=== scarlett_ is now known as sgclark [23:38] hello :) [23:39] Hey there, I think I know you who you are. You are Scarlett Clark, right? [23:39] yep that is me ! [23:39] Are you new to the Ubuntu Women Team? [23:40] I have been on the mailing for a long time, only recently active [23:40] I see. I didn't see you on the LP team for Ubuntu Women. [23:41] I joined the outreach one, is there another? [23:41] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-women [23:42] I have successfully joined, thank you [23:42] I think it's useful to join that one. I think it allows you to do wiki page editting for the Ubuntu Women wiki [23:42] wonderful [23:43] Plus, it shows who are the members. [23:43] Well, at least. [23:44] Carp, wrong channel, we should be in #ubuntu-women [23:44] This is a logged channel.