
skellatThis looks awesome: http://electronics360.globalspec.com/article/3768/startup-preps-os-for-the-internet-of-things05:05
jenni[ Startup Preps OS for the Internet of Things - Electronics360 ] - https://j.mp/1bJ25EQ05:05
dzho>  the small company is not releasing the software generally15:55
dzhohuh, Stav P.15:56
dzhoyou know, it freaks me out enough that my computer, phone, tablet, TV and game console can spy on me.15:56
dzhoI don't know that I'm ready for my refrigerator, microwave, and washing machine to spy on me.15:57
Unit193Or someone to hack them and flush the toilet while I'm on it.15:57
cid420Unit 193 they are working on it LOL18:14
Unit193Yeah, that was a real example too, several months back.18:17
cid420either way the patriot act is very abusive.18:20
cid420how been doing unit19318:28
Unit193Alive, might have to make coffee.18:28
cid420coffee is good. I have a pot right next to me when i need to make some.18:31
cid420I am looking up other Linux OS to run on my vmware any ideas?18:32
Unit193Hah, there's many, depends what you're loookign for.18:32
cid420I used to mess with slackware where you have to compile the kernel to make it to work on your system that was when you had to know every inch of your system.18:34
cid420looking on distrowatch slackware is looking promising18:35
Unit1933.11.8-u193 is my uname. :P  SliTaz and AntiX are pretty small and nice, slitaz being nice as a base to build on top of for a targetted reason.18:36
cid420i will look that up18:37
cid420is those desktops or servers18:37
cid420switching to a different irc program18:37
Unit193Welcome back.18:39
cid420what were those OS's again?18:39
Unit193SliTaz and AntiX.  One is fully custom, the other built on top of Debian.  Siduction is also built atop Debian sid.18:40
Unit193People still like Crunchbang these days?18:40
cid420to be honest havent heard of it before18:40
cid420tho i will check it out18:40
cid420the main website is up but there download seems to be down checking another way18:42
cid420yea there whole website isnt working18:42
jenni[ Download - CrunchBang ] - https://j.mp/1cwMacM18:46
skellatTo download Crunchbag you have to proceed via Bittorrent18:48
cid420ok cool18:50
cid420jenni interesting i jest checked that website and nothing was working18:51
jennicid420, Well, interesting.18:51

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