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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Name Your PC Day! :-D09:24
randomcppJamesTait, good morning! all my PCs have a name, except for mobile devices, I need a better name for my rpi, "hackberry" is too silly xD09:57
JamesTaitrandomcpp, well, our rpi is just called raspberrypi, so, y'know. ;)09:57
JamesTaitNow I think about it, that and my current laptop are my two most recent additions, and both have a food-themed name.09:58
randomcppwell but they deserve a "personal" name, a name they only have :) we're all humans but we have different names :p09:59
JamesTaitThis machine is gazpacho; my previous laptop was sixtymilesmile, and the one prior to that was ferrari.10:00
JamesTaitBefore that I was using desktop machines; IIRC the last two desktop towers were cloudnine and goodytwo.10:01
JamesTaitNot that I have a personal relationship with them or anything....10:01
randomcppmy laptop's name is blackpearl because when I unboxed it I was watching pirates of the Caribbean10:02
randomcppmy old desktop was deathstar (not related to star wars when I named it)10:03
randomcppbecause it was close to death as pc10:03
randomcppit served me very well though10:04
randomcppdid anyone start developing a webdav client for ubuntu touch?10:08
popeyrandomcpp: dont know of anyone doing that10:18
randomcpppopey, it will be on my todo list :p10:19
randomcppI have a owncloud server installed on my rpi, I need a client for it :)10:19
randomcpppopey, do you know if ubuntu-touch automatically set mobile access point?10:26
popeyrandomcpp: do you mean, does ubuntu touch act as an access point to share 3g over wifi? If so, no.10:28
randomcppI mean if it sets APN correctly10:29
randomcppI love the Messages app10:38
randomcppit would be nice to shows if a message is "sending" or already "sent"10:39
popeyIt sets the APN correctly for me, if it doesn't for you then it's a bug.10:41
randomcppI think it does, is there a way to check it?10:42
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popeyrandomcpp: there's various ofono scripts on the device which report info about the radio and connection11:02
randomcpp(I totally love the message notification sound) ok I'll check them11:03
randomcpppopey, is it normal to have as last update the date 1970/07/30?11:21
popeyyeah, I've seen that11:23
popeywhen the clock isnt set right11:23
randomcpp"system-image-cli --dry-run" says it's everything up-to-date (version ubuntu: 20131031.1)11:23
rottinrobgm all11:28
dpmmorning rottinrob11:29
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nerochiaroom26er: hi, if i need to write integration tests for an app, do you already have any examples i can look at ?11:56
om26ernerochiaro, sure. here is a yet to be merged example: https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/gallery-app/camera-integration-test/+merge/18968511:57
om26ernerochiaro, I havea  pending branch for camera-app as well. if you could review that will be fine11:57
om26er*helpful :)11:57
nerochiaroom26er: which one it is ?11:58
om26ernerochiaro, https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/camera-app/fix_autopilot_test_code11:58
om26ernerochiaro, wrong. This https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/camera-app/gallery_integration_test/+merge/18979711:59
nerochiaroom26er: jenkins says that the tests fail on that one, though12:10
om26ernerochiaro, that's a different problem. I just retriggered a build. I was due to a dependency problem12:11
om26ernerochiaro, you can try the debs on your phone :)12:11
nerochiaroom26er: both these branches seem to be just checking that another app is focused. any way to actually interact with the other app ?12:14
nerochiaroom26er: i mean, say i want to click a specific button on the other app12:14
om26ernerochiaro, sure. I am going to further enhance these very soon. once these branches get merged.12:14
nerochiaroom26er: i'll need to do that for browser-gallery integration, so knowing how to do that would be useful12:15
om26ernerochiaro, right, we first need to set initctl env variable so that all apps that run inside unity run with testability. then we can get their proxy object easily by referring to their pid inside get_proxy_object_for_existing_process() from autopilot.introspection12:16
nerochiaroom26er: ok, will that be around next Monday ? I won't work on this before then12:17
nerochiarobut it would be great to have it then12:18
om26ernerochiaro, as soon as you approve my branch and it gets merged ;)12:18
om26ernerochiaro, btw can you state a use case you have for the test you want to write12:18
nerochiaroom26er: user clicks on a "chose file to upload" button in a form on a webpage, the content hub opens up the gallery where the user picks a photo and clicks ok, then the focus is given back to browser and passed the path of the photo12:20
nerochiaroom26er: i need to test this whole process12:20
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Kaleomzanetti, mhall119, popey: do you know of any app interested in using the Picker component?13:14
mzanettiKaleo: what's the Picker component?13:14
Kaleomzanetti, http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/Ubuntu.Components.Pickers.Picker/13:14
Kaleolet me show you13:15
mzanettiKaleo: ah, the generic one where you can use an own model.13:15
Kaleomzanetti, http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=1573213:16
Kaleopopey, mhall119 ^13:16
mzanettiKaleo: yeah... I know this one... I created this for the Fahrplan13:17
KaleooSoMoN, any app you know of that would be interested in http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=15732 ?13:17
Kaleomzanetti, :)13:17
mzanettiKaleo: however, I only use it for Time and datepicker13:17
mzanettiKaleo: not sure if there's a use case for a general purpose one. I think we want the OptionSelector in that case13:17
mzanettiotoh, this picker might be better for really long lists13:17
popeyKaleo: ooh, thats pretty13:18
Kaleomzanetti, it will be at least used by the time and date pickers :)13:18
Kaleopopey, ;)13:18
mzanettiKaleo: got one: an app where you have to enter your height for example13:19
Kaleomzanetti, sounds good13:19
randomcppKaleo, it would nice to have something similar that shows options horizontally13:19
Kaleorandomcpp, horizontally, ok13:19
randomcppwould be*13:19
randomcppKaleo, it seems to waste a lot of vertical space in my opinion :)13:20
popeyKaleo: none spring to mind but will keep an eye out13:21
Kaleopopey, thanks13:21
mzanettiKaleo: actually, wherever you need to select numbers this seems useful13:21
mzanettiKaleo: it's a bit like the spinners from Widget days13:21
Kaleomzanetti, yes13:22
om26erMirv, ping13:32
oSoMoNKaleo, I imagine that could be used for a generic datetime picker (which is probably already planned anyway)13:33
KaleooSoMoN, right13:34
Kaleothanks everybody13:34
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Mirvom26er: pong13:36
om26erMirv, so we have QtMultimedia from the qt project with all its unit tests and integration tests. But they are not running anywhere I believe. We wanted to run them on the phone hardware to check their integrity with our gstreamer backend. Do you have an opinion there?13:38
om26erall the unit tests pass but 16 integration tests are failing on the phone13:38
Mirvom26er: there have been problems in running the tests on builders. if you can figure out / patch configuration for a good subset so that the tests could be run from debian/rules on each package build, that'd be nice. it's an open bug for all of the Qt modules that don't run their tests yet.13:39
Mirvom26er: xvfb helps to an extent13:39
om26erMirv, well we want them to run them directly on the phone13:40
Mirvom26er: for example qtpim does xvfb-run -a make check QT_PLUGIN_PATH=$(CURDIR)/plugins LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(CURDIR)/lib13:40
Mirvom26er: yeah, then it'd need to be maybe via autopilot test since those are run on the device in CI? I think autopkgtests are not run on touch device, although I might be wrong13:41
Mirvom26er: if you mean you'd like to have them run more automatically13:41
Mirvom26er: regarding what could be run on phone in an automated way, maybe contact the QA team instead13:42
om26erMirv, yes autopilot tests are run in on phones in CI. and we want the integration tests inside QtMultimedia to also run on the phone. the are based on QtTest13:43
om26erMirv, yeah, I am kind of part of the QA time ;) just wanted to make sure with you if there are things we should be watching out for13:43
Mirvom26er: ok, right. please raise the topic on how to run QtTests on the phone, I believe we'd really want to be able to do that anyway since some developers of apps etc could want to use them too.13:43
Mirvom26er: mainly just that a) the status of upstream tests is not completely known (are the 100% pass in their CI or do they always accept some amount of failure), b) when running on builders, there are some limitations13:44
Mirvit seems there is no substitute to real hardware with real accelerated OpenGL (ES) anyhow when running Qt tests13:45
om26erMirv, yeah so we'll run them on real phones13:46
mhall119Kaleo: one of the core apps devs wanted to use a Picker, nik90 maybe?13:56
Kaleonik90, interested in http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=15732 ?13:58
nik90Kaleo: looks really nice. atm the clock app doesn't need it yet since the designs use different widgets14:09
nik90but I can see use in the future14:10
Kaleonik90, ok14:14
hugoplKaleo: ping14:30
Kaleohugopl, pong14:30
AskUbuntuCan apps developed in the Ubuntu SDK be ported to Android? | http://askubuntu.com/q/37987914:31
nik90Kaleo: Is there a SDK widget for expansion? -> http://design.ubuntu.com/apps/building-blocks/expansion14:41
Kaleonik90, nope14:43
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ahayzenvthompson, o/17:12
vthompsonahayzen, hey hey17:17
ahayzenvthompson, hows things?17:18
vthompsonahayzen, pretty good. You?17:18
ahayzenvthompson, yh good thanks...just trying to sort out the swipeDelete mess tht i caused last night :/17:19
vthompsonahayzen, the bug only happens in that small case. So I don't think it's that big of a deal.17:19
ahayzenvthompson, i'll see if i can replicate and i'll add those other cases in to hide the swipe17:20
ahayzenvthompson, so from the mediascanner discussion we are going to keep Grilo for saucy?17:20
vthompsonahayzen, I played with the notes app a bit for the first time and they allow multiple items to be in the "confirm delete" state... maybe we could do so as well. Just didn't seem right to me17:20
ahayzenvthompson, yeah thts why i put it in17:21
vthompsonahayzen, it sounds like they aren't targeting saucy with the new mediascanner... so we'll have to maintain grilo there still17:21
ahayzenvthompson, what should i do with https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/performance-tweaks-00117:21
ahayzenvthompson, it reduces startup time for me from ~700-900ms to ~200ms17:21
ahayzenvthompson, and has various other improvements17:22
vthompsonahayzen, so I haven't looked at that at all.17:22
ahayzenvthompson, brb17:22
vthompsonahayzen, so on my dev box (which is slow and has ~18 GB of music) the initial app loading goes from 10.718s to 8.359s17:35
vthompsonahayzen, I also notice that the busy indicator on the songs tab doesn't show up immediately like it should17:36
ahayzenvthompson, the busy indicator not appearing immediately appears to because of the UI being blasted with rows to add to the view17:58
AskUbuntuWhy isn't python featured? | http://askubuntu.com/q/37997718:19
vthompsonahayzen, that seems possible18:20
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om26erfginther, hey. help needed :)18:45
om26erfginther, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty/825/testReport/junit/address_book_app.tests.test_add_contact/TestAddContact/test_add_contact_with_first_name/18:45
om26erthese tests are failing on otto for renato_ Is there a way to reproduce that environment so that we could debug ?18:46
lfaraoneIf I want a menu icon in Unity, do I want to create an entry in `debian/menu`, or install a .desktop file?18:46
fgintherom26er, it's possible to reproduce the environment, but it does take a lot of work. Can I assume you've already tried to run this on a desktop?18:49
om26erfginther, yes. tests pass on the desktop.18:49
om26errenato_, ^^18:49
fgintherom26er, to setup, you essentially need to setup lp:otto and create a trusty container18:50
fgintherom26er, there are instructions in lp:otto to set it up18:50
fgintherom26er, there is then a bzr branch with the actual test runner and some additional scripting in the jenkins job itself18:51
om26erfginther, ok. thanks18:52
fgintherom26er, I'll send an email18:53
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vthompsondpm, mhall119, popey: is there any way we can get the music-app discussion moved back an hour? It's currently scheduled at the same time as the Media Service session.20:54
mhall119bfiller: the cascade begins :(20:55
mhall119vthompson: can I move it back 2 hours?20:56
ahayzenvthompson, i would be fine with tht20:56
mhall119oh wait, yes, one hour would work..I think20:56
vthompsonmhall119, either would work for me20:56
bfillermhall119: you could move my Roadmap session from 16:05 to 14:05 if that helps20:57
mhall119bfiller: I don't have space at 14:0520:57
vthompsonbfiller, mhall119: the vacant spot would be 15:0520:58
mhall119but neither of the appdev sessions at 16:05 can be moved to 15:05, because the conflict with the touch apps on desktop session20:59
vthompsonmhall119, 1805?20:59
bfillermhall119: how about swap both 15:05 sessions with 14:00 sessions21:00
mhall119vthompson: did the original 14:00 time work for you?21:01
vthompsonmhall119, it doesn't for ahayzen. I sort of want an additional music app dev there so we can discuss how things will be ordered21:01
mhall119vthompson: would 1805 be okay, or too late?21:02
vthompsonmhall119, OK w/ me.21:02
vthompsonahayzen, ?21:02
ahayzenmhall119, vthompson, Ok with me :)21:02
ahayzenthe later the better :)21:02
mhall119gah, can't move either of the 18:00 ones either :(21:03
ahayzenmhall119, what about shuffling the hallway sessions?21:03
ahayzenheh this has turned into a timetable nightmare lol21:04
vthompsonmhall119, We need an app for this21:04
mhall119ahayzen: that's the way UDS usually is :)21:04
mhall119vthompson: we have one, it's summit21:04
ahayzenvthompson, it should be like the uni ones where everyone says wht modules they need to attend then it works it out21:05
nik90dpm,popey: Hey! not sure if you guys are online, but if you are can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/reminders-app/basic-structure/+merge/19601421:05
mhall119Kaleo: do you need to be in the "System frameworks for apps" follow up session?21:05
vthompsonmhall119, there appears to be an opening in Community 2 at 180521:05
Kaleomhall119, I won't be able to make it it seems21:06
mhall119vthompson: yeah, might need to use that21:06
Kaleomhall119, and yes I should be there21:06
mhall119Kaleo: won't be able to make which?21:06
nik90vthompson, ahayzen: I read above you guys having issues with swipe delete. Are you referring to the tests or the UI implementation itself?21:06
Kaleomhall119, one of the 2 at 4pm21:07
Kaleo "System frameworks for apps" follow up session21:07
nik90vthompson, ahayzen: fyi, I just did and merged it into the clock app trunk. Maybe I can help?21:07
ahayzennik90, we have a custom implementation just patching up initial issues21:07
mhall119Kaleo: yeah, you seem to be over-booked tomorrow21:07
nik90ahayzen: Do you guys need to use a custom implementation? The SDK offers this now.21:07
ahayzennik90, yeah but we need reordering21:08
vthompsonnik90, our issue is more with the design of it. Currently, we don't allow multiple items to be in the "confirm delete" state. This causes a small issue in some instances.21:08
nik90vthompson: ah okay.21:09
nik90ahayzen: reordering?21:09
nik90ahayzen: you mean reordering in the list view?21:09
mhall119vthompson: ahayzen: so if I move the music app session to Community 2 at 18:05, you can both attend?21:09
ahayzennik90, yeah we have drag and drop reordering in the list for the play queue and playlist21:09
vthompsonmhall119, I can21:09
ahayzennik90, this wasn't implemented in the sdk before21:09
ahayzenmhall119, yep 1805 is good for me21:09
mhall119ok, done21:10
vthompsonmhall119, thanks!21:10
ahayzenmhall119, thanks21:10
mhall119Kaleo: not sure there's anything I can do for your schedule conflicts, sorry21:10
nik90ahayzen: that's true21:12
nik90ahayzen: can you provide me a link to the code where you use this swipe delete?21:12
ahayzennik90, we firstly have this .... http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/trunk/view/head:/common/SwipeDelete.qml21:13
nik90ahayzen: afaik the SDK doesn't offer drag and drop feature in list view as of today. So I can understand, however I am still not seeing what swipe delete has to do with this. Hence the code viewing.21:13
ahayzennik90, then this is one of the implementations http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/trunk/view/head:/MusicPlaylists.qml#L79021:14
dpmhey nik90, looking at the MP now21:14
nik90dpm: thnx :)21:14
ahayzennik90, because of the way the MouseAreas work21:14
vthompsonahayzen, I think we could solve all issues if we can capture and cancel being in the "confirm delete" state on any click in the list view other than the "Clear" portion21:15
ahayzennik90, IIRC as soon as u add a mouseArea to track the reordering the mouse events would be captured only in one place21:15
ahayzenvthompson, so if we click on something it should hide as well?21:16
ahayzenvthompson, thts easy to do :) do u want to allow multiple swipes to be in the cancel state or not?21:16
vthompsonahayzen, I'd think so. I think usability-wise as soon as the user moves on to do something else the action should be discarded.21:16
ahayzenvthompson, ok i'll update tht branch i have going :)21:17
vthompsonahayzen, I don't think we should allow multiple... but notes allows multiple...21:17
ahayzenvthompson, same21:17
vthompsonahayzen, lets do that then. It supports the "hide once the user chooses to do something else" model.21:18
ahayzenvthompson, just updating now give me 521:18
ahayzenvthompson, what about if someone moves away from that tab (playlists) or closes the now playing? should it then dismiss the swipe?21:20
vthompsonahayzen, I would think so. But I realize that might be more difficult.21:21
ahayzenvthompson, i'll put it in :)21:21
dpmnik90, reviewed, I just noticed a couple of minor things21:21
ahayzenvthompson, and if u go 'back' from the playlist to the list of playlists?21:21
vthompsonSo clicks on the "go back" button, and any controls would need to change21:22
vthompsonNot to mentioning navigating to a different tab in the playlists tab...21:22
vthompsonI wonder if you could capture if the listview is no longer active and hide then.21:23
ahayzenvthompson, hmm...i've got clicking on a track, press and hold a track, go back, switch tab21:23
vthompsonahayzen, I'd hate to have to add logic everywhere just for this21:23
ahayzenvthompson, all it is is... collapseSwipeDelete(-1);21:24
ahayzenvthompson, in 6 places21:24
vthompson:) that's what I would have liked to avoid.21:24
ahayzenvthompson, not too bad tbh21:25
vthompsonNo probably not too terribly bad. Just worried that the action would get missed if new stuff was added. Also, swipe to delete might not be on the desktop version--have swipe specific code everywhere might get a bit messy21:26
nik90dpm: fixed21:28
vthompsonI was initially imagining that you'd capture the onClicked anywhere in the list view and hiding from there. Navigating up or down the listview seems like it should also cancel the action21:29
ahayzenvthompson, that collapses when things are clicked/focus changed etc https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/fix-1252898/+merge/19589821:29
vthompsonAnd the controls still all don't cancel the action21:29
dpmnik90, awesome, will test it in a minute. Also, for the next merge proposal it might be worth stealing some things from https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/initial - it was essentially doing similar things to your branch (except adding pages for notes, reminders and notebooks) and it also added the debian packaging and translations infrastructure21:29
dpmbut let's get your branch merged first21:30
nik90dpm: I will add them in 2 separate MP. One for debian packaging and the other for translations21:30
* popey approves21:30
nik90dpm: I did not want to combine them for convenience21:30
* dpm nods21:30
popeylooks nice21:30
dpmmakes sense21:30
ahayzenvthompson, i guess at some point reordering will be added to the sdk then we can use the default stuff21:30
vthompsonahayzen, sure, we also don't know if that will solve issues or cause more :)21:32
dpmfginther, we need to have Jenkins jobs for lp:reminders-app - what would you need from us to start setting them up?21:32
dpmpopey, ^21:32
ahayzenvthompson, should 'solve' them or make us consistent with the other apps21:32
popeyooh, good call21:32
nik90ahayzen, vthompson: I just installed the music app on the desktop. I also added music to home/Music folder. But it says that I need to import music first when I open the app. Is there anything I did wrong?21:32
popeynik90: you're missing mediascanner21:32
nik90popey: separate package?21:33
ahayzennik90, u run mediascanner-service ~/Music ... and got the mediascanner21:33
ahayzenvthompson, thought the mediascanner had been added as a depend the other day?21:33
fgintherdpm, just file a bug here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself and indicate which projects or branches are involved21:33
nik90ahayzen: hmm good question. I would expect mediascanner to be an automatic dependency21:33
vthompsonahayzen, I'll approve the merge. It solves the bug at hand. the other issues might be more design related21:34
ahayzennik90, u will need to run tht cmd once u have the package21:34
nik90ahayzen: yup doingn it now21:34
ahayzennik90, cool, takes a while :)21:34
nik90ahayzen: I just have one folder :D21:35
ahayzennik90, not so long then21:35
nik90ahayzen: I mostly use spotifyon the desktop21:35
nik90yup works now.21:35
ahayzennik90, yh most people i ask use spotify or youtube21:35
ahayzennik90, cool21:35
dpmnik90, given the fact that we still don't have Jenkins and it's the second commit, I've *cough* manually *cough* merged and pushed to trunk21:35
ahayzennik90, vthompson, https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtgrilo/+bug/124140321:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 1241403 in Ubuntu Music App "Music app's grilo plugin package needs to depend on mediascanner" [Undecided,Triaged]21:36
mhall119dpm: do we have any AP tests?21:36
nik90dpm: when can we expect jenkins bot to do merges?21:36
* mhall119 knows there isn't much to test yet21:36
nik90dpm: I will be creating 2 more MP today21:36
dpmmhall119, not yet, but it's a good point we'll need to talk to balloons21:36
dpmnik90, I'll file the bug for Jenkins in a minute and talk to Francis to get a better idea21:37
mhall119yeah, it'll be easier to start with 100% test coverage now, then try to catch up later21:37
vthompsonahayzen, yea, that fix probably hasn't gone into qtgrilo package yet21:38
nik90vthompson: I guess so since I just installed everything from the core apps PPA21:38
ahayzenvthompson, ah ok21:38
nik90vthompson: although would mediascanner-service be run automatically?21:38
vthompsonnik90, the service should start automatically... I've actually stopped it from starting because it spun up after every reboot21:39
vthompsonnik90, It'll scan $HOME--but for the music apps purpose it only needs to scan ~/Music21:40
vthompson.... for most sane people who store their files in a reasonable manner21:40
* popey puts aquarius in the "unreasonable" camp ☻21:41
dpmfginther, thanks filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/+bug/1253441 - let me know if that provides enough context21:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 1253441 in Ubuntu CI Services "Please add Jenkins job for Autopilot tests and autolanding for the Reminders app" [Undecided,New]21:41
nik90vthompson: hehe thnx for the heads up.21:42
mhall119Unreasonable Camp is the *best* summer camp21:43
popeyOne time, at unreasonable camp..21:43
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vthompsonmhall119, I guess since it was brought up earlier--we've confirmed with the mediascanner team that they'll be moving away from Grilo in favor of a new C++ library with additional QML bindings. We'll be specifying requirements for them soon21:44
mhall119vthompson: ok....I wonder what that means for future TV development, since that was originally using Grilo21:44
vthompsonmhall119, and Qtgrilo?21:45
vthompsonI suppose not21:45
mhall119I don't think it was using qtgrilo, the scopes were using grilo (or going to be using grilo)21:45
vthompsonI recall that they'll still have a C++ api available21:45
vthompsonIs TV going to be a push in 14.04?21:46
fgintherdpm, thanks. there is enough context there. The first thing that is needed is packaging.21:46
mhall119no, but there's already been some work on it, and it should pick up again probably in 15.04 cycle21:46
vthompsonThey are currently developing a branch for "v2". Maybe the initial version will still be used by TV as they go forward and start development again21:47
vthompsonand they can move over to v2 when they are ready. But it may be nice to realize what their requirements would be sooner rather than later21:48
dpmfginther, ok, cool. nik90, you say you're going to take care of the packaging ^^ in your next MP, or shall I have a go at it?21:48
nik90dpm: next up https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/reminders-app/add-translation-support/+merge/19602121:57
dpmballoons, right now we've got a really basic Evernote app on lp:reminders-app that shows 3 tabs with a page each, and we need to get at least a basic test to get started with testing coverage and Jenkins running it. Could you help us get bootstrapped by writing the first test and setting up the source tree layout for AP tests?21:57
dpmnik90, \o/21:57
nik90dpm: next one is the debian packaging. MP -> https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/reminders-app/add-debian-click-packaging/+merge/19602221:58
dpmwohoo! you're unstoppable21:58
dpmfirst MP merged22:00
popeyfor the second one...22:01
popeyQXcbConnection: Could not connect to display22:01
popeymake[1]: *** [check] Aborted (core dumped)22:01
popeywhat's going on there?22:01
popeyqmltestrunner -input tests/unit22:01
popeythat's failing22:01
nik90dpm: I think you have done lot more work with the account plugin and the api pluging. My MP are all small in comparison22:01
nik90popey: are you referring to my debian packaging MP?22:01
popeyit fails to build when using debuild -uc -us, as a test22:02
dpmnik90, not really, I got a lot of help from other folks - mzanetti did most of the work for the C++ plugin22:02
* nik90 compares clock and reminders debian folders22:03
popeyit could well be something busted locally here22:04
* dpm tries a local build too22:04
dpmmzanetti, not yet, do you have a few minutes to talk about it?22:04
popeybut I build all the other core apps locally fine22:04
nik90popey: will ping you in about 15 mins to do a test again. I am finding some small fixes here and there22:05
vthompsonahayzen, nik90: oh yea, I had some fun creating a probably horrible vertical and horizontal music app layout22:05
ahayzenvthompson, cool i'll have to have a go once i've done my cwk22:06
dpmpopey, nik90: same here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6450499/22:06
dpmmzanetti, so essentially, I got it to do the checkVersion() call and successfully talk to the Evernote server, but only via http, not https22:07
dpmmzanetti, for https there seems to be an error with SSL checking the Evernote's site certificate. That's one issue.22:08
mzanettidpm: ok, yeah. that's what you wrote in the mail last week22:09
dpmmzanetti, exactly. Rather than blocking on the SSL bit, the next step I'm thinking is to get a connection with the NoteStore and get a list of apps. For this we'll need an authentication token (which we get from online accounts), but it seems from the Evernote side of things they don't have any sample code or documentation22:13
mzanettidpm: yeah. you said you can get the topek from online accounts22:14
dpmmzanetti, yeah, that's already possible, I'm writing a blog post with instructions22:14
dpmI wanted to get it out today, but UDS kind of got in the way :)22:15
mzanettidpm: where is the official repository now?22:15
dpmmzanetti, lp:reminders-app. The trunk does not have any C++ code, but I pushed a branch with my changes to your code which you can find there. In any case, the Evernote guys pointed us out to some sample code some developer did: http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/27583-evernote-c-example-code/22:17
dpmmzanetti, it's the evernote-api-plugin branch on https://code.launchpad.net/reminders-app22:17
dpmmzanetti, and here's the draft of the instructions on how to use the Evernote Online Accounts provider: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6450567/22:21
nik90popey: try now/22:21
mzanettidpm: yeah, I saw that example... it's indeed the best I could find out there. still not too good22:22
popeynik90: ok22:23
popeynik90: same22:23
dpmmzanetti, yeah, I tried to figure it out with my rusty C++ knowledge, and I figured out that much too. However, I think this is the best we'll be able to get. Or there is also http://code.google.com/p/qvernote/source/browse/QvernoteAPI.cpp22:24
dpmwhich is a full app, but I'm not to sure if it's outdated in terms of accessing the Evernote API22:25
mzanettidpm: now that looks interesting22:25
dpmyeah, it's even Qt :)22:26
nik90popey: hmm, at this point, the debian folder is quite similar to the clock app's debian folder22:26
nik90popey: may be we should ask timp to take a look at it. He was the one who did it for the clock app22:26
popeydebuild works for clock22:26
dpmmzanetti, in an ideal world we could reuse their API wrapper, but I'm not sure if a) it's up to date or b) it's generic enough for us to use22:27
popeyi just pulled trunk to test22:27
popeyqmltestrunner isn't mentioned in clock makefile22:27
popeytests/unit/tst_hellocomponent.qml://   qmltestrunner22:28
popeythat's the test triggering the issue, are you expecting that test to work?22:28
popeyFAIL!  : qmltestrunner::tst_hellocomponent::compile() HelloComponent is not a type22:28
nik90popey: ah22:29
dpmwell spotted popey22:29
nik90popey: I am removing that file22:29
nik90there is no helloworld component anymore in the code22:29
popeylemme know when to test again22:29
nik90popey: do we need a makefile?22:30
nik90since clock doesnt have one22:30
popeyprobably not if you have debian/rules and it doesn't require it22:30
dpmmzanetti, I realize they might not the best samples, but are they something that you could start on if you could help us creating a function to connect to the NoteStore and retrieve a list of notes or notebooks? The other thing that we'd need on the API plugin would be a way to pass the auth token from QML to the C++ plugin. It's simply a string, so I assume it's trivial, it's just that I don't have much experience passing data back and forth betwee22:31
dpmn C++ and QML22:31
nik90popey: updated MP22:31
popeymake[1]: tests/autopilot/install_autopilot.sh: Command not found22:31
dpmsame here22:32
popeyyou should "debuild -uc -us" before you push ☻22:32
mzanettidpm: yeah I'll see what I can do22:32
mzanettidpm: no worries about passing the token to c++22:32
dpmawesome, thanks mzanetti22:33
nik90popey: do I run it in the root folder?22:33
nik90or outside it?22:33
dpmnik90, you might need to install the packaging tools and add a couple of variables to ~/.bashrc for it to work:22:34
nik90dpm: I have added debfullname and email in it22:34
dpmexport DEBFULLNAME='David Planella'22:34
dpmexport DEBEMAIL='david.planella@theawesomefreeos.com'22:34
nik90I also think I have the packages installed22:34
dpmyeah, that's it :)22:34
popeynice domain there22:34
nik90popey: I got it working **insert evil grin here**22:37
dpmawesome, nice touch adding the icon too, nik9022:38
popeylemme know when you've pushed22:38
nik90popey: just pushed22:38
nik90dpm: I think it is a low res icon22:38
nik90dpm: lets see how it looks on device22:38
popey-rw-r--r--  1 alan alan 9.5K Nov 20 22:38 reminders-app_0.1_all.deb22:39
dpmnik90, we've got the SVG too22:39
nik90dpm: ooh we could use that22:39
popeydpm: can you top approve pls22:39
mzanettidpm: I still have the Bad status 1.122:39
dpmmzanetti, oh, weird. I managed to get past that on that branch. Let me try again, I haven't touched the code since last week22:40
dpmpopey, sure22:40
dpmnik90, let me see where I can best put the SVG file22:40
nik90dpm: just one concern about the svg..will the unity 7 dash show the icon properly? All the core apps icons are 64x64 and that itself is quite big in the desktop dash22:43
popeyi haven't tried using an icon bigger than 64x64, but it might be worth testing to make sure it can cope22:45
popeywhich shouldn't take much work22:45
dpmnik90, I'm not sure it will tbh22:48
dpmnik90, popey, packaging branch now in trunk, set up a daily build recipe on the core apps PPA22:49
popeyExcellent. Nice work chaps!22:51
nik90awesome..daily PPA builds for evernote22:51
popeys/evernote/reminders-app/ before the lawyers come knocking ㋛22:56
dpmmzanetti, I had to set it up in another computer, but I tried the branch at https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/evernote-api-plugin and it still works for me. Here's what I get on the console: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6450702/22:58
dpmi.e. I get "version check: true" as expected22:58
nik90popey: :)22:59
mzanettidpm: yeah... it got confused with my branch as it was pointing to the same build directory22:59
mzanettidpm: just got it running this minute22:59
dpmah, ok :)22:59
mzanettidpm: cool stuff btw22:59
nik90dpm: regarding the bug fix, I fixed the autopilot lintian warning22:59
nik90dpm: but I will try to fix the others before proposing a merge tomorrow22:59
dpmnice, we're churning out branches like there's no tomorrow23:00
* dpm likes that23:00
AskUbuntuUbuntuPhone App Devolpment for Windows | http://askubuntu.com/q/38010223:03
* nik90 is off..gud nite folks..cya at vUDS :)23:05
* nik90 sleeping23:07
dpmmzanetti, also just a heads up on this hack: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6450750/23:07
mzanettidpm: ah yeah, I've seen that23:08
dpmok, cool23:08
mzanettidpm: well, good thing: as we ship our own dependencies we can easily patch them :D23:08
dpmok, calling it a day for today (or rather a night) See you all tomorrow!23:17

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