penguin42 | I don't suppose anyone has a use for a quad port PCI-X gige card do they - I seem to have bought two off ebay and found they won't actually fit any of my machines (hint: not all PCI-X cards can go into PCI slots) | 00:05 |
daftykins | do they not have the gap to fit in 32-bit slots, or? | 00:07 |
penguin42 | daftykins: They do! But the cards are 3.3v only, and the PCI slots are keyed for 5v only; apparently some PCI-X cards can be dual | 00:10 |
daftykins | ah :( | 00:12 |
penguin42 | daftykins: Exactly | 00:13 |
penguin42 | daftykins: I've actually got one machine with PCI-X - but it's 5v only (early PCI-x machine) | 00:13 |
directhex | moop | 00:14 |
directhex | i had a PCI-X system once | 00:14 |
directhex | my mythtv box | 00:15 |
daftykins | i had a dual PIII setup | 00:16 |
daftykins | but in my brothers hands its' one PATA channel died | 00:16 |
daftykins | so i gave up on it - didn't fancy acquiring any SCSI | 00:16 |
penguin42 | hmm, it's an interesting thought - I wonder whether my old dual Athlon board had PCI-X | 00:17 |
directhex | penguin42, probably | 00:17 |
directhex | today has been productive for my free software work | 00:18 |
daftykins | directhex: oh? | 00:19 |
directhex | daftykins, - i am currently building 3.2.3+dfsg-3 for upload, which will have a successful mipsel build | 00:20 |
penguin42 | damn, according to the online manual my dual athlon board is also 5v | 00:21 |
penguin42 | what mipsel stuff do you run? | 00:22 |
directhex | penguin42, none, but i want as much arch coverage as possible in debian | 00:25 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
MooDoo | morning all | 07:03 |
directhex | would a blog post about why it took 10 years for mono to build on debian mips be interesting? worth doing? | 07:54 |
MooDoo | directhex: even if it's not of interest to most, it's an historical record so I think worth doing :) | 07:56 |
MartijnVdS | Theee Historical Documents! | 07:56 |
MooDoo | lol | 07:56 |
MooDoo | wooohooo think it's time to download all lur radio episodes and give them a listen | 08:07 |
MartijnVdS | aah, nostalgia :) | 08:09 |
MooDoo | yeah I blame jono :D | 08:09 |
MartijnVdS | what is the name of that simple benchmark again? the "count to $a_lot" one? | 08:29 |
MartijnVdS | This is the one! | 08:31 |
popey | ☻ | 08:33 |
MartijnVdS | real0m2.815s | 08:33 |
MartijnVdS | user0m2.771s | 08:33 |
MartijnVdS | sys0m0.000s | 08:33 |
MartijnVdS | (i7-4770K @ 4GHz) | 08:33 |
popey | golly | 08:34 |
MartijnVdS | *zoom* | 08:34 |
MartijnVdS | oh wow.. Pentium IIs took >2 minutes to finish that test | 08:38 |
popey | we should move that to some wiki that is actually editable | 08:42 |
popey | the hants lug website is broken | 08:42 |
* AlanBell tries it on a pi | 08:46 | |
AlanBell | real 2m21.130s | 08:48 |
AlanBell | user 1m30.890s | 08:48 |
MartijnVdS | so it's like a Pentium II | 08:49 |
AlanBell | yeah, strapped to a big GPU | 08:49 |
MartijnVdS | but GPUs usually don't run perl | 08:50 |
ali1234 | my AMD system is over twice as fast as the fastest AMD system on that page | 08:51 |
ali1234 | i think this benchmark s not very accurate | 08:51 |
MartijnVdS | ali1234: or recent | 08:51 |
MartijnVdS | ali1234: the newest Intel chip on there is 2.5 years old | 08:52 |
ali1234 | so is my AMD | 08:52 |
MartijnVdS | ali1234: it must be cheating on the benchmark | 08:52 |
directhex | | 09:04 |
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk | ||
popey | directhex: once a buildd picks it up, how long will it take to actually build? | 09:23 |
directhex | popey, i have no idea - it's never been successfully built, so i have no basis for comparison :p | 09:24 |
directhex | popey, i estimate around 6 hours | 09:24 |
awilkins | What do people use Mono for on MIPS? (or for anything, for that matter, besides games which I see from time to time) | 09:25 |
directhex | on mips... well, nothing... yet | 09:25 |
popey | heh | 09:25 |
directhex | i believe the upstream port exists due to android mips | 09:25 |
awilkins | Part of me asking is that my team is probably going to get merged with a MS / .NET team and it would be interesting to work out the arguments for keeping our Linux servers (oh, yeah, MIPS no compiley, duh) | 09:25 |
directhex | well, the upstream port *is maintained* due to it | 09:26 |
directhex | what is it used for generally... desktop apps. games. daemons. same stuff as you use java or python for, really | 09:26 |
bigcalm | Good morning peeps :) | 09:30 |
SuperMatt | morning | 09:30 |
popey | hello | 09:30 |
bigcalm | Good evening and welcome | 09:37 |
SuperMatt | I'm not sure it's evening | 09:37 |
SuperMatt | I could be wrong | 09:37 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy PlayStation 4 Release Day! :-D | 09:38 |
SuperMatt | Today I have time off work, and I'm going to use it to finish writing my wiki (, all done in python/flask), and go see gravity | 09:38 |
brobostigon | good morning everyone. | 09:38 |
Laney | JamesTait: why would you say that in ubuntu-uk :( | 09:38 |
JamesTait | Laney, only because I couldn't stand the alternative - Clean Your Fridge Day. :-/ | 09:39 |
awilkins | Naah, the big gaming news today is the release of X-Rebirth | 09:48 |
awilkins | Playstation 4 is just Christmas toy news. | 09:48 |
SuperMatt | I'm very interested in x-rebirth | 09:49 |
SuperMatt | my boss has bought it, so I'm going to see how it looks next week | 09:50 |
Myrtti | good morning | 10:07 |
Myrtti | since it's Friday | 10:07 |
Myrtti | here's a kitty video | 10:07 |
MooDoo | lol I as expecting some monster to appear. | 10:09 |
bigcalm | Kittah! | 10:16 |
MooDoo | glad it's the weekend tomorrow, had enough already today lol | 10:16 |
bigcalm | Kissa! | 10:16 |
bigcalm | Maybe even a kuukissa | 10:17 |
=== JamesTai1 is now known as JamesTait | ||
bigcalm | Here endith my knowledge of Finnish | 10:17 |
mungbean | moy | 10:18 |
mungbean | skol | 10:18 |
mungbean | ubuntu stickers in the wild.. | 10:19 |
ali1234 | !info gtk-theme-config | 10:19 |
lubotu3 | Package gtk-theme-config does not exist in quantal | 10:19 |
ali1234 | !info gtk-theme-config saucy | 10:22 |
lubotu3 | gtk-theme-config (source: gtk-theme-config): simple interface to change GTK+ themes. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1 (saucy), package size 22 kB, installed size 124 kB | 10:22 |
popey | wow thats an old sticker | 10:26 |
davmor2 | Morning all | 10:28 |
bashrc | morning | 10:29 |
davmor2 | popey: you shouldn't talk about Elderly with walking sticks like that, it's not respectful ;) | 10:31 |
MooDoo | morning davmor2 | 10:32 |
diplo | SuperMatt: Saw Gravity last night, was quite good :) | 10:42 |
SuperMatt | awesome | 10:42 |
SuperMatt | I'm looking forward to seeing it at the imax today | 10:43 |
SuperMatt | between fielding calls from recruiters | 10:43 |
MooDoo | SuperMatt: getting a lot of job requests? | 10:49 |
SuperMatt | I might be | 10:49 |
SuperMatt | facebook turned me down :( | 10:49 |
* SuperMatt looks at canonical next | 10:49 | |
MooDoo | how come? | 10:49 |
davmor2 | SuperMatt: well if you will sign up for these things :) | 10:49 |
SuperMatt | I was quite experienced enough | 10:49 |
MooDoo | SuperMatt: i'm always on the look out for canonical stuff :) | 10:50 |
popey | SuperMatt: | 10:50 |
popey | any that take your fancy? | 10:50 |
MooDoo | SuperMatt: For some reason davmor2 doesn't need a tea boy :) | 10:50 |
popey | why would the tea boy need a tea boy? | 10:50 |
SuperMatt | data centre engineer might be up my street | 10:50 |
MooDoo | popey: you mean davmor2 isn't the big boss? he lies ;) | 10:51 |
SuperMatt | ooh, systems administrator | 10:51 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: I did say I could do with a foot masseuse but you turned that down | 10:51 |
MooDoo | davmor2: yeah felt i was under qualified for that one. | 10:52 |
davmor2 | popey: I don't know, I have my Dolce Gusto beside me for the cappuccinos /me doesn't even drink tea :D | 10:52 |
SuperMatt | popey: there are two there which might be relevant | 10:54 |
SuperMatt | thanks ;) | 10:54 |
SuperMatt | ig waut | 10:54 |
SuperMatt | *oh wait | 10:54 |
SuperMatt | one is based in beijing | 10:54 |
SuperMatt | so only one then | 10:54 |
davmor2 | SuperMatt: not looking to move to Beijing then? | 10:58 |
diplo | I'm just writing my CV for a datacentre job SuperMatt, looks really interesting | 11:02 |
davmor2 | I have an awesome wife :) | 11:03 |
AlanBell | davmor2: Could not access backend storage | 11:05 |
davmor2 | AlanBell: works here | 11:06 |
bigcalm | Could not access backend storage | 11:06 |
davmor2 | AlanBell: maybe it hadn't finished setting up the sync as it's a video | 11:06 |
JamesTait | davmor2, you've been out-breaker'd. | 11:06 |
davmor2 | JamesTait: I blame you anyway it's U1 | 11:07 |
JamesTait | davmor2, I blame the tester equally. :-P | 11:09 |
davmor2 | JamesTait: Right I'll get onto vila and elopio immediately :P | 11:09 |
JamesTait | :D | 11:10 |
jussi | ooh, tea, what a great idea :D | 11:10 |
MooDoo | not working here either davmor2 | 11:11 |
MooDoo | davmor2: sack your tester ;) | 11:11 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: we already been through that one :) | 11:12 |
MooDoo | davmor2: rats | 11:12 |
mungbean | what are income taxes like in norway? | 11:15 |
Laney | exquisite | 11:15 |
davmor2 | AlanBell: can you get it now ? | 11:17 |
bastubis | anyone know what's happened to u1sdtool in 13.10? doesn't seem to be in the repos? | 11:17 |
AlanBell | davmor2: yeah, that is doing something | 11:18 |
AlanBell | !info u1sdtool | 11:18 |
lubotu3 | Package u1sdtool does not exist in quantal | 11:18 |
AlanBell | quantal! | 11:18 |
davmor2 | AlanBell: I tarballed the video :) | 11:18 |
bastubis | yeah I noticed that - so how do you fix buggy crashy U1 then? | 11:18 |
mungbean | i still get "a file is no longer published" when i try to publish to u1 | 11:19 |
AlanBell | it is in a different package I think, on sec | 11:19 |
davmor2 | bastubis: it's in the install | 11:19 |
bastubis | huh? | 11:19 |
davmor2 | bastubis: I typed u1s and hit tab | 11:20 |
AlanBell | !info ubuntuone-client raring | 11:20 |
lubotu3 | ubuntuone-client (source: ubuntuone-client): Ubuntu One client. In component main, is optional. Version 4.2.0-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 11 kB, installed size 156 kB | 11:20 |
AlanBell | bastubis: ubuntuone-client provides it | 11:20 |
bastubis | so I should just download the tarball and install it with dpkg? | 11:20 |
bastubis | really? where? | 11:20 |
AlanBell | no, it is in the package | 11:20 |
bastubis | how do I launch it? | 11:20 |
ali1234 | why is the bot returning package results from quantal? | 11:20 |
davmor2 | bastubis: open the terminal and type u1s and hit tab | 11:21 |
bastubis | ahhh ok it's preinstalled | 11:21 |
* bastubis has found the manual | 11:21 | |
bastubis | ta! | 11:21 |
bashrc | click packages - is there any progress on that? | 11:24 |
AlanBell | bashrc: yeah, they work on the phone | 11:24 |
bashrc | what's the format for them? | 11:25 |
AlanBell | bashrc: | 11:26 |
AlanBell | roughly speaking, as I understand it, they are a cut down .deb format with added apparmor | 11:26 |
davmor2 | bashrc: click is the format ;) But AlanBell 's link is better. | 11:26 |
AlanBell | and they are designed to work with a read-only root filesystem | 11:27 |
AlanBell | what is a mildly sensible file format for some preference variables that I will need to read from bash and python? | 11:28 |
bashrc | I wasn't thinking of the web interface. If I wanted to create a click package, supposing that I have a binary and I know some dependencies, could I make a script or something) which builds the package? | 11:29 |
popey | click build ./foo | 11:29 |
ali1234 | it doesn't really make sense to call click a cut down .deb - .deb is just two tar files joined together it doesn't get much simpler than that | 11:29 |
popey | where ./foo contains your application | 11:29 |
AlanBell | ali1234: it doesn't have scripts | 11:29 |
popey | you can look at it from either end | 11:29 |
popey | bashrc: click packages have no concept of dependencies | 11:30 |
popey | well, they have a simple one.. you depend on the sdk revision, which assumes some dependencies | 11:30 |
popey | so an app could be written for ubuntu-14.04 and wouldn't be installable on ubuntu-13.10 for example | 11:31 |
davmor2 | Lets try this again google plus just caught up with u1 :) I have an awesome wife | 11:31 |
bashrc | I'm still no wiser about the format of click packages | 11:32 |
ali1234 | so basically a click package is just an archive with some files in it | 11:32 |
bashrc | ok, like a deb | 11:33 |
ali1234 | no, not like a deb | 11:33 |
ali1234 | a deb has dependencies a pre/post-install scripts | 11:33 |
ali1234 | it's more like a tar.gz | 11:33 |
davmor2 | ali1234: Did you not just point out that a deb is a couple of tarballs? In that case it's like a deb then right :D | 11:34 |
popey | it's an ar file containing a data.tgz and a control.tgz | 11:35 |
popey | bashrc: but you just use "click build ./foo" to build it | 11:35 |
ali1234 | click: error: directory "./foo" does not contain manifest file "manifest.json" | 11:35 |
AlanBell | bashrc: more infos | 11:35 |
popey | yeah, there's some documented bits you need | 11:35 |
AlanBell | not massively well documented | 11:37 |
popey | | 11:37 |
AlanBell | ah | 11:37 |
AlanBell | !info bash | 11:40 |
lubotu3 | bash (source: bash): GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 4.2-5ubuntu3 (saucy), package size 603 kB, installed size 1388 kB | 11:40 |
AlanBell | ^^ ali1234 | 11:40 |
davmor2 | bashrc: this might be a better example of how to manual build a click package rather than the sdk way. | 11:40 |
ali1234 | fixed? | 11:40 |
SuperMatt | what's a good way to get in contact with Jorge Castro? | 11:40 |
davmor2 | SuperMatt: irc | 11:41 |
SuperMatt | any channel? | 11:41 |
AlanBell | SuperMatt: jcastro on IRC, normally in #ubuntu-community-team and other places | 11:41 |
SuperMatt | cool, thanks | 11:41 |
popey | SuperMatt: lurk in #ubuntu-community-team or email him | 11:41 |
bashrc | davmor2: that's a much better description | 11:41 |
ali1234 | so how do i make a manifest file for a new click package? | 11:41 |
popey | see and | 11:44 |
popey | if there's bits missing or unclear, let me know and we can get it fixed | 11:48 |
davmor2 | bashrc: it is only effectively a desktop file and a manifest and a permissions file as it is a webapp but it gives you a good idea. | 11:50 |
ali1234 | it would be nice if it wasn't necessary to keep the manifest.json in the same directory as all the files | 11:50 |
ali1234 | i don't want it in the .zip or .tar.gz or .deb versions | 11:50 |
popey | you can | 11:51 |
popey | you can put the manifest file somewhere else, and specify click build -m PATH ./foo | 11:51 |
ali1234 | can i make a click package with no dependency? | 11:51 |
popey | not tried that | 11:52 |
ali1234 | I get "Framework "ubuntu-sdk-13.10" not present on system (use --force-missing-framework option to override)" when i try to install it | 11:52 |
popey | probably | 11:52 |
popey | yes | 11:52 |
popey | we don't currently support click package installs on desktop | 11:52 |
popey | it's for phone/tablet at the moment | 11:52 |
popey | but you can do as it says and --force-missing-framework | 11:52 |
popey | and see if it works, and you get to keep the pieces if it doesn't | 11:53 |
ali1234 | click: error: no such option: --force-missing-framework | 11:53 |
popey | during install? | 11:53 |
ali1234 | no, during package build | 11:53 |
popey | not during build | 11:53 |
popey | no, you specify during install | 11:53 |
ali1234 | that's not much use | 11:53 |
ali1234 | i want to make a click package that doesn't depend on any framework | 11:54 |
bashrc | I was really getting ahead of myself. Probably I'll only really be interested in implementing click packages once that system is available on the desktop | 11:54 |
popey | oh, sorry, you're building a click package? | 11:54 |
ali1234 | yes | 11:54 |
popey | I haven't used that parameter when building | 11:54 |
ali1234 | also -m path doesn't work | 11:54 |
popey | this topic should be discussed in #ubuntu-touch where the devs are btw ☻ | 11:55 |
popey | or indeed #ubuntu-app-devel | 11:55 |
ali1234 | manifest.json is in current directory. click build -m manifest.json foo/ -> "click: error: directory "foo/" does not contain manifest file "manifest.json"" | 11:55 |
popey | looks like a bug | 11:56 |
ali1234 | hmm wait | 11:56 |
popey | | 11:56 |
ali1234 | click build -m . foo/ -> works, kind of (actually it crashes) | 11:56 |
ali1234 | reported | 12:05 |
popey | thanks | 12:05 |
ali1234 | click needs a framework that defined only glibc, x11, and alsa | 12:05 |
davmor2 | ali1234: why would it define x11, it's built to build against mir | 12:07 |
ali1234 | davmor2: uh, because my app requires x11 | 12:07 |
ali1234 | and glibc, x11, alsa is the minimum you can expect to find on any linux distribution | 12:08 |
ali1234 | this would make click packages actually cross platform | 12:08 |
ali1234 | though i can understand why you wouldn't want that to happen | 12:08 |
davmor2 | ali1234: are you just missing the point of mir and wayland in that x goes away at which point why would you target x11 again? Don't forget this is a future package that just happens to be available currently on Phones and tablets because they have all the confined elements | 12:12 |
davmor2 | as for alsa I think you just add audio iirc | 12:12 |
ali1234 | you can't "just add audio" | 12:13 |
ali1234 | and X11 is not going away any time soon | 12:13 |
popey | indeed, next LTS will ship with X11. | 12:13 |
ali1234 | currently with click you make make up any framework name you want | 12:13 |
ali1234 | however the only ones that anyone will ever actually have is the ubuntu-sdk ones | 12:14 |
popey | not sure when click is planned to be in desktop | 12:14 |
ali1234 | i set framework to "none-require-please-force-install" | 12:14 |
ali1234 | this is a fairly poor workaround | 12:14 |
popey | yeah, you're using click packages outside the current use cases. it's not been worked on for desktop use cases yet | 12:14 |
davmor2 | ali1234: this is my point, click is designed to run on mir with unity8 inside appamour confinement, That is not currently available on the desktop until it is you won't have click by default and it would work as expected until those parts are meet | 12:17 |
ali1234 | yeah here's the problem with that: i will not support mir in my app | 12:18 |
ali1234 | so either you make a framework for x11 apps, or my app doesn't go in a click package | 12:18 |
ali1234 | i don't see why you have such a hard time understanding this | 12:18 |
directhex | popey, 12.04 is x11? | 12:19 |
directhex | er, 14.04 | 12:19 |
davmor2 | ali1234: bingo so you package it as a deb the end | 12:19 |
ali1234 | no, i will not package it as a deb either | 12:19 |
ali1234 | i will ship it as a tar.gz, the way all linux game developers currently do anyway | 12:20 |
ali1234 | the tgz will contain all the dependencies, and they'll be built against x11, again exactly like all linux games currently are | 12:20 |
popey | directhex: yup | 12:21 |
directhex | popey, thank fuck. that simplifies my deployments no end | 12:21 |
popey | ali1234: out of interest, what framework do you use? sdl? | 12:21 |
ali1234 | i use ogre3d | 12:21 |
popey | ah yes | 12:21 |
ali1234 | i use SDL for input and sound | 12:21 |
ali1234 | but SDL2, because SDL1 is horrible | 12:22 |
ali1234 | "click list" is broken btw | 12:23 |
popey | on desktop? | 12:23 |
ali1234 | yes | 12:23 |
popey | yeah, as I said, out of scope | 12:24 |
Laney | argh | 12:28 |
Laney | distressing snapping / pinging sound when I leaned a bit on $brokenchair just now | 12:28 |
* Laney bumps the urgency of acquiring a replacement | 12:28 | |
davmor2 | Laney: I can recommend the Markus from ikea | 12:33 |
Laney | just called to have this one taken away | 12:33 |
Laney | so there is a deadline of next thursday by which I need to have replaced it :P | 12:33 |
* awilkins seconds the Markus | 12:36 | |
Laney | cheers for the recommendation | 12:36 |
awilkins | Mesh back, leather seat cover, floating pivot | 12:36 |
awilkins | Good price for what it is | 12:37 |
davmor2 | awilkins: and don't forget the padded lower back support too :) | 12:37 |
awilkins | The chair I have in the office is probably nicer, but it also probably cost a bazillion quid because Government Procurement + Trained Ergonomic Person to help set it up | 12:38 |
awilkins | Has an inflatable padded lower back support for super-awesome controllability | 12:39 |
davmor2 | awilkins: that just takes the p | 12:39 |
* popey needs to fix his aeron | 12:39 | |
awilkins | davmor2, I know, could probably have got a much nicer one if I'd just expensed it / was allowed to | 12:40 |
awilkins | Shoot all the damn lawyers and return to a common-sense system | 12:40 |
davmor2 | awilkins: why did you not just get a lazyboy 9000 and be done :D | 12:41 |
awilkins | davmor2, I'm not sure it would actually be a good coding chair | 12:41 |
awilkins | Some kind of reclining workstation with the screen built in would be good | 12:41 |
davmor2 | awilkins: only cause the bosses would see you alseep on the job ;) | 12:42 |
awilkins | There was some news about VRDs that sounded positive | 12:42 |
awilkins | The main concern I have with an Oculus is the weight - a VRD rig will be lighter | 12:42 |
awilkins | Wonder how useful they'll be for programming / workstation purposes | 12:42 |
davmor2 | awilkins: VRDs just makes it sound like something you would catch and not talk about except to a Doctor | 12:43 |
awilkins | And the plus side to a head mounted display is noone can shoulder surf you.. | 12:43 |
shauno | mmmm ergonomics | 12:44 |
davmor2 | awilkins: you have a head mounted to your display I'm not surprised any one want to shoulder surf you :D | 12:46 |
awilkins | If I could actually repel certain users with a shrunken head talisman I might consider getting one | 12:46 |
DJones | shauno: That looks like it would be really uncomfortable | 12:47 |
shauno | not mine thankfully, just the first la-z-boy shot I found that didn't look like it should be burnt by guys in yellow rubber suits | 12:49 |
DJones | :) | 12:50 |
awilkins | A 135 degree angle is optimal for your health though :-) | 12:50 |
awilkins | Relieves disc pressure | 12:51 |
DJones | I'm either at a desk in an upright position using a desktop, or my laptop is on the arm of a reclining sofa while I recline | 12:51 |
popey | \o/ aeron working | 12:51 |
DJones | awilkins: I think the reclining would give me the 135 degree angle | 12:51 |
popey | MartijnVdS: | 12:52 |
shauno | we had one of those ergonomics voodoo chaps visit at work. they seemed me worried about the stuff all over my desk, than the chair | 12:52 |
awilkins | Really, I could totally go for the Matrix style pink goo floatation pod once they get the technical details sorted | 12:53 |
ali1234 | shauno: have you seen that battlestation hidden inside a wardrobe photo? | 13:00 |
shauno | I've seen all manner of sins on /r/battlestations | 13:01 |
ali1234 | this one is the worst | 13:02 |
popey | wat | 13:03 |
popey | hah | 13:08 |
popey | Myrtti: | 13:12 |
Myrtti | cool, but that's twitter. I go there once in a blue moon nowadays | 13:12 |
mgdm | My gf is currently learning crochet and knitting, so I've commissioned her to make a Marvin along the lines of the one from | 13:13 |
popey | hah | 13:13 |
mgdm | Oh, that's in French. My point stands though | 13:13 |
MooDoo | davmor2: you have a nice wofe :) | 13:13 |
mbs_ | Anyone else having a problem with firefox today? i did an upgrade and now firefox thinks im arabic?? | 13:13 |
MooDoo | wife even | 13:13 |
mbs_ | everything is right->left and the searches are all in what im guessing is arabic. help? | 13:15 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch | ||
awilkins | You've been targetted for Islamification. The Iman will be with you shortly. | 13:16 |
mbs_ | sweet | 13:17 |
awilkins | He doesn't feel pity. Or remorse. Or fear. Except of bacon. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are.. well, Muslim. | 13:18 |
mbs_ | Well Praise Mohammed!!!! i would usually use google to fix my problem but i cant speak Arabic. Has anyone else got any ideas? | 13:20 |
awilkins | Delete your profile folder? | 13:20 |
mgdm | mbs_: there's a switch to start Firefox with a new profile | 13:20 |
awilkins | Or that | 13:20 |
mgdm | or at least with the profile manager | 13:20 |
mgdm | 'firefox-bin -p' perhaps? | 13:21 |
mbs_ | ok i stopped panicing and deleted my .mozilla folder and its all fixed, thanks all. Why do you think it went wacky in the first place? | 13:22 |
awilkins | Maybe some clown reset your language settings... maybe you accidentally hit it with a Unity HUD search | 13:23 |
popey | oh, is there new firefox? | 13:24 |
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away | ||
popey | oddly I just udpated and got a new google chrome ☻ | 13:24 |
mbs_ | yes and made me sad and arabic | 13:25 |
popey | chrome made your firefox sad and arabic? | 13:25 |
mbs_ | well it made firefox arabic and me sad | 13:26 |
popey | I have not observed this behaviour but will be on the look out for it | 13:26 |
mbs_ | might of been something stupid i did, but i cant imge how i did it | 13:27 |
popey | I wouldn't venture to suggest you did something stupid | 13:27 |
mbs_ | theres a long history of me effing up ubuntu installs | 13:28 |
popey | jussi: did you find another / better HDMI splitter? | 13:28 |
popey | oh. well done | 13:28 |
jussi | popey: nope | 13:28 |
mbs_ | so ive decided to sack off Firefox and use Chrome for a bit | 13:32 |
popey | i switched to chromium | 13:33 |
popey | firefox is dead to me | 13:33 |
mbs_ | why, did it kick your cat? | 13:33 |
popey | it doesn't work as well as chromium for my use case | 13:34 |
mungbean | i keep deciding to use firefox and forgetting | 13:34 |
mungbean | mozilla needs serious reforming as the waste is colossal | 13:35 |
mungbean | richest OSS project i know , with not much to show for it | 13:35 |
mbs_ | im getting anoyed with it for stuff like today and the way it peggs my gpu, and the tab bar corrupts if you open more then 5 gif images | 13:37 |
TheOpenSourcerer | firefox -ProfileManager will let you have as many profiles as you like and choose a default... | 13:37 |
TheOpenSourcerer | firefox -p profilename will start it using the profile <profilename> | 13:37 |
TheOpenSourcerer | I use Firefox mostly and chrome too. | 13:38 |
mungbean | how does i wonder which is better , nexus4 or moto g | 13:38 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Firefox is very fat now and seems to use less memory than chrom | 13:38 |
mungbean | or whether nexus4 is even buyable anywhere | 13:38 |
TheOpenSourcerer | s\fat\fast | 13:38 |
TheOpenSourcerer | lol | 13:38 |
mungbean | TheOpenSourcerer: every release i'm told that, but the fact is they are both bloaty RAM munchers | 13:38 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Hardly surprising when we *all* end up with 50 tabs open at any one time, most with hugely complex JQuery/Javascript stuff running in the background | 13:39 |
TheOpenSourcerer | It amazes me they work as well as they do ;-) | 13:40 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Lynx they ain't | 13:40 |
mbs_ | is that the command line one? | 13:43 |
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk | ||
TheOpenSourcerer | mbs_: | 13:43 |
mbs_ | yeaaahhhh thats the open i used in college when we had a terminal access and some really shoddy security on the server | 13:44 |
mungbean | suddenly horse looks more appetising when viewed like this | 13:49 |
TheOpenSourcerer | I never though horse unappetising to be honest. I've eaten it in Spain and Belgium before. | 13:50 |
mungbean | had it in russia | 13:51 |
mungbean | tasted like braised beef | 13:51 |
popey | pate on toast for lunch | 13:52 |
popey | last two slices of bread in the house. nicely burned.. oops | 13:52 |
* TheOpenSourcerer just had a chicken jalfrezy | 13:52 | |
TheOpenSourcerer | Had a Chicken Naga last night, and a chicken Madras for lunch yesterday. | 13:53 |
awilkins | Was at a curry house the other night that had a Chicken Naga | 13:54 |
awilkins | I didn't have it. | 13:54 |
TheOpenSourcerer | The one I had last night ( was "OK". Not that great TBH. | 13:55 |
mungbean | went to wetherspoons for lunch. 40 minute wait for food, went elsewhere | 14:00 |
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g | ||
awilkins | We have a 'spoons outside at the station. The venue of choice for all the 0800 lager drinkers. | 14:25 |
diplo | Ours is the same awilkins :/ | 14:27 |
mungbean | its a weird mix of students, drunkards and uni staff | 14:27 |
davmor2 | mungbean: nexus 5 | 14:42 |
mungbean | mroe moneys | 14:42 |
davmor2 | mungbean: it has a silly processor in it | 14:42 |
davmor2 | mungbean: goto amazon, ebay, and google and see if you can get an n4 | 14:43 |
davmor2 | mungbean: failing those try places like phone shops and argos | 14:43 |
awilkins | Google say they aren't selling 4's anymore in the UK. Not surprisingly, they probably sold out of it after lowering the price to £160 / £200 | 14:46 |
mungbean | my htc still works but i like to stay abreast of budget/decent cheaper models | 14:47 |
awilkins | Might be a viable strategy for my next phone upgrade, buy a Nexus N-1 just before the N comes out. | 14:47 |
mungbean | yeah | 14:47 |
awilkins | Have a 4 at the moment, very happy with it | 14:47 |
mungbean | i have a choice right now, delete nearly all my apps or continue with terribly slow phone | 14:47 |
awilkins | Only thing I'd change is the storage situation | 14:48 |
awilkins | Even if it wasn't _removable_ I'd like to be able to upgrade it | 14:48 |
awilkins | I mean, they can roll the SD card into an LVM group for all I care and make the phone die horribly if you remove it | 14:48 |
awilkins | But being stuck on the stock 16GB prevents me from just splatting my whole music collection onto it | 14:49 |
awilkins | My N900 had 32GB stock and has all my music on it | 14:49 |
awilkins | Put a MicroSD card slot in the SIM drawer to make it annoying to remove | 14:50 |
shauno | I've relegated my music to a 'cloud' thingie because there's little hope of it fitting on a phone any time soon | 14:50 |
mungbean | i have an awesome mp3 player | 14:51 |
awilkins | Mm, the problem with that is i) cloud thingy and ii) wireless data isn't cheap or polite | 14:51 |
bashrc | 32GB would be good enough for me | 14:51 |
awilkins | By "not polite" I mean that I consider it impolite to be streaming large volumes of static data that you could have easily cached locally (if you had enough storage on your phone) | 14:51 |
awilkins | Because wireless data is a limited resource and I'd rather have it available for dynamic content than have it needlessly used up by content that could be cached. | 14:52 |
awilkins | One of the reasons that the flipping media cartels should be spanked | 14:53 |
shauno | it's not ideal, but I don't see having 300GB spare on a phone any time soon | 14:53 |
awilkins | shauno, Ouch.... I keep having thoughts of writing a dynamic cache thing that swaps music in and out of the phone algortithmically | 14:53 |
davmor2 | awilkins: I pay through the nose for an unlimited data plan I make use of it | 14:53 |
mungbean | i have 250mb | 14:54 |
mungbean | because it costs only £7.50 per month | 14:54 |
awilkins | davmor2, Tragedy of the commons, innit - "I have the right to this, therefore I will use it as much as possible even if it spoils things for other people". | 14:54 |
awilkins | davmor2, Agree that the prices are probably not entirely reflective of the service - can I enquire what you are paying? | 14:55 |
mungbean | gifggaf unltd web is £12 | 14:55 |
davmor2 | awilkins: to be fair I use mine mostly for testing Ubuntu also so I don't really care :) £37 a month + and S3 in the bundle, unlimited data, unlimited text and 200 minutes of talk | 14:56 |
awilkins | davmor2, Ah.. I stopped buying bundled phones | 14:57 |
mungbean | so you pay £25per month for the phone | 14:57 |
awilkins | davmor2, Nexus 4 + £10 pcm 500 mins, ul txt, 1GB data | 14:57 |
awilkins | But that's explicitly tethering permitted | 14:57 |
awilkins | £12 for ul data but tethering is then considered naughty | 14:58 |
awilkins | I don't need the voice, I have months when my call counter literally stands at about three seconds. | 14:58 |
shauno | about the same here, which is why I wish I could use my dongle's plan on my phone | 14:59 |
davmor2 | awilkins: yeah we go camping so I tether up to 2-4 devices then | 14:59 |
davmor2 | so I have months where I use very little and then weeks where I use huge amounts :) | 14:59 |
shauno | I pay 20e for 20GB on my dongle, 65e for 2GB on my phone. same 3g through the same telco. | 14:59 |
mungbean | i am stringent about my mobile prices but i pay monthly for a lnadline i don't use just to have broadband :( | 14:59 |
awilkins | Hah, same here, I have more than enough minutes on my mobile to cover all my calls | 15:00 |
awilkins | Wish I could just go broadband only | 15:01 |
mungbean | :( | 15:01 |
mungbean | i could but it costs more | 15:01 |
awilkins | Yeah, I pay for the TV - I don't even have an STB | 15:01 |
awilkins | Not since the broadband modem was a separate device | 15:01 |
awilkins | The cable goes into my office, not the living room | 15:01 |
awilkins | Used to have a TV card in the computer just to watch the cable | 15:02 |
shauno | ugh, they're trying to push a STB which is the tv/modem/router all in one here. no sir don't like it | 15:02 |
awilkins | We have a "superhub" | 15:03 |
awilkins | Modem / router | 15:03 |
awilkins | It's in "dumb" mode here | 15:03 |
awilkins | I have my own router | 15:03 |
shauno | I have a similar deal, which is why I'm fobbing off this STB until I'm sure it'll do the same | 15:04 |
shauno | I can't get HD channels until I get their latest widget, but I'm willing to make that tradeoff | 15:05 |
diplo | :source /home/andy/.byobu/profile | 15:17 |
diplo | ooer | 15:17 |
diplo | :) | 15:17 |
diplo | F5 does that fyi | 15:17 |
penguin42 | can anyone on virgin-media ping - ? | 15:26 |
popey | nope | 15:26 |
popey | stops inside virgin | 15:26 |
penguin42 | hmm, can everyone off virgin-media ping it - I can from my VM | 15:26 |
directhex | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=42 time=118 ms | 15:27 |
directhex | on BT | 15:27 |
mgdm | I can ping it, from some BTthing | 15:27 |
popey | yes | 15:27 |
penguin42 | nod, thanks | 15:27 |
awilkins | Can ping it from VM | 15:27 |
awilkins | And outside VM (have an SSH tunnel, can do both at same time | 15:28 |
awilkins | Tell a lie | 15:28 |
awilkins | tsocks is obvs not covering it | 15:28 |
awilkins | Pinging straight from my router isn't workign | 15:28 |
penguin42 | how annoying | 15:29 |
awilkins | Stops at | 15:29 |
penguin42 | my mtr doesn't get that far for me | 15:30 |
awilkins | That's just one hop | 15:31 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea | ||
penguin42 | yeh not even showing that for me from the router | 15:34 |
shauno | maybe you broke dalnet, this could be the most traffic they've seen for 10 years :p | 15:34 |
penguin42 | haha yes, I tend to hover on #science on there - it's not exactly busy | 15:36 |
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g | ||
Myrtti | meh bloody ppi cold callers | 15:45 |
daftykins | 0o | 16:04 |
daftykins | i'm safe from such things fortunately | 16:04 |
daftykins | barely i even know my landline number :D | 16:04 |
daftykins | i've had one call on it - which was from the telco for a survey \o/ | 16:04 |
shauno | heh, I don't know my landline. I tried calling myself to find out, but it seems I'm ex-directory too | 16:05 |
daftykins | XD | 16:06 |
daftykins | over here we can dial 1470 prior to the outgoing number to reveal it for a single call | 16:07 |
daftykins | Check out the temperature differences on this laptop with a proper application of thermal paste | 16:18 |
daftykins | | 16:18 |
daftykins | max under load dropped by 23 deg C | 16:18 |
cocoa117 | find /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ -xdev -type f -mmin -9 -exec tail -n 1000 {} | fgrep -c 'wp-login.php' \; why this does't work? | 16:23 |
penguin42 | daftykins: How hard was it to put it bac together? | 16:23 |
penguin42 | cocoa117: how does it fail? | 16:23 |
daftykins | penguin42: thankfully this one was a single underside panel job - 3 screws on the socket area popped the heatsink and heatpipe straight out | 16:23 |
cocoa117 | penguin42, it said find: missing argument to `-exec' | 16:24 |
cocoa117 | fgrep: ;: No such file or directory | 16:24 |
daftykins | penguin42: | 16:24 |
penguin42 | cocoa117: I think your problem is that the | is being interepreted by the shell you typed that in, so everything after it never gets to the find | 16:25 |
daftykins | probably the easiest i've done, somewhere up there with Apple Macbook pros | 16:25 |
shauno | I love that giant hole for hdd2. more laptops need this! | 16:27 |
daftykins | XD | 16:28 |
daftykins | shauno: lacking the caddy to get one in there though - that'd be a pain | 16:28 |
shauno | I replace the optical with a hdd in mine, but that's going to disappear as an option in the not-to-distant future | 16:30 |
penguin42 | shauno: A lot now have a very small space for mSATA SSDs | 16:30 |
daftykins | or they're moving to nasty proprietary interface SSDs due to the SATA spec people taking far too long to ratify new forms! *grumble* | 16:31 |
SuperMatt | dang, gravity was awesome | 16:31 |
daftykins | gravity? | 16:31 |
SuperMatt | gravity | 16:31 |
SuperMatt | the new sandra bullock film | 16:32 |
daftykins | oooh yes | 16:32 |
shauno | I was surprised at that too SuperMatt. but yes, it was | 16:32 |
cocoa117 | penguin42, you are star, thanks | 16:32 |
daftykins | how does the 3D fare? i often don't like that it seems to force you where it wants you to look | 16:32 |
SuperMatt | I don't know why anyone has been surprised. It has sandra bullock, it's about space, and it has been getting rave reviews over the last couple of weeks | 16:32 |
daftykins | although i guess in space most of the remainder is... black | 16:32 |
SuperMatt | daftykins: it's... perfect! | 16:32 |
SuperMatt | best use of 3D I've seen | 16:32 |
daftykins | hehe | 16:32 |
daftykins | cool | 16:32 |
shauno | heh, I'd agree with that | 16:33 |
shauno | my sole complaint for the whole thing, was there was times I'd get distracted staring at the earth trying to figure out where they are | 16:33 |
SuperMatt | the opening is great, you see earth from above, and you can just see that the clouds are only a tiiiiny bit above the earth, compared to where the camera sits. It's such a nice little touch, but it makes the film | 16:34 |
SuperMatt | shauno: agreed! | 16:34 |
shauno | I heard a story about an astronaught, who on his first EVA took a little while to just gawp first. apparently they have a little dictaphone type deal in the suits, andhe just sat and talked to himself for a while | 16:35 |
shauno | when he eventually got them to release the tape to him, thinking it'd have his profound thoughts on the world from that angle .. it turned out to just be a lot of "woooooww" | 16:36 |
mgdm | that wasn't Chris Hadfield's book, was it? | 16:36 |
mgdm | he had something related to that in there | 16:36 |
shauno | It hink it came by way of chris, but not from his book .. a friend retold it from a book signing she went to | 16:36 |
mgdm | ahh | 16:37 |
shauno | but that's what a lot of Gravity reminded me of. a very distracting backdrop | 16:37 |
SuperMatt | I did enjoy the story too | 16:38 |
SuperMatt | I mean, it holds all the backdrop together | 16:38 |
shauno | heh, yeah. it almost redeems her for "The NET". almost. | 16:39 |
SuperMatt | hahah | 16:39 |
SuperMatt | I'm watching Miss Congeniality now | 16:39 |
SuperMatt | becaue damn Sandra Bullock is awesome | 16:39 |
SuperMatt | if you haven't see The Heat, watch it | 16:40 |
SuperMatt | she's on top comedy form | 16:40 |
Laney | RIGHT | 16:54 |
Laney | i'm now listing at 45° to the right | 16:54 |
Laney | and sunk as low as it will go | 16:54 |
mgdm | s/right/starboard/ | 16:54 |
mgdm | s/the right/starboard/ even | 16:54 |
Laney | i can never remember which way round that is | 16:55 |
mgdm | port == red == left, starboard == right == green | 16:55 |
davmor2 | Laney: trip to Ikea in the morning then | 16:57 |
Laney | away for the weekend, leaving in 10 minutes | 16:57 |
Laney | this is what i'd call a catastrophic failure though | 16:57 |
Laney | as in it is now unusable | 16:57 |
davmor2 | Laney: haha | 16:57 |
Laney | standing up | 16:57 |
AlanBell | I nearly got a Markus chair last ikea visit | 17:01 |
directhex | AlanBell, | 17:04 |
AlanBell | :) | 17:08 |
davmor2 | AlanBell: I can recommend as it seems can others | 17:09 |
AlanBell | I have a somewhat broken chair probably from PC World, I was lusting after an Aeron but if Markus is good I might go for that | 17:09 |
davmor2 | AlanBell: 4 people have said it's good so far :) 2 on here and 2 others on Laney s g+ post | 17:11 |
penguin42 | I'm just not sure I could sit on something called Markus | 17:11 |
davmor2 | penguin42: call it Chair instead | 17:11 |
* popey has spent a happy afternoon on his aeron | 17:12 | |
davmor2 | popey: what did you have to fix on it | 17:12 |
popey | it temp fixed it | 17:12 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
daftykins | did someone add me on i don't recognise the nickname i got | 17:20 |
daftykins | haha i didn't know some Xbox Ones got shipped early by accident, so MS banned the consoles | 17:27 |
shauno | hope it's a temporary ban | 17:27 |
daftykins | yep, until closer to launch | 17:28 |
daftykins | | 17:29 |
shauno | seems like a selly question, but I'm rarely one to put high faith in MS | 17:29 |
penguin42 | daftykins: I wonder if they're not allowed to ride in the car to their flat? | 17:47 |
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away | ||
daftykins | penguin42: i pondered that, health and safety i expect -plus the fear of being trapped! | 17:53 |
popey | hmm, google apps for your domain... i cant find how to set up an alias | 17:53 |
daftykins | popey: so user2 goes to user@ ? | 17:53 |
popey | ya | 17:53 |
penguin42 | daftykins: I guess it would get messy if they hit the accelerator | 17:53 |
daftykins | popey: hang on i have some clients with GApps, i'll login and see if i can spot it | 17:53 |
daftykins | definitely done it before | 17:54 |
popey | aha! | 17:54 |
popey | found it | 17:54 |
daftykins | popey: may even be on the users' gmail settings rather than the overall control panel | 17:54 |
daftykins | penguin42: :D | 17:54 |
daftykins | vroom vroom | 17:54 |
daftykins | <-- just called a client since his email shows up after the Adobe leak here | 17:54 |
daftykins | well, leak/hack | 17:54 |
popey | yeah, its in the dashboard, you click a user then click profile | 17:56 |
popey | "add an alias" | 17:56 |
daftykins | \o/ | 17:56 |
popey | turns out there's more than one way to spell "clare" ☻ | 17:56 |
daftykins | there are two GApps dashboards now which is a real pain =/ | 17:57 |
daftykins | haha yeah | 17:57 |
popey | now if only i could get rid of these xbox live emails | 17:57 |
daftykins | i was on a teaching course with some people once, i published notes and contact details to my website for everyone to get to | 17:57 |
daftykins | one of the girls had been setup with a misspelt name at her place of work, so i'd gone and corrected them all only to be wrong | 17:58 |
daftykins | X| | 17:58 |
popey | oof | 18:00 |
daftykins | think it was the classic Rachel/Rachael one | 18:01 |
shauno | sometimes I think Iceland & co have a point when they say "here's a list, pick one". I hate having the wrong spelling of my name | 18:02 |
penguin42 | talking of names, someone just pointed me at | 18:04 |
shauno | lol | 18:05 |
shauno | rename it Brian and change it back when you need to :/ | 18:05 |
Myrtti | new version of XPS 13 announced, but no word of if the Ubuntu version is upgraded as well | 18:47 |
stgraber | assuming the previous XPS 13 edition was based on 12.04 (not sure), there'd be no reason to have a more recent version of Ubuntu on it until 14.04 releases | 18:53 |
stgraber | it's usually Canonical's recommendation (and possibly requirement) for OEM we partner with to ship LTS releases | 18:53 |
stgraber | oh, ignore me, I re-read what you said now ;) | 18:53 |
stgraber | (do they really have different hardware for the Windows vs Ubuntu edition? that seems like a waste...) | 18:53 |
popey | Myrtti: link? | 18:59 |
diddledan | that stackoverflow about names - the answer which got the 50 bonus points (what do points mean?) can't have read the question very much at all. he seems to think that the last name field is empty and therefore has a null value rather than containing the name "Null" | 19:07 |
diddledan | although the second answer - I wasn't aware someone had set up a "Bobby Tables" website giving advice about proper escaping | 19:10 |
shauno | reminds me, I still need to tame scp for that | 19:11 |
popey | points mean prizes | 19:12 |
popey | they also mean you get credibility like karma on launchpad | 19:12 |
diddledan | ding | 19:12 |
diddledan | ding ding ding | 19:12 |
diddledan | the second one is a very good use of points | 19:13 |
shauno | I have a script that scoots things around on a schedule, and it doesn't like scp, because I have to escape everything twice (scp "with\ spaces" dest:"moar\ spaces/") | 19:13 |
shauno | thought I had it done until I discovered that there was a bunch of filenames with braces that weren't moving anywhere | 19:14 |
diddledan | eww | 19:15 |
diddledan | why do you have filenames with {} in them?! | 19:15 |
shauno | :) | 19:15 |
diddledan | they haven't come from windows, have they? | 19:15 |
shauno | I actually have no idea what platform the source is, it's a jboss server somewhere | 19:16 |
diddledan | tomcat ftw | 19:16 |
diddledan | jboss is IBM's beast IRIC? | 19:17 |
shauno | (where 'somewhere' is always missouri or bangalore) | 19:17 |
shauno | I think it's redhat's now? | 19:17 |
diddledan | oh god | 19:17 |
diddledan | the horror | 19:17 |
shauno | or always was, I don't know. I know what the J stands for, and that's all I want to know | 19:17 |
diddledan | JBOSS = Java EEEEEEEK | 19:18 |
diddledan | ? | 19:18 |
shauno | nah. more; if it's java, call ahmit, otherwise call venkat | 19:19 |
diddledan | lol | 19:19 |
diddledan | I'll remember that. what're their numbers? :-p | 19:19 |
shauno | oh that's always the bit that hurts me. 091 is the area code for galway, 0091 is india .. | 19:20 |
diddledan | oh god | 19:20 |
shauno | china does that too. my phone is 086..., china is 0086. my head is a simple place. these things just don't work. | 19:21 |
diddledan | that's gonna end up in a funny series of miscommunications and misadventures involving a giant banana and a bomb | 19:21 |
shauno | oh my favourite .. our head office in the states is rhode island, +1-401... | 19:22 |
diddledan | it'll start with "when did the taxi firm offshore to india?" | 19:22 |
shauno | we have a huge customer in maryland who often gets called day & night. +1-410... | 19:22 |
shauno | now there's a chap somewhere in rhode island, who has the same phone number as this customer, but s/410/401/g | 19:23 |
shauno | and he HATES me | 19:23 |
diddledan | how many times have you called him now? | 19:23 |
shauno | honestly, it's going to upwards of 50 | 19:23 |
diddledan | lmao | 19:23 |
diddledan | and I'm assuming in the middle of his night | 19:24 |
Myrtti | popey: | 19:24 |
shauno | well I start at 6am, 1am eastern, which is when I'm most likely to dial on autopilot. but it's literally all day, all night. and I know I'm not the only one | 19:24 |
diddledan | you'd think he woulda considered changing his number | 19:25 |
shauno | well, the onus is on us not to be idiots | 19:26 |
diddledan | how likely is that though? honestly?! | 19:26 |
shauno | but this is our most active customer in north america. there's a lot of calls. it only takes a very small % of mistakes to drive a man to scream obscenities at me | 19:27 |
Myrtti | popey: what he links to is promising | 19:27 |
diddledan | | 19:32 |
DJones | Just came across this, no doubt people here won't fall for it, but worth passing on | 19:44 |
mungbean | on my android phone, twitter app requires me to login after every reboot - any suggestions? | 19:58 |
shauno | why's it rebooting often enough for this to be an issue? | 19:58 |
diddledan | shauno: my guess is it's only got a flattery | 19:59 |
davmor2 | catch you all in a week I'm holidaying in sunny sunny Wolverhampton :) | 19:59 |
mungbean | its not rebooting often, but its annoying that you have to type in password after occasional reboot | 19:59 |
shauno | davmor2: have fun, and go easy on the dutyfree ;) | 20:01 |
popey | | 20:07 |
DJones | czajkowski: Ring any bells? | 21:00 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
Nitin | hello i need some urgent help plz | 23:09 |
Nitin | anyone? | 23:09 |
shauno | what's the problem? | 23:09 |
Nitin | ok the problem is....i made a ubuntu 12.04 bootable flash drive... | 23:10 |
daftykins | right | 23:11 |
Nitin | then i installed ubuntu to one of my drive with ext 4 file system..and for the boot ... and then i choose something i don't know exactly but windows 7 was mentioned there...everything went fine ... i actually wanted to make a dual boot....ok then when system booted after the installation of ubuntu...some options were there first one was ubuntu and with recovery mode...and last one was windows 7 loader or something....i selected the | 23:14 |
directhex | you cut off after "i selected the" | 23:16 |
Nitin | but it didn't started windows 7.... and the screen flashed and then the same menu...then i selected ubuntu...and it started....but windows 7 is not starting there anything i can do to fix windows 7 | 23:16 |
directhex | what exactly is the layout of hard disks in your system? | 23:17 |
directhex | i.e. is windows on a different physical drive? | 23:17 |
Nitin | windows is on C drive...and ubuntu is on D drive... | 23:17 |
directhex | those are physically different drives? | 23:18 |
Nitin | but at time of installation of ubuntu...where we choose in which drive we want to install,2,3 like that...i formated my d drive with ext 4 file system and then choose that for installing ubuntu ...then below that boot device option i guess i choose windows 7 it was written there | 23:20 |
Nitin | physically means what? i have one hdd of 640gb and in that i have 3 drives C, D, E...... in C windows is D ubuntu is installed .... | 23:21 |
directhex | ok. | 23:21 |
directhex | firstly, no. you have one physical disk | 23:22 |
directhex | secondly, ubuntu is not "on D drive". linux doesn't work that way | 23:22 |
Nitin | yes | 23:22 |
Nitin | i guess i am not able to explain u what i have done...? | 23:23 |
directhex | you have multiple partitions on one physical drive. | 23:23 |
Nitin | yes correct | 23:23 |
directhex | are you *certain* you formatted the correct partition? if you boot ubuntu, you should see your windows partitions listed on the left, towards the bottom of the unity dock | 23:23 |
directhex | click to mount the partition & explore the contents | 23:24 |
Nitin | i am chatting u frm ubuntu itself...and i can see my C drive where windows is installed | 23:24 |
Nitin | it is perfectly showing me the contents of E drive and C drive | 23:25 |
directhex | which version of ubuntu? | 23:25 |
Nitin | 12.04 | 23:25 |
Nitin | i guess i have done something wrong with the grub | 23:26 |
directhex | is the screen where you picked your partition details in the installer? | 23:26 |
Nitin | the grub menu which comes at the time when computer restarts and there few options with the ubuntu is listed...and the last option is Windows 7 something | 23:27 |
Nitin | yes u got me...the last option in the pic... device for boot loader installation....there i have selected dev/sda/windows 7 something | 23:28 |
Nitin | everything with the partition i have done rite...just loading problem is there | 23:29 |
directhex | you selected "/dev/sda ATA ST7645576234 (640G)" or similar, or "/dev/sda1 windows7 (200G)" or similar? | 23:30 |
Nitin | yes i selected the option with windows 7 | 23:31 |
directhex | ok, it sounds like instead of picking the option which installs grub to the start of the hard disk, you picked the option which overwrote the windows boot loader | 23:31 |
Nitin | ok | 23:32 |
Nitin | is there anything i can do to fix it | 23:32 |
directhex | do you have windows 7 install media? you can replace grub with the windows loader again with that, then restore grub to the master boot record (NOT to the windows partition's boot record) later | 23:32 |
Nitin | how about installing ubuntu again...and this time pick the right option? | 23:33 |
Nitin | ok how do i do that? i have the install media | 23:34 |
directhex |,10036.html has instructions, you want to follow the steps after "fixing the master boot record" | 23:34 |
directhex | computers from around 1981 to 2012 boot using "BIOS". BIOS boot loads the first few bytes of your hard disk and does what they say. often, they say "here's a menu of other boot loaders at the starts of partitions". the problem is instead of overwriting the master record at the start of the disk, you overwrote the record at the start of the windows partition. so when trying to boot windows from the menu, you booted the record at the start o | 23:36 |
directhex | f the windows partition... which is grub, since you wrote that there | 23:36 |
Nitin | ok i will try... thanks for ur help | 23:37 |
Nitin | one more thing i want to ask | 23:38 |
directhex | the windows installer repair functions will kill off grub... from there you can reinstall to the right place | 23:38 |
Nitin | how will i reinstall the grub again from Windows partition to other partition? | 23:39 |
directhex | absolute easiest is to reinstall ubuntu & make sure you pick the *drive*, not the *partition*, from that menu | 23:40 |
Nitin | ok so when i will repair my windows startup...that will make ubuntu not to start...coz it will remove the ubuntu loader...i guess....and then i can reinstall ubuntu again ? is that correct | 23:42 |
directhex | yes, correct | 23:42 |
Nitin | ok great... | 23:43 |
Nitin | one more thing...i want to ask | 23:43 |
directhex | ? | 23:44 |
Nitin | while installing ubuntu... i actually created three for /home = 40gb, /boot = 512mb, swap area = 8gb .... whether i have correct or not? | 23:45 |
Nitin | and one more / = 30 gb | 23:45 |
directhex | ehm... that depends on a number of factors | 23:45 |
directhex | can you go to and past the output of "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" ? | 23:46 |
Nitin | ok one min | 23:46 |
Nitin | nothing is coming up there? | 23:50 |
daftykins | that's a lowercase L after the - yeah? | 23:51 |
Nitin | actually i have 150gb free how best i can use it ? | 23:51 |
daftykins | just checking | 23:51 |
Nitin | yes lower case l | 23:52 |
daftykins | it really should output plenty | 23:52 |
daftykins | but i don't want to step on directhex' toes | 23:52 |
daftykins | :> | 23:52 |
directhex | Nitin, it's not so much about free space. 1981-style partition layout is *super* fragile to things like partition *ordering* | 23:52 |
* daftykins is not worthy o/ o_ o/ o_ | 23:53 | |
directhex | i.e. you can't just delete a partition from the middle of your table and put multiple ones in its place | 23:53 |
Nitin | what syntax i have to choose in that? text only? | 23:53 |
directhex | um... what? | 23:54 |
directhex | it's just one command | 23:54 |
Nitin | ok i'll one thing...format my whole 640gb hdd..... what best i can do to make my ubuntu work lightning fast :P | 23:54 |
directhex | like, here's mine | 23:55 |
Nitin | mine is not atall working :( | 23:57 |
directhex | that's more than a little disturbing | 23:57 |
directhex | how about "cat /proc/partitions"? | 23:57 |
Nitin | i just want 100gb for windows i can use for what best i can do for it...? | 23:58 |
daftykins | 100GB won't give you much room for data alongside software and Windows | 23:58 |
directhex | from scratch? | 23:58 |
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