=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper [01:06] * thumper takes a deep breath [01:07] * thumper dives into local provider syslog [03:26] * thumper shakes his head [03:26] * thumper sighs [03:26] * thumper thinks... [03:27] what'cha doing thumper? [03:27] axw: trying to make the syslog udp port configurable [03:27] all done for the machines [03:27] but the deployer is a problem [03:27] as we need api calls to work it out [03:28] then I notice that the deployer makes multiple api calls instead of just one specialist call [03:28] trying to work out how far to go with this... [03:28] the State address calls methods are icky [03:28] since we ask for Addresses and APIAddresses, we get the environment config twice [03:29] since I also want to get the SyslogPort from config [03:29] that would be another [03:29] ideally we should just have one call... [03:29] I don't want to shave the whole yak [03:29] heh [03:30] we are incredibly inefficient in the calls [03:30] but it is way less than the network lag [03:30] so noone cares [03:33] aargghh... [03:33] stabby stabby [03:34] state/address.go:103 c.f. :89 [03:35] * thumper sighs [03:37] * thumper gets out the mega-razor with the number one clip [03:46] thumper: I'm looking at finishing off synchronous bootstrap, specifically the cancellation behaviour [03:46] I'm thinking of modifying the Environ interface to be like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6446222/ [03:46] does that look sensible? [03:46] * thumper looks [03:47] the returned function will do the synchronous bit, and cmd/juju will install a signal handler to tomb.Kill [03:47] so the finalisation function is to call back to kill the environment instance [03:48] no, it's to SSH to the machine and install the agent [03:49] but it takes a tomb so it can be cancelled [03:49] thumper: I made it a callback so the signal handling can be in the CLI [03:51] ok, I think [03:51] yeah, seems ok to me [03:52] okey dokey, will plough ahead - ta [04:04] well, that is the hind quarters shaved [04:04] I should stop shaving [04:06] * thumper is reminded yet again how terrible our cloudinit tests are [04:08] I'm almost prepared to pay someone to fix these tests [04:17] fark [04:18] * thumper has a nearly hairless yak [04:33] wow... [04:33] that "simple" refactoring is: 25 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-), total diff size of 846 lines [04:33] and that is before I start what the branch needs [04:33] * thumper creates another pipe [04:36] * thumper takes a breath again and tries to work out what the original aim was before the hairy yak raised its ugly head [04:57] * thumper goes swimming [04:57] thumper: how close are you to pushing a kvm broker implementation? [04:58] wallyworld: FWIW, I was able to deploy ubuntu to a local kvm environment [04:58] but no logging [04:58] \o/ [04:58] so I need to fix that [04:58] ok, just checking [04:58] wallyworld: a day or two [04:58] i have a branch ready to plug into that [04:58] * thumper nods [04:58] ie the NewKvmBroker() is a place holder [04:58] :) [04:58] and just now pushed a ranch to clean up provisioner [04:59] coolio [04:59] * thumper has swimming coaching in 15 minutes, so I need to get a move on [04:59] ciao [04:59] later [09:17] mgz: poke === axw_ is now known as axw [09:42] * fwereade is experiencing some intestinal discomfort and is going to lie down for a bit [09:47] fwereade: get well soon [09:49] fwereade: rest well, feel better [10:34] rebooting [10:45] standup time: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/am9obi5tZWluZWxAY2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbQ.mf0d8r5pfb44m16v9b2n5i29ig [10:45] fwereade: (if you're feeling better) ^^ [10:45] mgz, TheMue, rogpeppe, dimitern: ^^ [10:50] hey juju devs - I'm seeing this issue in one of the QA labs: [10:50] https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1178312 [10:50] <_mup_> Bug #1178312: ERROR state: TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [10:50] whenever I bootstrap a server [10:58] jamespage: have you set "ssl-hostname-verification: false" in your env config ? [11:01] jam: makes no difference - its a verification failure between the juju client and mongodb [11:02] jamespage: so do you actually match the description of "you have an outdated .pem on a second machine from the one that did the actual bootstrap" ? [11:02] jam: no this is all on a single client endpoint [11:02] if you're doing a fresh bootstrap and it still fails, then it isn't exactly that bug [11:03] though we might have another one [11:03] jam: probably a new bug then [11:03] you *might* have a local ".pem" file that is actually invalid [11:03] jam: where do I find those? [11:03] jamespage: it would be in ~/.juju/$ENVNAME.pem I believe. New versions of Juju put the cert contents into the $ENVNAME.jenv file [11:04] but I *think* it tries to use a .pem if it already existed [11:04] I would have thought you couldn't bootstrap if you had an invalid one, but there have been weirder things [11:04] jamespage: a pastebin of the output of "juju bootstrap --debug && juju status --debug" might be helpful [11:05] jamespage: for example, is someone trying to hijack your connection and redirecting you do another machine, or running HTTP on a HTTPS port etc [11:06] jam; http://paste.ubuntu.com/6447597/ [11:10] jam: and http://paste.ubuntu.com/6447604/ [11:10] jam: I could see stuff in the .jenv [11:10] so I scrubbed .juju/environments and re-tried - same problem [11:10] jam: I can see the client connections being rejected by mongod on the bootstrap node once its up [11:11] (i.e. I can ssh to it) [11:13] jamespage: can you paste the /var/log/cloud-init-output.log [11:14] and possibly /var/log/juju/machine-0.log [11:14] jam:sure - can do [11:14] and if we're being complete /var/lib/juju/**/agent.conf (i think it is /var/lib/juju/agents/machine-0/agent.conf but I'm not positive) [11:15] jamespage: This is a little bit concerning: 2013-11-20 11:09:15 DEBUG juju.environs.configstore disk.go:77 Making /var/lib/jenkins/.juju/environments 2013-11-20 11:09:15 INFO juju.environs open.go:156 environment info already exists; using New not Prepare 2013-11-20 11:09:15 DEBUG juju.provider.maas environprovider.go:33 opening environment "maas". [11:15] "Using New not Prepare" [11:15] I'm guessing that is because you have to sync-tools first? [11:17] jam: ~/.juju/$ENVNAME.pem is no longer used AFAIK [11:17] jam: it's all kept in the .jenv file now [11:18] rogpeppe: I realize we don't create it, but I thought we might use it if it existed [11:18] as part of the migration strategy [11:19] rogpeppe: as in, if it exists, we'll put it into the .jenv when we create it [11:19] jam: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6447635/ [11:19] jam: hmm, yes we probably do, if there's no .jenv file [11:19] cloud-init-output [11:20] jamespage: so I think I can get what I was looking for from cloud-init. Maybe the .jenv next (unless you've already nuked it) [11:20] jamespage: i understand the issue here - we should do a better job of knowing when to retry a connection [11:20] rogpeppe: well the problem is that we just bootstrapped and then failed [11:20] to do status [11:20] jam: from a different machine, right? [11:21] rogpeppe: no, from the same machine [11:21] jam: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6447662/ [11:21] jenv [11:21] as in "juju bootstrap && juju status" => bad TLS cert [11:21] jamespage: ah, ok, i'm looking at bug #1178312 - is that not what we're talking about here? [11:21] <_mup_> Bug #1178312: ERROR state: TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [11:21] rogpeppe, I thought so but it appears not [11:22] rogpeppe: so bug #1178312 is about "I bootstrapped again and now other people can't talk to it because the cert doesn't match" [11:22] <_mup_> Bug #1178312: ERROR state: TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [11:22] rogpeppe: *but* I think james has a different bug which is "I bootstrapped, and I can't connect to the thing I just started" [11:23] jam: if that's the case, that definitely is a bug [11:23] jamespage: so if I decode the data in cloud-init-output.log it *doesn't* match the data in your .jenv file [11:24] jam: well that sucks :-) [11:24] jamespage: you're sure this is a matching "destroy-environment" into "bootstrap" into "status" ? [11:24] If you just nuke the file and bootstrap again, it may fail to bootstrap but still generate a new cert, etc. [11:25] jam: cloud-init-output and jenv definately match [11:26] * rogpeppe wishes that certificates were encoded in opaque asn1 format [11:26] s/were/were no/ [11:26] t [11:26] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6447671/ [11:26] thats status [11:27] the bootstrap was already OK [11:27] jamespage: "was already ok" ? [11:28] jam: I'd given you the output of the environment I just boostrapped already [11:28] jamespage: if you nuked ~/.juju/environments/* then we don't have the cert recorded anymore [11:28] jam: no - that was prior to this run through [11:28] jamespage: k, so you nuked it, then ran bootstrap and status [11:28] yup [11:28] i agree with jam - the cert and private key in the cloudinit output don't seem to match the .jenv contents [11:29] jamespage: you didn't just check the first few lines, did you? [11:29] OK - lemme teardown, scrub and do it again [11:29] rogpeppe: but does it match the stateserver key or does it match the cacert key [11:29] I'm checking that one [11:30] jam: the certificate should be the same in both cases, i think [11:30] rogpeppe: I thought we had a CA key that then generated other keys for all the agents [11:31] regardless something funny [11:31] jam: we do, but i'm just looking at the certificate which signs that key [11:31] because .jenv(ca-cert) matches the first ~5 lines of cloud-init-output cacert.decode('base64') [11:31] but they *don't* match the remaining lines [11:31] which seems surprising [11:31] jam: i mean which is signed by that key, i guess [11:32] jam: the first 5 lines are boilerplate [11:32] jam: the actual rsa key comes later on in the cert data [11:32] jam: that's why it would be nice to have human-readable certs... [11:34] jam, rogpeppe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6447700/ [11:35] bootstrap-jenv-status - all appear to be a consistent key [11:35] jamespage: so is it working now? [11:35] just waiting for the bootstrap unit to startup [11:35] (its is maas on physical hardware) [11:36] rogpeppe: well, I can load it into python and OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cacert)) but I'm not sure that helps much :) [11:37] jam: i've used openssl before, i think [11:37] rogpeppe: I just mean I can get it into a parsed form, but I'm not really sure what to do from there [11:37] jam: dump it out as text... [11:39] jam: it would be really nice if we generated the env uuid client-side and encoded in the certificate somewhere [11:40] wtf - now its working [11:40] jam: here's the textual form of the cert, BTW: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6447718/ [11:40] the bootstrap node landed on a different machine [11:40] wonder if we have something wonky in DNS/DHCP world [11:40] jamespage: i have a faint suspicion as to what might have been going on for you [11:40] jamespage: or... maybe not :-) [11:41] jamespage: if you really were trying to talk to the wrong machine, then everything was working as designed. [11:41] jamespage: except that it would be nice to have some better error messages [11:41] rogpeppe, I don't think that was the case [11:42] all of the other servers in the lab are powered off apart from the bootstrap node [11:42] jamespage: that's a fair indication :-) [11:42] jamespage: so, i suspect that you accidentally bootstrapped twice [11:42] jamespage: each bootstrap generates its own CA cert [11:43] jamespage: if you wipe ~/.juju/environments, it can't know that it's a bad idea to try to bootstrap again [11:43] jamespage: (if a .jenv file already exists, it won't recreate CA cert, BTW) [11:43] sure [11:44] maybe [11:44] lets see [11:44] rogpeppe: but if you actually wiped it, then it wouldn't know what machine was started earlier, and it would either (a) look up the provider-state to see if it already existed or (b) generate a new control bucket which means it would bootstrap another machine) [11:44] * jamespage runs the full test cycle again [11:45] jamespage: it would look up the provider-state, which in this case would have the old machine, right? [11:45] s/jamespage/jam/ [11:45] phew [11:45] :-) [11:46] jam: which makes me think that it would be good to keep the env uuid in the provider state for sanity checking [11:46] jam: not that we can do that currently, of course [11:47] rogpeppe: but *bootstrap* would fail with "already bootstrapped" not succeed and just have generated new cruft [11:47] rogpeppe: I have no problem with the sanity checks. [11:47] jam: it would, yes, but if you ignored that error message and typed "juju status", wouldn't you get the symptoms we've seen above? [11:48] rogpeppe: and certainly for bug #1178312 we should notice that it is a TLS error (not a failed to connect but a I didn't get what I thought would be there) and die immediately rather than retrying [11:48] <_mup_> Bug #1178312: ERROR state: TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [11:48] rogpeppe: you would if james hadn't already pasted the bootstrap output without a failure message [11:48] jam: which also comes back to: if we've generated a .jenv file when bootstrapping, and the bootstrap fails, we should remove the .jenv file [11:48] rogpeppe: the original bootstrap: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6447604/ [11:49] rogpeppe: I'm a little concerned about: juju.provider.maas environ.go:193 picked arbitrary tools [11:49] but that shouldn't affect anything with mongo [11:50] jam: presumably that's not the *original* bootstrap, otherwise there wouldn't have been a .jenv file already there [11:52] rogpeppe: so to follow the conversation, james had done one in the past, then nuked it and deleted everything from ~/.juju/environments then did it again, and the bootstrap + status + cloud-init-output (etc) were all from that pristine try [11:52] urg - its back [11:52] jamespage: you've got the same problem again? [11:52] juju/maas picked a different node (the one that it picked earlier) and I get this issue [11:52] jamespage: how are you killing the system ? [11:52] with "juju destroy-environment" / [11:52] ? [11:53] yes [11:54] jam: there's actually something useful we can determine from the certs - we can find out when the cert was created [11:54] jamespage: so if all of this is fresh, the contents of cloud-init-output.log and .jenv give us enough info to see if they are actually not matching. [11:54] jamespage: ok, so, from scratch now: could you paste the contents of the .jenv file and the contents of the cloud-init-output log file on the bootstrap node, please? [11:55] preferably in the same paste so we don't get confused later :) [11:55] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6447758/ [11:55] jenv [11:55] cloud-init-output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6447759/ [11:56] jam, rogpeppe: all yours ^^ [11:58] jamespage: the bootstrap node was bootstrapped on the 8th november [11:58] jamespage: it has not just been created [11:58] jamespage: i guess that means that destroy-environment has not destroyed it correctly [11:59] rogpeppe: any chance to take a quick look on https://codereview.appspot.com/24040044/ [11:59] ? [11:59] jamespage: which is, i suppose, only to be expected, because we're using the new metadata to try to destroy the old environment [11:59] urgh - OK - lemme go check wtf is going on [11:59] its being powercycled but it looks like its not being re-isntalled [12:01] jam: would it be a terrible security hole if we allowed unauthenticated access to an API to find out its uuid? [12:02] rogpeppe: the clietn would still have to allow a TLS connection to a machine it doesn't recognize [12:02] jam: not necessarily [12:02] jam: we could allow http access for just that info [12:02] jam: although... https and http are on different ports, aren't they? [12:03] jam: or, actually, it's just a client-side thing isn't it? [12:04] so I think you can technically do both on the same port, but it is really hard to do [12:04] because https is just TLS and raw HTTP underneath [12:04] and I *think* the server inits the TLs data [12:04] jam: we could just provide a UUID method alongside Login, and the client could fall back to trying https allowing any cert to make a decent error message [12:05] rogpeppe: well, we can assume that the UUID is wrong if the TLS cert doesn't match [12:05] I don't think reporting a UUID actually helps *users* [12:05] as they don't know WTF [12:06] it is [12:06] jam: well, if the TLS cert doesn't match, it may be because someone's trying to break in, i suppose [12:07] rogpeppe: if they can break in, then unauthenticated UUID isn't going to help us [12:08] jam: another possibility is that the client could look at the certificate presented by the server and use it to tell the user when the environment was bootstrapped [12:09] jam: that's probably more useful [12:09] jam: but i do think that env uuids will become more useful (and recognised) as time goes on and multi-environment setups become more common. [12:10] rogpeppe: it is still a UUID which means random hex bytes [12:10] not "my environment named X" [12:10] I think env name + timestamp might make way more sense to the user [12:11] jam: we have to think carefully about the role of environment names [12:11] jam: currently there's nothing stopping an environment having different names for different clients, i think [12:12] jam: s/for/when used by/ [12:13] jam: currently an environment certificate does include the name that the environment was given, but that's by no means unique [12:14] rogpeppe: sure, but it isn't quite about uniqueness, it is about giving them something that they can understand [12:14] and UUID is not that [12:14] they can lookup a UUID somewhere, and kind-sorta-squint to see if it looks like this other one [12:14] but it doesn't have *meaning* [12:15] jam: i'm concerned it might be misleading [12:16] jam: for example, if i send someone a .jenv file and they store it as "foo.jenv" but the original bootstrapper named it "bar.jenv", the messages will print "bar" but the user would expect "foo" [12:16] jam: because that's their local name for the environment [12:16] rogpeppe: if you send it to them, it has a name already [12:17] so "yes" with a big "but not really" [12:17] jam: depends how you send it to them [12:17] rogpeppe: 90% of all ways involve a filename (yes you could paste it somewher) [12:18] jam: yeah, i was thinking pastebin [12:19] jam: and i might *need* to rename it - for example, if you sent me an "ec2.jenv", i'd need to rename it so it didn't clash with my own env of that name [12:19] jam: i think this may tie in with user auth stuff [12:20] jam: for instance, if the name was "john meinel's ec2", that would be more useful [12:27] * TheMue => lunch [13:34] hi jam, i have some questions about juju local's use of mongo. do you know much about how it works? [13:34] bac: I know a bit at least [13:34] what's up? [13:34] rogpeppe: could please you have a look here: https://codereview.appspot.com/29680043 ? [13:34] adeuring: I reviewed it already [13:34] though you're welcome to ask for another [13:35] jam i see it creates /etc/init/juju-db-bac-blah. is that supposed to be removed when the environment is destroyed? [13:35] jam i ask b/c it lingered and upon reboot prevented my *real* /etc/init/mongdb.conf from launching the mongo i need for other work [13:35] jam: thanks, that was fast.-- should haved looked at the page first ;) [13:35] bac: I believe so. I know axw__ has been doing some work in that area. [13:35] adeuring: I just happened to see the email come in [13:36] jam: if that mongo instance is ephemeral, why put entries in /etc/init? [13:36] bac: because it isn't [13:37] bac: that is the central DB talking about all of the instances you have on your machine [13:37] if you reboot, it is supposed to come up again [13:37] jam, ah, ok [13:37] jam, well it needs to play nice with real mongo [13:38] jam, now that i understand more i can file a better bug. thank you. [13:38] bac: so you can certainly file a bug that we shouldn't be setting something in /etc/default/mongodb. We *do* it because everywhere but local that machine isn't running a mongo otherwise [13:38] and installing the mongodb-server automaticlaly starts an instance we won't use [13:38] without that line [13:38] bac: I believe the fix is to have juju depend on a "juju-db" package which is mongo without the default instance [13:38] bac: you can poke jamespage for more details there [13:39] jam, i don't thing /etc/default/mongodb is the problem but the /etc/init/juju-db- one [13:39] bac: we write "don't start" to /etc/default/mongodb when we create ours [13:39] jam: a good bug report is descriptive not prescriptive so i'll leave the solution to y'all. :) [13:39] (or so preaches bigjools) [13:40] jam, bac: yeah - not done that yet [13:40] jamespage: but you agree on the proposed "how it should be fixed" ? [13:40] (we stop writing to /etc/default/mongodb, but depend on a different package) [13:40] jam: broadley yes [13:40] binary only package +1 [13:41] bac: so even if we do/don't remove that file, you need to fix /etc/default/mongodb [13:41] if you want an actual Mongo running [13:41] they *can* coexist, but we have the problem that on "normal" nodes we were starting 2 processes and only wanted 1 [13:42] but that does impact a local test when you actually do want the other one to run [13:42] jam, i have not /etc/default/mongodb. [13:42] jam the problem i see is /etc/init/juju-db starts before /etc/init/mongodb and the latter sees an instance running and does nothing [13:43] s/have not/have no [13:46] jamespage,bac: ok, so this is slightly different. I know we do write /etc/default/mongodb but that *might* only be triggered in non-local. [13:46] jamespage: the issue bac is pointing to is that the default /etc/init/mongodb just uses 'start-stop-daemon' [13:46] which seems like it just does a ps to see if anything named "mongodb" is running [13:46] and doesn't notice that the one that is running is using a different config [13:46] hmm [13:46] bac: i'm slightly surprised that /etc/init/mongodb sees an instance running - how does it know that? [13:46] that sucks a bit [13:47] jam, jamespage: bug 1253084 files. please augment as needed. [13:47] <_mup_> Bug #1253084: local use of mongo prevents default mongodb from starting [13:47] jamespage: ah, i see [13:47] s/jamespage/jam/ ! [13:47] rogpeppe: right "man start-stop-daemon" [13:47] jam: that sounds like definite crack to me [13:47] rogpeppe: it works well if you have things controlled by one file and really want just one running [13:49] jam: if /etc/init/mongodb will only work properly if there's no other mongodb started anywhere, then we have a problem [13:49] jamespage: so if we called the binary only thing /usr/bin/jujudb we would get aroud that, but I 'm not sure that is great, either [13:49] jam: its fixable [13:50] why is /etc/init/mongodb using start-stop-daemon anyway? [13:50] it *is* the daemon... or should be [13:50] rogpeppe: cause its a shortcut for doing that sort of thing [13:50] it handles the pid file, etc. [13:50] rogpeppe: it is "/etc/init/mongodb.conf" which isn't a daemon [13:51] jam: it bypasses all the nice namespacing that upstart gives you [13:51] rogpeppe: I can imagine it was because someone ported an /etc/init.d scripte [13:51] script [13:51] jam: sounds very plausible [13:52] jam: i suppose what i mean is that upstart should be the one keeping track of started processes and daemons. [13:53] rogpeppe: sounds like, but I think jamespage would know best here [13:53] rogpeppe, yup [13:54] jamespage: that /etc/init/mongodb uses start-stop-daemon seems pretty much like a straight-up bug to me [13:54] the fix is a hack - you just tell start-stop-daemon to look for a process name that will never exist [13:54] rogpeppe, that is not [13:54] a bug [13:54] jamespage: that doesn't prevent it from double starting, does it? [13:55] upstart manages the process via start-stop-daemon just fine [13:55] so if you did "start mongodb; start mongodb" you'd end up with 2 of them ? [13:55] all its doing is changing the uid [13:55] (unlike the juju mongodb which just runs as root :-)) [13:55] jam: ^^ that will get picked up in the MIR work this cycle [13:56] jamespage: k. Because juju mongodb doesn't need root (AFAICT) [13:56] yup [13:56] I think I raised that bug :-) [13:56] jujud probably does [13:56] agreed [13:56] that's OK tho [13:57] http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/2013-11-20/ [13:58] rogpeppe, or fwereade ^^^ [13:58] we have a session in 2 hours [13:58] jcastro: "juju code dev update" ? [13:59] yeah basically what users can expect for 14.04 [14:00] jcastro: fwereade has a better bird's eye view than me at this point [14:00] jamespage: so there isn't a way to ask upstart to change the UID ? [14:00] jamespage: so could mongodb.conf just use sudo -u mongodb /usr/bin/mongodb ... ? [14:01] rogpeppe, that is exceptionally bad as it starts a user session [14:01] (try shutting down a desktop when you do that) [14:01] rogpeppe: http://superuser.com/questions/213416/running-upstart-jobs-as-unprivileged-users [14:01] new versions can use "setuid" [14:01] jam: there is bit globally for the configuration [14:01] jamespage: no way to avoid that? [14:01] but maybe we need to still support P? [14:01] so you can do mkdir -p /var/lib/mongodb in pre-start [14:02] (which it does) [14:02] fwereade, are you available in 2 hours? [14:04] jcastro: he wasn't too well earlier. i'm ok doing it if he can't make it. [14:05] jcastro: or perhaps jam might want to [14:05] I don't care who it is as long as they can just talk about juju [14:05] jam is fine! :) [14:05] rogpeppe: jcastro: its pretty late for me [14:05] jcastro, rogpeppe: well, I just crawled up to tell people I wasn't likely to come back today [14:05] ok [14:05] fwereade: np [14:05] is there anyone available? [14:05] fwereade: could you maybe link me to our current roadmap document, if there is one? [14:06] fwereade: i'm not quite sure what's likely to get in 14.04 currently [14:06] rogpeppe, I'm pulling all that back together into something resembling sanity but it's not currently a oc [14:06] jcastro: so the ones you want someone are for 16:05 UTC and 18:05UTC, except there are 2 Juju ones at 18:05 (I guess one is GUI) [14:06] rogpeppe, I will give you the overview [14:06] fwereade: thanks [14:06] rogpeppe: there is also https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At5cjYKYHu9odDJTenFhOGE2OE16SERZajE5XzZlRVE&usp=drive_web#gid=0 [14:07] which isn't 100% up to date, but can give some hints [14:07] rogpeppe: the one at 18:05 looks more like a jamespage one [14:07] "what do we need to do to get Juju into main" [14:08] http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/meeting/22112/juju-core-development-update/ looks like a summary of what is going on [14:16] jam, rogpeppe, fwereade: I'm also available to go to meetings, since they're more in my time zone [14:28] jamespage, jam: ISTM that another and slightly easier fix to /etc/init/mongodb.conf would be to pass "-u mongodb" to start-stop-daemon [14:34] rogpeppe, "--name mongodb-server" will also work as no process will ever be named mongodb-server [14:34] which avoids problems if someone wants to run multiple mongod processes under the mongodb user [14:35] jamespage: it's not clear to me how --exec interacts with --name interacts with --start === vds` is now known as vds [15:26] sinzui, abentley: can one of you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/charmworld/better-sparklines/+merge/195972 when you have time? [15:45] jcsackett: looking [15:47] abentley: thanks [15:48] jcsackett: r=me. [15:48] abentley: thanks! [16:04] jcsackett: have you got a hangout link? [16:05] oops [16:05] s/jsackett/jcastro/ [16:05] jcastro: ^ [16:05] :-P [16:05] happens all the time. :-) [16:05] jcsackett: i can see why [16:05] sec [16:06] https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7ecpjmodidvjime8kk2kb7s28k?authuser=0&hl=en [16:06] rogpeppe, he's the good looking one [16:37] good job rogpeppe [16:37] jam: thanks. did i sound reasonably coherent? [16:37] yeah [16:37] I felt you did well [16:38] jam: phew :-) [18:04] who from the juju-dev team is attending the Juju activities for 14.04 session starting shortly? [18:05] jamespage: I can attend [18:05] excellent [18:05] #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1 [19:05] g'night all [19:06] night roger [19:25] natefinch, I think Bug #1057665 is fix committed in trunk [19:25] <_mup_> Bug #1057665: juju destroy-environment is terrifying; please provide an option to neuter it [19:28] sinzui: it depends how you interpret that bug. I think they are actually asking for a sort of "termination protection" so that you can't just destroy-environment it [19:28] we do make it slightly better by requiring you to name it [19:29] we could spin off another bug about termination protection [19:29] jam, I agree with what is being asked for, but my understanding was that we decided on an argument change [19:30] jam, why are you awake? [19:30] it isn't midnight here yet [19:30] 30 min to go [19:31] natefinch, jam, I need to decide if the bug is fix committed, or deferred to the next milestone. [19:31] moving it to the next is easy [19:31] sinzui: I'm fine closing that one, but I'd like to capture the thought about a second command [19:32] whether we *do* that one we can decide later [19:33] jam, do you know if Bug #1236691 is really In Progress? [19:33] <_mup_> Bug #1236691: null provider bootstrap fails if default-series does not match target [19:33] I think axw was looking at it [19:34] but it shouldn't block the release if it doesn't land [19:34] thank you [19:38] sinzui: have a good night [19:38] * jam heads to bed [19:39] goodnight [19:42] sinzui: hey, I stepped out for a bit. Sounds like you and jam figured it out, though [19:44] sinzui: in my opinion, the change I made addresses the problem they stated they had. I didn't implement their solution to the problem, but that's a different story, as jam said. I think the feature they proposed is interesting, but problematic to implement, and therefore seems unlikely to be implemented any time soon, with the priorities and manpower we have right now. [19:54] natefinch, I agree. I prefer bugs reports to state the problem, not prescribe a solution. The later is almost always a unique feature. While the former, is easily grouped and duped to form a solution [19:57] sinzui: yep, exactly [20:07] o/ [20:08] thumper: howdy [20:09] hey [20:17] thumper: do you know if the mouse pointer will resize along with the font setting? I haven't rebooted since I changed the font setting, so it might not have gotten applied... but that's one thing that is surprisingly annoying on the high res screen - trying to find and use a really tiny pointer. [20:18] IIRC the mouse pointer is special, and drawn by the graphics driver, most likely fixed size [20:18] thumper: boo. I looked for an accessibility thing for that and also failed... hoped there'd be a "bigger mouse pointer for people with bad eyesight" but no luck [21:52] is there api support yet for deploy ... more specifically charm upload? [21:53] hmm.. [21:53] conn.PutCharm [21:53] hazmat: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/juju-core/+spec/t-cloud-juju-cli-api [21:53] says dimiter is working on deploy [21:54] HA! [21:54] I think I found the bug where the local provider doesn't start properly [21:54] just encountered it. [21:55] * thumper adds it to the FIX IT stack [21:55] natefinch, thanks [21:56] hazmat: no problem [21:57] gah... mgo refuses to dial into mongo if I pass it --replSet ... mongo sees the connection and then the connection is immediately dropped. Sigh. Gotta figure out what's going on in mgo. [22:00] ... but not today. later all [22:59] sinzui: ping [22:59] you were going to send me details on the jenkins setup [22:59] [23:31] yep [23:57] sinzui: ta muchly