
buddies_serverAnyone here that can help with network issues?00:42
knome!anyone | buddies_server00:42
ubottubuddies_server: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:42
buddies_serverHow do I fix internet access in xubuntu 12.04?00:43
knomewhat internet access? what's the problem with it?00:47
ateamhello all :)01:09
David-A!hello | welcome ateam and:01:10
ubottuwelcome ateam and:: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!01:10
David-Ahello ateam, do you have a problem, or just hanging around?01:11
ateamhangin around01:12
ateamhaven't been on IRC in quite a while01:12
ateamstopped by #260001:12
ateamfigured i'd come by here, since i've recently been using Xubuntu on my laptop01:13
ateamso far, i'm a big fan, with the exception of the bug that makes the sound mixer in the notification area nonfunctional01:14
ateami fixed it using a solution found online01:14
ateami'm just shocked that it01:14
ateam's listed under "known issues"01:14
ateamand wasn't addressed for the final release01:14
ateamalso had a problem with networking not reconnection upon awakening from a hibernate or suspended state01:15
ateambut i came up with a solution for that which works great01:15
ateamjust threw a script into /etc/pm/sleep.d/ that does a "pkill NetworkManager" upon awakening01:17
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MontyyHey guys, I have a quick question... I would like to setup two monitors with laptop lid closed, but when I change the setting "when laptop lid is closed:" to Do Nothing, it still puts the laptop to sleep.02:10
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Unit193Montyy: Check /etc/systemd/logind.conf02:21
MontyyUnit193: Its set to ignore02:24
Unit1931. Wrong option.  2. Commented out.  3. HandleLidSwitch=ignore02:26
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=== makimac is now known as makimac|afk
Unit193makimac|afk: Please don't use away nicks...02:27
MontyySorry unit got distracted, but it says I don't have permission02:39
makimac|afkUnit193: what happened?03:20
ubottuPlease do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»03:21
makimac|afkok, thanks for the info, i didn't know that, again sorry for clogging the channel03:22
=== map is now known as Guest55108
holsteinTetragonos: hello04:48
TetragonosI need help installing xbuntu and cant find good instructions to install04:50
ubottuTetragonos,: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate04:51
holsteinTetragonos: if you know how to make the installation media, and boot it, and have somewhere to install it, there really isnt much to note04:52
holsteinthe installer will walk you through a standard install04:52
Tetragonosyeah I am not very good at this stuff trying to get started with linux. My dad however is good at this stuff and suggested xbuntu04:56
Tetragonosstep by step instructions I can do04:56
TetragonosWhen people just mention a process on the other hand...04:56
holsteinsure.. but, in many cases, it depends on the use case04:57
Tetragonosyep, well the nice thing is I have a CF-29 toughbook that I need for nothing so if I ruin my data no big deal just start again04:57
holsteinthe overall process of creating installation media, booting it, and installing is pretty generic... though, those steps may have certain situational variable you may need to address04:57
Tetragonosyep and that is the fun04:57
TetragonosI am learning04:58
cfhowlettTetragonos, here's a tip.  make backups of important stuff.  have fun.05:10
xubuntu462what is a password of Voyager 13.1007:31
xubuntu462what is a password of Voyager 13.1007:31
koegsxubuntu462: voyager is not supported here, you should ask the developers of voyager07:34
xubuntu462they are not offering chat facility and they are french so there is also problem for07:34
teiseiHello everybody!08:26
teiseiDoes anybody have an idea how to configure a so-called rapid fire button to function like a normal mouse button?08:45
Wizardteisei: Does it actually work as a mouse button? :)08:47
WizardYou can check it with xev for example.08:47
bosnjakwhen an application provides the "Start on system boot" option, where does it enable this, what file does it write to?09:27
Wizardbosnjak: Hi, depends on application.09:30
bosnjaki see it in the Settings->Session and Startup->Application autostart, but where is that actually?09:30
bosnjakWizard: how does Settings know then?09:30
WizardAh, that kind of app.09:30
bosnjakWizard: what is "that kind" of app? :)09:30
WizardThey store *.desktop files somewhere in ~/.config. It's standard and default, that's how they know.09:31
WizardI belive it's something like .config/autorun or autolaunch.09:31
bosnjakWizard: autostart it seems09:31
bosnjakWizard: yes, you were right09:31
* Wizard feels so proud.09:31
cfhowlettbosnjak, see this: ${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/09:32
cfhowlett    This is the location where the list of applications that should be automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is represented by a .desktop file (see the Desktop Entry Specification for details).09:32
cfhowlettunder xfce help menu09:32
bosnjakcfhowlett: i see09:32
bosnjakcfhowlett: so if I want my app to autostart, i just add a file there? why are there so many ways to autostart?09:33
cfhowlettbosnjak, sepcifically xfce 4 session manager.09:33
bosnjakcfhowlett: huh? so this is xfce specific?09:33
cfhowlettbosnjak, yep, xfce specific.09:33
bosnjakcfhowlett: hmm, i just installed an application that set itself to run at boot. how did it know what to do to achieve that? I could have installed it in gnome or kde?09:34
cfhowlettbosnjak, just a bit above my head.  I would imagine there might be app specific configurations in play.09:35
bosnjakcfhowlett: ok, thanks! :)09:35
Wizardbosnjak: He's actually not right ;P09:37
bosnjakWizard: enlighten us :D09:37
* cfhowlett grabs popcorn and watches intently.09:37
WizardIt is not xfce speciffic, it is defined in some freedesktop specs (here, he was right).09:37
WizardI'm sure gnome follows that at least.09:38
WizardIf it comes about setting CDG_CONFIG_DIRS, I belive this is XFCE speciffic ;]09:38
WizardSince, iirc, XDG_CONFG_DIRS may contain a list. Besides, particular desktop doesn't actually have to set this, it only has to follow this.09:39
bosnjakfirstly, i never heard of freedesktop, but it sure sound to be what is needed :)09:39
cfhowlettbosnjak, the confusion is understandable.  smack my head for not expressing that on XUBUNTU, the settings can be found at ...       Other desktops have their own way of getting the job done09:40
WizardFreedesktop is a set of standards defined when KDE and GNOME started to cooperate instead of having useless arguments ;)09:41
WizardMost major desktops follow these standards, like for example when you install icon theme you can use it in XFCE, LXDE, GNOME, KDE and RazorQt ;)09:41
WizardFreedesktop also covers some small but important projects, notably dbus.09:42
bosnjakhm, so these standards, do they describe a way something should be done, or the way to gain info about how is something done? If i make myself clear?09:42
WizardBoth, actually.09:42
bosnjakWizard: ah, i see. So ~/.config/autostart on XFCE could be something else on GNOME, but it has to provide a standardized way for the application to find out how its done? Per se..09:43
WizardBut in many places these documents allow things like "in this case implementations may use sane default"09:44
Wizardbosnjak: Nope, it can't be.09:44
WizardLook here.09:44
WizardIt defines precisly where to look for these files and what to do with them.09:44
bosnjakWizard: ah, i see. cool09:45
WizardSo, if you launch gnome, your app should also start with it.09:45
bosnjakWizard: nice :)09:45
WizardNot so very long ago I was writing java implementation for this. That was a nightmare ;P09:46
bosnjakWizard: so this is quite new09:51
WizardWell, not so very new. As far as I remember, oldes specs are around 10 years old now.09:51
bosnjakaw, thats not new at all :)09:55
WizardAnd KDE still doesn't follow some of them</troll>09:55
bosnjakWizard: well, in its due time i guess09:56
bosnjakWizard: it would be nice to see a higher compatibility and standardization between distributions/DEs'09:56
WizardIt is high.09:56
bosnjakWizard: probably. could be better?09:57
WizardThanks to these standards, obviously. And things allways could be better.09:57
WizardLike for example, there could be one, default X toolkit, not 20.09:58
WizardAnd if it comes about UNIX desktop, there could be common UX guidelines.09:58
bosnjakWizard: as far as i can see, linux is advancing rapidly these days. Probably thanks to mobile platforms :) And now the gaming is shifting to linux via Steam/Valve. Should be interesting10:01
WizardI keep hearing about this since long time ;P10:01
bosnjakWizard:  :D10:01
WizardTake a look at 2001 Corel Linux for example.10:02
cfhowlettyes THIS will the year of the linux desktop!10:02
WizardAnd tell me, what's the difference between this and current xubuntu?10:02
cfhowlettl57, you're ON irc ubuntu now.  Have you  a support question?10:02
bosnjakWizard: not sure, i only see pictures :) haven't tried it. What IS the diff?10:03
Wizardbosnjak: (We're going a bit offtopic)10:03
Wizardbosnjak: Well, technology. Core used latest KDE in it's time, slightly adjusted.10:04
bosnjakWizard: yea, sorry for offtopic :)10:04
WizardIt was simple to install, pretty easy to use and so on.10:04
WizardHad an online updater.. Was based on Debain. Failed terribly.10:04
Wizardbosnjak: #xubuntu-offtopic10:05
WizardIf you'd like to continue this chat ;010:05
silentworkshello, im new to xubuntu. wheres a good place to start to learn how to use the command line properly?10:56
silentworksand yes.... i am reading the f****** manual10:56
cfhowlett_silentworks, free download "the ubuntu pocketguide"10:57
silentworksdo i run that as a command?10:58
silentworksor just google search10:58
cfhowlett_silentworks, google away10:58
silentworksi am in the midst of reading this10:59
silentworksdont know if it has holes of info missing though10:59
cfhowlett_silentworks, it does.  all such guides do.  the trick is to learn the basic and how to effectively "man" before you press "enter"11:01
Myrttiadvanced bash guide used to be in the repositories11:03
cfhowlett_Myrtti, hmm.  might be worth a quick search in the software center, though I bet linux.org has some nice freebies as well.11:04
ubottuAdvanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/11:06
cfhowlett_bazhang, nice!11:06
silentworksits in package manager11:08
silentworksinstalling now11:08
silentworksthankyou veyr much guys11:08
silentworksmajor help11:08
silentworkssince im so new at xubuntu, i'm not sure how i go about launching/finding abs-guide11:11
bazhangprehaps alt f2 abs-guide11:11
MyrttiI think you'll just find it in your filesystem, and read it with browser11:11
silentworkswould it be in a particular folder?11:14
silentworksi cant seem to find abs-guide11:14
silentworksin file system11:14
silentworksnoob status over here11:15
silentworksthank you11:25
silentworksoff i gp11:25
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
nonubyany idea how to solve the graphic problems on a kvm guest (http://i.imgur.com/kSQIhPX.png) it is same weather I connect via key-video-mouse emulation or the nomachine nx client/server13:12
GridCubenonuby, have you tried disabling composition?13:25
aicasnis it possible to list all the *installed* packages from a given repository?  i want to find out if i have repos in my refresh list that don't need to be there anymore15:03
knomemeeting in 45 mins.15:14
=== aicasn-V is now known as aicasn
bosnjakwhen installing via apt-get, why do some packages ask for my confirmation, whilst others just install?15:37
GridCubesome might requiere you to choose from options15:39
WizardI belive that if a package doesn't have any conflicts/dependencies it is installed right awya.15:39
WizardIf it does install deps, apt-get asks for confirmation.15:40
knomeno guesses!15:40
WizardOK :(15:40
knomeyou always need to enter the password, until it's remembered15:40
knome(that is, once you type it, it's remembered for some time for your convenience)15:40
Wizardknome: He rather meant [Y/n]15:40
* knome shuts down15:41
knomeyeah, if it pulls in other packages, it'll ask for confirmation15:41
knomeif it's just that package it just installs15:41
knomethat's correct15:41
knome(notice, i'm not really shutting up even if i tell you so)15:41
* Wizard turns knome on again.15:41
bosnjakWizard, knome: thanks, thats what i thought15:43
aicasnis it possible to list all the *installed* packages from a given repository?  i want to find out if i have repos in my refresh list that don't need to be there anymore15:46
bosnjakaicasn: you can get the source of the package by: dpkg -s <package_name>15:47
bosnjakaicasn: shouldn't be too hard to make a script that does what you want15:47
aicasnmagicCommand <repo>   that spits out "<repo> provided the following installed packages:" ...15:48
bosnjakaicasn: well, maybe this answers your question: http://serverfault.com/questions/252333/list-all-packages-from-a-repository-in-ubuntu-debian15:49
Wizardbosnjak: He meant *installed* packages15:50
aicasnyeah i saw that. it will show which packages are _available_15:50
aicasnyes, Wizard15:50
bosnjakah, i see15:50
bosnjakaicasn: couldn't you do diff? :D15:50
WizardNot exactly ;)15:50
bosnjakWizard: why15:51
WizardNah, I don't have any ubuntu around at the moment, unfortunately.15:51
Wizardbosnjak: Because there is more than two repos? :P15:51
bosnjakno, i mean for each repo, diff it with the packages you have installed15:51
WizardNah, to much work ;)15:53
WizardOr maybe not so very much?15:53
Wizardaicasn: You have one option already.15:53
aicasnmaybe. i don't have enough knowledge to do something like that though15:54
aicasnit sounds complicated15:54
bosnjakaicasn: wait a second, maybe i put something together15:55
aicasnnah you don't need to do that, bosnjak. i thought there might be something already in existance that could sort installed packages by repo15:56
aicasndoesn't sound like that strange of a request to me15:56
aicasnty though15:56
bosnjakaicasn: it is possible that it exists, but i don't know about it15:57
bosnjakaicasn: maybe this can help you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/88640/how-can-i-determine-which-software-repositories-are-in-active-use16:08
aicasnlol. yeah that's tecnically what i asked for, isn't it? :)16:10
WizardWell, citing some Star Wars game.. "Solutions to problems aren't always obvious"16:15
* Wizard captain obvious16:15
aicasnWizard: yup16:26
aicasnstill looking though. i failed to mention that i wanted a non-UI solution.  because 1) i want to script it for future usage and to distribute to multiple installations, 2) i hate synaptic16:28
tvgdbHi, I'm looking for someone who could help me with my wireless adapter.18:36
ObrienDavebroadcom adapter?18:37
tvgdbNo, Intel18:37
holsteintvgdb: ask18:59
tvgdbsrry, my wireless adapter has really bad coverage, noticably worse than in windows, i wondered if anyone had the same/similar problem19:11
holsteintvgdb: i have had that problem...19:12
TheSheeptvgdb: could be that it is in a power saving mode19:12
tvgdbhow do i check?19:12
tvgdbholstein: did you manage to solve it?19:13
TheSheepI suppose ifwconfig should tell that somewhere19:13
tvgdbTheSheep: iwconfig returnes "Power Management: on", but idk if that means its in powersave19:13
TheSheepTx-Power=15 dBm19:14
tvgdbmine is at 1619:14
TheSheepif you install powertop, I think you can use it to enable/disable power saving of various components19:14
TheSheepyou coyld try that19:15
TheSheepbut I'm not sure if it will help19:15
tvgdbI'll try, thanks for the suggestion19:15
tvgdbIs it ok if i report back in a sec?19:16
ObrienDaveof course19:17
tvgdbTheSheep: I'm sorry, i don't know how to use powertop, could you teach me?19:20
TheSheeptvgdb: start it with sudo by typing in your terminal: sudo powertop19:20
TheSheepthen press tab until you are at "Tunables"19:21
TheSheepthere you can select various components and enable or disable power management in them by pressing enter19:21
TheSheepyou want to find "Wireless Power Saving for interface XXXX"19:21
tvgdbMy wifi adapter currently says 'Good', should i change it to 'Bad'?19:22
TheSheepbad is the new good ;)19:22
tvgdbWhats the difference between bad & good? in powertop i mean ;)19:23
TheSheep"good" means that it is in a state optimal for saving power19:23
tvgdboh, ok. so i changed it to 'bad', and pressed escape, that saves the settings, right?19:24
tvgdbIts not getting any better :(19:26
tvgdbTheSheep, you there?19:29
TheSheeptvgdb: yes, but I don't have any other ideas to try19:32
tvgdbOh, pitty, thanks anyway!19:33
tvgdbAnyone else have an idea why my wifi card's range is not as much as in windows?19:33
holsteinim the kind of guy who tries many live CD's to see what different kernels do19:33
holsteintvgdb: its really irrelevant the windows support comparison..19:33
holsteintvgdb: the drivers are different19:34
tvgdbI searched online, the drivers should be included in XUbuntu (iwlwifi)19:36
holsteintvgdb: sure.. and intel is usually good about support, and the driver seems to be included.. but the performance is not great19:37
tvgdbMy driver is included since kernel version 3.2, according to the http://wireless.kernel.org/ site19:38
tvgdbSo there is no way to improve my range?19:38
holsteintvgdb: you can try live CD's with potentially older or newer versions to easily troubleshoot19:38
tvgdbI had Ubuntu some months ago, and i don't remember the wireless range being less than in windows, but the drivers haven't changed since19:39
holsteintvgdb: there may be some way for the driver maintainer to inprove that.. or it could be configuration.. you can also try the windows driver19:39
holsteintvgdb: the kernel has changed since, if you are running a newer version19:39
tvgdbso downgrading my kernel is a possibility?19:39
holsteintvgdb: what i would do is, test with a live CD that has the older kernel, such as 12.04... then, you can see, easily, if that is a neccessary, or potentially helpful option19:40
tvgdbI'll try that, thank you!19:40
bosnjaki am trying to build an application. I get the following message: http://pastebin.com/vgnvTczH - it means what it means and i understand that. So i download the source of libsrtp and the patch. I patch the source and compile it. What do i do next? If i instal it, it doesn't resolve the error. I have a previously installed libsrtp0. Not sure if i should remove something before or what? How do I make configure use the newly built library?20:34
PiiiRKOhi folks..20:39
bosnjakhi PiiiRKO20:42
PiiiRKOI just want to shout, I am very satisfied with my xubuntu! :))20:47
aicasnhello octocodercat20:55
bosnjak what does it mean when "dpkg -s <package>" says in the right column: deinstall20:56
* octocodercat wishes that APT didn't take so long to update sometimes =_=20:56
* octocodercat rages21:04
bosnjakoctocodercat: do you use the nearest sources?21:11
WizardXubuntu PPC, try 13 :/21:13
octocodercatbosnjak: Yeah. I wonder if the ~%10 packet loss my ISP gives me would slow it down much21:16
bosnjakoctocodercat: 10% sounds like a lot :)21:22
octocodercatIt is :P21:28
WizardIs there any wat to enable horizontal two-finger scrolling?21:28
Wizard(preferably without xinput magic)21:28
WizardI've just found it in settings :/21:29
bosnjakWizard: turn your monitor to the side and your video output also.21:29
bosnjakWizard: nvm21:29
WizardThanks for pretty useful hint, bosnjak.21:30
bosnjakWizard: np, anytime21:30
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