
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
KombuchaKipThoughts? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/107752102:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1077521 in Bazaar "Bzr not ready for digital media asset management" [Wishlist,Confirmed]02:14
=== BasicMBP is now known as BasicOSX
SebbohMonths ago, I did bzr branch lp:leo-editor, or something like that.  Today I want to update my working copy with the latest changes from the same place I got the content from originally.  Unfortunately, I tried a few commands and left my workspace in some modified state.23:35
SebbohHow can I discard every local change and update to the latest revision?23:35
SebbohAfter doing a bzr revert, bzr status still shows modified: .. and then lists what seems to be every file, with an * after each one.23:38
fullermdThat would be +/-x, so some mismatch with the FS.23:39
SebbohWhen you say +/-x, does that mean the executable bit doesn't match?23:40
spivI'd have expected bzr revert to fix that, though :/23:41
spivBut if it doesn't, you could manually flip the x bit on those files.23:42
SebbohIt can't.  Fake filesystem, ignores calls to chmod.  :)  I'll move the repo to a proper filesystem and try again...23:42
fullermdThat would be why revert doesn't get it to expected  :)23:43
spivAh, no wonder bzr revert can't fix it then :)23:43
Sebboh(virtualbox host<-->guest filesystem sharing between win7 host and debian guest. Work computer.. :P )23:43
SebbohYes. :)23:43
Sebbohincidentally, bzr is much faster on ext4.23:45

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