
happyaronbschaefer: replied to your email, :)01:31
bschaeferhappyaron, thanks!01:42
* bschaefer reads it01:42
bschaeferhappyaron, and yes, thats the unfortunate problem. Nux does not have IM module support, and implementing that would be to costly01:44
bschaeferand Nux cannot use GTK/QT soo we are kind of stuck with XIM01:44
bschaeferunity8 will be in QT so it wont be a problem there01:45
bschaeferjust unity7 :(01:45
happyaronif im module isn't possible, then better thinking about preserving exising ibus code.01:45
happyaronat least we don't get regression in LTs01:45
bschaefershoot was hoping to remove all that ibus code01:45
bschaeferwell at lease i can still improve the XIM code so it'll at lease render preedit for fcitx users01:46
happyaronIIRC there is some IM Module-like stuff for ibus, fcitx, and hime/gcin in Unity?01:46
bschaeferwith IBus I wrote a while ago, where I talk directly to IBus in Nux01:46
bschaeferthere was a fcitx branch out there, but it never made it in01:47
bschaeferother then IBus, we just use XIM for everything else01:47
happyaronwould be good to have, but I wonders how much the work is required for spliting them out to some kinda IM Module-like stuff.01:47
happyaronfcitx's API is quite stable since 4.2.x, but anyway it's good to let imf maintain the part of code.01:49
bschaeferwell, the whole idea of having an IM module-like thing would be to have the client code in fctix/ibus etc, that use nux toolkit API01:49
happyaronbschaefer: I think it's doable for at least ibus and fcitx at least, especially we can ask kylin people to work on fcitx if needed.01:50
happyaronXIM is used only as a fallback in eyes of IM developers nowadays, it's a must but not always being used.01:50
bschaeferhappyaron, very true, ill have to ask if i have time to dedicate to that01:51
bschaeferyeah, ill be happy to get that working, the fcitx code (bits of it) does exit in a branch by ccslayer01:51
bschaeferby csslayer, that i can dig up and try to get land01:51
happyaronI see.01:51
bschaeferthat way fcitx wont have horrid behavior with the preedit window in the LTS01:52
happyaronyup, :)01:52
bschaeferhappyaron, thanks for all the info!01:52
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
attentedid anyone run into the problem of not being able to log into a session after upgrading to T?04:45
pittiGood morning06:17
Laneyhappy friday!09:05
seb128Laney, hey09:07
seb128good morning desktopers!09:07
seb128happy friday!09:07
seb128Laney, how are you?09:07
Laneyseb128: pretty good, looking forward to the weekend09:08
Laneyin which the only task is to find some sloes and then put them into gin09:08
seb128you do cocktails now?09:09
* seb128 isn't big on gin09:10
Laneynot exactly a cocktail09:11
LaneyI don't really like gin on its own, but sloe gin is quite tasty09:11
Laneyand makes good presents09:11
seb128do you celebrate anything?09:12
larsuthe weekend, of course!09:12
seb128haha, good thing to celebrate!09:13
Laneysomeone told me that you are supposed to pick them after the first frost09:13
seb128larsu, good morning, happy friday!09:13
Laneyhappened this week09:13
seb128larsu, wie gets?09:13
Laneyhey larsu09:13
seb128Laney, I see (same here, first frost this week)09:13
larsuseb128, Laney: happy Friday!09:13
larsuseb128: I'm very good, thanks. And you?09:14
Laneyso: pick, add to gin, wait a couple of months, strain, profit09:14
seb128Laney, sounds like something to try ;-) let us know how it goes09:17
seb128larsu, I'm good thanks09:17
seb128larsu, did you manage to not get crazy over GTK and scrollbars yesterday?09:17
Laneymy desktop just spontaneously rebooted09:18
larsuseb128: no, I got crazy. But I think I've found the issue09:19
seb128larsu, you should maybe try to nag alex a bit more with questions ;-)09:21
seb128Laney, it has enough of building webkit in loop and doesn't want to spend its friday doing it!09:21
LaneyI've been using the Debian ppc porterbox for that09:22
Laneyit's actually really quite fast09:22
seb128did you get any luck?09:22
Laneygot further, linker problem now09:22
LaneyIt became an exercise in disabling bits of code though, so probably not the most upstreamable solution09:23
seb128did you upstream the build error?09:23
seb128no reply yet I guess?09:23
Laneywell, pochu did then I followed up with trunk09:23
ubot2bugs.webkit.org bug 123809 in WebKit Gtk "[GTK] build failure when disabling JIT/Assembler" [Normal,New]09:23
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
nessitatkamppeter_, hi there! I was wondering if you could give me a hint on how to fix/workaround an HP printer that refuses to print, cups web interface shows "Idle - "Can't feed job data into Ghostscript"", and when I send a document to print it shows "stopped  "Filter failed"". I have the latest hplip (3.13.11)12:39
nessitathis is on ubuntu 13.1012:39
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
Laneyslow anongit.freedesktop.org is super slow13:05
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
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=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
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Laneypitti: Looks like you installed the rb apport hook back into a different package so there's a file conflict on upgrade from saucy to trusty14:20
* Laney fixes14:20
pittiLaney: oh, it wasn't in -data?14:27
Laneyseems not14:27
pittiLaney: sorry; thanks14:27
Laneymakes sense there though14:27
didrocksLaney: in a world, I wouldn't live without any other chair :)14:33
didrocks(following a g+ post for those who wonder ^)14:33
seb128didrocks, (thanks, I was)14:34
seb128didrocks, Laney: I've that one as well but only like it mediumly14:36
didrocksseb128: what don't you like in it?14:36
* seb128 likes to cross legs sometimes or sit on one leg, the metal support under the armrest are in the way if you try to do that14:36
seb128and the back support position can't be changed14:37
seb128or it's too high for me/doesn't fit14:37
seb128I guess it's good if your size fits the back thougjh14:37
didrocksseb128: I can do that, but not stay that much because its hurting my back :)14:38
didrocks(crossing legs)14:38
didrocksseb128: yeah, it does fit perfectly for me14:38
didrocksI can see not being able to reposition it can be annoying14:39
LaneyI could go to the ikea shop and try one14:39
Laneyhaha, I knew someone would recommend an aeron14:39
Laneythe one I have now is just terrible14:41
Laneythere was a huge snapping noise earlier today and now I'm sitting at about a 30° angle to the floor14:41
seb128standing desk time maybe? ;-)14:42
Laneydid only buy this desk last year though, huge glass one14:42
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
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=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
seb128mhr3, hey16:48
seb128mhr3, where are the appslens filter coming from? (they are showing non translated, trying to figure if it's a code bug or missing translations)16:48
seb128mhr3, the home/files/etc ones are translated16:49
ogra_tkamppeter, are there any known issues with hplip in trusty ? i cant manage to set up my (networked) LaserJet 1018 (works out of the box on my raring and precise machines)16:49
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
mhr3seb128, from home scope16:53
seb128mhr3, is the app lens special in any way?16:54
mhr3seb128, nope16:55
seb128mhr3, what could make the same category show translated in the home lens and non translated in the app one?16:57
mhr3what is a category?16:58
mhr3there are not many elements that are shared in home and apps16:58
mhr3if any at all16:58
LaneyI'm off to catch a train, have a good weekend everyone!17:01
seb128mhr3, "what is a category", is that a real question?17:01
seb128Laney, thanks, you too!17:01
mhr3seb128, i'm not sure what you mean17:01
mhr3seb128, afaict there isn't anything that's shared in both apps view and home view17:02
seb128mhr3, right, they are not the same ... me checks french translations17:03
seb128mhr3, in the app lens, are e.g Education Games Graphics, etc showing translated for you?17:04
mhr3seb128, well, i use english... so maybe? :)17:04
seb128mhr3, shrug, we should force non english devs to use their locale to dogfood translations issues :/17:04
mhr3seb128, i thought that's why we employ people in france :P17:05
* seb128 slaps mhr317:05
mhr3worth it :D17:05
larsuseb128: aren't you the one who wants French for everyone?17:07
seb128larsu, yeah, we should force them, being nice doesn't work it seems :p17:07
larsuseb128: :D17:07
seb128mhr3, where are the categories (Education, Games, Graphics, etc) coming from?17:08
seb128$ grep Games unity-scope-home-6.8.2+13.10.20131003 -r17:08
seb128unity-scope-home-6.8.2+13.10.20131003/data/master-scopes/applications.scope.in.in:_OptionNames=Accessories;Education;Games;Graphics;Internet;Fonts;Office;Media;Customisation;Accessibility;Developer;Science & Engineering;Dash plugins;System17:08
seb128mhr3, ^ that list?17:08
seb128mhr3, it's weird, it seems translated17:14
mhr3seb128, and you're saying that files filters are ok?17:15
mhr3seb128, cause that uses the exact same mechanism17:15
seb128mhr3, I found an issue, the translation on the system has "Search plugins" and the source "Dash plugins"17:15
seb128mhr3, I wonder if that one got renamed but the translation template didn't17:16
mhr3seb128, it got updated after uife17:16
mhr3i guess that's why17:16
mhr3i'll make a note to ensure that we translations upstream with new scopes17:17
mhr3i still don't know why they were only upstream for the past 3years17:17
mhr3eh... only downstream17:17
seb128mhr3, ok, so I guess the issue is outdated templates17:18
seb128mhr3, well, for most of our project to avoid duplication we let the Ubuntu translators do the job17:18
seb128mhr3, you want to change it to have those commited in the upstream Vcs?17:18
mhr3seb128, yes17:18
mhr3seb128, afaik that's what we do for unity817:18
seb128mhr3, yeah, we do it for the new projects, I don't remember why we did it the other way around but there was a reason17:19
seb128mhr3, maybe for consistency between Ubuntu packages because all upstreams are not in launchpad17:19
seb128mhr3, but dpm agreed, last time we discussed it, that it would make sense to have autocommit to trunk17:20
mhr3we already do only autocommits to trunk, don't see why that shouldn't include translations as well17:21
mhr3(meaning autolanding)17:21
mhr3noone pushes to trunk manually17:21
mhr3so having 1 bot pushing or 10... who cares :)17:22
seb128mhr3, right17:23
tkamppeternessita, first, follow the instructions of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPrintingProblems, especially the sections "CUPS error_log" and "Capturing print job data".19:02
nessitatkamppeter, gladly!19:03
tkamppeterogra_, to my knowledge there is no problem. Note that the 1018 needs firmware loaded everytime when it is turned on. Perhaps you need to download the current plug-in (you can run the "hp-plugin" command for that or use the "hp-toolbox".19:06
nessitatkamppeter, so, I filed bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/1251742, I attached the /var/log/cups/error_log with DEBUG info in it, my untrained eyes don't see any obviously wrong19:32
ubot2nessita: Error: launchpad bug 1251742 not found19:32
nessitaah, bug is private, too much personal info19:32
nessitatkamppeter, gathering "print job data" now, will attach to the bug19:33
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=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
desrtm_conley: ping21:34
m_conleydesrt: pong21:34
desrtm_conley: hey.  do you know anything about the dbusmenu code for xul?21:35
desrtwe want to port to gmenumodel....21:35
m_conleydesrt: not really - chrisccoulson knows it back to front though21:36
desrtm_conley: interested in helping? :)21:36
desrtchris isn't really doing firefox stuff for us anymore...21:37
m_conleydesrt: heh, tempting. I've been tempted too many times though - I'm swamped like crazy21:37
m_conleydesrt: have you seen his global menu bar code?21:37
m_conleythat's what you're interested in porting, right?21:37
desrtya... or starting over.  who knows?21:37
m_conleyhis add-on code is not a bad starting point21:38
desrtattente and i are chilling at UofT right now, btw21:38
m_conleyOh, nice. :)21:38
m_conleydesrt: you might want to investigate doing this with jsctypes21:38
desrtthat gives me an interesting idea21:39
desrtgjs is mozjs21:39
desrti wonder if there would be any way to get gjs into the browser....21:39
desrtthat would make this _so_ easy21:39
desrtso it is possible to get at the xul layer from js?21:41
desrtis there anything that makes this a better choice that going via C?21:41
m_conleydesrt: all Chris's add-on did was iterate the XUL menu nodes, and create equivalent nodes for dbusmenu, and then hide the XUL menu. Then he added an observer for when things were added or removed from the menu so that his menu would update.21:42
m_conleydesrt: that's all quite possible from JS21:42
m_conleyIt'd be a better choice because binary add-ons are the worst. ;)21:43
desrti guess having this one shipped by the distro mitigates some of the worst ills of that21:43
m_conleyI suppose21:43
m_conleydesrt: makes it so that the add-on can be used across versions very easily?21:44
m_conleywithout having to recompile for each?21:44
desrtnot sure how big of a concern that is for us21:45
desrtis xul alive and well?21:45
desrti keep hearing plans to replace it with html outright21:45
m_conleydesrt: *shrug*, it's up to you. You're the implementor. I always veer towards js + jsctypes for this sort of stuff though.21:45
m_conleythose are very long-term plans21:45
m_conleyXUL will be with us for a while21:45
desrtattente is the implementor, in fact :)21:45
attentehiya :)21:46
m_conleybut once Australis ships and we make it all pretty and perfect, we'll take a look at what we can do to start surgically replacing some of our XUL with HTML.21:46
m_conleyattente: hiyo21:46
kenvandinesigh... i have a content-hub branch that had failing tests when i last touched it 2 weeks ago... now they all pass, wtf!21:52
kenvandinei really don't think i fixed the tests... maybe this is a sign i need the weekend!21:53

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