
tony-smlrSMLR is Live now! Video http://youtu.be/d5IDFgY30JU - Audio http://live.smlr.us:8000/streaming00:17
cmaloneyGood morniing13:11
rick_h_wow, the meijer cafe space is kind of busier than I expected for a friday morning13:17
cmaloneyFigure just abot every employee there is going to use it14:32
cmaloneyAnd yeah, there were always people at the Meijer cafe when I worked there.14:32
rick_h_my work is suffering, I don't have that coffee shop hacker hipster feeling14:33
rick_h_and this is about the worst 'latte' I've ever had. Thanks Tim Hortons built-in-mini-cafe14:33
widoxrick_h_: why are you working from Meijer?14:38
rick_h_widox: it's next to the belle tire putting on my snow tires and has breakfast-ables14:39
rick_h_yea, Vicky is getting all ready to play in the now. Bring it on!14:40
rick_h_first time putting real winter tires on a vehicle since an old GF had snow tires on a mustang14:41
rick_h_the subaru's always just did really well in really good tires14:41
rick_h_never needed snow specific ones14:41
widoxI've never changed to winter tires before14:43
widoxthough, I also avoid driving in general :)14:44
rick_h_well, this car is pretty darn heavy and likes to do some sliding based on my experience at the end of last winter14:44
rick_h_they put amazingly crap tires on it from the factory14:44
rick_h_used them from Feb until now, but they'll never see the road under my vehicle again14:44
widoxhow kind of them14:44
rick_h_but I also like to go play in the snow. It's a great "Boss *cough* *cough* I need to go lie down for a bit"14:45
rick_h_and then find the unplowed roads14:45
cmaloney^- Sad to say I probably wouldn't notice.15:25
greg-grick_h_: that's one of the biggest things I miss in CA: unplowed roads16:06
cmaloneyFilled out the Peet's survey asking them to keep their location open longer.16:34
cmaloneyAlso: pissing in wind16:35
jrwreni want to untar an ubuntu cloudimg and chroot to it. possible? thoughts?18:52
jrwrencoding wicked shit, drinking beer, listening to mc plus+, does life get better?  yes, but not often.22:15
greg-gwhat's the wicked shit?22:26
jrwrenintegrating our divergent ubuntu into our build server which normally only deals in our internal linux variant22:31
jrwreni'm making our build server work with ubuntu-cloudimg22:31
jrwrenI SHALL HAVE BUilD AND TESTS!!!22:31
greg-ggood things :)22:32
jrwrenif my systems team finds out, they may be angry.22:37
greg-greminds me of this article I saw today: https://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/mickens/thenightwatch.pdf  jrwren22:38
jrwrenimma be like the electric six. I shall exterminate everything around me that restricts me from being the master. (in code)22:38
rick_h_cmaloney: ping, looks like the fam is hitting the zoo tomorrow so going to coffee-shop tomorrow. Can you shoot me a couple of places I should check out?23:00
rick_h_widox: bored? extension hacking time tomorrow? :)23:01
greg-grick_h_: how do you get out of/not want to go to those things?23:05
rick_h_greg-g: it took some time.23:06
rick_h_The fact that there's a lot of holiday in-law time going on helps my case23:06
rick_h_but yea, they care about their grandson, it's better for everyone if I get to skip every other event that's not full on required family time23:06
greg-gman, having family near by....23:07
greg-gwe ef'd that up23:07
rick_h_heh, it's over rated23:07
rick_h_It comes in handy twice a year23:07
greg-gbut my mom is soooo good with Rowan23:07
rick_h_yea, I mean for other families we're jealous23:08
rick_h_people that have parents that takes the kids for romatic weekend get-a-ways and such23:08
greg-goh man, need that...23:11

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