that virtual consoles  doesn't work10:04
uladzislau  i mean ctrl+alt+fXX doesn't show me a terminal10:04
uladzislau  but also show me login screen10:04
uladzislau  if i get to terminal i can solve my problems10:04
FloodBot1uladzislau: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:04
uladzislau  it seems something with X server10:04
hitsujiTMOmakara: makara that not logging to that account. that's assuming it's identity. try sshing to the server with: ssh irc@serverip            you can't log in10:05
wilee-nileethe_drow, Ni I believe I said that already.10:05
the_drowwilee-nilee: Thanks anyway :)10:06
uladzislauso KDE plasma desktop doesn't start (when i type password it starts to load  - standard splash screen with HDD etc. - and then it brings me back to login screen)10:06
uladzislauVCs doesn't work10:06
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: it is indeed being mounted as rw. can you tell me the output of: ls -ld /home/sysadmin/nfsshare10:06
uladzislauevery ctrl+alt+fx brings me back to login screen10:06
uladzislauis there any ability to get to terminal ?10:07
uladzislauinstead of loading from liveusb10:07
hitsujiTMOuladzislau: ctrl + alt + f1 -> then login to the terminal10:07
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: drwxr-xr-x 3 nobody nogroup 4096 Nov 14 14:20 /home/sysadmin/nfsshare10:07
uladzislauctrl+alt+f1 doesn't show me a terminal10:08
uladzislauit shows me a login screen10:08
uladzislauevery ctrl alt f1 f2 f3 ... doesn't show me a terminal10:08
uladzislauit shows me a kubuntu login screen10:08
faryshtacfhowlett_, thanks but that didn't helped10:08
adacgvo you might want to have a look also on this: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/746439710:08
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO after i understand how to create files with command that u said before. and how to make it and where? than i would like to ask you how do i permanently remove  error messages on the start up with the 12.04 lte .. its says something about the broken pipes and it takes time to load. i think i messed it up when i was trying to upgrade to 12.10. so now its not loading ok. i dont know if that matters for the overall perf10:08
uladzislaumy problem descripetion again : http://pastebin.com/m672ubDg10:09
adacgvo is %system the system load?10:09
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: try: echo "hello" | sudo tee /home/sysadmin/nfsshare/hello_file10:09
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:10
babinlonstonsysadmin@system99:~$ echo "hello" | sudo tee /home/sysadmin/nfsshare/hello_file10:10
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: i'd have to see the exact errors to know where the problem is. can you pastebin the output of: dmesg10:10
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: sysadmin@system99:~$ echo "hello" | sudo tee /home/sysadmin/nfsshare/hello_file10:10
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO what is dmesg? do i add the to the command?10:11
gvoadac that's the amount of time spent in the OS10:11
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: dmesg is a command. it outputs a system log10:11
gvoadac or not executing user instructions.10:11
adacgvo, yeah just scrolling down the huge man file .)10:11
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: if you've ran that: there should be a file hello_file in /home/sysadmin/nfsshare10:12
gvoadac however most of the system time is a result of the user asking the system to do something for him, not necessarily overhead of the OS.10:12
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: yes there is a file .... then Why i cant create any file and remove any file in GUI ?10:13
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: because you do not have permissions to write. Is this a share in your home or is this in work?10:14
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: work10:14
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO here you go. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6415151/10:15
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO tell me if its missing something... i think it is10:15
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: and what kind of security do you need for this share? do you mid it being open or do you want it for you and you only?10:15
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: there are 24 Users here , They need to access it now  With read and Write10:16
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO i will paste again for you10:17
=== vibowit is now known as vibout
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO http://paste.ubuntu.com/6415164/10:17
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: ok. first can you: sudo rm /home/sysadmin/nfsshare/hello_file                          and then we'll reconfigure your server export10:18
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: is everyone using ubuntu or other operating systems?10:20
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: Each and Every PC's are Installed With Ubuntu 12.0410:20
ZBCss * name: snake10:21
ZBCss * coder: gameloftyou10:21
ZBCss * version: v1.0010:21
ZBCss *========================*/10:21
FloodBot1ZBCss: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:21
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: and they're all in the network>10:21
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: yes10:21
* cfhowlett_ hates hit and run spammers10:21
jeryhello chat en français svp ?10:21
kali_eskrimacfhowlett me too. but how do you know that was a smapper?10:22
kali_eskrimacfhowlett i mean spammer? how would he spam here?10:22
k1l_!fr | jery10:22
ubottujery: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:22
ubottujery,: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:22
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: please change your export in /etc/export to: /nfsshare,subtree_check,sync,all_squash)                                         and then restart the nfs-kernel-server service10:23
gvokali_eskrima: Did ZBCss look like he was asking for ubuntu support?10:23
cfhowlett_kali_eskrima, I'm going to assume that ZBCss post was NOT about ubuntu as he dropeed his snake game payload and departed.10:23
kali_eskrimagvo no not really.. just blabbering haha10:23
kali_eskrimacfhowlett what is a snake game? how do you see that a playload? sorry im very new to all this. and i like to learn from you guys,10:24
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: hmm. whatever is causing the problem is not being dumped to dmesg. can you tell me any exact info about the errors?10:25
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO ok its not a big deal , but the loading time is longer than how i should be, and its a black screen with message... cant load bytes broken pipes? and than it will load to the ubuntu desktop. maybe is nothing major, but i dont know10:26
kali_eskrimacfhowlett yeah some people are just attention seekers and naggers10:27
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: Done10:28
=== vibout is now known as vibowit
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: it could just be that the system is waiting for network interface to come up10:28
kali_eskrimagvo so here there is not admin? that can someone be kicked out? or blocked?10:28
gvokali_eskrima: yes, but he came in did his thing and left.  No time to kick.10:29
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: on the client can you remount the nfs share: sudo mount -a10:29
k1l_kali_eskrima: lets focus on ubuntu support in here. if you have a problem with users in here you are free to come to #ubuntu-ops and talk to the ops10:29
gvokali_eskrima: Or complain on #freenode10:30
kali_eskrimahitsujitTMO Oooh ok so i dont think is a big deal. so if i may ask you again. plese explain me more how to create a file and to add that command to exectute. where to add, how and how do i do? thanks sorry if i ask too much i just dont know, much about linux  and ubuntu. just new to it10:30
forgeausyou guys have ubottu right? whats the command to get it to say foreign language channels?10:30
forgeausI can only remember botsnack lol10:30
olf-folkswould it hurt my server to remove Plymouth10:31
kali_eskrimak1l oh year there is the live admin  :D yeah no problem. im focused on my problem solving. i wont say a word. sorry10:31
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: you you have naything defined in /etc/network/interfaces                           ?10:31
hitsujiTMOolf-folks: no10:31
forgeausif plymouth is only cosmetic then I don't see it as being harmful to remove...10:32
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO is that a folder you are talking about? or a com,mand? i dont know what is defined.10:32
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: ya its mounted but the server have other files and im here seeing some other files and folders10:32
olf-folksok if i dont come back assume the worst has happened10:32
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kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO I mean i know what it means but i dont know what are you talking about10:32
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: can you try and create a file in that folder now.10:33
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!10:33
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: no i cant create10:34
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: thats a config file. can you: cat /etc/network/interfaces                               and paste the output10:34
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO oh ok, one sec10:34
olf-folksit wont let me remove Plymouth for some reason.10:35
IamTryingWho is maintaining bd.ubuntu.xxxxx ? all the packages to install with apt-get is failing , so bad quality, does anyone checks there quality?10:35
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: forry. i forgot one important thing. on the server can you: chmod 777 /nfsshare10:35
IamTryingI am remotely on a bd.ubuntu pc and i cant install any packages with apt-get all gives forbidden10:35
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: sorry*10:35
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO here http://paste.ubuntu.com/6415219/10:36
hitsujiTMObabinlonston: then remount on the client again (sudo mount -a) and try to crate a file in the share10:36
IamTryingpackage repository of bd.ubuntu is third class, can anyone please advise what should be done?10:37
cfhowlett_IamTrying, yes.  don't use that mirror.10:37
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: hmm. its not waiting for a network interface to come up then. must be something else broken, but cannot tell without knowing any specific errors10:38
IamTryingcfhowlett_, its so Third class repository - shame on them, very bad management , like Ubuntu is not working that kind of impressions they are getting10:38
k1l_IamTrying: change to the main servers10:38
IamTryingcfhowlett_, who is maintain this repository its very bad quality.10:38
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO ooh i see. ok nevermind the errors for now. i guess the ubuntu is working noneless with errors poping up. they are very fast on the start up screen.10:39
ianmac1Will the Mate desktop env eventually make it into the repos?10:39
cfhowlett_IamTrying, all of what you say may be true.  That's probably why the default settings on ubuntu are to main mirrors.  Of course that's easily changed to suit the user's needs.10:39
k1l_ianmac1: if its comming to debian10:40
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: its Done10:40
babinlonstonhitsujiTMO: thanks man10:40
ianmac1no factoid I guess10:40
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO so anyway can you help me with the folders creating of a file or executable file.. or where can i find more info on that... i want to create files to be executable. as you said for the network manager. i forgot exactly your words but i remember sometbing about the creating some file under certain name.. and then do the run in the terminal. i dont know what to create and where to create those files...10:40
hitsujiTMOIamTrying: that mirror is controlled by dhakaCom Limited     https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors10:40
IamTryingOK -  Thank you i will ask them to replace it to my servers i run several servers10:41
cfhowlett_!mirror|IamTrying, Not that I've ever done it, but if you're running servers, perhaps you might wish to set up your OWN mirror.10:42
ubottuIamTrying, Not that I've ever done it, but if you're running servers, perhaps you might wish to set up your OWN mirror.: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Saucy, and help keeping the servers' load low!10:42
hitsujiTMOIamTrying: apologies: it's ispros.com.bd10:42
theadminforgeaus: No plans for that :P10:43
hitsujiTMOIamTrying: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirror.dhakacom.com-archive may be an alternative for you10:43
cfhowlett_hitsujiTMO, where are you finding the info.  I searched for "bd" and got nothing.10:43
forgeausI think Kubuntu is going there, from what I read ...10:43
ArcticLightHello, I have a question about Launchpad bugs... Is it possible to A) mark a bug as a possible regression and/or B) note which versions of Ubuntu contain the bug?10:43
theadminArcticLight: Try #launchpad10:43
theadminforgeaus: Ah, maybe. But not the mainstream Ubuntu, it's gonna be using Mir.10:43
=== IJNX_ is now known as IJNX
forgeauswhats Mir?10:44
theadminforgeaus: A display server developed by Canonical for Ubuntu10:44
hitsujiTMOcfhowlett_: ping bd.archive.ubuntu.com  it resolves to: mirrors.ispros.com.bd10:44
adeebnqoHello, I have a memory card thats protected with a password. How can I reset the password using ubuntu?10:44
cfhowlett_hitsujiTMO, thanks!10:44
forgeauswell its possible the Kubuntu thing I was reading was old? I'm not sure if they're going Mir though ...10:44
ubottuadeebnqo,: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords10:44
olf-folksit wont let me remove Plymouth for some reason.10:45
hitsujiTMO!yay | babinlonston10:45
ubottubabinlonston: Glad you made it! :-)10:45
theadminforgeaus: From what I know, Kubuntu team doesn't plan to support Mir and for now will stay on X.org.10:45
forgeausthey seem to have split from canonical10:45
adeebnqocfhowlett_ : The issue is not the password for my OS but rather of the memory card10:45
ubottuforgeaus,: Kubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde10:45
k1l_forgeaus: since KDE is refusing to support MIR kubuntu will evaluate to use Wayland after KDE drops X support. but that is some time away and better asked in #kubuntu10:45
theadminforgeaus: They never were *in* Canonical. All the derivatives (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu Studio) are mantained by the brilliant community :)10:45
cfhowlett_adeebnqo, ah, sorry.  missed that part10:46
kali_eskrimaubottu <3 you always know10:46
ubottukali_eskrima: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:46
forgeausoh I wasn't trying to ask the question lol I was just making a comment10:46
forgeausI wonder what happened to fluxbuntu ...10:47
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: create a file in you're home directory. call it hello_world. in the hello_world file add the line: echo "hello world"                   save it and then make the file executable: chmod +x hello_world        then run the file with: ./hello_world10:47
IamTryingOK - Thank you10:47
forgeausand why there never really was a stepbuntu?10:47
olf-folksi think im muted?10:47
=== d is now known as Zap-W
theadminforgeaus: Eh. Lubuntu uses LXDE which is Openbox + a panel10:48
theadminforgeaus: Close enough :D10:48
cfhowlett_olf-folks, nope10:48
olf-folksahh okay10:48
forgeausyeah I knew Lubuntu was LXDE but I don't know much about LXDE10:48
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO Ok ...let me try this contraption. so the adding the line goes inside the file . hm and the make it executable is with the right click or in the settings bar?10:48
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: it's much easier to di it all in the terminal10:49
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO do i create a new folder or new document?10:49
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: its a new document10:50
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO oh just in the terminal.. so i just follow the steps.10:50
Zap-WHi, Have a question in bash manual the syntax for parameter expansion is  ${parameter/pattern/string}   with 2 slashes /  , but in Greg's bash faq there is an example with  3 slashes   "${file//foo/bar}"   I am confused why are there double // after file instead of only 110:50
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: nano is the default text editor in the terminal.10:50
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO do i have to specfiy in the terminal that this is a new document and how it will know where to save it? i mean will it save to my home directory?10:51
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO so i should say to terminal.... sudo nano tex editor? to start typing in the terminal... ? oh im sorry im really lost in space10:51
theadminZap-W: Try #bash10:51
hitsujiTMOkali_eskrima: in your home: just type: nano hello_world              that will open the file hello_world for editing. if it doesn't exist then it will load an empty file that will be saved as hello_world when you save with (ctrl + o)10:52
theadminkali_eskrima: sudo = run command as administrator. nano is *one* of the huge variety of console-based text editors, the easiest one. To summon it, you can type "nano filename" where "filename" is the file you want to edit. "sudo nano filename" = the same, but as an administrator.10:52
kali_eskrimagreat it sounds like a game.. like skyrim!10:53
theadminkali_eskrima: Heh.10:54
olf-folksi have always thought vim was more easy to use than nano10:55
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kali_eskrimatheadmin i wish i can get classes on the ubuntu/linux or sometning like that so i wouldnt bother you guys all the time with the most smallest and stupidiest questions.10:55
theadminkali_eskrima: Eh, that's okay. You can bother us all you want ;) Or even me, you can pm me, I'm more than willing to teach.10:55
cfhowlett_kali_eskrima, not stupid questions and see IBM for linux learning resources.10:55
k1l_olf-folks: if you are used to the keybindings and the way vi and vim works. for regular desktop user nano is more like a editor they know from the GUI10:56
theadminVim is great but it takes hours to properly understand it10:56
cfhowlett_kali_eskrima, http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-lpic1-v3-map/     or hit your library for the LPCI 1 book10:56
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO oH I see now.. it works in the terminal. like it opens the word nano text thingy great. ok let me try what you said earlier to create that file10:57
kali_eskrimatheadmin thank you very much will do! :)10:57
olf-folksall you really need to know about vim is :qw!10:57
kali_eskrimacfhowlett thanks!10:57
cfhowlett_kali_eskrima, also look for the free download "the ubuntu pocketguide"10:58
theadminolf-folks: :wqa!, rather.10:58
theadminolf-folks: "qw" is also not a command, quitting first and then writing makes no sense.10:59
olf-folkstheadmin,  i was testing you lol10:59
hitsujiTMOolf-folks: i tihnk you mean: q!10:59
theadmin"vi has two modes: beeping and breaking things"11:00
olf-folkshey hitsujiTMO did you look at my pastebin?11:00
hitsujiTMOolf-folks: sudo apt-get -f install11:02
olf-folks0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.11:03
forgeausvi has far too many commands to remember, I tend to stay away from using it11:03
hitsujiTMOolf-folks: sudo apt-get upgrade11:03
forgeausplus two different modes from editing and writing, ugh, it does my head in11:04
olf-folkshitsujiTMO, i did that before i tried to remove it11:04
kali_eskrimahitsujiTMO ok i think i got it thanks i just need to play around and try it11:04
gvoforgeaus: It's not for people who don't use it fairly reguarly.11:04
forgeausgvo exactly11:04
forgeausI'm not saying it isn't powerful11:04
hitsujiTMOolf-folks: jusat try it agian now. can you pastebin the output11:04
forgeausits just not my kind of text editor thats all11:04
gvoforgeaus: For those of us who need power and speed ...11:05
hitsujiTMOolf-folks: did you already remove some other packages?11:05
olf-folkshitsujiTMO, you want the whole output11:05
forgeausgvo, then I say perhaps work smarter instead of harder? .. if you have the option :)11:05
hitsujiTMOolf-folks: please11:05
Pumpkin-_any text editor that a first time user can't work out how to quit isn't user friendly.11:05
theadminPumpkin-_: When you run vim, it tells you how to quit right away :D11:06
forgeauspumpkin well that isn' quite fair but under normal circumstances I'd agree11:06
gvoPumpkin-_: Driving a semi isn't user friendly either however it is a necessary skill for some people.11:06
hitsujiTMOolf-folks: upgrade not update :P11:06
olf-folkshitsujiTMO, oh my bad ha11:07
Pumpkin-_theadmin: not if you open a file with it like "vi somefile". Then you are screwed.11:07
theadminPumpkin-_: True. Especially if you do use "vi", it's weird. Vim is way better.11:07
hitsujiTMOolf-folks: can you also pastebin: dpkg --get-selections11:08
forgeauswell the m part does stand for improved11:08
gvo best of both worlds11:08
forgeausgvim is even better :) more improved11:08
forgeausbut still not so user friendly11:08
theadminforgeaus: Actually, it used to stand for "Vi iMmitation". But then it became better so, yeah.11:08
gvo:help is always available11:08
olf-folkshitsujiTMO, hold on that may take a moment11:09
forgeaustheadmin interesting factoid, one which I'll probably not remember easily11:09
hitsujiTMOemacs ftw!11:09
Pumpkin-_typing that : isn't going to be something 99% of first time users think of11:09
forgeausI never understood how to use emacs either. ..11:09
theadminforgeaus: You just hold down Ctrl or Alt and mash random keys just like you do in Vim :D11:09
forgeausI think I'll just use kdevelop or something instead lol11:10
hitsujiTMOforgeaus: nah. use sublime text11:10
gvoforgeaus: Use notepad++11:10
forgeausPico is better for that... pico shows you what the commands are11:10
forgeausalthough I guess I should say nano11:10
Zap-Wfrom where what config file does kde take font name with alias ubuntu11:10
Zap-WI want to change the default font for ubuntu alias11:11
Zap-Woh it's an actual TTF font11:11
k1l_forgeaus: do you have a suppor tissue? we have #ubuntu-offtopic for discussions and chatter to keep this channel clear for support11:11
forgeauswasn't that originally part of the pine mail suite or something?11:11
k1l_that inclused the $best-editor discussion :)11:11
theadminWell, Ubuntu comes with nano for a reason I suppose.11:12
hitsujiTMOolf-folks: try remove plymouth again: sudo apt-get remove plymouth11:13
forgeausActually I did have a support question, for #kubuntu someone was speaking a foreign langauge, what command for ubottu tells them its english?11:14
hitsujiTMOolf-folks: are you removing stuff at random from your system? i see some odd things removed like: gnome-session11:14
forgeaus(its a bit late now... )11:14
olf-folkshitsujiTMO, yeah i installed something that also installed gnome-session11:14
olf-folkshitsujiTMO, then it would not let me use openbox so i removed it11:15
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forgeauswhat language is this anyway? как зайти на кубунту-ру?11:15
hitsujiTMOolf-folks: next time try: apt-get install blahblahblah --no-install-recommends     for anything that you don't want something installed for11:16
DJones!ru| iptable11:16
ubottuiptable: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:16
forgeausok so send them to ubuntu-ru?11:16
DJonesiptable: Sorry, misread that11:16
forgeausthx :)11:16
olf-folkshitsujiTMO, thanks for the advice11:17
iptableDJones: no worries11:17
EsorI'm updating ubuntu11:19
hitsujiTMOolf-folks: my apologies. plymouth needs to be installed. it's the plymouth themes that don't need to be installed11:19
Esori hope nothing will break11:19
Esoris it safe?11:19
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olf-folkshitsujiTMO, ok is there a way to atleast change it?11:19
olf-folksi probably could have Googled that...11:20
theadminEsor: Uh, normally yes, unless something bad happens.11:20
shomonhi there, I'm trying to find out why my wifi network is slow. One router plugged in somewhere is making a mess.. Is there a way to get started analysing that from ubuntu?11:21
EsorI always reinstall ubuntu11:21
Esorbut this time I'm trying to upgrade11:21
shomonI'm plugged in to the router11:21
EsorI hope my steam will be fine11:21
k1l_Esor: no one will guarantee that. but in most cases upgrades work. but backups will help11:21
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Esordo you play any games on steam?11:21
iptableshomon: try mtr to google.com or similar. see if there is packet loss somewhere along the way11:22
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shomonwhat is mtr iptable ?11:22
iptablemtr is like traceroute, only better and more interactive11:22
shomon:) sorry.. just typed it11:22
shomon:) yeah we used to have tracert back in the day11:23
olf-folkshitsujiTMO, me being someone who came from debian i have to ask why would Plymouth be required haha11:23
ActionParsnipolf-folks: its not required, its optional11:24
hitsujiTMOolf-folks: that i'm unsure of. there's a few very odd and unnecessary dependencies in ubuntu.11:25
k1l_olf-folks: set nosplash and quite as kernel parameters for booting if you dont like plymuth11:25
forgeauswhat is plymouth, I know when it runs (during bootup between grub and gdm or in my case kdm ...11:25
hitsujiTMOActionParsnip: if you follow the dependency trail its needed for upstart11:25
olf-folkscan i have a cool verbose boot? :D11:26
Esorwhy there's so big deal with ubuntufix website?11:26
hitsujiTMOActionParsnip: its a dependency of mountall to be more specific11:26
ubottuEsor,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:26
Esorsorry Ububegin11:26
forgeausif only they could undepend it :)11:27
shomonhi iptables11:27
shomonsorry but there is no problem getting out. the problem is internal11:28
shomonsome router is plugged into another11:28
shomonor interfering where it shouldnt11:28
=== vibout is now known as vibowit
iptableshomon: mtr to internal shows no delays? if so, this is not a layer 3 issue. You need to look at layer 1 - WiFi configuration itself. It would not be a router issue if on the same route it works on a cable and if mtr shows no issues.11:29
shomonyeah that's it.. how do I analyse the router traffic?11:29
olf-folksk1l_, kernel parameters? dose that have to do with grub? how would i change that?11:31
shomonaah okay so I guess I have to try from a computer connected to a router further down the chain... basically it's 3 routers connected together. but sometimes one gets some data crosswired11:32
DannermaxHey all: Cant figure this one out. I have an existing raid5 software array with 4 harddrives, which was created in on a debian server. I want to mount them in my new ubuntu server setup, but i cant figure out what the command is. Can anyone help me out?11:32
k1l_olf-folks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Plymouth#Toggling_to_Traditional_Text-based_Boot11:34
Dannermaxfdisk -l11:34
shomonis there a good channel to ask networking or router questions?11:34
gvomaybe #networking11:35
k1l_shomon: ##networking11:35
pacy_Hey there i got a really strange Problem. I recently installed xubuntu on my laptop and it works pretty fine except one thing: First it just occoured when the screensaver was activated and i got back to the laptop there were horizontal diplaycontortions. So i disabled it. But sometimes i need to close my laptop an when i reopen it the same issue eventuates. according to /var/log/Xorg.o.log iam using the11:35
pacy_radeon module and the graphiccard iam using is tha ati radeon X1250. Anybody got an idea ?11:35
DannermaxWould it be better to ask my raid5 question in another channel?11:35
CatKillerDannermax: What did you mean by "mount them"? You want to mount your RAID?11:37
CatKillerIs it assembled? Can you see a "md" device in "cat /proc/partitions"?11:37
DannermaxCatKiller: Yes i want to be able to access my RAID5 from my windows computer, and share folders from it with SAMBA shares11:39
CatKillerDannermax: Is your RAID mounted?11:39
RazkinHow can I make Ubuntu 13.04 look exactly like Mac OS X Lion? I don't like Ubuntu's current theme.11:39
ikoniaRazkin: you don't, it's a differet desktop,11:40
DannermaxCatKiller: No, i dont see any nd devices. Only sda, sdb, sdc and so on...11:40
CatKillerDannermax: How do you know you have a RAID5 then?11:40
Razkinikonia: are there any themes?11:40
ikoniaRazkin: not really no11:40
Razkinikonia: I'd also like to disable Unity, I want the usual GNOME desktop.11:40
ikoniaRazkin: you can install gnome shell11:40
Razkinikonia: Do I have to make a switch to Ubuntu 9 to get the GNOME?11:40
cfhowlett_Razkin, there is the gnome-ubuntu version11:41
ikoniaRazkin: as ubuntu 9 is EOL and using gnome 2 - that would be unwise, but your choice11:41
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.11:41
DannermaxCatKiller: TO be honest, i dont know if its mounted. But. I have had the RAID5 working in Openmediavault (debian) and it was mounted and had xfs filesystem. i was told that it would work just fine in another OS.. eg. ubuntu11:41
ikoniathe gnome-ubuntu version is just gnome shell and not an official release,11:41
cfhowlett_ikonia, confuzed I am ... it's an "official" shell?11:41
CatKillerDannermax: Ok, then "sudo apt-get install mdadm"11:42
ikoniacfhowlett_: sorry, I meant not an official ubuntu release/distribution11:42
DannermaxCatKiller: I have mdadm installed :)11:42
k1l_i thought the gnomebuntu was official spinoff now11:42
CatKillerthen "mdadm --assemble /dev/md_d0 /dev/sd[a-e]11:42
CatKillerProvided the RAID has been created on sda, b, c, d, e11:42
CatKillersudo that command too11:42
ikoniak1l_: no, it's a shambles11:42
cfhowlett_Dannermax, I think you're right.  ubuntugnome.org says "official flavor of ubuntu"11:42
a1l3ertois there any way to install a package from trusty into saucy? and to automatically update dependencies11:43
cfhowlett_a1l3erto, greetings11:43
DannermaxCatKiller: ok, but before i do that, can i show you the output of cat /proc/partitions  ?11:43
ikoniacfhowlett_: yeah, that's why it's on ubuntugnome.org with people asking for help because they don't have a team11:43
ikoniathere isnothing official about it11:43
CatKillerDannermax: Sure just use bpaste or something11:43
k1l_ikonia: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME says: Ubuntu GNOME is an official flavour of Ubuntu, featuring the GNOME desktop environment.11:43
DannermaxCatKiller: Im not absolutely sure, what sd? my 4 3tb disks are11:43
DannermaxCatKiller: ok, 1 sec11:43
cfhowlett_ikonia, yes, they even mention the lack of manpower on their site.11:44
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hitsujiTMOikonia: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/saucy/release/ not official?11:44
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Dannermaxcfhowlett_ huh?11:44
BluesKaj'Morning all11:44
=== ghanhasss is now known as Hassen
cfhowlett_hitsujiTMO, that is the official cdimage11:45
DannermaxCatKilelr: http://pastebin.com/RjzKDQkc11:45
cfhowlett_yohanes, greetings11:45
DannermaxCatKiller: http://pastebin.com/RjzKDQkc11:45
CatKillerDannermax: seems to me the 4 drives witrh the same large size are the ones you want11:46
yohanesthank you11:46
excognachi ikonia. I'm on xubuntu 12.04 live dvd now. funny thing happened: After I started live session i had complete mess GUI. Then Ctrl+ALt+F1 for text mode. Then I just typed status lighdm, it said running. then then Alt+F7 for GUI. Magic> now it looks all fine11:46
CatKillerso sda, sdb, sdc, sdd11:46
DannermaxCatKiller: ok..perfect!11:46
CatKillersudo mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sd[a-b] /dev/sd[c-d]11:46
CatKillerif that doesn't work try /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc etc11:47
CatKilleras opposed to /dev/sd[a-b]11:47
DannermaxCatKilelr: SO this should mount the Raid5 1 mountpoint?11:47
DannermaxCatKiller: ahh.. don't understand the command, so just want to be absolutely sure.. :)11:47
CatKillerWon't break anything if you use --assemble11:48
DannermaxCatKiller: ermm.. i mean, so this should mount it as a single mountpoint?11:48
CatKillerWon't mount it11:48
CatKillerit will assemble it11:48
CatKillerthen you have to mount it11:48
CatKillerit will "create" it11:48
CatKilleryou will then have a /dev/md0 device11:48
CatKillerwhich is your RAID11:48
FloodBot1CatKiller: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:48
philinuxActionParsnip: whats happened to floodbot is it on strike?11:48
Dannermaxoh my11:48
Dannermaxmdadm: /dev/md0 has been started with 4 drives.11:49
CatKillerthere you go11:49
Dannermaxok. then i need to mount it right?11:50
DannermaxCatKiller: Forgive me. You said that already. But what is the command11:51
ActionParsnipphilinux: no idea matey, sorry11:52
CatKillerCommand for what?11:52
CatKillerto mouny?11:52
philinuxActionParsnip: seems to have gone bye bye11:52
CatKillerto mount?11:52
a1l3ertois there any way to install a package from trusty into saucy? and to automatically update dependencies11:52
DannermaxCatKiller: Im a bit apprehensive, about using Webmin.. but i really like working in a UI11:52
gvoCatKiller: I think he means the mount command.11:53
CatKiller!mount | Dannermax11:53
ubottuDannermax: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount11:53
cfhowlett_Dannermax, I believe webmin hit the "not recommended list" some time ago.  ask in #ubuntu-server11:53
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.11:53
excognacikonia, want me to play around a bit with this distro/environment? Or you busy right now11:53
gvowebmin might not be supported by debian et al, but it still works and is supported on debian by the author.11:54
DannermaxCatKiller: My goal, is to be able to share the harddrives through samba share11:54
DannermaxCatKiller: Sorry for not being specific enough.. im really new to all this11:54
CatKillerDannermax: I was just helping for the RAID, now that your RAID is up, the rest will take some time11:55
DannermaxCatKiller: ok. Thanks for your help!!11:55
k1l_gvo: webmin was thrown out from debian and ubuntu due to the way webmin handles configfiles etc. no recommendation11:55
CatKillerBut I found this on google: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/samba-fileserver.html11:55
gvok1l_: I know but it works.11:55
secundariaq tal11:56
k1l_gvo: i dont support that :/11:56
Dannermaxgvo: Is there another system similar to webmin, bt is supported by ubuntu?11:56
secundariahablen ustedes11:57
DannermaxCatKiller: THanks.. ill check it out11:57
gvok1l_: I have two remote Ubuntu sites using virtualmin/webmin to provide multiple virtual hosts11:57
k1l_!spanish | secundaria11:57
ubottusecundaria: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:57
ubottusecundaria,: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:57
cfhowlett_dangit kil!  you were just too quick for me11:57
k1l_gvo: programs dont get kicked out for no reason11:57
gvocfhowlett_: Speed up thosf fingers.11:57
k1l_cfhowlett_: bit we were too slow for him :X11:58
gvok1l_: I know that.  Because someone decided to not support a program doesn't mean it's not useful.11:59
k1l_gvo: you say it works for you. that is ok. but we in here support what is officially supported from ubuntu. and webmin is not11:59
gvok1l_: Fine, I don't need ubuntu support.  I'm here to help.12:00
cfhowlett_gvo, not recommended but, it's your machine.  don't came back here asking for a fix to the predicted disaster.  good luck with that.12:00
ikoniak1l_: sorry was just on the phone, I suspect that wiki page is created by the project founder with hope, as the packages are being shipped in a PPA - it seems very unlikley that an official ubuntu release would ship it's packges in an Ubuntu PPA12:02
k1l_ikonia: afaik its official spinoff. the isos are on the cdimage.ubuntu.com server since 13.0312:03
k1l_ikonia: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-gnome/2013-March/000035.html12:05
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Alan502Hey, i left ubuntu 13.04 upgrading all night and it hasn't finished yet. The distribution upgrade window seems to be frozen (grey-ish look) and it has been like this for at least half an hour. Is this normal?12:08
cfhowlett_Alan502, all NIGHT?  Not normal.12:09
Alan502cfhowlett_: yes, what should I do?12:09
Alan502cfhowlett_: is there anyway I can reverse it or should I just perform a ubntu re-sintall?12:10
cfhowlett_Alan502, get the torrents. download.  md5sum.  make a usb and clean install.12:10
OerHeksAlan502, try some alt + tab, maybe there is a hidden dialog window waiting12:10
cfhowlett_OerHeks, I didn't even think of that, you're right.12:11
Alan502x appears to be not working12:11
Alan502and the only thing i can see12:11
Alan502is firefox12:11
FloodBot1Alan502: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:11
Alan502i mean12:11
Touhou11Doesn't Ubuntu implement dialogs like GNOME (and OS X) where they're attached to the relevant window?12:11
philinuxHow do you set lightning calendar as default?12:16
hitsujiTMOTouhou11: that's dependent on what type of dialog it is. (modal vs modeless)12:16
pulsar78regarding lirc: how come some remotes react to my ir-device and others wont ?12:17
Squarepypulsar78, depends on modulation frequency and demodulated codes12:20
SquarepyI mean carrier frequency12:21
Teleportusing UNetbootin for installing KXstudio 10.4.3 Via Removable USB, Boot says "Invalid or corrupt kernel image", Burned the ISO file to a blank DVD, boot says "No Default or UI configuration directive found!", I've already tried to rename "isolinux" to "syslinux"12:21
cynicistphilinux: you can't set it directly since it's not a standalone app, but rather a thunderbird addon. If you want to set thunderbird as your default calendar client see here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/76921/how-do-i-set-lightning-as-the-default-calendar-app12:21
cfhowlett_Teleport, you'll find it easier to install vanilla kubuntu and then add the kxstudio packages12:22
Teleportcfhowlett_ so first Kubuntu then migrate?12:22
philinuxcynicist: thanks for that.12:22
cfhowlett_Teleport, that'd be my recommendation.  full details should be on the kxstudio site12:23
cynicistphilinux: if you are using google's service for your calendar you can also get integration with the gnome panel date applet by configuring both thunderbird and evolution, since google cal will just sync events between them12:23
Teleportcfhowlett_ but my time is very short and I have 1mbps internet12:24
bibi346If I change the motherboard of my computer, would I have to reinstall ubuntu?12:26
Teleportbibi346: No12:26
cynicistbibi346: no, because all of your drivers are in the kernel12:27
Teleportcynicist question12:27
cynicistbibi346: unlike windows where you are supposed to install them all12:27
Teleportcynicist: using UNetbootin for installing KXstudio 10.4.3 Via Removable USB, Boot says "Invalid or corrupt kernel image", Burned the ISO file to a blank DVD, boot says "No Default or UI configuration directive found!", I've already tried to rename "isolinux" to "syslinux"12:27
Touhou11cynicist: Not entirely true, recent versions of Windows come with a lot of drivers for common hardware12:27
cynicistTouhou11: and technically some linux drivers are in userspace, just speaking generally12:28
Teleportcynicist: any solution?12:29
cynicistTeleport: yeah I wouldn't use unetbootin12:29
Teleportcynicist: dd?12:29
Teleportor what?12:29
cynicistTeleport: yep, always dd12:29
cynicistTeleport: first use 'df -h' in order to find your usb drive if you don't know it already, then 'sudo dd if=inputfile.iso of=/path/to/usbdrive'12:30
cfhowlett_Teleport, do you have ubuntu installed?12:31
Teleportcfhowlett_ on my pc yes12:31
hitsujiTMOTeleport: You'd have to ask kxstudio why thier iso isn't working as expected12:31
Teleportbut not my laptop12:31
cfhowlett_Teleport, add the kxstudio ppa's to that.  run update & dist-upgrade.  done.12:31
TeleporthitsujiTMO becuase the ydont answer12:31
bibi346cynicist: ok, so theorically, I can easily switch to another computer box with another motherboard, I just have to move all pieces (hard disk, graphical card, ...) right?12:31
cynicistTeleport: if it's not unetbootin your download may just be corrupted, I would use torrents in general for the automatic file integrity checking12:31
cfhowlett_Teleport, and THAT is why you should ubuntustudio.12:31
Teleportcfhowlett_ kubuntu > kxstudio is slow method12:32
makarahi. I'm following this article how to use a VPN. I've setup the VPN, but there's no information on connecting to it using Ubuntu's GUI setting. http://askubuntu.com/questions/119534/easiest-way-to-setup-ubuntu-as-a-vpn-server12:32
Teleportcfhowlett_ I need ardour 312:32
cfhowlett_Teleport, ardour3 is in 13.10 IIRC12:32
cynicistbibi346: yeah I've done it many times, the only issue I've ever had is when hardware is too new and lacks proper support12:32
Teleportcfhowlett_ and cadence +rakrrack12:32
hitsujiTMO!info ardour312:33
makarafor the gateway I've simply put the raw IPv4 address of my server. It's not connecting12:33
bibi346cynicist: ok thx12:33
cynicistbibi346: won't be a problem for a motherboard chipset though, those are well supported12:33
ubottuardour3 (source: ardour3): digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4~dfsg-3ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 8706 kB, installed size 27229 kB12:33
Teleportcynicist: I've downloaded with Internet download manager12:33
cynicistbibi346: yw12:33
cynicistTeleport: the iso could be corrupted, if they list the hash for it you can use md5sum on the iso to check if it matches12:33
cfhowlett_Teleport, ubuntu + kubuntu-desktop = kubuntu.  kubuntu+kxstudio ppa's = kxstudio.   BUT as you already know kxstudio wont' support you ... why?  your machines, your choice.  ardour 3 will be default in ubuntustudio 14.04 and ardour 2 works12:34
cynicistTeleport: or it could be unetbootin failing, that's why I suggest using dd12:34
Teleportcynicist I'll try to take ubuntu studio12:34
pulsar78anyone good with lirc ?12:34
Teleportcfhowlett_ but which version did you say again?12:35
hitsujiTMOTeleport: why not just use an OS that actually has support like kubuntu and then install kxstudio on it?12:35
makarapulsar78, try #freenode12:35
TeleporthitsujiTMO: this is what I have on my pc12:35
Teleportbut not my laptop12:35
Teleportheading to take ubuntu studio12:35
Teleportcheers all12:36
cfhowlett_Teleport, best of luck.12:36
pulsar78makara: what do you mean ?12:36
Teleportcfhowlett_ btw which version do you offer?12:36
cfhowlett_Teleport, offer?  you mean use, right?  I'm on Ubuntustudio 12.04 - I only install LTS, lot's fewer headaches.  Been on US since it first came out.12:37
philinuxmakara:  lirc is ifra red remote12:37
troulouliou_devhi i have a ubuntu server 12.04 32 bits and i would like to upgrade it to 13.04 however do-release-upgrade do not show me any upgrade;12:37
Teleportcfhowlett_ ah same here okay thanks12:38
cfhowlett_troulouliou_dev, it won't.  you can only directly upgrade to 12.10 then to 13.0412:38
makarai see, not www.vonnieda.org/software/lirc12:38
nickVSSHello man12:38
cfhowlett_troulouliou_dev, and since the current release is 13.10, you have to clean install 13.04.  do-release-upgrade won't get you there.12:39
troulouliou_devcfhowlett_, found it i had to edit prompt=normal in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades12:39
cfhowlett_troulouliou_dev, so it works now?12:39
troulouliou_devcfhowlett_, yes it was stick to lts12:39
cfhowlett_troulouliou_dev, LTS is usually recommended for servers ...12:40
troulouliou_devthats theory :)12:40
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ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: you need to edit a file so it looks for the inbetwenen versions, between the LTS13:03
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: you do know that Trusty is out in April and you can upgrade to that in one jump. Any particular reason to leave the LTS>13:03
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, found it thak swas in  /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades13:03
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: just seems weird, specially for a server13:04
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, there is a bug in recent kernel that will prevent me from upgrading to 14.04, so i  compiled my own 3.12 kernel and guess it is better to upgrade to 13.10 aleady13:05
dfcnvtJust recently, I upgraded my system and learned that it crashed....13:05
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, i just need it for an adsl gateway with ppoe/iptables/tc / snort and banyard213:06
dfcnvtOn this system... I'm lucky to figure out to get myself on the terminal and use irssi and connect to this channel.13:06
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, it is possible to swithc from 12.04 to 14..04 without installing 12.10/13.04/13.10 ??13:07
dfcnvtI am currently on safe-mode... Anybody know how to switch to read/write mode and get back to apt-get upgrade?13:09
OerHekstroulouliou_dev, no13:09
twisted`FloodBot2: f off13:09
twisted`ok @#%&@$*^ with those floodbots13:10
k1l_!list | icardi9413:12
ubottuicardi94: k1l_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:12
cynicistdfcnvt: 'mount -o rw,remount /'13:12
troulouliou_devOerHeks, ok ActionParsnip seem to tell the opposite wanted to be sure :)13:18
dfcnvtcynicist: Thanks, I will try it out.13:19
OerHekstroulouliou_dev, no he does not. you can jump from lts to lts.13:19
OerHeksbut you have to wait untill 14.04 lts comes out13:19
troulouliou_devOerHeks, ha yes sure, didn't know that13:19
troulouliou_devi tought intermediate where mandatory13:20
k1l_OerHeks: actually its 14.04.1 until LTS upgrade will work13:20
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: you can go diurect to 14.04 from 12.04 as it is LTS to LTS and is supported13:20
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: if you wnat 13.10 you will need to upgrade through each release in turn13:20
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, ok didn't know that lts to lts jump where allowded13:21
troulouliou_devthat great then13:21
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ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: absolutely, its why LTS is great for servers :)13:21
troulouliou_devdon't even have to bother with 12.10...13.1013:21
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, indeed yes13:21
cfhowletttroulouliou_dev, read more.  update less.13:23
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Richhhstill getting DRDY ERR booting gparted / ATA IO errors installing/trying (l)ubuntu, have tried changing SATA cables and ports, redetecting HD in bios, replacing HDD with new Western Digital drive, tried msdos and gpt tables, tried ext3 and ext4 file systems, guessing its a hardware problem with the motherboard, so i'll need to replace that, right?13:28
OerHeksRichhh, last resort: check your bios, see if the sata controller is set to AHCI, not ide mode13:32
RichhhATA modes are IDE (selected) and RAID only13:37
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ubottuAdvanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/13:39
Richhhinterestingly memtest86 always reboots before completion on its first run, later runs complete with errors, 'check disc for errors' reports 1 error found on first run, no errors on later runs13:41
Richhhstill getting read errors  when trying to install lubuntu13:42
ActionParsnipRichhh: you sure the drive is healthy?13:42
compdocRichhh, you need to read the drive's SMART info13:42
ActionParsnipRichhh: have you tested it using the manufacturers too on the ultimate boot cd?13:42
Richhhthe hdd is brand new, its showing the same errors as the last drive13:42
compdocthats not good13:43
Number5Hello guys, is there a commandline tool to read a codesnippet from a service like pastebin? This way, I could read snippets and paste it in Vim or some other text editors.13:43
OerHeksRichhh, then your motherboard is faulty or your memory.13:43
nabnhi. i am using gnome-session-fallback (no effects) on an installation of ubuntu 13.04. I just  did this to my power/wifi/settings indicators on the top right : alt-right click-remove from panel. How do i restore those indicators please?13:43
compdocRichhh, any bad caps on the motherboard13:43
Richhherror reading /lib/udev/hwdb.bin: No such file or directory13:43
Richhhill check13:43
Richhhcorrection: interestingly memtest86 always reboots before completion on its first run, later runs complete ***without*** errors, 'check disc for errors' reports 1 error found on first run, no errors on later runs13:44
dfcnvtcynicist: Thank you! I ran 'mount -o rw,remount /' then 'apt-get upgrade' It worked like a charm!!! I'm currently back on the normal system. Able to get on desktop and can access to everything. Whew!13:45
compdocRichhh, the PSU could be suspect as well13:45
cynicistdfcnvt: great man I'm glad I could help :)13:45
Richhhi have another psu i can try13:51
cynicistRichhh: sounds like your hard drive is going bad, you can get a diagnostic tool from the manufacturer of your hd in order to be certain13:51
Richhhdoubtful since its new and giving the same errors as the previous (which was working in windows)13:51
dfcnvtIs there a way to upgrade the priority? LIke, only upgrade core system and ignore the rest of miscellaeous software. So, I can save trouble the next time I upgrade it.13:52
Nach0zdfcnvt: theoretically you could just specify what packages you want to upgrade13:53
Nach0zand it'll upgrade those along with requirements for those13:53
cynicistRichhh: well if it is new it may just be a kernel bug, try booting with 'acpi=off noapic'13:55
dfcnvtNach0z: I sense the way it upgraded is completely wrong. It should be a priority order rather than all software because sometime it tend to interrupted and screw the entire system.13:56
cfhowlett_dfcnvt, see system > update manger settings13:57
cynicistRichh: mind linking to the output of dmesg on pastebin?13:57
Nach0zdfcnvt: I've never seen upgrades interrupt themselves on my systems13:58
cynicistdfcnvt: right now this distinction doesn't exist, though I think I read that canonical may try to implement it in the future13:59
RebootKiddHello everyone13:59
RebootKiddHello everyone.  trying to run a perl script in xchat and I get this error " Unknown file type Maybe you need to install the Perl or Python plugin"  Any thoughts13:59
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pluesch0rhi everybody. i'm on ubuntu precise here, got a question concerning the removal of old kernels.14:00
cynicistRebootKidd: http://xchat.org/faq/#q21614:01
pluesch0rmy boxes have been running for a while now and i'd like to remove all kernels that are not being used anymore. i've noticed that /etc/kernel/postinst.d/apt-auto-removal is already massaging apt configs to not remove the current and the two latest kernels (via generating /etc/apt//apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels). but how do i actually remove the old kernels? apt-get autoremove doesn't try to dump them.14:02
RebootKiddcynicist thank you for the link but I have tried that and I show perl is running14:04
dfcnvtNach0z: In my lifetime I've experienced it five time whenever I allow it to upgrade to new kernel / OS's version.14:04
dfcnvtThanks anyway, I am okay with what I have now.14:04
dfcnvtAlright, i'm out.14:04
chabsgrabs9hey, how do I remove a symbolic link ? I created this link using this command "ln -sf /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.0" and need to remove it,14:04
pluesch0roh .. i think i'm experiencing this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptdaemon/+bug/115774614:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 1157746 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu) "Old kernels are not being listed by autoremove (regression)" [Undecided,Invalid]14:05
chabsgrabs9if anyone can help that would be amazing14:05
cynicistpluesch0r: Use 'dpkg -l|grep linux-image-' to list your installed kernels and then you can use 'sudo apt-get autoremove linux-image-(version)' to remove the older ones14:05
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cynicistRebootKidd: then besides reloading it I'm not sure what is going on :\14:07
pluesch0rcynicist: the idea is to not having to do this manually. i haven't installed any kernels by hand .. but still, they're being listed when i execute apt-mark showmanual | grep linux-image14:07
pluesch0rso .. how do i fix this?14:07
Nach0z... :|14:08
Nach0zdfcnvt left way too fast14:08
pluesch0rcynicist: when i execute "apt-get autoremove linux-image*" it also lists the kernels explicitly configured as "NeverAutoRemove" in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels14:09
cynicistpluesch0r: I assumed you wanted to remove a kernel manually, afaik ubuntu already has a script that holds back the last 3 installed kernels, that's why apt generated that file to prohibit their removal14:12
bamdadWhat is this path being used for : /usr/share/python-apt/templates/Ubuntu.mirrors14:13
pluesch0rcynicist: as i stated before: i see the autoremove prohibit stuff and so on. but when i issue apt-get autoremove, the kernels that should be listed aren't.14:13
cynicistpluesch0r: what version of ubuntu are you running?14:13
cfhowlettpluesch0r, autoremove doesn't remove kernels so far as I know14:14
pluesch0rthey've been piling up since linux-image-2.6.32-22-server14:14
cfhowletth0m1x, greetings14:14
cfhowlettpluesch0r, list them and manuall remove em14:14
pluesch0rcfhowlett: how do i autoremove them, then? or .. what's the reason for setting up the whole autoremove apt config shebang in the first place, then?14:14
pluesch0rthere has to be a reason for those postinst hooks.14:14
h0m1xI have atheros 9287 wireless driver, now I've installed aircrack on ubuntu which doesn't show me the interface how can I make sure the ubuntu has recognized the wirelesss driver?14:14
pluesch0raccording to the bug report i've posted before, it should also be working.14:14
pluesch0rjust trying to find out why it isn't working on my side. got 200+ boxes with several gigabytes of unused kernel images clogging the disks.14:15
cfhowlettpluesch0r, again, autoremove kills orphaned programs - NOT essential kernels.  dpkg --get selections | grep linux-image14:15
h0m1xCan someone possibly reply? it's urgent.14:15
cfhowlettpluesch0r, then sudo apt-get purge linux-image-*.*.*.814:16
pluesch0rcfhowlett: they are listed 'install'14:16
cfhowlettpluesch0r, how many?14:16
cfhowlettpluesch0r, never mind.  Personally, I'd recommend you keep the most recent 3.14:16
pluesch0rcfhowlett: 2814:17
cfhowletth0m1x, aircrack isn't supported here.  sorry.14:17
pluesch0rcfhowlett: that's what i'm trying to do.14:17
pluesch0rcfhowlett: i know that i can just write a script to do this, don't get me wrong. if this was just one box i wouldn't bother.14:17
pluesch0rcfhowlett: but it seems to me that all the mechanisms are in place to keep the two latest + the currently running kernel when issuing 'apt-get autoremove' or god-knows-what-other command.14:18
pluesch0rcfhowlett: otherwise, those kernel versions wouldn't explicitly be listed in the apt configuration.14:18
cynicistpluesch0r: ah I see someone had a similar issue, where his kernels were being marked as manually installed and that caused the apt autoremoval script to ignore them14:19
h0m1xcfhowlett: It's not the matter of aircrack its the matter of the capability of ubuntu to recognize the wireless driver.14:19
cfhowlettpluesch0r, I was unware you were scripting.  sorry.  way over my head.14:19
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:19
h0m1xany wireless driver for the atheros? how can I make sure that the ubuntu has recognized the atheros 9287?14:19
cynicistpluesch0r: his solution was to add a postinstall script to change the flag to automatic so the script would pick them up14:19
pluesch0rcynicist: yeah, that's the link that i posted before. but they were doing some FAI stuff; that's not us.14:20
cynicistpluesch0r: https://bugs.launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+bug/107854414:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 1078544 in aptdaemon (Debian) "python-aptdaemon: upgrading marks auto-installed packages as manual" [Unknown,New]14:20
OerHeksh0m1x, lolz why is cracking urgent?14:20
pluesch0rcynicist: for example, linux-image-3.2.0-40-generic is marked as auto over here. it's still not being autoremoved. it's also not listed as being protected in the apt.conf stuff14:21
cfhowlettOerHeks, netflix dr. who14:21
cynicistpluesch0r: well it was mentioned that it could be an apt bug14:21
h0m1xOerHeks: Cracking is not urgent, having the internet via ubuntu is urgent.14:21
pluesch0rcfhowlett: no worries. scripting would be my last resort. from what i've in the system it seems that this should happen automatically, but it isn't happening.14:22
h0m1xOerHeks: And of course it's none of your damn business!14:22
cynicistpluesch0r: not necessarily related to the FAI stuff14:22
pluesch0rcynicist: we're not using FAI. this is just plain vanilla ubuntu. there are kernel images marked as manually installed, yes .. but there are also some that are being marked as "auto" and that still won't uninstall.14:23
cynicistpluesch0r: yeah you are missing my point, I know you are not using FAI, what I'm saying is you may be running into a bug in some part of the apt process, the link above was just one example14:24
philinuxAdobe acroread on ubuntu 13.10 - whats the correct way to get this now?14:24
pluesch0rcynicist: gotcha. that was the reason why i came here in the first place. :)14:25
pluesch0rcynicist: i'll just write a script that removes all kernels but the ones being listed in that apt.conf file. *sigh*14:25
OerHeksphilinux, sudo apt-get install acroread14:26
philinuxOerHeks: not in any repo now thanks14:26
philinuxnot in extra partner14:26
bgardnerh0m1x: Did you see the link that cfhowlett gave you?14:27
h0m1xbgardner: I'm checking14:28
OerHeksoh acroread is gone with 13.10, good. there are plenty pdf readers, evince as standard14:28
Touhou11You can download the official Acrobat reader from the Adobe site still14:29
OerHeksphilinux, There is an topic full of help, howto install acroread from adobe and what to do when it fails > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=218110014:30
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philinuxOerHeks: got that now. I download from adobe. Gdebi is doing it's stuff14:33
Richhhcynicist permissed denied trying to write to my pen drive14:34
Richhh(from gparted's terminal)14:34
philinuxOerHeks: all dependecies satisfied and it works (64 bit ubuntu)14:35
cynicistRichhh: you mean from the gparted livecd?14:35
stewbuntuhello - I have a question, anyone available14:35
stewbuntuI tried to install ubuntu dual boot and messed up and installed it over my OS, well the dual boot screen I think called grub 2 was mia, So I added ubuntu to an external hardrive via live cd and booted the external HDD and wala the old windows drive was there so I saved everything I needed to a 2nd external. So, I forgot to take of external #2 and put in my recovery disks to start a fresh windows 7 os and start all over and get ubu14:35
cynicistRichhh: use 'sudo su' first to get a root terminal14:35
kl]starklawdhi! how can i find out what kind of audio server a machine uses?14:36
cynicistRichhh: or just su, not sure how that livecd is configured14:36
Richhhworked thanks14:36
cynicistRichhh: np14:36
zykotick9cynicist: DON'T suggest sudo su!  Richhh use "sudo -i" instead14:36
OerHeksphilinux, have fun!14:36
cynicistzykotick9: he's using a livecd14:37
zykotick9cynicist: still...  bad advice14:37
Richhhok noted14:37
railsraiderHi, I have 14 upstart jobs, each is very intensive CPU load, i need to find a way to restart all of them in batch one by one cause if i try to run all of them the server is dead until it finish14:37
cynicistzykotick9: not really14:37
OerHekscynicist, zykotick9 is right, it is.14:38
cynicistOerHeks: that only matters if you are concerned about root taking over your user files, since he is on a livecd without a user account at all it doesn't make a difference how he gets to root14:39
stewbuntufyi all old posts in forums have still lead me to the grub rescue line14:39
linuxuz3rhow do i fix my flash player colors14:39
zykotick9cynicist: then suggest "sudo -i", DON'T teach people the wrong method (they'll use it when they aren't suppose to, and break things!)14:39
philinuxOerHeks: I mainly use evince but the occasional complicated pdf is beyond it.14:40
gvowhat can't you break with sudo that you can with su?14:40
cynicistzykotick9: or they will come to this channel and ask, like he did14:40
linuxuz3ri have incorrect video colors how do i fix this14:41
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stewbuntubios is set, live cd or recovery cd will not boot before grub rescue screen. what now?14:43
Touhou11linuxuz3r: How incorrect? Slightly out, or drastically wrong14:43
Richhhcynicist http://pastebin.com/vDf73h5h14:43
linuxuz3rTouhou11, people are colored blue14:43
sgo11Hi, I have two machines. Two have the same ubuntu version and kernel version. I added a module by compiling the kernel in one machine. it's a pen tablet module. it works fine in that machine. Now, I copy the kernel .deb packages to the second machine and install the compiled .deb kernel directly. The module works with a problem. can anyone tell me why? how to fix? do I have to compile the kernel in every m14:47
sgo11achine for this purpose? thanks.14:47
stewbuntuI tried to install ubuntu dual boot and messed up and installed it over my OS, well the dual boot screen I think called grub 2 was mia, So I added ubuntu to an external hardrive via live cd and booted the external HDD and wala the old windows drive was there so I saved everything I needed to a 2nd external. So, I forgot to take of external #2 and put in my recovery disks to start a fresh windows 7 os and start all over and get ubu14:47
stewbuntu The copy my files. I went to boot windows and realized the external was still connected when it booted ubuntu even after post recovery was done and the 3rd cd popped out. Dooh :( so now I unplug external #1 and try to boot = grub rescue, try recovery cd with bios set to boot cd 1st = grub rescue, every cd including the live cd will not boot and it goes to grub rescue.14:48
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stewbuntuI can always put in the external and boot. The cd's will not boot even with the bios set and external #1 connected. Now that I have the data I just need to get passed this grub rescue screen and get new installations going. How can I get this to work? I think I have layers upon layers messed up now. I did choose the external drive when it asked where to load the ubuntu bootloader with external drive#1 when I saved my data original14:49
stewbuntudrives/partitions when I booted from the external #1 originally14:49
newbie_87Dhow ! i just downloaded a theme package. how to install  it without using the tweak tool14:50
Richhhcynicist any ideas?14:50
cynicistRichhh: yeah, first of all it's your cd drive that is having issues14:51
cynicistRichhh: can't tell if it is a kernel bug/regression, bios, firmware, or cabling but it is one of those14:51
stewbuntujust plugged in an external cd drive14:51
stewbuntubios reads it htough14:52
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stewbuntucan i run code from grub rescue line?14:52
stewbuntucan I wipe the boot loader on the internal HDD when booting from the external14:54
cynicistRichhh: my advice would be to use another computer to create a usb boot disk and install from that instead of trying to use a cd14:55
stewbuntuok I work on that14:55
Richhhi didnt check the motherboard caps yet14:55
cynicistRichhh: I think it's likely some bug affecting your particular cd drive14:56
Richhhhas a mobo problem been ruled out?14:56
stewbuntumobno issue14:56
stewbuntuworked yesterday14:56
Richhhcynicist the previous DVD drive did not read the ubuntu disc at all, i replaced with another and it read14:56
Richhh(but with io errors, wasnt sure if they were dvd drive related)14:56
cynicistRichh: could be the data cable to your cd drive, like I said I would just use a usb disk14:56
cynicistRichh: the dmesg you linked indicated the io errors were related to the drive you used14:57
cynicistRichh: np14:57
odlahi, i just logged into gmail for the first time on ubuntu and asked me to install some extra stuff for gmail. can someone tell me what this is?14:57
Richhh(optical drive?)14:57
cynicistRichhh: yeah sorry to be clear, your optical not your hard drive14:57
odlait add a launcher to my panel14:58
odladid it install anything else? can i just remove the launcher?14:58
cynicistodla: it's called a web app, basically a launcher on your panel that will open the site directly14:58
Pumpkin-_win 1414:58
odlacynicist: so it just created a launcher? it didn't install anything from the ubuntu repos (i.e. it didn't do some apt-get magic?)14:59
CelestarI just upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10. Now gnome/unity is not starting at all. In XFCE4, when starting the appfinder, I get this error:  Failed to open window: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.14:59
CelestarWhat am I doing wrong there...14:59
cynicistodla: no it definitely installed using apt, specifically the unity-webapps-gmail package14:59
odlacynicist: ah14:59
cynicistodla: you can remove it or just remove the launcher, no harm15:00
odlacynicist: thanks15:00
cynicistodla: if you want to disable that functionality just go to firefox preferences > general and uncheck "Prompt integration options for any website"15:00
cynicistodla: np15:00
Celestarit feels like some ibus/dbus permission problem, so if anyone has a smart idea how to fix that, I'm all ears :P15:01
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Danatocan anybody tell me how to fix this?15:19
Danatoconfigure: error: ConsoleKit autoconfigured, but systemd is in use (missing libsystemd-login pkg-config?)15:19
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DanatoGuest73938: your test didnt work :P15:21
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Danatodidnt work again15:21
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andycanyone have experience with sshfs and fstab?  I'm struggling to get it to automount15:24
andyc(on startup)15:25
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ActionParsnipandyc: if you have the entry, does it mount if you run:  sudo mount -a15:25
andycActionParsnip, yes15:25
ActionParsnipandyc: add that command in /etc/rc.local   but above the 'exit 0' line and it will mount15:26
dagleWhen I do an uefi ubuntu install at my friends computer, grub goes droping to shell and wont boot the installed ubuntu. Where should I start to debug? I could just install everything manually but I don't want to maintain the machine more than I am (and he should be able to reinstall in the future etc).15:26
andycActionParsnip, Do I need sudo or is that run as root?15:27
dagleI can't even seem to find an error, just grub dropping to a shell.15:27
Pumpkin-_100./win 2115:27
andycguess it doesn't really matter15:27
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LockziHello, I am having problems in Ubuntu 13.04 that it tries to mount my CIFS shares in /etc/fstab before the network is up. What's the best way to solve this? I also want to make sure that my services are not started before the network interface is up and that these shares has been mounted - thus, is there a way to prioritise network interface?15:46
bgardnerandyc: rc.local runs as root.15:52
optrazhi, after upgraded to saucy, i cannot reach the webpage anymore15:52
optrazany idea why?15:52
andycbgardner, It still doesn't work for some reason.15:54
andycWill only mount after boot with sudo mount -a15:54
andycQuite annoying but not the end of the world15:55
sebas_hello all15:56
bgardnerandyc: I suppose the "Right Way" would be to make it an upstart job with defined dependencies, but I don't know how to do that.  Perhaps you can make a script that says 'sleep 5000; mount -a' and then call that from rc.local (giving it as scriptname&).  Comments from others as to how sane this idea is?15:57
sebas_Is there a way to hide the mouse cursor while typing? I use a Desktop machine and no laptop so I cannot do the touchpad option.15:57
optrazany extra repository for ubuntu?15:58
bgardnerandyc: Sorry, that's sleep 5, not sleep 5000.15:58
andycActually referring to http://superuser.com/questions/669287/automount-sshfs-using-fstab-without-mount-a, it appears someone with 13.10 is having a similar problem15:58
sebas_I googled for it for a long time but cannot find anything about hiding mousecursor. I do find a lot about the touchpad option but that's for laptop if I understand correctly.15:59
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fishbraini kinda screwed up my Xorg or something16:01
zykotick9sebas_: i've never heard of an option for hiding mouse cursor (except for touchpads), that's not to say it doesn't exist though... good luck.16:01
BvLsebas_ which version of ubuntu are you using?16:01
fishbrainit worked ok until i installed fglrx. it didn't work so i removed it with 'sudo apt-get remove fglrx' and now after login i only get the background screen16:01
fishbrainno launcher or top bar or nothing :O16:02
sebas_zykotick9: weird eh? Am I the only one that finds this feature handy? thanx for replying though16:02
sebas_BvL: 13.1016:02
BvLsebas_ i have an idea ill test it out on my end16:03
fishbrainanyone know how i can get my desktop back :O16:03
sebas_BvL: thanx!16:04
flappyAnyone know anything about 13.10 suddenly not recognizing input devices/screens on boot16:07
fishbraincan anyone help me get my desktop back ?16:08
adamkfishbrain: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.16:08
BluesKajfishbrain. what error , or just a blinking cursor ?16:09
fishbraincursor and the background pic16:09
fishbrainusing irssi on tty1 now to get here :)16:09
fishbrainlogin screen is fine16:09
fishbrainbut when i login the top bar disappears and i get no launcher16:10
BluesKajso you have a tty , have you tried startx , fishbrain ?16:10
fishbrainadmak can't pastebin16:10
flappyI'm having much the same problem as fishbrain16:10
adamkfishbrain: Why not?16:10
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fishbrainadamk with what? :O16:11
adamkfishbrain: pastebinit16:11
fishbrainstartx just asks my password and same result16:11
flappyBooting brings up the screen/input device not recognized error box, then some selections that show no actual errors from what I see16:11
fishbrainalso killing Xorg restarts it and takes me back to login screen16:11
=== Guest38175 is now known as sixqx
zykotick9BluesKaj: <sorry, i'm on a personal campaign with this right now> blease don't use tty to mean "console/linux console/VT" - a tty is ANY terminal.  console or xorg...  using the wrong terms for things, makes everyones lives more difficult (in the long run)16:12
adamkfishbrain: It's likely either a problem with your drivers, or a configuration problem with unity.  Your Xorg log file will rule out or confirm if it's a video driver issue.16:12
fishbrainit worked fine until i installed fglrx. which didn't work so i removed it.16:13
flappyStarting X via commandline on tty5 gives me the normal-style screen without the top bar.16:13
adamkfishbrain: So, again, pastebin your Xorg log file.16:13
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flappyShould I paste my xorg log too, adamk?16:13
BluesKajzykotick9. ok does virtual terminal sound right ? , some ppl might not know what the correct term is , including me16:13
adamkflappy: Sure, why not.16:14
adamkI'm feeling generous today.16:14
flappyGreat, thank16:14
BvLsebas_: The auto hiding of the curse is app specific, there is no os wide setting for this16:14
hitsujiTMOfishbrain: how exactly did you install fglrx and how exactly did you remove it?16:14
fishbrainadamk how? :) sorry16:14
adamkfishbrain: again, use pastebinit.16:15
fishbrainhitsujiTMO: install 'sudo apt-get install fglrx' and removed with 'sudo apt-get remove fglrx'16:15
BvLsebas_: thats what it looks like at least16:15
zykotick9BluesKaj: i "understand" the commonly "tty" is meant as the console on F1 to F6 by default... but this is actually _incorrect_ usage, so, in a way i'm asking what we should "correctly" refer to them as.  The options are console, linux console, virtual terminal (vt)...  i can't think of any others right now ;)16:16
hitsujiTMOfishbrain: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:16
BvLCorrection > (11:14:29 AM) BvL: sebas_: The auto hiding of the  *cursor* is app specific, there is no os wide setting for this16:16
BluesKajzykotick9.  let's just accept the fact that TTY is linuc vernacular , a misnomer maybe , but still in common use for the virtual terminal afaik16:17
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Faryshtahi. can you recommend me a tool for UML modeling on ubuntu?16:18
hitsujiTMOfishbrain: it would prob help to get the dmesg too: dmesg | pastebinit16:18
fishbrainthere :)16:18
fishbrainhad to install pastebinit first16:18
zykotick9BluesKaj: sorry, error, does not compute ;)  i'll drop it... for now ;)  "echo $TERM" in a console, it return's "linux" 'cause that's what it really is (FYI, linux consoles are "weak", pretty much everyone has given up on them)16:19
adamkfishbrain: Well your driver appears to be installed just fine, thankfully.16:20
adamkfishbrain: Which leads me to believe that there's a configuration problem with Unity.16:20
fishbrainadamk: fglrx install/remove messed it up?16:21
fishbraincan i reinstall unity or something?16:21
flappyand dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/641655616:21
hitsujiTMOfishbrain: what version of ubuntu are you using?16:22
sebas__BvL: Thanks for checking!16:22
hitsujiTMOfishbrain: sudo apt-get install dconf-tools && dconf reset -f /org/compiz/16:22
the_drowHi guys, I'm trying to install a python dependency using pip and I'm getting fatal error: limits.h: No such file or directory from gcc.16:22
BvLsebas__: np16:23
=== stefen is now known as xstefen
kusumahdilagablinking cursor after install GNOME 3.10.1 in ubuntu 13.10 you can fix it in terminal 'gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active false' dont forget logout and try to login again16:23
the_drowWhat's missing exactly? I have installed linux-libc-dev16:23
deverashi. Just installed NTP, the service is running, but running ntpd -q gives me no output. Is there a way for me to check if the synchronisation has been completed?16:24
SuperLagWhat is the closed-source binary for ATI/AMD video cards? Catalyst?16:24
adamkSuperLag: Catalyst aka fglrx16:24
SuperLagIs this something you can download and install from the amd.com websit? or is it like nvidia, where you want to use the distro's packaged version?16:25
SuperLagwebsite, that is16:25
fishbrainhitsujiTMO: 'i get a Child process exited with code 1' when doing dconf reset -f /org/compiz16:25
Anwarany fellow swedes around?16:26
BvLdoes anyone here know lightdm? i need to fix it16:27
BvLit was broken on install16:27
hitsujiTMOfishbrain: what's the exact error? is there not more than that?16:29
fishbrainhow do i redirect error stream to a file?16:29
fishbrain>> don't work :)16:29
Ari-YangSuperLag: why do you want to install fglrx? it has terrible 2d acceleration16:29
BvLsymptoms: lightdm usually fails to start on boot up (no gui login), if i switch user or logout there is no gui login, on lightdm fail i get the blinking text courser (" _ ") on the top left16:29
Ari-YangSuperLag: if you're not even going to game, I do not recommend you installing it16:29
fishbrainhitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6416592/16:30
Ari-YangSuperLag: you can either try installing it from ubuntu's repos (apt-get install fglrx or apt-get install flgrx-updates) or you can install it from the site, which I don't recommend16:30
SuperLagAri-Yang: so you're telling me that the open-source radeon driver has better graphics quality than the closed-source driver provided by ATI/AMD?16:31
CatKillerHow would that be surprising?16:32
Ari-YangSuperLag: no, I'm telling you that radeon has superior 2d acceleration compared to fglrx. Are you going to be gaming?16:32
Ari-YangSuperLag: what card do you have?16:32
CatKillerTeam of people motivated to write good code with good reviewing peers write code against team of undermotivated Windows employees from a company that doesn't really care about Linux driver's quality and has a bad reputation about drivers in general16:32
hitsujiTMOfishbrain: can you go back to X and spawn a terminal there (ctrl + alt + t) and try the command in the terminal that way16:33
Ari-YangSuperLag: fglrx though is better for 3D I guess BUT if you use latest radeon driver and mesa you'll get performance with radeon that rivals fglrx (I know some heavy gamers who have switched over from fglrx to open source radeon)16:33
SuperLagAri-Yang: currently I have an RV610. I'm switching to an X1300, because of the form factor of the card. (switched from a low-profile system, to a full-sized desktop)16:33
adamkSuperLag: Then the proprietary driver isn't even an option with any recent distribution.16:34
fishbrainhitsujiTMO: yup no error there16:34
SuperLagadamk: why not?16:34
hitsujiTMOfishbrain: relog16:34
Ari-YangSuperLag: oh so you have a hd2000 series card?16:34
fishbrainhitsujiTMO: should i try and restart Xorg16:34
fishbrainhitsujiTMO: sudo killall Xorg :)16:34
BluesKajhitsujiTMO. on some setups ctrl + alt + t , doesn't work anymore16:34
adamkSuperLag: AMD dropped support for pre HD5xxx GPUs in recent versions of the driver.16:34
hitsujiTMOfishbrain: relog should be suficient16:34
BluesKajhitsujiTMO. including mine16:34
jmgkdarn it16:34
hitsujiTMOBluesKaj: in unity?16:34
SuperLagadamk: ah, okay16:35
BluesKajno , kde16:35
Ari-Yangadamk: I thought people with hd2000 series cards can use legacy fglrx16:35
Ari-Yangyeah they can..16:35
hitsujiTMOBluesKaj: ctrl + alt + t is the default for gnome (and unity) . i know he was running unity.16:35
fishbrainhitsujiTMO: seems to work though resolution is f*d up16:36
fishbrainhitsujiTMO: thanks :)16:36
SuperLagAri-Yang: adamk: I'm just having some stuff in Unity perform *really* bad... and my system has a LOT of resources (i7 quad 3.4GHz, 32GB of RAM, SSD) so that this is surprising)16:36
adamkAri-Yang: Sure, if they downgrade all of Xorg and their kernel.16:36
hitsujiTMOfishbrain: np16:36
Ari-YangSuperLag: what ubuntu version are you on?16:36
Ari-Yangadamk: ah I see...16:36
SuperLagAri-Yang: 13.1016:36
BluesKajhitsujiTMO. odd , because it used to work about 3-4 versions ago , anyway sorry to interrupt16:36
adamkSuperLag: And that's sitll only true for HD2xxx through HD4xxx GPUs.  The X1300 was dropped even further back.16:37
Ari-YangSuperLag: try this... open terminal, run gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub16:37
fishbrainnow back to messsing it up again16:37
adamkSuperLag: If you show us your Xorg log file, we might be able to see if something is wrong.16:38
Ari-YangSuperLag: once you do that make the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" line look like this:16:38
Ari-YangGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash radeon.dpm=1"16:38
Ari-YangSuperLag: save it, close gedit, then run sudo update-grub and then reboot and come back16:38
jmgkhi all16:38
SuperLagadamk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6416628/16:39
Ari-YangSuperLag: did you edit the grub file?16:39
SuperLagJust did.16:39
SuperLaghaven't rebooted yet16:40
cynicistIf you are enabling dpm you need to get the latest firmware for your card as well16:40
Ari-YangSuperLag: okay go on ahead and reboot and come back16:40
zaferjoin #zapf16:40
Ari-Yangcynicist: no he doesn't16:40
Ari-Yangcynicist: he's on 13.1016:40
Ari-Yangcynicist: which has the latest stuff already for dpm16:40
cynicistah ok16:40
cynicistI'm pretending 13.10 doesn't exist, carry on16:41
Ari-Yangcynicist: why? I'm curious...16:41
adamkSuperLag: Nothing out of the ordinary in your log file. Looks like the drivers are working fine.16:41
Ari-Yangoh lol16:41
Ari-Yangadamk: I blame unity3D16:41
jmgk@ cynicist16:41
Faryshtahi. can you recommend me a tool for UML modeling on ubuntu?16:42
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SuperLag cynicist : what's wrong with 13.10? :)16:42
Ari-YangSuperLag: after your reboot and still get lag maybe it's best to use a differend DE like cinnamon16:42
Ari-Yang* different16:42
Ari-YangSuperLag: please reboot and come back16:42
flappyhitsuj1, any idea on my situation since your fix for fishbrain wirked so well?16:43
cynicistSuperLag: Nothing it's amazing, typing from it now. I just forgot that the new firmware came out months ago and Ubuntu typically updates things with new releases :P16:43
Danatohi jmgk :P16:43
flappyRunning ubuntu 13.1016:43
jmgkhey Danato16:44
Ari-Yangcynicist: I'm disappointed (better yet disgusted) that ubuntu doesn't have native vdpau support on 13.10 for radeon :/16:44
Ari-Yangcynicist, flappy, is 13.10 stable? Or have you come across major/minor bugs?16:44
cynicistAri-Yang: I'm waiting for dpm to have some bugs squashed, maybe when it is enabled by default I'll give it another shot. Running on intel HD4000 graphics atm and the experience is pretty great16:44
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cynicistAri-Yang: not only stable, performance is vastly improved on a fresh install16:45
flappyAri-Yang: no real bugs for me, but having a rather big problem with booting16:45
cynicistAri-Yang: very noticeable in the dash on integrated graphics16:45
Ari-Yangcynicist: I'm on ubuntu 12.10 with kernel 3.12, dpm is just fine. It will be enabled by default in kernel 3.1316:45
scottbuckelHello, there's a CVE which says it was fixed and released for Ubuntu 12.04.  However, if I do an apt-get update/upgrade, I still have the old version of this software (gpg) which has a CVE vulnerability out for the version currently released via apt.  Can anyone provide a recommendation?16:45
Piciscottbuckel: which cve?16:46
Ari-Yangcynicist: kernel 3.12 is the kernel to use now for dpm or kernel 3.11.716:46
cynicistAri-Yang: not on my hd6870, for some reason I get a lot of stuttering while window dragging16:46
cynicistAri-Yang: this is on even kernel 3.1216:46
scottbuckelPici: Several, but gnupg for example: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2013/CVE-2013-4242.html  But apt-get still has only 1.4.1116:46
ubottuGnuPG before 1.4.14, and Libgcrypt before 1.5.3 as used in GnuPG 2.0.x and possibly other products, allows local users to obtain private RSA keys via a cache side-channel attack involving the L3 cache, aka Flush+Reload. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-4242)16:46
Ari-Yangcynicist: maybe because you aren't using mesa 10 perhaps?16:47
Ari-Yangnot sure...16:47
floryn90hi everyone16:47
cynicistAri-Yang: I tried with and without oibaf's ppa16:47
Ari-Yangcynicist: ah, I see..... did you file a bug report?16:47
daftykinsfloryn90: hi16:47
scottbuckelPici: Any clue as to why apt doesn't get the latest version that says it was released?16:47
floryn90i deleted /usr/share/applications/ and now i don't know how to regenerate it :(16:48
sl1ckwhat's the best cpu-friendly audio player? :)16:48
OerHeksfloryn90, time to reinstall i guess16:48
Ari-Yangsl1ck: audacious or mpd (music player daemon)16:48
cynicistAri-Yang: no, didn't see anything useful in the log files so I decided I would check again later since I saw no other reports on it16:48
OerHeks!best | sl1ck16:49
ubottusl1ck: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:49
cynicistAri-Yang: I'm hoping it's not something specific to my setup, since no one else has mentioned the issue16:49
floryn90OerHeks: but if i use i live, i can copy that files16:49
hitsujiTMOfloryn90: to regenerate you need to reinstall every application that was in there16:49
Piciscottbuckel: The packages were updated, but the version number was not bumped.  See http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/g/gnupg/gnupg_1.4.11-3ubuntu2.4/changelog16:49
Ari-Yangcynicist: I think one of the devs has a hd6000 series card and hasn't had any problems like that at all...16:49
Ari-Yangcynicist: if you want you can state that problem on #radeon channel16:49
floryn90hitsujiTMO: but if i use i live, i can copy that files16:50
sl1ckOerHeks: I said best CPU-friendly - I reckon it's pretty specific16:50
cynicistAri-Yang: I'll definitely ask, thanks. I'd prefer to be using my discrete card with a functional dpm16:50
Ari-Yangkk, good luck16:50
scottbuckelPici: Ugh! That doesn't make sense now, does it?16:50
hitsujiTMOfloryn90: the live cd won't have the same software that you have installed. you can always try16:50
floryn90i haven't installed anything16:51
floryn90so with the live i can retrieve my desktop files16:51
Piciscottbuckel: Well, they typically apply patches instead of bumping version numbers.  There may be more info regarding the CVEs themselves on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/ if you want to see whether a package was actually affected and changed.16:51
OerHekssl1ck, still depends on a lot of things, memory, cpu, soundcard16:52
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scottbuckelPici: So am I just to trust that when something says it was fixed in the CVE on canonical.com, that it's fixed if I'm up to date in apt?16:52
Maleusanyone available to help me set up a secure sftp server with multiple users jailed to their home folders, but a master user who is not root allowed full access to all folders within the ftp area?16:52
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Piciscottbuckel: You can check the changelogs and the patches linked from that page, but yes.16:53
sl1ckOerHeks: be that is it may, a cpu-friendly player is a cpu-friendly player nonetheless irrespective of additional hardware.16:53
sl1ckthanks Ari-Yang !16:53
CatKillerMaleus: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/ftp-server.html16:53
MaleusIve followed that16:53
CatKillervsftpd does that16:53
Maleussftp works16:53
CatKillersftp is something else16:54
Maleusvsftpd may be what I was needing, Im reading the page on that now, thank you!16:54
CatKillerAlso look at that: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/vsftpd#To_chroot_users16:54
scottbuckelPici: Thanks so much for your help!16:55
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scottbuckelPici: Do they keep the version number the same with a patch number for compatibility purposes or something?16:55
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scottbuckelSo really it's version 1.5, but they keep it at 1.4.11 for compatibility maybe?16:56
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flappyAnyone mind helping me with 13.10 not booting correctly? xorg.0.log and dmesg attached: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6416691/ & http://paste.ubuntu.com/6416692/16:56
sl1ckis my desktop system going to benefit RAM upgrade from 4g to 8g DDR3? Will it matter at all?16:58
cynicistsl1ck: if the memory is a faster speed yes16:58
Nach0zsl1ck: if you run out of RAM regularly and have to use swap memory, yes16:59
sl1ckcynicist: current ram is 1333 - the max clock speed.16:59
cynicistsl1ck: size won't matter unless you aren't already caching everything you can to RAM16:59
sl1ckno, no caching16:59
sl1cki don't even a swap partition ;-)17:00
cynicistsl1ck: well linux does caching automatically, so you'll benefit even if you don't do anything in particular17:00
CatKillerAnd you never run out of RAM?17:00
CatKillerThen you don't need more RAM17:00
sl1ckCatie: not as far as I've observed the system17:00
terohi guys i forgot password and username for a ubuntu server pc. I have physical access. What can I do?17:00
sl1cksorry CatKiller17:01
zykotick9!passwords | tero17:01
ubottutero: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords17:01
sl1ckwhat is usually the norm for a desktop use - barring specific user needs and what not... ?17:01
CatKillersl1ck: I have 2 and it's a bit short but I use a lot of browser tabs etc17:02
sl1ckCatKiller: firefox?17:02
CatKillerand right now I'm using 450MB of swap17:02
CatKillerwith 30+ tabs open constantly17:02
sl1cki noticed FF is a memory hog17:02
cynicistsl1ck: Ubuntu really doesn't use that much memory, for regular usage with a lot of tabs/flash video loaded you may hit 1.8GB like I am now17:02
CatKiller4GB you're fine17:03
CatKillerthe "upgrade your memory makes your computer faster"17:03
robert123hi. my mic suddenly didn't work anymore. in pavucontrol, suddenly, the whole input device was not shown anymore. i tried another one... it worked two days ago. i checked alsamixer and pavucontrol volume settings. i did not knowingly make any changes the last two days. i have a backup from a few weeks ago, so i copied ~/.pulse and ~/.config/pulse from the backup, typed "killall pulseaudio; pulseaudio -k" and am still no happier. nothing ch17:03
robert123anged. any ideas?17:03
CatKilleris just because 99% of the time, especially years ago when RAM was scarce and expensive17:03
robert123s/i tried another one/i tried another mic17:03
CatKillerslowness issues came from intense swapfests17:03
CatKillerwith people using double the swap as RAM17:04
CatKillerBut apart from that no need17:04
cynicistsl1ck: Firefox doesn't use significantly more than chrome in my experience, it just seems that way because chrome runs in many different processes17:04
sl1ckcynicist: my FF has sh*t load of addons and other crapware that hogs my memory to about 400-500mb17:05
SuperLagAri-Yang: rebooted.17:05
Ari-YangSuperLag: in terminal run dmesg | grep dpm17:05
Ari-YangSuperLag: what's the output of it?17:05
cynicistsl1ck: It can actually use less if you have something like noscript that is preventing lots of additional stuff from running17:05
sl1ckcynicist: i can't afford to use noscript, it often seriously impedes functions of normal web sites and can't know which sites are affected which ones aren't17:06
sl1ckstellar addon otherwise17:07
SuperLagAri-Yang: no output for it17:08
cynicistsl1ck: Yeah I blacklist everything by default and just enable what I know isn't a social media tracker or whatever, it does take some time at the start but you do it once for your favorite sites and it speeds up browsing and reduces memory usage significant in addition to the security benefits17:08
sl1ckmy system has ddr3 ram ecc unbuffered, but I don't know if the ECC option is ON. Is there anyway to check if my memory operates ON ECC?17:08
Ari-YangSuperLag: oh... then I guess dpm is for newer cards.... alright next best thing to do SuperLag is not use Unity17:08
Ari-Yang!de | SuperLag17:08
ubottuSuperLag: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:08
Ari-Yang!flavor | SuperLag17:08
ubottuSuperLag: !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio,  !Mythbuntu, and !Lubuntu17:09
lukodiablo_where i can find IRC for aircrack-ng?17:09
Ari-Yang!lxde | SuperLag17:09
ubottuSuperLag: LXDE ( http://lxde.org/ ) is the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment used by !Lubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop ». See http://lubuntu.net/ for more information, and join #lubuntu for support.17:09
tirengarfioIm getting "setfacl: Option -m: Invalid argument near character 3" when I try to run sudo setfacl -R -m u:$APACHEUSER:rwX -m u:`whoami`:rwX app/cache app/logs17:09
daftykinssl1ck: if you have a consumer system it is highly unlikely you have ECC capability.17:09
daftykinssl1ck: unless you are referring to an actual server17:10
sl1ckxeon cpu17:10
daftykinssl1ck: sure but you need chipset, motherboard and RAM support to provide ECC functionality17:10
SuperLagAri-Yang: Can I install XFCE after the fact, or do I need to reinstall from scratch?17:11
Ari-YangSuperLag: no not at all17:11
Ari-Yang!xfce | SuperLag17:11
ubottuSuperLag: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels17:11
sl1ckdaftykins: My board supports all three variants: NON ECC Unbuf, ECC Unbuf, and ECC Registered17:11
Ari-YangSuperLag: you install it, logout, there should be a unity icon in the login box, click it and choose xfce from there and login17:12
daftykinssl1ck: right, but if the RAM isn't ECC reg then you're out of luck17:12
sl1ckdaftykins: what do you mean exactly?17:12
daftykinssl1ck: you have to have ECC capable memory modules to enable ECC mode17:12
daftykinsi'm not sure what's so confusing here?17:12
shafoxi have crunchbang installed. I just installed ubuntu 12.04 in one of the partition that i made . but i cant see ubuntu listed in the grub config file. right now i am in crunchbang distro17:13
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sl1ckdaftykins: what's the purpose of ECC Unbuff sticks then?17:14
daftykinssl1ck: i'm not sure on the purpose of buffered vs. not17:14
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sl1ckdaftykins: i mean why build a ECC Unbuffed stick, if you ECC is only operational under Regged ram? This is your logic, is it not?17:15
daftykinssl1ck: it's not my logic no17:16
ki4roSo, last evening, I was told that this is not the place to discuss upgrading or not upgrading Ubuntu.  Where would that place be?17:16
lukodiablo_guys it is 8812au compatible with aircrack-ng17:16
daftykinssl1ck: ECC options are in the BIOS sometimes. you can also confirm status with memtest86+17:16
zteamHi guys!17:17
sl1ckdaftykins: memtest86 is a known 'liar'17:17
drupodhi all has any one succesfully install packet tracer under ubuntu 12.10?17:17
hitsujiTMOki4ro: #ubuntu-offtopic17:17
daftykinssl1ck: if you say so17:17
zteamany advice on how to troubleshoot black-screen on startup on Ubuntu 13.10, with the Nvidia driver?17:17
hitsujiTMO!nomodeset | ztane17:18
ubottuztane: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:18
hitsujiTMO!nomodeset | zteam17:18
ubottuzteam: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:18
sl1ckdaftykins: memtest86 may detect whether the chip has ECC, but not specifically if the said chip is operational under ECC, is what i meant.17:18
daftykinsyeah last time i used it you had to enable testing under ECC come to think of it17:18
daftykinsbut that was a few years ago17:19
ki4rohitsujiTMO, Thanks17:20
lukodiablo_guys... it is RTL8812au compatible with aircrack-ng?17:20
zteamhitsujiTMO, okey, thanks for the link, do you know if that error can cause Xorg to crash?17:21
hitsujiTMOlukodiablo: every think of checking the compatibility list? http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=compatibility_drivers17:22
hitsujiTMOzteam is this a fresh install?17:22
zteamhitsujiTMO, because sometimes my computer boot up flawlessly, and sometimes Xorg just dies off17:23
hitsujiTMOzteam: ahh, might be a different issue then. what gpu do you have?17:23
zteamhitsujiTMO, Nope, it is a upgraded 13.Ubuntu release :-)17:24
hitsujiTMOzteam: what driver are you using?17:24
zykotick9lukodiablo_: aircrack isn't supported here.  try #aircrack-ng17:25
zteamhitsujiTMO, 13.04 suffered from the same issue, I have a Nvidia 8800 GT card, I have runned Ubuntu since Feisty and never had the issues before17:25
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lukodiablo_hitsujiTMO: nothing usedfull.. but thanx17:26
zteamhitsujiTMO, Nvidia 304.08 for now, I had tried the other drivers as well17:26
zteamhitsujiTMO, (those avaiable in the repository I mean) I even tried updating my driver throught a third-party repository, but that didn't help me either17:27
hitsujiTMOzteam: when it fails and you get a black screen, are you able to access tty1 with <ctrl> + <alt> + <f1> ?17:27
zteamhitsujiTMO, yes  I'm17:28
FourFireI am trying to install My currently running operating system (12.04 LTS) onto an external hard drive17:28
KamuelaAnyone here with gparted experience?17:28
zteamhitsujiTMO, and then I did so, I tried to kill Xorg but it wasn't alive, and startx didn't worked either.17:29
hitsujiTMOzteam: ok: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && dmesg | pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:29
ZiberHey, I've got a bunch of Linux VMs and I want to setup LDAP for SSH authentication. Any good guides, tips, etc?17:29
FourFireI want to include all my programs (and settings if possible) without having to find and install them all from the distro17:29
cynicistKamuela: what's your question?17:29
KamuelaMy disk is /dev/sda1(Windows) /dev/sda2(/) -> /dev/sda5(/home[logical]) and what I'd like to do is shrink sda1 (NTFS), and move everything else up to grow home17:29
zteamhitsujiTMO, okey :)17:30
FourFireI have a bootable USB, and .iso file and an old maindrive which has poorly proportioned partitions17:30
FourFiremy os, the bootable and the .iso are all Ubuntu 12.0417:30
hitsujiTMOzteam: that should produce 2 urls, paste the urls here17:30
FourFirecan anyone help me do this within an hour?17:30
Danatocan anybody help me install polkit? i'm getting this error17:30
Danatoconfigure: error: ConsoleKit autoconfigured, but systemd is in use (missing libsystemd-login pkg-config?)17:30
lukodiablozykotick9: the #aircrack wont let me17:30
hitsujiTMOKamuela: best to shrink sda1 in windows. then use gparted to move sda217:31
KamuelahitsujiTMO, what would allow me to shrink it in windows? does disk manager let me do that?17:31
zykotick9lukodiablo: it's #aircrack-ng17:31
PiciDanato: What exactly are you trying to do? Ubuntu doesn't use systemd.17:31
KamuelahitsujiTMO, like a windows disk manage or something17:32
SuperLagAri-Yang: I'm going to order a new graphics card. ATI/AMD, has to support dual-DVI. Any recommendations?17:32
ZiberHey, can someone help me start setting up LDAP for user accounts auth, via ssh?17:32
hitsujiTMOKamuela: disk management in administrative tools17:32
cynicistKamuela: I would use a livecd, you can't resize that ntfs partition while being booted into it17:32
flappyhitsujiTMO: mind looking at my xorg log/ dmesg? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6416691/ & http://paste.ubuntu.com/6416692/17:32
SuperLagAri-Yang: adamk: I'm going to order a new graphics card. ATI/AMD, has to support dual-DVI. Any recommendations?17:32
SuperLagsorry for the dupe... wanted to add adamk17:32
zteamhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6416869/17:33
bergaHI! I wanted to ask a question about ubuntu lucid lynx (10.04.4) ... I can't find an official download for a desktop version ubuntu lucid - I can only find the server iso. Any idea what I can do here? I'm gonna use that machine for an offline bitcoin wallet, so I don't want to go online with it in order to install a DE.17:33
zteamhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6416880/17:33
xanguaberga: you are aware that 10.04 desktop has no support right¿17:34
DanatoPici: ok so my my battery was not telling me the remaining time, and I read somewhere that I needed to reinstall Upower, which needs me to install polkit17:34
DanatoPici, http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/postlfs/polkit.html17:34
zteamhitsujiTMO, thanks for the tip about pastebinit package, didn't know about it unitil now :-)17:34
PiciDanato: Are you running LFS?17:34
bergaxangua, I was not... but the bitcoinarmory offline bundle is packaged for 10.04 so I thought I'd go with that17:34
lukodiablozykotick9: (ErrorNoChannelModes) #aircrack-ng] Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services17:35
KamuelahitsujiTMO, i'll go to windows and see what i can figure out from there, but all in all, good idea. unless cynicist was right and it'll say i can't do it. but i have a feeling windows will do something like restart and make it a boot script17:35
zykotick9!register | lukodiablo17:35
ubottulukodiablo: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:35
DanatoPici, I thought LFS was jst the name of the website, so probably no17:35
cynicistKamuela: yeah it may do something like that, I'm just saying it can't do a live resize17:35
hitsujiTMOKamuela: it will ask you to restart windows to perform the resize17:35
cynicistKamuela: it's just simpler to do it all from a livecd17:35
FourFiregvo: I'm back17:36
DanatoPici, aaah I see your point now17:36
Kamuelacynicist, i think hitsujiTMO's thing is that windows will know how to do it more safely than something like gparted. i don't have access to a windows "live cd" although there probably are maintenance ones that can do this17:36
PiciDanato: You can use apt to reinstall something, but chances are it's not going to make much of a difference.17:36
gvoFourFire: I see17:36
Kamuelacynicist, hitsujiTMO in any case, i'll brb i'm gonna see what's up in windoze17:36
Pici!software  | Danato17:36
ubottuDanato: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:36
FourFireI have an hour to do this at the moment17:37
gvoFourFire you might not have enough time.17:37
quellhorstanyone have any experience setting up VPNs to sell to the public?17:37
FourFireI can leave my computer running17:37
FourFireI just have to go to work17:37
cynicistSuperLag: a used hd 6870 for like $100, they are one of the best supported/performing discrete cards for the open source radeon driver atm17:37
FourFireif I can set it up to copy over and whatever17:38
gvoIt's a multi step process.  I'm writing it up now.17:38
SuperLagAri-Yang: adamk: cynicist: http://amzn.to/1e5VUwA thoughts?17:38
DanatoPici, it was a try, but I already removed it, and now I have to install some power management tool. Now that doesnt seem to be a right one17:38
FourFireok, thanks, keep in mind that I don't really know any terminal commands so I'll need the exact commands to be used17:39
pacy_FourFire: for me it sounds like, and correct me if iam wrong, it would probably the best if you make a fresh and clean install of your system after you restored your installed progs via "dpkg --get-selections > installed-software" in a file so you can reinstall it out of the list17:39
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zteamhitsujiTMO, it seems that I have an older error log from X here, which have some funny error messages, I upload that one as well17:40
FourFirepacy_: I don't quite understand, install programs, then clean install?17:40
Ari-YangSuperLag: better ask for thoughts and opinions for that kind of stuff on #radeon17:40
Ari-Yanggood luck17:40
gdbFourFire: He's saying to capture your list of installed software for reference, then reinstall and use that list to remember what needs to be additionally installed.17:40
bergaSo, being a massive linux newb (I've only dipped my toes as it were, with a few distros) - Could I install the server version of 10.04.4 and then install gnome or whatever from a usb stick?17:41
zykotick9berga: NOT a good idea.  use something with security support!  please.17:42
FourFiregdb what exactly do I input in the terminal in order to do that?17:42
pacy_FourFire: the command "dpkg --get-selections > installed-software" creats a list of installed software which you have to safn. afterwars you can restore it with "dpkg --set-selections < installed-software" the you have to execute the command "dselect"... though your settings would be lost17:42
kostkonberga: just don't17:42
Ari-YangSuperLag: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102933 anyway, again, get advice from #radeon afk17:42
FourFiresettings being lost is fine, I can do that easily17:42
FourFirefinding all my programs again, not as easy17:43
bergaany ideas on what I could do for my offline bitcoinarmory wallet, then? the bundle is for 10.04 =(17:43
FourFireI have to do what once I've input the first command?17:43
pacy_FourFire: but you have to go through the list and delete everything which was not installed by you.. which should not be that hard..17:43
zteamhitsujiTMO, here it comes http://paste.ubuntu.com/6416929/ please check this :-)17:44
FourFireThere doesn't seem to be a visible response in the terminal to the dpgk... command17:44
DanatoIm remaking the question now, what power management works with ubuntu? I need to install one17:45
hitsujiTMOzteam: is this a laptop or desktop?17:45
KaoticFireDoes anybody know of any USB wireless NIC's that work out of the box with Ubuntu 12.0417:45
Ari-YangDanato: what card do you have?17:45
pacy_FourFire: Than safe the list somewhere like on an extra stick. make a fresh install with your new partitiontable you would like to have and if its done you can you the second and the third command to resore the programs which remained in the list17:45
Ari-YangDanato: and what ubuntu version are you on?17:45
zteamhitsujiTMO, it's a desktop17:45
FourFirewhere is this list?17:45
pacy_FourFire: you create it in the folder you are you are using the command17:46
DanatoAri-Yang, Ubuntu 13.10, idk what card are you talking about sorry17:46
Ari-YangDanato: graphics card17:46
pacy_FourFire: i mean it is created by the command17:46
FourFireOh neat, I found it, thanks17:47
hitsujiTMOzteam: is it just the sony tv that you have to connect to the machine or do you have another monitor?17:47
FourFireI also found the one I made yesterday17:47
zteamhitsujiTMO, most often it works, but sometimes it fails, seems kinda random to me17:47
gvoFourFire take a look at http://fayettedigital.com/howtocopyparts.html17:47
DanatoAri-Yang, its a bit complicated but my laptop comes with 2 cards, jst a sec and ill tell you which ones17:47
Ari-YangDanato: lspci | grep VGA17:47
zteamhitsujiTMO, I have two monitors the Sony TV and my Asus monitor17:47
Ari-YangDanato: type that in terminal...17:48
FourFiregvo can I resize the copy partition later?17:48
hitsujiTMOzteam: does the crash happen when just the asus is connected?17:48
gvoSure, you can remove it and expand the first one.17:48
FourFireneat, thanks a heap17:48
DanatoAri-Yang, ah I thought you wanted to know the models17:48
Ari-YangDanato: I want to know what graphics cards you have i.e. radeon hd6450 etc.17:49
zteamhitsujiTMO, well, both monitors is plugged in all the time so far :-)17:49
gvoMy demonstration used a 15 Gb partition but yours will have to be bigger.  I only had an 80 GB drive to play with.17:49
Ari-YangDanato: so run that command and tell me17:49
pacy_gvo: nice work there17:49
DanatoAri-Yang, Nvidia Geforce GT 630M and HD Graphics 400017:50
gvoFourfire read through it before you do anything.  The dd step will take a while17:50
DanatoAri-Yang, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)17:50
Danato01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108M [GeForce GT 635M] (rev a1)17:50
zteamhitsujiTMO, however the only monitor turned on is the Asus, both then it works and then it not works17:50
gvopacy_: It's kind of what he was asking for yesterday, or at least what I understood him to be asking for.17:51
flappyhah, installing xubuntu-desktop gets me a working DE via manual startx.17:51
Ari-YangDanato: well maybe the nvidia proprietary driver has power management... open up Software Sources go to the 'Additional Drivers' tab and see if you can select it, if you can apply the changes and reboot (make sure you set the nvidia card as default) afk good luck17:51
__marcowhat is the default terminal emulator in ubuntu?17:52
gvoFourFire: There may be some typos, especially in the last section that I didn't run.17:52
zteamhitsujiTMO, I can try to disconnect the Sony TV as a trial to test of course, but, sometimes it takes around 5 reboots for this issue to show up17:52
hitsujiTMOzteam: can you try without the sony tv connected at all. there is a lot of errors coming from the sony tv (its falsely reporting its supported modes).17:52
cynicist__marco: gnome-terminal17:53
zteamhitsujiTMO, okey, BRB :-)17:53
hitsujiTMOzteam: also if you do get the black screen, can you then pastebin Xorg.0.log and dmesg again and come back here17:53
gvoFourFire: Remember to change references to /dev/sdd to whatever your device is.17:53
zykotick9__marco: gnome-terminal17:54
DanatoAri-Yang, thanks17:54
FourFireyes, thanks.17:54
nafurHey, I updated to 13.10 yesterday and now my network somehow breaks down (when I hibernate or close the lid... I must test some more on this). The nm-applet just tells me "NetworkManager is not running..." then.17:55
nafurAre there any known issues about this?17:55
__marcothanks. Has it always been the default terminal emulator?17:56
arityfnDoes anyone knows why my ubuntu system freezes when I try to play video with vlc or any other multimedia player? I am not using the open source drivers.17:56
zykotick9__marco: for "ubuntu" i believe so...17:56
loahello, i have very undetectable problem. I have system which was long to setup, i like crurrent env very much. But sometimes system hangs totally. I can't switch to console or restart X system. So i try setup kernel crash dump. But no crash dumps are prudced. I am stacked.17:57
loaI don't want to reinstall system (17:57
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adamkarityfn: Sounds like a bug in the video drivers you are using...18:00
KaoticFireDoes anybody know of any USB wireless NIC's that work out of the box with Ubuntu 12.0418:00
arityfnyeah, but the open source drivers eats my battery life like theres no tomorrow.18:00
adamkarityfn: Try a different video player and report the lockup to the driver developers.18:01
adamkarityfn: And, of course, make sure you try the latest version of the driver for your GPU.  You could also try different versions.18:01
nafurOkay, I just tested, my network crashes as soon as I close my lid...18:03
gvokaoticFire: edimax we-7811Un works18:04
PandaMasterHow do I mount a usb thumb drive?18:05
KaoticFiregva: thanks18:05
gvoPandaMaster: It should automatically mount.18:05
PandaMasterhow do I mounta  usb mount drive to amount point?18:05
nafurPandaMaster: from the command line?18:05
zykotick9PandaMaster: if you plug it in, does Gnome not automount it for you?  or you want manual instructions?18:05
sl1ckis there any way to remap my keyboard and rearrange some of the functions different keys have?18:06
zykotick9PandaMaster: do you know the device name?  "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt" would mount it to /mnt, assuming sdb1 was the device/partition18:06
PandaMasterI'm trying to make a live usb, and UNetbootin says I need to mount my usb thumb drive to a mount point.  How do I do tha?18:06
gvoPandaMaster: dmesg | tail would give you a clue as to the device name18:07
zykotick9PandaMaster: the above "should" work for unetbootin18:07
nafursl1ck: yes, look for example here: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Xmodmap18:07
gvoPandaMaster: Is there anything in the drop box in Unetbootin?18:07
gvoThat's probable it.18:08
sl1cknafur: i dont know german ...18:08
zteamhitsujiTMO, Yes I will :-)18:08
PandaMasterthanks, it works now.18:09
nitronewbieI wanna learn Linux18:09
nafursl1ck: oh, sorry, my bad. maybe this? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xmodmap18:09
nitronewbiehere no conversation ?18:10
xanguanitronewbie: here ubuntu support18:11
FourFiregvo is there anything special about the figure of 0.02 MiB spacing between the start of the disk and the partition?18:11
reisionitronewbie: go forth!18:11
gvoFourFire It didn't work with zero18:12
porronHey guys, why your smartphone system is called Ubuntu For Android ?18:12
porrondoes it need android to run?18:12
nafurOh, I just found that my bug was already filed...18:12
reisioporron: #ubuntu-touch ?18:12
gvoFourFire: There's a bunch of rules about partition alignment I've never quite figured out.18:12
reisioporron: pretty sure it does, yes18:12
popeyporron: you probably want #ubuntu-touch18:12
ania________hi can u help with 12.04 ........i just try to login ....but it keeps coming back to login screen.....can go into desktop18:12
porronI mean, you raise doubts18:12
reisioit's not so much that GNU/Linux needs Android to run18:13
nitronewbiereisio: would you offer me a channel?18:13
porronbecause on the "ubuntu touch" page I don't see any reference to android18:13
reisioit's that manufacturers put in place secure boot problems18:13
reisioand withold drivers18:13
popeyporron: Ubuntu for Android and Ubuntu Touch are separate things18:13
reisionitronewbie: #linux18:13
popeyporron: Ubuntu for Android has not been released yet.18:13
reisiopopey: but do they both run on top of Android18:13
porronpopey: this is why the names raise doubts18:14
nitronewbiejoin #linux18:14
porronthey are both operating systems for smartphones?18:14
popeyporron: Ubuntu Touch (Ubuntu for Phones and Tablets) is the one you have probably read about on the wiki18:14
ania________hi can u help with 12.04 ........i just try to login ....but it keeps coming back to login screen.....can go into desktop18:14
popeyporron: Ubuntu for Android requires Android, Ubuntu Touch does not.18:14
reisioporron: well android runs on more than phones18:14
hwildehello is anyone familiar with .ssh/config using ProxyCommand and nc  to do multiple hops?18:14
sl1ckthanks nafur18:14
reisiopopey: really?18:14
porrongreat popey18:14
popeyreisio: yes, really18:14
porronand... Ubuntu touch doesn't need android right?18:14
popeyUbuntu Touch doesn't need android. We use some drivers from Android18:14
porronI mean *won't* need android18:14
reisiopopey: is there an install guide for any device, for installing to metal?18:15
popeyBut that's all.18:15
porronok great18:15
porronand what about ubuntu for android?18:15
popeyreisio: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices18:15
popeyporron: Ubuntu for Android has not been released. It's still in development.18:15
porronwhat is it, what's the difference UbuntuTOuch and WHY has it been done18:15
zteamhitsujiTMO, Nope, the issue is still there18:15
arunclefebvre: hello clem are u there?18:15
porronI mean, you're developing ubuntu touch, why do you need even ubuntu for android18:16
FourFireoh dear, Ḯm going to PM you gvo, okay?18:16
porronthat's what I don't get18:16
popeyporron: Ubuntu for Android pre-dates Ubuntu Touch18:16
xangua!touch | porron popey18:16
ubottuporron popey: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch18:16
hitsujiTMOzteam: post a fresh set of logs: dmesg | pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:16
reisioporron: so touch is actuall a progression, and not an alternative18:16
reisionot just an* :p18:16
reisiopopey: thanks18:17
porronprogression of what?18:17
porronof android?18:17
editheraven@ania : it's because the .xAuthority file is not owned by you18:17
popeyUbuntu for Android has a separate use case than Ubuntu Touch.18:17
zteamhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6417099/18:17
popeyProbably better to continue this in #ubuntu-touch rather than this support channel.18:17
zteamhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6417103/18:17
reisiopopey: duuuude, in this case I might get me a nexus 418:18
ania________hi can u help with 12.04 ........i just try to login ....but it keeps coming back to login screen.....can go into desktop18:19
Danatohow do i exit the X server?18:20
hitsujiTMOzteam: no errors showing. what desktop manager are you using? lightdm?18:20
editheraven@ania : go to a sepparate tty (ctrl+alt+1) and login with your user. then "sudo bash" and then "chown YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_USERNAME ~/.xAuthority18:21
editheraven@ania : sorry, ctrl alt + f118:21
Greylocksania________: type CTRL>ALT>F1 and log in there then type startx see if that helps.18:21
ania________i am in ctr alt f118:21
sebastien__hello, could anyone help me to install ubuntu on my computer from an usd drive please?18:22
zteamhitsujiTMO, yes, worth mentioning is that I have a SSD disk which didn't run to well with LightDM, was using a workaround in 13.04 but that work-around stopped working after some updates18:22
MonkeyDustsebastien__  let's hea it18:22
ania________i can login in terminal everything works well ...but crt alt f7 goes to desktop....where i can see login ....when i login it wont let me see desktop18:23
hitsujiTMOzteam: o.O what exactly do you mean. please explain further18:23
arityfnWhat driver from the AMD site should I download for this card, Radeon HD 7520G?18:23
sebastien__thx MonkeyDust :) firts of all, are you french? it could make it easier :p18:23
MonkeyDustania________  ctrl alt f1 shows a command prompt, work from there18:23
MonkeyDustsebastien__  i speak french, but if you want french support, better go to #ubuntu-fr18:24
hitsujiTMOzteam: also ls -l /var/log/lightdm | pastebinit18:24
ania________Moneky ...i am using crt alt f1 shell now.....still18:24
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sebastien__ty MonkeyDust, i'm going there :) have a nice evening18:25
zteamhitsujiTMO, Well I was suffering from this issue http://www.webupd8.org/2013/01/ubuntu-lightdm-black-screen-when-using.html18:25
Aleksdem2<ania________> startx can't work?18:25
Greylocksania________: type "start"x on ctrl alt f1 no quotes18:26
Greylocksania________:  sorry "startx"18:26
ania________u dont get me18:26
ania________startx works perfect....18:26
hitsujiTMOania________: you know the way you're in ctrl+alt+f1 shell. can you go to ctrl+alt+f1 to get a shell? :P Bute really can you pastebin your ~/.xsession-errors18:27
ania________i can see desktop login screen see calendar choose ....between ubuntu 2d 3d classic but if you try to login it comes back to that screen dont go further18:27
zteamhitsujiTMO, but the suggested work-around didn't work for me. I atached this lines to /etc/init/lightdm.conf18:27
hitsujiTMOAleksdem2: Greylocks startx is NOT going to work when there's already xorg is already running18:27
zteamhitsujiTMO, stop on runlevel [016]18:28
zteamemits login-session-start18:28
zteamemits desktop-session-start18:28
zteamemits desktop-shutdown18:28
FloodBot1zteam: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:28
ania________hitjiuTMO where is located xsession-errors18:28
MonkeyDustania________  in ctrl alt f1, type    df -h     make sure no partition is 100% full, also get rid of obsolete kernels18:28
ania________df -h 69% use..18:29
zteamhitsujiTMO, However I had to remove that workaround, due to to some changes in LightDM (I think)18:29
hitsujiTMOania________: its in your home. just install pastebinit: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit ~/.xsession-errors                       and just paste the url it generates here18:29
zteamhitsujiTMO, Here is my Lightdm log by the way http://paste.ubuntu.com/6417161/18:30
hitsujiTMOzteam: ahh yeah I remeber that issue with lightdm and ssds. its actaully fixed in 13.1018:30
Zap-Wdoes anyone know a guide which shows how to get fonts to look almost as crisp as Microsoft or Mac OSX18:31
hitsujiTMO zteam: sudo pastebinit /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log && sudo pastebinit /var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log && sudo pastebinit /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log18:32
reisioZap-W: fonts look worse in Microsoft Windows18:32
hitsujiTMOZap-W: try changing your hinting to medium18:33
zteamhitsujiTMO, yes, they are fixed in Ubuntu 13.04 after some updates, I learned that the hard way, my  workaround screwed up Xorg really hard for me18:33
sa__i have extracted the blender.tar.bz2  and i can use blender now like other apps.  but how do i like...  fully install it?  As in google-chrome-stable had the .deb package and i installed it by opening with software center.  how do i install blender the same way?  fully18:33
ania________hi i have xsession-error readed18:33
Zap-WhitsujiTMO: that's it?18:33
zteamhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6417189/18:33
reisioania________: your nick is really tedious18:33
hitsujiTMOania________: make sure theres a . before xsession-errors18:33
ObrienDaveZap-W, I like hinting full for LCD screens18:33
zteamhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6417190/18:34
ania________i got it18:34
zteamhitsujiTMO,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6417191/18:34
ania________can i send it to you msg ?18:34
hitsujiTMOzap-w: thats the first step: theres a number of things you can tweak. but try that first18:34
hitsujiTMOania________: use pastebinit .... pastebinit ~/.xsession-errors18:35
minimalistthi folks , why is my 12.04 LTS booting with an orange screen .. i can never see the loading kernel thing ..18:35
minimalistti'm guessing it must be something with the graphical terminal setting18:35
zteamminimalistt, just press Escape, and u should see it18:35
minimalisttzteam,  ok ..  but I have disabled the splashscreen .. its not the splash screen ..18:36
minimalisttzteam, lemme check though18:36
dustinspringman13.10.... mini displayport connected to Vizio TV... worked on 12.04.. not any more..... odd thing is, I see the Viz 26" in "displays"...and I can pull windows over to it... just get no video...18:37
maujhsngvo How are you today!18:37
gvomaujhsn: Great, how about you?18:37
dustinspringmanonly thing I've found that might be an issue is xrandr is showing HDMI1 "connected" instead of DP1 (as it should be DP1 for displayport1)...18:37
minimalisttzteam,  dosent work :(18:37
maujhsngvo, I was doing great until about an hour ago!18:38
dustinspringmanany ideas on what I can do to make xrandr realize I'm not connected to HDMI1 and am actually plugged into DP1 ?18:38
gvomaujhsn: Sorry18:38
minimalisttzteam,  its not a major problem .. just bugs me not to see all the booting text\\18:38
hitsujiTMOzteam: lots of issues with the greeter. maybe try reinstalling lightdm and greeter. sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm18:39
jubaleIs eCrypt data from previous session automatically removed upon new session or are a bunch of sessions kept?18:39
maujhsngvo, i installed an upgraded version of NVIDIA drivers on my liveUSB, and have now lost the functionality of resizing open or active windows!18:39
minimalistti think its something to do with # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)18:40
ania________hitsuji unable to get EDID for outut, unable to get EDID for xrandr-lvds, error calling current status with signature on interface18:40
gvomaujhsn: That's not very nice.18:40
hitsujiTMOania________: can you pastebin the full .xsession-errors file18:40
minimalisttzteam,  i think its something to do with # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)18:40
minimalisttzteam, in /etgrub.conf18:41
ania________how to pastebin ;)18:41
gvomaujhsn: fall back to the previous version.18:41
maujhsngvo, So what i did was deactived the new drivers and reinstalled the old drivers but still don't have the old default functionality!18:41
zteamminimalistt, yes, there should be some setting for it there18:41
ania________im in ircii no access to desktop, or web18:41
minimalisttzteam, if i uncomment it though it throws an error18:41
hitsujiTMOania________: install pastebinit: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit ~/.xsession-errors18:42
maujhsngvo, Have you ever seen this issue?18:42
zykotick9minimalistt: i'd guess you mean /etc/default/grub zteam18:42
gvomaujhsn: No18:42
=== stupid is now known as p
maujhsngvo, Wow!18:42
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MonkeyDustania________  press ctrl alt F2, can you ping a website?18:42
zteamzykotick9, yes, it changed since grub 218:43
=== k is now known as stupid
zteamhitsujiTMO, reinstalled, I try to reboot a few times now18:43
utahconIs there an RSS feed/site where I can see all packages that are presented for update and details on what is being fixed in them?18:43
zteamhitsujiTMO, BRB :)18:43
minimalisttztane, zykotick9  it could be .. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="nomodeset"18:44
maujhsngvo, I can't believe how NVIDIA jerked me around!18:44
ania________got it paste.ubuntu.com/647122818:44
ania________sorry  paste.ubuntu.com/641722818:45
gvomaujhsn: It's not a perfect world.18:45
ania________sorry  paste.ubuntu.com/641722818:45
maujhsngvo, What the hot-key sequence to make a window active, while putting another window in the backround?18:46
gvomaujhsn: I don't know.  I haven't used the keys in a long time.18:47
padrinoI know this isn't strictly Ubuntu but I'm trying to run Ubuntu on my Laptop18:47
maujhsngvo, Ok!18:47
MonkeyDustpadrino  start from the beginning, what are you doing and what goes wrong18:48
padrinoI think my HDD is failed but I want to make sure, so I booted UltimateBootCD. From this list, which do I choose, I assume "HDD"? http://imgur.com/dRW4SRf18:48
padrinoAnd I'm trying to boot Ubuntu but it won't install to HDD and won't boot so I'm thinking it's a problem with HDD so I want to test it18:48
ania________maujiTMO  paste.ubuntu.com/641722818:49
minimalisttztane, zykotick9   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="nomodeset"   wont work :|18:49
padrinoYou know how I can test it?18:50
ania________can someonehelp with display problem.....system wont show me desktop....only loginscreen in hd, but wont acces to see directors desktop etc18:51
ania________dmesg: error interup source  ff000066 is not supported on this hardware return code 118:52
ania________error interuptsource ff000066  not suported on hardware reutrn 118:53
AnthonyUKis there a way to reset the interfaces file back to default, I didn't realize the change in procedure for a static ip for ubuntu 12.0418:54
AnthonyUKhence i used a old bookmark for a newer ubuntu18:54
padrinoI'm doing a GSmart thing I think18:54
padrinoidk really, just fucking about18:55
daftykinsAnthonyUK: there's no reason you can't set a static IP in there18:55
AnthonyUKits all messed up18:55
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daftykinsAnthonyUK: can you be more specific?18:55
minimalisttAnthonyUK, just delete the file and it should be regenerated with defaults i guess..18:55
AnthonyUKminimalistt: cool i will try that18:55
minimalisttAnthonyUK, take a backup though .. just in case18:56
AnthonyUKdaftykins: I changed the settings so many times i just ended up wiping it empty18:56
AnthonyUKbut when i wiped it the connection gui wouldn't even come up18:56
=== LitecoinTip is now known as padrino
AnthonyUKsorry lol18:57
AnthonyUKbrb il try deleting and rebooting18:57
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minimalisttAnthonyUK, incase it fails to regenerate , reconfigure the package .. dpkg reconfigure..18:57
daftykinsAnthonyUK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6417284/18:57
daftykinsAnthonyUK: something like that would be a decent starting point if what you do now fails18:58
daftykinsania________: do you know what graphics hardware you have? is this a laptop/desktop?18:59
zykotick9AnthonyUK: i don't think delete and rebooting will recreate it!19:00
rostamHi accidently I have removed part of a binary pkg installed on my system how can I recover it? thx19:01
reisiorostam: ask apt-file which package provides it19:01
reisiore-install that package19:02
daftykinssee i wanted to guess which it was19:02
zykotick9minimalistt: fyi, there is no package for interfaces!  "dpkg -S /etc/network/interfaces" it gets put there during the install.19:03
rostamthe pkg is linux-image-3.8.0-29-generic19:03
minimalisttzykotick9, aww19:03
utusanrostam: just re-install it19:03
daftykinsrostam: apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-3.8.0-29-generic19:03
rostamthank you19:04
utusanrostam: but if you removed it by un-installing it won't work re-installing19:04
sa__how do i install blender, is there a way other than extracting the tar.bz2?  that way doesn't show blender in the launcher or lock to launcher19:04
daftykinssa__: have you confirmed it's not an available package to install via the software centre / apt?19:05
Nach0zsudo apt-get install blender19:05
rosco_yDoes anyone know how to install libportaudio, I'm trying to compile some sources, and the makefile is complaining that: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lportaudio"19:06
padrinoCan anyone tell me what this means?http://i.imgur.com/fdWm8JP.png19:07
daftykinsrosco_y: apt-cache search lportaudio? :)19:07
sa__daftykins,  Nach0z the software center offers version 2.62, the tar.bz2 from the website is version 2.69 which works way better, for some reason, 2.62 has bugs and crashes19:07
rosco_ydaftykins: ty, I didn't think of that :(doh)19:08
sa__any way to have the newest version installed the way software center does?  or can i only ever use the executable if i want to use 2.6919:08
daftykinssa__: look into finding 2.69 on an APT repo instead perhaps - it'd keep it up to date better than a manual installation19:08
utusanpadrino: hardly legible19:08
sa__daftykins, is that through synaptic package manager?  or ubuntu software center?19:08
rosco_yfound it, thank you daftykins!19:09
daftykinssa__: both technically19:09
SamuelSFI'm having difficulty getting VMware playing running in Ubuntu 13.10.  It tells me that I need Kernel headers 3.8.0-31-generic.  But when I run the terminal command    sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname - r)    it tells me that "Package linux-headers-3.8.0-31 is not available, but is referred to by another package."19:09
daftykinsrosco_y: :)19:09
SamuelSF*VMware Player19:09
padrinoutusan I'll take another pic19:09
daftykinspadrino: yeah thatimage is terrible - do you suspect this hard disk is faulty?19:09
padrinodaftykins that my initial thoughts, yes19:10
daftykinsSamuelSF: can you paste the single line output of "uname -r" please19:10
utusanSamuelSF: linux-headers-3.8.0-31-generic is the right name19:10
padrinohere's new image, a little better: http://i.imgur.com/xhrq24i.png19:10
daftykinspadrino: could you look at Disk Utility instead? that should report better status19:10
sa__daftykins, thanks19:11
SamuelSFYou want me to run uname -r and paste the output?19:11
daftykinspadrino: hrmm those errors are a little vague, can you run the standard disk utility or perhaps run smartctl in a terminal?19:11
daftykinsSamuelSF: es19:11
utusanpadrino: you might see/try fsck -f /dev/sd??19:11
Nach0zsa__: you might be able to find a .deb package19:12
daftykinsSamuelSF: apt-get install linux-headers-3.8.0-31-generic ?19:12
SamuelSFshould I run that as sudo?19:12
padrinoOn "identity" page it says "Overall Health Self-Assesment Test: PASSED"19:12
padrinoAnd what do you want me to do to make it more specific as to what the errors are?19:13
daftykinspadrino: run some SMART utilities that i'm familiar with, i don't recognise that one19:13
padrinodaftykins care to name any? First time I've ever used this so not too familiar with it19:13
padrinoI'm using Parted Magic btw19:13
daftykinspadrino: is that a live distro?19:13
SamuelSF Package 'linux-headers-3.8.0-31-generic' has no installation candidate19:14
padrinodaftykins yeah19:14
daftykinsSamuelSF: can you run "sudo apt-get update" then pastebin "apt-cache search linux-headers-3.8.0" ?19:14
daftykinspadrino: ah - open a terminal and see if 'smartctl' is installed19:15
daftykinspadrino: typically 'smartctl -i /dev/sda'19:15
daftykinshmm, maybe -a actually19:15
padrinoI have GSmartControl19:16
SamuelSFdaftykins: "apt-cache search linux-headers-3.8.0" does not produce any output19:16
daftykinsSamuelSF: ah - that's not good then. perhaps look up how to install headers for your specific version (ubuntu version)19:17
kiwi_hi folks, i need to download the 12.04 lts 64 bit boot image . any idea how can speed up the download?19:17
kiwi_any particular fast mirrors?19:17
kostkonkiwi_, the one closest to you?19:17
SamuelSFdaftykins, where do I look up my specific version?19:18
densus_88exec,    what the program name for fix bad sectors19:18
paulus68kiwi_: use torrents19:18
daftykinsSamuelSF: cat /etc/issue19:18
kiwi_paulus68, ok .. is there a trustworthy resource for torrents?19:19
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P19:19
ubottuSaucy can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/saucy/desktop/ubuntu-13.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/saucy/server/ubuntu-13.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696919:19
sa__daftykins, having a hard time finding, how do i find it exactly/?  ;<  sorry19:19
OerHekskiwi_, http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/19:20
padrinoIf it passed the basic health check on GSmartControl does that mean it could be a problem with the RAM and not the internal HDD? http://i.imgur.com/EFxwKdH.png19:20
kiwi_OerHeks, thank you19:20
OerHeksoh thanks zykotick9, never knew the difference torrent <> torrents19:20
zykotick9OerHeks: ;)19:20
daftykinssa__: i googled "ubuntu blender repo" and found this as a choice:19:21
daftykins19:19 < OerHeks> kiwi_, http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/19:21
daftykinssa__: i googled "ubuntu blender repo" and found this as a choice: http://askubuntu.com/questions/169542/how-do-i-install-the-latest-blender-3d-builds-from-a-ppa19:21
electrosaveSalve a tutti19:23
kiwi_OerHeks, download in progress, thanks again19:24
ubottuelectrosave: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:24
OerHekskiwi_, have fun19:24
electrosaveok grazie19:24
zteamhitsujiTMO, seems to be working better after reinstalling LightDM, I still getting the error, but it seems to happen more rarlerly now19:24
battlehola tios19:24
ubottubattle: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:24
gartralhello all, I need a softphone app that I can set a custom ring tone for a specific contact with19:24
PiciSalve: 'salve' is hello is Italian.19:24
hitsujiTMOzteam: i'd also try the greeter: dpkg --get-selections | grep greeter                                    that should get you the name of the greeter package19:25
reisioSalve: ikr19:25
sa__daftykins, gotcha, was looking in ubuntu software center and synaptic... x-x  thanks a bunch19:25
battleok tratare de hablar ingles xD19:25
Salvereisio: thats why I love ya19:26
battlesome particular topic19:26
zteamhitsujiTMO, it says unity-greeter, I try to reinstalll that one as well :-)19:26
battlei'm programmer amateur19:26
battlerenebarbosa you are from?19:27
xanguabattle: the topic here is ubuntu support, do you have an ubuntu support question¿ for chat there is #ubuntu-offtopic19:28
battlethanks xangua19:29
zteamhitsujiTMO, I will test to reboot some more, later, thank you so much for all your help, I really value it :-)19:29
hitsujiTMOzteam: np19:29
reisioSalve: te19:29
zteamhitsujiTMO, :-)19:29
battlehave question.. how do edit video professional in ubuntu?19:30
reisiobattle: professional?19:30
kiwi_ubottu, thanks to you, too19:31
ubottukiwi_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:31
kiwi_nice bot19:31
kiwi_turing bot19:31
AnthonyUKminimalistt and zykotick9: unfotunately a deleting the file and rebooting didn't work19:32
newbie_87Dhow ! i just downloaded a theme package. how to install  it without using the ubuntu tweak19:32
AnthonyUKdaftykins: cheers for the pastebin it i put it in, then the icon came up and when I selected auto it got the connection back up,19:32
lesshasteis it really possible that http://nystateofhealth.ny.gov/ is STILL down?!19:33
AnthonyUKthanks to all for help on getting my ethernet port back up, il make a back up copy next time,19:33
lesshaste(sorry... OT)19:33
AnthonyUKnow anyone have a better link to doing a static ip by command line?19:33
xanguanewbie_87D: if its a grtk them, extract it in ~/.themes if it's an icon then on ~/.icons19:34
reisiolesshaste: was up for me when I was there a moment ago19:34
reisioI don't live in NY, though :p19:35
lesshastereisio, really? I mean can you actually follow that link??19:36
lesshastereisio, or did you use a different url?19:36
lesshastereisio, it has been down for me for weeks19:36
newbie_87Dxangua:  i did ! but when i open the 'apparence " tool  i don't get the them in the themes list to enable em19:36
xanguanewbie_87D: use ubuntu tweak or unity tweak tools to set themes19:37
newbie_87Dxangua: unity tweak?19:38
MonkeyDust!info unity-tweak-tool19:42
ubottuunity-tweak-tool (source: unity-tweak-tool): configuration tool for the Unity desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.6 (saucy), package size 542 kB, installed size 2549 kB19:42
SemajnadHow can you allow a user to log-into SSH after chrooting them?19:50
SemajnadFor me putty just closes when I try to login19:50
Richhhtrying to install lubuntu, optical drive or its connection seems faulty, giving read errors, bios has options for USB boot devices (USB-FDD, USB-ZIP, USB-HDD, USB-CDROM) but doesnt seem to recognise the bootable USB, running out of options, perhaps I could upgrade my bios to support usb booting?19:51
Richhh(been trying to install lubuntu on this old pc now for about 2 weeks)19:52
ObrienDaveUSB-HDD should work19:53
MonkeyDustRichhh  any error message?19:53
Richhhno error, tried all ports, just nothing, goes straight to next device19:54
Richhhill double check19:55
Richhhok with usb-hdd it gives invalid system disc, looks ok from this computer19:57
Richhhmade with UNetbootin19:58
ObrienDavecould be the burn, did you check MD5 on the DL?19:58
Richhhthink so will check again19:58
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sventonhi all, du you know if there are any desktop environment for Ubuntu based on web technologies ? Like FirefoxOS ?20:00
aze_sventon: joli-os or so20:01
lucenutHey guys. I just installed Mint Cinnamon on a Del XPS M1330 laptop. It's friggin sweet! But I can't get the wireless working.20:02
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:02
Richhhmd5sum is correct20:03
Lzrbeakhi, sorry if this has been asked a million times, but when will the ubuntu phones be coming out? i can't seem to find a real answer.20:03
lucenutThere's a switch on the laptop, when I turn wifi off, and am looking at the Networking utility that turns Airline mode on.20:03
zetherooUbuntu 13.04 here ... updates were in process and it ground to a halt with the updating of Flash ... had to reboot to get the system update tool to close ... now all browsers are acting like flash player is no longer installed!20:03
xangua!touch | Lzrbeak20:03
ubottuLzrbeak: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch20:03
Lzrbeakxangua: thx20:03
ObrienDaveRichhh, try a re-burn20:03
Richhhits a usb pen drive btw, but ok20:04
ObrienDaveoh yes, you did mention unetbootin. *hangs head*20:05
sventonasz_: yes, something like joli. I tried that one out but then it turns out it's not open source! so = "Significant Other" or are there a os called so ?20:05
zetherooinstalling "flashplugin-installer" comes to a grinding halt at: "flashplugin-installer: downloading http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.327.orig.tar.gz"20:06
zetherooit just sits there20:06
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Richhhpossible that the usb filesystem is incompatible, its made from windows 820:07
ObrienDavepossible, should be fat32 now20:07
ObrienDaveafter unetbootin20:08
SemajnadIf I have a user called admntekkit01 in a group called tekkit01 running an executable, how can I make it so any files created by the executable have read and write permissions for the tekkit01 group?20:08
apofisubottu: try to find model fo you wifi card and use google ;) Mint should sue same kernel like Ubuntu LTS20:08
ubottuapofis: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:08
Richhhits fat32 indeed20:09
apofislucenut: try to find model fo you wifi card and use google ;) Mint should sue same kernel like Ubuntu LTS ; ubottu: sorry :D20:09
cynicistRichhh: Use 'df -h' to find the usb drive location (ex /dev/sdX) and then use 'sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/path/to/usb'20:09
=== Mars is now known as Guest5307
kiwi_i'm going to make a 'virgin' install to my new laptop. it's going to be either 12.04 or 13.10 ubuntu-gnome (using gnome classic anyway). that new laptop has a broadcom wireless chipset, btw. what ubuntu version would you suggest?20:10
cynicistRichhh: I've had trouble with gui disk creators in the past but dd works great20:10
zetherooAnyone else having issues with Flash updating?20:10
ObrienDavenever had a problem with unetbootin20:11
debasisi am very new to ubuntu20:11
hggdhcynicist: ideally the USB filesystem should not be mounted, so 'df -h' would not show it (or it should be umounted before using dd)20:11
debasisCan any one help me..plz20:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:12
ubottudebasis: please see above20:12
SemajnadIf I have a user called admntekkit01 in a group called tekkit01 running an executable, how can I make it so any files created by the executable have read and write permissions for the tekkit01 group?20:12
cynicisthggdh: true, I forgot to mention the unmounting20:13
debasispaulus68...what i have to do?20:13
ObrienDaveask the question20:14
ubottudebasis, please see my private message20:14
cynicistRichhh: before using dd start the 'disks' utility and unmount anything automounted20:14
cynicistRichhh: on your usb drive20:15
sventonI want to be able to build a desktop application directly in node.js but without Gnome or any other desktop environments. Can you give me some hints where to start ?20:15
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: look up setgid and setuid20:16
darkx239hi im new to xubuntu what should i do first20:16
ObrienDavewhat would you like to do?20:17
darkx239im just looking for some tips20:17
jmgkdebasis:  ask here :)20:17
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ObrienDavedarkx239, well, that would cover about a MILLION things, pick one20:18
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cynicistkiwi_: I recommend the latest for the best hardware support20:19
buuDoes apt keep any kind of log file for install/remove commands?20:19
zetherooinstalling "flashplugin-installer" comes to a grinding halt at: "flashplugin-installer: downloading http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.327.orig.tar.gz"20:20
zetherooit just sits there20:20
Richhhcynicist i only have cygwin on this pc, tried dd and got opening '/cygddrive/f': Is a directory20:20
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: Would that make files created by an executable have read and write permissions on them?20:20
cynicistRichhh sorry about that, the commands I posted can't be used under windows20:21
kostkonzetheroo, close the updater, in terminal, give:  sudo apt-get clean and then sudo apt-get upgrade20:21
reisiolesshaste: really, wfm20:22
UrielVigilantI removed and purged gnustep, but when i reboot Ubuntu 13.10 or terminate , it appear on the black screen something refering: disconecting from GNUSTEP... why ?20:22
reisiobut I'm in FL20:22
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: permissions will be defined by the umask of the person who executed the executable (unless specifically overwritten by the executable)20:22
lesshastereisio, are you in the US?20:22
zetheroo kostkon: it's synaptic package manager .. and it's not closing20:22
reisiolesshaste: yup20:22
kostkonzetheroo, hmm20:22
zetheroo kostkon: the close button is unreponsive20:22
lesshastereisio, could it be geolocated? I am not in the US currently20:22
lesshastereisio, I get "You don't have permission to access "http://nystateofhealth.ny.gov/" on this server."20:23
zetheroo kostkon: should I use system monitor to kill it?20:23
reisiolesshaste: that's conceivable20:23
reisiolesshaste: http://isup.me/nystateofhealth.ny.gov20:23
reisioit would be daft, but it's conceivable20:23
UrielVigilantI removed and purged gnustep, but when i reboot Ubuntu 13.10 or terminate , it appear on the black screen something refering: disconecting from GNUSTEP... why ? What can i do to put all back again20:23
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: Can i use the base umask command do this20:24
lesshastereisio, well it is up in some sense.. what does is.up test?20:24
lesshastecan everyone here please try http://nystateofhealth.ny.gov/ ? :)20:24
* lesshaste realises this is very cheeky20:24
kostkonzetheroo, if it is stuck downloading the packages it's safe to kill it, if it has started to install pacakges not so much20:24
zetherooseems to just be at the downloading part20:24
zetherookilled it20:24
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: So when I type umask in my MCMA folder, it says 0022, how can I make it so whenever a file gets created it gets 775 permissions?20:25
DJoneslesshaste: Its somewhat offtopic for #ubuntu but try megaproxy.com and then go to the website20:25
sammiHi all. Installing openstack havana release on ubuntu server 13.10. Do you know where I can find proper documentation on this ?20:25
lesshasteDJones, thanks20:25
hitsujiTMOSemajnad umask 000220:25
bgardnerlesshaste: Works here20:25
DJoneslesshaste: Thats just worked for me while without the proxy it didn't20:25
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: What does that do?20:25
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: what os are you using?20:25
lesshastebgardner, thanks20:25
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: Ubuntu 13.1020:25
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: are you running as root right now?20:25
lesshasteDJones, interesting!!! Which country?20:25
lesshastebgardner, which country?20:25
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: Yes20:25
lesshastebgardner, aha.. it is geolocated to the US!!20:26
lesshastethat is so stupid20:26
zetherookostkon: this is what's going on in the terminal :  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6417747/20:26
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: the umask for users other than root is 0002 ... the umask for root is 002220:26
zetherookostkon: and it will sit there indefinitely ..20:26
lesshastereisio, oh well :)20:27
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: if your umask is 0002 when a folder gets created its permissions are 775 and a file get permissions 66420:27
Richhhtrying usb creator instead now20:27
kostkonzetheroo, try again later, maybe the server is down or smthing.  do a sudo apt-get clean before attempting it again20:27
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: So if I do that command in a directory, it will only apply to that directory>?20:27
zetherookostkon: but the download link works perfectly when done through the browser ..20:27
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hitsujiTMOSemajnad: which command exactly?20:28
kostkonzetheroo, hmm20:28
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: umask 000220:28
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: NO20:28
kostkonzetheroo, ps -A | grep apt  does it give an output of more than 1 line?20:28
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: umask is get for that session20:29
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: set20:29
bgardnerlesshaste: Works here20:29
bgardnermt, sorry20:29
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: this is one of the many reasons why you should NEVER be running as root20:29
lesshastebgardner, right.. you are in the US20:29
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: I'm so confused :P So if the executable is ran by a user called admntekkit01 in the group tekkit01, what would I do to make any files created by that executable be in the group tekkit01 and have group r+w permissions?20:29
lesshastebgardner, it seems to be geolocated to the US which is crazy20:30
bgardnerlesshaste: Yeah, cat-on-keyboard hit my history for that comment.  Didn't mean to repeat.20:30
lesshastebgardner, no problem20:30
zetherookostkon: just one line " 6907 pts/4    00:00:00 apt-get"20:30
kostkonzetheroo, is that the one already running? kill it and try again maybe20:31
reisiolesshaste: as we all know, nobody who is a resident of New York state ever leaves _and_ cares about health insurance20:31
zetherookostkon: I am doing apt-get update ...20:31
lesshastereisio, a very good point :)20:31
kostkonzetheroo, ok20:31
lesshastereisio, or is ever for example abroad20:31
lesshastereisio, it's just such a weird way to report the blocking too20:32
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: you need to chmod g+ws and chown root:tekkit01 the parent folder       then anyone in that group that creates a file in there (or runs an app that creates a file in there with create the file with tekkkit01 group ownership so what anyone else in that group will be able to edit or delete that file20:32
hwildehello is anyone familiar with .ssh/config using ProxyCommand and nc  to do multiple hops?20:32
buuOh god help, my sound cards have disappared20:32
nisstyrebuu: reboot20:33
buunisstyre: I've rebooted 3-4 times now20:33
nisstyrebuu: what did you do that caused this?20:33
zetherooapt-get update is verrrrry slow for me ... especially the archive and security repos20:33
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SemajnadhitsujiTMO: And that counts for files created by an executable ran by a user of the group tekkit01?20:33
buunisstyre: I'm really not sure, the only thing that comes to mind is installing the xubuntu-restricted-extras20:33
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: yes20:33
nisstyrebuu: have you looked at the output of lspci and dmesg?20:33
cynicistzetheroo: it's not just you, I just started a reinstall of that from the terminal and it's stuck at the same place20:33
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: So can you quickly explain wat g+ws means?20:34
zetheroocynicist: flash?20:34
buunisstyre: lspci shows sound cards..20:34
nisstyrebuu: then you still have them20:34
nisstyrebuu: is your problem with managing them?20:34
buunisstyre: My problem is playing sound out of them, heh20:34
hitsujiTMOg+w = group writable. g+s = setgid    read this for an explanation on setgid http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setuid20:35
buunisstyre: aplay -L doesn't show them20:35
cynicistzetheroo: yeah, although I guess it was busy dling because it just successfully completed20:35
buuIs the thing20:35
zetheroocynicist: ok ... maybe my mirror is rubbish20:35
nisstyrebuu: lsmod | grep ^snd20:36
nisstyresee if the correct kernel modules are getting loaded20:36
nisstyrethat's why I suggested rebooting btw20:36
SemajnadhitsujiTMO:  I just ran the executable and a new file created only had -rw-r--r--20:36
buunisstyre: There's a bunch getting loaded20:36
cynicistzetheroo: may want to try 'apt-get install flashplugin-installer' and see what the output is20:36
nisstyrebuu: any that correspond to the soundcard you're trying to play sound from?20:36
zetheroocynicist:  paste.ubuntu.com/6417747/20:37
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: That's because you are root. you should not be using root! the umask for users other than root is 0002 ... the umask for root is 002220:37
buunisstyre: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6417793/20:37
nisstyrebuu: for example on my machine I have an Intel sound card and it loads a bunch of snd_hda modules20:37
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: I'm not running the executable as root, it's ran by admntekkit0120:37
buunisstyre: I don't know which modules correspond to which card20:37
zetheroocynicist: how long did it take to download for you?20:37
cynicistzetheroo: yeah I had the same, and it seemed to be stuck but suddenly it completed20:38
buunisstyre: But if you look at the aplay output, I should have the alsa defaults, the intel card and a bunch of nvidia devices20:38
buunisstyre: And I did like an hour ago =]20:38
nisstyrebuu: are you sure the program you're trying to play sound with is configured to use that soundcard?20:38
zetheroocynicist: really odd because if you use that link via a browser the download is over in 5 seconds ...20:38
cynicistzetheroo: my output http://paste.ubuntu.com/6417800/20:39
buunisstyre: Dude look at the paste20:39
nisstyrebuu: that doesn't tell me20:39
nisstyreare you using aplay to play sound?20:39
cynicistzetheroo: it took maybe 20 seconds20:39
buuaplay doesn't produce sound and DOESN'T SEE THE SOUND CARDS.20:39
zetheroocynicist: ok, well mine has been sitting there for over a minute for sure20:39
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: how did you run it is asmntekkit01 exactly?20:40
buuHow could I configure anything to use a sound card if aplay doesn't see it?20:40
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: sudo -u ?20:40
zetheroocan't I just use apt-get to install the downloaded package?20:40
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: No, I gave admntekkit01 rwx permissions on the folder and content and ran it with ./MCMA_x86_6420:41
BluesKajBoomerBile. what chip does alsamixer show ?20:41
BluesKajoops buu20:41
nisstyrebuu: what does aplay -l output? (lowercase l)20:41
kostkonzetheroo, dpkg -i flashxxx.deb20:41
cynicistzetheroo: no because it isn't a deb file20:41
kostkonzetheroo, eer with sudo obviously20:41
zetheroooh right20:41
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: as root you typed ./MCMA_x86_64 ?20:42
buunisstyre: just card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]20:42
BluesKajbuu. I'll repeat, what chip does alsamixer show ?20:42
cynicistzetheroo: you can extract it and copy it to /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so20:42
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zetheroohere is the full output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6417819/20:42
buuBluesKaj: The only thing alsamixer shows me is a single device for Chip: Nvidia GPU 14 HDMI/DP20:42
buu(Nvidia HDMI/DP should have 4 devices)20:42
buu(And the intel device)20:42
nisstyrebuu: you're saying you have two soundcards right?20:43
Richhhagain, invalid system disc20:43
cynicistzetheroo: oh that is fixable, 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure update-notifier-common'20:43
SemajnadNo hitsujiTMO , as admntekkit01 I did that.20:43
nisstyrebecause I only see the nvidia one20:43
cynicistzetheroo: then try it again20:43
buunisstyre: I have onboard intel chip + nvidia hdmi card20:43
zetheroozeth@zeth-ThinkPad-R61:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure update-notifier-common20:44
zetheroo/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: update-notifier-common is broken or not fully installed20:44
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: how did you login as admntekkit01?20:44
buuAnd the nvidia card should have 4+ devices available20:44
nisstyrebuu: there could be an issue with the card itself20:44
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: through SSH why?20:44
nisstyrebuu: or some kernel module isn't getting loaded20:44
nisstyreor there's a bug that's preventing it from getting detected20:44
cynicistzetheroo: try apt-get install --reinstall update-notifier-common20:44
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: if that's the case then MCMA_x86_64 is specifying it's own permissions20:44
BluesKajbuu. sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel , then reboot20:45
Richhhguess im just gonna have to exhaust every option on this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick20:45
nisstyreBluesKaj: he has that module loaded20:45
nisstyreBluesKaj: and he rebooted20:45
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: that you don't have control over20:45
Richhhthen call it a day if it still hasnt worked20:45
buuBluesKaj: Uh how would modprobe + reboot do anything?20:45
zetherooE: Internal Error, No file name for update-notifier-common:amd6420:45
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: Why, MCMA creates files with default permissions -rw-r--r--20:45
nisstyrebuu: you might have a busted soundcard20:45
buuboth cards suddenly busted?20:46
cynicistzetheroo: if that doesn't work you can fix it in synaptic, Edit > Fix broken packages20:46
{-r-}apt-get install --reinstall update-notifier-common works it just worked for me20:46
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: because the person who wrote it thought it was a good idea20:46
BluesKajload the driver , it's a common intel bug , buu20:46
nisstyrebuu: well you're not connecting your audio equipment to the nvidia one are you?20:46
buunisstyre: I am20:46
zetheroocynicist: ok will try that20:46
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: No I'm saying it creates filers with default permissions, so surely it's not creating the perms itself.20:46
nisstyrebuu: then you might have two separate but related issues20:46
cynicistzetheroo: I don't know the equivalent apt command unfortunately20:46
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: it can create files with whatever permissions it wants20:46
nisstyrebuu: if the intel card is not getting detected at all then I suspect a hardware problem20:47
BluesKajbuu. , but you can acarry on trying other things if you wish , it's your call20:47
nisstyrebuu: if the nvidia one IS getting detected then the hardware is probably fine20:47
nisstyrebut there is some other issue preventing sound from working20:47
buunisstyre: The nvidia one *isn't* getting properly detected20:47
BluesKajtoo many cooks anyway20:47
nisstyrebuu: by "detected" I mean showing up when you do aplay -l20:47
bergahey haven't installed ubuntu in a long while and I feel I must praise the new installer (as of 12.04) - really love how streamlined everything is20:47
nisstyrebuu: also you never pasted the output of lspci, does the intel one show up there?20:47
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: http://www.bashguru.com/2010/03/creating-user-group-and-shared.html that looks promising20:48
bergaso <220:48
bergai spell like someone on valium20:48
bergaso apologies20:48
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: that link is exactly what i told you already20:48
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: from the user admntekkit01 what is the output of: umask20:49
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bergado you have a !rules macro for this channel? don't want to spam irrelevance and get banned?20:50
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:51
buunisstyre: Yes they both show up in lspci20:51
bergathank you20:51
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nisstyrebuu: then I'm blaming ALSA and/or aplay20:52
cynicistberga: yeah it is still the best installer imo, especially after recently trying the new fedora installer and nearly tearing my hair out20:52
bergacynicist, havent tried fedora since about 200220:52
bergai think20:52
bergaas a long time windows user I can't understand why they don't start installing while you're inputting localization settings and username20:53
bergajust makes everything feel faster20:53
nisstyrebuu: I guess purging alsa and reinstalling it might help20:53
nisstyrebuu: btw, is the intel card a surround sound card?20:54
nisstyrebuu: alsa is known to be pretty buggy with surround sound cards, particularly with things like dmix20:55
bergaalso love that clean map thing where you select your timezone20:56
BluesKajmodprobe and reboot should fix the kernel module loading , buu , I'm serious20:56
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: 002220:56
buuBluesKaj: A) I already tried it B) rebooting wipes out any modprobe20:56
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: and you ssh'd in as admntekkit01?20:56
nisstyreBluesKaj: I don't believe it would, since kernel modules get reloaded on every reboot20:56
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SemajnadhitsujiTMO: yes20:57
morbidickHi, has anyone here experimented with displaylink setups?20:57
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: then you've changed the default umask20:58
morbidicki got the green screen working but from there on nothing else :/20:58
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: where did you change it?20:59
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SemajnadhitsujiTMO: I don't know, how can I change it back?21:00
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: Is that specific to just that user then?21:00
buuIf I boot ubuntu from a livecd it finds all my sound cards.21:01
buuBoy that's annoying.21:01
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: depends on where you've changed it. there's about 500 different ways you can change the default umask21:01
nisstyrebuu: which is evidence that your alsa install is the problem21:01
buunisstyre: Yeah..21:01
buuI'm unsure how to reinstall it though?21:01
DanatohitsujiTMO,  is it possible to restore ubuntu's default drivers?21:01
nisstyrebuu: purge it21:01
nisstyrethat will delete all configs and stuff21:02
nisstyreand then reinstalling it will create fresh ones21:02
hitsujiTMODanato: drivers for what?21:02
buujust purge alsa?21:02
BluesKajnisstyre. well, it usualy works, but if the ctrls arent setup correctly and pavucontrol outputs aren't set , then whether the kernel module loads or not is immaterial21:02
buuWhich specific package21:02
nisstyreI can't remember offhand and I'm on an Arch machine atm21:02
hitsujiTMODanato: for graffics?21:02
DanatohitsujiTMO, I need my power management back,  and graphics started acting weird, like the transparency of my terminal is gone21:03
cm-thi, I am looking for an ubuntu themed template for libreOffice impress ( something more updated than http://spreadubuntu.org/en/material/presentation/ubuntu-new-template please)21:04
DanatohitsujiTMO, maybe it only affects the graphics21:04
hitsujiTMODanato: if its graphics drivers then removing the proprietary driver brings it back to the original21:04
zetheroonothing I do is getting this flashplugin-installer installed ...21:05
cynicistDanato: which driver do you want to restore? Is it for amd/ati graphics?21:05
Danatocynicist, intel and nvidia21:05
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DanatohitsujiTMO, i ddnt have a proprietary driver till a moment ago, when i installed Nvidia drivers but it ddnt solve anything21:06
hitsujiTMODanato: what way did you install it? through apt-get ?21:07
DanatohitsujiTMO, i went to nvidia's website and downloaded the driver for my card21:07
cynicistzetheroo: the problem is update-notifier-common, it's a dependency of flashplugin-installer21:07
hitsujiTMODanato: ahhh ... not sure how to remove that then. there should be instructions with the download21:08
DanatohitsujiTMO, the problem is that earlier i removed and purged the power management (big mistake) and i cant get it back21:08
cynicistzetheroo: did you try apt-get -f update-notifier-common?21:09
hitsujiTMODanato: can you pastebin the output of: dpkg --get-selections21:09
zetherooE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.21:09
Danatocynicist, E: Invalid operation update-notifier-common21:09
hitsujiTMOzetheroo: run: sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo dpkg --configure -a21:10
cynicistzetheroo: run that :)21:10
zetherooso then I do "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and then get stuck at the flashplugin-installer issue again21:11
cm-thi, I am looking for an ubuntu themed Template for LibreOffice Impress ( something more updated than http://spreadubuntu.org/en/material/presentation/ubuntu-new-template please)21:11
DanatohitsujiTMO, thats a huge list, the terminal cant show it all21:11
hitsujiTMODanato: use pastebinit21:11
cynicistzetheroo: do sudo apt-get purge update-notifier-common && sudo apt-get install update-notifier-common21:12
MonkeyDustcm-t  in the libreoffice channel maybe?21:12
DanatohitsujiTMO, I cant select the text21:12
hitsujiTMODanato: sudo apt-get install pastebinit21:12
hitsujiTMODanato: then: dpkg --get-selections | pastebinit21:12
cm-tMonkeyDust: i'm trying now21:12
zetherooy or n ? :)21:13
cynicistzetheroo: yes and then reinstall those packages21:13
hitsujiTMOzetheroo: all you have to do is run: sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo dpkg --configure -a21:14
DanatohitsujiTMO, Traceback (most recent call last):21:14
Danato  File "/usr/bin/pastebinit", line 43, in <module>21:14
Danato    import configobj21:14
DanatoImportError: No module named configobj21:14
Enginwhat is the recommended web server for ubuntu nowadays? still apache? I need to run PHP on it. apache2-mpm-prefork (default) is vulnerable to fork bombs, apcahe2-mpm-[event|worker] requires PHP CGI at least. So I think it is ugly.21:15
reisioEngin: nginx21:15
reisiobut PHP isn't recommended :p21:15
hitsujiTMODanato: hmm. i guess your setup has gotten into a very mess state21:15
reisioPHP is just plain vulnerable21:15
Enginphp is shit yes but it is required for now so...21:15
hitsujiTMOreisio: php isn't vulnerable, just all the apps written for it :P21:16
MonkeyDustlike android ;-)21:16
reisiohitsujiTMO: it's both21:16
reisioEngin: cgi is good21:16
hitsujiTMODanato: try this: dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall21:18
hitsujiTMODanato: should be a much shorter list21:18
kiwi_are there any reasons for using 32 bit instead 64 bit on recent systems (i3 and above)?21:18
reisiokiwi_: none21:18
DanatohitsujiTMO, is there some kind of system restore? I really wouldnt mind, i have nothing important here. The most important thing is the script that you made so i could login with backlight21:18
hitsujiTMOkiwi: lack of ram is the only reason21:18
kiwi_ok, thx21:18
cynicistkiwi_: no21:18
* reisio headdesks21:19
kiwi_reisio, i havent dealt with hardware issues for a long time. i was happy with my t61 thinkpad until today21:19
* BoomerBile helps reisio headdesk a few more times21:19
reisioBoomerBile: you, friend21:20
BoomerBilesup reisio21:20
BoomerBilei'm peeking around another window saw you headdesk21:20
kiwi_cynicist. ok21:20
hitsujiTMOkiwi_: theres a small extra overhead cost in ram for 64bit over 32bit so if you're extremely tight on ram, 32bit can save you a small amount BUT at a cost of reduced processing speed.21:21
DanatohitsujiTMO, http://pastebin.com/tiMQfKyi21:21
KamuelahitsujiTMO: Ended up reinstalling Windows 8.1, choosing a smaller partition, then live CD gparted to move my linux partitions up and resize, now i'm having grub issues big time21:22
kiwi_hitsujiTMO, alright ... ram is no prob21:22
kiwi_hitsujiTMO, alright ... 4 gb is far enough, i guess21:22
KamuelahitsujiTMO: grub now enters rescue mode, and i can't seem to figure out how to fix it21:22
cynicistKamuela: http://askubuntu.com/questions/145241/how-do-i-run-update-grub-from-a-livecd21:23
bergaHmm, question: been installing 12.04 in a virtualbox and everything went really quick and smooth for awhile, but it seems to have stopped at ...maybe 80-85% for awhile.. is this normal?21:23
morbidickhi, is there any possibility to install xserver-xorg-video-displaylink without compiling it from source in 13.10?21:23
bergamy virtual hdd is 32 gigs21:23
berga512 ram21:24
hitsujiTMOkiwi_: when i said tight i meant like <512MB tight. you're not gonna notice the ram usage difference with 4gb, but you might notice the speed difference so yeah, defo 64bit :p21:24
bergaand its 32 bit21:24
hitsujiTMODanato: try installing gnome-power-manager to get your power manager back21:25
Kamuelacynicist: my boot directory isn't empty, but there are no mod files in it. just fonts/grubenv/etc21:26
kiwi_i'm thinking about installing virtualbox for installing twice ubuntu, one for normal tasks and one for 'high security' task.  what performancecost do i have to expect, running two ubuntus simultanously?21:26
bergaI'm no expert but have some extra cores and ram21:26
DanatohitsujiTMO, thats great! but i guess i should reboot21:27
Kamuelacynicist: I think I figured it out, I'll brb either with more problems or with news of success21:27
zetherooafter everything this is still as far as I get:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6418023/21:27
hitsujiTMOKamuela: boot the live cd and try this https://www.google.ie/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCwQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ubuntu.com%2Fcommunity%2FBoot-Repair&ei=LUCFUtDcIvKw7Aau84GQBg&usg=AFQjCNF2vJ-XPgGloXrPuZess9mOE6ou2A&bvm=bv.56343320,d.ZGU21:27
cynicistKamuela: you have to update grub since you changed stuff related to your partitions21:28
cynicistzetheroo: that's good, you no longer have that error at least21:28
zetheroocynicist: yeah - but it just sits there ... back to square one21:29
zetherooif I do CTRL-C I will get the same error as before ...21:29
cynicistzetheroo: yeah just give it some time, if it doesn't work you can always install flash manually at least21:30
kiwi_berga, whats your opinion about virtualbox, overall?21:30
bergakiwi_, I haven't used it a whole lot to be perfectly honest, but I find it can be useful to sorta plan your future install21:31
bergafor example I'm planning a reinstall of arch, which I stupidly dual booted with no planning the first time21:32
zetheroocynicist: how to install manually?21:32
kiwi_berga, did it slow down your system significantly?21:32
bergaso I had to wipe it because I bloated it21:32
zetheroocynicist: I extracted the tar.gz ...21:32
bergameh not so much but I don't run any servers or anything21:32
bergakiwi_, just fire it up when I'm in the mood21:33
bergaI'm sort of a casual/lazy nerd21:33
cynicistzetheroo: I mean all that package does is download that archive and then extract libflashplayer.so and copy it to /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so21:33
bergasettling for windows since it works but always been really interested in the FOSS scene21:34
bergaplus you can make linux look a lot more sexy than you can winblows21:34
Kamuelacynicist: still in grub rescue, used windows 8 boot disk to make windows 8 active again and i'm in windows 8. what _could_ be my issues?21:34
berganot a comp-sci major or anything even close, just a novice enthusiast21:35
kiwi_berga, do two virtualbox instances share the same ip or can you make the look like two completely different machines to the web?21:35
zetheroocynicist: ok I copied it there21:35
bergakiwi_, that I do not know. I would expect they share an external IP in you have router, but internal IP I cannot say21:36
bergaI only ever ran one instance21:36
cynicistzetheroo: now you can restart firefox and check about:plugins to see if it found it21:36
Kamuelacynicist: i've checked all disks for errors in gparted, no problems, my current layout is 1 hard disk, /sda1(win8 reserved) /sda2(win 8 ntfs) /sda3(/) /sda4->/sda5(logical /home)21:36
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: Thank you for your help, in the end I've decided to just have a master tekkit01 that all managers log into to use SFTP. Quick question, how can I give someone SSH access to their chroot directory? At the moment the putty window just closes when they try to login to SSH21:36
zetheroocynicist: nope it doesn't see to have21:37
hitsujiTMOSemajnad: that i don't know i'm afraid21:37
SemajnadhitsujiTMO: Okay :)21:37
Kamuelacynicist: i've always had grub on /dev/sda2 and used windows to make active, with the new windows install it created a new partition that bumped everything down by 1 number on the sda list. i think that's where the massive issues are coming in21:37
cynicistzetheroo: copy the so file to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins21:37
UrielVigilantSome one can help me to figure out, what it is GNUstep, and why after remove and purge, on reboot or terminat, ubuntu 13.10 says that " Stopping GNUstep... cant find directory ... xxxxx/xxxx//////////////////////..21:38
Kamuelacynicist: basically my disk layout changed a lot, and i think grub needs to be properly reinstalled and reconfigured. update-grub and grub-install don't seem to be working out for me i dunno.21:39
zetheroocynicist: ok!! It's working in Firefox now :D21:39
cynicistKamuela: yep, which is why I linked for you how to update grub21:39
bergakiwi_, just for perspective I'm running on an old intel dual core with 4G ram and it seems to do the job for a single vbox instance21:39
zetheroocynicist: would you know how to get it working in Chromium?21:39
cynicistzetheroo: hehe the old school way, glad it worked out :)21:39
Kamuelacynicist: did that guide, still had the same boot rescue. boot rescue means that GRUB is working, right? i mean it's called grub boot. it just doesn't know its config files?21:40
bergaperhaps a tad slow as it's configured to use only one of the cores as well as 512 meg ram21:40
zetheroocynicist: nevermind ... it working in Chromium too ;)21:40
zetheroocynicist: thanks a million!21:40
cynicistzetheroo: yeah chromium checks there too21:40
cynicistzetheroo: np man :)21:40
Kamuelacynicist: i'll brb on the live CD21:42
cynicistKamuela: I don't understand, what message did you get after doing update-grub?21:42
hylianwhat is the easiest and simplest way to transfer files from one ubuntu machine to another via wireless networks? I tried samba, but I am not doing something right... please suggest gui options if at all possible.21:42
Kamuelacynicist: i'll be back in 2 minutes and will get you the message21:42
kiwi_berga, ok ... will installing virtualbox 'mess up' the whole system or is it easy to return to the non-virtualbox configuration?21:42
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cynicisthylian: install system-config-samba and use that to configure the share21:43
cynicisthylian: it's graphical21:44
bergakiwi_, well as my host os is windows I can just use add/remove programs21:44
hyliancynicist: did that, the other machine will not connect to it no matter what. i used gigolo, maybe i need somehting else?21:44
bergakiwi_, no idea how to do it on linux tbh21:44
bergabasically its just an app21:44
bergain which you can run an OS iso you download from ubuntu.com or wherever21:45
bergalike an emulator you could say21:45
kiwi_berga, the host is windows ... ok thats completely different game21:45
kamuelacynicist, ok i'm back, would you mind linking that guide one more time? i remember the gist of it but not exactly how to get everything mounted perfectly21:45
cynicisthylian: can't you just navigate to the share?21:45
bergakiwi_, ah sorry then, wasted a bit of your time there21:45
kiwi_gotta go, bye ...21:46
kiwi_no problem21:46
hyliancynicist: but how, what app? what cli command??21:46
cynicistkamuela: sure thing, the key is you need to mount the right partition and chroot into it to make it work21:46
cynicistkamuela: http://askubuntu.com/questions/145241/how-do-i-run-update-grub-from-a-livecd21:46
bergai'm afk now, any text with my name will be saved, byebye21:46
cynicisthylian: what OS are you using to browse the share? ubuntu?21:47
emhylian: ssh and rsync are the best way to transfer files between any two linux oses21:47
hyliancynicist: both machines are running xubuntu 12.04.3 64 bit21:48
emhylian: nautilus has a graphical file browser that can connect to servers and copy files21:48
hylianem: so is rsync a samba app, or another protocol?21:48
cynicisthylian: just use thunar like nautilus21:48
cynicisthylian: click browse network and find the share from there21:49
emrsync is a standalone program, yeah its a command line, but its easer to learn that then to learn how to configure a samba server21:49
kamuelacynicist, how would i alter this list of steps to simply reinstall grub to /dev/sda3?21:49
hyliancynicist: it just showed up... wowsa, i have some serious lag. thanks!21:49
cynicisthylian: np :)21:49
hylianem: it decided NOW to co-operate... strange...21:50
NeoromantiqueHi, Guys.21:50
Neoromantique  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   050    Pre-fail  Always       -       66421:50
NeoromantiqueShould I be worried about it?21:50
Danatoso how can i reset my ubuntu to default? all fresh new again?21:50
reisioDanato: which aspect?21:51
cynicistkamuela: where it says 'sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt', change /dev/sda5 to /dev/sda3 (assuming that is your / partition)21:51
Danatoreisio, every packages, settings, etc. I dont care what goes with it21:51
Danatoreisio, oh yeah and drivers21:52
imancI'm having major issues with my laptop which is running Ubuntu 12.04 and Cinamon (via a ppm).  All of a sudden it intermittently fails to boot, hanging on the ubuntu load screen. And when I run recovery and try to run fsck it exists with status 1 when attempting to check /home.  I can't see anything in particular in the logs...21:52
reisioDanato: ah, well the most time conscious way would probably be to just reinstall, but21:52
reisioDanato: why would you want to?21:52
cynicistkamuela: then follow every step but ignore the bit that says, 'sudo mount /dev/sdaX /mnt/boot'21:53
emimanc: sounds like a serious disk error,  boot a live cd and then run fsck21:53
Danatoreisio, I realized that ive been spending too much time fixing little important things that i broke, it takes way more time and effort to get them back than doing an installation21:53
imancem: OK, makes sense thanks21:54
Danatoreisio, it wasnt all bad though, i learned a lot hehehe21:54
emwhen jack is running then regular apps such as "play foo.wav"  don't work, they freeze.  But when jack is not running then music apps such as ardour don't work.  there must be a solution to this problem.  Ive read that there is a plugin that enables jack to service alsa apps, but how do I install it and will it work with pulseaudio?21:54
emive been reading my way through mountains of docs, but have not found the answer yet, a few hints would be really appreciated.21:54
OPTIMUS_I've managed to mess up my ubuntu 12.04 setup by uninstalling a few packages. I cannot log-in through the GUI anymore, I get "unable to load session 'ubuntu'. I've logged in through the terminal and i'm trying to run apt-get commands to fix the problem, but I can't fetch anything. Any help?21:55
kamuelacynicist, instead of update-grub can i do grub-install?21:56
jhutchins_wkAh well.  Upgrade experiment unsucessful.  Nither going 2G -> 4G of RAM nor an Intel PCI Pro1000 NIC got me any more than 425M down.21:56
jhutchins_wkAnd oops, not the channel I thought I was in, sorry.21:56
emDanato: OPTIMUS_:  one approach to getting a healty system is to copy the same os from another computer or partition.   you must be using a live cd at the time.21:57
cynicistkamuela: did windows replace grub with its own bootloader?21:57
kamuelacynicist, no, but i think i may have deleted grub in my previous attempts to fix it... although how can i have done that if i still get grub rescue?21:57
troulouliou_devhi i want to have a custom group on a usb device ; i have added this rule to udev but it don't set the correct group : ACTION=="add", BUS=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="1532", SYSFS{idProduct}=="0101", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev"21:57
troulouliou_devvid/pid are correct21:58
Danatoem, i dont have any other ubuntu around me, a reinstall will do it jst fine21:58
cynicistkamuela: tell me the output of update-grub21:59
Hai_Karatekamuela-  this might help..It has saved me a lot of work. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158109921:59
Shinobican someone explain why I don't need to create a mount point for media based filesystems21:59
Shinobisee link above21:59
Hai_Karatetakes all but 1 minute21:59
OPTIMUS_I get fetch errors only on 'apt-get update, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'22:00
kamuelacynicist, http://pastebin.com/Lr42XqD422:00
cynicistkamuela: I mean honestly you can just run 'sudo grub-install /dev/sda' and then 'sudo update-grub' after22:00
OPTIMUS_Also it says I have gnome-session installed, but under GUI options i only have Ubuntu2D22:00
Danatowell ill be back :)22:01
cynicistkamuela: do this, 'sudo apt-get purge grub grub-pc grub-common && sudo apt-get install grub-common grub-pc'22:02
kamuelacynicist, from right where i am with chroot?22:02
cynicistkamuela: yes22:02
Hai_Karateand then update grub22:02
cynicistit should do that on its own22:03
kamuelacynicist, http://pastebin.com/8PXE0eRc22:04
cynicistkamuela: can you apt-get update?22:05
kamuelacynicist, i cannot, it is trying to use my xubuntu install's apt i think22:05
cynicistkamuela: yeah that shouldn't be a problem though22:06
kamuelait says it can't resolve anything22:06
kamuelain terms of http22:07
DanatoThese phones nowadays...22:07
kamuelacynicist, i have removed grub while chrooted, is there a way to just install grub onto a mounted disk?22:09
kamuelacynicist, from non-chroot22:09
tripelbIs there a memtest to run on my ram inside the system or must I get a livecd to do it?22:10
reisiotripelb: there should be an option in grub menu22:11
geniitripelb: It's best to do it from dedicated memtest22:11
Waka_Flockacan someone help me, my OS cant detect the cpu fan22:11
Waka_Flockawhen i use the "sensors" command i get....22:11
Waka_FlockaAdapter: Virtual device22:12
Waka_Flockatemp1:        +69.0°C  (crit = +110.0°C)22:12
Waka_FlockaAdapter: ISA adapter22:12
Waka_FlockaCore 0:       +74.0°C  (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)22:12
Waka_Flockajacolby@jacolby-Aspire-4330:~$ sensors22:12
FloodBot1Waka_Flocka: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:12
Waka_Flockao crap sorry22:12
kamuelacynicist, I'm about to try: udo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda322:12
Waka_Flockabut http://paste.ubuntu.com/6418226/22:12
Waka_Flockathe past few days the fan just stopped working but it works in windows22:13
cynicistkamuela: don't22:13
cynicistkamuela: you need to install to /dev/sda22:13
troulouliou_devhi is it possible to shutdown network-manager as in 13.04 now ?22:13
troulouliou_devis seems that it isn't a service anymore22:13
kamuelacynicist, installing it to the whole disk will break things pretty badly22:13
kamuelacynicist, i've always installed it to my /boot partition and then used windows to make that partition the active one22:14
wilee-nileetroulouliou_dev, I can in the shell, look closer I would say.22:14
troulouliou_devwilee-nilee, service network-manager stop don't work anymore22:14
cynicistkamuela: ah, you use the windows bootloader instead?22:14
troulouliou_devi only have networking as services22:15
wilee-nileeWaka_Flocka, Do you have lm-sensors installed22:15
troulouliou_devbut this one close the session22:15
Waka_Flockayes i do22:15
cynicisttroulouliou_dev: sudo stop network-manager22:15
kamuelacynicist, http://pastebin.com/XJ6N5tQX what does that mean?22:15
Waka_Flockaive rescanned several times with sudo sensors-detect too22:15
hitsujiTMOkamuela: you DO NOT install a bootstrap to a partition. you install it to the disk. installing it to a partition can break the filesystem in that partition22:15
wilee-nileeWaka_Flocka, use nicks if you can, you can tab complete them, did you run the lm-senors cli?22:15
wilee-nileeWaka_Flocka, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto22:16
Waka_Flockawilee-nilee: yeah it cant even find lm-sensors cli22:17
wilee-nileeWaka_Flocka, Take a look at the link I mean this, sudo sensors-detect22:17
cynicistkamuela: you should either install grub to your mbr (/dev/sda not /dev/sda3) and let it automagically handle things or you need to configure your windows bootloader to recognize your ubuntu install22:17
Waka_Flockaah ok22:18
Waka_Flockayeah ill put it into another device because the computer is close to overheating again22:18
Waka_Flocka85 degrees C22:18
ahoneybun_my windows 8 gives me access is denied on when I try to access my samba on debian'22:18
troulouliou_devahoneybun_, are you prompted to enter credentials ?22:19
cynicistkamuela: like it is described here, http://askubuntu.com/questions/62440/is-it-possible-to-boot-ubuntu-using-the-windows-bootloader/62442#6244222:19
kamuelahitsujiTMO, cynicist, had i not broke what was going on by letting windows add another partition, my system would have worked fine. the issue is now grub rescue.22:19
ahoneybun_troulouliou_dev: troulouliou_dev yes22:20
troulouliou_devahoneybun_, and you can access from any other box ?22:20
ahoneybun_troulouliou_dev: get the same error I believe22:20
BronzeHi, I just dropped a hrad drive from 2008 into a desktop box. It has an old version of Ubuntu on it.  Anyone know what the cammand is to re-evaluate the hardware?22:20
cynicistkamuela: if you let windows manage the boot order then all you did was confuse grub, which means you need to run update-grub from the chrooted ubuntu environment and that's it22:20
Bronze(on Centos/Redhat this command is kudzu)22:21
cynicistkamuela: I don't know why you insist in installing grub if you don't want it installed to disk and it is already in the ubuntu install22:21
PanicFoxI need help with my ubuntu install!22:21
troulouliou_devahoneybun_, create a smb user with the same name as a linux user ex : sudo smbpasswd -a ahoneybun22:21
ahoneybun_I made one name backups22:22
PanicFoxIm trying to setup a piece of crap computer so i can donate it to a local charity22:22
kamuelacynicist, i'll install grub to the whole disk. if it fixes everything, sounds good. i guess i don't mind spending the rest of the day doing a fresh install of windows and ubuntu if not22:22
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troulouliou_devahoneybun_, then add a share in smb.conf or through nautilus/nemo-share22:22
PanicFoxCan anyone help me?22:22
ahoneybun_troulouliou_dev: post my smb.conf file on pastie?22:23
cynicistkamuela: grub doesn't break anything, if you install it you can even configure it to boot windows by default instead of Ubuntu22:23
troulouliou_devahoneybun_, no i ll past you a small snipet of conf for a share in pm22:23
kamuelacynicist, sudo grub-install /dev/sda ?22:23
cynicistkamuela: well first, did you try update-grub and what was the output?22:23
kamuelacynicist, update grub from within chroot?22:24
cynicistkamuela: yes, because if that works there is no need to install it to the disk22:24
troulouliou_devahoneybun_, just add this to the end of the smb.conf and set valid users to the user created with smbpasswd22:24
troulouliou_devahoneybun_, should work then22:24
troulouliou_devahoneybun_, nautiluls share add the same in /var/lib/samba/shares22:25
kamuelacynicist, it did say it works, it goes through and detects my linux kernels and windows 8. it's what i pastebin'd first. but when i restart... grub rescue22:25
riceandbeansubuntu's had a lot of bad pr lately...22:26
ahoneybun_troulouliou_dev: still the same error22:27
=== Mars is now known as Guest4512
troulouliou_devahoneybun_, check then your debian server do not met the minium local sec policies from your win8 box22:30
troulouliou_devahoneybun_, in general this is because the lm authentificaiton level is set to ntlmV2 minimum22:30
ahoneybun_troulouliou_dev: can't get on it with my mothers Ubuntu notebook neither22:31
DanatoSomehow unity never seemed to deal well my the wifi network I use most of the time, thats one of the reasons I installed kde22:31
troulouliou_devahoneybun_, ha then it is definitively user issue22:31
troulouliou_devdid you restart smbd ?22:31
troulouliou_devahoneybun_, sorry don't know then ;(22:32
ahoneybun_I had it once22:32
troulouliou_devthats all the problem i have faced so far :)22:32
ahoneybun_idk what messed it up so I did reformat the system22:32
ahoneybun_troulouliou_dev: thanks anyway22:32
Gorrothin maximized mode, does anyone know how to move the titlebar buttons to the right? i've alrady done it for windowed buttons using gsettings22:39
joosseeGorroth, which WM are you using?22:40
wilee-nileeGorroth, I think the dconf-editor will do it ubuntu-tweak does I think too.22:40
joosseewilee-nilee, does that work with unity 2d?22:40
Gorrothyeah, i think i just found a page talking about dconf-editor.  i heard ubuntu tweak does it too, but i didn't want to use that app since it's not in the repo22:40
Gorrothjoossee: unity on 13.1022:40
joosseeGorroth, youve tried myuntiy and compiz settings?22:41
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wilee-nileejoossee, I would think so, just a guess though, isn't 2D only in 12.04?22:41
joosseeim on 12.0422:41
Gorrothjoossee: no, didn't know about those22:41
Gorrothbut i'm checking dconf-editor now22:41
joosseei really just wanna change my titlebar colors... which is apparently impossible22:41
wilee-nileeGorroth, Not sure if 12.04 is still gconf-editor either, hehe22:41
joosseegordonjcp, ccsm is what you wanna try but I do not think you can move them in unity22:42
joosseeGorroth, ^^22:42
Gorrothhmm, dconf-editor is just a graphical gsettings :-D22:42
Gorrothjoossee: okay, i'll check it out22:42
wilee-nileedconf-editor is gconfs unwed baby22:42
wilee-nileethat's a joke22:43
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wilee-nileeGuest84313, Hi, what's up?22:45
joosseeguys, where does virt keep its logs?22:48
cvtsxin its folder22:49
joosseethats helpful22:49
cvtsxyour welcome22:49
cvtsxlol but idk22:49
cvtsxsorry ;P22:49
=== janis is now known as Guest90563
* joossee bashes cvtsx over the head with soggy meatloaf.22:50
shiznixhi, anyone notice that QT apps. never show up in the dash for 'Recently used' ?22:50
cvtsxi like meatloaf22:50
cvtsxbut only if there is mashed potatoes22:50
kostkonshiznix, no22:50
shiznixthis is using Saucy btw22:51
everaldhi. Is there a package that would clean out all temporary/unneeded stuff automatically?22:51
everaldLike doing apt-get autoclean, etc.22:51
Guest90563hi people, I have serious problem with not being able to login in my ubuntu session22:51
Guest90563anybody can help me solve this?22:51
everaldMy buddy doesn't know all these details, so I need a program that does this automatically.22:51
Guest90563I can't start my orginal session in graphics mode22:52
joosseeGuest90563, pick a nickname and ill help you22:52
Guest90563also my nick name is ss_haze22:52
joossee"/nick joeblow"22:52
Guest90563I guess quassel doesn't works22:53
joossee"/nick ss_haze"22:53
=== Guest90563 is now known as ss_haze
joosseess_haze, ok more details.. describe whats happeneing from post screen on22:53
ss_hazeit's too fast22:54
ss_hazeI just can't login into graphics mode22:54
shiznixkostkon: i know it used to work, but broke after a Saucy update :(22:54
jhutchins_wkxauth corrupted.22:54
joosseess_haze, which version are you running?22:54
ss_hazeI use crtl-alt-f1 and I can login with same password22:54
ubottuciccio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:54
kostkonshiznix, oh ok22:54
jhutchins_wkanshudhar: If you have an ubuntu support question please ask, otherwise please take it elsewhere.22:54
joosseess_haze, ok so you get the grub selection screen yes?22:54
jhutchins_wk!ops anshudhar22:55
ss_hazegrub selection screen22:55
ikoniajhutchins_wk: ?22:55
jhutchins_wkikonia: spam.22:55
Coreyanshudhar: That's about enough nonsense, please. :-)22:55
joosseess_haze, the one hat asks what OS you want to load? traditonally a black and white screen with about 5 options...?22:55
ikoniajhutchins_wk: sorry missed it22:55
jhutchins_wkEr, np.22:55
ss_hazeyou want me to check22:55
ss_hazesafe mode22:55
k1lanshudhar: please keep this channel clear for support. if you got a support issue just ask22:56
ss_hazeor how it's called22:56
joosseess_haze, no i just want to know if it comes up or not22:56
CoreyLet us be civil. :-)22:56
joosseebut yeah recovery or safe mode would be an option, with the default being first on the list?22:56
ss_hazeman, I been removing /tmp/X-0.lock without getting anything22:56
ss_hazeI tried htop for killing graphics server22:57
cvtsxI just want to make sure, a executable wont execute unless if i give it permission to right?22:57
ss_hazethis will take some time22:57
jhutchins_wkss_haze: try /etc/init.d/gdm stop instead.22:57
joosseess_haze, ya.. i cant help you if youve already started deleting parts of xorg or whatever.22:57
reisiocvtsx: for the most part22:57
jhutchins_wkcvtsx: If you call it with the interpreter it will.22:58
ss_hazebash: /etc/init.d/gdm: No such file or directory22:58
ss_hazeyou must be kidding me22:58
jhutchins_wkcvtsx: ie bash scriptfile will run scriptfile.22:58
ss_hazezurb foundation22:58
ss_hazekill me22:58
cvtsxok thx22:58
jhutchins_wkss_haze: Sorry, I'm on the wrong version, don't have access to a current one.22:58
ss_hazewe are in 2013, why on earth graphics server still causes problems22:59
bergais it supposed to take hours to install ubuntu in a vm?22:59
ss_hazeor is it just my account22:59
bergastill stuck on ~80%22:59
reisioberga: stuck is stuck22:59
bergayeah I guess I'll start over22:59
jhutchins_wkss_haze: It could be the xauthorization system, which can become corrupt if you run GUI programs as root.22:59
joosseejhutchins_wk, i might suggest he try a simple nomodeset and see what he gets with the vesa driver?23:00
cynicistss_haze, that doesn't work anymore, you need to use sudo service gdm stop23:01
cynicistss_haze what graphical issues are you having?23:02
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cynicistss_haze oh haha wow, I meant lightdm not gdm23:05
salahHey, I added a PCI wifi card, and it works great. The problem is that I can't use the sound because of constant beep. Any ideas?23:08
ss_hazestill me23:09
ss_hazecan't login23:09
ss_hazeI can't even read 0.5 second long black screen with letters to see what error there is23:09
johnflux_Hi all.23:09
ss_hazecause there isn't23:09
jmgkhey johnflux_23:09
johnflux_I found a work around for a specific piece of scanner hardware23:10
johnflux_Is there a suitable place to write this?23:10
ss_hazehelp me with graphical environment stuck for one account23:10
johnflux_do you have some hardware compatibility website or something23:10
cynicistss_haze: what happens when you try to boot?23:10
ss_hazecynist what?23:10
LordDeathwhat is the easiest way to unsubscribe from all lists? https://lists.ubuntu.com/23:10
joosseess_haze, what kind of card is it and has it ever worked for you?23:10
ss_hazeI get trown out of session23:10
ss_hazejoosee wtf23:11
cynicistss_haze: so you boot fine but when you try to login you can't get to a graphical environment?23:11
ss_hazeI see everything right now from f//*** graphical environment, but can't login in session23:11
ss_hazeso please23:11
ss_hazehelp me23:12
ss_hazeI can't really understand why23:12
ss_hazeI tried to photo that screen, but it's 0,5 seconds long23:12
ikoniass_haze: calm down, tone down the lanauge please, you've used this channel enough to know the rules and know how to get help - be clam, and work with the people trying to help you clearly23:12
ss_hazeIT'S 1 A CLOCK23:12
johnflux_My scanner works if I plug it into the usb2 port, but not if I plug it into a usb3 port.  Does this make any sense to anyone?23:12
ss_hazeHOW DO I would start quassel which is kde application at first23:13
ss_hazetrought xserver23:13
ss_hazeI can't get what is wrong23:14
ss_hazeI have free space23:14
ss_haze4,5 GB last time checked23:14
johnflux_ss_haze: your english is impossible to read23:14
ss_hazemaybe cause you can't read23:15
johnflux_ss_haze: probably, sorry23:15
cynicistss_haze: I'm still not sure what issue you are having, you say you are seeing things from a graphical environment but you can't log into a session23:15
bergaI can't read it either23:15
ss_hazeOK, so what's the answer23:15
ikoniass_haze: again stop it, your English is not great, it is hard for people to read, which is why I asked you to clam down, please don't try to be rude to people23:15
cynicistss_haze: and now you are asking about how to launch quassel from a terminal...23:15
bergabut I'm swedish so that's my excuse23:15
ss_hazeRM /TMP/X-0.lock23:16
ikoniass_haze: final request - calm down, just be clear and work with people23:16
ss_hazeI startx from TTY23:16
bergaperhaps if you write a question...23:16
ss_hazeand it doesn't starts graphical environment FROM TTY23:16
bergamaybe you didn't install xorg?23:17
kamuelaWell, I'm just reinstall Xubuntu and installing grub to the main disk. wutevz23:17
ikoniass_haze: start at the beginging - what version of ubuntu have you installed ?23:17
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
rmahhello, I just upgraded a server to 13.10 saucy and now my dropbox doesn't work.  I have version 2.4.7 of dropbox (or at least that's what the VERSION file says)23:21
salahHi again, I just found out that the constant sound beeps are also higher when I mouse the mouse. And at the same time the CPU jumps to over 40 % usage! This is a i7-3770K with Corsair AX 1200W power supply!23:21
rmahand there's no http://linux.dropbox.com/ubuntu/dists/saucy distro23:21
rmahanyone know what's up?23:21
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ikoniarmah: you'd have to ask dropbox - it's their repo23:24
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rampageRipperthe Atril thumbnailer heavily burdens the cpu.what can b done?23:25
edoceoI'm on 10.04 and just did an update, then update-initramfs runs but I get Permission Denied errors on /tmp/mkinitramfs_aRlU7k/ files23:27
edoceoDoes that mean it failed to make a good initramfs?  and I'll fail if I try to reboot?23:28
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edoceoHow do I get the upgrade to try this process again?23:28
whoeveredoceo: yes23:29
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edoceowhoever: is that because my /tmp is set noexec,nodev and such?23:29
rampageRipperwhat's wrong?23:35
cubaheroanyone know what local firewalls AWS has enabled for ubuntu precise instances? I added security groups to my instance for port 8080 and I can see requests are making it the machine (via tcpdump)23:36
cubaheroi also disabled iptables and ufw....23:36
daftykinscubahero: disabled how?23:38
cubaheroufw disable23:38
cubaherostatus shows inactive23:38
daftykinsdo an "iptables -F" and "iptables -X" anyway23:38
whoeveredoceo: i did 't see that you said that but just the word faile in building an image usually will mean you will have a problem booting23:39
cubaherodid that too23:39
daftykinsthen iptables -L should be blank23:39
daftykinspast that, check any IPs for typos23:39
edoceowhoever: it's odd that as root I cannot run this23:39
cubaheroI'm hitting the server23:39
cubaherobut requests aren't being connected to the applicatoin listening on 808023:39
edoceoWhen I try update-initramfs again it still gives that error23:39
whoeveredoceo: intramfs is used in the booting process, you will need to correct the permissions and re build it23:40
edoceoThe directory it makes has nice permissions:  drwxr-xr-x  8 root root 4.0K 2013-11-14 18:38 mkinitramfs_pr4FDX23:40
whoeveredoceo: yes it is23:40
daftykinscubahero: "netstat -tuln" confirms it definitely is on 8080?23:40
edoceoSame perms on the scripts/ directory in there, but none of the files in scripts/ get created :(23:40
whoeveredoceo: don't know why you are rolling your own kernel on ubuntu, that is ususally done on arch or gentoo23:40
cubaherodaftykins: https://gist.github.com/dkullmann/2b1d0c94c662e17a413723:41
edoceoI'm not rolling my own, this failure happend after a simple apt-get upgrade23:41
cubaherodaftykins: yep - local telnet works and checked with lsof -i :8080 (similar to netstat)23:41
whoeveredoceo: well most people don't attempt it on ubuntu is a better way to word t23:41
cubaherodaftykins: (netstat confirmed as well)23:41
daftykinscubahero: that is very odd - what's the service?23:41
cubaherodaftykins: rethinkdb23:42
whoeveredoceo: anyway if you still need my help, ill be back in a few hours23:42
edoceowhoever: this isn't a roll-your-own situation, this thing is all stock, the failures happend from apt-get upgrade23:42
daftykinscubahero: is it bound to the correct interface(s) ?23:42
edoceoI don't, thanks anyway23:42
cubaheroubuntu precise machine23:42
cubaherodaftykins: good question23:42
daftykinsto the configurator! :)23:42
cubaheroun momento por favor23:42
whoeveredoceo: that is odd, do you have an image that you can go back to and try to update again or just re run the update23:43
edoceoupdate-initramfs script fails, because it cannot write to the tmp directories it creates23:43
cubaherodaftykins: +1 fixed gracias23:43
edoceowith or without apt-get invoking it23:43
edoceoIf I remount /tmp and disable the noexec,nosuid,nodev options the update-initramfs works.23:45
kiwi_hi... i'm just installing ubuntu on my new laptop. i used to make seperate partitions for /boot, /home and / .... besides i used to have a swap partition. however, nowadays i think thats not necessary anymore ...  no swap and no seperate /boot partition  ... just / and /home is fine  .... what do you think?23:46
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Danatocan anybody answer kiwi_'s question? Im also interested :)23:51
Danatond456, tv23:52
nd456Can anyone help me getting my wireless card working?23:53
peroDanato, kiwi_: personally i do partitions for / /boot /home and swap23:53
peroi like to keep /boot separate just to further compartmentalize it from any fuckups i may do, and keep my machine bootable23:54
bergastill on my ubuntu virtualbox problem... vbox itself recommended at least 8gb vhd but I increased to 32GB so that can't be the problem, right? I also disabled networking before starting the vm (since it's supposed to simulate an offline laptop) but the Copying files process is still taking quite a while to complete. Figured it would be a bit quicker for some reason. Am I just being impatient,23:54
bergaor have I done something wrong? Anyone with experience have any idea? My host OS is windows 7 64bit (the vm is 32bt tho)23:54
edoceokiwi_: I still make partitions for /boot, swap, /home / and sometimes /var23:54
kiwi_pero, the seperate /boot was necessary in the old days because of 1024 cylinder restriction23:54
kiwi_besides i never experienced any practical advantage23:55
peroi don't do it because it's necessary, i do it because i feel it prudent to keep my bootloader on a separate parittion23:55
OrIWillChecklogsIn Ubuntu 13.10-Saucy I find that I am using "Gnome Flashback" Desktop Environment .. Where is this package in Launchpad ?? & is it developed apon of late ?23:55
nd456Can anyone help me getting my wireless card working?23:56
k1lactually for some encryption setups you need a extra /boot partition23:56
peroto me, it's a logical distinction/separation of duties and partitions23:56
peroif boot is separate from the rest of the system, why would i keep it on the same partition23:56
bergaI guess I'll just leave it over night and see what happens23:57
kiwi_edoceo, thats what i did, except for /var23:57
kiwi_ok, everybody still uses swap23:57
edoceoI usually only do /var on servers, so if logs or /var/tmp get full other things will still be OK23:57
k1lOrIWillChecklogs: yes, gnome continous the old-gnome-look desktop. the name is gnome-panel23:58
edoceokiwi_: special case, on my desktop 16G ram I don't to swap - I just let programs crash23:58
kiwi_then ... i might also stay with my old partition scheme23:58
OrIWillChecklogsthanx .23:58
CorvaxiaI have a silly question. Since both PS4 and XBox One are now X86 based with processors manufactured by AMD what is the likelihood of an Ubunutu or SteamOS install being developed for the consoles?23:58
Corvaxiaheheh Ubunutu. Ubuntu*23:59
k1lCorvaxia: those boxed dont allow other linuxes to be installed. so that is not on the ubuntu side to be decided23:59
ikoniaCorvaxia: zero23:59

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