
Kwisherkeep seeing this error: Protocol version check failure. The response to MYTH_PROTO_VERSION was empty. This happens when the backend is too busy to respond, or has deadlocked due to bugs or hardware failure.01:25
TandyUKanyone else thought about writign a tablet template for mythweb?01:33
TandyUKis mythbackend listening on its correct external ip address (ie not
TandyUKor have you installed a firewall and forgotten to open ports (check iptables -L)01:35
TandyUKtbh, with the table layout, all i care about is listings and recorded programs, and the buttons under "play on frontend"01:36
qwebirc12301I'm sort of a clueless noob and hope you will forgive me... I've been running MythTV for a year or so. Just installed 160 updated (big mistake) and now MythTV reboots to "MythTV Login:" - no desktop. Where do I start? Backend is still working fine, recording programs for me. Thanks for any ideas!03:00
qwebirc12301... 160 updates ...03:01
qwebirc12301AMD Zacate motherboard with ATI Radeon integrated graphics. I was running the ATI Catalyst beta to get audio over HDMI. Everything worked fine...03:02
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qwebirc12301I've been running MythTV for a year or so. Just installed 160 updates (big mistake) and now MythTV reboots to "MythTV Login:" - no desktop. Where do I start? Backend is still working fine, recording programs for me. AMD Zacate motherboard with ATI Radeon integrated graphics. I was running the ATI Catalyst beta to get audio over HDMI. Everything worked fine... How do I restart the desktop?  Thanks for any ideas!05:12
superm1qwebirc12301: depending on how you installed the video driver i'm suspecting that's the problem05:18
superm1if you installed it by hand and didn't use .deb's, you'll probably need to reinstall it05:18
superm1or install an updated one, or one from the repositories instead05:18
qwebirc12301With the right device driver, if I reboot will I get the desktop back?05:20
qwebirc12301(thanks very much!)05:20
superm1qwebirc12301: Yep05:31
superm1the driver you had installed is probably fine, it's just that if it's hand installed it won't automatically rebuild the kernel modules possibly when you update the kernel05:31
superm1i'm guessing that's probably what happened05:31
qwebirc12301Thanks. I did aticonfig --uninstall but will wait until the current recording finishes to reboot. Thanks very much for the help! If I comeup with a solution, should I write it up somewhere? Thanks again.05:47
superm1qwebirc12301: sure feel free to blog about it05:55
superm1no problem05:55
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Kwisher_wrkany idea why an arch secondary b/e all of of a sudden will not communicate with a ubuntu master b/e?19:22
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