
* h00k waves00:55
ubottuwilee-nilee called the ops in #ubuntu (Tegano)02:03
IdleOne!guidelines > Tegano02:04
FlannelCorey: You should maybe fix that.05:44
CoreyFlannel: Oh you think? :)05:44
CoreyIrssi bug.05:45
CoreyGot an SMS from another staffer, hopped on to fix it. Sorry for the noise.05:45
FlannelNo worries.  It's always fun to walk back to a screen of identical text anyway.05:45
CoreySorry again.05:46
Flannel(No, I'm serious.  It's easy enough to hit page-up a few times, no harm no foul)05:46
Unit193And I just wanted to see someone ban a staffer, personally. ;)05:48
Tm_TUnit193: we've done that often enough it's not funny anymorre06:08
knomewould banning Tm_T be funny? (:07:01
Ben64anyone here? guy in #ubuntu keeps joining and leaving, saying :SYN07:31
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (logren,)09:29
DJones@mark #ubuntu logren Offensive language09:29
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:29
Picisorry k1l_, I was watching earlier and then everything hit the fan here at work15:52
k1l_i muted him now and trying to talk to him in pm to resolve the issue. but he is not answering so far15:53
=== Pici is now known as Guest25996
=== cprofitt_ is now known as cprofitt
=== Guest25996 is now known as Pici
IdleOne!info systemd-shim22:05
ubottusystemd-shim (source: systemd-shim): shim for systemd. In component main, is standard. Version 3+real-0ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 10 kB, installed size 82 kB22:05
k1l_@mark #ubuntu-ops sssss is user snafu. insulting in query22:29
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:29
IdleOneisn't that also ss_haze ?22:29
k1l_2013-11-15:21:52:20-!- ss_haze [54ed851e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #ubuntu22:31
k1l_same ip like him. you are right22:31
IdleOneworth noting22:33
ikoniabased on the conversation I had with him last night and seeing this continuation, I'd just ban on site now22:34
ikoniait's clear his intention22:34
IdleOneI agree22:39

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