
GridCubeknome, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GridCube/rationales/new_ram00:29
brainwashverification needed for bug 120673900:55
ubottubug 1206739 in xfce4-terminal (Debian) "xfce4-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV in magazine_chain_pop_head()" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120673900:55
Unit193Reminder: Next Xubuntu team meeting tomorrow, 1500UTC.03:43
skellatUnit193: I thought the wiki page was updated to 160003:58
Unit193Ah, that.  Dang daylight savings.03:59
knomecongrats pleia2 and elfy on your nomination to the CC!09:15
elfyty knome :)09:15
slickymastergood morning all10:08
slickymasterhi elfy. Good morning10:10
elfyhi - running off now for a while10:11
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
knomealmost half of the finnish translation of the docs is now done11:57
=== bluesabr1 is now known as bluesabre
bluesabrebusy busy!11:57
bluesabreI'm taking a personal day to catch back up, so I'll be attending the meeting today :)11:58
elfyhi bluesabre 12:11
bluesabrehey elfy12:18
bluesabremy personal day is starting to turn into a sick day :(13:09
* knome slaps bluesabre 13:11
brainwashbluesabre: every time I see your nick in the channel it instantly reminds me of "xubuntu-default-settings/b2_fixes" :)13:11
brainwashmake it stop! :D13:12
bluesabrebrainwash: :D13:13
bluesabreI'll ping micahg about it again13:14
brainwashI just don't understand, why it takes so long, there has to be reason :(13:15
bluesabrepersonal lives, makes a lot of us really busy13:18
bluesabrethis past week I haven't wanted to look at a computer after leaving work13:18
elfyI'm lucky, but unfortunately for us I don't code, as I don't see a computer at work :)13:19
brainwashbut in this case it's just a simple click on the approve button, or?13:20
brainwashI don't want to blame anyone, just want to understand why something like this can take so long13:20
brainwashso maybe I myself can help to speed up things13:21
bluesabrewell, he has to approve it and merge it, but yeah, minimal effort required for that13:21
knomemeeting in 45 mins.15:15
knome!team | MEETING TIME in 40 minutes!15:20
ubottuMEETING TIME in 40 minutes!: bluesabre, elfy, GridCube, jjfrv8, knome, micahg, mr_pouit, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, Unit19315:20
knomelook how smart i am, created a useful factoid15:20
knome(just don't overuse it...)15:21
elfyand what a useful factoid that is 15:21
elfynope - that would be super annoying15:21
knomethat just works in -devel, so no annoying poking around in #x15:22
* elfy has a quick look at release schedule to count how many times he'll use it between now and april15:22
ubottuNext scheduled Xubuntu community meeting and the agenda can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings15:23
ubottuA schedule of Trusty Tahr (14.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule15:23
knomethough that existed already:)15:23
knomeelfy, btw, i'm quite sure i won't be of much help with alpha 115:24
knome(if we're participating anyway)15:24
elfywell I'd rather participate from the beginning - response get's better as cycle progresses as I nag more 15:26
elfyso if we leave it - then we'll be up the river15:26
knomeif you're up the river in london, where exactly are you? westend?15:26
knome(that ain't too bad?)15:27
bluesabrelook at all the !factoids!15:28
elfycould be a field in Gloucestershire knome 15:28
knomeif you haven't looked at uds schedule for interesting sessions, now's a good time15:29
knomeelfy, what's wrong with that?15:29
knomefields of gold15:29
elfynothing at all if you come from Glos ... if you don't however ... 15:29
* elfy blames knome for taking the conversation offtopic :p15:31
knomefive minutes to meeting15:54
knomepleia2, wakey wakey :)15:55
pleia2I need to leave soon for name change things though15:55
knomebluesabre, your head any better?15:55
knomeochosi, you back home?15:55
knomeoh that15:55
knomepleia2, how soon? 30mins?15:55
bluesabreI'm around for the meeting15:55
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting15:55
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Nov 14 15:55:56 2013 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:55
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired15:55
ochosipleia2: unless you have concerns, i'd publish the blog-article by the end of the meeting15:56
knomelet's go through some of this bureaucracy now...15:56
pleia2like 15 :)15:56
ochosipleia2: (knome and me went over it today)15:56
knome#topic Items carried on15:56
knome#subtopic Open action items from previous meeting 15:56
pleia2ochosi: that's good, I just logged into browse real quick15:56
knome#action knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week 15:56
meetingologyACTION: knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week15:56
knome#action micahg to talk to barry about python2.7/3 situation 15:56
meetingologyACTION: micahg to talk to barry about python2.7/3 situation15:56
knome#nick micahg 15:56
knome#action micahg to upload whiskermenu to xfce PPAs 15:56
meetingologyACTION: micahg to upload whiskermenu to xfce PPAs15:56
knomeochosi announced the wallpaper project15:57
knome#subtopic Approve or decline specifications on the Roadmap 15:57
knomesome of the devel-related items have been approved last sun15:57
knome#action knome will create the blueprints today and contact assignees on filling in work items15:58
meetingologyACTION: knome will create the blueprints today and contact assignees on filling in work items15:58
knome#info development (read: new feature drop-in) items have been approved already15:58
knomei have an idea to save time15:58
knomelet's vote on every item quickly first:15:59
knome+1 is approve, -1 is decline, +0 is "i want to discuss"15:59
knomeif there is most "abstain" (+0) votes, we'll discuss15:59
knomesounds good for everybody?15:59
elfygood job I came back then 15:59
bluesabresounds good15:59
knomeelfy, well i wasn't going to start the votes before :0015:59
knomemicahg, are you around?16:00
elfybut I'm +1 to doing that 16:00
skellatGood thing I was already logged in so that I caught the early start16:00
knomeskellat, hello! :)16:00
knomeskellat, heh, again, just did the bureaucracy16:00
knome#voters bluesabre elfy GridCube jjfrv8 knome micahg mr_pouit ochosi pleia2 skellat ubottu 16:01
meetingologyCurrent voters: GridCube bluesabre elfy jjfrv8 knome micahg mr_pouit ochosi pleia2 skellat ubottu16:01
knomehuh? :)16:01
knomeoh, heh16:01
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x17c9cd0>16:01
knomehmm no...16:01
skellatknome: We don't want ubottu voting16:01
knome#info development (read: new feature drop-in) items have been approved already16:02
knome#voters bluesabre elfy GridCube jjfrv8 knome micahg mr_pouit ochosi pleia2 skellat Unit193 16:02
meetingologyCurrent voters: GridCube Unit193 bluesabre elfy jjfrv8 knome micahg mr_pouit ochosi pleia2 skellat ubottu16:02
GridCubei dont think he will vote skellat 16:02
ochosiwho knows... :)16:02
knomedon't know how to remove a voter...16:02
skellatLets roll with it then16:02
knomeanywa, let's go16:02
knome#vote approve knome's voting mechanism?16:02
meetingologyPlease vote on: approve knome's voting mechanism?16:02
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:02
meetingology+1 received from knome16:02
meetingology+1 received from elfy16:02
meetingology+1 received from pleia216:02
meetingology+1 received from bluesabre16:02
meetingology+1 received from jjfrv816:02
meetingology+1 received from ochosi16:02
ochosivote ubottu vote!16:03
knomethat's enough +1's16:03
meetingologyVoting ended on: approve knome's voting mechanism?16:03
meetingologyVotes for:6 Votes against:0 Abstentions:016:03
meetingologyMotion carried16:03
knome#voters bluesabre elfy GridCube jjfrv8 knome micahg mr_pouit ochosi pleia2 skellat Unit193 16:03
meetingologyCurrent voters: GridCube Unit193 bluesabre elfy jjfrv8 knome micahg mr_pouit ochosi pleia2 skellat ubottu16:03
knomeah, that sticks16:03
knome#vote Increase the amount of developers/uploaders 16:03
meetingologyPlease vote on: Increase the amount of developers/uploaders16:03
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:03
meetingology+1 received from knome16:03
meetingology+1 received from skellat16:03
meetingology+1 received from elfy16:03
meetingology+1 received from ochosi16:03
meetingology+1 received from jjfrv816:03
meetingology+1 received from bluesabre16:03
meetingology+1 received from pleia216:03
meetingology+1 received from GridCube16:03
knome(namely, bluesabre, skellat, ochosi, Noskcaj...)16:04
meetingologyVoting ended on: Increase the amount of developers/uploaders16:04
meetingologyVotes for:8 Votes against:0 Abstentions:016:04
meetingologyMotion carried16:04
knome#vote Create a new installable "xubuntu-core" metapackage16:04
meetingologyPlease vote on: Create a new installable "xubuntu-core" metapackage16:04
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:04
meetingology+1 received from knome16:04
meetingology+1 received from ochosi16:04
meetingology+1 received from elfy16:04
meetingology+1 received from bluesabre16:04
meetingology+1 received from pleia216:04
meetingology+1 received from jjfrv816:04
meetingology+1 received from skellat16:04
meetingology+1 received from GridCube16:04
meetingologyVoting ended on: Create a new installable "xubuntu-core" metapackage16:04
meetingologyVotes for:8 Votes against:0 Abstentions:016:04
meetingologyMotion carried16:04
knome#vote *INCLUDE* xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin?16:05
* knome kicks meetingology 16:05
meetingologyPlease vote on: *INCLUDE* xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin?16:05
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:05
meetingology+0 received from knome16:05
meetingology+1 received from ochosi16:05
meetingology+1 received from jjfrv816:05
meetingology+1 received from bluesabre16:05
meetingology+1 received from elfy16:05
meetingology+0 received from pleia216:05
meetingology-1 received from skellat16:05
meetingology+1 received from GridCube16:06
bluesabreinclude == set as default?16:06
knomei guess i should have been more verbose16:06
ochosii presumed so16:06
knomei guess that's a yes, otherwise that wording didn't make sense16:06
ochosiyeah, it'll probably end up in the archive anyway16:07
meetingologyVoting ended on: *INCLUDE* xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin?16:07
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:1 Abstentions:216:07
meetingologyMotion carried16:07
GridCubedo we need to create rationales for this?16:07
knome#info since the voting wasn't all-clear, the team should follow on the progress and proposal by ochosi, but basically approved if it's a sane proposal16:07
knomei expect some rationale in the proposal, yeah16:08
knomei've asked for a specific proposal from ochosi already16:08
ochosiwell the proposal is there already16:08
skellatAs long as we don't look like openSUSE we16:08
skellatwill be fine16:08
skellat#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Trusty/Whiskermenu16:08
knomeskellat, urls will be linkified automatically16:09
knome(or at least they used to do that)16:09
elfyochosi: can you talk to me when you've time for testing that 16:09
knomeochosi, you're not proposing how to integrate it into the xubuntu deskop, and what you'd like to drop from the default desktop (eg. how you'd like to change the panel layout)16:10
ochosielfy: sure16:10
knomeochosi, that's pretty much the only reason why i'm not unconditionally +116:10
knomeanyway, forward!16:10
ochosiknome: well it does say "advantages over current menu"16:10
ochosibut well, i can include more info there16:10
ochosididn't have too much time before16:11
knomei'm skipping the "investigate" and "see if we can" -items16:11
knomethose are relatively minor anyway16:11
knome#vote Community wallpapers package 16:11
meetingologyPlease vote on: Community wallpapers package16:11
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:11
meetingology+1 received from knome16:11
meetingology+1 received from skellat16:11
meetingology+1 received from GridCube16:11
meetingology+1 received from jjfrv816:11
meetingology+1 received from bluesabre16:12
meetingology+1 received from ochosi16:12
meetingology+1 received from pleia216:12
meetingology+1 received from elfy16:12
GridCubethats the 8 of us16:12
meetingologyVoting ended on: Community wallpapers package16:12
meetingologyVotes for:8 Votes against:0 Abstentions:016:12
meetingologyMotion carried16:12
knome#vote Improve reporting (weekly reports) (voting +1 means you're committed to work gathering the reports as well!)16:13
meetingologyPlease vote on: Improve reporting (weekly reports) (voting +1 means you're committed to work gathering the reports as well!)16:13
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:13
meetingology+1 received from knome16:13
meetingology+1 received from pleia216:13
meetingology+1 received from jjfrv816:13
meetingology+1 received from skellat16:13
meetingology+0 received from elfy16:13
bluesabre+1, maybe we can find a place to easily track that?16:13
meetingology+1, maybe we can find a place to easily track that? received from bluesabre16:13
pleia2bluesabre: I assumed we'd put them on the monthly team report16:13
meetingology+1 received from GridCube16:14
knomebluesabre, i've been talking with lderan about some fixes/extends to meetingology to be able gather those with #done's or so...16:14
* bluesabre doesn't know about any of our reports :)16:14
meetingology+0 received from ochosi16:14
knomebluesabre, there isn't such things as "reports" currently :P16:14
knomeand by weekly i meant16:14
skellatbluesabre: See, for example: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/TeamReports/16:14
knomemonthly reports and weekly reports to -release :)16:14
ochosiyeah, so "improve" as in: start to write them16:14
knomebut yeah, +1'd with weekly, so...16:14
knomeochosi, they are basically "written"16:15
knomejust not sent/gathered anywhere16:15
knomeand no reporting with -release-specific things is done16:15
meetingologyVoting ended on: Improve reporting (weekly reports) (voting +1 means you're committed to work gathering the reports as well!)16:15
meetingologyVotes for:6 Votes against:0 Abstentions:216:15
meetingologyMotion carried16:15
elfymy +0 is based on the fact that no-one bothers to even reply to mails from me16:15
elfyso I wonder if anyone will do this 16:16
knomeelfy, let's talk about that after votes16:16
knomebecause i +1 that discussion :P16:16
pleia2elfy: I appreciate your emails :)16:16
* pleia2 sometimes even tweets them herself!16:16
elfylol - I assume everyone does, but thanks 16:16
knomelooking if there is something to vote one16:16
elfylet's do the voting 16:16
knome#vote Investigate xfce4-power-manager-plugins for inclusion16:17
meetingologyPlease vote on: Investigate xfce4-power-manager-plugins for inclusion16:17
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:17
meetingology+0 received from knome16:17
ochosifrankly, i have no clue what does should do16:17
skellat-1 after reading discussion earlier today in xfce-dev where this seems to be an open issue upstream16:17
meetingology-1 after reading discussion earlier today in xfce-dev where this seems to be an open issue upstream received from skellat16:17
knomethat's an item in the roadmap16:17
GridCubei have no idea of what it is16:17
meetingology+0 received from GridCube16:17
meetingology+0 received from jjfrv816:17
meetingology+0 received from bluesabre16:18
knomei don't know what those are either16:18
meetingology+0 received from ochosi16:18
meetingology+0 received from pleia216:18
meetingology+0 received from elfy16:18
ochosiok, i'll quickly check...16:18
GridCubeoh right 16:18
knomei'm just giving it a chance if everybody else was "hell yeah let's put those on the ISO"16:18
GridCubei remember16:18
meetingologyVoting ended on: Investigate xfce4-power-manager-plugins for inclusion16:18
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:1 Abstentions:716:18
meetingologyMotion denied16:18
knome(postponed, at least until somebody sheds light into it)16:18
GridCubeit has a plugin to add brightness controls to the panel16:18
knome#vote Investigate qpaeq a system wide pulseaudio equalizer16:18
meetingologyPlease vote on: Investigate qpaeq a system wide pulseaudio equalizer16:19
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:19
meetingology-1 received from knome16:19
meetingology+1 received from GridCube16:19
meetingology+0 received from skellat16:19
meetingology+0 received from jjfrv816:19
meetingology+0 received from pleia216:19
knome(i don't think xubuntu needs an equalizer, but feel free to prove me wrong)16:19
meetingology-1 received from bluesabre16:19
bluesabresame here16:19
meetingology-1 received from elfy16:19
meetingology+0 received from ochosi16:19
bluesabrealso, 16:20
ochosi(last time i checked it wasn't very stable)16:20
knomeGridCube, i'll handle your item on the RAM after the roadmap-voting, because it's a one-off decision rather than putting our time into it16:20
bluesabreimport PyQt416:20
ochosi(but i generally wouldn't mind)16:20
bluesabrethat is not gtk :)16:20
GridCubeknome, ok16:20
meetingology-1 received from skellat16:20
meetingologyVoting ended on: Investigate qpaeq a system wide pulseaudio equalizer16:20
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:4 Abstentions:316:20
meetingologyMotion denied16:20
knomeskellat, stealth!16:20
knome18:20  knome: #endvote16:20
knome18:20  skellat: -116:20
GridCubeboo :( oh well16:20
skellatI saw bluesabre mention Qt4 at the last minute16:20
skellatThat's a major blocker!16:20
knomelet's see...16:21
GridCubewont argue against that16:21
bluesabrethough I could always do the port, but no :)16:21
knome#vote (Do we want to:) See/ask if we can apply GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=Xubuntu ?16:21
meetingologyPlease vote on: (Do we want to:) See/ask if we can apply GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=Xubuntu ?16:21
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:21
skellat-1 breaks UEFI compatability16:21
meetingology-1 breaks UEFI compatability received from skellat16:21
meetingology+1 received from ochosi16:21
meetingology+1 received from pleia216:21
meetingology+0 received from knome16:21
meetingology+0 received from jjfrv816:21
knomeskellat, well obviously we would see if we could work around that16:21
ochosiskellat: really? could you quickly elaborate?16:21
meetingology+1 received from GridCube16:22
meetingology+0 received from bluesabre16:22
knomeochosi, studio and kubuntu had != ubuntu, and they had broken images for UEFI16:22
skellatochosi: Kubuntu had an open bug with 13.10 about that matter that they had to fix16:22
knomeochosi, some hardcoded string stuff i think16:22
meetingology+0 received from elfy16:22
ochosiwell if other distros have the same issue, i'd say we can fix it together16:22
ochosiskellat: or do you generally dislike the idea?16:22
knomeunless it's and UEFI-UEFI bug/"feature"16:22
elfycouldn't we postpone that for more information? 16:23
ali1234bug 124241716:23
ubottubug 1242417 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu Saucy) "UEFI install broken when GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR!=Ubuntu (e.g. Kubuntu/UbuntuStudio)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124241716:23
knomeelfy, we shall do that :)16:23
ochosii mean the whole vote is only about "whether we want to ask/investigate about it"16:23
pleia2ochosi: yeah16:23
elfyoh 16:23
elfythen +116:23
knomeif you want to change votes... you can do it16:23
meetingology+1 received from elfy16:23
ochosidon't see much reason against that tbh, unless ppl think it's a waste of time16:23
skellatochosi: Unless LP Bug 1242417 can be fixed soon, we have other things to worry about16:24
bluesabrebug 124241716:24
ubottubug 1242417 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu Saucy) "UEFI install broken when GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR!=Ubuntu (e.g. Kubuntu/UbuntuStudio)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124241716:24
pleia2it is terribly annoying on laptops where I multi-boot to change grub myself ;)16:24
knomeskellat, are you generally against it (-1) or not (+1), or want to know more about it generally (not about when bugs are fixed, +0)?16:24
bluesabreoh that one, not too observant, am I?16:24
* pleia2 departs16:24
knomepleia2, have fun!16:24
meetingology+0 received from skellat16:24
bluesabrehave fun pleia2!16:25
meetingologyVoting ended on: (Do we want to:) See/ask if we can apply GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=Xubuntu ?16:25
meetingologyVotes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:416:25
meetingologyMotion carried16:25
knomelet's investigate investigating more.16:25
knomei think the rest are not really specification stuff16:25
knomelook more like one-off decisions16:25
knome#action knome to tweak the roadmap after the meeting16:26
meetingologyACTION: knome to tweak the roadmap after the meeting16:26
knome#subtopic Strategy Document reviewing16:26
knome#info postpone16:26
knome#topic Announcements16:26
knome#info Ubuntu Developer Summit will run November 19-21, agenda at http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/16:27
knome#action team to see the uds schedule and see if they want to participate in sessions16:27
meetingologyACTION: team to see the uds schedule and see if they want to participate in sessions16:27
knome#nick team16:27
knome#info Community: Elizabeth and Elfy are elected as members of the Community Council16:27
bluesabreway to go!16:28
skellatThe March of Xubuntu Through The Institutions!16:28
elfythanks :)16:28
knomealias TMXTI16:28
knome#subtopic Development: screen-locking update for 14.04 16:29
ochosiyup, thanks for the reminder16:29
knomewell it was on the agenda! :)16:29
slickymastersorry for being late guys16:29
ochosii've worked with peter to improve light-locker feature-wise so it'll be a real replacement for xscreensaver16:29
knomeskellat, no problem :)16:29
knomeslickymaster, ^16:29
ochosi#info version 1.1.0 of light-locker features time-based locking16:30
elfybrb door16:30
ted__oh, i forgot to say hi.16:30
knomehey ted__, welcome!16:30
ted__hi, eveyone.16:30
GridCube:) hi16:30
ochosi#info ochosi also patched lightdm-gtk-greeter to blank the screen when light-locker locks the session16:30
slickymasterted__: hi, welcome16:30
ochosiso that basically means what we'll have in 14.04 is light-locker, which blanks the screen after the timeout set by X11's screensaver extension (that's installed anyway)16:31
ochosihopefully we can provide some simple UI to control that16:31
ochosior even better: integrate it into the power-manager UI16:31
knomeochosi, let elfy know what kind of testing you need for it16:31
ochosi#info for people who want to test this: use the daily PPAs of light-locker and lightdm-gtk-greeter16:31
elfy#info everyone - please give enough time to plan testing16:32
knomeochosi, that's "how", also remember to tell "what" :)16:32
ochosi#info after upgrading these two components, the screen will automatically be locked after the timeout set in X11 (can be controlled via "xset s $timeout")16:33
ochosi#info if you need help or run into problems, feel free to ping ochosi16:33
bluesabre(be sure to remove xscreensaver first)16:33
ochosi#info uninstall xscreensaver in case you want to test this16:33
ochosithanks bluesabre, might've forgotten to mention that :)16:33
knomeok, cool16:34
ochosiknome: ok, that's it16:34
knome#topic Team updates16:34
knome(please use #info and #action)16:34
knome(direct questions at ochosi after the meeting)16:34
knomeno team updates?16:35
bluesabre#info Noskcaj has been helping to whip catfish into shape, cleaning up the packaging, the code, and even adding a manpage16:35
ochosinot really, i mean artwork is gradually improving, but that's always the case :)16:35
knome#info knome and Unit193 have been looking at translating the docs16:35
skellat#info File a bug against xubuntu-docs to suggest documentation enhancements for the Trusty Tahr cycle16:35
elfy#info QA is mostly planned for the cycle - should be plenty of room for manoeuvre for new things16:36
bluesabre#info ochosi and bluesabre have been working on upgrading parole, new plugin coming soon for mpris :)16:36
ochosibluesabre: let's hope 0.6 can go into 14.04 (looking at you, libxfce4ui...)16:36
elfy#info QA mailings have started16:36
bluesabre#info and hopefully fixed packaging for parole's plugins :)16:36
elfy#info QA blogs waiting for the website16:36
knome#action knome to look at the QA articles drafted in xubuntu.org16:37
meetingologyACTION: knome to look at the QA articles drafted in xubuntu.org16:37
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x18e2890>16:37
knome#nick xubuntu-website16:37
knome#action xubuntu-website and knome to look at the QA articles drafted in xubuntu.org16:37
meetingologyACTION: xubuntu-website and knome to look at the QA articles drafted in xubuntu.org16:37
knome#topic New and emerging items16:38
knome#subtopic QA mailings16:38
knomeelfy, so, you've send mails about ISO/package testing16:38
elfyyep 16:38
knomeelfy, what kind of replies did you expect to get?16:38
elfynone to those :)16:38
* skellat has to go as dog ran away16:39
knomethe "what to test" -replies have been penging on today's voting (we should've done that last week)16:39
elfythe ones about planning though specifically asked for team to comment, 16:39
elfyyea I guess16:39
knomei'm sorry if i haven't replied to some of the planning mails; everything i've seen has been good :)16:40
* bluesabre will try to improve his responsiveness with responding to the ML16:40
knomei hope to get more organized once i get the blueprints and work items se tout16:40
knome*set ou16:40
knome*set out16:40
elfyknome: even if the 'what to test' was pending - the general parts of the mail could have been commented on 16:41
knome#action team to be more responsive on mails on -devel16:41
meetingologyACTION: team to be more responsive on mails on -devel16:41
knomefor me it has looked like everybody has been really busy though :/16:41
knomeme included16:42
elfyyea - I understand that, I am as well 16:42
knomei will be in touch with all people individually on blueprints/efforts they are leading to set up the blueprints and work items16:43
knomeif you have any doubts or worries, tell me about those when i get to you :)16:43
knomeand i will try to reflect on that in any way that might help16:43
knomeelfy, and again, i'm sorry if i haven't replied to something; i've noticed a reminder-mail works wonders, even on mailing lists; don't be afraid to send such :)16:44
elfyI'm not blaming anyone :)16:45
* skellat has retrieved and disciplined dog16:45
knome#subtopic Review minimum system requirements16:45
knomeGridCube, poke16:46
GridCubei made a simple rationale if you could read it16:46
elfyread it 16:46
knomeme too16:46
knomemy first thoughts:16:46
knomei agree that a browser is an integral part of operating system16:46
knomebut isn't it silly to set the system requirements based on what its usage needs?16:47
GridCubei don't believe so.16:47
GridCubealso, thats just an example, other areas also lag very much on low ram settings16:47
ali1234by that reasoning xubuntu ram requirement should be like 256MB still16:47
knomeif a user is able to run several other applications (like abiword+gnumeric) well with 512MB, isn't it a fair thing that minimum required is 51216:47
GridCubeyes, they could, but it should not be the minimum recommended16:48
elfymy thinking is we should set our's using the same rationale for setting it as other's do - or we'll end up looking like we need more than Ubuntu16:48
ochosii think this discussion revolves more about what "minimum requirement" means to us...16:48
bluesabreminimum should be whatever is required to boot the live cd16:48
ochosiyeah, i somewhat agree with bluesabre on that one16:48
bluesabreeverything else can go to swap once installed :)16:48
knomeyou *can* use xubuntu with 512MB16:48
ochosippl can always launch crazy huge slow java apps16:48
GridCubeyes, you can. that is true. but as i propose it the "recommended to have a pleasant experience"16:49
knomeor do heavy graphics editing with GIMP16:49
knome(which is installed by default)16:49
GridCubeyou can use the apps, if you have patience16:49
* knome checks the wording on the website16:50
elfyhow about a minimum and a better guide for 'this is more pleasant' type thing16:50
knomeok, the website says16:50
knome"Minimum system requirements"16:50
knomein addition, we could have "Recommended system resources"16:50
GridCubeyes :)16:50
knomefor that, 1GB sounds like a good fit16:50
elfyI'd go for that 16:51
GridCubei agree16:51
knome#action team to set "recommended system resources" in stone16:51
meetingologyACTION: team to set "recommended system resources" in stone16:51
knome#action xubuntu-website to update website with "recommended system resources"16:52
meetingologyACTION: xubuntu-website to update website with "recommended system resources"16:52
knomeGridCube, well, we need to consider disk space as well16:52
knomeGridCube, would you like to send an email on that to the ML?16:52
elfyI promise to reply to it ;)16:52
knomeGridCube, just a quick one would do, to gather comments and then vote on the next meeting16:52
knome(and if no comments have been sent... then just vote)16:52
knome#nick Unit193 16:53
knome#info Unit193 is hiding16:53
knome#action Unit193 to stop hiding16:53
meetingologyACTION: Unit193 to stop hiding16:53
Unit193Nothin' to say.16:53
ochosiwell what about the -core thingy?16:53
bluesabrethen use #lurk, right?16:53
knomebluesabre, that's for the bot16:53
knomebluesabre, ...oh wait, Unit193 is a bot16:54
knomeUnit193, want to discuss that already?16:54
knomeochosi, i was trying to test it earlier today, but it was broken but he just PM'd me he fixed it.16:54
Unit193I wanted coffee, but fine.16:54
knome#subtopic xubuntu-core discussion16:54
Unit193knome: Should be fixed for amd64, but let me try it.16:54
knomeUnit193, works noe16:56
knome*now too16:56
knomegets 94.6MB, installed size 290MB16:56
knome(with --no-install-recommends)16:56
Unit193Heh, sorry 'bout that.  That was elfy's problem too, then.16:56
ochosiso what'd be the total iso size for xubuntu-core?16:57
knomeiso size?16:57
Unit193Alright, so it's made to be installed via apt-get install --no-install-recommends, though could be done with tasksel which would then bring in recommends of the meta without (or hopefully without) all the crazy extras.16:57
elfyI know a couple of forum people that would be interested in testing it, if and when it's needed.16:58
knomeUnit193, what's pending to get it to tasksel?16:58
ochosiknome: well i know that we kinda ruled out a separate iso for -core for 14.04, but in general it'd be interesting to know16:58
Unit193knome: Well, another review of the seed and the recommends, it can't be tested without actually being merged though.16:58
ochosior: complete installed size16:59
skellatRight now a merge proposal would probably be needed against the seed to add the separate seed file16:59
knomeUnit193, oki16:59
knomeskellat, ack16:59
Unit193I'd like to try and keep things in deps, so it can be installed either way.16:59
knomeUnit193, since the team showed green light to it... can we progress with that stuff? :)16:59
Unit193But, you could put the fonts (liberation) in recommends and/or indicators too.17:00
Unit193knome: I suppose?17:00
knomeok, cool17:00
knome#action team to work with Unit193 to progress with the -core meta17:01
meetingologyACTION: team to work with Unit193 to progress with the -core meta17:01
knomemore subjects to discuss?17:01
jjfrv8skellat, what are the next steps on the SRU docs problem?17:02
knome#action knome to look into the docs SRU problem17:02
meetingologyACTION: knome to look into the docs SRU problem17:02
GridCubewill the gtk3 indicators issue be fixed for 14.04?17:02
knomelooks like what ochosi said is true17:02
ochosiGridCube: it's on the roadmap17:02
knomeGridCube, that's the plan17:02
GridCubei can't remember anything else now17:02
ochosiok folks, gotta take off, feel free to ping me if there are any more questions17:03
ochosielfy: ah right, you wanted to talk something over before?17:03
elfyochosi: it can wait - no hurry17:04
elfywell not much of a hurry anyway :)17:04
ochosiwhat did you want to know, thoguh?17:04
knomeUnit193, we will need different menu/panel stuff for -core17:04
Unit193knome: Oh?17:04
elfyochosi: was just - what things will you want testing, what install info is there - if I have that then I can push the testing17:05
ochosiknome: can't it use the stuff from the xfce session?17:05
Unit193knome: Ah, you mean the missing icons, not really a huge deal to me.17:05
elfyochosi: the ppa links earlier17:05
ochosielfy: well for light-locker i think i mentioned most17:05
elfyok 17:05
knomeUnit193, that, and the apps menu is a bit off (two separators on top of each other)17:05
Unit193knome: USC.17:05
knomeUnit193, i know17:06
ochosielfy: if you have more questions there, lemme know17:06
ochosielfy: in fact, light-locker is easy to use, but it doesn't autostart until you restarted your session17:06
knomeokay, so17:06
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Nov 14 17:06:48 2013 UTC.  17:06
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2013/xubuntu-devel.2013-11-14-15.55.moin.txt17:06
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2013/xubuntu-devel.2013-11-14-15.55.html17:06
Unit193knome: Kind of made sense to me to leave them as it'd add more work and in the long run more things to maintain, and pretty simple fix after the install.17:06
elfyochosi: I'll look through the meeting logs and see what I need and get to you 17:06
knomeUnit193, yep, but we probably should polish it17:06
GridCubewe didnt choose a next meeting day17:07
ochosielfy: if you wanna test locking and the process is already running (if it's not, just do alt+f2 "light-locker"), you can lock manually with "light-locker-command -l"17:07
Unit193Heh, I know I do. :P17:07
knomeGridCube, oh bleh17:07
slickymasterknome: I've just found another bug in xubuntu-docs https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-docs/+bug/1251332 I've assigned myself to it, but a decision has to be made on what approach will be used as a replacement for gksudo17:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 1251332 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Use of gksudo in Chapter 7. Printing and Scanning" [Undecided,New]17:07
knomenext meeting in a week. :)17:07
ochosiok folks, bbl17:07
knomei'll go and put up the minutes now17:08
knomethen the roadmap17:08
knomethen i'll probably take a break17:08
knomeand after that, create the blueprints and such17:08
bluesabrethen take another break17:08
slickymasterknome: ^^^ did you saw what I said?17:08
knomeslickymaster, yep, ack17:09
Unit193(Yep, core worked for me now as well.)17:09
knomeslickymaster, commented17:09
slickymasterknome: I?ll fix it but there's the need for that decision17:09
slickymasterknome: ok, I'm on it17:11
knomelderan, btw, the voting results seem to appear in reverse order :)17:11
knomehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/ is updated17:37
elfythanks knome 17:38
slickymasterelfy: I haven't done it yet, so I'm doing it now, congrats on elections to the CC17:50
elfythanks slickymaster :)17:51
Unit193Thu Nov 21 16:00:00 UTC 2013  Should be the next meeting.17:56
Unit193New event added: http://goo.gl/7cBEpa17:57
Unit193knome: Here's a thought, mini.iso doesn't do EFI does it?18:01
Unit193Oh, it does secure boot, I'll shutup.18:07
GridCubeknome, ping18:08
knomeGridCube, pong18:08
knomeUnit193, have no idea18:08
GridCubeIt has come to our attention that the current recommende amount of ram in our website might not be up to date.[1] Even if its true that Xubuntu *will* run with this specfications the user experience will not conform to the expected standard.18:08
GridCubeMany users move to Xubuntu from older computers to try to "revitalize" them. We from Xubuntu should warn them that yes, the system will work, that they will be able to use the programs that we provide on our default installation, however this wont be the most seamless of experiences. As Xubuntu is not targeted toward this older systems some of us believe that is important to warn our prospected users about this reality.18:08
GridCubeAs we know that many of you deploy xubuntu in regular basis we ask for you to provide us a realistic Minimum and Recommended setup.18:08
GridCubeThis means, how much RAM and Hard Disk space you would recommend to new users? If someone came asking if their computer would support Xubuntu, whats the setting you would tell them, that "no, a different distribution will better suit you"?18:08
GridCube​[1] http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/​18:08
GridCube-- 18:08
GridCubeBruno.- 18:08
* GridCube is ashamed18:08
GridCubei wanted that to a private message18:09
elfyI can't see a thing18:09
Unit193"that they will be able to use the programs that we provide on our default installation"  Firefox and USC?  I'd question those for less than 1G. :)18:10
brainwashwait what, xubuntu does not work with 512mb ram anymore?18:10
GridCubeyes it does18:10
GridCubefrell 18:10
knomeok, i can't think straight any more18:11
knomei need a break18:11
knomeGridCube, will get to that then.18:11
GridCubesorry, :( 18:12
GridCubehere, better18:12
GridCubesomeone review it so i dont make a fool of myself18:12
Unit193knome: And yes, I asked too soon.18:13
brainwashochosi: yeah, I did add the comment to the greybird report so you get pinged via email and comment on the report as well :P18:13
elfyGridCube: is this the mail to the dev list? 18:14
brainwashochosi: now that the fix has been committed (git)18:14
GridCubei dont want to send it before someone review it, because i usually missword things18:14
elfyGridCube: I'll have a look - but I doubt you'll be making a foo of yourself :)18:14
elfycya 18:15
elfyGridCube: how does that look? does it say what you mean it to say?18:32
GridCubeelfy, :) i added a few things but it seems pretty well18:35
elfycool - just did a little thing to it :)18:36
elfyscans ok to me 18:37
ali1234uh... not trying to be mean but do either of you guys have english as a first language?18:37
GridCubenot me18:37
elfyI do - but I have a headache as well :)18:37
GridCubethats why i ask before sending18:38
elfyali1234: change things - that's what a pad's for :)18:40
ali1234i.. i don't know where to start18:40
elfyali1234: you know what this is for? 18:40
ali1234you just want to ask people how much memory tey think xubuntu needs?18:40
ali1234i was here for the meeting18:41
elfyoh ok - didn't see you :)18:41
Unit193elfy: He wasn't called out.18:42
ali1234this is a little bit... wordy18:42
GridCubeali1234, if you feel it needs to be completely rewriten im ok with that18:42
ali1234run-on sentences, and so on18:43
ali1234i think you're largely going to get two kinds of answers to this18:49
ali12341: "i don't recommend anything less than 64-bit/4GB" and18:49
ali12342: "it runs fine for me in 8MB on my 386"18:49
GridCubeali1234, yeah, well we have to live with that18:58
GridCubethats why i added the "realistic" point18:59
Unit1931G min usable min, IMO. :P19:02
ali1234i don't like this phrase "seamless experience"19:03
GridCubechange it19:11
brainwashdid anything change since.. uhm, ubuntu 11.10? why is more RAM needed now?19:12
ali1234i can't think of anything better unfortunately19:13
ali1234brainwash: the problem is mainly internet stuff19:13
ali1234webpages got fatter in the last two years19:14
Unit193And kernel/Ubuntu core.19:14
brainwashyea, maybe19:16
GridCubebrainwash, web browsers19:21
GridCubethey changed a whole freaking lot19:21
brainwashfirefox was always bloated19:22
Unit193Used to be less.s19:23
brainwashdidn't the mozilla reduce the memory usage?19:23
GridCubenot that i've noticed19:23
ali1234they did, but webpages got more complicated too, it balanced out19:23
GridCubeyesterday just two tabs of the ubuntu wiki used 360MiB19:23
Unit193Flash all the things! :P19:23
brainwashI guess the main issue is, that most people open several tabs19:23
ali1234i have 1.3GB in use and i only rebooted today19:24
ali1234it will be up to 6-7GB in a couple of days when i start opening things19:24
elfy-/+ buffers/cache:  1312 after 6 hours 19:25
ali1234cache goes a long way to making the system usable too19:25
ali1234especially if you don't have a SSD19:26
GridCubeand if you open a video in youtube you are lost19:27
ali1234http://www.youtube.com/feather_beta helps a lot19:29
ochosiknome: could you check the wallpaper-call one last time?20:15
ochosii just added small details about the license20:16
ochosior if you were content with it before, then i guess you'll still be happy with it (i didn't add any extra dashes ;))20:16
ochosii'd just like to send this out before i leave for the weekend20:16
knomejust do it, it'll be okay20:16
ochosiknome: i think it'd be cool if there were a blog post summarizing our plans for 14.0420:30
knomeochosi, i know20:31
knomeit would also be cool if i had the blueprints already organized ;)20:31
Unit193ochosi: So that everyone can see what fell through? ;)20:32
knomeochosi, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-t-artwork20:33
knomepleia2, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-t-community20:33
knomejjfrv8, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-t-docs20:33
knomebluesabre, ochosi, mr_pouit, micahg: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-t-features20:33
knomepleia2, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-t-marketing20:33
knomeelfy, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-t-qa20:34
bluesabreover here instead20:35
bluesabrebusy cycle20:35
bluesabrebetter get started :)20:35
ochosiknome: thanks for doing all the boring blueprint work!20:35
ochosiit's much appreciated20:36
* ochosi will try to keep his up-to-date better this cycle20:36
bluesabrebtw knome, I noticed that we have some outdated, and perhaps unofficial, mugs: http://www.zazzle.com/xubuntu_coffee_mugs-16882129286745214120:36
bluesabreI'd like a fancy new mug :)20:36
bluesabrepleia2 ^20:36
ochosithat'd be nice20:37
Unit193bluesabre: Too small. :P}20:38
bluesabreI have to admit that I love all the sticker/button options on unixstickers, that was an awesome choice20:41
knomeochosi, no problem, but please extend as needed, the works items are hardly final20:47
ochosiknome: ok, hit the publish-button20:49
knomealso, https://twitter.com/Xubuntu/status/40108976077446758520:51
ochosinice, thanks20:53
ochosii g+'d it20:53
ochosimaybe someone will fb it20:53
bluesabrefb the wallpaper stuff?20:54
ochosiknome: well done! (also the roadmap page)20:54
bluesabreI'm going to plagiarize you ;)20:54
ochosigood good20:56
ochosii also dropped a hint to webupd820:56
ochosibecause they had a "what to expect of 14.04" feature today20:56
ochosiand mentioned that there's no news from us yet20:56
bluesabreoh, maybe I should just let pleia2 do it20:57
knomebluesabre, bah!20:58
knomebluesabre, just do it. we want to spread the burden20:58
knomeit doesn't need to be exactly like the same every time20:58
elfyknome: thanks 20:59
knomebtw, anyone know about linking stuff to facebook a lot?20:59
knomei could use some insight on that20:59
bluesabresuch as ..?21:00
knomei'll pm you quickly21:00
brainwashbluesabre: bug 125143121:10
ubottubug 1251431 in LightDM GTK+ Greeter "user background gets painted over background specified in config file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125143121:10
brainwash^ part of my vision of the flickerfree "greeter -> desktop" transition21:11
brainwashstill working on bug 123280421:19
ubottubug 1232804 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "Improve "login greeter -> desktop" transition in Xubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123280421:19
ochosibrainwash: hopefully we can improve this for 14.0421:21
ochosidid you get a chance yet to test the greeter's blanking on another machine?21:22
brainwashlet me test it on this one here, just need to grab the latest versions of greeter + locker21:23
brainwashthis one is intel based21:24
ochosianyway, i gotta read the backlog cause i'm off til monday21:26
brainwashochosi: bye21:29
brainwashochosi: switching looks ok without the latest greeter version (your commits)21:30
brainwashochosi: bad news, it got worse21:33
brainwashit was ok before21:34
ochosibrainwash: ?21:36
brainwashochosi: it blanks the screen completely (black) before displaying the greeter21:36
ochosithat's the idea21:36
brainwashit does not look like an improvement21:37
ochosiit blanks the screen so to act more like a screensaver21:37
brainwashand why do I lose my kb shortcuts after switching back to my desktop?21:37
ochosino clue21:38
brainwashregardless of the greeter version21:38
ochosisounds unrelated though21:38
ochosianyway, i'm really off now21:38
brainwashreally? :P21:38
brainwashochosi: bye bye21:38
brainwashochosi: my result: the black screen adds another "layer" and switching seems to be slightly slower21:41
GridCubei'm ok with the etherpad at the moment23:18
GridCubeis ok for me to send it to the mailing list?23:18

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