
peroi've lost my the Unity Webapps extension in Chromium - yet everything seems installed ok - any way to get it back?03:01
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tsdgeosmy clock indicator is gone again08:08
* tsdgeos manually starts it08:09
Cimitsdgeos, hey :)08:46
tsdgeosCimi: ho08:54
Cimitsdgeos, I had a look yesterday09:06
Cimitsdgeos, and basically it's like your work plus something else09:06
Cimifor example highlghtIndex09:07
Cimitsdgeos, I'm wondering if it really makes sense to share a common interface... filter grid is lot more complex09:07
tsdgeosCimi: well, if you don't have a common interface how am i supposed to implement a new renderer (let's say one that displays stuff in a circle)?09:09
tsdgeosjust by magicly going over all the code and random guessing stuff?09:09
Cimitsdgeos, but the common interface is raised in complexity because of the filtegrid09:10
Cimitsdgeos, I will have to add dummy stuff to the carousel just to match the interface09:10
tsdgeosyou have dummy stuff in your interface09:10
CimiI meant, it's not used09:10
Cimiyou have APIs that do nothing09:10
tsdgeosit's not used now either09:11
tsdgeosCimi: what's the other solution?09:11
tsdgeoshave lots of if (FilterGrid) ?09:11
CimiI dunno09:11
Cimithat's why I am asking your opinion09:12
tsdgeosor just end up with warnings like now because we access stuff that doesn't exist09:12
tsdgeosmy opinion is that the common interface makes sense09:12
tsdgeoswe need to properly define it09:12
tsdgeosi.e. if property moo only makes sense if you support filtering or something09:12
tsdgeosthen we need to make it clear in the doc of that common interface09:13
tsdgeosCimi: afaiu that was also Saviq's position, but you may want to check with him09:38
SaviqCimi, tsdgeos, yes, even if not used, we should have a common interface, just to avoid changing it in one place and forgetting about other places, like we had already09:40
Saviqafter all, noop on part of an API is just a special case09:40
SaviqMirv, hey, we got a fix in upstream Qt that would fix unity8's FTBFS with 5.209:44
SaviqMirv, we could distro-patch if you think it worth it https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,7120809:45
SaviqMirv, or wait until a second beta or something09:45
SaviqMirv, there's one more related in review: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,7132709:48
Cimii'll do that then09:52
tsdgeosman https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/trunk/+activereviews is starting to look scary again09:52
MirvSaviq: oh cool. the RC should on Tuesday10:08
MirvSaviq: I can put it in as a patch10:08
MirvSaviq: btw webkit, sensors, location, multimedia also in qt5-beta2 PPA. had to disable the device pixel ratio patch of qtwebkit again as it didn't apply.10:10
tsdgeosare we using VideoInfo.qml?10:17
tsdgeosor AppInfo.qml?10:19
Saviqtsdgeos, probably not10:20
Saviqtsdgeos, VInfo was reading .nfo files - so no10:20
Saviqtsdgeos, AppInfo, yes - it's part of the app preview10:20
Saviqor hmm10:21
Saviqtsdgeos, it *was* part of the app preview, looks like it's moved to Header, since, I think10:22
tsdgeosso kill both?10:23
Saviqyeah, if you can confirm they're not used10:23
Saviqkill with fire10:23
SaviqMirv, right, the second patch should be merged by Tuesday, too10:25
Saviqtsdgeos, they're going into 5.2, right ↑? (/me doesn't know the stable vs. release targets in Qt's gerrit)10:25
tsdgeosSaviq: the one that is merged will be in 5.2.010:26
tsdgeosthe one that is still being discussed seems like it'll be in 5.2.0 too10:26
tsdgeosor at least it's the branch i'm targetting10:26
Saviqtsdgeos, yup, cool beanz10:26
tsdgeosSaviq: at this moment release -> 5.2.0 stable -> 5.2.1 dev -> 5.3.010:26
Saviqtsdgeos, ah, got it10:27
nic-doffaySaviq, any bugs you can recommend for me to take a look at?11:04
tsdgeosnic-doffay: how's the filter expansion one going? needs review or still wip?11:06
nic-doffaytsdgeos, I just need to do a small change to keep it in line with the sdk11:10
nic-doffaybut it's basically ready to land ages ago.11:10
tsdgeosnic-doffay: no no, i mean the dash animation expansion, no the filtering in the header11:10
tsdgeossorry :D11:10
Saviqnic-doffay, https://code.launchpad.net/~nicolas-doffay/unity8/filter-selector/+merge/191145/comments/450251 that says it isn't ready ;)11:11
Saviqtsdgeos, Cimi what's the deal with the InverseMouseArea? did you find a workaround until Daniel's "deliver touch through sendEvent" gets in?11:12
CimiI did not wrk on it11:12
Saviqtsdgeos, ah, you only did a "don't filter if disabled"11:13
tsdgeosSaviq: ¿?11:14
SaviqCimi, mhm, k - we'll probably distro-patch Daniel's patch when it gets in11:14
Saviqtsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ima_do_not_filter_disabled/+merge/19483011:14
nic-doffaySaviq, I've addressed those.11:14
tsdgeosah yes11:14
tsdgeosSaviq: that was a different fix altogether11:14
nic-doffaySaviq, oh wait..11:14
tsdgeosSaviq: if you had two InverseMouseArea they would fight eachother11:14
Saviqnic-doffay, yeah :P11:14
tsdgeoswhich was awful :D11:14
Saviqtsdgeos, oh the blood11:14
tsdgeosSaviq: now they only fight eachother if they are both enabled, which is "understandable" as you have two mouseareas where both say they are the topmostitem11:15
tsdgeosso well, fix your software :D11:15
Saviqyeah, of course11:15
Saviqnic-doffay, please make sure to reply to review comments so that people don't have to find what's fixed by themselves11:15
nic-doffaySaviq, sure11:18
nic-doffaySaviq, either way it looks like I'll be busy with those changes.11:19
Saviqnic-doffay, I'm ok with not having the expansion fixed completely, but getting stuck in the filters is bad11:20
Saviqnic-doffay, so we need to make the best we can to improve the situation while we don't have the whole expansion thing sorted out11:20
nic-doffaySaviq, there's no reason why those changes can't be done today.11:20
nic-doffayAside from the icon depending on design.11:20
Saviqnic-doffay, k11:21
nic-doffaySaviq, for the filter selection I just plan on using inverse mouse areas to dismiss/block selection of the other drop downs.11:21
Saviqnic-doffay, yeah, we need to have IMA fixed for that, too11:22
nic-doffaySaviq, that's what I was concerned about.11:22
nic-doffayHopefully it will function ok.11:22
tsdgeosno mirco today?11:22
tsdgeosSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/remove_unused_info_files/+merge/19536511:23
Saviqtsdgeos, thanks11:51
mzanettiSaviq: the click package upgrading feels a bit like BAMF :)12:27
mzanettias we have a different appId, different .desktop file and need to guess if its just an upgrade or in fact a different app :)12:28
Saviqmzanetti, you shouldn't care about that12:29
Saviqmzanetti, just store appid://..../current-user-version12:29
mzanettiSaviq: but when an app gets started I get the full appid12:29
mzanettiand still need to figure what it is12:29
Saviqmzanetti, well, just strip the version number, no?12:30
mzanettiSaviq: yeah... but then I need to open the .desktop file to read the icon etc12:30
mzanettiand for that I need the full version again12:30
Saviqmzanetti, right, that should be the desktop file parser's job, shouldn't it...12:30
Saviqmzanetti, but yeah, while we don't have it12:31
Saviqmzanetti, shouldn't be too difficult to just find the matching .desktop file?12:31
Saviqas there can (well, should...) only be one12:31
Saviqfail-safe - find the latest one alphabetically12:32
* Saviq wonders if QStandardPaths::locate supports wildcards12:35
Saviqnope :/12:37
tsdgeosmzanetti: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-32251 should we discard this one?12:41
tsdgeosSaviq: like?12:41
Saviqtsdgeos, like *12:41
tsdgeosit does i've been told it could do * stuff12:41
tsdgeosi actually even wrote code i think :D12:41
Saviqtsdgeos, hmm maybe locateAll does not?12:42
tsdgeosok, actually not12:42
tsdgeoswaht i did was12:43
tsdgeosconst QStringList localeDirs = QStandardPaths::locateAll(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QString("locale"), QStandardPaths::LocateDirectory);12:43
tsdgeostaht is kind of a *12:43
tsdgeosbut not really12:43
tsdgeosi.e. it returns all subdirs of QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation containing a subdir named "locale"12:43
Saviqtsdgeos, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6420982/ is what I tried12:44
Saviqtsdgeos, hrm subdirs?12:44
Saviqtsdgeos, so ~/.local/share/*/locale?12:44
tsdgeosor not12:45
tsdgeosi'm speaking shit here :D12:45
Saviqyeah you are ;D12:45
tsdgeoswhat it does is return the subirs of /usr/share/locale/12:46
Saviqthat'd be wrong ;)12:46
Saviqthen it doesn't do what the docs say it does :D12:46
Saviq("/home/michal/.local/share/locale", "/usr/share//locale")12:47
Saviqtsdgeos, that's what it does ;D12:47
tsdgeosbecause i'm speaking shit again12:47
Saviqso no, not what you said :D12:47
tsdgeosdon't listen to me again :D12:47
Saviqtsdgeos, don't worry, it's Friday ;)12:47
tsdgeosit's weird it doesn't support * though12:48
tsdgeossince it's written by the KDE guy that wrote KStandardDirs12:48
tsdgeosand that supports *12:48
tsdgeosi do12:48
tsdgeoslist = KGlobal::dirs() -> findAllResources("appdata", "*.kgm");12:48
tsdgeosin one of my kde apps12:48
tsdgeosSaviq: maybe QStandardPaths::ApplicationsLocation is /usr/bin and that's why it doesn't return stuff?12:49
Saviqtsdgeos, no, that's $GenericDataLocation/applications12:49
Saviqtsdgeos, so ~/.local/share/applications, /usr/share/applications12:50
Saviqtsdgeos, if I use the full file name, it works12:50
tsdgeoslet me ask david12:51
tsdgeosoh, he's not online12:51
Saviqmzanetti, on that note... (how) do we remove pinned items for apps that are removed?12:52
mzanettiSaviq: we don't right now12:55
Saviqmzanetti, yeah I'm not sure what we should do TBH12:55
Saviqmzanetti, whether we should do anything, for that matter (other than ignoring invalid entries - and pick them back up when installed again)12:56
* greyback thinks version string in appId is more trouble than it's worth12:56
mzanettiSaviq: do we actually use the version field somewhere or do we just work around it everywhere?12:57
greybackand it break the existing ability to watch for app installs/updates/removals by inotify on the desktop file directories12:57
mzanettiit kinda defeats the purpose of the appId, because it doesn't identify an app12:57
Saviqgreyback, mzanetti, the reason for having them in is being able to install multiple versions at the same time12:57
Saviqin a multi-user environment12:57
Saviqyou don't want other users to upgrade your apps12:58
greybackdoesn't each user have their own .local directory12:58
Saviqgreyback, only for the .desktop files12:58
mzanettifor the rest too actually12:58
Saviqgreyback, the apps are installed in /opt12:58
mzanettiin /opt/.click/user/...12:58
mzanettiat least the icon file is located there, not where the main thing is unpacked12:59
Saviq# ls /opt/click.ubuntu.com/12:59
mzanettils /opt/click.ubuntu.com/.click/users/phablet/12:59
mzanetticom.ubuntu.developer.alecu.qr-code         com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.ubuntu-authenticator  com.ubuntu.developer.ogra.fruity-pops12:59
mzanetticom.ubuntu.developer.elopio.xbmcwebremote  com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.xbmcremote12:59
mzanettiso it's linked (without version information) to a user specific dir13:00
Saviqthat looks internal to the click system, though13:01
Saviqanother reason is having per-version data directories, so that app upgrades don't b0rk your data13:02
mzanettiSaviq: what you mean with data directories?13:02
mzanetti.cache ?13:03
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Saviqmzanetti, .local/share/ rather13:03
Saviq.cache is not for data ;P13:03
greybackso should we should agree in shell to drop version string from appId everywhere? Since per user session, only one version of an app can be installed13:03
mzanettiI think it would be better to drop it everywhere in unity than just having regexps on ever interface the launcher has to the outside13:04
Saviqgreyback, mzanetti, sure, I don't think it helps us anywhere shell-side13:04
Saviqand it hurts us where we store/match it13:05
Saviqwe should talk to cjwatson / barry about this13:06
Saviqmaybe even upstart shouldn't care about them13:06
mzanettiyeah... I do see the reason why we install it in different directories. but the fact that the version is inserted in the appId seems to cause only issues13:07
Saviqthat I agree with13:07
greybackwould be handy of upstart adopted it too. I think it makes sense, as the session upstart is only able to launch 1 version anyway. Would make my life nicer too :)13:09
greybackthat still leaves us with the problem: how can shell know if a click app was updated? Watching the desktop file directories isn't quite enough really.13:10
greybacksimilarly when app removed13:10
mzanettigreyback: the update issue would go away, no?13:11
greybackmzanetti: are we proposing drop the version string from the desktop file name in the .local ?13:11
greybackif yes, then we're golden13:12
greybackbut then what about system apps. Ahh13:12
mzanettigreyback: the .desktop filename is "appId".desktop13:12
mzanettigreyback: what's the problem with system apps?13:13
greybackmzanetti: let me recap: we're using "$appId.desktop" files. appId includes version string. On update, the desktop file is removed and a new one with different file name created13:14
mzanettibecause appId changes13:15
greybackwe plan to watch via inotify the desktop file directories for the deletion and creation?13:15
mzanettigreyback: not really, no13:15
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greybackmzanetti: oh, how does shell know if app updated or removed?13:16
mzanettigreyback: yeah, well, we could do that to determine if an app is removed. but it still wouldn't help us in the upgrade case as it would go away and a *different* one appears13:17
greybackmzanetti: exactly. That's my concern.13:17
mzanettiso yes. once the upgrade leaves the file alone, watching it might be an option to determine removal of an app13:17
mzanettiassuming an upgrade wouldn't remove it and then recreate it a few seconds later13:18
greybackI think easier solution is just to have the desktop file name use the app Id minus the version string. Since desktop file is placed in a user specific directory, the versioning is irrelevant data in that context. The app install directory can keep the version string though.13:23
mzanettigreyback: yes, that would happen too if we decide to ditch the version field completely (except click system internal)13:24
greybackmzanetti: yep. Must see what click people would think of the idea13:25
* greyback hates when texlive needs an update13:37
mzanettiSaviq: can you drive this version number discussion with the click guys?13:41
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, I will13:41
Saviqmzanetti, actually, let's just file a bug13:41
Saviqmzanetti, greyback, bug #125163513:46
ubot5bug 1251635 in click (Ubuntu) "drop version numbers from users' .desktop file names" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125163513:46
Saviqplease add your comments if you have something to add13:46
nic-doffaySaviq, I think there's an issue with the inverse mouse area. I've included it as a child of the filter delegate as you can see in this pastebin: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6421305/13:56
nic-doffayThe problem is the last InverseMouseArea swallows everything.13:56
nic-doffaySo the first filter in the list cannot be clicked.13:56
nic-doffayAm I making sense?13:56
Saviqnic-doffay, you need to only enable the InverseMouseArea when the filter is expanded13:57
Saviqnic-doffay, although there's https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ima_do_not_filter_disabled/+merge/19483013:57
Saviqnic-doffay, which you're probably hitting if you have multiple IMAs13:57
nic-doffaySaviq, that's probably it then.14:01
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mterrySaviq, who's upstart savvy that we can poke for my set-mir-socket branch?14:13
Saviqmterry, I poked ogra yesterday, at least to point at someone else if he does not want to, but seems I didn't get his attention14:14
mterrySaviq, poking him in #ubuntu-touch14:15
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Saviqnic-doffay, standup14:30
* kgunn wonders if this is why people resist updating...rebooting14:40
Cimitsdgeos, so both FilterGrid and Carousel are inside Components. I wanted to write a DashRenderer so instead inheriting from Item they were subclassing DashRenderer14:59
tsdgeosso we talked with Saviq about this the other day15:02
tsdgeosdamn i half broke my s key when cleaning the shit under it15:03
tsdgeosleft me try to reassemble it15:03
tsdgeosCimi: the conclusion we reached is that from a separation point of view15:03
tsdgeoswhat made more sense is having the DashBaseRender in Dash/15:04
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tsdgeosand then you do a DashFilterGrid that is a DashBaseRender and contains a FilterGrid and forward the neccessary signals/properties15:04
tsdgeosSaviq: am i right that is that on what we agreed?15:04
tsdgeosSaviq: am i right that is that on what we agreed?15:04
tsdgeossorry :D15:04
Saviqtsdgeos, unfortunately, yes15:05
Saviqtsdgeos, Cimi, but that's the only way for us to separate the FilterGrid and Carousel from the Dash indeed15:05
Saviqthose two should remain agnostic, since we might push them to the SDK at some point15:05
CimiCarousel in sdk :'(15:06
CimiI fear terrible abuse of it15:06
dednickmhr3: hm.. through a very lucky random set of events, I think the dash is getting away with dee updates coming through directly from glib. not that it shouldn't be fixed though.15:07
SaviqCimi, might15:08
SaviqCimi, not will15:08
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mhr3dednick, how come?15:37
mhr3also, not liking being lucky15:38
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dednickmhr3: erm, dunno, looks like it's only reset which issues immediate deleteLater calls on a model items remove seems seems to go through some other chain. Not sure when reset gets called on dee model. think it's only if underlying model changes.15:48
dednickmhr3: that's a qt model reset i'm talkin about15:48
mhr3it can happen though15:48
mhr3and actually first synchronization should trigger a reset15:49
mhr3although at that point the model is empty15:49
mhr3so perhaps there's nothing to deleteLater15:49
dednickmhr3: yah.15:50
dednickmhr3: can sync change?15:50
mhr3a simple call to DeeListModel::setModel() to change the model would trigger a reset15:50
dednickmhr3: indeed. but we presumably aren't using that.15:51
dednickwhen it's not empy i mean15:51
mhr3at least not in the common paths15:51
mhr3i just hate knowing about races...15:52
mhr3why did you tell me about it? :P15:52
dednickanyway. it's still wrong, and we're just lucky15:52
dednickmhr3: hehe. i didnt. you waved your hand15:52
mhr3heh, see, and i was right, there's no bug in dee15:52
mhr3it's qt that's buggy :P15:53
dednickmhr3: hehe, yeah15:53
dednickanyway, i've pimped the even sending mech so you only really need 1 extra line to send the event. slicker'than'snot.15:55
dednickstill sucks though..15:55
mhr3dednick, i'd rather see a patch to qt's deleteLater tbh16:06
dednickmhr3: hm. it still doesn't get away from the fact that qt does not support what they call "alien context". That linked bug showed another issue seemingly not realted to deleteLater.16:12
dednickmhr3: however, i dont really agree with that assessment, seeing as it is actually the same context...16:15
mhr3dednick, the other bug mentions use cases with moving qobjects between threads... i don't think we care about that16:16
mhr3dednick, so right now i'd see deleteLater as the *only* problem16:16
dednickmhr3: oh right. well i think you're supposed to call moveToThread or something in that case...16:16
mhr3yea, whatev, we don't care16:17
mhr3tsdgeos, question - all of our QAbstractItemModel implementations don't implement parent(), columnCount() nor index(), how the hell is it possible that it compiles seeing that all of those are pure virtual?16:21
tsdgeosmhr3: because we are implemnting QAbstractListModel ?16:22
mhr3stupid four letters inside a long word16:22
mhr3my brain optimizes that out :)16:22
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CimiSaviq, in many files I'm noticing the lack of import Ubuntu.Components but still using for example units.gu()17:41
axisysI wanted to enable 3d widows with ccsm and that's when I lost the alt+ctlr+arrow functionality.. removed ccsm and compiz-plugin-extras since then..18:03
axisyseven the workspace switch does not work when pick a running application from different workspace18:03
axisyskeyboard shortcut shows the right setting.. but no worky18:04
axisyssomething needs reset/restore .. lets hope I dont need to re-install ubuntu18:04
bschaeferaxisys, hello, so are you having problems with Ctrl+Super+RIght/Left?18:04
bschaeferaxisys, take a look in ccsm -> Desktop Wall -> Keybindings18:05
axisysbschaefer: so reinstall ccsm ?18:05
axisysCtrl+Super+RIght/Left works18:05
bschaeferaxisys, yeah opps, Alt+Ctrl :)18:05
bschaeferTake a look in Desktop Wall plugin18:05
axisysi was hoping to restore back to initial unity without re-installing ccsm18:06
bschaeferaxisys, its all stored in a binary :(, so you'll have to go through ccsm or possibly gconf?18:06
bschaeferccsm isn't that bad18:07
axisysif I hit Alt+Ctrl+right/left I get C or D in the terminal :-(18:07
bschaeferYeah sounds like Compiz doesn't have a grab on those keys18:07
axisysok re-installing ccsm18:07
bschaeferaxisys, im guessing what happened, when you enabled 3d windows, it had some hotkeys that Desktop Wall shared, and removed them18:08
bschaeferso you'll just have to go back and poke Desktop Walls keybindings back to default18:08
axisysccsm installed.. I see Desktop Wall is disabled.. like you hinted18:10
axisysok.. its back!!18:10
axisysbschaefer: thanks a lot18:10
bschaeferaxisys, np!18:10
axisysI guess need to install compiz-plugins-extras for wobbly window?18:11
axisysI am asucker for wobbliness :-)18:11
axisysa sucker18:11
bschaeferaxisys, yeah I believe its in there :)18:11
bschaeferaxisys, just pay attention when you see a keybinding conflict18:12
axisyswobbly window is back too18:13
axisysone last thing I need is rotate workspace instead of slide.. that's what broke the workspace switch keybinding last time18:14
bschaeferhmm rotate workspace?18:14
axisysI don't need 3d windows18:14
bschaeferyou mean the cube?18:14
axisysbschaefer: right18:14
* bschaefer doesn't recal if that plays nicely with other plugins18:14
bschaeferaxisys, what you'll want to look at doing is going into the cube and changing the hot keys18:15
bschaeferso it doesn't conflict with the Desktop Wall plugin18:15
axisysbschaefer: cube or right swithcer18:15
bschaeferbut...I think the cube might disable the Desktop Wall18:15
axisysso no cube then.. np18:16
bschaeferlet me take a look to see if its a hard depend18:16
axisysI am looking for a animated way to switch workspace18:16
bschaeferbut thats what im thinking18:16
bschaeferaxisys, well you'll have to replace the desktop wall with that, there should be some more but i've not really used them :(18:18
axisysbschaefer: that's fine.. I maily needed wobbly window.. I can live without the rest18:19
axisysbschaefer: thanks for your help18:19
bschaeferaxisys, cool, and np! You can always attempt to reset everything back to default in CCSM18:19
bschaeferif things go wrong again18:19
bschaeferin ccsm -> Preferences -> Reset To Default18:19
axisysbschaefer: can you do it from cli18:20
bschaefercommand line?18:20
axisysbschaefer: command line / terminal18:20
bschaeferaxisys, not that  I know of18:20
axisysbschaefer: thanks18:20
bschaeferas all the settings are stuff into a binary :(18:20
* greyback__ eow19:02
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crassI just upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10, and now keepassx is always goes to fullscreen23:42
crassI think this is due to a change in unity, can anyone confirm this?23:42

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