
Kilosmorning superfly and others05:04
nuvolario/ hallo oom Kilos :)05:09
nuvolarihoe gaan dit vanogend met oom?05:09
Kiloslo nuvolari 05:10
Kilosredelik dankie en self?05:10
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie oom :-D pas weer in 2 van my ou broeke 05:10
nuvolariwel, ek sien hulle nou weer as nuwe broeke05:11
Kiloshet jy minder vetmaak kosse geeet05:11
Kilosen coke en sweets05:11
nuvolarija oom, koffie gelos, tee sonder suiker, niks swieties nie, niks brood nie05:22
Kilosmorning gwood 06:49
Kilosme goes to kde 12.04 for a bit06:55
Kilossheep time07:03
Kilosno noobs to lead astray07:50
Kiloshi nlsthzn psychicist 08:17
charlgood morning08:34
charlMaaz: coffee on08:35
* Maaz flips the salt-timer08:35
Kiloshi charl 08:38
KilosMaaz: coffee please08:38
MaazKilos: Alrighty08:38
charlhi Kilos08:38
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!08:39
charlhi Vince-0 08:39
KilosVince-0: !08:42
Vince-0work work08:47
Kilosand still many years of it ahead08:52
Kilossome times being old has some advantages08:53
Symmetriaman, Im listening to this presentation08:54
Symmetriaby this guy who is deploying fiber in the amazon08:54
Symmetriaas in, through the jungle in the trees08:54
charlwow awesome09:03
charlhi psyatw 09:12
psyatwhi charl09:12
charlhow goes it09:14
magespawngood day all09:39
Kiloshi magespawn 09:42
magespawnhow goes it Kilos?09:42
Kilosgood ty and you magespawn ?09:43
magespawnthe main wireless link for the farm went down, so i spent the last two days fixing that09:49
Kiloshow do you find something like that09:56
Kilosas in what went down09:56
magespawntesting from both ends and then replace 10:10
magespawnNanobridge M5 link from here to town, one on each end, the town one is connected directly to the adsl line and the farm side to the linksys router that controls the network on the this side10:13
magespawnconnected directly to the adsl router in town10:21
Kilosbeen a testing time hey magespawn ? but you on top off it so well done10:46
magespawngetting there Kilos, thanks11:15
mazalAfternoon everyone11:15
magespawnhi mazal 11:16
mazalHow goes magespawn ?11:16
magespawngood and you?11:17
mazalOk thanx11:27
Kiloshi mazal 11:52
mazalMirrag oom11:52
Kiloswat het jy nou gebreek11:52
mazalNiks nie , te moeg om iets te breek :)11:53
mazalWas 'n harde week die11:54
mazalBaie werk gehad.12:02
Kilosnee man baie werk is as jy tot 10pm elke aand werk en kry nie klaar nie12:06
Kilosdit lekker warm buite. hulle het gese 38 maar ek dink dis ietwat minder12:07
mazalDis serious hitte wat ons die jaar het12:08
mazalMaak my bang vir hael12:09
Kilosja baie lekker12:09
Kiloskan miskien storm weer later12:09
Kiloshael is stikstof vir plante12:09
Kilosdaai goed12:09
mazalMaar dit breek als stukkend12:17
Kilosja party keer12:17
Kiloswb aquarat 12:34
mazalAny Linre Office Calc experts here ?12:40
Kiloshmm... 12:43
mazalLaat my nou dink aan daai ou liedtjie " Things that make you go hmmmmm "12:46
mazalDeesdae het ek net " things that make you go huh ????? "12:49
magespawnmore and more13:07
mazalEnjoy your weekend everyone13:27
mazalCheers !!13:28
magespawnlater all, home time for me14:14
Kilosyo kbmonkey you feeling better14:30
kbmonkeymuch kilos thanks man14:30
Vince-0kbmonkey, !14:31
kbmonkeyhi Vince-0 !14:31
kbmonkeyI cannot fathom why most cli mail agents are so whacky to configure!14:32
kbmonkeythey make me want to eat my hat14:32
Vince-0cli ninjas must suffer14:33
kbmonkeyyou sure learn a lot about the protocols underneath the covers!14:33
kbmonkeyI set up an imap sync to my local which is used as the mailbox, reading mails is lightning fast now14:35
kbmonkeynow to set up sending... :P14:35
Vince-0you could try using davmail - I use it in front of exchange 14:35
Vince-0then Evolution talks to DAV and exchange can gtfo14:36
kbmonkeylol, no this is all IMAP14:40
Vince-0home time!14:41
kbmonkeystill, it is amazing how 99% of mail clients misinterpreted and misimplement the IMAP standard14:41
Kilosyesterday was a hard day for the pro15:50
Kilosmost likely wont see him till sunday night15:50
Kilosnlsthzn, you still studying?15:51
Kiloshi Private_User you still shutting down15:51
Kiloshi gerritfromsa 15:52
gerritfromsaHowzit from Jhb15:52
Kiloslekker in pts. we waiting for next storm to build15:52
gerritfromsaJust got my 1st tablet can you believe it15:53
gerritfromsaFeels like i was left behind...15:53
Kiloshaha i dont have one and my sisters one made me hate them15:53
Kilostoo much to still learn android stuff15:54
gerritfromsaGot one from tarsus for just R180015:54
Kilosah she got the 999 one somewhere in midrand15:54
Kiloscan do email15:55
Kiloshi Xethron 15:59
* nlsthzn is not studying... should be but isn't... so sad16:28
kbmonkeytell me about it, heh16:30
kbmonkeyit is like work is our cryptonite16:30
Kilosnaughty nlsthzn 16:45
* Kilos gonna hit you16:59
Kilosfirst study then play to relÄx before the next study session17:00
Kilosoh ya nlsthzn what we gonna do about poor langjan with his webcam not working on skype17:01
Kilosis it the skype install that faulty or what17:01
Kilosmaybe a purge and reinstall?17:01
nlsthznthing is skype is closed source so if the issue is with skype you are stuck. the fact that it works in cheese etc. tells me that driver wise everything is ok...17:06
nlsthznthen again what the hell do I know :17:06
Kilosyeah but didnt he say it worked on 12.04 before17:06
Kilosdont act doff man , you clever17:07
Kilosif it worked on 12.04 before he went 13.04 then back again means he has conf probs , not so?17:08
nlsthznnot impossible...17:10
Kilosshame the poor guy17:10
nlsthznthe real clever peeps are the ones that know where to start looking and what commands can tell them the info they need... and most of them can't care less about skype17:10
Kilosand he a serious ballie17:10
nlsthznthere are alternatives to skype IMO... that work better and are less hassle :/17:11
Kilosya but he cant expect all his contacts to change as well17:11
Kilosi have no idea how webcams work so cant help him but he has been trying to get help for a long time now17:12
Kilospoor show from our side hey?17:12
Kilosnot us the clever guys17:13
Kiloslemme mail him and get him here so we can hear what he has tried and so on17:15
Kilosubuntu must work17:36
Kiloswhere do webcams plug in usb ?17:40
kbmonkeyyes, usb17:41
Kilosty kbmonkey 17:42
kbmonkeyyw Kilos 17:43
Kilosand what is cheese? apart from the lekker stuff that goes inna mouth17:43
kbmonkeyit takes snaps frm the webcam17:43
kbmonkeyvideos of pictures17:44
kbmonkeyas in, "say cheese"17:44
* Kilos needs to sort some uncapped wifi from somewhere so i can try these things17:44
Kiloslol is that where they got the name17:45
kbmonkeydon't worry you are not missing much17:45
Kiloscheese- to make it look like you smiling17:45
kbmonkeyour kamera takes nicer pics than a webcam can 17:45
Kiloswhat camera?17:46
kbmonkeyany camera17:46
kbmonkeyoh, ha ha I get you17:46
Kilosi got one in my nokia17:46
Kilosall i need17:46
Kilosif i can get jan here ill make him work till that cam works17:47
Kiloseven clean reinstall17:47
Kiloslast resort of course17:47
kbmonkeyah, the reinstall last resort, a remnant from the windows culture17:48
Kilosno man thats the first resort there17:49
Kilosyou must hang here the weekend kbmonkey im sure langjan will pop in sometime17:51
Kilosill tell him what size hammer to use and you tell which hand to use17:51
kbmonkeysure. fair warning, I only had one webcam and never used it much17:51
kbmonkeyalso if its skype I cant help17:52
kbmonkeyif it works with cheese or vlc then yes17:52
Kiloslisten to the reasoning17:52
kbmonkeyright 'o17:53
Kilosif it worked before he went 13.0317:53
Kilosthen he came back to 12.0417:53
Kiloshe mighta not formatted home so still has the 13.04 prob there17:53
Kilosor done a backup from the 13.0417:54
kbmonkeyusb thingies use drivers and those live in the linux kernel so it could be the older one does not have his webcam drivers17:54
kbmonkeybut ya, it is testable using vlc and things17:55
Kilosno man it worked on 12.04 first time17:55
Kilosupgrading killed it17:56
kbmonkeyag no man17:56
Kilosi once had an xchat prob and the only cure was to delete a hidden file in home17:57
Kilos.xchat or something17:57
kbmonkeythose are configuration files17:57
kbmonkeythey start with a dot17:58
Kilosya them17:58
Kilosbut normally hidden17:58
kbmonkeyyes, any file starting with a dot is 'hidden' from normal view17:58
Kilosdoes aptitude or apt-get purge delete them?17:59
kbmonkeythe purge command removes configs yes18:00
kbmonkeythe remove command just removes the app, but keeps the config18:00
Kiloswe get him to purge skype18:00
kbmonkeythats the difference between the two18:00
Kilosthen reinstall with cam plugged in18:00
Kilosand hold thumbs18:01
kbmonkeydmesg tells you what the 'puter "sees" as you connect a usb thing. 18:01
kbmonkeythat helps to find out if the webcam is seen properly18:02
Kilosok if he comes you give that kinda info18:02
kbmonkeygreat :)18:02
Kilosit must be if cheese sees it18:02
Kilossick skype.conf methinks18:03
kbmonkeyI see my folks tomorrow daytime, but I will probably be on line after18:03
kbmonkeyyw :)18:07
kbmonkeyi go eat dinner now, horay18:07
inetprogood evenin18:27
inetproMaaz: ask Kilos why are you so quiet this evening?18:28
Maazinetpro: Got it, I'll ask Kilos on freenode18:28
inetproMaaz: coffee on18:29
* Maaz starts grinding coffee18:29
Kilosohi inetpro hows you?18:29
MaazKilos: By the way, inetpro on freenode told me "ask Kilos why are you so quiet this evening?" 25 seconds ago18:29
KilosMaaz, coffee please18:29
MaazKilos: Sure18:29
Kilosi dont sit and watch the screen all the time man18:30
Kilos5 to blank screen18:30
Kilos5  mins18:30
Kilosthats why the bloep18:30
inetproyou been quiet for almost half an hour18:30
Kilosai! ek sukkel darem18:30
Kiloswas reading onna fone18:31
psychicistevening inetpro 18:31
psychicisthi Kilos 18:31
Kilosim about half way through all the scifi books at gutemburg.org18:31
inetprogood evening psychicist18:31
Kiloshi psychicist 18:31
inetproKilos: no ways18:32
Kilosim telling you18:32
Kiloslots are short, like 80kB so a couple a day18:32
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos!18:33
KilosMaaz, thanks18:33
MaazKilos: Sure18:33
inetproKilos: it's gutenberg.org18:33
inetproMaaz: dankie18:33
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend18:33
Kilosoh ya sorry18:33
Kiloswe need to teach the bot to hand out biltong18:34
Kiloswhile you doing nothing think about why jans skype might not work18:34
inetproKilos: the list on the Science Fiction Bookshelf is massive18:36
inetproKilos: did you find any good reads?18:37
Kilosyeah some very good books there18:38
Kilosand old books that talk about things long before they were established facts18:38
Kilosdont ai! man poor jan sukkeling and no one else wants to help18:40
Kilosand he 10 years older than me18:40
* inetpro is no fan of skype, thus better if it aint working18:47
inetproG+ hangouts is 10 times better18:47
Kilosto each his own18:48
inetproKilos: how do you even start choosing a book from that list18:48
Kilosyou download them in qioo format18:49
Kilosto your pc then drag drop onto fone memory card18:49
Kilosbuild in reader in each book18:49
inetprono man, what I mean is that there are so many to choose from18:50
Kilostick on the book you want and it goes there18:50
Kiloslol i started top and bottom18:50
Kilosqioo format is the lightest download18:50
inetprosjoe, those at the top look boring18:50
Kilossome are but in between there are good ones18:51
charlhi inetpro, Kilos 19:12
charlwhat is good for voip and is completely open source19:12
inetprohello charl19:12
Kiloshi charl 19:12
charli tried a whole bunch of implementations but they seem to suffer from terrible echo issues or horrible sound quality19:12
charlhave not tried rapidshare for voice yet19:12
inetprocharl: you think there are proprietary solutions that don't have problems?19:13
charlskype works really really well19:13
charlso apparently there are :)19:13
charlgreat sound quality and echo cancelling - no problems at all19:13
nlsthznto conference call with vary low latency use the apps gamers use like teamspeak etc19:14
charlis teamspeak open source?19:14
inetprohmm... I've had calls with people on skype that were absolutely horrendous 19:14
nlsthznah opensource I don't know19:14
charlgood to know there is one alternative to skype in any case19:15
charli would much rather use something that isn't from microsoft19:16
inetprocharl: google+ hangouts to the same people has worked much better for me19:16
charlinteresting, and that all runs inside a browser?19:17
charlalthough i want to try and avoid google almost as much as i avoid microsoft19:17
inetproand I can agree with that as well, unfortunately I haven't found other practicable solutions 19:19
charlsame here19:20
inetprounfortunately google, iirc, was able to buy the developer who started the oss solution that was built into pidgin19:20
inetprocan't remember the name19:21
charlthe xmpp jingle protocol?19:21
charlthe main problem is not with the vehicle but with the oss codecs it seems19:21
charlmaybe there are some free codecs that don't suck but the default ones usually just suck19:21
inetpronot sure what it was, but I was very disapointed at the time when this happened19:22
charlit's hard for me to believe that we still don't have a workable alternative for voip on linux to be honest19:22
charli should say, an open source one i mean19:22
charlby the way, i dunno if you saw but i had a very interesting conversation with darksurferza re that proposal of mine19:23
inetprothis is exactly why we need the focus on proper oss licensing19:23
inetproobviously programmers also want to put bread on the table19:24
inetprobut we have to find solutions that are self sustainable19:25
Kiloscharl, http://www.jitsi.org19:25
charlyeah but i mean a lot of programmers for example work at universities like me19:26
charlif you develop code on government funding you don't care what happens to it, you want it to get used by as many people as possible19:26
charlit's not like you have any worries about making money out of it19:26
inetproTivoization is evil!19:26
Kilossaved that link when still on 10.1019:26
charlKilos: have tried it, it sucks19:26
charlhmmm the new version looks good19:26
charlmaybe i should try it again, but i could remember last time it really was terrible19:27
Kiloswell man still evolving19:27
charlyeah exactly19:27
charlgrowing pains etc19:27
charlok lemme try it again19:27
charllast time i was developing open source software i picked the affero gpl19:28
charlbecause that is another loophole, saas19:28
Kilosif it has potential then help them improve it19:28
inetprocharl: asterisk?19:33
inetpromust say I've never tried it19:34
inetprococooncrash: wb19:37
inetprocharl: what about ekiga?19:37
charlinetpro: yeah but asterisk is a sip server, then you in any case have issues with nat routing19:38
charlinetpro: afaik sip is very insecure too19:38
charlok for on a corporate lan for example19:38
charlotherwise you will have to start using vpns etc19:38
Kiloscharl, is that jitsy like pidgin19:39
Kilosnot a proper skype tool19:39
charltried ekiga too, absolutely terrible19:41
charlecho, voice quality is horrible19:41
charli should add, i tried it 12+ months ago19:41
charlabout 18 months i think19:41
charlmaybe in the meantime it could have improved19:41
Kiloslots happens in 18 months19:41
Kilosmaybe i crash now19:42
Kilossleep tight guys19:42
inetprogood night oom19:42
Kilosguten nicht19:42
charllol nicht is "not"19:42
Kilosdom donner19:42
charlhave a good night Kilos :)19:43
Kilosguten nacht19:43
Kilosty see youall morrow19:43

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