
=== rocky_ is now known as rocky
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AlanBell!info gedit11:23
ubottugedit (source: gedit): official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.3-0ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 482 kB, installed size 2567 kB11:23
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
BluesKajHey folks12:27
howlymowlyhi poeple..  I am currently upgrading to 13.1012:51
howlymowlyi got some errors during the upgrade which I tried to correct using "apt-fet -f install":  http://pastebin.com/sWF1dnnV12:54
howlymowlybut I get some errors during the process as can be seen in the pastebin link....12:54
howlymowlyany idea what to do?12:54
BluesKajhowlymowly. try sudo dpkg --configure -a , then sudo apt-get  -f install12:57
LinuxGoldis this channel also for ubuntu server?15:01
LinuxGoldrunning server 13.1015:02
LinuxGoldin Virtualbox -- trying to start xubuntu -- installed xubuntu-desktop15:02
LinuxGoldcouldn't startx15:02
elfythis channel is for 14.04 now ;)15:02
elfytry #ubuntu or #ubuntu-server (I think)15:03
LinuxGoldok thanks.15:03
elfyor #xubuntu actually :)15:03
elfybut prob first 215:03
LinuxGoldtrying #ubuntu-server... waiting anser.15:05
penguin42righty, this laptop now has k+1 on it15:06
BluesKajpenguin42. is wayland eventually going to be an option in 14.04  ?15:17
* penguin42 doesn't know15:17
penguin42BluesKaj: I mean there is a weston package15:19
* BluesKaj wonders if anyone does , there were several discussions about it before 13.10's release , but the subject has been silent eversince15:20
penguin42BluesKaj: I doubt it's getting much attention15:20
k1l_i think the focus is on MIR from the ubuntu side. but the flavours need wayland in any way when their desktops drop X support15:21
BluesKajthere has to be something to replace X , maybe wayland is no longer on the short list15:23
k1l_i think there will be some debian-sync for the wayland stuff.15:24
BluesKajis debian pursuing the path to wayland seriously ?15:25
k1l_dont know.15:25
penguin42BluesKaj: Everyone other than Ubuntu is looking at wayland I think15:25
k1l_but since the flavours said they cant do the work for going for MIR. i think they cant do the work for going for wayland too. so i think a debian sync is the best way to get some basis15:26
BluesKajhey FernandoMiguel19:25
=== Pici is now known as Guest25996
=== Guest25996 is now known as Pici

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